What are the exchange rates? Currency and exchange rate

What are the exchange rates? Currency and exchange rate

The exchange rate is the name given to the variety of currencies of the two countries. In other words, the value of one currency, as it is expressed in units of another.

Modes of setting exchange rates

Varto familiarize yourself with the main modes of setting exchange rates:

On the basis of golden parities. Currencies, pegged to gold, for a firm exchange rate spіvvіdnosya among themselves. Previously, the gold standard used as a regulator of the light market of automatic type.

Fixing course. The Central Bank sets the national currency rate. It is worthwhile to exchange between free currency exchange rates of the national currency, which is for the purposes of macroeconomic stabilization. For whom the Central Bank buys or sells a lot of foreign currency.

Floating exchange rate. Yogo vychayayut at the result of the non-negotiable colivan drink that proposition. At this time, the exchange rate on the foreign exchange market. At this exchange rate, obsyagіv іmport and eksportu, the camp of payment and trade balance is not obmezhenі.

As the first two modes are understood for understanding, then the exchange rate, which floats, is better reported.

What is a naughty exchange rate?

Floating or fluctuating exchange rate is a regime, in case of any exchange rate on the market can change in the fallow in the form of drink and propositions. In different countries, colivans can move up and down. Tse also lie in the wake of the conducted speculative operations on the market that will become the balance of payments of the state.

Theoretically, the regime of freely floating exchange rates can be the reason for the establishment of an equal exchange rate. In such a time, the country has enough opportunity to regulate the economic situation for the daytime of the splendid influx. Prote really gnuchki courses are becoming the cause of the emergence of destabilizing and unstable trends. The situation can be aggravated by an influx of speculative losses.

The arrangement of investment and trade agreements may become foldable, so that the partners will not be charged with the extra money. For the sake of reasons, the krai more quickly regulate the exchange rates from the stoppage of interventions. Ale dosit often does not grow into manipulating the exchange rate to win competitive advantage in trade with other powers.

The creation of a floating exchange rate system

In 1976, a meeting of the IMF Timchas Committee was announced, for which the Jamaican land was reached. This procedure closed the demonetization of gold and the transition to floating exchange rates. In the Russian Federation, a state regime was established by decree on the 15th leaf fall, 1991. The system of floating exchange rates was formed on the basis of the influx of spіvvіdnoshennia drink and propositions, which are on the currency markets of the state.

With the zdіysnennі komertsіynіh oprіtsіyіh іz korittya rіziku zastosovuvat termіnovі pozdі. This method gained popularity after the end of the 60s. This hour was marked by the transition to a floating regime, the crisis of the Bretton Woods system, as well as the instability of foreign exchange markets.

Reasons for the creation of a new system

In connection with the instability of the currency markets in 1964, it was announced about the convertibility of the Japanese and other world currencies. In this way, the United States spent the building to raise the price of an ounce of gold. The state was hit by the rapid growth of inflation. Insanely, the US detachment came alive to fight this phenomenon, but the stench did not give a positive result.

The biggest crisis in the dollar was in 1970, as explained by the lower interest rates. The advancing fate of the balance of payments of the state, having recognized a strong deficit. Free conversion of dollars from gold was pinned.

For a lame Bretton Woods system, it was too big. An intervention worth about 5 billion dollars did not produce results. After the devaluation of the dollar by 10%, the countries changed the transition to a floating exchange rate.

Usunennya crisis

Until 1973, it was possible to make a lot of money on operations with penny singles. And yet, the speculative profits had problems after the fact that the exchange rates had lost their relevance. With whom the regime of freely floating exchange rates caused the bankruptcy of the impersonal great banks. With this great number of financial institutions seriously suffered. Since the system was officially recognized, the regulation began.

Transition to a floating exchange rate, allowing us to solve more nedolikiv and problems. Irrespective of the advantages of this regime, the stench may still be deficient. Nasampred varto signifies the high volatility of penny units (amplitude of vartos koliva per song hour). Most of the time, it has a negative impact on international export-import operations.

The regime present in Russia

Following the default, which became the fate of the Russian Federation in 1998, the advancing fate of the regulated currency regime was launched. For the first time, the order has taken away the possibility of changing the negative impact of the influx of foreign minds on the sovereign sector of the economy. Floating exchange rate buv additions to the supply of a bi-currency koshik. The won was formed from a combination of the euro and the dollar. Zavdyaki to this infusion appeared the possibility of possibilizing the management of the monetary system.

Since the introduction of a dual-currency cat was introduced, the ruble was omitted from the focus on the two most important world reserve units. At the same time, having gained less staleness in the US economy.

As the price went beyond the established inter-currency cap, the power had little right to enter the quotation of the currency market. At the moment, the whole rule has lost its decency, which happened after the crisis of light. The order can zdіysnyuvati please with the currency independently of the exchange rate.

Freely floating exchange rate

Tsey regime is transferred to the sovereign order of the powers in the regulation of the national currency of some penny units of the other lands. A freely floating exchange rate means a fluctuation in the exchange rate, which is determined by the laws of the market according to those propositions.

Politics, which is being looked at, is won over by a small number of krai. The most extensive regulation of the floating exchange rate. Vіn may be more relevant, to the fact that in the new price varies with the installed framework. If it is within reach of one of them, stabilization of the exchange rate, which has changed, is carried out for the help of monetary power. Most of the conversions are carried out with the reserve and the national currency.

Influx of conversion operations

Conversion operations - please, direct to sales or buy penny units, as may be put in advance the terms of the contract, obyagi that exchange rate. Powers that win a floating and fixing exchange rate can make these operations. The stench of the building will go to the financial camp of the enterprise, a specific region and the economy of the country in a flash. To take a surplus in such a way, the varto is competently educated on what food.

Under the currency, it is not a new kind of pennies, but a special way of their functioning, if the national pennies are mediated by international trade, credit, payment and repayment operations.

According to the status of the currency, it is classified as follows: national (the law has established a penny unity of the country, the lawful payment of the country's bill, it is not issued); foreign (banknotes, coins and vouchers, currency exchanges in other countries, legal payment fees in the territories of other countries); international minds (SDR - potential right to a part of the pennies of the International Monetary Fund);

Regional councils (ECU, from 1 September 1999 euro); eurocurrencies (currencies that take part in the rozrakhunkah of third countries and are not controlled by the financial authorities of the emitting country).

For their material-verbal form, all currencies are subdivided into preparation and non-preparation. Preparations for international relocations are actually transported from one country to another country, saved, folded, protected, actually moved. Non-prepared currencies in case of international transfers are no longer nominally transferred, they are transferred from a bank to a bank of one country from another bank to another country.

In the world currency system, a number of currencies officially have the status of a reserve currency, according to the IMF. The reserve currency is the converted national currency, as a function of the international payment and reserve deposit, it is the basis for setting the exchange rate and exchange rates for the currencies of other countries, it is used to conduct foreign exchange interventions and the formation of official gold and foreign exchange reserves of the powers.

Depending on the dynamics of exchange rates, the rest can be “strong” and “weak”. The currency is strongly respected, the exchange rate is similar to other national penny units, either increasing or stable period. Weakly vvazhaetsya currency, the rate of which is reduced by value to other currencies. Indeed, strong currencies are more important than the currencies of industrially separated lands, and weak ones are lands with an insufficiently developed economy and an unstable economic situation.

Depending on the fact that it is possible that this currency is exchanged for other currencies of different lands of the world state, the number of types of currencies is divided:

1. freely convertible currencies (VKV), which may not be exchanged internally and externally, and may be used for the formation of foreign exchange reserves. Such є, zgidno z IMF, American dollar, German mark, British pound sterling, French franc, Swiss franc, Japanese Дna;

2. Frequently convertible currencies (domestic and foreign), until such time as foreign exchange exchanges are held and not exchanged for all foreign currencies;

3. closed (non-converted) currencies that function no more than one country and exchange other currencies on the world currency market.

The main conducting element of the monetary system is the exchange rate regime.

The exchange rate is the price of the penny unit of the country, expressed in the penny unit of the foreign country or the international penny unit of currency.

Exchange rate neobhіdny for vstanovlennya proportsіy obmіnu currencies in mіzhnarodnіy torgіvlі goods that Hotel, pid hour Ruhu kapіtalіv in viglyadі іnvestitsіy that kreditіv for porіvnyannya tsіn on svіtovih commodity Rink that vartіsnih pokaznikіv rіznih kraїn, pereotsіntsі rahunkіv in іnozemnіy valyutі fіrm, bankіv, uryadіv that privacy osib .

The basis of the exchange rate, especially under a fixed regime, is the currency parity - tse spіvvіdnošnja mizh dvoma currencies, like being established by the legislative order. Ninі parity actively zastosovuyut in the kraїnah EVS.

For the gold-coin standard, the exchange rate was based on the gold parity, so that the spіvvіdnoshennia of two currencies for the gold coinage. In fact, the exchange rates are less fluctuating and even short-term can zbіgatisya zі their parity - with a equal drink and proposition. The exchange rates at the gold standard could be adjusted to parity less in the boundaries of the “golden points”, so ± 1% in any case, the sum of all the vitrates on the overpowering of gold did not exceed 1% of the vartost. With the demonetization of gold, SDRs have become the new standard for the value of currencies. Now the exchange rate cannot be deposited in the form of gold coins, as in the case of a whole series of officials.

The skin currency system maintains its own regime & exchange rate, so that the mechanism of this change is determined. The classification of forms of exchange rates in the fallow regime is presented in the table Currency markets - the sphere of economic transactions, where transactions for the purchase, sale and exchange of foreign currency and payment documents denominated in foreign currencies are carried out. In the institutional plan, the foreign exchange market is the succession of commercial banks and other financial institutions, tied one by one with a folding chain of communications.

Please set the hour of packing for a few tens of seconds up to 2-3 minutes, for spending at the bank windows, it is stained, sound, 2 working banking days. This form of organization of currency trading is called the interbank currency market. The main part of the operations on the foreign exchange market is carried out in non-prepared forms, for precise and terminological bank accounts, and only an insignificant part of the market falls on the trade in banknotes and the exchange of preparations.

Please, there are two forms on the currency market: cash (spot) and terms (forward). The cash favor is based on the current exchange rate, it is fixed every other day (for 2 working banking days). Won zastosovuєtsya with the method of negainny otrimannya currency for zovnіshnyotorgovelnyh razrahunkіv or niknennya possible foreign exchange costs to change the exchange rate.

Terms of currency favors win for insuring payments, capital deposits overseas, as well as for surplus in foreign currency transactions (currency options, currency arbitrage). Currency exchanges - legal entities, organized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The organization of exchange trading in foreign currency in the order of the minds, as established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is one of the types of activity.

The currency is a penny unit, as it can win the function when exchanging goods. Tse yakscho speak to the infamous sensi. If you look at the value of a banknote in a narrower sense, then the currency in which case is called the singest type of banknotes, which is a participant in international economic banknotes. Look at the currencies to get different money.

All about currencies

There is a great number of sights, so that science is trying to classify everything for a good reason with the help of understanding, as it lies before it, and win the knowledge in practice. Aje rozumіnnya mehanіzmіv currency setting and turnover can not be seen in vіdrі vіd teorії, partly like є є klasifіkatsіya.

What is a currency?

As it happened earlier, the currency is those who are insured by the participants of the economic cycle of the trading process. The skin has its own value, as it signifies the success of the economy of the state. Zvichayno, talk about those who only cherish the currency, not to be brought up. But it is important to understand that the very value of the exchange rate determines the success of the economy in the international arena.

Zvyazok equal life from the price of currency

Vtіm, far from being low vartіst like currencies invest negatively on the cost of life. Decals to build over expensive currencies, like the dollar, do not help the lives of wonderful people. І on the example of the American suspіlstva tse can be pampered. So, there you surpass the middle class. But it doesn’t mean anything, the shards of such a financial camp stink on the way to intensive work.

At once, take such a country as we see it, like Belarus. Tsya power vvazhayutsya kraina z to finish the high equal life in the post-tradyansky expanse. If you marvel at the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble, then you won’t say that they have no particular problems in their life. Of course, the hulking people of any country may have their own economic problems. But the initial one is the exchange rate, which is an economical camp, and in the meantime, the bulk of the people adapt to the filthy minds.

Currency functions

Depending on what kind of currencies are used, the stench is used for the following functions:

  • Currency vikonuє the role of the basis of the scale of prices. What does it mean? On the right, in the fact that it is necessary to determine the value of the skin product. The price for a new one is big. But how can you calculate, what price should you set? For the sake of money, currencies are won.
  • Legal zasіb payment. There are a lot of retail, like some kinds of currencies vikoristovuyutsya on the territory of the state, leather from them є legal payment. Call, prices in other currencies are not specified. If the stench is put on the price lists, then it is the more oriental function, the lower one is the rozrahunkov. As far as foreign currencies, a country can independently establish steps in the turnover of any currency in a new one.
  • Zasіb zabezpechennya rozrahunku powers. Zavdyaki razumіnnyu tsіnnostі, kaku maє pevna currency, become zrozumіlim, for what price you can sell іmportnі goods. Itself in the export, if the goods are to be deposited, it is prosperous, so that you call the prices for the import of important things. Vіdpovidno, kraїnі, scho exporting goods, it is much easier to stabilize the economy. Whenever possible, the right valuable goods can be exported. Then there will be no retail, as if currencies take a part in turnover, the oscilki of the economy, like before, will be strong.

When can a currency be gravitational?

Everything borderline zrozumilo, chi is not it? If it means that if the function does not win, then the currency cannot be used in the form that it can. Vaughn can be a grave artist not only in his own market, but also in the world. Still, often calls signify internal. The first pledge to success, be it a country, is the evidence of these two shows. That is why in the Radyansk Union the type of currency is karbovanets maw at a great price. But the economy was still in stagnation, after which it was called.

Classification of exchange rates

Exchange rate - price and price, for yak її you can buy on the international exchange. Obviously, we need to look at the exchange rates. Tse not types of currencies for a stable exchange rate, but an okrema classification. With this parameter, everything is clear: currencies are stable and unstable.

The first type is the economically viable currency, independent of the exchange rate, and the stability of the hour is better for the kolkisny pokazniki. Nestіyka currency є dosit filthy option, which is constantly changing. Won can sharply gather uphill, so and її quotation can fall down. And here it is by no means possible to guess which option is right. With such currencies do not bazhayut pratsyuvati banks. That people do not want to pay with unstable currencies, through which the rest become even weaker. Adzhe vіd dovіri naselenie to deposit currency.

See exchange rates

Now let's move on without a hitch to look at the cursive views. Tsya klasifikatsiya vіdіrvana vіd currencies themselves. It’s easy to understand the course and how stink you are.

  1. Fixing the exchange rate - the price of the one that is established without intermediary legislation. Vіn zmіnyuєtsya zalezhno vіd tsgogo, like yogo want to sell. The same course, which is laid down to the budget of the country, is not changed by the length of the singing period. It’s not just that this kind of course is called fixed.
  2. Which floating exchange rate is the price of the one that is established without intermediary on the currency exchange. For a floating exchange rate is characterized by sluggishness. In Russia, a floating rate is established by the Moscow Currency Exchange, as if it were being ordered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  3. Cross course. This is a direct transfer of one currency to another, from a third currency. For example, at the time of writing the article, the cross-rate for the hryvnia and the ruble becomes 1:3 based on the dollar. Such a course also has its own advantages. So, you can find out what course at once without fixing. Tse operation, yak to be carried out by the head bank of the country to correct the exchange rate to the dollar or to come what may.
  4. The current exchange rate is the price of the value, as it is victorious as the price for the same currency. Vіn three days, after what changes. Vtіm, you can get too much on a colossal equal. Not once at a time.

For a simple person, another classification has dawned. Purchasing and selling. Ale got it right here. One currency is bought, and the other is sold. In the exchangers, the rate of purchase of currency was observed. Sales sound like the cheapest, wanting to buy and blame. Vzagali, those who are sold or bought - it’s worth it. All fall in as a point of view vikoristovuєtsya.

There are too many national currencies. The deyakі kraїni dmovilis zaprovadzhuvati vlasnі currency at the expense of international. The stench is not to be looked at here. Aje international currencies and so you know. One of these є єevro, yak є dosit expensive currency. But let's take a closer look at the national currencies and how they stink.

  1. Ruble. Tse currency, as actively vikoristovuєtsya on the territory of Russia and in quiet lands and regions, whose status of non-significance. For example, the ruble wins in the territories of the DPR or LPR, to show their loyalty to Russia, or the government, like they zahopila, wanting to show off.
  2. Irpin. The price of the Ukrainian currency, as it was called for in 1996, was changed after the end of the crisis. Irrespective of those that the given currency cost one or two pivdolars at that time, the cost of living at the given moment in this country is significantly lower. Vtim, the exchange rate is already less radiant - 25 hryvnia to one dollar. I don’t want to say that it’s bad for us. As it was said, the success of the economy of the country is determined not by what course there is, but by how smart people are. Unfortunately, not all of them can be said. But those who are suffering on the course and do not want to adapt in order to secure a large amount of life, are simply wrong.
  3. Dolar. In principle, this currency can be called the national one, the shards won't win like a rozrahunkov only on the territory of the Successful States. I tsya kraina є butt, if the high exchange rate does not improve the life of the cross-border people. So, stink there usі їzdyat machines. Alece provoked massive obesity. And about what kind of life can we talk about, how great is the number of people suffering from ailments, like provoking heart attacks, strokes and diabetes?

Obviously, there are significantly more national currencies. Ale tsey perelіk also dosit disgrace. There is a lot of value in the fact that in Persh Cherga they swear on our, native currencies, like everyone understands and on the example of them you can explain what it is and how it works. We have already figured out what kind of currency it is - you can see it (chastkovo). Now we need to think about how we see currencies, how they are exchanged.

See currencies in exchangers

Exchange - the price of selling one currency and for the price of a penny buying another. Everything is simpler, the whole mechanism of implementation. Ale yakі buvayut see exchange currency? Tse pitanya know far from everything. Well, let's lord it over a small lіknep and zrozumієmo, what kind of currency exchanges are. Even then, nothing allows you to change the subject, like a classification, why not?

Freely converted

Vzagali, see currencies for the method of exchange can be different. Yaki same? Zakrema, we can see the convertibility of the currency, which can be exchanged (so convertible, given the words are synonyms) one on one. The first type is completely converted. As a rule, the price of a currency that cannot have a sufficiently high exchange rate cannot negatively affect the economy of the country. Even those who buy, become dear. It made sense. Come out, to give the opportunity to freely convert the dollar, it can end up with more big changes, which can ruin the economy of other countries.

Chastkovo converted

The dollar is a currency, which is often convertible, for these reasons, that the currency is exchanged in prices, but if it is too active, the turnover can be brought to a decrease in the economy of the country's economy. In the countryside with a high dollar exchange rate, it can end up too badly. In order to prevent something, the government should work on obmezhennya on pennies, see foreign exchange transactions. And for the dollar, the price is best shown.


Buvaє tak, scho yakіs kraїni vzagalі not to give vikoristati their currencies in other kraїnah. We don’t call good for our globalized society, but the stink of robbing yourself like that. Butt not far - Radyansky Union. There, the currency was not converted, which had a negative effect on the economy of the country. The very same karbovanets was called todі derev'yanim. Shvidshe for everything, so you can mother a place and at a time, wanting at a time іz tsim better. There is a great number of people to finish it off calmly and exchange their rubles for dollars, and it’s not bad to get out of all of them.

Operations with currency

If you see currency transactions - it is also an important topic for discussion, for example, stats. We see two types of possible operations:

  • Conversion, then exchange. It is especially worthwhile to deal with such transactions with foreign currency. Exchange is the main way, from which you can secure the value of the currency. That price, for which you are ready to exchange, means even richer. In this aspect, the Russian ruble is not even a good butt, because if you want to buy a dollar, you need to spend money, and in some exchanges, more than 70 rubles. Tse dosit high price. Navit Ukrainians are ready to pay less for the dollar. Wanting to stink, we call for instructions from Russia to be known.
  • Credits. Axis scho still love work with currency. You see, that classification of currencies does not matter when crediting. Well, please. In fact, though the role is, it is not significant. Aje credits can be issued in different countries and between different powers in the most manipulative currencies. There are only three main ones: national, dollar and euro.
  • Rozrahunok. This item is also important. Aje tse main operation, as we see with you.

We learned about how to see currencies and what you need to know about exchange rates and how you can see transactions. Tsya іnformatsija can vykoristovuvatisya both for global coverage, and for the security of a normal life. There is one joy here, you could catch yaku. Vіn duzhe korisny and constructive.


(rate of exchange, exchange rate) The price of one currency that is expressed in another currency. Sound demonstrating, it is necessary to buy one unit of the foreign currency, but it is necessary to buy one unit of the national currency. However, in some cases, in the case of Great Britain, the situation may be reversed. Here you can see how many units of foreign currency can be bought for one unit of national currency. Call the exchange of views at the sight of two indications - the price of buying and the price of selling. Retail between them - or a commission, like a firm, which works.

Business. Gloomy vocabulary. - M: "INFRA-M", Vidavnitstvo "Ves Svіt". Graham Bets, Barry Brindley, S. Williams et al. Editorial board: d.e.s. Osadcha I.M.. 1998 .

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Himself on the colivans exchange rates that is earned by traders. Buying the same currency, the trader will pay for an increase in the exchange rate of any foreign currency. Let's take a look at how the course is being formed, in what way to deposit and what we can give an overview of yogo trends and the correct forecast.

Official exchange rates

Use official exchange rates. In our country, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishes and publishes the exchange rates of foreign currencies at a rate of up to the ruble. Ale, as a rule, exchange rates commercial banks are subject to the exchange rate of the Central Bank. Because you are guilty of the need to buy or sell currency, you have to work for the rates of a particular bank, which in your turn is less guided by the exchange rates, the Central Bank sets its own, viable exchange rate for itself.

At any rate, the quotation of currencies can be changed by the number of times per day. To that, if it seems that exchange rate - ce Viraz varnosti one currency at a foreign currency, not so. It is necessary to add to the order of the obov'yazkovo - "at the singing moment of the hour." This parameter є is also important for a trader. Even if you have bought and sold that foreign currency, you can lay aside some surplus.

Forex exchange rate

On the Forex market, currency pairs are traded. For example, well"Euro/US Dollar" (EUR/USD) is an older value. Assume that the euro exchange rate against the US dollar is 1.2705. Tse means that 1 euro costs 1.2705 US dollars. There are two prices on the screen of the terminal. Lower price Bid (bid), for which you can sell euros and buy a large amount of US dollars. Another price Ask (ask)- price of purchase in euros and sale in the amount of dollars.

Exchange rate on currency exchanges it is calculated from the rozrahunka drink and propositions for a specific currency. I understand that, for some reason, this proposition is formed, giving an unparalleled advantage. A person is good at analyzing the exchange rate, you can not just sell or buy currency. The exchange rate can be a tool for analyzing the economy of the country as a whole, without seeming to be a guideline for taking out a loan or buying valuable papers.

Exchange rate exchange rate

The exchange of exchange rates is to be deposited with rich officials. It is customary to see the main ones, as if to put the strongest pressure on the national currency.

Nasampered, tse - issue of currency. Likewise, the state begins to intensively increase pennies or increase pennies in circulation, for example, giving loans to banks, leading to an increase in the proposition of the national currency. And if the propositions of any currency begin to change and drink, the exchange rate falls.

Another important factor that will shape that proposition on the national currency is foreign trade balance. The law is simple - the more the country exports, the more it will drink on the internal currency, the higher the exchange rate. Import, navpacki, create propositions on the currency. І vіdpovіdno, more imports - lower for the exchange rate.

It is better to understand, how to get to the currency. So, for example, like the hulks of the country, pragmatically defend their protection against risks due to the change in the exchange rate of the national currency, they will save pennies in euros, but only before moving to the euro exchange rate. Such an injection may be great companies, choosing the hour for laying contracts in that other currency.

Ale ruhi cursives can be provoked by other factors. Everything, from the elemental rush to the announcements of the pleasurable politicians, can strongly vplinut on the course. It is impossible to transfer the skin of the ruh, but if you change the exchange rate, it is not supported by real economic podia, so the ruhi is short-hour.


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