Institute for business and design courses. Moscow Institute of Business and Design: reviews, faculties, passing ball, addresses

Institute for business and design courses. Moscow Institute of Business and Design: reviews, faculties, passing ball, addresses


Open Door Day

W 12:00 Protopopivskiy provulok, 9, stor.

Acceptable B&D commission

schedule Robot mode:

Mon., Tue., Porivn., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 19:00

Zb. from 10:00 to 15:00

Stopovers B&D

Yulian Chernov 18:06 22.05.2019

Having already started another research at the Institute of Business and Design on Digital Design, I did not hesitate to choose this institute. From the first to take on the first course, it became necessary to learn about the lighting program. The institute already has a good atmosphere and even from the first day of the beginning of the year new miracle friends appeared, and good friends like my group, so they started from other faculties and courses in the heat. Vikladachі all duzhe chuynі, chuynі, respectful and є professionalov svoi...

Maria Krasyukova 16:21 05.02.2014

I'm learning about the design of the costume - I'm already satisfied with the method of cladding, even more so! Usі vikladachі - dyuchі practices! zahoplyuyut also visits, like organizing an institute! thank you! rajah to all mend here in creative professions!

B&D Gallery

General information

Autonomous non-commercial organization of higher education "Institute for Business and Design"


№01046 dіє Bezstrokovo from 07/09/2014


No. 03052 dated 04/03/2019 to 04/03/2025

Minosviti monitoring results for B&D

Result 2015 rock: The monitoring results are not shown for universities, as the results of monitoring in 2014 scored less than 4 points out of 7 (star)

Result 2016 rock: The monitoring results are not shown for universities, but according to the results of monitoring in 2015, they scored less than 4 points out of 7 (star)

Pokaznik18 river17 river14 rіk
Efficiency indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 4
Middle ball ЄDI z usіh specialties and forms of training63.89 61.41 62.31
Average ball ЄDI insured to the budget- - -
The middle ball of the ЄDI insured on a commercial basis65.05 64.77 50.71
The average for all specialties is the minimum score42.9 46.5 51.5
Number of students532 852 884
Ochne vіddіlennya302 441 140
Full-time in absentia131 207 318
In absentia99 204 426
All data Sound Sound Sound

About B&D

The Institute for Business and Design was founded in 2001. At present, the Institute is an autonomous non-commercial organization, where students get their professional education. All educational programs for which students are enrolled have been accredited and licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Acquisition at B&D

In the institute, students get some knowledge from the professorial and clerical warehouse, which is accumulated by 100 students and the best specialists-practitioners at their own blinds. The illumination is being carried out:

  • at the faculty of design and graphic arts, they train bachelors and masters, so that they can practice dressing in the field of design, design of the middle and graphic design;
  • at the faculty of marketing and advertising, they are engaged in the preparation of bachelors and masters, so they can manage business processes in the sphere of communications from the public, advertising and marketing;
  • at the Faculty of Economics and Management, they train bachelors and masters, so they can manage financial and organizational business projects at various current enterprises and firms;
  • at the school of arts and design, it’s possible to take away the additional lighting in the gallery, modeling clothes, decorating the interior, graphics, making that little one.

In its mission, B&D respects the training of highly qualified designers and managers, so that they can fully implement their own creative ideas and think about how to effectively develop your business.

The quality of the lighting process at B&D

The education at the institute should be held in such a manner that, immediately after graduating from B&D, students could practice for their specialty. For whom, the institute has developed special programs, which convey practical tasks to students, with which stench can be closed after completion. Illuminate the process of B&D inducements in such a way that the students will have all the newbies and that will allow them to grow a brilliant career.

At the beginning of the training period, students regularly undergo internships at various enterprises and firms, with such universities, and they are not less likely to instill knowledge in their lives, and they also work on special tasks to develop brands and business processes of these companies.

The lighting system of B&D allows the student to become completely engrossed in the learning of the module system. For every semester, students learn disciplines that are inextricably linked one to one. So the stench better understand the given connection and can become competent in their specialty.

In order to regularly evaluate the quality of education of students, a point-rating system has been introduced at the institute. Vaughn vinikla zavdyaki Bologna osvitnіy sistemі that spriyaє podvischennu yakosti osviti, even students themselves bachat, in some discipline stink scored less points, and also, її nebhіdno podtyagnuti.

So that students at any time could be engaged in self-illumination, at B&D there is a special Internet medium, pobudovan on the computer program of the new generation, which is good for everyone. For the sake of this middle class, students can obtain permanent access to the electronic library of the Vish, de є all necessary for training, assistants and methodological assistants. Vaughn allows students to communicate at special primary forums, practice at virtual master classes, feel their mastery and work together with classmates of special groups at social networks for a joint accomplishment of tasks set before them.

Science and creativity at B&D

One of the most important warehouse activities of B&D is the contribution to the practical activities of the results in various scientific studies, which are carried out at the departments of higher education by students and students. Qi doslіdzhennya can be in the framework of the initial process at the VNZ or be signed by various companies, undertakings and organizations.

Various conferences, competitions and exhibitions are regularly held in the institute, in which creative robots of B&D students take part, as they are counted among the number of contestants from various countries in Russia and abroad.

During the course of the study at design, students see how to develop innovative technologies for designing clothes, how to improve the design of a native place, how to develop methods for the development of creative talents for people with healthy abilities.

Having studied directly with marketing and management, students find options for budding business models in different stores of mass media, mastering new technologies, and trying to figure out how to improve the current system of development.

Submit an application to the university

In 1995, the first students of the Institute of Business and Design were accepted in Moscow for the first time. The opinions about the autonomy of the non-commercial organization for general enlightenment were radiant, the shards in the country are called the power of the masters of the most modern professions. Becoming the founder of TOV NDI profosviti. Addresses of the Institute of Business and Design: Moscow, Protopopovsky provulok, budinok No. 9.


The most active rank of the chief executive was the London Academy of Business and the Russian branch of UNESCO - a charitable foundation for the development of education. Recently, VNZ was promoted as the International Academy of Business, then the status of changes, and now the Institute of Business and Design. It should be noted that the study was first grounded on foreign programs, moreover, professional European and English education.

In 2001, the institute was awarded the International Academy of Business, having taken the oblast's license from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. At this moment, the name of the VNZ was changed, becoming the Institute for Business Education, a non-state lighting institution. In 2002, a significant milestone was born - at the university, it went straight to design, so the preparation of fahivtsiv took on a new, lower level, although the Institute of Business and Design took away its first recognition from 2013, if it changes its status. The best students of radian education and innovative European methods are friendly to the students.

Institute of Today

Today, the Institute of Business and design is very friendly to design, to that it is a successful lighting organization, which develops dynamically and practices for more accredited programs. Here, masters and bachelors are being prepared, programs of additional education are being implemented for the declared professions. All graduates easily know the field of activity, to bring mischief to the society, the most important respect is given to the development of initiative, creative thought, leadership skills based on the understanding of business processes and the well-established skills of management.

This is a unique creative community - the Institute for Business and Design of Robots, where graduates of the VNZ work, always slander on this. Innovative design ideas come with a practical managerial background, which can be successfully implemented in finished projects. Already in the first courses, the Moscow Institute of Business and Design gives students fundamental knowledge in the field, as students have chosen, and knowledge is reinforced by master classes in the form of branding and advertising agencies, successful businessmen and designers.

Future businessmen

They gave students a chance to work on cross-faculty collegiate projects, which sometimes culminate in a start-up, either through promoting a created product or an original brand, supporting business ideas. Therefore, the Institute of Business and Design takes into account graduate students, diploma works of which were highly appreciated by independent experts and served as the basis for the organization of the power business.

Here they prepare leaders, building an excellent team, a creative team, an innovative organization. The rating of the Institute for Business and Design is always high. Graduates work in the sphere of the most creative industries, create and develop a successful business. There are many who continue the education and take the master's degree. The success of the Institute of Business and Design can be attributed to such factors as directing the focus on practical tasks, a consistent focus on the market and its consumption. Bagato means international recognition of all programs that teach students. And you will tell about the specialties at the faculties of the Institute of Business and Design.


Here marketers, managers, specialists in personnel management and branding are trained. Є th master's degree, th bachelor. The faculty of design and fashion can directly: design of the medium, graphic design, costume design. Fahіvtsі with a diploma from the Institute of Business and Design (Moscow), they have taken one of these specialties, able to deal with non-standard situations, stinks like great companies, have powerful agencies and create brandy.

At your school of branding, the preparation of fahivtsiv three directly, as the main ones, is organized. Tse brand management, brand design and brand strategy. The school of arts and design has the widest choice for training and retraining - zastosovuetsya impersonal programs, practicing masters of the most famous designers. Functional courses for schoolchildren who plan to enter the Institute of Business and Design. The budget here is for transfers for those who score 180 points at the entrance tests (creative competition) and not less than 160 points for EDI. It’s even more foldable, it’s necessary for the power of ability to secure the back.

Graphic design

This program is ready for professionals in advertising and graphic design. Graduates work in the field of design of various rich historical experiences, in advertising, in packaging design, web design. Krіm zagalnoosvіtnіh disciplines, scho form cultural rіven (history of graphic design, all-world history, іstorіya mystektv, fotografiya, osnovy podgotovki biznes-plan), specifiy emphasis on professional discipline - design (firm style), signifying , illustration, typography, font, special painting, calligraphy, propaedeutics.

Moreover, the best thing that the Institute of Business and Design gives (reviews from students) is the development of professional technologies and computer programs - Adobe Acrobat, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and many others. Professional disciplines in the program are widely presented on the floor, so the graduate can easily choose his work to the soul, the shards of the nobility and the memory of the wines will be even richer.

wash away

Students are engaged in modern workshops, create their own projects, listen to lectures in wonderful auditoriums, computers are also classy with the rest of the technology. For example, during the semester, the exhibition space of the institute will be most welcome, where students' work from other disciplines will be presented for review.

In the Institute for Business and Design, the passing ball is one of the most important specialties. To enter, it is necessary to lay down the creative experience of three - from painting, a little composition, after which you have to go through additional professional testing. Tse dosit folded vstupnі іspiti, like a creative vish.

Digital design

This program is aimed at training professionals in the field of information technology and digital design. There are few professions in the world, so they would take from themselves the styles of the most manipulative minds, beginners, know that knowledge. Graduates work in programming, in web design, in game design, motion design, - all these professions have brought a new hour, and drink on such fahіvtsіn brandy great, shards of digital technology are developing more and more.

The program includes laying the foundation for further development of design discipline, developing professional programs: 3D-Coat, ZBrush, 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Character Animator, Animate, After Effects, Acrobat Pro, Experience Design, InDesign, Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and others. You always need knowledge, guilt of disciplines, how to know the basics of WordPress HTML/CSS/JavaScript, UI design, Dreamweaver, Axure RP Pro, Balsamiq Mockups, CogTool, as well as a presentation of the basics of programming.

Yak vchiniti

It is necessary before the entrance to become familiar with a good knowledge of English language, take a part in school and other cultural studies, economics or programming. At the walls of the student's institute, there is a great amount of practice and even a large theoretical program. It’s necessary before you start to read the goal straight ahead, and the smut is rich.

There is also a great creative competition, the entrant is trying to try out painting, a little composition, then a professional task. The presence of a certificate about the completion of an art school, or rather, an art school (college) is simply necessary. Navit not svіdchennya є head official, but vminnya, taken from the process of training. It is problematic to pass the entrance test otherwise. Tue, one more day out.

Preparatory course

As an artist training during the day, you can finish an hour at the Institute of Business and Design training courses. Students of the ninth and tenth grades, who have not yet chosen a specific profession, take a course of introduction to design. Eleventh grade students have access to an intensive course of preparation for the development of creative skills, as well as the creation of a portfolio.

Є th over-intensive summer course for entrants, yakі shamenulis pіzno, and the hour for preparation mayzha was not lost. Accepting newcomers to join will be canceled, possibly successful. And povna program of preparation for the course - every month. Those who її have tightened up and entered the bachelor's degree, get a discount for the education of as many as ten hundred dollars. Those who have passed the manufacturing program, take less than five hundred years, which is too small, for those who study at the Institute of Business and design, it is not cheap.

Uninterrupted illumination

A bachelor's degree is the first basic slate, and as a graduate, he plans to develop his own business, and he will need more knowledge. New perspectives are emerging from the completion of the master's degree. A lot of reasons to continue learning. First, tse nadzvychayno tsіkavo, students and graduates are trained mainly behind the cordon. And in the future, it will be available to plant a higher level of management and work in foreign companies.

After completing a master's degree, you can engage in scientific and pedagogical work, enter a postgraduate course. With the help of such a trivial training, you can repeatedly change directly, master various professions. The middle of the master's program is extremely necessary - visual design, brand design and management, strategic planning.

Illustration and animation

Graduates, who have mastered the lighting program, become artists and designers of the animation, game, and book industries, aiming at the highest conceptual visualization tasks. All animation artists, illustrators, motion designers. Students get bored with the profession from the beginning of training, even in the first courses - they learn painting, little ones, the basics of composition, history, theory, graphics and animation techniques.

The students were given specialization in the gallery of multimedia design, animation, illustration. Professional disciplines are integrated with foreign cultural ones, which is why the competitiveness of graduates at the Institute of Business and Design is so high. Computer technologies are being reported.

costume design

Tsya osvіtnya program to live the fashion industry, preparing fahivtsiv, demanding all equals - both Russian and international. A lot of graduates either choose a branded company for training, or they choose a good line of clothes. Behind the ratings of the design of the costume is the performance of the Russian schools of the fashion industry. Methods of learning are unique - author's, yak, prote, conform to lighting standards.

It is especially profoundly developed from the globally enlightened disciplines - English language, the history of the arts, academic painting and little ones, virobnicha maisternist. And also from professional disciplines, special respect is given to designing, designing, modeling, costume manufacturing technologies, material science, layout design, computer design, trendworking, and imageology. The story is even more detailed: costumes, fashions. Obov'yazkovі design graphics and vykonannya at the material of the vlasnogo project.


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