How to make a doll with a spring from threads. Werebrya Weremunky Washer - Symbol of Life and Beauty

How to make a doll with a spring from threads. Werebrya Weremunky Washer - Symbol of Life and Beauty

Western doll is a beautiful slavic Obereg, symbolizing beauty and good life. In ancient times, Slavic women mastered him with the onset of heat to attract happiness in this season.

Taking advantage of our master class at the end of the article, you can make such a doll on your own. But before this you have to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the doll and the traditions associated with it.

For the Slavs, the offensive of spring was a big event, a real holiday. Our ancestors not only waited for spring, but also cursed. There were quite a lot of ways: from various rites, before the manufacture of a special doll, when the warm time was late for the year.

When spring-red finally came, it was honored with a special ritual Motanka - a doll-faithful spring.

More spring is called a spring or spring. Also there are the names of the catchy, whistle. The stiffness, because with the onset of heat, the attacked snow searched, and whistle from the fact that the spring blows strong winds.

By tradition, the unmarried girls independently made this doll, and then gave loved ones. A small format, but very bright and beautiful, the Motanka became a symbol of the arrival of spring.

When I exactly began to do the charm, no one knows, because Slavs have long been honored since the spring. Just at one moment such Lyalka appeared and stuck in Slavic culture. The desire of our ancestors to support tradition led to the fact that the information about Vessenka reached us.

What symbolizes the doll of the spring

Any of Slavic dolls is primarily a talisman. The fabric charm protects against the enviousness, removes the declamation of the silt, helps to overcome the diseases, move the evil spirits.

The spring also helps to cope with similar troubles, but its main task is in another.

Folk doll, Vereven, meaning:

  • union of nature and man;
  • the triumph of light, life and movement over the dark side;
  • desire for new endeavors;
  • the implementation of the dream, the fulfillment of desires.

The spring symbolizes the vitality, the awakening of all the living after the tightening winter, the desire, action. This is an amulet who can give an impetus to change, fill life with a positive.

Exterior view of Vesnyanka

The Verses Slavic Champions have a special spirit, the atmosphere of the past. They exceed the life and traditions of those times can tell about superstitions or signs that our ancestors believed.

Western doll is one of the most distrect, bright and beautiful Slavic folk dolls.

Western doll is one of the most beautiful windows manufactured in Russia. You look at her and the heart rejoices, so I want warmth and happiness. Such a manufactured by its Slavic masters are not at all by chance, because in the spring, a special meaning was laid - Lyalka became a magnet for happiness. But so that the good luck visits your home, you need to make a pupa correctly.

How she should look like:

  • In size, Springnitsa was a very small girl - literally with a palm of an adult.
  • This is one of the most motivated Slavic folk dolls, because our ancestors represented the spring exactly that - bright, beautiful, elegant.
  • Like, the pigtail of the Wereniki is funny to shine up, as if it stretches to the sun. Thus, the overlap is gaining the energy of the Sun, and then generously shares it with its owner.
  • Lyalka tried to decorate as far as possible. In her hair walked beads, the dress was decorated with ribbons, and beautiful patterns or Slavic symbols embroidered on the apron.

Some craftswomen made Lyalka multicolored hair. They took some bright shades and collected them into the pigtail. It was believed that this doll is becoming more beautiful, and hence it will be able to bring great happiness to the house.

Features of the creation of the overag doll

The Werecherg's doll was manufactured according to the rules established in those days. There was a general set of strict recommendations, which followed by every master.

Each of the Lyalek had his differences inherent solely. The dolls had a huge number of hands, and others, for example, the Springnitsa had a long braid. According to these features knowing man He could immediately determine what kind of champion in front of him.

What regulations are we talking about:

  • Bloomlessness. Decorative dolls make a face, but Slavic Motanka remained faceless. This little trick did not give evil spirits to adversely.
  • Materials. In those days there were no artificial fabrics, so the amulets were practical and environmentally friendly. This tradition is supported today, because the natural origin of raw materials gives Talisman an extra force.
  • Instruments. According to tradition, the needles and scissors did not use, manufacturing ravops. Now the pious-cutting items are used in the manufacture of the overag, but only at the initial stage, when the blanks are made.

Western doll must be faceless, so as not to allow evil spirits to accommodate in the guard.

All this basic tips applicable to any folk doll. Speaking about Vessenka, attention should be paid to one feature.

Slavs tried to make protective dolls bright and beautiful, but the spring was superior to other windows in this regard. When buying materials for it, pick the most fun fabrics, the most motley tapes, the most shiny beads. Then you will have a perky doll that can bring a lot of joy.

Traditionally, the Motanka was done with the arrival of spring. But, if earlier such a chaff prepared with the onset of the first spring day, now - in the middle of the month, March 14. This is due to the transition to another calendar.

Master Class: Folnaya Folnation Dolls do it yourself

To create a pupa, we select only natural materials.

We have acquainted you with the rules of maoting and talked about the features of the spring. And now, using the presented master class, you can make such a charm for relatives or friends. Let's start with the preparation of materials.

What we will do Lyalka:

  • rectangular segment of bright one-photon matter (for twist);
  • filler (wool or ball of thread for knitting);
  • thick red thread;
  • red fabric in the form of a rectangle (the one that is more, for sleeves, and a smaller for the lower skirt);
  • two mothers segment of fabric with patterns (for a dress);
  • wooden wand or toothpick (the basis for hands);
  • a piece of white matter (apron);
  • thin red ribbon;
  • thin gold braid.

Phased instruction

  • The cloth for a twist is riveted on the surface, bend both edges to the middle.
  • Make a ball from the filler and put in the center of the tissue, hiding it under the bent edges.
  • Now you need to turn the roll twice and create a head. To do this, slide the filler, moving it up. Template formed by a ball of string.
  • We make sleeves. To do this, roll a segment of a motley fabric into a narrow roller, and then tie one of the edges thread.
  • In the resulting "bag" insert the twig and add some filler to it to create the illusion of lush sleeves. Tie the remaining open edge.
  • Wake up the workpiece between the two sections of the fabric, right under the head of the Lyalka, and again weiss the thread. And so that the Springnica scare the evil, tie a doll on the chest cross.
  • We start doing skirt. We apply fabric to the belt to form beautiful folds. When you get to the "seam" (it should work out in the middle), wrap the fabric near the waist thread.
  • Rectangular dressing for dresses apply to the rag figure so as to capture the neck, the belt and imaginary legs. We make folds, as in the previous paragraph, having taken the material to the thread in the neck and waist.
  • The next stage is hair. Cut the threads of the same long, we collect them in the bundle. Finger push the loop on the fabric hiding behind the face, and put the threads there.
  • We select all the hair up, riding them at the base of the thread of the same color. Before this, a small strand over the face of the figurines omit down to make bangs later.
  • Of the thicker strands we get a pigtail. Tighten it with pleasure, so that it is a bitter, and not hung down. At the end, in the hair in the hair of a red ribbon.
  • Cutting a hanging strand (pitchfish) and we have a ribbon.
  • With the help of the thread, we attach the apron to the skirt, and it is obscured from above the tape.

Western doll ready! Check the windowsill so that he gets the power of the Sun, and you can present a gift for whom you did it.

Western doll is a Russian folk roggy twist doll. If the Western and South Slavs are Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Moldovans - did spring dolls - by March 1, then the dolls of Vezhniki - it is the Russian tradition. They created them not at the beginning of the calendar spring, but for Easter. In some areas, the life of this doll is one day. As soon as the spring is dying, it is imparted, it was burned. And, sometimes the spring was not burned, but dolls were hanging on the trees. In the spring, they did a special loop, so that the children could wear her finger. Like other Russian scroll dolls, the spring was made of small trimming, loskuts. But for the spring they took the flaps especially bright spring colors.

How to make a rag doll to spring.

For the manufacture of this rag doll, you will need pieces of fabric. Dimensions are given for convenience - you can be different with others:

  • Rectangle White Fabric for Body 14x22cm
  • A small piece of white cloth or winds for the head - preferably white color
  • Rectangle 8x15 Colored Dress Fabric
  • Rectangle 16x8 Colored Light Fabric For Handles
  • Rectangular triangle with side (cathelet) 13cm colored bright fabric.

1. Fabric for head or rag fold a roll or square.

2. We put a rectangle for the body and put a barer for the head just below the center.

3. Watch the rectangle. First, the sides, then bend in half along the long side. The basis is ready.

4. Tearing the neck of the scroll doll. Leave the ends of the thread - they will be useful to you in step 6.

5. Unlock fabric for pens. We drive short edges and tighten the handles. There should be a handle width about 1.5 cm. Pens with edges tying.

6. Insert the handles between the two parts of the twist.

Tearing a thread under handles. Thread can be trimmed.

7. We make a dress for a spring. Rectangle for dresses fold along the long side in half and again in half, everything is in one direction.

8. We make an incision from above - for the hands of a doll. Our sleeves turned out 1.5 cm - we make 2 cm.

9. Wear a dress on our extinguishing, hand insert into the cuts. Carefully make folds so that the dress is better sitting. And tie a thread at hand.

Municipal educational institution

Ivankovskaya Secondary School

Furmanovsky Municipal District

Ivanovo region

Project by

the basics of spiritual and moral culture

Peoples of Russia.

Project topic:

"Flashing Doll".

Work performed student grade 6

Mochalkina Catherine.


history teacher and social studies

Gvozdeva Irina Borisovna.

Ivankovo \u200b\u200b2015.

1. Introduction 3.

2. Chapter 1. Slavic Flooring Dolls 4-5

3. Chapter 2. Western, Avenue Small or Avdota-Spring 5-6

4. Conclusion 6.

5. List of sources 6

6. Appendix. How to make a doll Vesninka 7


In many Russian fairy tales there are dolls, which heroes trust their sorrows and joy, share their thoughts. And small assistant dolls do not leave their owners in trouble.

In the lessons "Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia" we studied the traditions and customs of different nations. In a correspondence tour of the school of school No. 1, we saw a doll-Wereg Vessenka and decided to learn more about it.

Project goal: to collect material about the dolls of springca.


  1. learn the story of this doll;
  2. find out what she served.

We in our research applied to the sources of the Internet: studied the materials of the Slavic Culture site, the site "Slavic Overwork Dolls", on the website of the Museum of History and Culture of the Moscow District, the master class "Weremanka" was held.

At the end of our project, we ourselves tried to make a Vessenka doll.

Chapter 1.

Slavic overall dolls.

The Slavic Operweg Dolls not only adorned the interior or played in childhood, they were always very strong assistants in everyday life of our ancestors.
The pupae was made on the occasion of folk holidays, for example, for the carnival or the day of Ivan-Kupala, as gifts or ritual symbols, to celebrate family events, such as the wedding or the birth of a child, and simply manufactured as satellite-keepers of calmness, health, prosperity , love.

To various events, such as a new harvest, the care of the winter and other vital stages of the year were made by ritual dolls, and each of them was filled with their meaning and had her personal purpose - some kind of doll burned as a symbol of purification, and some other way around, filled with croups and put on a prominent place to attract in the house.
The dolls were very different, was made not only from the fabric, as well as from clay, of straw and even from ash.

In ancient times, the dolls had a different destination, she was a man protecting diseases, misfortunes, evil spirits.
The doll was driven by a man, she was called it: Chargeg or Beregin.
As a rule, the fastests were the dolls performed without a needle and scissors.

The fabric was trying in the manufacture of dolls not to cut, but to tear (sometimes dolls and called "Rancakes").

There were many dolls in the peasant families, they did not scatter them, they treated them, they were shouted. The peasants believed that the more dolls, the more in the family of happiness.

Traditional rag bluster doll. The person, as a rule, was not designated, remained white. The doll without a face was considered an inanimate, inaccessible to the instill of evil, uncomfortable forces, and therefore harmless to the child.

She had to bring him well-being, health, joy.
It was a miracle: out of several rags, without hands, without legs, the character of the doll was transmitted without an indicated person. The doll was a multi-belt, she could laugh and cry.

Chapter 2.

Western, oxen small or Avdota-Spring.

In ancient times, the Slavs met New Year In the first spring day - March 1, which in a new style falls on March 14. From this day, a new cycle of field work could be started, engaged in other agricultural work. After the adoption of Christianity, this holiday began to be celebrated as the day of the reverend martyr Evdokia, which took over the image of spring. According to legends on this day, the larks flew on the ground - the Renaissance Heralds and the fact that everything woke up from the winter stupor.

It was then that - in a rob in a spring day - the girls went out to handkerking out on the street and made a spring - bright dolls. Freesinki were chambers of youth, beauty, so they had a prime, bright image. The mandatory attribute was a long braid of rainbow shades, which was said - the maiden beauty. Spit dolls were decorated with ribbons, beads, first colors. Spit was also the embodiment of virgin happiness and good luck. Therefore, girls exchanged dolls and wished each other health, beauty and joy.

According to spring, they could guess about the coming year. All dolls were collected in one place, and the girls with closed eyes took the first thing. The color of her dresses and hair made predictions of their future. Especially happy was considered spring red and green. Having gave a man's spring, you wish him to stay young and cheerful for a long time, and a woman is always charming and attractive.


In our age, dolls are, most often, children's toys. But it was not always so. We learned the history of this doll. In ancient times, Slavs treated them quite seriously. The dolls were the main oversets, each of them performed her "duties."

We made a doll-wubble of Vessenka, thereby tried to join the traditions of our ancestors.

List of sources.

2. . How to make a freezing doll.

3. . Western (Avdota-Spring).

  1. . Slavic culture.

Appendix number 1.

How to make a swim doll.

3 4 5

This master class is designed for children of the younger school age. Production of the overag doll will be interested in teachers primary classes, Pedagogues additional education and parents.
Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher of additional education MBADOD DTDM G.O. Tolyatti.
Purpose: Production of doll- guard with your own hands
Tasks Master class:
- To acquaint with the technology of making dolls from threads, master the techniques of work.
- make a doll wrapped with your own hands
- develop and strengthen interest in Russian folk culture
Purpose: The doll will be a wonderful gift and interior decoration.

Russian folk, traditional Weregrunk's doll

The name itself suggests that she was going on in the spring time ...
In the old days, the Slavic girls in the spring did bright dolls and gave them to each other. The hair in traditional dolls "Freesnok" was always made of bright threads. The doll was given to joy, for future hopes, on health. It was supposed to remind early in the spring of early inks that he would soon come warm and the earth would be the same colorful as she herself. Vessenka was shouted until the next spring, and then Masterili new. The doll was kept as a memory of the last spring, about warm summer, about the cold winter. The doll was usually made the size of the palm. Although she is small, and the strength and the sun in it are suitable until the next spring.
Werezniki were chambers of youth, beauty, so they had a prime, bright cheerful image. The most compulsory attribute was the long braid of rainbow shades, the same braid, which popularly spoke in the people - the maiden beauty. Therefore, braid dolls certainly decorated with ribbons, beads, first colors. Spit was also the embodiment of virgin happiness and good luck.
The dolls of the spring has another name - Avdota-Spring.
Wereniki began to do from March 14. In the old days, this day was considered the first meeting of spring. Special signs were associated with this day. It was believed that Avdota keeps the keys from spring waters, and if he wants, it will allow water, but no - it will be delayed, or frost will sweat.
The beginning of the spring winds also was associated from the 14th of March, so the spring was also nicknamed and whistles, saying: "Here are those on! I arrived whistling. "
And the Vessenka-Avdot called the spitting. Iplay - due to the fact that the snow began to "pry", that is, to settle, lifting when melting. Therefore, they said: "Plutum spent a bun."
The day of the spring equinox, when, in accordance with the mythological views of our ancestors, the doors of Iria were opened and the larks flew to the ground - the random heralds and the fact that all the space around woke up after the winter stupor. It was then that - in a ribbon of the spring day - the girls went to needle how to do the street and made a spring - bright dolls of the most incredible colors.
Pupa Vessenka We will perform from threads - bright, multicolored, create a festive cheerful image ...
For the spring, you need half-walled white and colored threads. I wanted to take a rainbow colors.


We make winding for the body - 21 cm, and for braids - 21 cm.

Hair put on a thread, of which there will be a body and wrap.

Tearing tight thread

Light movement of the hand, we learn your hair. Forming your head.
We indicate a thread neck. Tie a string. All threads are trying to distribute evenly.

Wash hands

We denote Ladoshki

We put winding for hands, cruciformly pinching hands.

We turn the braid.

Wash color threads for skirt

The winding for the skirt is cut and attached to the long thread attaching nodules.

Also from multicolored threads with the addition of white threads make a small winding for pompon

Fix on spring skirt

Coronue Spring is blunt!

On top of the braids from above tie a pompon from colored threads. Such a spring fills the space around himself with spring joy.

Spring spring
Come to us, spring,
With joy!
With a great
With mercy!
With rye grain
With a wheat golden
With oats kicker
With barley leaning
With milk, with greek,
With Kalina-Malino
With pears, with apples,
With every garden
With lyases with flowers,
With a trawl-musuk.

So that the doll stand I used a bottle from under the acts.

Swelling doll - this is a healest and beauty. Each woman dreams to keep her youth and beauty, to be loved, emit joy and happiness! Giving such a doll to a man, you wish him long to stay young and cheerful, a woman is always charming and welcome.

Weremunky doll - Slavic charm, symbolizing beauty and life. The doll was given to loved people in early spring. It was believed that she brings his owner health and good luck.

Weremunky Doll - History

In the culture of many nations of the world there are dolls. As a rule, they were made from any girlfriend: fabrics, straw, clay. They are considered both a guard, and just a children's toy. They were kept for years, and then delivered for a new mistress. Such talismen played a big role in rites and accompanied their creators all their lives.

Each people have their own coastal dolls, and performed their like people. If you carefully look closely, you can see that the attributes of each toy reflect the real appearance of the nationality to which it belongs.
In antiquity it was believed that the master always gives the doll a small part of his soul during the creation of a craft. That is why they always treated them well.
And in order to the doll, dark forces did not put together, she did not make a face.

Remember the famous fairy tale about Vasilisa? It was his little friend that the main heroine told sorrows and joy, and she helped her with advice and affairs.

The doll Wereger Weremunk differs from the other strict temporary segment when she was done and given. It was at the end of winter that young unmarried girls did this charm as a gift for loved ones. She was given with the arrival of spring. It was believed that the Wereven gives its owner or hostess beauty, good luck and joy.

Freesnik's doll was performed with their own hands, multi-colored fabrics and ribbons were used to create it, as the brighter, the more power in it. Separately, it is possible to say about the spit from the spring. Spit she should be long. It was on her that the girls guess about the upcoming summer.

Nowadays, with the help of a ritual Cote, they develop a small motorcy in children, and also help to reveal the creative potential in adults. In addition, working with hands always calms the nerves.

Creation Rules Cook Motanok

In Russia, in each hut, you could see different ritual dolls. Even evenings were spent for their creation, when girls or married women were going together and mastered. Depending on the status, the woman did different Motanka: Little girls with mother's help made Randing for a gift, unmarried girl - Lyolka Motanka Vesninka, and a young married womanI learned about my pregnancy, made a pelleencass.

An important rule that has always been observed was only a female presence. Men to needlework were not allowed. Motanka themselves were made without the use of scissors and needles. They are made of pure old rags using straw, herbs, various croup, as well as bright threads and ribbons.
Nowadays, when there are many artificial fabrics, linen, cotton and wool are always used on the Motanka. Threads are also taken natural.
They did one charm at a time, without stretching his execution for several days.

Folk Doll Weremanka - Master Class

Below we will tell how to make a spring.


For its execution you need:

  • For head and torso, take a white tissue with a size of 35 * 12 cm.
  • For hands, we take the red fabric 15 * 6 cm.
  • For a dress, which consists of two skirts, you need white cloth 35 * 15 cm and color colored bright 35 * 12 cm.
  • For apron, you will need a piece of cloth 9 * 7 cm, the apron must differ in color from the upper skirt.
  • A bright color yarn is needed for hair.
  • Wool for scaling the head.
  • Bright colored ribbons and red natural thread.

We make a twist from white cloth, form a lump of a lump and put it inwards. We form your head, folding the twist on the eyes. The bulge with the cotton must be ahead, as this is the future face of the spring.

We bind your head with a red thread under the neck. To do this, press the thread with your thumb, and then wrap three times around the head of the thread. If you did everything right, you have to stay, kinda, loop in the head of the doll.

Twisting red hand fabric. We associate the edge of the red thread, as they did with the head.

We do the hands right under your head, tie in the chest of a spring cross on the cross with a red thread.

We form the lower skirt on the body from the fabric, the folds must go from the back. Then the red thread tie it to the doll.

Top skirt:
The upper skirt form the opposite - in front of the back. Also fasten with a red thread. The top edge of the upper skirt must be in the chin. The lower edge must be shorter than the lower skirt so that the bottom is clearly visible.

An apron wear over the top skirt, riding it with a red thread, form a beautiful phanta.

Cut exactly a beam of yarn. You should have at least twenty threads, you want the doll to have thick hair? Now skip the yarn through the loop in the head. Next, we make a hairstyle, we turn the braid that we tie a beautiful colored ribbon. Several "hair" leave for bangs. They cut off so that the bangs do not cover the doll face. So that the hair is kept on the head, take themselves with ribbon.

Western doll ready!
Such a doll can be given in a birthday so that they bring happiness all year, as well as on New Year's Eve. They are given to newlyweds and newly seals, as a faithful companion of a new life stage.

Western doll - a bright symbol of long-awaited spring - all secrets to the site

Would you like reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talisman wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge of transmitted from generation to generation in ancient Russia. Disconnect the circle of failures by learning about the best protection running in the direction of your perfection. Sit on our website about the choice of faiths, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of the magical overag with your biopole depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired purposes. Do not forget about the difference between the amulet, charm and talisman. The amulet is always made personally, the mascot and the charm can be bought. In addition, the talisman - attracts positive energy, and the charm - protects against negative.


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