Slavic Carnival - Main attributes. Master class "Carousel" to celebrate Carnival Symbols of carnival with their own hands

Slavic Carnival - Main attributes. Master class "Carousel" to celebrate Carnival Symbols of carnival with their own hands

Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday with massive festivities for a whole week. This holiday is very loved in Russia, and it is he symbolizes winter wires. After it begins Spring and the Great Post before Easter.

How is Carnival celebrate? Rus has always been associated with a "wide Russian soul", and the celebration of any celebration is always long and fun. No wonder there was a saying -

"Gulia, soul, lap!"

It is Maslenitsa who fully describes the respect of the traditions and the attitude of the Russian people to the holidays. There is no clear date of carnival. It is usually held at the end of February, less often - in early March (at the late Easter). But this holiday begins always from Monday.

Maslenitsa not only escorts the winter, but also is the last "satiety" week before Orthodox Christians begin to fast. After all, the great post is the strictest post in front of the bright holiday - Easter, so the church allows Widow to feed and nourge "meat with cheese" during this holiday.

Every day Maslenitsa It has its name and a clear meaning. In addition, during the passenger week, certain rituals and actions are performed, which are also tied to certain days.

clothing also has its own appointment on the holiday. Most people even make costumes on Maslenitsa! In women, a mandatory attribute is a fluff or painted handkerchief, a fur vest and a flower or a ribbon on the header.

The main attributes of Carnival - Barancas, Samovar and Horses Stubbing.Without ribbon, decorated with tapes, ribbons and painted arcs did not affect any carnival. Even the horses are decorated - they dress up on them the best break, bright pumps hang and necessarily bells.

And the main heroine of the holiday is scarecrow carnival. It symbolizes the winter to burn so that spring come faster! They burn not only the winter doll, but also old not necessary things to update not only nature, but also themselves. Also threw pancakes - to remember the deceased relatives.

But without a hero will not cost - wake a bear on the carnivalSo awaken the spring! Everyone wishes are changed into a bear costume or dress twistedly and water dance around him. At this time, the rummy imitates the awakening of the bear and dances.

And here the main symbol on the carnival is - damnwhich is endowed with a special meaning. Round, rosy with butter and sour cream, it symbolizes the sun. And the more tastier it will be - the harvest of the year will be fertile! The more you contact pancakes and treat them, the richer will be the year. In order to "deviate" the sun bakes pancakes in different recipes and with many stuffs.

But special meaning On the carnival has a circle! First of all, he speaks about a circular change of seasons and that spring will definitely come after the winter. The circle is the symbol of the sun, which our ancestors worshiped as a deity. After all, the bright and warm sun will give the plants life and please the people! Pancakes and bagels - also bake in the form of a circle. And it's not for nothing to drive away dances for a holiday - after all, he is also a circle!

The circle or wheel is always decorated with bright ribbons on the carnival. He is worn on the pole together with the chuckles of the carnival all week and even guess on it. They ignite the wheel and roll on the road - who will ride faster and even, that is waiting for a lucky year.

The wheel is also peculiar attraction on Maslenitsa. It is installed on the highest pillar, decorated with ribbons and tie up gifts. Who can climb on him, he will become the owner of the desired prize.

But the most interesting to Maslenitsa is a massive walking, which determine the "spirit" of the Russian people!

First of all, this is a big fair, where crafts are sold or exchanged handmade - From whistle to the hands-knitted shawls.

It does not cost the celebration without dances, and songs for the bayan! What a holiday without fun. And necessarily on the carnival - a lot of noise - winter need to scare, whatever she is left!

Skania And the game in snowballs - for the last time in winter, they will add a special impression on the carnival.

What do men like this holiday especially fist battles. They are arranged in the form - "Wall on the wall". In such an entertainment, you can not only "hone" your skills, but also "to release steam", as well as all the chagrins that have accumulated over the long winter!

Maslenitsa is not only a walking and pancakes, this is the time that allows people closer to know each other, chat with relatives, and most importantly - forgive all the insults and make up those who were in Sore.

Merry and satisfying holiday!

Greetings to all! The carnival week is approaching and, as everyone knows, there will be a presentation dedicated to Winter Wires. And how to accompany the winter yes without the main character, namely, I mean the stuffed carnival.

Every year it appears on the winter spaces, it is made from different materials, but in most cases from straw, and then wrapped in a bright painted beautiful cloth, it turns out such a big fun girl like a doll or grandmother.

It is usually arranged on this day a fair, on which the traditions of the most important dish are definitely exhibited, such delicious and lace, that fingers simply losing, because there are always more fun in the cold, and even with the company. You can also see all sorts of exhibitions with different, which are made with your own hands.

At the very end of the holiday, it burns on a fire and at the same time they meet the spring, which means that the sun will be flaming everything brighter and the bird's singing will be heard.

Everyone knows that in Russia, such fun was made from simple material as straw, this is the most common appearance, and in our time too). Using this unripening scheme with a description, you can easily decorate the upcoming celebration that can be held even at school and children's garden.

Such a stuffed carnival is very big, it looks like it is on a girl or a symbol of a female image.

Of course, they burned the big huge stuffed on the fires, sang songs, but the children could make small creations themselves, also from straw.

Here they are some beauties).

Often a straw was hidden for any act or unnecessary things, or did it work without it.

In my opinion it reminds more scarecrow).

Therefore, of course, make it from what you have at hand, choose your favorite option.

Especially when there is where to see and see all step-by-step workshop activities:

The result is beautiful and agree quite simple such a snaps. Any stuffed made of straw can be hidden by any openwork or multicolored matter.

Or all the same you prefer the usual option, then at least decorate the satin ribbon.

Here is another phased instruction from Lyk.

It turned out quite modern and very effectively.

Mastery craft from a broom

The following option is such fun, because it is made from the usual broom or broom. Yes, you yourself probably guessed how to do this stuffed and what is taken as the basis.

In general, create and delight everyone).

I have no doubt, you will succeed.

Making Carnival doll for a holiday to school at the exhibition

In one of my articles, I have already shared the master class with you a class of such crafts plastic bottle and cotton disks, I hope that the doll you really liked if you want to do the same, go

Either make such a wonderland to meet with a spring of a tree twig, which will be similar to the slingshot, about 26 cm long.

Or this one, what did you like more?

Schoolchildren and preschoolers can come up with, such an idea for the exhibition, like you?

Or are usually the children make pictures, pictures with images of the symbols of the upcoming holiday.

This can be done using pencils.

Or markers, of course paints.

Schools also decorate the hall for this event.

Posters and beagases are made.

Master class stuffed paper home

I suggest you see this video that I liked, I think that you also make such an interesting souvenir, and from paper.

On the same site I came across such a paper idea, looks zero.

Straight as if girlfriends)).

You can use newspaper or magazine paper, even color.

Little souvenir of fabric and thread

All crafters offer to do the following, take the usual tissue and threads and build a pupa that will synthesize the carnival. Often, such dolls were done and they were kind of champions for children.

Do not forget to tie a handkerchief on your head, it will be so charm.

As you can see, satin ribbons are used for garter.

But even without them you can make a stunning masterpiece.

Yes, not alone, see.

Such dolls of course will decorate the holiday, and most importantly, that you can still make the most important symbol of this celebration, bake real or tie,))).

So choose any model and create, and then share your feedback and suggestions.

Well, the easiest and easier option is to build a product from threads.

Or use this video message.

I tell you before the meeting, soon see you here. Patience and great success at work and everywhere! Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Catherine Manzurova

National Slavic Holiday, Maslenitsa or Oil Week, notes before the great post. Today, as before, he retained the main customs of the mythology of the Old Slavic people.

The ritual part of the overhang of the week is a composite and difficult, combining components and Slavic mythology, and national Christianity. It also contains rituals, which are related to the cult of the great-grade, the temporary border and stimulation of fruitiness.

The main attributes of this holiday are:
1. Straw scarecrow or marquen
2. Pancakes
3. Out
4. Beautifully fitted circle or wheel from cart

Straw scarecrow or garnet

Until now, the "pagan" line is considered to be manufacturing and burning stuffed from straw, which in the people called Marrey. According to one of the versions, it is scarecrow the default of an ancient dying and anew resurrection deity, which is a symbol of fertility. But, nevertheless, Marin never was a fetish.

On the carnival rituals were carried out with the aim of collecting fruit crop fall. Therefore, after the burning stuffed, the ashes dispelled above the fields, thereby trying to "die" the land.

But there is also another version, where the straw scarecrow is a symbol of the destruction of the old fertility and the birth of a new one.

According to the third legend, Maren was likened to winter. On the first festive day of the passenger week there were dances with a stuffed-dressed in women's clothing, wearing carols. In the resurrection, he was burned on a huge birefront in the heart of the settlement. It was a peculiar mass farewell with winter and greeting spring. There was belief that burned straw scarecrow will take all adversity and illness. Some people even wrote special notes indicating the problems that Marena had to carry out.


There is a massive misconception, which was distributed back in the nineteenth century that pancakes in the Slavic people were a symbol of the Sun and were associated with the beginning of warm spring. In fact, the dish it has always been a memorial. And it was remarkably fit in the carnival menu, as it was associated with the rite of stimulation of fruitiness. Rich people baked pancakes on the first day of the holiday. They gave them poor and asked to remember a certain deceased person.

Pancakes were in every home. Their baked B. large quantities: And for yourself, and for guests. It was believed that the yield and luck of the year depends on the number of pancakes eaten.


The symbol of the soul of the dead-grades, which descended to the ground are rude. On the carnival, they sang carols and walked with garrena in the yards. People treated with muddy dishes, thereby "trekted" the deceased and asked in return for well-being in the family, patronage over cattle and a good harvest.

One of the ones were always dressed in a fur coat, which implied the skin of the bear, and copied not yet awakened after the winter hibernate animal. "Bear" was the most significant character among all. Around him, people with songs and dances drove away dances to wake a closure. After that, the "bear" awakened and grabbed any of the dance. Tied peculiar cheerful gameSince, getting into the paws of the beast was considered great luck.

Beautifully fitted circle or wheel from cart

Decorated with flowers and colorful ribbons The wheel from the carts was fixed on top of the pole and all the oils of the week wearing it through the streets with songs.

Another entertainment for the holiday was riding from the triggers of the old burning wheels from the cart. There was a long time that if such a lit wheel would come up, never falling to the house, next year This person will be filled with happiness and wealth. And for girls it was a sign of her early marriage.

Description of material: The script from the Russian Folk Holidays cycle for children 5-6 years will be interested in teachers additional educationworking with preschoolers and educators of pre-school institutions. The script involves the use of Russian folk games, songs, chains, sayings of the appropriate content. For the musicalizing, audio recordings of Russian folk melodies were used.

Holiday script for preschoolers "Wide Maslenitsa"

purpose: To introduce preschoolers to Russian national holidays through different kinds Activities.


To acquaint with the folk ritual holiday of the carnival, its meaning, symbols, traditions;

Enrich children's dictionary through the folk folklore (shallows, proverbs, songs);

Exercise in agility, accuracy, consistency of movements;

Deliver joy to children, pleasure from joint activity (games, fun, treat).


Leading in Russian folk costume


Equipment: tape recorder, audio recordings, pole with multi-colored ribbons, carnival doll, parquet board, 3 small hoops, 8-10 kegles, snowballs, cap, paper pancakes with inscriptions;

consumption: pancakes, sour cream, honey, jam, butter.

Decoration of the Hall: The central wall is a big sun with rays-ribbons, at the ends - birds, flowers; On the side walls hung illustrations for the holiday "Carnival", aside - tables with treats.


For a merry Russian folk melody, children enter the hall and searge on the chairs by a semicircle.


Collect people

The carnival is waiting!

Maslenitsa pancake,

Hearty, old,

With samovar, lights

Sun, snow, breeze!

We call those who

Who loves fun and laughter!

Waiting for you games, fun and jokes,

They will not be bored for a minute ...

Carnival is wide open,

Fun begins!

That was so earlier acknowledged on a fun holiday to Maslenitsa.

Who knows what is this holiday?

The carnival was accompanied by winter and met the spring. And the people said:

"In February, winter from the spring is found first." The holiday was noted noisy, fun, with games, fun, so the carnival was called "widespread", "rampant", "funny", "breadcrumb".

Why did the carnival called the holiday?

The name "Carnival" - from the abundant oil meal, which was supposed to treat all week. There are proverbs about it: "Maslenitsa goes, damn yes honey carries," "not live, and Maslenitsa." And the carnival is a rag or straw doll, dressed in a dress, winter symbol.

Crystrook introduces a rag doll on the pole


Met you pretty:

Cheese, butter, pancake

And ruddy pie ... -

Puts to the central wall.

Lasted carnival week. How many days are it? Seven days have fun, arranged fairs with merry games, songs, rounds.

In the middle of the square put a huge carousel - the symbol of the sun. Do you want to ride a carousel? Come places.

Merry Russian folk music sounds.

The game "Carousel" (the cruck keeps the pole with ribbons. Children get up in a circle, taken in the ends of the ribbons and under the words in a different pace move in a circle).

Barely, barely, barely, barely

Completed carousel.

And then, then all run, running.

Quieter, quieter, do not hurry ...

Carousel stop.

But most recently we met the winter, pleased with the first snow, frost; admired snow patterns ... Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about the winter.

Many snow, a lot of bread.

Frost is small, but it's not to stand: it pulls the nose.

Take care of the nose in a strong frost.

Winter without frost does not happen.

In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

Host: And now it's time to spend the winter.

Child: You, Winter Zimushka,

Winter Snow was!

You go to go time

Spring is coming to visit us!

Child: You sorry - forgive, winter-mother,

Forgive you, goodbye, do not heart on us.

We are waiting for you across

On the autumn our cake!

Skomoroch: In order to get rid of us,

We must have force to possess!

Therefore, they sat down in force, dexterity, accuracy, courage and everyone sought to show his delets. One of the main competitions is the capture of a snow fortress. From the snow they laid the fortress and took her storm.

We will take a fortress too now, but first you need to get it ...


- "Go through the bridge" - exercise in equilibrium;

- "Jump swallows" - jumping from a hoop into the hoop;

- "Taking the fortress" - throwing snow in kegs.

Having called the spring, people drove dance, because they are like the sun.

Sun redness,

Gori, Gori clear!

Stand together in the dance,

Let the sun be faster!

Sun redness,

Gori, Gori clear!

In the sky Ptashka take off,

Our land is lit ...

Game-dance Russian folk "cap" (driven in a bright cap sitting in the center of the circle. Children water around him and sink:

Cap, cap,

Thin legs

Red boots.

We fed you,

We were drove you

Put on his feet

Dance forced.

Everyone is clapped in your hands, and driving dancing.

Dance, dance, how much do you want,

Choose whom you want!

The leading chooses someone, becomes in his place).

The sun warmed the earth, the snow began to melt, flowed the streams ...

Sun redness,

Gori, Gori clear!

From roof drops,

The Rooks Have Arrived,

Sparrows tweet

Spring-Red Click!

The murmur of the stream sounds.

R.N. "River" (children are built by couples after each other. The child without a couple goes to the beginning of the "stream" and chooses a couple. Holding hands, a new couple goes to the end. The remaining one child goes to the beginning "Cutch" for a couple)


Spring, spring red,

Come spring with joy!

With joy, with great grace!

With flax high

With the root of deep

With rains strong,

Breads are abundant!

That was how the spring was met in Russia. And also sang songs about the spring. Russian folk song "Before the spring"

So the winter is going

Snow white passes.

Snow and cold will lead away

Spring red leads.

Luli, Luli, leads.

Rises the sun early

Red latter lather

Luli, Luli, longer.

Goodbye, Zimushka-old woman,

You, gray Holder.

Luli, Luli, Holder.


We joked, we played

Very fun danced.

It's time for the carnival to say goodbye

And pancakes to treat.

What a carnival without pancakes is hot, ruddy! This is the main treat on the festival. Why? Damn circle, red and hot as a generous sun. And if also with filling! Everyone will choose a pancake with her beloved stuffing ...

The game "Breeding" (on paper pancake is written filling, the child reads and chooses damn; tells what filling chose).

The music of the Russian People's People's Song "Pancakes" arrives. Abramsky


How on an oil week

We wanted pancakes ...

Guests, be healthy,

Here are our pancakes ready!

An oil week continues. Not all pancakes are still eaten, not all the songs of the Songs, the games are played ... a happy holiday and invite to pancakes.

A treat pancakes.


Petrov V.M., Grishina G.N., Korotkov LD Holidays, games and fun for children. -M.: "Sphere", 1999.

Rota Z.Ya. Spring holidays in kindergarten. -M.: "Sphere", 2009.

Orlova A.V. Russian folk creativity and ritual holidays in kindergarten. Vladimir, 1995.


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