Merion donations pershі pіdguzki all dodatki. Who is the fault of the pіdguzki? IV

Merion donations pershі pіdguzki all dodatki. Who is the fault of the pіdguzki? IV

In 2000, before the end of the last century, the French successors ranked the greatest winemakers of the last century. To think of more experi- ences , the best that mankind has created since 1900, such objects have become, like a refrigerator, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a chewing gum and one-time pіdguzki. Pidguzki, yakі can vikoristovuvat and vikidati without tiring pranks, appeared in the 50s, and from that hour mіtsno went up to a greater number of fathers, they don’t wake up in rich lands, changing gauze, pelushki and wet stretch.

Disposable pads are actively used by families and children. The stinks zastosovuyutsya in quiet areas, de fahіvtsі zmushenі spend three hours without the ability to use the toilet - during transatlantic and space flights, in mountaineering, technical diving, and also help to keep an eye on those who are neurologically or mentally unhealthy mature people.

The main purpose of the diaper is the selection of a slaughter without the possibility of zabrudnennya whiteness and the upper garment. The disposable diaper is folded into a compact design and into an absorbent ball.

The first riddle about undergarments can be taken into account by the Myth of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome: for Zeus and Hermes, the skins of creatures were victorious. With the development of humankind, like clay materials, dry grass, leaves, moss, as well as fabrics (lyon, bavovna) and wool were stuck.


The most recent historians describe the suffering of wealthy mother Merion Donovan, the intercessor of the editor of the fashion magazine Vogue, who catastrophically did not get an hour for the early pelyushok (and automatic cleaning machines in the middle of the last century were in the afternoon). With the advent of Mrs. Donovan, the first thing she came up with was waterproof panties, sewn from underclothes and bath curtains. Under the name "boaters", The Bouters, the adhesive parts attached, which were worn over a gauze diaper and pelushkas, began to be sold at Saks' house on Fifth Avenue in New York, and the rights to the boaters were sold to Donovan for the sum of 1 million dollars

However, Marion did not ruffle her klein panties, but finished off her wine, replacing the impervious ball with a clay paper, becoming more cowardly and safe fastenings. This disposable diaper, published by the editor of Vogue, was patented in 1951, the pro-company-pharmaceuticals did not claim the rights to wine. The investigation showed that buyers are not ready to the idea of ​​winning a diaper once and throwing yoga.

Through a sprinkling of rocks, victorious to the idea of ​​Donovan, Victor Mills revealed the creation of one of the largest winegrowers of the 20th century. In yoga, the first disposable diapers, as an absorbent, thyrsus were vicarious.

But not all versions. To be sure, in the 1940s, the Swedish company Paulistroem produced disposable diapers with an absorbent liner made of cellulose. For example, in the Netherlands from the beginning of the 1960s, if the Pampers brand had not yet appeared on the European market, there were victorious underpants with disposable tabs made of gauze or cellulose, which were called “lazy”, “slicker”.

And so are the thoughts that the air companies are without a hitch before the wine crossing, that they made transatlantic flights, as well as the radiant cosmic industry, as the possibility of launching people to space in pleasant, hygienic minds has been expanded.

As if it were not there, the massive expansion of disposable diapers and goiters was given to Viktor Mills himself, the great father of the great motherland and the successful supporter of Procter & Gamble.

Do-it-yourself diapers

If you want to make the bras with your own hands, you can hurry up with Mrs. Donovan. Depending on the fact that the diaper is guilty of disposable or bagatora, it is possible to use it like a glueon and an absorbent ball, as well as a panty and an absorbent.

Most often, mothers make bagatora-razor puffs with their own hands. For such a look, the shape of shorts is needed two sizes more, lower is required at this stage. It is necessary to insert soft gumki into the gusset at the bottom of the preparations, and sew the gut into the gusset, where to put the ball, what to take. Sometimes the upper panties are sewn with soft underclothing, it protects the diaper more easily from leakage, the prote does not allow the skins to be worn, and the material can be used to saturate the lining, reddening, teasing the baby's skins.

Today in pharmacies you can get ready-made gauze pads. The stench is good for the squalor of rock, and also for the silent fathers, who, for whatever reasons, don’t want to, or can’t beat the one-time pidguzki. Gauze, the more traditional option, allows you to more easily control the frequency of sechoviprosy, does not cause allergies in sensitive children, although it can lead to fading in case of untimely replacement.

Yakshko є zhannya zrobiti gauze pads independently, it is necessary to wrap it up, or wrap it on the edge of the gauze on the overlock, folded into a kilka once. Close the gauze diapers with non-stick studs, you can also put on the beast with adhesive panties, bellows, or seal the diaper with an elastic bandage or with special fasteners for the bandage.

Before the first victories, gauze or fabric for a diaper is necessary to be used as a prerequisite for early childish speeches and to pass.

What is the correct name: diaper or pampers?

Until 1990, there were no official disposable diapers in our country. Procter & Gamble, the maker of the world's first pampers, began supplying its products in 1991, and the label "Pampers Uni" was branded. For example, in 1994, the Pampers brand began to be advertised on the central television channels of the country. So our mova has acquired a new word, as dosі often vikoristovuєtsya zamіst diaper - diapers.

The Russian language has few such changes, if the first brand and the vikolist are victorious as the name of the whole category. Just like a diaper diaper in a child’s hygiene, then in office equipment Xerox, a copier, which is really called a copy machine of the Xerox brand. Among cars, the name of the brand Jeep (Jeep) often wins as a sign of any kind of poshlyahovik.

It is clear that the replacement of the category of diaper with the word "pampers" is typical not only for Russia, in European countries "pamper" is also the designation of a diaper. So it goes, like "libres" for special women's pads, and "olweiss" - for sanitary pads "with wings".

Is that correct - a diaper, a diaper?

Correctly name the diaper. Baby diapers are issued under bagatma stamps, and Pampers is just one of them.

As in the old history and legends, the people have always tried to find some kind of care, build up the products of the life of children and keep the child clean. Only the little ones, who live in a smoky climate, grew up without clothes (and grow in some lands), they can constantly change without clothing and the cultural peculiarities of the peoples do not cross over.

However, in this case, vicorist fabric bandages, pelushki, herbs and other materials are not allowed. In other climatic minds, the deviation of a child’s goiter is wearing clothes, wrapping up and sleeping, different options for pidguzkiv, even if it were for the night time, that walk, zastosovuvalis at all hours.

In the rest of the hour, the chanuvals of life without pіdguzkіv, early hanging out, joining the mountaineer, appear. This option has its pluses (most importantly - saving financial costs) and minuses. Nezrіla the nervous system of the child is not able to adapt to the needs of the grown-ups, and the fathers have to follow the signals to call the child to the cut or defecation. Insignificantly accelerated adaptation to the victorious mountaineer, at the thought of the fahivtsiv, turns into significant waste of time, that strength is good for the body of the little one.

However, despite the current reconciliation, which at the same time, practically everyone in the distant lands is covered with disposable undergarments, the latter say that, for example, in China and India, this kind of childish hygiene is not yet gaining popularity. No more than 10% of the population live there with disposable diapers, and for most of the time children are treated without diapers (India). In China, imports of disposable diapers were previously imported on the sovereign level, and 6% of the population, who were victorious for hygiene, purchased them on the "black market" in Hong Kong. Dosi more inhabitants of China zastosovuyut bagatorazі raznovidi. However, the dynamics of the growing popularity of disposable pads is well remembered in these countries, regardless of local specifics.

Baby diapers: see those features

Children are subdivided into sprat species, depending on the type of vikoristannya, warehouse, construction, type of child, purpose of vikoristannya.

  • disposable and bagatorazovy, as well as zmishany type: bagatorazovy underpants with change inserts;
  • for night vikoristannya and universal. "Nichnі" pіdznjayutsya larger ball of absorbent speech, which allows you not to change them for 6-8 years (fallow in the form of a child);
  • Velcro pads of disposable and bagatoraza vikoristannya, and pads-panties;
  • diapers for swimming, used for the morning of feces;
  • undergarments, which should be differentiated according to the age of children: for boys, girls and universals;
  • underwear for attachment to the mountaineer, with the effect of "wet shorts", which allow small children to feel discomfort in the contact of the coat with the cross section;
  • diapers for size: SSS for premature babies up to 36 kg (as well as diapers for grown-ups);
  • fallow in the warehouse on top of the middle of the diaper, a cellulose version with a gel absorbent is dispensed.

Also, children's underwear can be lifted up on the "breathing", if the upper ball is close to the membrane and passes through to the top, and is not penetrating, with a vent in the middle. You may need to supplement the leakage of the inner ball with lotion, chamomile extract for the prevention of inflammation.

The design of the baby diaper can transfer additional perforation to the umbilical wound, Velcro, which allow you to fold the diaper at the bottom of the breast and trim yoga in such a state of skinny.

Disposable undergarments are wines that make life easier for rich fathers. Newborns can urinate up to 25 times for haul, giblets, and aloe schogodini. In such a situation, one-time diapers, choose a native and not allow contact of the shkiri with the section, allow grown-ups in the event of the need to frequently change the diaper and in the turbot according to their schedule. A rare stile does not work as well as it is not necessary to work with a variety of different "pampers".

However, the choice of disposable pads is often accompanied by negative comments from the older generation. Isn't it true that those who shove children to get accustomed to a mountain worker, call out impotence in boys, cystitis in girls, take in curvature and cry out "greenhouse effect", overheating the body of a child?

No, all myths.

It is important for pediatricians to understand that one-time diapers in the big world will take care of the child and we will clean ourselves. And adaptation to a mountaineer to lie down depends on the readiness of the baby, the maturity of his nervous system and physiological processes. It doesn’t matter why trim a child up to three years: in disposable or gauze diapers, it’s like every hour (at 18-24 months) you don’t start hanging a baby on a mountain worker, because of the same problems with training, regardless of the type of diaper.

There is not much income that confirms the fears of the development of impotence in already grown-up people, as if they wore children's diapers. Wearing tight sleep or vikoristannya superficially tight ball of gauze, on the other hand, can become the cause of damage to the state sphere.

Cystitis and fuses in girls are not blamed for the lack of disposable diapers, but for the lack of hygiene rules. With this, a disposable diaper, when replaced, is more hygienic, lower gauze and fabrics, as in case of bacterial infections, it is necessary to boil.

"Greenhouse effect", according to the results, can be accompanied by a variety of bugs in the middle of the day, which are filled with moisture in the middle and do not miss a breath. Disposable pads should not be applied to fluctuations in body temperature.

Vikrivlennya nіg in children for a century - a legacy of illness. Disposable undergarments serve as prevention of dysplasia of the coulter loam, in accordance with the principles of free sleep.

Bagatorazov_ pіdguzki

Bagatorazovy pіdguzki can either be prepared independently, or they can be prepared by different companies. As a rule, bagatorazovskie gaiters of factory production are distinguished by great versatility at vikoristanni: a line of various rozmіrіv, special materials, fasteners on the buttons too.

Farther obirayut bagatorazovі pіdguzki of kіlkoh reasons: traditsіyny looking at vihovannya ditini, ekonomіya penny koshtіv, dostupnіst disposable vidіv in regіonі, ekologіchna vіdpovіdalnіst that vіdsutnіst spetsіalnih services scho utilіzuyut vikoristanі gіgієnіchnі zasobi and takozh pіdvischena chutlivіst shkіri ditini, yak not dozvolyaє kontaktuvati of materіalom disposable diapers.

Rozmіri pіdguzkіv vznachayutsya vаgou vіkom. Zagalom pіdguzki divided into children and adults.

Babies of size pіdguzkіv start with SSS (super-super-small) for preterm babies with a body weight of 1 to 3 kg і, fallow in a variety and a size line, end with a size of 6, junior extra, for children of 4-7 years of body weight up to 16 35 kg, size 7 or XXL, weight 19 kg, weight 7 to 9 years or 8, for children and adults weight 26 kg, if they suffer from enuresis or other illnesses. In case of different varieties, the lines of expansion can be different.

When choosing the size of the diaper, the varto should be more guided by the recommended vag of the spy, below the statements of the century.

Diameters of underwear for grown-ups are separated for a waist circumference: from 0 to a size (40-60 cm) to 4 (130-170 cm).

Pіdguzki for new people

Pіdguzki for novozhenih, okrіm rozmіru, zvіch mayut one important feature: vїmka under the umbilical wound. For a quick and successful closing of the umbilical wound, it is important that it was not covered with a water-resistant material, and the ball of shkir, which is formed, instantly “ventilates”, mothers contact with repeat.

For this, as well as the reduction of possible discomfort in the event of contact of the diaper with the surface of the wound, most pharmacists produce special "diapers for newborns", in those on the front upper part of the pіvkrugly virіz.

For the rest of the time, the bras for newborns do not look like standard models for older children. As if a child was born a great and small rosemary with a special vimkoy їy no longer fit, it’s easy to make such boots with your own hands: you need to carefully cut a part of the belt with scissors, which is above the navel.

As a rule, the fathers miraculously feel the moment, if the time has come to beat the panties. The baby does not want to lie on his back, check, until he puts the back part of the diaper on the bottom of the diaper, straightens everything, fixes it. The little fidget is pulled up or down, and it’s easier to put on yoga in a standing position.

The axis of this century, which is observed in children is stalely, in the wake of new beginnings and activity, and now is the hour for pants-pants. For the form of the stench, they are similar to the splendid whiteness, those structures, the protea are airborne in volume and hummocks, but slightly lower. In the fall, as a recognition, panties can be disposable, bagatora, panties for joining a mountain worker, which allow you to assess the water content after a miss of a baby or panty panties for swimming.

Disposable and training underpants can also be challenged for the state belonging of a child. Pidguzki for girls and boys may have a different type of rozpodіl hoarding water in the inner ball, mindfulness of the physiological vіdmіnnosti children.

Pіdguzki for older children and adults

Paddlings for older children can be either in a standard form with Velcro, or in different variations: underpants, shorts, insoles, which can be taken in, fastened to an extreme whiteness, or they are invested in a special intestine to the whiteness of the same caliper.

Pidguzki for grown-ups are divided according to the size, what you choose. Zvichaina, advanced, temple and arc of the temple of clay - this is the standard gradation, which allows for more varieties of infants for grown-up people.

Paddlings for children may be subject to state belonging of a koristuvach. At the same time, virobniki proponuyut vykoristovuvaty podguzki for lads to lads, and it is appropriate for girls for lads. With this, the boots for the children-girls will be embellished with small little flowers, the princes are skinny, but the lads will hear the cars, the little ones and the little ones. This is an important factor for older children, as they already think of their advantages in toys and dressed up clothes.

But the design of similar boots for children is not the main thing in the current fashion in the form of unisex boots. Golovne - a design, especially a clay ball. In diapers for girls, the absorbent is distributed in different ways, which is dictated by the anatomical features of the sechostate system of the different types of children.

Pіdguzki for boys

The diapers for boys are designed for Unisex diapers, which are suitable for all children, with the specificity of rotting close to the inner ball. Just as in diapers for a small child, the absorbent of separations is evenly and equally absorbed, however, in any part, then diapers for boys may have more speech, which is taken in the front part.

Zavdyaki tsyom sech vbiraetsya shvidshe that is as close as possible to that mіstsya, de won to go out of the body. This adds comfort when wearing a diaper and reduces the time of contact of the skinny curves with the motherland.

Pіdguzki for dіvchatok mаyut constructive features. Greater on the pavement, which takes the motherland, to be found in the middle of the ball, which is clay, itself there, where the slash is spent. Thus, the absorption of the absorbent in diapers for girls allows the skin to get in again as soon as it appears, and it is better to keep the inner ball dry, without teasing the skin and mucous membranes.

Pіdguzki-underpants for attaching to the mountaineer

Podguzki-panties for the shifting to the Gorshka are glad to decoch the Kompaniy at the Two types: Pіdguzki-prouds are a subtle ball of Novnovnyuzcha, ZRUCHNI for Samostiyny Snimanny Dithinyu, Alla do not give datasy Efestiv, I pіdguzki s penetrating the internal ball, Shaho Dotitin Ditinі Vіdinchuvati, Scho woven. only in the process of sechoviprosy, and th after (brands Pampers Feel'n Learn, Huggies Cool Alert).

Pіdzki for privchannya to the mountaineer rozrakhovanі for children aged up to 2 to 5 years, with body weight from 8 to 26 kg.

Over 20 brands presented on our market, and different types of infants in the middle of the brand, often put young fathers in a deaf place: are the infants more beautiful?

As far as the fathers can not be shy to allergic manifestations, you can beat the brand, available in the nearest stores. Quite often, the boots of the first choice are left with the child for the whole hour of wearing, they are usually worn before advertising, or the price of the brand is victorious permanently.

And so, the first choice is not far away: not all children are folded the same way, they can rub one model and be comfortable in their noses. Regardless of the hypoallergenicity of materials, little ones can see the wide range. Therefore, with the first purchase, it’s not enough to stock up on a great deal, rather, bring one or two packs, depending on the brand’s availability and availability.

Deyakі vyrobniki proponuyut testі advertising packaging, schob mother mozhlivіst vіdchuti, yakі pіdguzki better on єmu svіdі. Pampers, Huggies, Libero often arrange contracts with flat booths and women's consultations to expand the size of the pants, to make it easier for the fathers to choose.

Better clothes - those that are handy and small, and mums, and do not deliver comfort when worn, overwhelmed, and also, importantly, do not appear on the budget of the family and can be delivered quickly or delivered to the house at the time of consumption.

How to choose the best diaper

The middle of the impersonal pidguzkiv on the market is, obviously, the best and the highest. A similar rating is added by the relatives on the basis of the experience of the fathers (in Russia, in the first months, traditionally Pampers, Haggis and Libero), and the fathers themselves on the basis of a special background of that experience are known.

The best diapers are characterized by a high structure to pass through again after hitting the cross section, to show a gel absorbent, and not a cellulose liner, wide, high clay building, strong, not to pass through the countryside and calums and a belt. Navit in the middle of the line of diapers of one type are made as budget options with less comfort for the wearer, so you see the road.

When choosing the best babies, you also need to give respect to the food market: popular goods always cause the baby to appear on the market. Perevіrenі shops or pharmacies, dotrimannya terms, rules for saving, the integrity of packaging - everything is necessary to insure the hour of purchase, in order to protect that child's health.

Japanese pants appeared on the market about 10 years ago. Breathing in high-tech materials, softness, hardness and high quality, the stench knew its purchase and greatly improved the position of the middle class in the premium class.

GOO.N, Moony, DoReMi, Merries - these Japanese pants are more and more often sold in retail outlets and become more accessible to the great imports. However, the quality is declining, the middle lines of one vineyard are different.

One more feature of Japanese babies, we know those who put on clothes for children and grown-ups of Asia: because of the nature of the life of the baby, the baby is often “smaller”, the stench is recognized for children with smaller body sizes according to their age.

Changing the diaper and the cream of the diaper

Cream for a diaper, oliya, baby lotion - these are the necessary components for keeping an eye on a baby's skin. Cream under the diaper will protect the function, protecting the child's skin from the infirmities.

When choosing a cream for diapering, the patient should be guided by the pediatrician: not all warehouses are the same for all babies. When vikoristanny new type zasobu chi brand varto spochatku yogo diyu on a small distance shkir and posterigat behind the camp of the shkir pokrivu stretching dobi.

The first “pampers” of that one, as we know it now, began to win in Europe 35 years ago, and in Russia 16 years ago.

So who was the first to see the "pampers"? Zvichaino well, meshkants of the extreme Pivnochi! There, for a long time, dry moss was put in clothes. And it's logical! With a minus of 30-50, you don’t wear pants! In England, over a hundred years ago, "pampers" began to zastosovuvat vivchari. The stench dressed similar handbags on the testicles of rams and hung them as a substitute for sickly castration. Age growth of the testicle and spermatogenesis occurs when the temperature rises by more than one degree.

Іsnuє impersonal thoughts about "pampers". If their zastosuvannya began to expand, then those childish doctors began to get bogged down - if you know the stink of the stench.

І axis scho show the rest of the results of the study:

Let's do it for anatomy, but for overheating itself. For lads, future people, the consequences are simply tragic. Nature is not vipadkovo "vivela" human state bodies named. Only at higher cold temperatures in the testicles develop a normal development of human hormones, and, in the course of time, full spermatozoa vibrate. Somebody cares up to 1.5 years there is still nothing to overheat. Overheating for some reason, one of the signs of full-term birth is the very lowering of the testicle at the scrotum. Those who still don't have spermatogenesis, it doesn't matter, and overheating will be noticed later, after the age of maturation.

Confused "greenhouse effect"(because the lower ball of the diaper is prepared from polyethylene), the grown-ups only strengthen the negative infusion of moisture on the skin of the child. Vaughn is no less flooded with water, but don’t go wild. The disposable diaper covers 30% of the baby's body surface. In fact, there is no way to see the difference with a disposable diaper, tobto. Dihannya shkіri in this expanse is destroyed, more than a lesser world. In other words, zastosuvannya "pampers" can lead to the sterilization of a person.

In girls, the last days of the most significant babies are not the best. Previously, girls were shown to a gynecologist only in 15 years, but now most of them - on the river. Buvaє i for 3 months problems are already being repaired. They develop vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, thrush, enlargement of small lips and impersonal other serious illnesses. And all the same, through the creation of a "greenhouse effect" and the presence of chemical adsorbents in diapers, seepage, flavorings and barvniks.

Other notes

For a thousand years, a person from childhood has a reflex of throwing in front of natural frames. Wet pelushkas, do not cry softly at the child of the receptionists, and that you have to wander around to hide them. Vidpovidno, disposable diapers make the process of sechovi- sion and defecation inaccessible for control.

Another great shortfall of "pampers" stagnation is the presence of a plethora of skins that does not have a normal flora, and as a result, it increases the susceptibility to various infections. Andrologists do not rule out that diapers can treat the development of enuresis.

Now about the diapers themselves

What kind of material should they be smitten with, what kind of warehouse should they be filled with? All dietary needs should be in front of the fathers, to the fact that often when corying with "pampers" a child develops contact dermatitis, and allergic reactions are possible.

IMPORTANT! It has been reported that an allergy is called out to the fabric or the leakage of the garments.

The lower ball of the largest disposable diapers is foldable thin plastic liner. And to get one disposable diaper is necessary one full bottle of oil!

Behind the plastic servette with cellulose bleached with chlorine to serve as a wrap for the superabsorbent powder.

Now let's move on to the main part of the diaper, tієї, as we allow the baby's pops to be so dry for a long time. The middle of the diaper is a ball of superabsorbent, covered with a hydrophilic membrane and cellulose. Hydrophilic - means attracting water, the axis of which is the whole country, which is consumed in a diaper, straight to the center, right into the ball, which adsorbs. Adsorbent - granules of especially speech, for example, sodium polyacrylate(Sodium polyacrylate). Upon contact with the cross section, the granules absorb and swell in themselves. Tsikavo, scho in 1985 roci polyacrylate sodium polyacrylate bovine to vikoristannya in the selection of women's tampons through those that can cause toxic shock syndrome.

Diaper warehouse

  1. Sodium Polyacrylate Crystals is a translucent gel-absorbent that absorbs motherland. The toxic polymer often causes allergic reactions. It was seen in the warehouse of women's hygienic tampons after it was revealed that they could lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Vіdomosti about those, how much speech is safe, or not safe when taken through the skin without being stretched through dekіlkoh rokіv, not іsnuє. There were no annual reports on this topic.
  2. plastic membrane I create ideal minds for the development of anaerobic bacteria, the environment is quiet, yakі vyvoditsya with feces and after that they are overwhelmed with some years too warm - due to the greenhouse effect - an unventilated watery middle. For the presence of such a breeding ground for bacteria, right on the skin, that mucous membrane cannot be stretched for two or three years, only to marvel at the adaptive vitality of the human body. Try to place a bacterial culture on the skin, covering it with a water-tight hermetic compress, similar to such a bandage of a sprat of years, invigorating the bacteria of a sprat once a day - and in your own knowledge, you yourself may be on the vazі. And now to show that, under your veil, a little unfamiliar podryapinka appeared in a vipadkovo, and that you saw it.
  3. Dioxins- one of the safest otters, a by-product of the process of diaper removal. Inject carcinogens into the work of the endocrine system. In small numbers, they often show up in underwear. Vvazhayutsya rich in unsafe carcinogens, low DDT. Studies show dioxins and similar findings in the fall in the number of live spermatozoa in sperm, fetal calisthenics, cancer of the testicles, prostate, breasts, and pathology of the development of state organs.
  4. Xylene, ethylbenzene. They appear in diapers with laboratory investigation. They can cause neurotoxicity, damage the respiratory organs and damage the endocrine system.
  5. Styrene. Carcinogen. Toxic to respiratory organs.
  6. TBT. Ruinuє vyroblennya statevyh hormones. Child, they put five diapers on the yak for a day, taking the amount of TBT, which exceeds the allowable norm by 3.6 times, established in the USA.

Shari pіdguzkіv

I. Top-sheet.

Looking at those that lie close to the skin of a child, yoga is prepared from soft material, which kindly passes the homeland only in one straight. Obviously, such material is not guilty of tearing the skin of a baby with natural rub.

As a rule, two types of materials are used as a ball:

  • Thermobond– non-woven fabrics, made from polypropylene or mixed polypropylene and polyester staple fibers. The thickness of this material varies depending on the type of gasket from 17 to 22 g/m2.
  • Non-woven material from polypropylene, Preparations for filier technology. As a rule, to improve the characteristics, the material is double-balled. Zavdyaki more high characteristics of the material, thickness of the material can be lower, lower thickness of the material "Thermobond" and vary from 10 to 20 g / m 2.

II. Anti-faecal barriers.

Barrier, which does not allow hair to roll on the side of the diaper, which prevents deformation. Yakіsnі obezzhuvachі shіlnі, ale elastic, scho not fetter ruhіv іtini i at the same time secure the enemy's capture, to fix the water in the middle of the boot. For the preparation of bar'eriv vicorist such materials:

  1. Two ball nonwoven materials from polypropylene fibers, prepared for filier technology from 12 to 22 g/m 2 .
  2. Three and chotirishar non-woven materials from polypropylene fibers, from outer balls from materials made using filier technology, and from inner ball from materials made from filier technology (CMC, CMMC), from 12 to 22 gr/m 2.

III. Rozpodіlny ball

At the top of the liners, it is recommended to turn on the rozpodilny ball to all kinds of underwear. For the preparation of this ball of vicorous materials of the "thermobond" type from the sum of polypropylene and polyester fibers from the thickness of 15 to 30 g / m 2.

IV. Inner ball

The inner ball is an absorbent material, the most important part of the diaper. At the new one, there is a special absorbent that turns into a gel when it is dried with water. Take 50 times the amount of water in the same amount of moisture as an absorbent. The very same pіdguzki "swell". Since such a diaper is completely new, it is like an impenetrable bar'er. In this case, you can talk about the rise in temperature in the middle, and about the effect of the compress.

Fallow in the form of a diaper, as well as in the form of technology, which zastosovuetsya when virobnitstv, vikoristovuetsya offensive type of absorbent materials:

  • Non-woven fabric "Ayleid". SAP (superabsorbent) may be added to the material during the manufacturing process. Krіm tsgogo, for the best selection of that rozpodіlu rіdini, "Ayleid" often zastosovuyut spilly with fluffed cellulose.

V. Outer ball (Back sheet)

Like in women's sanitary pads, the task of this ball is to prevent the passage of water from the absorbent ball of the name. For these purposes, textured polyethylene sleeving is most often used, or non-woven material, laminating with porous polyethylene sleeving. Warto means that when victorious for the upper ball of various non-woven materials, crim softness, the material is guilty of mother hydrophilic power.

Tsіkavo, that the warehouse is not indicated on the "pampers". It appears, for those who do not have the law, a kind of goiter is the choice of disposable bags to instruct their warehouse.

Zvіdsi vysnovok: pіdkhіd batkіv to vyboru pіdguzkіv may be even more serious and vidpovіdalnym. І zmina pіdguzkіv may be in your own time.

The best thing for a baby is natural spawning. Tse bagatorazovy pіdguzki, prepared from environmentally friendly materials that allow shkіrі chіrі dіtіnі dіhati, and navіt nіt vіt nіt vіdnі іnі іziologichіchі protsesi, tbto. everything is correctly formed in the little one and it is possible to control the process of secession and defecation.

In fact, the lives of today's mothers have changed dramatically from the lives of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, if the stench wriggled their children.

Then who is the ryativnik of the milliononiv matus? I'll tell you about it right now.

For the last few hours, people tried to solve the problem of child hygiene in different ways. The boots were made from moss, wool, and other fibers. In Asia, a special opening was made near the colossus for the drain of the section. Htos tried to vaccinate a child to a mountain worker in two or three months, most of the time unsuccessfully. Ale food was left with water. Children wrote like that, and continued to write, everyday cats did not radically solve this problem.

I axis was a miracle! The American chemist Victor Mills acquired three onuks and was embarrassed to help his daughter with their experiments. The constant change of the pelyushok made the man think about the creation of disposable diapers. Have you spent the whole hour eating brooding pelushki? You need to wikidate! At the same time, with their help, they created a finished batch of disposable boots and tried them on their boots. And who else? Grandchildren, in principle, bulo baiduzhe, where to write. And the axis will be satisfied, the old days of the work have gone!

Zreshtoy, it was necessary to let the party be admitted to the court of the American population.

But the first ones knew the collapse. So it turned out that in the past the fathers were presented with disposable diapers, if there was a nameless spec. The nemovlyat began to swindle on the shkіrі, and the fathers took this idea negatively.

Ale Viktor deshcho added a diaper, replacing the material. The boots became lighter and became easier to pick up the water. I axis at the birch tree 1959 the first batch of diapers was released. Before the speech, the first one-time diapers were called diapers after the English word pamper (“cherish”).

The axis of such correct teachings, that loving child, helped make life easier for all mothers in the world! Damn youmu for tse great!

Before we speak, Mills had a long time to go after the pampers wine walk, taking up active sports, having risen in price and died at the age of 100 years! The axis of the yak cikava was a person.

The world has more than one driving force, creating a practical union of all women of the world independently from their religious, political and social views. Im'ya їy - motherhood. Nature has ruled in such a way that, with the appearance of a child, a woman will assign herself a turbot about a new people.

Cleanliness, that comfort of a little one - a pledge of a mіtsnogo slumber and vіdmіnnogo mood as if it were not, so it is for my mother. Today, it is already impossible to experience today's life without “gadgets”, as if the life of mothers was not easy, without disposable baby diapers. Adzhe z'appeared stinks recently, for example, the XX century.

How was it done earlier?

Riddles about the first choice of boots can be revealed already in the 1st century BC. So, for example, in the ancient Greek myth, which describes the childishness of Zeus and Hermes, it was revealed that instead of pelyushki for women, they beat the skins of creatures, they put moss, grass, or other natural materials in them.

In Russia, there are a lot of people who practiced the “visajuvannya” method. At the first signs of restlessness, the little one - spinning, groaning, straining thinly - the mother encouraged the child, helping her cope with natural needs.

On the cob of the 19th century, there appeared diapers made of knitted ta lyon, the absorbent material of which was soft wool. The dekilka of balls of matter was folded in an envelope, fastening a vilny dart behind the back of the baby. Which way is the most alive.

First try

An American woman respects the great-grandfather of a daily diaper Merion Donovan- Literary scholar, defender of the editor of Vogue and rich mother. She catastrophically did not get an hour for the early pelyushok, and she failed to complete the process of watching the newly-born donka. Merion ripped a shard of oilcloths and bathroom curtains, making waterproof baby panties from them, as if they were dressed over a wonderful pelushka. Not stumbling on what she had achieved, she came up with the idea of ​​sewing the otriman construction down to childish panties, and the deputy of the gospodar's kleyonka began to vicorize a special papyrus that adsorbs. At the end of all manipulations, our heroine replaced the old English hairpins, like a pelyushka, with a safe metal zipper.

Comfort is expensive. The idea of ​​waterproof children's pants was so successful that one department store could be created by buying wine rights from Merion for 1 million dollars! 1951 Donovan polished her panties, made them disposable. Alas, this idea did not know the hearts of the Vlasniks in the companies that they vibrated.

Before the speech, for ten years Victor Mills got stuck with disposable boots. Taking Donovan’s idea as a starting point, Pampers booties are the wines. The first diaper under the brand name was issued in 1961.

Photo by Getty Images

First steps

And the axis of the inhabitants of Pivnichnoy Evropi, yakі koristuvalis by the traditional method of spawning at that time, after the Other svіtovoї vіynya hit a serious problem - the lack of imports. The current reserves for the Scandinavian region were transferred to the needs of health care. Calm children became practically nothing. Vinykla is a gostra need for the search for a silk cheese for weaving fabrics. In Sweden, the rich woods of the woods were replaced with cellulose fibers, which are made from the village. So the soft papiers appeared in front of the looking cellulose mass.

Following the adoption of the new material by a local company Molnlycke(1975 reached the age of the stock of the SCA group) developed the production of cellulose pellets. The stench looked like this: up to the shorts made of plastic plіvki were added in front of open cut pieces of cellulose masa. The fathers had to independently add the necessary amount of absorbent material to the baby's diaper in the fall at the hour of doby - a day less, and a little more. What, well, it was too easy.

1955 "Sweatshirts" (snabb-blöjan)- disposable panties with waterproof cellulose coating with a clay ball in the middle, creased with a fabric mesh. Tsі pіdguzki dosit shvidko became popular among the greater part of Europe. In Nimechi and Italy, the fathers called them simply - "Swedish boots".

In 1967, Europe introduced a new model. susilnokroyny diaper Combinette. The head yoga vіdminnіstyu vіd poperednіkіv becoming functional utrimuyuchiy zatskach, like zakriplyuvsya in front. The novelty gained unprecedented popularity and began to rapidly remove traditional boots. For ten years the stench was left at the peak of sales, at that hour the shape of the pants was changed in order to become as comfortable as possible for the little ones. I 1973 rock on the shelves appeared chergov model - T-like diaper. Winning at home with characteristic swarthy elastic panties. At the rich places of Europe, you can buffalo the impersonal young fashionistas, like they were in novelties.


With the appearance of disposable pіdguzkіv mami and tata pozbulis zayvogo klopota and hvilyuvan. There were no more inexcusable fuss, mothers ceased to be afraid of childish "embarrassments" for an hour long walks and more expensive ones from non-mothers. This ingenious wine has become irreplaceable, so that the brand will be known to the whole world, having taken away its name from the Italian word “wilny” - Libero. Indeed, today's boots gave us that freedom to enjoy our own child without a turbo, which our fathers didn't get like that.

Vineyard: Viktor Mills
Krajina: USA
Wine hour: 1956

A disposable diaper (in the modern term “pampers” or simply “diaper”) is a type of lower whiteness in a ball filled with superabsorbent, and the basis of the lower whiteness is most often prepared from cellulose and used for upper diapering. Children, cosmonauts, assemblers, climbers, divers, bedridden ailments, mental ailments or neurological ailments are victorious.

In the Russian language, the word "pampers" stuck behind disposable diapers - behind the name of one of the most popular brands in the world, one of the first, which entered the Radian market.

The majority of European language diaper is signified by the same word, like a pelyushka - Amer. English diaper, nim. Windel, in British English language the diaper is called nappy

Today, thinking about the boots, few of the fathers can make their own life without this miraculous wine walk. The children made it easier to look after the newborn baby, and they changed the notification about the birth of children of the older people.

In the ancient period, they used undergarments made of skins, which to take in, with the picking material of which boules grass, moss, leaves, flax and wool - the first riddle of diapers, what to take in, you can put the myth about the people of Orion into that Zeus and Hermes urinated in the skins.

Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors, in their own way, went out of the camps and showed, in truth, creative zdіbnosti in the created similarities of pіdguzkіv for children. Pivdenniy Ameritsya practiced bandaging buttocks with weaving weavings. Eskimos sporudzhuvali prototype pіdguzkіv for nesovlyat іz sealskins. In the tropics, where the sun was shining, the little ones were completely naked. In Europe, children were sporadzhivated similarly to pіdguzkіv from the windings of old fabrics.

In 1954, Viktor MILLS, engineer and retailer of the Procter & Gamble company, having become a happy child, had an onuk! After commencing this day, Victor Mills, having propagated from the company Procter and Gamble, started working on the development of an alternative type of infants, which are inspired by the primary mothers of baguettes.

The first disposable diaper vinik 1956. and preparations based on tirsi.

The meta was put in the rozrobtsі simple in vikoristannі and zruchnyh pіdguzkіv, for the comfort of the little one and the handiness of mothers. Already in 1961, the first puppies appeared in the world, we know today. The diapers were produced under the brand “Pampers”, which means pampering in the translation from the English weave. As a rule, all disposable diapers are called “pampers” in the same way.

Like the 60s, disposable diapers filled the counters of stores in America. Ale “pampers” of the distant 60s were seriously resurrected by the disposable diapers known today. Pampers of the 60s were important, not too big for a little one. There were less than three sizes of pampres: small, medium and large. Pampers creaked on the body of the little one with remnants, we know today the "creeps" that they are glued, they have not yet worn.

In those distant hours, disposable undergarments were a little fragile, incredibly expensive, and were a luxury item, not an item of first necessity. Ale hour made your own corrections. For dozens of years, disposable boots have been significantly modernized.

Massively disposable diapers began to be introduced around 1961 and were called "Pampers" English language "to pamper" - "spoil" or "pest", "indulge". Until the end of the 60s, "Pampers" became an all-world brand. A little bit of stink was emitted from the zippers at the look of Velcro and buttons, but since the 1980s they have become a more important form of zippers.

In 1968, the company Kimberly Clark, at that time one of the largest manufacturers in the United States, began to first try the production of their baby disposable diapers, which took the name Huggies (a literal translation of the hug).

A steady increase in the number of pull-ups began only in 1978, and in 1984 the rotation of pull-ups for grown-ups "Depend"; Nites), recognized for children from 4 to 6 years of age, and later for children from 7 to 12 years of age and for children from 13 to 15 years of age (in the other half of the 2000s, they began to produce the same for improvised boxers).

Recently, similar products have been launched by the company Procter and Gamble - Easy Ups and Underjams - for children from 1 to 3 years old and from 4 to 7 years old, the Japanese company - Moony Man Big, Moony Man Super Big, Moony Man Super , Goon Big, Goon Super Big, training and night versions of Goon and Moony, since the end of the 2000s also Merries Big and Merries Super Big, with which television advertising for products is shown less in Japan itself.

All the pants were without zippers, except for one of the options Goon Super Big, Moltex Junior and XL and Activities, І LIE ENERGY 2011 ROCK American Firma Z Vijder Underwear Virobynitva, Yaka Rabysh Vipuskala Bavnyanі Pіdguzki, VIPUSTILA CULTURAL CULTURA PІDGUKI "STAR DIAPERS" FOR DIATY І Підлітків Від 8 Rockіv, and 28 Lipnya 2012 ROCA CIA FIRMA RACE CAR » for children of the same age.

At about the same time, Wal-Mart revived Procter and Gamble's White Cloud brand of pants, which had previously been released and taken out of production in 1993, and White Cloud Training Pants were launched in the middle. » and "White Cloud Sleep Pants".

I have such a thought, that the prototype of diapers was found in the SRSR during the preparation of the first space pilots. With all the use of cellulose, booties until the 1990s were almost daily. In the 1990s, the American and Swedish cellulose booties of the brands Pampers (at that time Pampers Uni), Huggies (at that time - Huggies Standart), Libero began to be imported to the powers of the Soviet Socialist Republic, and since 1994 the rock began to show Advertising.

On the cob of the 2000s, Russia got the first import diapers for grown-ups - Seni cob, for example 2000s - Tena, on the cob 2010 - Euron. In the mid-2000s, Pull Ups and Dry Nites began to be imported into Russia, and at the same time, advertisements for Huggies Pull Ups were shown in Russia.

It would be unfair at the same time that Victor Mills did not recognize one person - Merion Donovan - a wealthy matir, for the foolishness of the deputy. editor of the mega-popular glossy magazine Vogue. Already, the life of journalists definitely did not get an hour for the early pelyushok of his daughter.

The axis of the won and made waterproof children cowards, called them The Boater (boat English mine) and earned their first million dollars back before Mills in 1949. Let's see, there was a disposable "boatery" out there. Two years later, in 1951, Donovan registered a patent for her wine, but she didn't run a business. There were ten more years before the era of Victor Mills.

Key milestones in the history of disposable diapers:

60th anniversary: ​​the cob of production and production of disposable diapers.

70th anniversary: ​​an ear of stitching with a sticky stitch for fastening, which made it possible to get rid of unsafe prickly hairpins.

80-i: vinahid and provodzhennya in the form of diapers absorbent gel - AGM - a different type of polymer, cladding the motherland 30 times more than its own, at that hour like cellulose, vikoristan earlier claying the motherland less than 4 times more.

The 90th rocks are a variety of puffs that stretch on all sides.

2000s: the new ball of the diaper, before it was made from plastic, it was replaced with a “breathing” material, which did not allow the leakage of the diaper, which accumulated in the middle of the diaper, but allowed the sourness to penetrate the diaper. It became a right revolution among the victorious students.

On this day, for example, disposable pants are more suitable for a baby, do not respect the fluffiness of a baby, presented for different age categories, swimming, and nocturnal feeding for older children who suffer from the problem of nocturnal enuresis (non-combating).

On this day, close to 95% of children forever wear disposable diapers!


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