"far-away legal institute of the MVS RF" FGKOU vp. Two MFR of Russia, far-reaching legal institute of the MFR of Russia, FGKOU in the Far East MFR of Russia Khabarovsk State School of the MFR of the Russian Federation

"far-away legal institute of the MVS RF" FGKOU vp. Two MFR of Russia, far-reaching legal institute of the MFR of Russia, FGKOU in the Far East MFR of Russia Khabarovsk State School of the MFR of the Russian Federation

Dalekoskhіdny juridical institute of MVS of the Russian Federation is the first place among all legal illuminating mortgages of the MVS system on the majestic territory of the Far Skhod. Founded on 6 Serpnya 1921 as the Central Police Instructor School. Under different names, the school in pochatkovy
during the period, it was roztashovuvaetsya in the city of Chit, and in the front of the war in the places of Blagovishchensk and Vladivostok. Zhovtni born in 1941 the activity of the school was attached, and the entire special warehouse was sent to the front. The school established its activities in 1946. near Khabarovsk in the form of courses for the preparation of the operational warehouse of the police. At the grass 1950r. courses were reorganized into a school for the preparation of the head of the warehouse of the militia of the MDB SRSR, yak in 1952. nabula the status of a secondary special school of militia (Khabarovsk secondary special militia school of the MVS SRSR).
On vikonanny Decree for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR on 25 chervnya 1979. No. 609/206 by order of the MVS SRSR dated December 20, 1979 from September 10, 1980 on the basis of the secondary special school of the militia, the Khabarovsk Vishcha school of the MVS SRSR was created, from 1992. won was called the Khabarovsk school of the MVS of the Russian Federation (HVSH MVS of the Russian Federation).
At the zv'yazku z tim, that the teaching staff of the school has made a great contribution to the preparation of fakhіvtsіv for the organization of internal references of the Northern Siberia and the Far Gathering, the orders of the Order of the Russian Federation on September 24, 1998. No. 80-r vykhodyachi z pіdsumkіv state attestation of the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was reorganized into the Far-off Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
In this hour, the Far-off Law Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is a sovereign institution of the highest professional education for the training of facsimiles, with a special legal education for the apparati of car insurance and heritage bodies of internal references. Training at VNZ is provided on a free budgetary basis. In addition, the institute has a faculty of paid public services (full-time and part-time education), an adjuncture, a faculty of correspondence education and promotion of qualifications. The initial process at the Institute is provided by 14 departments.
The "Golden Fund" of the Institute of Professorial and Vikladatsky Warehouse. At its core, the specialty has the best qualifications. Among them are 10 Doctors of Sciences, 12 Professors, 45 Associate Professors, 75 Candidates of Sciences, 7 honorary honors of the title of "Merits of Pratsivnik Vishchoi School of the Russian Federation", "Merits of Pratsivnik of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation".
For the organization and management of the initial process, the institute may have three primary buildings in its order. Primary auditoriums and lecture halls, possessed from a modern technical level, a laboratory, a sports two-top complex, an archery shooting range, two libraries with reading rooms, an assembly hall, computer classes and an Internet class, which can be instituted for education.
Far-off Law Institute of the MVS of Russia vikoristovu scientific potential in the branch of Primorsky Krai for the provision of the needs of the Far East Federal District in the fakhivtsy. In this rank, the university is one of the largest educational institutions in the MVS system of Russia.
Important significance in the institute is given to the moral and aesthetic development of cadets, the satisfaction of their cultural needs and the possibility of creative self-expression. Cadets and listeners may have the opportunity to show their talents in the dance and vocal genres, on the ledges of the selected team of the KVK Institute; engage in a spiritual orchestra, a theater studio, a vocal and instrumental ensemble.
In order to promote the scientific potential of students at the institute, a scientific partnership of cadets and hearing students was created, which promotes scientific achievements from various directions of activity of internal authorities. The most active members of the scientific partnership, who showed high results in scientific activities, after the completion of the institute, they may enter the post-juncture period of the Far East Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia with further service in the institute as a vikladachi.

The information is taken from the official journals. How do you want to become a side moderator

bachelor, specialist, otherwise

Qualification date:

ocular, extramural

Application form:

Sovereign diploma

Completion document:

License No. 0.0000 issued on 29.08.2011 00:00, valid without line


Accreditation No. 0.0000 issued on 11/17/2010 00:00, valid until 11/17/2015


ID 151 to 151

Passing ball:

Number of budgetary areas:

Characteristics of the university

Budgetary financing (no cost of education):
Non-state finance (paid education):
Service line:
Viysk department:
Getting ready:
Medical service:
Medical examination:
Sports sections:
Number of Candidates of Sciences75
Number of prof. and doctors:22

General information

The Lіskhіdniy juridical institute of the MVS of the Russian Federation is the first among all legal illuminating mortgages of the MVS system on the majestic territory of the Far Skhod. Founded on 6 Serpnya 1921 as the Central Police Instructor School. Under different names, the school in pochatkovy
during the period, it was roztashovuvaetsya in the city of Chit, and in the front of the war in the places of Blagovishchensk and Vladivostok. Zhovtni born in 1941 the activity of the school was attached, and the entire special warehouse was sent to the front. The school established its activities in 1946. near Khabarovsk in the form of courses for the preparation of the operational warehouse of the police. At the grass 1950r. courses were reorganized into a school for the preparation of the head of the warehouse of the militia of the MDB SRSR, yak in 1952. nabula the status of a secondary special school of militia (Khabarovsk secondary special militia school of the MVS SRSR).

On vikonanny Decree for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR on 25 chervnya 1979. No. 609/206 by order of the MVS SRSR dated December 20, 1979 from September 10, 1980 on the basis of the secondary special school of the militia, the Khabarovsk Vishcha school of the MVS SRSR was created, from 1992. won was called the Khabarovsk school of the MVS of the Russian Federation (HVSH MVS of the Russian Federation).

At the zv'yazku z tim, that the teaching staff of the school has made a great contribution to the preparation of fakhіvtsіv for the organization of internal references of the Northern Siberia and the Far Gathering, the orders of the Order of the Russian Federation on September 24, 1998. No. 80-r vykhodyachi z pіdsumkіv state attestation of the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was reorganized into the Far-off Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In this hour, the Far-off Law Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is a sovereign institution of the highest professional education for the training of facsimiles, with a special legal education for the apparati of car insurance and heritage bodies of internal references. Training at VNZ is provided on a free budgetary basis. In addition, the institute has a faculty of paid public services (full-time and part-time education), an adjuncture, a faculty of correspondence education and promotion of qualifications. The initial process at the Institute is provided by 14 departments.

The "Golden Fund" of the Institute of Professorial and Vikladatsky Warehouse. At its core, the specialty has the best qualifications. Among them are 10 Doctors of Sciences, 12 Professors, 45 Associate Professors, 75 Candidates of Sciences, 7 honorary honors of the title of "Merits of Pratsivnik Vishchoi School of the Russian Federation", "Merits of Pratsivnik of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation".

See all photos


1 h



  • faculty of distance learning
  • faculty of law enforcement activities
  • faculty of professional education and advanced professional education
  • faculty of jurisprudence

Wash away the prayer


Institute of training staff for police officers:

For the program of specialty, qualification lawyer for the specialty 40.05.01 - "Legal security of national security", the term studied 5 years full-time (on the basis of average international education);

Under the program of a specialist, qualification lawyer for the specialty 40.05.02 - "Law protection work", the term studied 5 years full-time (on the basis of average international education);

Under the program of a specialist, qualification lawyer for the specialty 40.05.02 - "Law protection activity", the term studied 6 years in absentia (on the basis of average international education);

For the bachelor's degree program for the specialty 03/40/01 - "Jurisprudence", the term of study 3 p. 6 months in absentia (on the basis of average legal education);

For the bachelor's degree program for the specialty 03/40/01 - "Jurisprudence", the term of study 4 p. in absentia (on the basis of non-legal education).

In 2015, the institute for budgetary expenses for the federal budget on the basis of a target admission of recruitment for such specialties and direct training:

Denna Form Introduction:

05/40/01 - Legal security of national security (program of fahіvtsya, qualification - lawyer, specialization - criminal law, university specialization - frontal investigation in the bodies of internal affairs):

term navchannya 5 years (on the basis of average global education).

Correspondence form of training:

03/40/01 - jurisprudence (bachelor's degree program; qualification - academic bachelor; training profile - criminal and legal (duty of investigative police officer, duty of police officer)):

term navchannya 3 years 6 months. (on the basis of average professional (legal) knowledge);

the term of education 4 years (on the basis of higher professional (non-legal) education);

40.05.02 - Pravoohoronna dіyalnіst (programa spetsіalіtetu, kvalіfіkatsіya - lawyer spetsіalіzatsії - operative rozshukova dіyalnіst organіv vnutrіshnіh right, admіnіstrativna dіyalnіst organіv vnutrіshnіh Right; vuzkі spetsіalіzatsії - dіyalnіst operupovnovazhenogo Carney rozshuku, dіyalnіst dіlnichnogo upovnovazhenogo polіtsії):

term navchannya 6 years (on the basis of average global education).

PhD contacts

Adjuncture of the federal state state public education mortgage of professional education "Far-reaching legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" was created in 1993, according to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on 11.05.1993.1993. No. 225.

At this hour in ad'juncture, adjunctive training is being held for direct training 40.07.01 "Jurisprudence".

In the adjuncture of the institute, the following scientific specialties are recognized:
12.00.02 - constitutional law; constitutional judicial process; municipal law;
12.00.08 - criminal law and criminology; criminal and vikonavche law;
12.00.09 - criminal process;
12.00.11 - court duty, prosecutor's duty, law enforcement and law enforcement duty;
12.00.12 - criminalistics; ship-expert activity; operational-rozshukova diyalnist;
12.00.14 - administrative law; administrative process.

  • Creativity
  • Extra


About the work of the veteran organization of the FFYuI MVS of the Russian Federation for the development of patriotism among the future defenders of the rule of law

The Veteran Organization of the Far-East Law Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia was established in 1991, there are 260 pensioners, more than 20 veteran professors, and associate professors, candidates and doctors of sciences, are engaged in graduate and graduate work with cadets.

Like an hour flying fast, old, ill, that veterans of the Great Vitchiznyan war go on living. Nine stinks go out of life, out of German culls, out of the wounded, shell-shocks and sickness. Our team lost 2 individuals.

In this hour, the authority of the bodies and the main pledges of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, significant respect is given to the nourishment of the work of veteran organizations from the social protection of veterans and the patriotic training of young spivrobitniks in the bodies of internal affairs.

Shchorok in Khabarovsk, a scientific and practical conference “Patriotic development of the younger generation, dosvid, problems of that task” is being held, it seems that in the minds of the current and internal threats, the nutrition of the patriotic development is gaining life-important significance in Russian statehood. The whole system of patriotic vihovannia can be directed at the attachment of the young generation to respect for the share of Vitchizni. Participants of the conference are aware that the main focus of patriotic vihovannia may be the initial foundation. In youth, patriotism, masculinity, a sense of fidelity to the traditions of the state, such as the bulk, are swirling. All the figures of rice are formed by the device of the life of the Suspension, the goal-directed virtuoso work.

For the formation of a special cadet, as a spіvrobіtnik of the organs of internal affairs, a bulky man and a patriot of Russia, it is necessary to systematically infuse with їхної свіdomії and feel. The formation of patriotism is one of the most important directions of activity in the work of the veterans of the far-reaching legal institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

As the main leaders of the veteran organization for the heroic-patriotic training of cadets, future defenders of the rule of law:

Vihovannya love to rich-tonational Russia;

Formation of the cadets of a deep understanding of the need to defend against terrorism and attack the call;

Explaining the need to fight against malice as a national evil, especially the need for a skin practitioner in this important sovereign justice;

Learning the history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, a native institute, learning from the cadets the loyalty to the traditions of the bodies of internal affairs, the exercise to multiply them;

Propaganda of heroism and masculinity of the spivrobitniks of the bodies of internal affairs, of the splendid vikonnannya of the service dressing.

On May 9, the urochisto came to an end, consecrated the 66th River of Peremoga of the Radyansk people at the Great Veteran War. Naturally, the holy Peremogi called out the devil's day for the robot from the heroic-patriotic vihovannia. Vіddіlennims z Khikhovna Robotoy Bulo Wanded Plan Basic Okhodviv, Kudi Increased І Lіtatnna Vіtsktorina, Vіdkritty Pershostі zі стільби з кабельний сброї, Vіdvіdvnya Vetranіv, Awarded Lovely, Naddana Material Dopmers, requiring a tract of Zbori Ta Concert, Skalda Vіkkіv, let's kill under the hour of the service obov'yazku.

For the skin veteran, a participant in the Great War of the Witches, courses were fixed. Courses help them with virishenni life problems, give gifts at holydays. To veterans of VVV Shobik B.I. that Andreeva P.A. the bathroom was repaired, the plumbing was replaced.

Work from the social defense of veterans of the participants of the Great Great Vitchiznyanoy war under the constant control of the veteran organization and the institute.

One of the direct patriotic developments in the development of history, philosophy, political science and cultural studies is the writing of abstracts on other topics. In the institute newspaper "Kursantsky Visnik" materials are systematically published, which will take the form of a patriotic, community position among the cadets, the veterans of our team.

At the day of Opening Doors, the beginning of an excursion - knowledge of history, traditions, good rights, veterans - vikladachs. For some time the senior students from Chegdomin, Primor'ya and the Amur region were guests.

During the period of rebuking at the walls of our initial pledge, meetings of cadets are held, at which time the food of history, the traditions of the MVS near the Khabarovsk Territory are destroyed. As part of the initial process, the history of the organization of internal references of the Far Gathering, presented by cadets to the Museum of the UVS of the Khabarovsk Territory, is being organized, training with veterans is organized.

Of particular importance to the patriotic cadets of our institute may be the urochist ritual.

Vykhovny vplyuєtsya at the link with the urochist, emotions, if not only to reconsider the special warehouse from the necessary legacy of tradition, but also to breathe on the sum of the installation to the service ob'yazku. Let's celebrate the legacy of the veterans of the previous generations in order to the loyalty of the Fatherland. Tse and urochisty ritual of folding the Oath, for which the veterans ask. Issue of specialists of the bodies of internal references from the highest light, awarding officer chauffeurs, urochist handing service honors. Data come to be carried out at the request of the scientists of the authorities of the far-reaching district, the Khabarovsk Territory, veterans of the UVS, are widely displayed at the sources of mass information. For the participation of veterans, urochist zustrichs are held, like the Day of the Protection of the Vitchizni, the Day of the Russian Militia. Glad veterans are trying to find out new forms of spiritual work, educating people, informed veteran operatives, participants in the Great War of the Victims, veterans, the childishness of which has passed from the military fates. Zustrichi with graduates of the first years of the formation of our Vishu - colonels, generals.

There was a presentation of the book of the first head For the sake of a veteran of our institute, a colonel of militia at the representative of Mostyaev Anatoly Oleksiyovich “We have to guess” about the fates in Afghanistan, de vin taking part as the commander of a special paddock “Cobalt”, it was given to the cadets.

In connection with the anniversary of the Chornobyl tragedy, an informational evening was held for the participation of a veteran police colonel at the representative of Shtompel V.Ye.

On the eve of such professional holy days, the Day of the Adoption of the Criminal Investigation and the Day of the next internships is held by the cadets of the operational and next internships of the UVS of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Work For the sake of the veterans, it is being developed at the close interdependence with the participation of the virtuoso work at the Institute of Personnel, the joint work plans are being formed.

Vidavnicha activity

Over 30 years ago, in the early 1983 year, the Far-East Law Institute took away the right to conduct juridical activity. At the same time, an editorial group was formed and a department of operational printing was established, on the basis of which monographs began to appear, manuals, courses of lectures, and primary methodological literature.

Over the past ten years, the technology of publishing literature has fundamentally changed, the number of publications has grown significantly, and the staff of the publishing industry has changed.

Since 2011, the editorial and editorial staff has been an independent structural support of the institute. The staff of the office is made up of 10 staff: chief, 3 editors, technical editor, proofreader, 2 engineers, engineer, designer, inspector of the office.

The main task of editorial and publishing activities is the preparation and issuance of initial, initial methodological and scientific materials necessary for the provision of the lighting process and practical activities of internal reference bodies.

2019-09-17 06:28:44

Getting to know the practice 🖥🚨 Future police upgrades have seen the black part of the UMVS of Russia in Khabarovsk. The guards of the Chergovy part told the third-year students about the organization of work to solve the mischief behind "hot tracks", the registration of information about the undertakings, the formation of an additional operational link and the possibility of video fixation systems. The cadets found out that over 400 cameras of the hardware-software complex "Safe Misto" allow police officers to follow the public order. Nabutі knowledge of cadets was trained at the initial training ground of the Institute "On duty part of the OVS", recognized for modeling operational and service commanders of the supply chain and also equipped with a modern agro-industrial complex "Safe Misto". Photo of the press group of the UMVS of Russia in the Khabarovsk region

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2019-09-16 06:30:22

The first sporting victories in the new primary rotation did not incur checks! For subbags tsikh zmagan, the team of the FVYUI MVS of Russia was awarded with bronze, but the result for the team was not bad, as it made its debut against 10 successful superniks. 🏅Also, 3 team places of the institute took part in the track and field relay, consecrated to the 74th riverwoman of the end of the Other World War. 🏅Good results were shown by the sambo wrestlers of the FYUI MVS of Russia in Ufa. At the V All-Russian Festival of National and Non-Olympic Sports, Yulia Martinova won 2 months, and Danilo Monakov - 3. 🏅 Bronze at the FEFD Championship in boxing won Semyon Tatarnikov from his vase. Vitaemo athletes! Keep your faith in yourself and try to bring even more results to this season. #dvuіmvdresії #cadets #sportkhabarovsk #khabarovsk #sport27 #athletics #boxing #peremoga #police #mvdrosії #police #mvd #russia

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2019-09-08 04:01:43

On the single day of voting for the protection of the public order in the selective walkways of Khabarovsk, cadets of the FYUY MVS of Russia are called together with senior colleagues @27mvd. Today, the citizens are robbing the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the 70th single-mandate constituency and new calls to the Legislative Duma of the region. In addition, Komsomol members vote for candidates for the planting of the head of the city of the Duma. Khabarovsk also has to elect deputies to the city's parliament. For law and order, over 2,000 law enforcement officers must rush to the polls near the edge. Selected shops close at 20.00. Catch up on your hromadyansky obov'yazok and make the right choice! #2019

521 1

2019-09-06 03:26:58

The first early day is reaching the end 📓 Ahead of the wonderful spring weekend, let the stench be bitter and sleepy 🌞

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2019-09-03 04:02:28

Day of Knowledge at the Far East Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

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2019-09-02 05:15:51

Today, on the parade ground of the institute, the first individuals of the city and the region were welcomed by five-year students from an important podієyu - the best of the first officer rank! Tomorrow, over 200 young lieutenants in the police will break the practice and announce the service duties at the territorial subdivisions of the MVS of Russia. Following the tradition, the senior students handed over to the first students the key - a symbol of knowledge, taken away in an hour of learning. So, the cerivniki piled up spіvrobіtnikіv and cadets “For the participation in the Viysk parade on the Day of Peremogi”, which is even more symbolic, even today the whole country celebrates the Day of the end of the Other World War! There is a wide variety of special warehouses from the day of knowledge, and five-year students from the assigned special titles! #dvuї #mvd #russia #police #dayday #spring #2019 #mvd #dvui #2019

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2019-08-31 23:35:33

Russia forward! 🇬🇧 A cadet of the FYUY MVS of Russia Semyon Burov won the first place in Europe in kickboxing among juniors and juniors. The athlete became the best in the “full-contact with low-kick” division in the category up to 81 kg. A great fate to pass near the city of Dyor (Ugorshchina), about 2000 soldiers from more than 40 countries, among them at the warehouse of the Chosen Russia, a friend of a student Semyon, who survived the first world of the past fate, took a fate “In 2017, in the first place of Europe, I became different, having revanquished my fate. I had three fights - with a Bulgarian, with an Italian and a final with a Russian athlete from St. Petersburg. Overcoming the Bulo is not easy - having screwed up your hand in another battle, but not giving up until the rest. Another athlete from Khabarovsk also took gold from her vase. Vitaemo! For further success #cadets #dvuї #mvd #athletes #dvui #mvd #sport #russia

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2019-08-31 06:44:15

BRING EVERYTHING 💪🏼 Why and much more did first-year students learn at tabir camps in just a month! Today, at the presence of relatives and close cadets, a ceremony was held to close the change at the zamіsky command base, de “recruits” demonstrated the new recruits. The stench didn’t just learn the basics of professional activity, but they knew the hour to prepare creative numbers, which they brought to cope with the rich task. In front of the head office, and for productive work, all forces are needed, to prove that vminnya. Thank you guys for the successful completion of the “Young Fighter Course” and good luck in the farther ugly profession! #dvuї #Ministry of Internal Affairs #police #Russia #mvchennya #zamiskanavchalnabaza #ZUB2019 #professionalpoliceman #light #serpen #KMB #dvui #mvd #russia #august #2019

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2019-08-28 03:20:25

Those who care that it’s not so easy to make new sounds, just didn’t go through the “Young Fighter Course” at the zamіskіy navchalnіy base of the Far East Military Forces of Russia! At that hour, as all the students are only picking up the forces ahead of the new initial fate, the cadets already tried to touch the basics of the profession. Littі Zbori Domzvolayutu ✀ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ з з Ві овистний тенінгів рахі в 🧨 ✅ за VIBUBOVIY PRESIA) 🧨 ✅ Prenutsa Bagatezadachnіst (Tіlki T_, HTO Standing "At the post" mova) 🙂 It’s foldable, but through the rocks it seems like a lot of graduates, that this hour was one of the shortest periods in life. Freshmen, we give you the strength to be patient! Remember that you can start naivazhche #dvuї #freshmen #lіtnіzbori #zamіskanavchalnabaza #ZUB2019 #entrant2019 #university #khabarovsk #russia #dvui #education #sport #nature #august #2019

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