Volume of the tank engine t 34. Engine type of the tank

Volume of the tank engine t 34. Engine type of the tank

It so happened that maybe all MBTs (main battle tanks) could light up a diesel engine. Only two vinyaks: T-80U and Abrams. How did the radyansk fakhivtsy look at the world, creating the famous “high ten”, and how are the prospects for the car at a given hour?

How did everything start?

In the past, the T-80U swayed the light of 1976 rock, and in 1980 the rock of their Abrams was smashed by the Americans. Dosіlki Russia and the United States are building tanks with a gas turbine power plant. Don’t take Ukraine into the rozrahunok, because there the T-80UD, the diesel version of the famous “Vistemsad”, will stand on the ground.

And everything began in 1932, if a design bureau was organized in the SRSR, it belonged to the Kirov Plant. The very idea of ​​creating a new tank, equipped with a gas turbine power plant, was born in yoga. The very same solution was lying around, some kind of fire for the T-80U tank could be seen in the distance: a great diesel or gas.

The famous designer Zh. Ya. Why do you have to pay attention to the gas turbine engine? On the right, having thought of building a tank with a mass of 55-60 tons in between, for normal friability, it will require an engine with a power of at least 1000 hp. With. At that time, about such diesel engines, there was less than a dream. This is why the thought about the introduction of aviation and shipbuilding technologies (tobto GDT) in tank production was blamed.

Already in 1955, a robot was born, two promising images were created. But then it was clear that the engineers of the Kirov plant, who had previously created only engines for ships, did not understand the technological task beyond the world. The robot was fired, that bov and zovsіm was pinned, the shards of M. Z. Khrushchov were constantly “locking” all the important tanks. Also, at that hour, the T-80U tank, the engine of which is unique in its own way, was not judged.

In the meantime, they started ringing Mikita Sergiyovich in this weather not varto: in parallel with it, promising diesel engines were demonstrated, on the aphids of the siroy AMD, looking even more unobjectionable. What they say there, as if to “register” on serial tanks, the whole dvigun zoomed in less until the 80s of the last century, and that year, before such power plants, rich military installations are not the best. It is necessary to indicate that there are a number of objective reasons.

Prodovzhennya robit

Everything changed after the creation of the first in the MBT world, becoming the T-64. Necrobrian constructor Prosiumili, Shaho on yogo Bazі you can see enough Bіlsh Distribution Tank ... ale Polyagala Polyagalah in Zhord Vimoga, Visnutich Kerіvnitzvah KhRAYA: Vіn Bethi Maximozn MaximozniyKykiyi, not passing ї іskaritіv, ale, with Tswy Mati Viklіb for "rivka to the English Channel".

And here we all again guessed about the gas turbine engine, but the T-64 power plant didn’t tell at the same time. The same Ustinov praised the decision about the creation of the T-80U. Basically, the engine of the new tank was adapted to the maximum high swedish characteristics.

Vinyl folding

The great problem seemed to be that a new power plant with cleaning machines would need to be re-equipped in the standard MTO T-64A. Moreover, the commission vimagala of the block system: it seemed simpler, it was necessary for the engine to grow so that during the overhaul it was possible to pull it off as a whole and replace it with a new one. Not stained, pevna rich, a lot of time for the price. And as with the remarkably compact AMD, everything was simply washed out, the air purification system gave the engineers a lot of headaches.

Even though this system is more important for a diesel tank, it doesn’t seem like it’s a gas turbine analogue on the T-80U. As if it were not burnt out, the blades of the turbine installation would instantly stick with slag and fall apart, as if it were more likely to enter the combustion chamber, if it were not properly cleansed from the straggling yoga houses.

The next thing to remember is that all the designers of the engines should try to remember what they put into the cylinders or I work the turbine chamber, it was 100% cleared from the saw. It doesn't matter to them, the one who drank literally devours the guts of the engine. As a matter of fact, it’s like dry emery.


In 1963, Morozov introduced a number of new creations of additional copies of the T-64T, for which gas turbine engines were installed, which can be even more modest in 700 liters. With. Already in 1964, the designers from Tagil, who worked under L. M. Kartsev’s kerivan, created a significantly promising motor, which could be seen already 800 “horses”.

But the designers, like at Kharkiv, like at Nizhny Tagil, got stuck with a whole complex of the most difficult technical problems, through like the first countrymen, tanks from the VMD could only appear in the 80s. Zreshtoy defiantly indecent dvigun having taken off only the T-80U. The kind of fire, vikoristovuvaniya yogo bozhivlennya, also vigіdno vydrіznyav tsey engine from early prototypes, shards of the tank mig vikoristati all see a great diesel burner.

We did not vipadkovo painted the sawn aspects of the world, but the very problem of the acidic purification of the air became the most foldable. The engineers had a great deal of experience in the development of turbines for helicopters ... but the engines of the helicopters were operated in steady mode, and the power of the sawdust was not at the height of their robots. In the blink of an eye, the robots were carried out (how not surprisingly) only from the supply of Khrushchov, a kind of raving missile tanks.

The most "living" project was the "Dragon" project. For a new life, it is necessary to move the increased tension.

Acknowledgment of objects

Zagalom, there was nothing marvelous about it, because for such machines it was important to increase the looseness, compactness and lowering the silhouette. In 1966, several designers took a different path and presented a draft to the public, the heart of which was two VMD-350s, which, as you can see, 700 liters, no matter how much you understand. With. The power plant was built at NUO im. V. Ya. The very stench of the great rakhunk and created the T-80U, which for its time was truly a unique development.

Ale, it was not a problem that it was obvious that to build one AMD is a foldable thing and to make it look prim, and there are absolutely no advantages over the outstanding monoblock scheme. And that, until 1968, an official decree was seen by the order of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR about the inspiration of working on a single option. Until the middle of the 70s, the tank was ready, which, by the way, became familiar to the world under the designations of the T-80U.

Main characteristics

The layout (as in the case of the T-64 and T-72) is more classic, from the back of the MTO, the crew is three individuals. On the view of the front models, here the driver was given three triplexes, which markedly improved his look. Navіt taka namovіrna for vіtchiznânіh tanks rozkіsh, yak pіdіgrіv robochіv mіstsya, it was overdone here.

Good, there was plenty of heat from the baked turbine. So the T-80U with a gas-turbine engine is really a fan of tankers, oscills think a robotic crew in a new richly comfortable, like a car with a T-64/72.

The hull is made by the method of zvaryuvannya, vezha lita, cut loose leaves in a warehouse 68 degrees. Yak and T-64, here the bula vikoristan combined armor, made of armored steel and ceramics. The T-80U tank will ensure the rational kutas of the poor and the comrades will ensure the advancement of the chances of survival of the crew in the most advanced fighting minds.

Also, a system was opened to defend the crew in the event of a mass attack, zokrem and nuclear. The layout of the combat aircraft is practically similar to that on the T-64B.

Characteristics of the machine license

All the same, the designers had a chance to expand the VMD into the MTO later, which automatically meandered in the deak of an increase in the dimensions of the machine in the T-64. VMD was beaten by a monoblock with a weight of 1050 kg. The first feature was the presence of a special gearbox, which allows you to increase the maximum possible power of the motor, as well as two gearboxes.

For eating vikoristovuvalis odraz chotiri tanks in the MTO, zagalny obsyag yakikh to become 1140 liters. The next thing to note is that the T-80U with a gas turbine engine, it’s hot for someone to stock up in such obligations, to finish a non-aggressive tank, which is 1,5-2 times more than a tanned one, lower than the T-72. Also, let's expand the tanks.

GTD-1000T creations with the most common tribal scheme, having one turbine and two independent compressor units. The pride of engineers is the adjustment of the nozzle assembly, which allows smoothly turning the turbine speed and significantly increasing the operational life of the T-80U. How warmly is it recommended to vicorate to maintain the durability of the power unit? The retailers themselves seem to think that the most optimal for the city is the yak_sny aviation gas.

Since there is simply no power connection between compressors and a turbine, a tank can be forced to collapse on the grounds with a filthy load-bearing building, moreover, the engine does not calm down with a sharp tooth of the machine. And what about the T-80? Palivo for yoga dvigun can be changed.

Turbine plant

The main advantage of a domestic gas turbine engine is its omnipresence. You can use any type of diesel fuel, low-octane gasoline, recognized for cars. Ale! T-80U, for whom I can only endure linting, all the same, it is still more sensitive to the “unlicensed” firing. Refueling with non-recommended types of fuel is possible only in the minds of a combat situation, as it causes a decrease in the resource of the engine and turbine blades.

The start of the engine is due to the spin-up of the compressors, for which two autonomous electric motors are required. The acoustic memory of the T-80U tank is significantly lower than that of its diesel counterparts, both for the characteristics of the turbine itself, and for the characteristics of the turbine, we will especially note the rank of the ruffled system. In addition, the car is unique because, when galvanized, it turns out to be like the engine itself, for which reason an important tank is practically mitt.

How does it work? On the right, in the fact that, with a single pressure on the halma pedal, the turbine blades begin to wrap around the right side. This process gives great attention to the material of the blades and all the turbines, and the fault is electronically controlled. Through this, for the need for a sharp galvanization, I should immediately sink the gas pedal down. With this, the hydraulic galma is included in the robot.

The zavdyaki SAUR blades wear in the distance speeded up by at least 10%, and with a competent robotic pedal halma and gear shifting of the mechanic-water can be reduced by 5-7%. To the point, but which tank is the main type of fire for which tank? T-80U in ideal minds is guilty of refueling, ale pidide and yakіsna diesel fuel.

Cleaning systems

Buv vikoristany cyclonic purifiers repeat, which secures 97% of the distance from the repeat, which gets wet, saws and other third-party houses. Before speech, at "Abrams" (for a normal two-stage purification), the indicator is close to 100%. Itself z tsієї cause pain for the T-80U tank - the topic of ailment, to which it is much more important, as if to compare the tank with its American competitor.

3% of the saw, which is left out, is deposited on the blades of the turbine at what looks like baked slag. In order to see this, the designers transferred an automatic vibration cleaning program. The next step is to indicate that you can connect a special equipment for underwater keruvannya to the re-fences. Vono allows you to make rivers up to five meters.

The transmission of the tank is standard - mechanical, planetary type. Includes two boxes, two gearboxes, two hydraulic drives. Є chotiri shvidkostі forward that one back. Supports of forged humov. Caterpillars also muffle the inside. Because of this, the T-80U tank can have an expensive running gear.

The tightness is adjusted with additional mechanisms of the worm type. Suspension is combined, up to її the warehouse includes both torsion bars and hydraulic shock absorbers on three forgings.

Casting characteristics

The main target is the harmata model 2A46M-1, the caliber of which is 125 mm. Exactly the same harmonics were placed on the T-64/72 tanks, as well as on the self-propelled anti-tank missile "Octopus".

Ozbroennya (yak on the T-64) was more stable at two flats. It seems that the range of a direct shot at the target, which can be visually estimated, can reach 2100 m. Standard ammunition: high-explosive fragmentation, subcaliber and cumulative shells. And the automatic loader can simultaneously shoot up to 28 shots, more can be reloaded in the combat zone.

The 12.7-millimeter machine gun "Kut" was supplemented by the Ukrainians for a long time already, if it was similar to the design, focusing on the deputy's deputy. The majestic shortcoming of the machine-gun mount is the fact that only the tank commander can shoot from it, moreover, for that you, at any time, have to leave the space of the car. Oskіlki pochatkova balistika kuli 12.7 mm is also similar to that of the projectile, the most important features of the machine gun are also sighting of the armor without the main ammunition.


The mechanized ammo rack was placed by designers along the entire perimeter of the inhabited volume of the tank. Shards of the entire MTO of the T-80 tank occupy part of the entire MTO of the T-80 tank; There is also a memory of the "great dozens" of T-64/72 tanks, in such shells with cherry charges they are horizontally placed, on the riverbed.

The principle of operation of the main reset of the charger

At the right command, the drum starts to turn around, and it is important to bring the type of projectile to the loading area. When the mechanism is stopped, the projectile and the supercharged charge are forced on the armor behind the help of the dosilach fixed at one point. After shooting, the cartridge case is automatically choked by a special mechanism and placed in the middle of the drum, which is ringing.

"Carousel" charging ensures the rate of shooting is not lower than six or eight shots for the whilina. If the automatic loader goes out of tune, you can load it manually, but the tankers themselves make such a development unrealistic (too foldable, exuberant and long). The aim of the TPD-2-49 model is victorious on the tank;

Active modifications

In 1978, the T-80U tank with a gas turbine engine was born with little modernization. The main innovation was the appearance of the 9K112-1 "Cobra" missile system, which was carried out with 9M112 missiles. The missile could hit an armored target at a distance of up to 4 kilometers, and the ability of the boulder to fall from 0.8 to 1 in fallowness due to the characteristics of the mass and the speed of the air force.

So, as a rocket repeats the dimensions of a standard 125-millimeter projectile, it can be placed in any tray of the mechanism that charges. Tsey ammunition of "imprisonment" is exclusively against armored vehicles, the warhead is only cumulative. Like a remarkable postril, structurally the rocket is made up of two parts, the sum of which is carried out with a standard robotic charging mechanism. Aiming out in the automatic mode: the navіdnik the first second is guilty of mіtsno otrimuvat frame zahoplennya on the target that is attacked.

Guidance is either optical or behind a direct radio signal. In order to maximize the effectiveness of strikes, the navigator can choose one of the three full-range modes of the rocket, focusing on the combat situation and the needful misfortune. As practice has shown, it is worth while attacking armored vehicles, protected by active anti-tank systems.


We read the article by Mikhail Rastopshin with great pleasure "Armored Illusion" (newspaper "Zavtra", No. 38 (722) spring 2007 ). A lot of facts, figures, and the result - everything is nasty and even nasty. Obviously, I would like to tell the “payers of taxes” (that’s what the author of ours calls us) not in the “sweet formulas” about all the novelties of the tank construction, the defense and frivolity, but, maybe, don’t fight on the sides of the newspaper. Also, vtim, not discussed and "results of NDDKR shdo rozrobki unification on-board information systems", for any sums the author, t.k. stink "dosi vіdsutnі". Vikrittya according to Rastopshin is explained with strong words: “degradation”, “pleasant pardon”, “letting go of illusionists” just. On the question "What is work?" the author formulated the following statement: “Today’s tank production vimages ... the order of illusionists, as if masking for the help of modernization the degradation of military armored vehicles, which is trivae.”

But, vvazhaєmo, the article has no head: despite the “forced development and relief of illusionists”, candidate of technical sciences M. Rastopshin could be proponed.

We do not enter into a technical controversy with him here, I want to say something. We shared our hostility about the sacred day of tankers and the actual problems of tank production.


Evidently, a yarlik was glued to the tank a long time ago - “there can’t be any people.” Tse is not true - maybe not less litati, but dance.

Russia, like the United States, are the only countries that have a unique technology for the serial production of gas turbine engines for tanks. tanks T-80 are successfully operated in a number of Viysk districts, and especially in the Leningrad Viysk district. The explanation for this is simple - the tank was created and carried out at the Kirov Plant in St. Petersburg. Here, in due time, at the hour of mastering the machines, they spent the day and spent the night the designer of the design bureau of the plant, honored by the team of the design bureau, at the head of the General Designer Mykola Popov.

In one of the parts of the Leningrad Viysk District, it has become a good tradition to demonstrate one's own Viysk craftsmanship.

In the holy place, the beau monde of tank workers in St. Petersburg is no less. Too young, future warriors. Here is the command of the LenVO, chiefs, veterans. There is a hiccup and a povchalno - tse spravzhnіy tank salon.

The apogee of the holy becoming a display of technology. Tank warriors will show what the stench has reached. The results are striking - just name the figures of the most important piloting of what you want: shot "near the field", "tank waltz", "gypsy girl". A grandiose sight, if the 46-ton monsters easily and gracefully under the music of the old waltz, the fiery gypsies sing under the splashes of peeping feasts. Gracefully chirping and stealing with harmat trunks at the tact of the waltz, the stench quickly gain speed and lay steep turns.

Mimovoli porіvnyuєsh tsі pa z majsternistyu litchikiv on shows in aviation salons, zagaduyutsya recent shots of TV show from MAKS-2007. Ale is on the outside, near the trivial expanse, but on the flat - on the ground. And yet it is richly sleepy - the invisibility of the movement of important combat vehicles and the lightness of the movement. Another controversy with aviation is out, in a gas turbine engine. On the T-80 insertions of 1250-strong AMD. Zavdyaki youmu tank can find my pet in the midst of domestic and foreign cars. This gives the ability to mother miracle dynamics, and the technical characteristics of the engine ensure high smoothness of the course and such a parameter that is inaccessible for a diesel engine, like non-deafness. The same systems on the world's greatest river - even the science of tank production are the same in St. Petersburg: the centers of VNDITransmash are the retailers of the world's first moon-walker. The success and success of the crews, especially the mechanics of the waters: senior warrant officers - Sidorenko R. and Gushchina A.

Oleksiy Gushchin on the question: “Whoever won the magic - a tank Abrams or T-80?”, saying: “I know that Abrams having already fought and the engine of the new one is tighter, but you need to fight with him not in battle, but at such shows and magic. I think we win, we must be an important American.” Splashes of peeps, gifts of chiefs became the city of meisternosti of warriors-tankers.

I would like to believe that the tank salon can become a tradition of St. Petersburg tank workers, good butts are contagious. That's right, what's the job? The first step is to master the technique, to finish the military mastery “to the shine”.

According to the editors of "Vidgadki": Before the speech, on the "tank biathlon", which recently passed in Alabino, the tanks of the 4th Guards Kantemirivska division on their gas turbine beauty T-80U became the right heroes of the approach, demonstrating their smartness in the And everything was called briefly - "tank ballet".


Friend - why work? Tse shlyah yakim go the whole armored world. Let me try to analyze one aspect of the tank triad - the problem of friability.

The tank, like a system of destruction, is constantly developing, gaining new strengths and powers, and its fighting ability is steadily moving forward. For all the years, the development of domestic tank production was 3.5 times, the weight of the tank was 6.5 times, and the tension of the engine was 37 times. About tse note and signs of an increase in the fatigue of the engines of tanks in other lands.

The tank is looked at us in front of us as an offensive zasіb, to which the principles of yogo zastosuvanya zhorstko pov'yazanі s problems of security and increased friability. In whom the fragility is due to the possibility of healing due to the damage of the rahunok, polygenous and galvanic parameters.

The gas turbine power plant (DMSU) has become one of the main factors that ensure the combat and operational and technical excellence of tanks. T-80, T-80U) over the best military and foreign tanks. Crimia for military exploitation in Russia, NDR, Poland, confirmed by recent tests in Sweden and India (1993–1994), exhibitions of the development of military technology in the UAE (1993–1994).

At that very hour, an inadequate assessment of the operational status of us is emphasized on one of the first characteristics - vitra paliva. Possibly, not everyone can see that in the remaining modifications of the machine, a whole complex of scientific and technical solutions was created, which reduced the operational cost of the fire more and more by 1.3 times. Rosrahunki show that when the temperature of the gases at the turbine inlet is brought to 1316-1370 ° С (which is possible when the ceramic materials are stuck), it is possible to actually take the amount of firewood up to 86 g/kWh (117 g/l.s.h.), and thermal KKD - 53%. Changes in the statement about the economy of the gas turbine.

Reached indicators are far from the boundary for AMD. This is a practical solution (both theoretical and practical), which allows you to reach the value of operational losses less on equal tanks with diesel engines of equal intensity.


There is no doubt that competition between diesel and AMD will continue. Regardless of the work of the distant diesel engine, there are a number of design features that make it easier to improve the reach of the river:

Tse, nasampered, the need to transform the reversible rotation of the piston at the overhead rotation of the crankshaft. Tse, as a last thing, the great rubbing of forging on the significant surfaces of the piston-sleeve. Tse non-stationary process of burning fire at the cylinder for an hour of working. Respectfully, for all that, for a 4-stroke engine, only one of the two strokes is essentially “working”, and the reshta is additional.

With its main positive quality (potency vitraty paliva), tank diesel is not easy to get into tank production without competition, which is connected not only with overexploited nedolіkami. Diesel engines over 1000 k.s., in the environment of the MTO, cause a lot of problems for the safety of work without overheating.

The cooling system of a chotyritic diesel engine is exposed to 15 to 20% of the pressure. In addition, a diesel engine needs 2-3% of the pressure to cool the oil.

Apparently, the heat output of a two-stroke engine (6TD2) is 1200 l. become 420 tis. kcal / year, and AMD (type "29") with an intensity of 1250 k.s. - 48 thousand. kcal / year (mayzhe 9 times less). Tse vede to zbіlshennya rozmіrіv system holodzhennya.

For AMD, a characteristic symptom, which visibly affects the diesel engine, is stiffness, which “knows” from a unit volume of the engine. The Tsey parameter for AMD is 1.6 times shorter. At the connection with the cim, the motor-transmission line of the tank with the VMD is smaller.

Machine brand Parameters
Volume of MTO, cub. Engine pressure, hp Dimensional tightness of the MTO
NMTO, hp/cu.m
1. Tank T-80U 2,8 1250 446
2. Tank М1А2 "Abrams" 6,8 1500 220
3. Tank "Leopard-2" 7,3 1500 205

Significant advantage for the overall tightness of the tank T-80 over an american tank Abrams explained by the larger dimensions of the power plant, through the great volume of cleaning power.

The indicator of overall tightness is not only about the optimal layout of the MTO, but also about the perfection of the systems and nodes of the power plant. Overall tightness of the MTO of the tank T-80U overturning the overall tightness of the tank "Leopard-2" at 2.2 times.

Increase the volume of logistics of foreign tanks to increase the base of the tank, increase the silhouette, add a few tons of total "zavoi" vag, build up the volume from one side of the exhaustion of the engine to the additional weight of the machine, and from the other side - to increase the slackness. At the link with the cim, the main overall dimensions of the tanks from the Russian Navy and the USA beyond the frontal area (Sl) tab (Sb) projections are: T-80– 7.1 ta 12.2 sq.m, ta M1A1- 7.68 and 15.5 sq.m.

For the creation of a working process, a lot of repetition is required. Since the part of the gas turbine engine is spent on the cooling of the combustion chamber, and the coefficient of excess repetition in the working process is also increased, then the consumption of repetition at the VMD is greater, lower for a diesel engine. I, regardless of those that are less cool for the process of cooling in diesel engines, the total amount of heat (with improved cooling of the engine and transmission) is much better. Por_vnyaєmo for the cym parameter of the engine of the tanks M1 "Abrams"і "Leopard-2".

Parameter Diesel AMD

- Vitrata on the mountain, kg / s

1,8 3,4

- Vitrata for cooling, kg / s
1) dvigun
2) transmission


- Zagalna vitrata, kg/s

13,56 7,98

What kind of visnovok? For Zb_lshchenyu (Practically in full-time) I need a Tork_trі, and Kilka's Torozh Surpess Thalki-Shade Master of the Hazelіdki: Nechidnіst Zb_lishennya (MAZH Schytichі) Floor Radіatoriv (Heat-Winnikіv), Zb_lshnya Polyshniyuyi Plisheі, (Tobto Zb_lneshne zonlable zones).


According to the data of foreign dzherel, the versatility of preparing a gas turbine engine (the same tightness with a diesel engine) is approximately twice as large. In the case of a greater difference, qi indicators were estimated at the vtchiznyany dvigunoproduvanni, (the proteorization was insufficiently correct, since tank diesel engines did not vibrate with the same pressure from AMD). It should not be forgotten that the performance indicators of the following are seen from the improvement of operational performance on technical maintenance, repair and maintenance of those systems.

Let us draw the results of a variant analysis of the initial and combat operation, which is based on data that confirms the full term for the operation of combat vehicles with AMD and diesel engines (same pressure), carried out by MJCV (USA).

The exploitation of the military shows that the resource of a tank HMD may be 2-3 times greater, lower for diesel engines, due to the vrіvnovazhennosti and fewer parts.

Similar assessments of the AMD resource for the data of foreign vessels: according to the MJCV (USA) assessment, the term of the AMD GT-601 service in combat minds is 3000 years old, an hour up to 10000 years.

Even more important and operational indicators:

An hour of preparation of the tank to work, especially the launch of a VMD for low temperatures, it is necessary to repeat, in a sprat it is less, lower than a diesel engine;

Conducted beyond the cordon, the investigations were established that the noise level of the VMD was lower for diesel.

How to vouch for the laboriousness of technical maintenance of the after-cleaning system and cooling in the tank T-80(and in yoga modifications) is practically daily, then the effects of AMD are obvious.


We will draw data on the level of toxicity of ventilated gases for transport HMD and diesel engines, removed during operation in the state of California (USA).

Dvigun Change in gases, which was tested, g/kW year
naturally aspirated diesel 22 8,2
turbocharged diesel 10,3 6,8
diesel from a split combustion chamber 8–11 13,5–4,0
VMD (2 S/350K by British Leyland) 3,8 3,5
Note: the boundary norm for the state of California is HC + NOX = 6.8 g / kW.year.

Gas turbine engine of the tank T-80 there are no alternatives for working hours near the zone with radioactive contamination. Radioactive particles, which are thrown together with exhaust gases, do not come into contact (as they are in diesel engines), with oil and, therefore, do not go to the oil system, so you can blame the radiation dzherelo.

Іtotno and those that are single-stage cleaner of the tank T-80, being an inertial device, it does not trap radioactive particles in itself, it can be seen from two-stage, barred parts (in most diesel engines and dviguna AGT-1500) and it’s called a separate saw.

The tsі vysnovki pіdverdilis pіd hour of operation of the machine from the VMD near the accident area of ​​the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. )


A tank with a gas turbine engine, having outlived its time, having escaped the 21st century with a majestic, inexhaustible potential. From a glance of the policy of active defense, voted by the fakhivtsy, the potential dzherel of the future war, the climatic and geographical features of the country's regions, the VMD is the current ideal power plant for the tanks of the present day. We commend, that from 1972. (through 1986 inclusive) control and military testing (CVI) of all types of available tanks were regularly carried out. In the most sophisticated minds, accelerated military operation, making it easier with skin rock, expanding the geography, tanks passed thousands of kilometers without roads, degrading the shooting of the plant and showing weak (or as they used to say earlier “universities”)

For subbags of KVI, the skin design bureau developed a complex of different approaches to directing the adoption of revealed defects and a thorough design. In other words, a large-scale systemic work was organized, a sort of promotion on a competitive basis. Before the merits of GBTU, it is necessary to note that the most advanced design ideas “passed over” from one brand of car to another.

KVI became an agonizing incentive to improve the quality of all types of tanks. Skin KVI, like a magician of the best, conveyed intrigue, showed new failures of "surprises", as if they were being staggered under the control of DABTU specialists.

No one wants to “hit the guise of a bagnyuk”, the skin of the people, having created technical masterpieces. The competition created an atmosphere of constant perfection, and the outrageous tank-workers of zmusheni were “hurling us”.

Today, out-of-order tank workers, in a row from the expansion of tanks of the offensive generation, are actively engaged in the modernization of essential weapons. On the same path we go and mi, the blessing for the modernization of our machines of greatness.

Do not look back at the United States, the Americans will kindly understand that they do not need a 60-70 ton combat vehicle. І not vipadkovo udoskonaluєtsya new VMD LV-100 - there is an intensive search for lowering the car's shaft.

With all the similarity of two brands ( T-90і T-80U) They have their own advantages and, obviously, their own shortcomings, and we will overcome the one whose machine with combat efficiency will be more competitive.

More than that, there are better organizational structures. Behind the butt of aviation and military-marine organizations on the basis of "Uralvagonzavod" a scientific and manufacturing holding was created, which is no less than united by the success of the BTV distributors.

Regardless of the difficulties, we are in front of finances, at the tank workers of Russia, there is a good job, like a future tank, so it is with the modernization of a modern park. The potential of the domestic tank industry is inexhaustible, and the stereotype about the systemic crisis of the domestic tank industry is impossible.

At the shadow of the T-34 tank, the engine of the car was left behind, which is a kind of flooring in the distance, so that respect is allowed to pass. The V-2 tank diesel engine began to vibrate for a day on the cob of the Other World - on the 1st of spring 1939. But the thinness of the yogo construction is against the dossi.

Forwarding the hour of fate by 50 years.

It should sound marvelous, but the 12-cylinder V-2 diesel engine was developed for important bombers, although it did not take root in aviation: the engineers did not get far enough to need a new number of horses. However, the aviation recession has been lost, for example, in the “chavunnu era” of the engine-building, having removed the aluminum cylinder block and a large number of light-alloy parts. As a reminder: even the temple of the pet is exhausted by the loneliness of the mass.

The construction itself was supra-progressive. Strictly seeming, the V-2 diesel engine is known as modern super diesel engines for passenger cars, more importantly than electronics. Let's say that the pressure of the fire at the new one was driven by plunger pumps of a high vice, and not by the fashionable Common Rail system. Ale, in the new bulo, there were valves on the cylinder, as the greater number of lower motors, and the upper slatted shafts, as well as the rich dvigunіv that hour, they managed with the lower slatted shafts, and sometimes a pair of lower valves on the cylinder. V-2, having directly eliminated the emphasis on the fire, which is the norm for today's diesel engines, and in the 1930s they often victorious in front of the chamber or whirlwind chamber of madness. Shorter seeming, the V-2 diesel was 50 ahead of its time.

Battle of concepts

So, vin buv diesel. In fact, the T-34, having become far from the first tank with a diesel engine, was especially active in the frontiers of the diesel engine victorious Japanese tank workers. Ale T-34 is driven by the first tank, we will split it up specially for the diesel power plant, which allowed it to "capitalize" as much as possible.

And the axis of the German tanks was already long overdue with bugatocylinder carburetor (gasoline) engines, and the reasons for this were too rich, for example, the marriage of color metals, and the lack of diesel fuel.

Radyansk engineers raised the stake on diesel. Before speech, the V-2 engine made its debut on the BT-5 tank even before the beginning of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, but the main glory of the blows, obviously, was at the thirty-four engine.

The diesel had a sprig of wins. The neemensha is pozhezhna nebezpeka - one of them, but far from being the only one. No less important was the cost of economy, which contributes to the autonomy of the tank, so that one building can devour kilometers without refueling. Let's say that the T-34 instantly traveled the highway for about 400 km, the German Pz IV - for about 300 km, moreover, the Radyansky tank was stronger at the second, and the flooring could be swidkokhidnym.

The diesel engine made less change for radioelectronics (there is no ignition system), and it could also be used for any fire, including gasoline and aviation extinguishers. In the minds of the warrior, there was an important moment: rudely, having revealed a barrel with a seemingly rare carbohydrate viscosity, the soldiers could beat it like a fire, adjusting the rail of the fire pump. The robot of a diesel engine on gasoline is shkidliva for the engine, but in critical situations it is possible to throw off the tank from the city, the priority is to feed the resource.

Over the years, the diesel concept has overcome and this year's change of an important fuel for tanks is the norm.

The secret of longevity

The V-2 diesel engine is associated with the T-34 tank, although at some point in the war they won victorious battles on other combat units, for example, another tank, the important ІС-2.

Over the years, the tightness of the motor has changed. So, the classic V-2-34 engine for "thirty-fours" developed 500 hp, the version for ІС-2 was called V-2ІС and saw 520 hp, for the KV-2 tank the same motor was forced up to 600 hp. With. With.

During the next hour of the winter, we tried to try to relieve tension, including for boosting air, for example, the last shot of B-2CH from the water center pumping, developing 850 k.s.

Ale, they took up the forcing of the dvigun already after the war. So, the T-72 tank, having taken the naturally aspirated version of the V-46 with an engine power of 700 h.p., and the current T-90 tanks, a turbo version of the V-2 engine, with a power of 1000 h.p. (for example, B-92 series engines).

During the first hour of the war, the V-2 engines began to victorious on self-propelled vehicles, tractors and other technologies, and then actively stagnated in peaceful purposes. For example, a modification of the V-31 having taken off the diesel-electric tractor DET-250.

Krym classic V-like shape with 12 cylinders of the V-2 family, motor lines with a larger number and roztashuvannym of cylinders, including, for vikoristannya on ships. For the BMP, a "flat" six-cylinder version of the B-2 with a large cut of the cylinder camber was broken.

Obviously, the V-2 engine had such modifications without a face of "competitors", as if the T-34 engine was damaged from the engine modifications of the other tanks. You can guess one of the most famous 5TDF tank engines for the T-64 and T-72. A two-stroke five-cylinder diesel engine with ten pistons, two crankshafts and a blown supercharger, detracting from the intricacies of the design, and yet the B-2 engine's covers won the revolutionary race.

Why are the floors showing tenacious? Yogo creators "guessed" the basic parameters of the layout, yakі ensured the efficiency of the design and the great reserve "for virist". Possibly, this is how a technical genius manifests itself: the viskonat is not less than impudently powerful, but think about the onset of crocks.

humble heroes

And now it’s time to see people, how they did it and developed the family of V-2 engines. The construction was carried out in the 1930s at the Kharkiv steam locomotive plant for ceramics Kostyantina Chelpana, and at the pіznіkh stages - Timofiya Chupakhina. At the creation of B-2, taking the fate Ivan Trashutin, which later became the head engine driver of "Tankograd" - the tank production of Chelyabinsk.

The V-2 engine was launched at Kharkiv, then at Stalingrad and Sverdlovsk, and the main part of the motors was released by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, which was the culprit after the evacuation of a large number of tank productions from til. At ChTZ itself, the left part of the V-2 engines was selected during the war, and the same plant was engaged in the development of the concept at the war hour, including the design of the leading designer Valentina Chudakova.

In the fifty years of the last century, wide-width gas turbine engines (VMD) of various classes were built. Turbojet motors drove the aircraft to supersonic speeds, and locomotives and ships with the first models of gas turbine engines collapsed along the waterways. Tried to try to equip with such motors and vantage, prote and experiments appeared not far off. Similar power plants, for all their pluses - economy in the nominal mode of operation, compactness and ability to stop different types of fire - did not help the shortfalls. Nasampered, it’s too big a blaze of fire during dispersal or galvanism, which marked a niche, they knew their own zastosuvannya in such a WMD. One of the pіdsumkіv rіznіh eksperimentіv іz iѕ thіѕ power plant аrе thе Radyansk T-80 tank. But the reach of all-world popularity was far from easy right. From the beginning of the battle from the creation of the tank military to the beginning of the first serial production, maybe two dozen years have passed.

First projects

The idea of ​​building a tank from a gas turbine power plant came up again, if no one thought about the T-80 project. As late as 1948, the Design Bureau of the Turbine Manufacturing of the Leningrad Kirov Plant began work on the project of a tank-type military-engineering force for the 700 kinsky forces. Unfortunately, the project was closed due to lack of prospects. On the right, in the one with a 700-horsepower engine, behind the roses, surviving even more richly pale. Vitrat was cast out too great for a practical victoria. Over the years, troubles repeatedly tried to design other engines of a similar class, but the stench did not give the desired result.

In the other half of the fifty years of Leningrad, the designers created another engine, which was the first stage of the development of the prototype. GTD-1, which is viishov, without being equipped with a heat exchanger and having seen the exhaustion of up to a thousand kіnskih forces with a heat load of 350-355 g/hp. h Nezabarom on the basis of the engine zrobili two modifications: GTD1-Gv6 with a stationary heat exchanger and GTD1-Gv7 with a wrapper. Unfortunately, regardless of any progress, all three models of AMD were small in size due to rosacea. It is impossible to change this parameter, so the projects were closed.

Zagalom, the early projects of the AMD for land vehicles, including tracked vehicles, were not particularly successful. All the stench could not resist the serial production. At the same time, in the course of the development and testing of new engines, it was possible to know a few new original technical solutions, as well as to collect information. At that time, two main trends were formed: try to attach an aircraft engine to win a tank and build a special AMD.

On the cob of sixty tenths, there was a sprat of podia, which was positively marked in every way. Scientific and Advanced Institute of Engines (NDID) having proposed a few variants of engine-transmission modification for the T-55 tank. Two variants of a gas turbine engine were poked, which were one in the same tension and slowness of the fire. By the end of 1961, the country’s ceramics had been ordered, and the NDID was responsible for continuing the work on various projects, and a special design bureau was being created at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, which was exclusively devoted to the topic of the VMD.

Chelyabinsk engines

The new bureau won the OKB-6 index and united susilla with the Institute of Engines. The result of the design was the VMD-700 project. With pressure up to 700 l. the whole engine was running at 280 g / hp h, which was close to the required values. So high for its hour, the characteristics of the boulevard were shaped by a low original solution. It is necessary for us to determine the design of the heat exchanger, the channels of which have been optimized in terms of overflow and gas flow. In addition, a new one-stage cleaner of the cyclone type was beneficially introduced to the robotic engine, which cut up to 97% of the saw. In 1965, the testing of the first two missiles of the VMD-700 began. The work of the engines on the stand showed all the advantages of the stagnant solutions, and also allowed to immediately identify and correct the existing problems. Three more VMD-700 engines were picked up unexpectedly, one of the last ones was installed on the last tank Object 775T. In the birch of 1968, the first launch of a gas turbine engine on a tank passed, and for a few days the testing began. Until the end of the advancing fate, the experimental tank traveled about 900 kilometers with the dvigun running for about 100 years.

Despite the success, in 1969 the tests of the VMD-700 engine were completed. At the same hour, robots crouched over the rocket tank "Ob'ekt 775" and, as a last resort, their gas turbine modification. Prote development of the dvigun was not zupinivsya. Based on the results of the testing, the specialists of the NDID conducted a survey of positive tests. As it turned out, the design of the VMD-700 made it possible to bring the tension to close to 1000 k.s. A promising modification of the engine was awarded the designation VMD-700M. Її rozrahunkovі characteristics looked richly obіtsyayuche, which led to distant rozrobok. VNDITransmash (renamed VNDI-100) and the LKZ design bureau tried to install the VMD-700M on the tanks "Ob'ekt 432" and "Ob'ekt 287". Prote zhodnyh practical results are not within reach. The motor-transmission part of the first tank turned out to be insufficiently large for the placement of all units of the power plant, and another project was suddenly closed for lack of prospects. On which engine VMD-700 ended.

VMD-3 for "Object 432"

At the same time, NDID and Chelyabinsk designers worked on their own projects of VMD in Omsk OKB-29 (at the same time Omsk motor-building design bureau) and Leningrad OKB-117 (plant named after V.Ya. Klimov). Varto designate that the main direct robotic enterprises were the adaptation of aircraft engines to tank "needs". By this fact, there are a number of peculiarities of the engines, which were seen. One of the first conversions, having recognized the helicopter turbine engine VMD-3, was expanded in Omsk. After adaptation for victoria on the tank of wines, having taken off the new index VMD-3T and three times having put in tension from 750 to 700 k.s. Vitrata paliva in the tank version was 330-350 g / hp.h. Such a fastening of the firing bulo is too great for a practical victorious dvigun, but the GTD-3T is still installed on the running layout, which served as the base for the T-54 tank. A similar experiment was carried out with the T-55 tank (project VNDI-100) and the "Object 166TM" (project Uralvagonzavod). It is noteworthy that after trying out their longest-running streak, the Tagil designers made a visnovka about the underconstruction of the work on the gas turbine theme, and it turned to the creation of tanks with diesel engines.

In 1965, the OKB-29 and VNDI-100 rotations took off the task of re-engineering the VMD-3T engine for the Object 432 tank, which was not a problem for adopting the designation of the T-64. In the course of such an addition, the engine has taken off the new designation of the VMD-3TL and a number of changes in the design. The design of the compressor and the turbine body was changed, a system for bypassing gases after the compressor appeared, two new gearboxes were created (one at the storage of the motor unit, the other one was put on the tank body), and the exhaust pipe was also redesigned. Mayuchi relatively small dimensions, dvigun GTD-3TL fit well with the motor-transmission unit "Ob'ekta 432", and the additional tanks for 200 liters of paliva were placed in the larger compartments. Varto signify that in the MTO of the tank it was possible to install not only a new engine, but also a new transmission, attached to a robot with a gas turbine engine. The torque of the engine was transferred to the head gearbox and spread on two side gearboxes. At the design of the new transmission, the details of the exit system "Object 432" were widely won. Due to the specifics of the engine before the next delivery, I had a chance to re-design the equipment for underwater water, which I can have in my warehouse, and the windpipe pipes of a larger diameter.

In the course of the design of the GTD-3TL engine, in order to reconsider some ideas, the GTD-3T engine was installed on the T-55 tank. The tank with a gas turbine engine was compared with a similar armored vehicle, equipped with a standard B-55 diesel engine. After testing, all the frontal roses were confirmed. So, the average speed of a finished tank was three times more for the speed of a serial one, but for the first time it was possible to pay 2,5-2,7 times more than a red flag. At the moment, at the time of the second trials, the necessary characteristics were reached. Replacement of the required 700 hp VMD-3TL saw more than 600-610 and fired close to 340 g / hp instead of the required 300. The increase in vitrata paliva led to a serious change in power reserve. Nareshti, a resource about the year 200 did not reach half of the 500 tasks. Until the end of 1965, OKB-29 and VNDI-100 completed the development of a new dvigun with joint efforts. The basis for the new Bulo was taken not the tank VMD-3T, but the aircraft VMD-3F. New dvigun having developed exhaustion up to 800 hp. and saving trochs more than 300 g/l.s.h. In 1965-66, two new engines were prepared and converted to the tank "Object 003", which was supplemented by the "Object 432".

At the same time, with the testing of the "Object 003" tank, the production of the "Object 004" and the power plant for the new one was carried out. It was necessary to vikoristovuvaty dvigun VMD-3TP, which maw great tension in the engine of the VMD-3TL. In addition, the motor with the “TP” index is guilty of being displaced not across the tank hull, but rather, which caused the rearrangement of some units. The main ways of development were left out in excess, but the nuances were recognized by the simple corrections associated with the revealed problems of gas turbine engines. I had a chance to seriously upgrade the system of fencing and filtering again, as well as the introduction of exhaust gases. One more serious nutrition was needed for effective cooling of the engine. The creation of a new transmission, the improvement of characteristics and bringing the motor resource to 500 years have also become irrelevant. When designing the engine and transmission for the "Ob'ekt 004" tank, they tried to assemble all the units in such a way that the stench could be contained in the MTO with minimal costs.

The most important changes have recognized the power of the motor-transmission service and the stern sheet of the armored hull. The dachas were built from a pair of thin and light sheets with windows, on which they placed blinds of a retro-fenced building. At the stern, they appeared to open the gas for the engine and the air from the cooling system. To increase vitality, the doors were closed with an armored cover. The engines and deyakі units of the transmission were placed on a newly expanded frame, as it was mounted on an armored hull without the rest of the hulls. The dvigun itself was installed on the floor, with small damages in the axis of the tank to the left. A charge from them was placed between the oil pump and the oil pump, 24 straight-through cyclones of the post-cleaning system, a compressor, a starter-generator, and so on.

Dvigun GTD-3TP can easily see exhaustion up to 950 hp. at vitrati paliva 260-270 g/l.s.h. Yogo scheme became a characteristic figure of this dvigun. On the front view of the front motors of the VMD-3 family, the cracks behind the two-shaft system. With the engine, the chotirishvidkіsna transmission was cut off, it was broken up with improvements characteristic of the gas turbine engine. For rozrahunki, transmission could work with a short term of the service of the engine - up to 500 years. Onboard boxes were small of the same size as on the weekend "Object 432" and were placed on the weekends. The drive units of the dvigun and transmission units of the big one were roztashovuvalis on the old sites.

Naskіlki vіdomo, Object 004 so i got stuck on chairs. At the її rozrobka’s distance, there was a sprinkling of important food, and also a plan for the future. Irrespective of the change in the litter of the tank with AMD in the infrared spectrum, the quality of the cleaning was improved, the creation of the special transmission was thin, the vitrata of the paliva was lost on an unacceptable level.

VMD from Leningrad

Another project, which was born in 1961, was the Leningrad follow-up of the prospects for the VMD-350 turboshaft engine. Leningrad Kirov Plant and Zavod im. Klimov's sleepy zusils began to set up their meals. As a stand of the most successful zastosovuvsya serial tractor K-700. A VMD-350 engine was installed on the new one; Nezabar rozpochavsya sche one experiment. This time, the armored personnel carrier BTR-50P became the "platform" for the gas turbine engine. Details of these trials did not become an absurdity of enormity, but apparently, their results of the VMD-350 engine were recognized as an appendage for trials on land technology.

Two variants of the VMD-350T engine with and without a heat exchanger were created on the basis of yoga. Without a heat exchanger, a gas turbine engine of a dual-shaft system from a free turbine developed an exhaustion of up to 400 liters. and maw vitratu paliva on the river 350 g/l. The option with a heat exchanger is obviously economical - no more than 300 g / hp, although it heats up at a maximum intensity of about 5-10 hp. On the basis of two variants of the GTD-350T engine, power units for the tank were broken up. At the same time, calling for an equal amount of tightness, options were seen from zastosuvannyam like one dvigun, so two. As a result, the most promising was found to be the unit from two VMD-350T engines, which were upgraded to the tank hull. In 1963, the formation of a long history of such a power plant began to develop. Yogo was installed on the chassis of the experimental missile tank "Object 287". The car that came out was called "Object 288".

In 1966-67, this tank went through the factory testing, de confirming that it had adjusted its characteristics. The main result of trips to the test site was the understanding of the fact that the prospects for a paired engine system are uncertain. The power plant with two engines and the original gearbox was more foldable in terms of performance and operation, as well as more expensive, lower one AMD equivalent to the intensity of the transmission. The deyaks robbed themselves of trying to develop a dvorukh scheme, but at the result, the designers of the LKZ and the Plant im. Klimov was called by robots directly from whom.

Varto signify that the projects of the VMD-350T and "Object 288" were closed only in 1968. Until one o'clock, in the name of the deputy in the name of the Ministry of Defense, we had to test several tanks in a row. They took the fate of diesel T-64 and "Object 287", as well as gas turbines "Object 288" and "Object 003". The trials were carried out at different times of the year and in different weather minds. As a result, it was argued that for obvious advantages in part of the dimensions or maximum tightness of the gas turbine engine, there are less accessories for practical zastosuvannya, lower mastering in the production of diesel engines.

Not long before the pripinennya robіt z subjects of paired dvigunіv designers LKZ and Zavod im. Klimova worked out two sketches of projects, which included installation on the tank "Ob'ekt 432" of a paired installation with promising VMD-T engines of 450 k.s. Different options for the placement of engines were considered, but as a result of the offense, the projects did not take off the progress. Pairs of power plants turned out to be unhandy for practical zastosuvannya and did not vikorate.

Dvigun for T-64A

The adoption of the T-64A tank for the sixteenth century for all its achievements did not relieve the shortcomings. High levels of novelty and a squirt of original ideas have become the cause of technical and operational problems. Chimalo complained about dvigun 5TDF. Zokrema and through them it was possible to seriously engage in a promising AMD for this tank. In 1967, there was a great appreciation of the ceramics of the country. At that time, the tank "Ob'ekt 432" was equipped with a gas turbine power plant, and the designers did not have a chance to start from scratch. In the spring of 1968, at the Leningrad Plant named after. Klimov, the design work of the VMD-1000T engine was fired up.

The head pits, yak stood in front of the designers, were lowered vitrati paliva. Other nuances of the project were already implemented and did not require great respect. Improvement of the economy was promoted by means of kіlkom: increase the temperature of gases, improve the cooling of elements in the structure, modernize the heat exchanger, and also improve the KKD of the existing mechanisms. In addition, during the creation of VMD-1000T, an original project was carried out: the coordination of many enterprises involved in the project was carried out by a group of 20 specialists, as they represented the skin organization.

The reason for such an approach to finish off shvidko was appointed in the distance with a specific look of a promising dvigun. In such a rank, the plan included the creation of a trival AMD with a two-stage turbocharger, an annular combustion chamber and a nozzle apparatus that cools down. The power turbine is single-stage with regulation of the nozzle in front of it. At the design of the GTD-1000T engine, a reduction gear was introduced into the design, which instantly turns the power turbine wrap around 25-26 thousand. revolutions for the whilin in 3-3.2 yew. The output shaft of the gearbox was placed in such a way that it could transmit the moment, which is twisting, on the side of the gearbox "Ob'ekta 432" without the need for transmission parts.

On the proposition of spіvrobіtnikіv VNIITransmash, for cleaning up again, what to come, a block of direct-flow cyclones was installed. The sight of the seen from the outside saw a bulo of additional wind-central fans, which, moreover, blew oil radiators. The choice of such a simple and efficient system of purification has led to the development of a heat exchanger. In order to achieve the necessary characteristics, it is necessary to clean it again at all 100%, which was, at least, even more foldable. The GTD-1000T engine without a heat exchanger was instantly corrected, but in the same time it lost up to 3% of the saw.

Okremo varto means the layout of the engine. Cyclones, radiators, pumps, oil tank, compressor, generator and other parts of the power plant were installed on the body of the gas turbine unit. monoblock, wiyshov, maw dimensions, accessories for installation in the engine-transmission compartment of the T-64A tank. In addition, in the case of the GTD-1000T dvigun in the middle of the armored hull, the volume sufficient for accommodating tanks for 200 liters of fuel is in pairs with the original power plant.

In the spring of 1969, the fate of the storage of additional copies of the T-64A with a gas turbine power plant was born. Tsіkavo, that the creation of prototypes took the fate of a small number of enterprises: Leningrad Kirov and Izhorsky Zavodi, Zavod im. Klimova and Kharkiv transport machine-building plant. Trohi later, the defense industry’s craftsmanship led to a final batch of 20 T-64A tanks with a gas turbine power plant to support them for different tests. 7-8 tanks were assigned to the factory ones, 2-3 to the polygons, and the cars that were left behind were obliged to go through military testing in different minds.

For a few months of testing in the minds of polygons and testing bases, the necessary amount of information was selected. The GTD-1000T engines showed all their advantages, and also brought practical applicability to the competition. Prote was figuring out another problem. With a strain of 1000 k.s. dvigun not far away vzaєmodіyav іz obvious undercarriage. Її the resource is markedly reduced. Moreover, at the time of completion of testing, all twenty additional tanks required repair of the running gear or transmission.

On the final line

The most obvious solution to the problem was the completion of the undercarriage of the T-64A tank for the replacement of the VMD-1000T at once. However, such a process could take more than an hour and the LKZ designers took the initiative. In my opinion, it was necessary to modernize the technology in reality, and to create a new one, I’ve been insured for a great opportunity. So vinick project "Object 219".

As you can see, for a few years of development, this project has caught up with a lot of changes. Mayzhe were corrected by all elements of the design. So the self-additional support was given to the GTD-1000T engine and the systems connected to it. Maybe, the most important food at this hour had an advanced stage of purification. As a result, the study was carried out to clean up 28 cyclones, equipped with fans with a special blade shape. To change the wear, the parts of the cyclones were covered with polyurethane. The change of the cleaning wind speeded up the saw’s supply to the engine by about one hundredth.

Another problem of the gas turbine engine was revealed for another hour of testing in Central Asia. At the local soils and sands, they move in place of silica. Such a pill, having consumed it in a dvigun, spiked on yoga aggregates near a sloppy-looking pickaxe. Vaughn respected the normal gas flow at the engine tract, and also increased his snoozing. This problem was solved by solving it for additional special chemical coatings, pushing into the engine of a special design, putting together the details of a mixed prosharka and putting in some materials, which gradually collapsed and carried saws with them, which burned. Protejoden from proponated methods was not supplemented. In 1973 the problem was eliminated. A group of specialists to the Plant im. Klimova proposed to install on the largest scale to the point of confusion a part of the engine - a nozzle apparatus - a special pneumatic vibrator. If necessary, or every other hour, the unit was fed again to the compressor and nozzles, starting to vibrate with a frequency of 400 Hz. Parts of the saw, which had stuck, literally shivered and were seen as fumes. Three vibrators were replaced with eight air hammers of a more simple design.

As a result of all the efforts, it was decided to bring the resource of the VMD-1000T engine to 500 years. Vitrata paliva of tanks "Ob'ekt 219" is approximately 1.5-1.8 times higher than in armored vehicles with diesel engines. Vidpovidno skorotivsya and power reserve. Prote, for the perfection of technical and combat characteristics, the tank "Obєkt 219sp2" was recognized as an adjunct until it was built. In 1976, the roci began to praise Radmina, taking the designation of the T-80 into a yakіy tank. In the future, the armored vehicle recognized low changes, on the її base a small number of modifications were made, including with new engines. Ale tse already zovsіm іnsha іstoriya.

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dvigun of internal combustion, appointments for the safety of circulation tank. Tank engines are also installed on self-propelled artillery mounts, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. On the tanks of the 1st light war, piston carburetor engines of an automobile type were installed with a power of up to 77 kW (about 105 k.p.), and sometimes a paired installation was installed. Such tank engines were taken care of por_vn. shvidkіst for the crossroads 5-13 km/year. Carburetor engines with a power of 80-440 kW (- 110-600 hp) were installed on the cob of the Other Light War on the tanks of Great Britain, the USA, France, Germany. The fuel pressure of tanks driven by engines reached 11 - 12.9 kW/t (15 -17.5 hp/t), speed 15-20 km/year.
In the SRSR, in 1932, a group of designers - Ya.Є. Vikhman, I.Ya. Through the river, a 12-cylinder diesel tank engine BD-2 with a power output of 293 kW (about 400 hp) was tested on the BT-5 tank. In the aftermath of the universal trials of the farthest thoroughness, conducted by T.P. Chupakhinim, M.P. Poddubnim, A.D. Charomsky et al., Dvigun in 1939 adopted for serial production under index B-2 and started a family of owls. tank, diesel Compared to the carburetor, the new tank engine was fired 20-30% less, which made it possible to increase the cruising range and reduce the possibility of a fire in a combat situation. Dvigun V-2 was installed on a straight line. tanks T-34, and V-2K - heavy. KV tanks. With the help of the forces of the Great Motherland, the war tank engines B-2 were successfully stoked on the owls. tanks and self propelled art. installations. Outside the cordon at the entrance to the 2nd light of the war, carburetor etc. were mainly stopped for cooling. Deyaki Amer. that English, tanks were installed in pairs of diesel engines of an automobile type; tanks n_m.-fascist. army mali carburetor engines.
For example, 70s rock. development tank engines in the armies of the advanced in the economy. Vdnosno d-v was characterized by a higher increase in diesel engines, most often chotiritactic ones, with regular refrigeration, an intensity of 440-625 kW (600-850 k.z.) (the intensity of the last sparks was 735 - 1100 kW (1000-15). ). Є tendency to a further decrease in tightness. Pitoma vitrata paliva to become 230-270 g/kW a year (about 170-200 g/hp a year). Feed pressure at its own borders is 9.6-22 kW / t (approximately 13-30 k.s. / t), which ensures a safe supply. speed at the crossing of the moon up to 25-40 km/year.
A diesel tank engine is mentally divided into 3 main. mechanism: crank, gas-spray and transmission. The crank mechanism is composed of a crankcase, cylinder blocks, piston and connecting rod groups, a crankshaft and assignments for converting the rotary piston into a rotation. ruh of the crankshaft. The mechanism of gas expansion includes rose, shaft and valve mechanisms, to serve for opening and closing the intake and exhaust valves at the cylinder heads. The transmission mechanism ensures the wrapping is expanded, the shaft of the gas expansion mechanism is lifted and all additional. aggregates in the form of a crankshaft. Before the construction of a tank engine, the following are presented, for example: there is a lot of tightness with a minimum. overall dimensions and weight, high surplus in operation, min. vitrata paliva, the possibility of launching that roboti for low temp-pax. One of the most important indications of a tank engine is the overall pressure Np (max pressure, pressure to the overall volume of the engine), which reaches a value of 370-600 kW / m3 (about 500-900 k.s. / m3) tightness, which falls on 1 liter of working volume of all cylinders of a tank engine, as well as its layout. Main Ways forsuvannya є pressurization and transition to a two-stroke process. Two-stroke engines, for example, are installed in English, the tank "Chiften" and the Swedish "S". Among the most efficient layouts, 6-12-cylinder engines can be equipped with V-like cylinders, which allows you to change the volume of the engine for the placement of the cylinders. aggregates at the rozval_ between cylinders. For two-stroke tank engines, call for a scheme with two protractedly rotten pistons in a skin cylinder (from a combustion chamber that is directly blown). On the tank engines of the largest width, there was a cool cooling, which ensures more intensive heat supply in the regions.
Larger tank engines, broken up in 60-70 rr., and rich in fire, tobto. building pratsyuvati on gasoline, gas, diesel and special. aviation palivakh, which means it’s easier to deliver tanks. At the rich. in the countries it is possible to carry out the work of collapsing the tank, gas turbine movers(VMD). Їх main. advantages - smaller dimensions and weight in pistons, easy start at low temperatures, ease of attachment to retail. fired. Not a lot of money in the fact that in the case of VMD, the windows are treated 1.5-2 times more than the palm, lower diesel engines. Prote, as it is appointed by the foreign press, gas turbine tank engines are even more promising.
Lit .: Kosirev E.A., Orekhov E.M., Fomin N.M. Tanks. M., 1973; Tanks and tank troops. M., 1970; Pochtaryov N.F. Shvidkіsnі chotiritaktnі diesels. M., 1965; Tank. M., 1954.
V.A. Mangushiv.


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