An abstract lesson on literary reading on the topic "M. Privine" Autumn Morning "(grade 2)

An abstract lesson on literary reading on the topic "M. Privine" Autumn Morning "(grade 2)

Theme M.M. Svienne "Autumn Morning"

Objectives: to acquaint children with the story of the Svarvina "Autumn Morning";

work out the skills of conscious expressive reading; develop the ability to work in the group; Visit love for your native nature.

Equipment: Computer, projector, presentation to the lesson.

Textbooks "Literary reading" L.F. Climanova; Portrait of M. Prishvin, his books; signs with writing words; Figures on the subject of autumn; Colored leaves for each student; Explanatory dictionary V.I. Dal.

During the classes

Organizing time

The call rang - the lesson begins.

A friendly hands take

And smire to each other!

We will work together,

Not to be lazy

Speech workout

Let me read the proposal with a consistent formulation of logical stress.

What a wonderful morning!

What a wonderful morning!

What a wonderful morning!

From this major notch and start our lesson.

Checking homework

Expressive reading "Cunning mushrooms"

Who wrote? (Poet - Valentin Dmitrievich Berezov)

Who prepared information about mushrooms?

Who wrote these texts a scientist or poet?

Where did you search for information about mushrooms?

Staging the topic, lesson goals

Today we will continue our big theme called .... " I love the nature of Russian "

Guess the riddles:

He clogged a rowan bonfire.

Then - generous beauty

Gamely smiles

And protects all oblique rain. (fall)

And what is this maiden?

Dense fog steam

Sings with winds from the song to dawn.

And Zyabko with her, and hungry,

In the shower of longing and cold ... everyone falls asleep, outset days. (fall.)

What are you seeing autumn in these riddles?(Golden; Gray, wet, rainy)

What will we talk about the lesson? (fall)

What section do we study with you now?

I love the nature of Russian. FALL.

(The topic is recorded on the cover of a homemade large book)

Today we will learn a lot in the lesson, explore, and the results of the study are put in this book.

Do you like autumn?

What do you like in it?

What autumn months do you know? (September October November)

And what is the month now? (October.)

October - middle of autumn pore. In the old days, this month was called "leaf fall".

Why? (Because with the trees fall faded yellowed leaves.)

Snack - Do you know that if the leaves, shuffling, will lie with an insanity - this is a crop and warm winter, the front side up to the cold winter. Check!

Work on the lesson

How can creative people express love for autumn? (Music, painting, lit. Work)

You painted autumn drawings. (in class exhibition)

Whose paintings consider the most successful?

(put in the book 2 drawing)

But as you see the autumn famous artists I. Levitan and I. Grabar (Painting I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", I. Grabar "Rowan and Birch") - What paints did you and artists use in our work?

Breathing exercises

There is another story,

Wonderful, for you.

He is about how the needle smells,

Rowan bush, and like

It will be the morning at the time of rest ...

You breathe - do not breathe

Wind in the field will not be

And quietly exhale

Blood wind - y_u_u! Wishes, crushed the leaves - F_F_F! Flew to the ground - n_p_p! Shelshali - sh_ш_Ш!

Continuation of the work on the lesson

Let's read the article in the encyclopedia. What do scientists write about the autumn?

Autumn is the time of year, following the summer and preceding Winter. In the fall, the intensity of the sun rays is medium.

Conversation based on read

What is the purpose of the text written?

What proposals on the purpose of the statement in it met?

What is the text scientific or artistic? (And today read scientific texts today? - What? "About mushrooms")

What scientific words did you hear? (average intensity)

Work on the story of M. Privina "Autumn Morning"

Game "Collect the name"

And now I read another text about the autumn. The autumn breeze blew and all the letters crumbled, help collect name.

Enesone Rota

(2 student at the board, letters on the leaves,let's put in a book)

What do you think we will talk about?

- The story of one student about M. Privine, a portrait show.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Privhanin lived a long, eventful life. He came from a poor merchant family who lived in the Oryol province. He got a good natural science education. He worked as an agronomist, for several years he was a rural teacher, a librarian. He began to write in 30 years, this was preceded by a long period of accumulation of impressions when the writer traveled through the North Terms.(Let's put a report in the book)

Exhibition of books M. Privina.

Researchgroup work.

Consider book covers, read the names. Take a conclusion, which I wrote M. Privine.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of a writer - M. Prishvin - a large connoisseur and an amateur of Russian nature, which all his works devoted to the description of his native nature. His heroes love and understand nature. In his stories, there are dialogue not only people, but also animals. Svavin was in love with his homeland, her beauty, forests and fields, rivers and lakes, in her birds and animals.

And on this shelf, Mikhail's book is prompted about nature. I advise you to read them.


We are autumn leaves

On the branches we sit down (squatting)

Blowed wind - flew (rise, mashed with hands)

We flew, we flew,

And on Earth quietly sat down.

The wind came up again

And the leaves loose everything.

Preparatory work To reading


Teacher: explain the meaning of words

  • Little in the face (slowly on a little bit)
  • The soul is a disembodied shell, invisible to the human eye.
  • - What is parachutic, cog, moth?
  • - Parachute - a device with a dome drop-down in the air.
  • Parachyuk - small parachute.
  • - How does parachute flies? (slow)
  • - Screw - fastening device with spiral cutting.
  • - How does the screw rotate? (fast)
  • - What is a screw? (Little Screw)
  • - Who is so moth? (Little Butterfly)

Expressive reading of the story "Autumn Morning" by the teacher. Conduct according to the first impressions

Did you like it? What did you feel?

What are the proposals on the purpose of saying?

What genre is this product? (on the board: Plates with the words: Tale, poem, story)

Preparatory work

Prepare our speech apparatus for reading the story.

Read by syllables, then quickly whole words:

Pro-buck-yes awakens


Once-les scattered


Repeated reading (buzzing) Task before reading: Find how many times the word "morning" is found in the story.

Gymnastics for Gas.

Analysis of the work

How many times did the word "Morning" met?

What do you think, why?

What words do we understand that the story about the morning?

What text now read: scientific or artistic?

Selective reading

What do you know about "Babi Suma"? (Long period of warm and dry weather at the end of September or the first half of October. In "India Summer" there is a secondary blooming of some plants.)

And what does Svarni writes about Babi a summer? (selection reading)

Let's try to portray the movements of the leaves.

(As a parachutic - smoothly, swinging from side to side; moth - smoothly circling, the screw - quickly circling).

What birds will fly away? (Graci)

What determination gives the Writer with autumn day? Highlight a pencil

What picture do you imagine? (verbal drawing)

What feelings is he experiencing? (selection reading)

How do you understand the last words "and it will end"?

Group Research work. (Small groups)

Task for research: Find

1st group - comparison

The 2nd group is epithet (epithetes, adjectives that give speech expressiveness.)

The 3rd group is an personification (personification is when the properties of living beings give a non-living subject.) (put in a book)

... the day opens his eyes ... (3 group)

... rejoice in a good warm day ... (2 groups)

... what a leaf flies a parachutical, what a moth, what a cog ... (1 group)

Testing of expressive reading skills. (reserve)

Reading on the chain

Creative work(in pairs) Write what autumn is.Autumn is _________ time of year (we put the best in the book)

Homework - read the story close and learn their opinion about him; - draw a drawing to the story

Reflection - What did the lesson like? What is your mood left? Choose a sheet to evaluate your work in the lesson.

Red -I - well done!

Yellow - I can and better!

Green - you need to try.

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Annotation to the presentation

Presentation on the topic "M.M. Svarvin" Autumn Morning. "I. Bunin" Today is so light around ... "represents tasks such as" connecting arrows "," "," "," Read ".

  1. Workout
  2. Connect arrows
  3. Tools of artistic expressiveness
  4. Find a means of artistic expressiveness
  5. Read


    pPTX (PowerPoint)

    Number of slides

    Davydova I. S.

    The audience

    The words




    • For the lesson by the teacher

      For test / verification

Slide 1.

Davydova Irina Sergeevna, teacher primary classes, MBOU "Klukvinskaya average
comprehensive school".

Literary reading lesson in grade 2.

Slide 2.


  • da Dar-Dame-Dom smoke
  • the fire
  • trumpet
  • volcano
  • butter
  • rocker
  • apple
  • Slide 3.

    Connect arrows

    artistic text:

    ... at night the wind is angry
    Yes, knocking the window.

    Skilled foliage golden
    In pinkish water on the pond ...

    scientific text:

    Wind - air movement in a horizontal direction.

    The pond is an artificial reservoir, for water storage for water supply, irrigation, fish and waterfowl, as well as for sanitary and sports needs.

    Slide 4.

    Tools of artistic expressiveness

    • elimination
    • comparison
    • metaphor
    • epitts
  • Slide 5.

    Find a means of artistic expressiveness

    • elimination
    • comparison
    • metaphor
    • epitts
  • Slide 6.

    Slide 7.


    • mo Tile-com - Motilla
    • pER-RETERS-MI - MO
    • shep-couple - whisper
    • pro-Bug - yes - awesome [ka]
    • once-les-belt - scattered
    • kon-Chit-Xia - Ends [CA]
  • Slide 8.

    Tools of artistic expressiveness in the story of M. Privina "Autumn Morning"

    Slide 9.

    Slide 10.

    Tools of artistic expressiveness in the story of M. Privina "Autumn Morning"

    Slide 11.

    Slide 12.

    Tools of artistic expressiveness in the story of M. Privina "Autumn Morning"

    Slide 13.


  • Slide 14.

    See all slides



    - form a sense of words;

    During the classes

    Who wants to talk,
    He must disguise
    Everything is correct and intended
    So that everything is clear to everyone.

    We will talk,
    And we will pronounce
    So right and clearly,
    So that everything is clear to everyone.

    II. Workout

    Breathing exercises.

    Reading blocks (slide 2)

    • da Dar-Dame-Dom smoke

    Intonation workout.

    Gymnastics of the mind (Slide 2)

    • Smoke - word magnet

    (children's responses)


    Tell me now as a scientist?
    "Smoke is a combustion product."

    (Verification of the student's work)

    - Specify what humor? (good-natured)

    (personification, epithets)

    Fuzcultiminate for eyes

    V. Studying new.

    1. Primary reading teacher.


    Did you like the story?

    orphoepic reading:

    • pA-RAH [U] -Ti-com parsha
    • mo Tile-com - Motilla
    • pER-RETERS-MI - MO
    • shep-couple - whisper
    • once-les-belt - scattered
    • kon-Chit-Xia - Ends [CA]

    1 part

    - What will she be?


    1. Listopad

    • parachutich flies
    • motilla flies comparison (slide 8; entry in notebook)
    • day opens eyes - elimination (slide 10; entry in notebook)
    • illustration (slide 11)

    - Answer it.



    Movable fitnessman

    2 part

    - Read.

    3 part

    What is the third part?
    - Read.
    Everything will end - recording)

    Stylistic analysis

    (day awakenselimination - Slide 12)

    ("The day wakes up, it is")


    Fuzcultiminate for eyes

    - How does the poet talk about silence?


    VII. Reflection

    - Let's make a conclusion:

    VIII. Homework

    Make a mood in the table.

    Davydova Irina Sergeevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Klyukvinskaya Secondary school" Kursk district, Kursk region.

    Literary reading (grade 2)

    Subject. Tools of artistic expressivenessin the story of M. Prishvin "Autumn Morning".


    - form a sense of words;
    - reveal the aesthetic value of the word;
    - develop the speech and communicative skills of children.

    • Equipment: L.F. Climean textbook "Literary reading";
    • portrait of a writer, book show, cards;

    During the classes

    I. Orgmant. Mood (mark in the table). Cleaner.

    Who wants to talk,
    He must disguise
    Everything is correct and intended
    So that everything is clear to everyone.

    We will talk,
    And we will pronounce
    So right and clearly,
    So that everything is clear to everyone.

    II. Workout

    Breathing exercises.

    Reading blocks (slide 2)

    • da Dar-Dame-Dom smoke

    Intonation workout.

    • Smoke steles to the rain.!? - logical stress.

    Gymnastics of the mind (Slide 2)

    • Smoke - word magnet

    What words do the word "smoke" attract? Why?

    (from the pipe goes smoke; smoky color cat; smoke rocker, etc.)

    III. Check your homework.

    What is the difference between the artistic text from scientific? (children's responses)
    (One student works at a computer by choosing a feature "Feather" in the lower left corner; Slide 3)

    Tell me about smoke, like a poet or writer.
    "The bitter smell of smoke from burning foliage was broadcast across

    Tell me now as a scientist?
    "Smoke is a combustion product."

    (Verification of the student's work)

    What artistic Used in his poem V. Berestov? (humor)
    - Specify what humor? (good-natured)

    Reading by heart a poem on a chain.

    What are the means of artistic expressiveness in this poem? (personification, epithets)
    - What other means of artistic expressiveness do you know?

    Children work at the computer (Feather's function): the second child - Slend 4, the third is slide 5. Check.

    Fuzcultiminate for eyes

    IV. Motivation. Goal.

    What do you think do the means of artistic expressiveness be in prose? (............ ..)
    "And we will find out this by reading the story of M. Svavina" Autumn Morning. "
    - But we will not just read it, but to explore.
    - So, today in the lesson we learn whether there can be means of artistic expressiveness in prosaic work.

    V. Studying new.

    1. Primary reading teacher.

    Listen carefully, pay attention to difficult and incomprehensible words. Think how to split text on the part?

    (reading the story on the background of musical accompaniment - slide 6)

    (the presentation did not include music, because, what kind of music will sound in the lesson, depends on the teacher himself)

    2. Analysis on issues of emotional-evaluating nature.

    Did you like the story?
    - How interesting to listen, with or without music? Why?

    3. Preparatory work (Slide 7)

    By syllables - spelling reading and whole words -
    orphoepic reading:

    • pA-RAH [U] -Ti-com parsha
    • mo Tile-com - Motilla
    • pER-RETERS-MI - MO
    • shep-couple - whisper
    • pro-Bug - yes - awesome [ka]
    • once-les-belt - scattered
    • kon-Chit-Xia - Ends [CA]

    Repeated reading. Analysis of the work in parts.

    1 part

    Find the first part in the text.
    - What will she be?

    How can I unlease this part?


    1. Listopad (recording on board and in notebooks)

    Have you ever observed how fall leaves fall from trees?

    Compare your impressions with the impressions of M. Svavina.

    So, we are accustomed that the means of artistic expressiveness are found in poetry, but in the first part of the text we saw them. Name.

    • parachutich flies
    • motilla flies comparison (slide 8; entry in notebook)
    • flies with a screw illustration (slide 9)
    • day opens eyes - elimination (slide 10; entry in notebook)
    • illustration (slide 11)

    So we answered the question delivered at the beginning of the lesson. What?
    - Answer it.

    (Language arts may be prosaic

    Output:the figurative means of expressive help us brighter to present the pictures that the author describes, make our speech more colorful and expressive.

    Movable fitnessman

    2 part

    What will we talk about the second part?
    - Read.
    - How do you look at the second part? ( Lonelinessrecord to the plan on the board and in notebooks)
    - What is the mood writer you feel?

    On the cardboard card with the words: jealous, enthusiastic, sad, sad, joyful, dreamy, disturbing, calm, peaceful (full rest)

    (Children choose the desired cards and hang on the magnetic board)

    What feelings arose in your soul? (.........................)

    3 part

    What is the third part?
    - Read.
    - How to look around the third part? ( Everything will end - recording)

    Stylistic analysis

    Find in the third part of the means of artistic expressiveness?
    (day awakenselimination - Slide 12)
    - Select the synonym for the word "awakens."
    ("The day wakes up, it is")
    - What is better? Is the day awaken or the day comes?

    Output: the word in the artwork is exchanging and indispensable. Writers and poets are word artists; As artists draw paints and writers draw in a word with the help of artistic expressiveness.

    Fuzcultiminate for eyes

    Vi. Acquaintance with the poem I. Bunin.

    1. Reads the student prepared by heart.

    What mood caused you this poem?
    - Does it correspond to the mood of the story of the Private?
    - How does the poet talk about silence?
    - What words would you like to highlight the voice when reading?
    - What sounds are most often repeated in this poem?
    - What is the reason for the receipt of the repeat sounds?
    - Why did the poet use alliteration?

    Output: the poet is a composer of the word; With the help of sounds, the poet helps us not only to see, but also hear what sees and hears himself.

    VII. Reflection

    So, we conducted an express study of the text.
    - What unites the story of M. Privina with verses of Russian poets?
    - Let's make a conclusion:

    all means of artistic expressiveness: epithets, personification, comparisons and others, the authors are used when writing prose; This makes the work more bright, beautiful, and we help to imagine the described events, paintings.

    What did you not know, and now you know - is it new for you?
    - What tasks seemed the most interesting?

    VIII. Homework

    2. Answer the question number 2 of the textbook: "Is it possible to draw one picture to these two works?" First draw a verbal picture, then pencils in the notebook.

    3. In the poem, I. Bunin find the means of artistic expressiveness. Record them into the table in the notebook.


    • crave the mood associated with the representation of the picture of nature (autumn);
    • convey the feelings of the author, his intention;
    • help children present an image (picture);
    • identify the artistic possibilities of the word when creating a picture of nature;
    • develop speech, observation, sensitivity to the poetic word;
    • develop creativity;
    • educate emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to the work;
    • educating love and careful attitude towards nature.


    1. Exhibition of books about autumn.
    2. Mini-essays of children.
    3. Figures "Autumn".
    4. Tchaikovsky PI "Seasons. October."
    5. Picture of Levitan "Golden Autumn"

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    Guys, do you want a lesson to get interesting and exciting?

    It will depend on you and from how you will help me and each other.


    II. Preparation for the perception of new material.

    Guys listen to poem and tell me about what snow will we talk?

    Between the summer and winter
    Everything flows into sleep:
    Johnich's dryness
    Fits maple.
    Oak frost fellow
    Sleep Surki go:

    How can people name this dream?

    Confirm with the words from the text that it is autumn.

    Read the 2nd part of the poem and name the autumn months?

    Read out loud passage. Try to present a picture from the poem.


    How do you understand why people call autumn of nature? (Jerice dries out, falls maple, oak frost fees)

    Remember the lessons of familiarization with the outside world and call more signs of the coming of autumn.

    III. Message Topics lesson

    Today in the lesson we will continue our big theme. Read its name. (I love the nature of Russian. Autumn)

    Do you like autumn?

    What do you like in it?

    And as creative people: artists, musicians can express their feelings, autumn mood? (paintings, music)

    And how are writers and poets? (Poem and Stories about Autumn)

    Now we will see it.

    IV. Check your homework.

    You at home prepared excerpts from the works of poets about the autumn. Ask your questions. And you guys have to say the author and the name of the poem.

    There is an initial autumn
    Short but wonderful time -
    All day costs as crystal,
    And radiant evenings: (F. Tyutchev)

    Speaks a lingonberry,
    Became colder days
    And bird scream
    The heart has become sad. (K. Balmont)

    Autumn has come
    Dried flowers
    And look sad
    Naked bushes. (A.Pletchev)

    Swallows disappeared
    And yesterday Zarya.
    All the races flew
    Yes as the network flashed
    Won over that mountain. (A.Fet)

    Skilled foliage golden
    In pisosted water on the pond,
    Like butterflies light flock
    With a slaughterhouse flies on the star. (S.Senin)

    Well done!

    Remember, at the last lesson, we picked up rhymes, tried to write poems on the autumn themselves. It was hard?

    From four seasons, Pushkin loved the most in the autumn. It was she who inspired him. And now in one such autumn Pushkin wrote more than 40 works.

    Guys, and what sentiments did you hear in the readings of the autumn?

    Indeed, the mood is very controversial.

    Tell me, and autumn is always the same for 3 months?

    What periods of autumn know? (Early or "Indian Summer", Golden Autumn, Late Autumn).

    V. Working with text. Selective reading.

    Now we will work with the story of M. Prishvin "Autumn Morning" (you read it at home), but first we will analyze the difficult words that will be in the text.

    1. Wordwork

    Little in the face (slowly on a little bit)

    The soul is a disembodied shell, invisible to the human eye.

    Migrating - birds that fly into warm countries.

    2. Primary text perception

    Ira is reading expressively, and you will try to see the autumn morning as I saw the Privine.

    What autumn is shown in the story? (Early, Indian Summer)

    Read selectively, for some notes we see autumn.

    And you watched the leaves fall?

    How is this phenomenon called? (leaf fall)

    Vi. Dynamic pause.

    Let's try to portray the movements of the leaves.

    (As a parachutic - smoothly, swinging from side to side; moth - smoothly circling, the screw - quickly circling).

    Who will show?

    Well done!

    Continuation of work on the text.

    What time of day describes Svarvin? (morning)

    Read how morning it comes. (And meanwhile the day the day opens his eyes)

    What does "little-lit" opens the eyes? (This is an early morning and comes the day, like after the night we open our eyes and see the morning)

    Look, day like alive. What is the name of such a reception in the literature? (personification)

    What is an impersonation? (Personification is when non-living act like a living)

    Well done!

    What birds say in the story? List.

    How to call them in one word?

    Why are they called that?

    And where do they fly away?

    And for a long time they fly away?


    Have you seen the birds fly away?

    Why does Privhanin say that the leaves will fly together with migratory birds?

    And the leaves that fly away will return to us?

    Work with the 1st paragraph.

    Eye bold on the first paragraph and find how the author calls birds and leaves? (leaf behind the leaves, birds)

    And why? What do we hear in these words? (Love for Nature)


    Work with the 2nd paragraph.

    Read the second paragraph to yourself and tell me: how many offers?


    But how much it tells us! Read it out loud.

    Svavin stood on the shore alone?

    How was he standing on the shore?

    And saw when people do that?

    When? (The heart hurts, a person is experiencing because of something).

    Let's put your hand on the heart and think why I did it? (Heartache, but physically, and from sadness)

    It is said that every person has a soul. How do you understand what soul is?

    Nobody saw her, but as if she lives in our heart.

    Soul - without a body, invisible, immortal power, having an independent life from the body. It is said that when a person dies, the soul remains.

    Read the phraseological units on the board and think what of the author's soul state of them when he rushed with leaves.

    • Soul Naraspyu
    • Soul in Soul
    • My Soul Hurts

    What do you think he had a mood?

    How sad?

    Does it happen sad?

    Work with the 3rd paragraph

    Look at the third little paragraph and tell me how many offers here?

    And why oK?

    Work with the 4th paragraph

    Read the last paragraph and tell me what else will the autumn say here?

    Explain how this "Indian woman" in the fall?

    What is compared "Indian summer"?

    And then what mood?

    Vi. Work on the picture Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn".

    We said that autumn inspired both poets and writers, and composers, and artists.

    Silently look at the picture of I.I. Luitan from our school picture gallery. Her name I will not talk to you, you will answer me a little later.

    Did you like the picture?

    What is this autumn?

    And why?

    How would you call the picture?

    What paints used an artist?

    What is the day?

    And in our story the day is sunny?


    Read how the writer Nikolai Sladkov spoke about the leaves: "All summer leaves substituted their palms and cheeks, backs and tumors. And before it was flooded and soaked in the sun, which they themselves became the autumn, like sunshine - crimson and gold."


    Work with signs and proverbs.

    Think of which of the autumn will come to our story.

    And to our autumn morning?

    Now read the sayings.

    Which of them are suitable for our story?

    And what about late autumn?

    VII. The outcome of the lesson.

    Today we remembered different works, but they have something in common. What unites them?

    Each season has an indispensable, magnificent, unique paints and sounds. Of course, their unique in the autumn, so the homework will be unusual.

    VIII. Homework

    On the autumn leaves, write a few words definitions: what autumn.

    You worked well, thanks for the lesson!

    Theme M.M. Svienne "Autumn Morning"

    Goal : To introduce children with the story of Svarvina "Autumn Morning"; work out the skills of conscious expressive reading; develop the ability to work in the group; Visit love for your native nature.
    Planned results
    the development of educational interest in new educational material and ways to solve a private task; The formation of a sense of excellent and aesthetic feelings based on the artistic work, an understanding of the senses of the author and empathy to him;
    regulatory: take and maintain a learning task, comply with the rules of dialogue, perform educational actions in bulk and mental form;
    cognitive: expressively read, build a small monological speech based on scientific text; Predict, deciphering the proposal, "include" the imagination, build a speech statement orally, carry out an analysis of objects and on the basis of it to represent a holistic picture.

    Equipment : Computer, projector, presentation to the lesson. Textbook "Literary reading" L.F. Climanova; Portrait of M. Prishvin, his books; signs with writing words; Colored leaves for each student

    Organizing time

    Shared readiness of children to the lesson.

    Concentration of attention of children.

    Check availability.

    Smile to each other. Give me your attentive eyes.Speech workout

    Let me read the proposal with a consistent formulation of logical stress.

    What Wonderful morning!
    wonderful morning!
    What wonderful
    morning !

    Self-control of readiness.

    Reaction to teachers, attention.

    Expressive reading

    I. stage

    Motivation to activities: creating a situation of success

    1. Check your homework. Message from additional sources about mushrooms.

    Reading poem V. Berestov

    2. Actualization of knowledge, appearance of the lesson.

    View the presentation "Golden Autumn"

    Conversation on the autumn based on personal observations of children

    3. Distribution of reading.

    Forecasting based on the deployment of sentences to text.

    Verbal drawing.

    4. The appearance of the lesson goals.

    Who prepared information about mushrooms?
    -Who wrote these texts a scientist or poet?
    -Where did you search for information about mushrooms?

    Expressive read "Cunning mushrooms"
    -Who wrote?

    Guess the riddle:
    - lit down a rowan bonfire.
    Then - generous beauty playfully smiles
    And protects all oblique rain.
    - Autumn is never repeated - every year she brings us something new, unknown, admiring and pleaseing people with a wonderful spectacle. In the fall, many writers, artists, musicians admired, and each in their own way showed it in their works.
    (show slides. Pictures of Russian artists V. Polenova, I. Levitan, I. Grabar)
    - And what did you see autumn on the way to school? What did you admire? What surprised you?

    What do you think there will be a conversation today in class?

    On the output screen. Read it carefully and imagine the picture on your mental screen.

    Here you are on the shore, one, palm to the heart attach and the soul together with birds and leaves are flying somewhere.

    Draw in words the picture you presented.

    What else did you see?

    When does this happen?Breathing exercises
    There is another story,
    Wonderful, for you.
    He is about how the needle smells,
    Kush Ryabina, and Coconut
    It will be the morning at the time of rest ...
    You breathe - do not breathe
    Wind in the field will not be
    And quietly exhale

    Blood wind - y_u_u! Wishes, crushed the leaves - F_F_F! Flew to the ground - n_p_p! Shelshali - sh_ш_Ш!.

    Today we will get acquainted with the work of a writer - M. Prishvin - a large connoisseur and an amateur of Russian nature, which all his works devoted to the description of his native nature. His heroes love and understand nature. In his stories, there are dialogue not only people, but also animals. Svavin was in love with his homeland, her beauty, forests and fields, rivers and lakes, in her birds and animals.

    We will read the story "Autumn Morning" and compare your impressions with the impressions of the author. We will try to understand what I saw and felt M.M. Svienne.

    Story about mushrooms with demonstration of fungi drawings.

    Exact information about mushrooms can be found in the encyclopedia or in the reference books for mushrooms. These are scientific texts.

    Expressive reading.

    Hearing, guessing the riddles.

    This is autumn.

    Viewing picture

    Very beautiful birch. They dressed in the golden outfit and became lighter around.
    - I saw flying birds. I became sad.
    "In the morning, when I went to school, it was so quiet that the rustling of the leaves was heard.

    The wind blew, and the leaves flew away with multicolored rain. That's very beautiful.

    Probably about autumn.

    Man stands one on the river bank. He is experiencing about something, put his palm to heart.

    A flock of birds flies to the south.

    From the trees fall leaves ashore, into the water.

    It was, of course, in the fall.

    The adoption of the goals of the lesson, readiness for reading and discussing the text.

    II. stage

    Educational and educational

    naya activities.

    1. Primary perception of text.

    2. Check the primary perception of text

    Training dialogue

    Formulation of the problem

    3. Motivation of reread and analyzing the work

    Dialogue with text

    4. Conversation in content as a whole.

    Reading the teacher of the work of M. Svavina "Autumn Morning".

    Have you ever observed how fall leaves fall from trees?

    Did you like the work? What did you feel?

    Remember our verbal picture before reading text. What could we not determine exactly? If you find it difficult to answer, look at the title.

    Read by syllables, then quickly whole words:
    Pro-buck-yes awakens


    Once-les scattered


    Now you are slowly thoughtfully read the story. Find how many times the word "morning" is found in the text?
    - How many times did the word "Morning" met?
    - What do you think?
    - What words do we understand that the story about the morning?
    - Which text now read: Scientific or artistic?

    What signs of autumn says the author?

    What determination gives the Writer with autumn day?

    What feelings is he experiencing?

    What birds will fly away?
    - How do you understand the last words "and it will end"?


    We are autumn leaves

    On the branches we sit down (squatting)

    Blowed wind - flew (rise, mashed with hands)

    We flew, we flew,

    And on Earth quietly sat down.

    The wind came up again

    And the leaves loose everything.

    Tracking, listening, comprehension.

    In quiet weather, the leaves fall slowly, smoothly and rarely. It seems they hang in the air.

    It seems to me that they are like butterflies.

    And I saw they spin the screw.

    And they also look like a flock of small birds.

    The work liked. I wonder how the leaves fall.

    Not accurately determined the time of action. We said it was in the fall. Svienne tells about the autumn morning.

    Reading choir quietly loud

    Self reading to yourself. Search response to the question.

    In the text, the word "morning" is not found. It is only in the title.

    Little little day opens his eyes.

    The manifestation of attention to the judgment of the comrades, the desire to find and "solve" the author's tips in the text.

    The ability to respond is deployed using the elements of the recovery, expressive reading. The ability to identify the topic of text.

    III stage

    Decision of the educational and practical task

    1. Music task

    2. Conceptual conversation in the text.

    Continued acquaintance with the writer.

    Expressive reading of the work
    (reserve) chain

    Group Research work. (Small groups)

    Task for research: Find

    1st group - comparison

    The 2nd group is epithet (epithetes, adjectives that give speech expressiveness.)

    The 3rd group is an impersonation (personification is when the properties of living beings give a non-living thing.)

    What autumn morning did the author help you?

    What module was at M.M. Svavina in the morning?

    Continue the offer: "Autumn is ......... time"

    Man is the creation of nature. Love for Nature is a natural feeling normal man. But there are people with some special love for nature: they are not afraid of grievous birds, they show their secrets of plants and animals. As if nature itself reveals their secrets. Such an amazing person was MM. Svienne. His soul lives in stories. Reading the books of Svarvina, we are talking to him.

    Portrait show.

    Exhibition of books M. Privina.

    what a leaf flies as a parachute, what a moth, what a cog ... (1 group)

    rejoice in a good warm day ... (2 group)

    the day opens the eyes ... (3 group)

    Participation in the collective discussion. Ability to adjust, change your point of view.

    Independent allocation of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. The ability to give a characteristic of the writer's personality on the basis of read (what is he? What attracts it in the world, what is the feature of his view on the world? Etc.).

    Adjusting your initial ideas about the writer.

    The story of one student about M. Privine

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Privhanin lived a long, eventful life. He came from a poor merchant family who lived in the Oryol province. He got a good natural science education. He worked as an agronomist, for several years he was a rural teacher, a librarian. He began to write in 30 years, this was preceded by a long period of accumulation of impressions when the writer traveled through the North Terms.

    IV Stage

    Reflection stage. Assessment of performance

    Teacher will discuss questions:

    What discovery today did you do in the lesson?

    What could you tell your parents at home after our lesson?

    Evaluation and reflection of own and collective activities


    Creative task (the child acts as the author).

    Draw a drawing to the story.

    Make up your story on the topic "Morning in the Autumn Forest".

    How beautiful is autumn morning! The sun, waking up, caresses the golden foliage with its rays. Nature is painted by all autumn colors.

    Here playing a bugger shame rowan. Bright berries in yellow-red foliage, like lights. Will be laughing in frozdes in winter strules. Cheerful sparrows loud tweet, rejoice in the last warm, autumnen days. That is jumping from the branch to the branch, they chase in small herds in the yard. The wind picks up the yellow leaves with the alley and circling them, as if playing. Trees respond to a quiet whisper. Their multicolored leaves are trembling, want to dance with the playful wind. The mischief spiked stronger and threw several leaves from the birch. Flying, circling in dance, tender yellow ballerics.

    Important, leisurely clouds float across the sky. From time to time they hide with the autumn sun. It becomes sad and dull. Gray houses seem frowning. But it is worth a sun show your ray because of clouds, as colors come to life. As if the artist picked up a brush and paint and painted everything around!

    Russed wind flew. The clouds ran faster and the sun is almost not visible. Low sky darkened. Fucked the first raindrops. They have already been banked by the windowsill, faster and faster. This is a capricious beauty in autumn cry, dropping tears. Does not want to give way to winter. Birds calmed down, and the cat hid under the bench. There were small puddles with many broken circles on the surface. Paschers are hiding under the wide hats. The street was surrounded by a real autumn mood.

    But here, through the terrible clouds made his way sunbeam And looked into the room. Through the wet glass you can see the blurred silhouettes of the autumn landscape. The horizon has become pinkish blue with dark spots of the Size clouds. Rain gradually duck. Now small droplets are glowing amber, hanging from the branches. Wet leaves caught fire even brighter in the morning. Orange, yellow, golden, brown, reddish and yellow-green trees clothes as if climbed the window. What's the beautiful!

    Not always autumn is sullen. How many bright paints gave us today's morning. Autumn is also the aroma of ripe apples, blooming chrysanthemums and wet leaves. Only the autumn clouds are lowered so low, and it seems that they can be raised by hand. Nature puts on its most expensive outfit. Amber and rubies scattered around. The Earth is covered with a gold carpet, preparing for the winter sleep. Beautiful poems and paintings are created in autumn. Any artist will envy such a palette of paints as in autumn. Many poets are inspired by this wonderful sometimes of the year. And even autumn morning rain is beautiful in its own way.


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