Applied ethics - bachelor's degree (47.03.02). Applied ethics

Applied ethics - bachelor's degree (47.03.02). Applied ethics

Lecture type: informational lecture


OK-3- building to take an active life position;

OK-5- lead the culture of thought, build up to success, increase the analysis of information, mark the choice of paths and reach;

OK-12- Awareness of the social significance of one's future profession;

OK-13- development of analysis of socially significant problems and processes;

PK-25- Knowledge of the basics of intercultural knowledge in management, building to effectively improve its functions in management.

Lighting technologies: Technologies in the dialogue form (discussed in the debate form).


Formation of the global culture and the basics of professional ethics.


    Basic understanding of professional ethics

    Development of ethical skills of scientific research.

    Vihovannya and molding of professional ethical values.

Basic understanding:applied ethics, professional ethics, service ethics, business ethics, ethics of science


    The concept of applied ethics.

    Pіdpriєmnitska ethics

    The ethics of science.

1. The concept of applied ethics.

The essence of applied ethics is based on the concretization of primal human moral principles and principles completely given to situations, about the groups of people, with the improvement of the specifics of their life. The specificity of applied ethics is connected with an important orientation on the practical problems of a specific moral butt of people. Applied ethics pays respect to those specific changes, which are followed by it in various spheres of suspenseful life. Tse takі galuzі, degalnі moral values ​​and norms stick with other values ​​and norms, related to the singing profession, the kind of activity, the social camp. I will apply the ethics of singling out particularities and special espionage of morality.

Today's applied ethics of the Daedalus is more acquiring the figure of interdisciplinary knowledge, but it is entrusted with the heuristic potential of "practical philosophy" in the new requirements that the necessary ones show other types of knowledge (medicine, biology, jurisprudence and others.). It is not only due to the fact that a rich variety of applied ethics is based on the stylistics of the singing forms of professional activity, and, moreover, that the discussion of more problems of applied ethics is transferred to the language of sociological, legal and other data.

Applied ethics is the sphere of various things, knowledge is intensively changing, the structure of which is just beginning to take shape. As the reference points of the structure, specific types of applied ethics are considered: ecological ethics, political ethics, biomedical ethics, ethics of science and others. Prote, the general application of ethics is broader, lower the complexity of problematic fields and specific varieties, and the most significant problems lie beyond the boundaries of such a totality.

A lot of problems of modern applied ethics can be intelligently divided into vіdkritіі traditional. Seen by the okremo group vodcritih problems are bared on the borderline sharp character of their discussion, which most often leads to a hard opposition to alternative positions (for example, the problem of death by caries and euthanasia).

Also, the problems of this group will continue to be current, relevant, regardless of those that the turns of these problems can be even more “old”. Awareness of the viability of environmental problems is indicative of the formation of environmental ethics; scientific achievements provoke a search for mechanisms of "ethical control over science"; The development of medicine accentuates new aspects of suicide, etc. Particularly traced is the rise, that the current status of critical problems is brought to light not only today, but also perspective relevance, like in the future only a growing time.

In addition, all the above problems go beyond the boundaries of ethical knowledge, moving from the rank of socially significant nutrition, yak require political accents and legal consolidation.

Here it is necessary to note that current applied ethics is the development of such directives to interdisciplinary status, victorious for its own purpose and see knowledge, the protection of the theoretical basis of creation is guilty, more for everything, it is more important to rely on the “practical philosophical philosophy”, with the stabilization of human consciousness and the affirmation of the self-worth of a person.

Problems of another group ( traditional) fix those hallucinations of ethical knowledge, which were traditionally placed in the applied sphere: professional ethics, etiquette and other. It's just that the specifics of the development of such problems in the field of applied ethics is due to the fact that they are theoretically supported as a way to transition to a more specific, normative level.

Pohodzhennya professional ethics. Z'yasuvati vozdzhennya professіynoї etiki - tse prostzhiti vzaєmozv'yazok moral vimog іz podіl suspіlnoї pratsі and viniknennâm profesії. At the same time, Aristotle, then Comte, Durkheim, gave respect to this rich fate. They talked about the relationship between the suspense practice and the moral principles of the suspense. K. Marx and F. Engels gave the first materialistic explanation of these problems.

The vindication of the first professional and ethical codes dates back to the period of the craftsmanship under the practice in the minds of the formation of the middle guilds in the XI-XII centuries. It should be noted that the presence of guild statutes is low in terms of morale in the profession, the nature of the practice, the conscientious worker.

However, a number of professions, which may be of vital importance for all members of the society, are vindicated in ancient times, and so the professional and ethical codes, like the "Hippocratic Oath", morally established victims, which were victorious in court functions, in rich earlier.

The emergence of professional ethics in the hour overwhelmed the creation of scientific ethics, theories about it. Everyday awareness, the need for regulation of the mutual relations of people of these professions led to the recognition of that formalization of the most important professional ethics. Professional ethics, vyniknuvshi as having shown a constant moral awareness, then developed from the improvement of the established practice of the behavior of representatives of the skin professional group. Tsі zagalnennya m_stilis like і pisanih, і in unwritten codes of conduct, і in the form of theoretical vysnovkіv. In this rank, it is worth mentioning about the transition from the svechaynoї svіdomostі to the theoretical svіdomostі in the sphere of professional morality. The great role of the formation and mastery of the norms of professional ethics played a great role. The norms of professional morality do not suddenly become blatantly known, they are connected with the struggle of thoughts. Vzaimozv'yazok professіynoї etiki and suspіlnoї svіdomostі іsnuє іn ​​formі traditsії. Different types of professional ethics are littered with traditions, which is evidence of the presence of the offensiveness of the basic ethical norms, vibrated by representatives of this chi and other profession for a long time.

Professionalism is a moral characteristic of specialism. Professional ethics is a collection of moral norms, which determine the position of a person to his professional binding. Moral opinion of people in the labor sphere is regulated by professional ethics. Suspіlstvo can function normally and develop only after an uninterrupted process of vibrating material values.

Methods for obstructing these codes.

Professional ethics vivechaє:

Vіdnosini trudovoh kolektіvіv i skin spetіalіsta okremo;

The moral quality of the individual fahivtsya, yakі zabezpechuyut the best professional dressing;

Vzaєmini seredinі professіynykh kolektivіv, і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і tі speсificіchnі moral norms, vіlіvі vіd vіdї profіїії;

Features of professional training.

Professionalism and putting it to the point of practice are important characteristics of the moral look of specialness. The stench may be of primary importance in the special characteristics of the individual, but at different stages of the historical development of their development, that assessment was subtly considered. The class suspense stench was characterized by the social inconsistency of the types of work, the protelazhnist rosum and physical work, the presence of privileged and unprivileged professions. About the class character of morality in the sphere of practice, it was written in the first third of the II century BC. the Christian biblical book "The Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirakhov", in a similar manner about those who are placed before the slave: "feed, a club and a load - for a donkey; bread, punishment and on the right - for a slave. weakened the hands of youmu - and vіn shukatime freedom ". In Ancient Greece, physical practice for value and significance changed to the lower score. On the feudal suspenst, religion looked like a punishment for original sin, and paradise seemed like an eternal life easily. Under the capitalism of the alienation of the workers as a result of the work of labor, the results of the practice gave rise to two types of morality: the hizhatsk-plundering capitalist and the collective-wisdom of the robotic class, which expanded into the sphere of practice. F. Engels writes about this: "... leather class and navіt profesіya to build one's own morals".

Those situations, in which people opine at the process of vikonnannya their professional tasks, already add the formation of professional ethics. In the process of practice, people develop a lot of moral pitfalls. There are a number of elements that dominate all types of professional ethics.

In the first place, the goal is to set up a suspended work, participants in the labor process.

In another way, these are morally blue, as if blamed on the gallery of the uninterrupted dotik for the interests of professional groups one with one that suspension.

Professional ethics has ceased to be a little nervous at the level of morality of various professional groups. It's just that up to some kind of professional activity, the suspense shows moral advancement. For such a large professional sphere, for some processes, the practice will require the employment of all its participants.

Particular respect is attached to the moral qualities of the practitioners of this sphere, as if they give the right to dispose of the lives of people, there is not only about morality, but also about the due diligence of their professional duties, transport I'm healthy, vihovannya). The labor activity of people of these professions, more or less of any others, does not follow the forward regulation, does not fit into the borders of service instructions. She is, in essence, a creator. The peculiarities of the practice of these professional groups complicate the morale and a new element is added to them: interaction with people - objects of activity. Here, the moral viability of the virulent meaning. Suspіlstvo rasglyadіє moral integrity of the practitioner as from the leading elements of his professional attachment. Zahalnomoral norms can be concretized in the practice of people with the improvement of the specifics of the yoga profession. In this rank, professional morality can be viewed as a unity from a morally accepted system of morality. The destruction of work ethics is accompanied by the collapse of blatant moral attitudes, and on the contrary. Bezvіdpovidalne stavlennâ practitioner to professional obov'yazkіv become unsafe for otochuyuchih, zadav shkodi suspіlstva, can lead to death and to the degradation of specialty.

In this hour, Russia is showing the need to develop a new type of professional morality, as if it were developing the ideology of labor activity on the basis of the development of market brands. Let's talk about the moral ideology of the new middle class, which will make more work force more important in the economically driven society.

In the suspіlstvі osobistі yakostі іndivіda pochinayutsya z yogo dilovoї characteristics, stavlennja to pratsі, equal professіynoї pridelnosti. All tse signifies the vinyatkovu urgency of nutrition, which is to become the zmist of professional ethics. Right professionalism revolves around such moral norms as obov'yazok, honesty, being able to respect oneself and one's colleagues, and being vigilant for the results of one's work.

See professional ethics. To the skin type of human activity (scientific, pedagogical, artistic, etc.) it is necessary to show the same professional ethics.

Professional visions are the reasons for the specific features of professional activity, like directing directly to people in quiet minds and life and activity in the household. Vivchennya views of professional ethics show diversity, diversity of moral values. For the skin profession, those other professional moral standards are of particular importance. Professional moral norms are the rules, rules, order of internal self-regulation of an individual on the basis of ethical ideals.

The main types of professional ethics are: medical ethics, pedagogical ethics, ethics of a scientist, actor, artist, entrepreneur, engineer, etc. The skin type of professional ethics is characterized by its own professional activity, it has its own specific help in the sphere of morality. So, for example, the ethics of a scientist conveys such moral qualities to us, like scientific summation, special honesty and, of course, patriotism. Judicial ethics emphasizes honesty, justice, integrity, humanism (to bring to justice for guilt), fidelity to the law. Professional ethics in the minds of the military service will require a clear vikonnanny service ob'yazka, masculinity, discipline, voddanost Batkivshchyna.


Applied ethics is a science, owing to which moral conflicts arise in society. Obov'zkovymi disciplines of this profile: history of Russia, computer science, history of philosophy, sociology of morality, fundamentals of applied ethics, philosophy, history of morality, history of ethics, logic and others. Students also master the physiology of nervous activity, foreign language, ethical culture of different peoples of that country. Classification, analysis, as well as systematization of various scientific information on the topic of moral judgments, values ​​and norms are engaged. Before the course of study, various types of practice are included: pedagogical, scientifically advanced and virobnicha.

kim pratsyuvati

Graduates can become managers of corporate ethics and work with personnel, experts and consultants for morale, social and international interaction. Such fahіvtsі are often engaged in the development of programs for the promotion of moral values ​​and norms. A lot of graduates work in the laboratory at the department of higher education institutions, in the field of journalism and scientifically advanced areas. The stench can be engaged in the analysis and presentation of various information about the moral judgment, as well as about the ways of their functioning.

About the specialty:

Description of the specialty of applied ethics, in some VNZs they include applied ethics, how to sleep, and how to study subjects in the specialty of applied ethics.

The initial plan is composed of foreign language, history and morality, history of philosophy and ethics, concepts of modern natural science, logic, foundations of applied ethics, sociology of morality and philosophy. Студентів навчають займатися збором, аналізом, класифікацією та систематизацією наукової інформації, використовуючи методи, способи та прийоми пізнання основних закономірностей виникнення, розвитку та існування моральних явищ (моральних відносин, норм та цінностей), Створювати програми з впровадження моральних норм та цінностей, організовувати процес морального spaciousness in the bedrooms and organizations of a different level of folding.

Pratsevlashtuvannya for the specialty of applied ethics

Dani fakhіvtsі can know their own place practically in be-yakіy great company. Well, if you don’t have the power to yourself at the landing of a specialist in resolving conflicts, then a graduate can be in power as a personnel manager or as a psychologist in the field. It is necessary for the worker to conduct trainings on stress resistance and stezhit for the atmosphere of the work team.

Salary for the specialty of applied ethics

Russian companies have few vacancies. That's why you should think about magistracy. Having obtained enlightenment, varto shukati your own space in a foreign company. The second option for manufacturing is planting small ones, on which you can gain the necessary skills for manufacturing with great companies.

Applied ethics The totality of principles, and rules, wins the practical function of teaching people to sing behavior in singing galleys of their life in specific situations.

Etika protyazh XX cent. evolved from a theoretical, methodological analysis to the end of the mittiev, that people are struggling with, problems. Applied ethics was founded in the last decade of the 20th century. near the lands of Western Europe and the USA. Discussing the nutrition of the scientific status of the discipline. Іsnuє dumka, scho recognition of applied ethics є molding of additional methods on the top of practical tasks. Tse tlumachennya є narrow, adzhe, first, pririvnyu tsyu discipline to other applied disciplines - applied linguistics, applied mathematics, applied physics; in a different way, I transform it into an addendum to the other sciences. More correct is the clouding of applied ethics, as a special variety, as it turns a new approach to the problems of ethics and a new task hangs before it. And here it is a new stage in the development of ethics and marks the transition from the essence of theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge.

The vindication of applied ethics is based on many reasons. Among them are the following:

  • svіdomlennya suspіlstvo tsіnnostі zhіttya і pov'yazana z tsim humanizatsіya etiki, tobto. її upheaval in social and political issues, zealous moralization and aversion to problems that are important for skin people;
  • the growth of the power of people through the rapid development of science, that animal to the power of the deadness of the slow setting of people to nature;
  • discussing the dotality of insertion in the human genome;
  • immorality of rozsharuvannya kraїn svіtu on the rich and loudly poor.

Unsuccessful growth of knowledge and development of technologies in the XX century. shouted their destruction at the witness of the people. All those who reworked tricky abstract concepts on supra moral principles, those who created a single system of coordinates, those who developed a hundred years, changing, did not waste their essence, began to change. The legacy was the change of light-gazing landmarks, valuable installations and regulatory systems. Philosophy has developed a wide range of theories, directing to the development of a moral person, the creation of benefits of inter-society vidnosin, the formation of moral suspense. Progress in science and technology is essentially changing and continuing to change the way of life and the middle ground of people. A new problem arose before the people: how to live in the minds of life, which are rapidly changing. Vinikla is the need to rethink classical ethical concepts and form new ones, in order to allow one to objectively evaluate the consequences of scientific and technological progress for people and to develop new moral principles. Today's ethics turn to problems, which I didn't know before. From theoretical science won transform into applied.

So vinkli okremі see applied ethics: bioetics, ecological ethics, ethics of the state, ethics of science, political ethics, and now applied ethics zagal. Applied ethics is connected with theoretical and normative ethics. Theoretically lays down the methodological basis of applied ethics, and the normative one is the basis for arranging the її tsіnіsnyh іmperatives. In theoretical applied ethics, there is not a detailed description of the nature of the other moral phenomena, but the development of their manifestations in moral situations that are significant for all people; in accordance with the normative won, the moral values ​​are specified and the boundaries for their implementation are established (Fig. 13.1).

Rice. 13.1.

Applied ethics is tied to the professional, but not the same. Vіdmіnnostі mіzh applied and professional ethics are based on the fact that: professional ethics concretizes the main moral values ​​of a hundred and fifty professions. Applied ethics maє vlasny subject specific moral situations, today won is one of the most active points of growth of ethical knowledge and the accumulation of significant evidence (Fig. 13.2).

Rice. 13.2.

Among the most pressing problems of applied ethics are the problems of death, hisism, euthanasia, cloning, market competition, the sale of weapons, terrorism, wikidiv into the atmosphere, and the cruelty of the creatures.


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