Magistracy in absentia zakordonne regional studies. Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies

Magistracy in absentia zakordonne regional studies. Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies

The main goals of the illuminating activity of the ІSV are based on the Statute є:

Satisfying the needs of special needs in the intellectual, cultural and moral development for additional enlightenment;

Satisfying the needs of the state's support for qualified specialists with a greater professional knowledge, for scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel with greater qualifications.

Education at the OCHU VO "Institute of the Country of the Skhodu" is carried out by the Russian language.

Implemented lighting programs

ІВтній process ІСВ in 2018-2019 pp. organizations on the approaching rivers:

Lighting program Riven shine Normative term of education Lines of state accreditation of the educational program (for the presence of state accreditation)
Denna form of training Part-time form of training Correspondence form of training
03/41/01 Foreign regional studies Academic bachelor 4 rocky - -
38.03.01 Economy Academic bachelor 4 rocky - -
45.03.02 Linguistics Academic bachelor 4 rocky - - license No. 2504 issued on December 20, 2016
41.04.01 Foreign regional studies meister 2 rocky - - Certificate of state accreditation No. 2625 dated 21 March 2017

Dodatkovі zagalnoosvіtnі programs - preparation before entering the university, corporate education, courses and other.

The main concept is laid down by the most important educational programs, relying on a safe high level of theoretical knowledge, building up interdisciplinary links in the lighting process, more practical warehouse and updating the initial process. The initial tasks of that plan are being reshaped in time for the world to have new goals and objectives formulated by the state policy of the Russian Federation. The aims of the task of the lighting programs are to improve the long-term strategy for the development of the institute for 2014-2020.

In YETAPI, Svittnіkh program, the Svіtnіkh Program specifically, Plidy Bula Spіvpratsya with the Estitution of the Similarity of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Materiaalnі (Bіblіotek) was lied: Materialnі Resourssi: Login Logtіyi, Galchnya Studentіv to participate in the Spex of the Scientific Conference Tom Congres, Student's Student_T.

Innovative development in the development of primary and methodological complexes of disciplines in the selection of materials for the primary process of materials for the most relevant international projects, which inspires new victories of the current events, which are carried out for these direct scientific conferences, as well as for the participation of students. The best works of students are published in the materials of conferences, collections of articles, journals, on the websites of the Institute of the National Assembly of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Similarity Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Straight training Lighting program Annotations to working programs of disciplines Starting calendar schedule practices Methodical and other documents
Zakordonna regional studies 41.03.01 annotations Mode to study

Initial practice - Economics

Economy 38.03.01 annotations
International blues annotations
Linguistics 45.03.02 annotations
Foreign regional studies 41.04.01 annotations

Information about the results of admission from 2017-2018 to the initial job at the OCHUVO "Institute of the Krayn Skhodu"

The codeApplication FormNumber of students, osibThe average amount of scores scored from all entrance tests
for budget allocations to the federal budgetfor the budget of the subjects of the Russian Federationfor the budget of the local budgetsfor the cost of physical and (or) legal fees
41.03.01 Foreign regional knowledgeOchne - - - 33 200,5
38.03.01 EconomyOchne - - - 1 194
41.03.05 International bluesOchne - - - 1 259
41.03.05 International bluesFull-time - - - 3 146,3
41.03.01 Foreign regional knowledgeFull-time - - - 8 198,1
41.04.01 Foreign regional knowledgeOchne - - - 9 -

Information about the results of the transfer, renewal and renewal to the Special Educational Institution of Higher Education "Institute of the Krain Skhodu"

The code Name of specialty / direct training Application Form Number of students, osib
Transferred to other lighting organizations Translated from other lighting organizations renewed insured
41.03.01 Foreign regional knowledgeOchne21
What is "regional knowledge"

Regional studies is a promising specialty that meets the needs of today. It allows you to do this every day, in the future, with the help of foreign languages ​​with complex developments in that region, practical knowledge, which allow you to analyze the current situation and predict the development of the region.

Such a unique for this specialty piedhid with a special emphasis on the humanitarian aspect, on the ethno-social structure of the world, allows graduates to take their place in the world, where they become more and more welcome. The initial program of the faculty is connected with the field of international administration and business, the sphere of international scientific and cultural communication, international communications in the education community, and the activities of international community organizations.

About "Regional Studies of Russia"

"Pіdgotuvati Fakhivtsіv z Rosії, Yakі Zakoma Rospesti about nevazhvіst Mova Svіtu - Tse Nivazhvіsh І NAUKOVYY, І SOTSIONALNY, I PATRIOTICHNY DESTRAVED, Yak Vikonuє s 2001 ROCA REGIONS REVIEVIE ROSІNIA IN FACULTICS OF THE INTERNIY MOV TU REMINDERS IN FACULTS Lomonosov, the flagship of Russian education.

Rozvitok tsієї prog - logіchne naslіdok nayvazhlivіshogo principle navchannya іnozemnih mov on Nashomu fakultetі: Knowledge of the MoU is the crop іnshih narodіv nepovnotsіnno that nepovnotsіnno without broad background knowledge rіdnogo svitu, oskіlki partnerіv of mіzhnarodnogo spіlkuvannya tsіkavit nasampered tsya іnformatsіya and much nіyak not vmіnnya rozpovіsti їm about їh life of my own.”

D.F.N., Honored Professor of MDU named after M.V. Lomonosov, FIAR President Ter-Minasova S.G.

Graduates are awarded the degree of "Master of Foreign Regional Studies" and "Master of Regional Studies of Russia".

The term of training is 2 years.

The form of navchannya is ochna (denna).

Regional studies of Russia:

Budget areas -10

Contract area -5

Foreign regional studies:

Contract area -10

Directly that specialization (programs)

  • "Regional Studies of Russia"
Master's program "Russia at the current light expanse"
  • "Zakordonne regional studies"
Master's program "Social and cultural regional studies of the country and regions of Europe"
Master's program "Socio-cultural regional studies of the country and regions of Pivnichnaya America"
Master's program "Technology for creating a positive image of the European region"
Master's program "Technology for creating a positive image of the Pivnichna America region"

Initial Plan

Obov'yazkovі nauchalnі disciplines s directly "Foreign regional studies"

Obov'yazkovі nauchalnі disciplines for direct "Regional studies of Russia"

Master's students hope to learn such foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese.

Significantly, the place in the main program is borrowed from scientifically proven and productive practices.

In the illuminating process, different kinds of education are being developed: lectures, seminars, workshops, trainings. Students hope to have the opportunity to choose a specialty: for them, meetings are organized with representatives of science, culture and the business world, political and community leaders. Students supervise firms and organizations, work on independent projects, take an active part in the scientific life of the faculty, including in scientific conferences, seminars and round tables.

Special respect is attached to the formation of foreign languages. Within the framework of the initial program, various aspects of the language are discussed: regional versions of the English language, language support for mass information, and many others.

Obov'yazkovym - the introduction of other foreign language: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese.

The degree of the master of regional studies allows you to work on the estate of a referent, an expert, a scientific specialist, a consultant, a translation of your language to the region, who works in commercial structures, sovereign bodies, scientific and educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Wash the receptionist

For the presence of a bachelor's degree or a specialist of state education in the field of education, entrance examinations are held for the English language specialty (Zakordonne regional studies or regional studies of Russia) in a written form.

Students from other countries, if they wish to enter the magistracy, are guilty of the Russian my own equal, sufficient for mastering the educational program.

Required documents

For the citizens of Russia:

  • copies of documents that certify the person and the bulk of the intercessors (if you have the original), once a document of a foreign power about the light is given, the original is supposed to be, or a copy of the certificate about the recognition of the foreign light;
  • the original or a copy of the document about the degree of enlightenment and qualification;
  • 2 photographs (size - strictly 3x4 cm, matt, black and white).

For the citizens of other powers:

  • a diploma of sovereignty with an addendum (original) (diploma of a foreign state may be buti nostrifications and legalizations at Rosobrnaglyadi at the address: m. Moscow, st. Ordzhonikidze, 11, side 9, over 2, room 13);
  • 2 photographs (size - strictly 3x4 cm, matte, black and white);
  • passport with a visa of the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificate f-086u (with a badge about the results of the test for VIL); approval, otrimana in the foreign state, it is necessary to nostrify in the polyclinic of the MDU named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • migration card.

Bajayuchi can continue education in graduate school for upcoming scientific specialties:

  • February 10, 2004 - "Nimets Mov" (philological sciences);
  • 10.02.05 - "Romance Movies" (philological sciences);
  • 10.02.20 – “Perogenous-historical, typological and historical philosophies” (philological sciences);
  • 10.02.01 - "Russian language" (philological sciences);


Another riven of the system of higher education. Meister releases professionals with more rotten specialization, building versatility of folding tasks.

IDSU implements master's programs of two types:

1. Meister as a friend (for someone third, then) I see enlightenment. Look for opportunities for fahivtsiv, how to practice in the system of sovereign and municipal government, economy, science, business to acquire new specialty and new knowledge.

Since 2010, the system of education in Russia has been switched off by the program “other higher education”, but the need for learning that acquisition of new knowledge and competencies was saved. In the minds of the program of another higher education, it was replaced by the program of the higher level - the master's degree.

In order to commensurate the programs of a large number of other important studies and magistracy, it is obvious that the priority of the rest is practical directing, specialized training, a significant number of disciplines for the student’s choice, master’s dissertation.

2. Meister as the first thing of education - programs for bachelor's graduates of specialized universities, as if they want to destroy their knowledge for direct training, as well as bachelor's graduates of non-core universities, if they want to continue their education for new direct education. Master's programs of IDSU are oriented both to bachelor's graduates of IDSU, and other faculties of RANEPA and VNZ of Russia.

The main task of the magistracy is to train professionals for successful careers in the system of sovereign and municipal government, international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and scientific research activities.

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіd ї vyshchoї ї svіti, navchennya in magistrаі culminates with a master's dissertation. Master's thesis, without a doubt, the work of the highest equal, lower traditional diploma. Graduates of the magistracy IDSU may have a real opportunity to raise their master's dissertations to the level of candidate dissertations. In ІДСУ, the post-graduate course and 8 dissertation awards are organized.

The advantage of the IDSU master's programs is obvious - traditionally a high professional and human level of education. IDSU magistracy is not only a maidanchik for gaining knowledge, but also the ability to communicate with people who have been in life, the formation of new human and business contacts.


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