Vimiryuvannya prokhіdnostі: Theory. Geometrical passability of a car

Vimiryuvannya prokhіdnostі: Theory. Geometrical passability of a car

Yak improve the passability of the car: car enthusiast
The skin is water, which is often ready to be able to increase the mobility of its transport system. Why b i n , even for the help of modern and superfluous outbuildings as a whole is real. When choosing an outbuilding, it is necessary to clearly ascertain the feasibility of your horse, even if only in this way you can organize its normal operation and choose the best way to move
passability. I most importantly - the embodiment of this food can be complex. What are you going to do
Golovna - the motorist is guilty of the task of improving the geometrical passage, lowering the support of the car's stiffness for the hour of the traffic of the car without roads, improving the traction of the wired bridge, as well as the efficiency of the main hubs of the car.

What are the prospects for the advancement of transitivity today?
Up to these you can see self-propelled yakir, anti-tow, track lanceug, lansyug protikovzannya (caterpillar and fine-grained), as well as belts for moving forward. If a car is passed off-road, then motorists can always connect another place (which is such a possibility). And here the strength is zcheplennya istotno growth. On the most problematic plots, it is recommended to turn on the lower gears, otherwise the traction force can be shifted to the lower gear. On the off-road, the uniqueness of pidjomiv is more beautiful (there is an additional opir). In tsomu, it’s better not to forsuvate swidkіst.

The most requested outbuildings to increase the throughput of the transport system are є. As it was already guessing, the stench is caterpillar, dribnozvinchasti and truck. In this type of skin, the type may be special.

Trakovi lanceugs

Zastosuvannya tsikh vrobіv will be even more relevant in case of transferring to reduce or swampy moss. The stench will become more like a god for the next great transition to a wet dirt road. But here it’s also important to organize the correct tightness, which is even easier to change: the truck can be lifted with a finger above the wheel to a height of about 5-8 millimeters.

Allows efficient transfer on unpaved, slimy and wet roads. It is possible to win over these extensions for changing over with snowy or icy tracks (here the correct installation is also important - it is necessary to move freely, not to interfere with the tire).

Lantsyugi caterpillar type

More to go for trips with snow and unpaved swampy roads. With the correct tightness, the upper head should sag between the wheels by 1-1.5 cm. And if not, then you can get a bad road cover, “burn” a lot of gasoline and wear tires.

Dani pristroї already needed, as if it were necessary to vibrate from some kind of serious "trap". Before that, how to work the installation of anti-tows, it is necessary to fasten the lancets-bracelets on the wire (bagzhan rear) wheels. In this type of weather, the car has a richly swedish skirt.

Belts for moving forward

Attachments are more popular among the waters. It’s not surprising, even if you want to help with the help of helpers, if it’s necessary to fix the ford, snow and sand. The stench is even simpler among the victors and easily understood. Passage belts are most needed for passenger cars, passenger cars, minibuses.

Under the passage of power, the power of the car is collapsing along the uneven and important passageways, not zachіpayuchi for the unevenness of the lower contour of the body. The passability of a car is characterized by two groups of indications: geometric indicators of the passability and supportive indicators of the passability. Geometric indicators characterize the ability of a car to be hooked for unevenness, and supportive indicators characterize the ability to move along important roads and off-road.

According to the traffic, all cars can be divided into three groups:

- Automobiles of general recognition (wheel formula 4x2, 6x4);

- Vehicles with increased traffic (wheel formula 4x4, 6x6);

- high-speed vehicles, which may have a special layout and design, bagatovіsnі z usima provіdnymi wheels, caterpillar or napіvvіdnіchnі, amphibious vehicles and other vehicles, specially designed for work without roads.

Let's take a look at the geometric indicators of the passage.

Road enlightenment - tse stand between the lower point of the car and the surface of the road. This indicator characterizes the ability of a car to move without being credited for transfers, roztashovani on the back of the move (Fig. 5.9).

The radii of the late and transverse traffic, arbitrarily r pr і r pop, are the radii kіl, where the wheels and the lowest point of the car, ruffled in the middle of the base (kolії) are placed. The number of radii characterize the height and outline of the crossroads, so that you can repair a car without zachіpayuchi for a new one. The stink is less, the more the building of the car makes significant inconsistencies without zachіpannya for them with their lowest points.

The front and lower kuti svisu, vіdpovіdno α p1 i α p2, fixed on the surface of the road and the flat, which can be connected to the front or rear wheels and to the lower points of the front or rear part of the car, to protrude.

The maximum height of the threshold, which can be lifted by a car, for driving wheels is 0.35 ... 0.65 wheel radius. The maximum height of the threshold, which is due to a conductive wheel, can reach the radius of the wheel and is sometimes surrounded not by the traction capabilities of the car, but by the main power of the road, but by small values ​​of the wind, depending on the light or enlightenment.

The maximum required width of the passage at the minimum turning radius of the car characterizes the ability to maneuver on small squares, so the passage of the car in the horizontal plane is often considered as an operational authority. The most manoeuvrable cars are those with ceramic wheels. In times of towing with a trailer, or with a nap, the maneuverability of the car is reduced, so when the road train turns, it shifts to the center of the turn, which is why the width of the road of the road train is greater, lower than a single car.

To the support-significant indications, the passage should lie like that.

Maximum traction force - the greatest traction force, as a building to develop a car into a lower gear.

Zchipna vaga - the force of gravity of the car, which falls on the wire wheels. The more scenes you sing the car, the more the car's speed. Among cars with a wheel arrangement of 4x2, rear-engined rear-wheel drive and front-engine front-wheel drive cars can have the most mileage, but with such a layout, the wheels of the drive are driven by the mass of the engine.

The pressure of the tires on the supporting surface is shown as a vertical stress on the tire up to the contact area, which is maintained along the contour of the tire’s contact with the road q \u003d G: F.

Tsey pokaznik may be important for the passability of the car. There is less nuisance, less soil crumbling, less clay that settles, less support for stiffness, and more vehicle traffic.

The coefficient of change of the number of є in the number of front wheels to the number of rear wheels. In case of a total roll of the front and rear wheels, the rear wheels will roll on the ground, reinforced by the front wheels, and if there is a minimum. When the number of front and rear wheels is different, additional energy is used to destroy the rear wheels of the reinforced walls of the wheel, made by the front wheels. Therefore, in cars with increased traffic, single tires are often installed on the rear wheels, which replace the opir by themselves.

The passability of the car is rich in why lie in the middle of the construction. So, for example, in cars with advanced traffic, the differentials of the advanced tire are blocked, the blocking of the mid-section and the mid-wheel differentials, the wide-profile tires with the rozvinenimi gruntozepami, winches for self-driving and other attachments, which ease the mind.

Vehicle throughput

Jeepers on the march

From the stone road. Remember the increase in clearance and underbody protection. For the protection of the windshield, the cables are pulled tight

Podolannya water crossings. Bring respect to the oar on board the poshlyahovik

throughput- Construction of the car must be reshuffled.

Passage is important, for example:

  • pіd hour of exploitation of a car in a rural area;
  • in the agricultural state, forest industry, in everyday life;
  • for active fishing (pollution, fishing).

A car with a high throughput is called all-round driving.

The car, which goes high and the comfort of the ride, is called a poshlyahovik (jeep). It is also known as “SUVs”, the names are similar to the poshlyahoviks, but are not recognized for off-road riders.

Types of change code

Nerіvna road

On a rough road, lower the term for car service. If the traction force that is developed by the car is insufficient, the wine may get stuck.

In order for the car to cope with rough roads, stop like this:

  • Cars of high traffic are significantly more expensive, lower road. They have a small body and a frame, plus a reinforced suspension.
  • High engine torque. Baghany new drive, blocking the differential.
  • High ground clearance.
  • M'yaki resori, great head of pidviski.
  • Winch for pulling a car that is stuck.

Point shifts

Small, but high crossings (stones, stumps, bushes) the car is guilty of passing under the bottom. For whom is it important:

  • High ground clearance.
  • Shchob do not damage the dvigun with shift codes, the motor driver at the bottom of the theft by the mitzny paddon.
  • Hinges of equal apex frills with humovy piloviks are even more different. SHRUS and nadіyno protect, so that it is not possible to break through the pilovik with a cramp. Abo vikoristovuyut zalezhnu front pіdvіsku, in yakіy SHRUS znahoditsya in the middle of the metal fist.

Pidyomi and descents

When driving on a pidyom, the engine may quiet down. If the tire coupling is defective, the car may roll down. When driving across the schila, the car can overturn. When crossing from the bottom or downhill on the river, the car can be caught by the body and get stuck.

The transmission has to do with reduced gears, which allow you to climb on steep slopes and collapse with soft soil.



Vіdnoshennia forces pull up to the mass of the car.

Supporting parameters

Pitomy vice on the ground

On the first post-bashing cars, as well as on the successors of the military and state recognition, car tires of a high domestic vice were traditionally worn on the ground from the rozvinenimi gruntozachepas. From one side, the width of the gumi was small, it shrunk the changed support of the nodule, which increased the slipperiness of the transfer on hard soils, improved the indicators of the pale economy. On the other side, the vuzki wheels behind the rahunok of the greater petty pressure gave the best possible bonding on shallow, viscous and fluffy soils. Podolannya svіdomo neprokhіdnyh, without additional tekhnіchnyh zabіv, mіstsevnosti іz deep viscous soils (swamps, sipki pіskoviki, snіgovі qіlini) was not included until the date of such vehicles. On the vikonannya of such zavdan were oriented other types of self-driving equipment - rich wheels, caterpillars go everywhere.

Soyno pozashlyahovі avtomobilі began to actively vikoristovuvatisya on the roads іz firm pokrittami, zayivsya new rіven could up to їhnої activeї bezpeki; for the polishing of keratinization and the possibility of galvanization, the wider wheels began to turn. The design of such cars has become the transfer of tighter power units, for which reason they were often leveled out of the ground.

Tim is no less, on a car driven by traffic, not protected on a permanent turn on roads with hard pavement, they try to install wheels, which may be a little less pressure on the ground, for a larger diameter and width. Due to the versatility of loose soil covers, such a wheel design makes it possible to collapse in a deep, viscous soil. The larger diameter allows you to increase the height of the car, in addition to improving the speed of the car on coasting and increasing the road clearance of the car.

On all pneumatic cyclists, wheels of oversized diameter and width with a low internal grip are used. The very low pressure on the ground allows not to disturb the surface of the ground, growth, and also ensures buoyancy (with a sufficient internal fit of the pneumatic tire). Separated priming caps vikoristovuyutsya seldom, as in fact, their role is played by an elastic tire, which repeats the shape of the soil in the field with patches of contact and for the rahunok of which pushes the force of rubbing.

Suspension type

Spetsifіka vikoristannya pred'yavlyaє to avtomobіlіv pіdvischenoї prohіdnostі takі vimogi: pіdvischeny, porіvnyano of avtomobіlyami dorozhnіh modifіkatsіy, dorozhnіy prosvіt, great energoєmnіst i dovgovіchnіst pruzhnih i dempfuyuchih elementіv, velikі go pіdvіski and takozh stіykіst elementіv pіdvіski to mehanіchnih vplivіv.

In the greater vipadkіv, the fallow construction increases the prohіdnіst of the car on the crossing of the mіstsevosti for the great rahunoks, in the por_vnyannі from the independent, articulative possibilities. In other words, at breaks in the profile of the ground, the wheels, for such a design of the bearings, with greater flexibility, can save contact with the surface of the ground. In cars with independent pіdvіskuyu and vіdsutnіstyu differentials, scho blocking, or systems, scho іmіtuyut їkh ekfekt, in podіbnih minds vinikaє vyvishuvannya wheels, scho cause to use car ruhlivosti. The crankcase of the bridge of the fallow bridge most often plays the role of the crankcase of the dvigun, which is important when lining the surface with elements that protrude (blocks, stone, in.) From the lower side, an independent bearing, behind the rahuk of a high-rise differential car body, more traffic. So, an independent increase in the number of roaming elements, which reduces the cost and increases the quality of the preparation and service.

However, the use of the type of fallow drive, building significantly improves the road clearance of the car, for saving the main advantages of the fallow structure - bridges with wheel reducers. The beam of the bridge in them is stitched more behind the axis of the wrapping of the wheels, the differential is traditionally stitched on the beam itself, the gear mechanism of the stitching is without the middle of the skin wheel. Find home cars that win similar design - Unimog, Volvo and UAZ. Bridges of similar design are called "portal". Up to a short time, you can increase the soundness of noise, increase the weight, spend in dynamics, and, obviously, the rіdkіst that road.

From the point of view of the keratinization, with a swedish shifting along the crossing of the mass, the most independent design of the pidviska. Nasampered, ce brimmed with a smaller obsyag її springless masses, greater energy capacity and less sway to roll. The same design has been won on most passenger cars for rally-raids, including the famous Paris-Dakari.

Tire adhesion coefficient

Chim vіn vishchy, tim lesser risk zіrvatisya zі shila or bring the car to a slip. For the promotion of the zcheplennya vikoristovuyut tires with rezvinennymi gruntozachepa; on the pavement, however, such tires can be more clumpy and make noise.

To improve the tire coupling coefficient, you can use the tires to tread the tires.

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  • Club of 100 Russian scorers
  • Smirnov, Oleksiy Makarovich

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The official road clearance of the Jeep Cherokee Renegade is 203 mm (under the head gear housing of the rear axle). If you want to cut the road from the road to the lowest point in the middle of the car, then the width is 244 mm.

The Jeep Cherokee Renegade has a 38˚ windshield, a 32˚ windshield, a 22˚ rampy

We know it honestly: on the chain of the Jeep Cherokee Renegade, we did it on our own, and then we’ll finish it for a long time standing behind the working engine, posing for the photographer. I on the tezh slope

The Jeep Cherokee Renegade has a decent ride. And why don't you pick them up? Don't worry - blockages of inter-axial and rear inter-wheel differentials can easily cope with such diagonal views.

About the passability of the world, it’s easy to guess, if we begin to get ready for a forklift in a month, not ennobled by hard road surfaces. Otherwise, if you choose to buy a car, the building will deliver us at such a place. And instead of that, to torment yourself with those well-known food on the topic “how does this car have traffic”, try to get to know about those - it’s not so easy. You can tell yourself more if you have more food.

What is the passivity

Practically a leather assistant from the theory of wheeled or tracked vehicles (automobiles, tractors, special equipment), does not seem to be the same about the waters of the military manuals of the pre-Saafian hours, giving its own designation of traffic. Vtіm, they tend to stink even more alike, and they are less detailed. And it is practical, whether or not it is necessary to figure out the understanding of “better off the road mind”, “bezdorіzhzhya” or something like that.

Ale, wait a minute, you yourself can understand better: a military combat patrol car and a car driver can put a certain difference in them. So it’s just like a baggy Nіmechchini that baggy Russian mud. Abo, say, such an example. Chi є “poor road minds” those who care about us as “speed bumps” - an asphalt hump of a 20 cm curl, buildup (against all standards!) On the smooth asphalt of a city street? Aje yoga podannya for bags of imported cars will end with specific discounts!

From a healthy mind, we lied on the slanderous designation, gleaned from the gloomy dictionary and attached to all the vipadkiv: “Passability is the goal of the power of transport to cover the crossroads.” Obviously, under the transitions, not only all the strong inconsistencies rise, but also the snig, the brud, and the different “water crossings”, and the reshta, which crosses the free flow of the masses.

Of course, the understanding of the passage zastosovuєtsya before any car. So I want to add: it’s just that in some it’s better, in others it’s worse. But it’s the most peaceful thing, for it’s true that the passage is understandable, the flooring is richly planned, that it’s simply impossible to put everything in its place in two words. For example, having leaned on the good fellow on the crossing of the city, the car can be loaded into a rare forest. Or, let’s say, the light of a new ghost and an exhausting dvigun, stand on a steep slope through those that the fire in the tank looked like a chimney. And such a number of real situations can be shown even richer. How and all the terms and indications that characterize the car's passability.

Let's take a look at the main ones, and in the comments we will try to clarify their feelings. Let's hope that the photos, like we made for the help of our friends from the Zubr 4x4 Poshlyahov Club, that Jeep Cherokee Renegade car, will help you to grow up, like a dream and showcases may turn to real life. First, reading the technical characteristics, you can evaluate whether the building car will take you to your favorite place of recovery (fishing, watering).

Basic terms

If the car does not cope with the shift codes, we are talking about wasting traffic. Another cost of passage (zatryagannya) - if the car can’t collapse far away. Chastkova - if the wines are still collapsing, even if there are significant decreases in speed and (abo) significant increases in the number of patients.

There may be other reasons.

We may simply not pull the traction susilla to fit the car. The feasibility of the engine and the transmission is not without bounds, but it is still theoretically too much, but not all. Aje cool moment, like a stench vibrating, transforms on the traction of the zusill wheel, which “looks” on the surface of the road. If the coupling of the wheel with the road will be insufficient, then the whole work of the engine will be perfect - the wheels will be less slippery.

Well, it doesn’t matter if you notice that the wheels will fail, or they will dig into the puffy soil (snіg, sand) and the car just “sits on the belly”. Otherwise, as zachіpaє with their own parts, you cross, yakі to be brought to pay.

Respectfully, that the problems, like a car making its way, can be divided into two groups. In the first place, all the irritability, both natural and piece-wise: mounds, vibratos, boulders, curbs, trenches, ditches and other wines of nature and people. In another way, the city, the station of the supporting surface does not allow you to enter: snow, ford, sand, swamp and so on. І skin may be on the verge of its own globally accepted indications, which allow evaluating the "building" of the car. And deyakі pokazniki stand and tiєї, і іншої. Otzhe…

Road enlightenment- stand between the lower point of the car and the road

The biggest vіdomiy pokadnosti prokhіdnostі. One of the main geometric parameters that are indicated in the characteristics of the car. Well, let’s give a statement about the permissible depth of the road for a car, and also characterize the building of the car, add a stone cup, stone, stumps and other unevenness that “pass through” under the bottom, “mіzh kolіs”. On the right, the lowest point of the car is rarely found in the middle of the wheel base, and often close to the front or rear wheels. Most of the cars with such independent subdivisions have the engine crankcase crankcase, the transmission crankcase, or there are elements to block them. In cars from the fallow pіdviskaya - a beam of one of the bridges and a crankcase in the main transmission. So don’t think only by road clearance to judge the possibility of raising hillocks, ditches, fractures and other great inevitability.

Late and transverse radius of passage

The axis of the stench characterizes the building of the car, dolat ditch, short steepness, mounds, ditches, large bushes and other similar unevenness. You won't find such evidence in foreign literature, the stink of vicor is in us. Give respect, the height of the hillock can be significantly greater, lower road clearance.

Ramp Brakeover Angle(actually, “ramp” is translated as “kidnap flat”, “aparel”, “flyover”)

And the showman came to us from behind the cordon. Judging from the name, half-heartedly showing, what is the maximum cut of the fracture, the car can be podolat, in'zhzhayuchi kudi pokhiliam. For example, I will look at the overpass with a railway platform. In our time, victories are everywhere for poshlyahovo technique as an opportunity to make a fracture in the mass. The singing sense is similar to our later radius of passage.

Kut v'izdu ta kut z'izdu- the stench of the front and rear stinks, the stinks of the front and rear kuti of the passage

The greater the size of the front and rear ducts of passage, the greater the passability of a car when crossing ditches, ledges, ditches, humpbacks and other similar crossings. Vtіm, in rich situations, it is more important to have absolute digital values, and the shape of the details that make up the difference.

It is not important to remember that all the shows have been refurbished so that they are related to the geometrical parameters of the car, its main dimensions: wheelbase, front and rear axles, wheelbase. The smaller the base, the smaller the sound, the smaller the number, the higher the profile passage. In the meantime, the parameters of the car and themselves without intermediary serve as indicators of the passability - on the example of road clearance, we have already crossed over. What else do we need to know...


On the right, not only in what you know well, but you choose to take a ferry by aparel, or to cross the river along the Timchas crossing. For a high-speed car, it is even more important that the number of front and rear wheels is the same - even if it will be a smaller support in Russia on the ground, which will deform (snow, wood, etc.). And then the rear wheels will be knocked out already "trodden path"!

Width and height

Show that you have to travel on narrow mountain roads, pass under low bridges, or climb by car into the forest wilderness, squeeze through trees and under the trees that hang over. And you will understand why the width and height are also indicators of the passability, not hai and not the most important.

A lot of parameters that indicate the passage, it is impossible to look at the car, or by the seat of the old look - they are taken from the design documentation, or as a result, they are tested. But in the characteristics of machines of high throughput you will know them, through them the importance itself is like a show of throughput.

The biggest cut of dolannya pidyoma

It’s not a short trip to a small gіrka, where you flew in from the dispersal. The length of the "Zalіkovo" pidyom is to blame for not less than two days of the car, but it must be started from the beginning of the month without a midday. With this, respect, not guilty, mind the normal robots and aggregates of the car. At the translation of the normal mine, it means that their construction is guilty of buti attached and before that, on the basis of your own mind, it is long overdue. That's why it's hot, oil, motherland, it's cold, it's to blame and without interruption you can get where you need it and in the required quantities, the motor is not guilty of overheating, the bearings are to blame for vitrimuvat vіdpovіdne navantazhennia, the battery is not to blame for the fluctuation of electricity, etc.

The biggest kut of the slope to overcome.

Boundary equal slope, like a car can collapse without beaten forging greater than the width of the tire profile and especially without overturning. Well, I know it’s not my fault to break down the mind of normal robots and aggregates.

Hіd pіdvіski - kut skewed bridges

At the pіdvіska razrіznyayut hіd stisnennya, hіd vіdboyu ta povny hіd. Hіd stisku - tse vіdstan between normal ("zero") positions of the wheel and extreme upper, if the spring element (let's say, a spring) is squeezed to the edge. Hіd vіdboyu - vіdstan mіzh "zero" and the extreme lower camp. The last step of the pidviski - stand between the two extreme positions, the sum of the squeezing of the move in the battle.

The more you walk the pdvіski, the more the wheels save the chain from the supporting surface for the hour along the crossing of the mass. I realized that if the wheel has made contact with the road (it seems to be “violated”), it can no longer create a traction force. Well, if the drive did not block the differentials, then the failure of one of the wire wheels means a waste of traffic.

For cars with front and rear fallow pdvіskoy as a similar indicator of іnоdі vikoristovuyut maximum kut skew bridges.

The depth of the ford, what is to be done

If the car is immedi- ately podolat to do so deep nonsense, the designer can convey a lot of things. It is not guilty to flood the electric power under the hood, which means that it is necessary to raise the yakomog more. Those same stosuetsya branch pipe to the fence in the engine. More water is not to blame for draining the crankcase of the engine, gearbox, axles, and they sound like ventilation attachments (breathers). Salon tezh maє buti sealing, wanting b_vnya door locks. And there's a lot of everything.

Wash the operation of special vehicles (let's say, combat vehicles) often on the verge and special aids of speed. So don't be surprised if you get these characteristics here.

The height is added to the wall (escarp)

Approaching this display to the “passenger” minds that are familiar to us, it’s smarter to shorten your ambitions to a “tailored gathering”. Speaking of which, a car that can be driven on all wheels and “bumped” at the high-rise tires, can easily hem up the high waist, lower the low bumper and all the aerodynamic elements.

The width is given to the ditch (trench)

Well, already about this maє sense, you can say less about the cost of getting to the rich cars.

If we talk about the bottom of the water crossings by amphibious vehicles, then here we talk more about buoyancy, stability, speed and other powers of ships. So let's turn to dry land and let's go to bagnyuk.

With soft, deformed, grunts, not everything is so simple. Aje is significant part of the energy, which is vibrated by the dvigun, is stained here for a certain amount, and in front of the wheel in Russia, a shaft from the ground is established (the so-called bulldozer effect). Opіr kochennyu wheels are great, and yogo podannya necessary supply of traction.

However, the crim zdіbnosti power unit, a great role is played by the zchіpnі power of tires, even if the wheels are chucked with soft soil, it is richer, and slipping is more often, otherwise it’s a total waste of prokhіdnostі. So pay attention to the type of tires and little tread.

Obviously, the drive circuit is important. Let's say, it's possible to obov'yazkovo buti transferring blocking of differentials, otherwise the slipping of one or more wheels will lead to the complete teeth of the machine.

An even more important indicator of the bearing capacity is a vice on the ground. Wait a minute, it’s easier to walk through the deep snow on licks, lower on the slippers, falling on the knee of the skin croque. The physics is simple - the larger the area of ​​​​the contact of the tire with the supporting surface, then the smaller the pressure on the ground, the smaller the screw is deformed. Also, wide tires are hovering in this direction. I already know good, as the machine is equipped with a system of centralized regulation of the pressure on the tires. It allows water, not leaving the cab, by turning the regulator to reduce the pressure on the tires for an hour on the squeak, snow, swampy meadow. As you can see, the tire under the car's car is flattened out more strongly, lower it is inflated with a normal vice. Later, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with the supporting surface increases - and dosi significantly! Obviously, the pressure on the ground at the insole is reduced once again. And as soon as under the wheels the solid earth appears, the water again lifts the pressure on the tires to normal.

Rice. 39. Classification of cars with traffic

Indicators of supporting authorities. The main indicator of the supporting power of the car is the coeficient of the bollard support, the value of the average tire pressure on the ground:

P \u003d G a / F w n w, (175)

de G a - the full length of the car;

F w - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact of the tire with the road;

n w is the number of tires.

When evaluating the pressure of tires on the ground, the average pressure on the tread ledges and the average pressure along the contour of the contact are separated. Bo do n< 1, то среднее давление по выступам всегда больше среднего давления по контуру.

Appointed indicators of supporting authorities may be significant, because. vyznayut rozmіr forces support kochennyu.

Indicators of zchipnih authorities. Signs of power Automobiles are characterized by the size of the main mass (M *), tobto. masses that fall on the wire wheels of a car; coefficient (m * \u003d M * / M a) is the coefficient of the coupling of tires with the supporting surface (j x). Pererahovani pokazniki signify the limiting value of the traction force, as can be realized by the guide wheels of the chain.

Indicators of traction power. The traction power of the car is characterized by:

Powered by traction:

p t \u003d P tmax / Ma, (176)

de P tmax \u003d M emax i tr h tr / r d - the maximum traction force that can push the car.

Drinking pressure:

N beats \u003d N emah / Ma, (177)

de N еmax – maximum effective motor tension.

All overhauled more than a group of indicators give only an indirect assessment of the car's passability on weak soils and do not characterize the car's ability to move in quiet chi and other specific road minds.

From the level of the power balance, it is clear that the movement of a car on this and other ground surfaces is in principle possible, so that such a mind can be used:

P j P t P y. (178)

For evaluation geometric (profile) throughput car wins a number of geometric indications: 1) road clearance of the car (h p); 2) front (l ps) and rear vis of the car (l zs); 3) kut of the anterior suture (b ps) and the posterior suture (b zc); 4) late (r pr) and transverse radius of passage (r pr); 5) cut of the late flexure of the road train (l pr); 6) cut of the transverse bending of the road train (l pp); 7) skewed bridges (g). Sens transferring indications to explain fig. 40-44.

Rice. 40. Geometric indicators of the car's throughput

Road enlightenment is a stand in the supporting surface to a low-stashed point of the car, and characterizes the ability of the car to move without fixing the guards (stumps, cups, stones, etc.).

Front (l ps) and rear swivel (l zs), and also cuti front b ps i rear (b zc) svіsa of a car characterize the car's passability by uneven roads when going to a crossroads, or when going out of the way, for example, when driving towards a hillock, crossing a ditches, yari, etc. The front and rear axles are designed to pass from the extreme front (rear) point of the car to a plane perpendicular to the posterior axis and pass through the front (rear) entire.

For the purpose of the cuts b ps and b zs, carry out dotichnі to zvnіshnіh tires of the front and rear wheels and the largest point of the front and rear parts of the car. In luggage cars with a balancing axle axle, the tail of the rear axle is marked by the axle wheels of the rear axle to the full height of the buffer (Fig. 41), which leads to the cob of the wheel of the middle axle from the supporting surface.

Rice. 41. Features of the appointment of the late radius

traffic and rear visus of large cars

Lateral radii r pr and transverse r pp passability vynachayut outline reshkodi, yak, not zachіpayuchi, you can repair the car. The value of the radius of the passability is assigned to the scale of the sketch of the car by the radii of the lateral keels, the distance of the wheels and the lowest point of the car. Small values ​​of the radius of the late and transverse passability give a shorter passability of the car. Changing, for example, the base of the car, and changing the diameter of wheels, you can change r іn. .

Kut late gnuchkostє a specific geometric display, which is worth more than auto trains. Under the end of the late spring of the traction road train, the maximum height of the vertical extension of the trailer in the axle of the traction-coupling attachment of the tractor is understood (Fig. 42).

Rice. 41

For a truck tractor pіd l pr, the boundary cut of the vertical retraction of the axis of the napіvprichepa in the posterior axis of the autotractor is understood (Fig. 43 a).

a b

Rice. 43. Kuti late and transverse bending of a saddle road train

Cut of transverse bending auto trains are designated as the maximum cut of the transverse bolstering of the trailer of the tractor, which is allowed by the design of the saddle-type outbuilding (Fig. 43, b).

Kut skew bridges g is a kut, adjustments by the axes of the front and rear axles at the same boundary misalignment (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. Kut skew bridges

The misalignment of the bridges characterizes the building of the car as collapsing with irregularities without losing contact between the wheels and the supporting surface. This significantly reduces the unevenness of the vertical stress between the wheels, saving the car's curvature and saving the drop in traction force created by the wire wheels.

Crimia reviewed more evidence, OST 37.001.061-74 and other documents for vehicles with increased traffic transfer even lower estimated indicators. Before them are added: Nab_lsa width of the trench, Shaho Dollazh, Nib_lsha Glybin, Baroda, Shaho Dollazh, Glybiny Radius Kolії, hirenish, the maximum travelers of Zeusille Lebіdki, driving the cable Lebіdki, revealing the Systems of the Regulatany interwheels. or the manifestation of the differentials of the advanced third.


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