Linguistics is a distant learning. Linguistic universities: list, mind you

Linguistics is a distant learning. Linguistic universities: list, mind you

The profession of a linguist is becoming increasingly important. Although its activity is not related to the production of a song product, the importance of this specialty cannot be underestimated. Linguistics is a science with a rich history, its roots going back to Ancient Greece and China, the Arab lands and India. In fact, people with a thirst for knowledge, perseverance, and an inquisitive mind can learn them deeply.

Linguistic base

Even in the hours of the Radyansky Union, a serious intellectual “brush” was announced, which is important in the capitals of its largest republics. Now all the linguistic universities of the SND work closely together and regularly take part in the international scientific conference “Word, marriage, word”.

Also, a list of these friendly universities' representations:

1. In Russia:

  • Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University. ON THE. Dobrolyubova;
  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University;
  • Irkutsk State Linguistic University.

2. In Ukraine – KNLU.

3. In Belarus - MіndLU.

4. In Uzbekistan - UGMYa and SІІYA (Samarkand).

5. In Virmenia – Yerevan University named after. Bryusova.

Let's take a look at the reports of the largest linguistic universities.


Created in 1930, the new name was removed from 1990.

MDLU specializes in the production of thirty-six foreign countries, the storage warehouse is 75% of the highest levels. The university regularly publishes a large number of scientific monographs and basic textbooks for secondary and high schools in the Russian Federation. The university maintains partnerships with a wide range of foreign countries from 35 countries, so students have a wide choice of internships, as well as the opportunity to obtain another diploma from a “partner” university.

The Moscow State Linguistic University provides rich coverage: cob (lyceum), university (university) and postgraduate studies. VNZ graduates bachelors (4 positions) and masters (2 positions) in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Convention.

More everyday linguistic universities cannot boast of such a large number of specialized specialties as MDLU. Here, at 13 great faculties, there are 70 areas of preparation to choose from.

Umovi nakhodzhennya

MDLU conduct an appointment for the following:

1) For the “Bachelor” and “Specialist” programs:

  • on the basis of secondary school education – for the results of the EDI;
  • on the basis of secondary education - behind the bags of admissions.

2) For the “Master’s” program - for the results of the entrance exams, which the Higher Educational Institution decides to conduct independently.

Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University im. ON THE. Dobrolyubova

The history of this dates back to 1917 after the establishment of provincial courses on foreign languages ​​and literature in Nizhny Novgorod. And today this deposit is one of the largest in the country for the price of directness: over three thousand students, three dozen educational programs, a storage warehouse of 250 individuals, two thirds of whom are pursuing a candidate or doctoral degree step. The University allows nine countries, supporting international partnerships with the great cities of Europe, Asia and America, to be famous for their great recent projects.

Linguistic University (Nizhny Novgorod) now offers admission in three forms (full-time, evening and part-time).

Directly “Linguistics” includes the following profiles:

  • Theory and methodology for the development of foreign cultures.
  • Translation.
  • Theory and practice of intercultural communication.

Enrollment in the designated specialty is determined by the results of the entrance examinations. For bachelor and specialist students, it is important to learn from foreign, Russian and Russian literature; for master's degree – first foreign language.

Ukrainian alma mater of scholars

Kiev Linguistic University was created in 1948. Today, at seven faculties, you are preparing full-time graduates to undertake the following courses:

  • middle light – transmits 6 mov;
  • philology (language and literature) – 8 languages;
  • philology (translation) – 15;
  • psychology;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • right;
  • tourism.

The correspondence form of training transfers training in English language for the specified specialties.

The competitive selection at KNLU is based on the results of the entrance exams:

1) To achieve the “Bachelor” level (at the stage of full secondary education) - in the form of external independent assessment, introductory examinations and interviews in other cases.

2) For admission to the master's degree (based on the achieved level of higher education) - the form will be studied with a foreign language and profile entry tests.

Minsk Linguistic University

The history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dates back to 1948, when the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was expanded into a pedagogical institute, and the current name of the university was abandoned in 1993.

In an hour of work, the university released over 25 thousand translations and two and a half thousand translations from foreign countries. MDLU cooperates with recent studies, as well as with colleagues from Russia, Canada, Belgium, Germany and Spain.

The Minsk Linguistic University of Representations has 8 faculties, one of which (the Faculty of Spanish Language) is unique, in a single copy having lost the entire Union.

Admission to the university depends on the results of a centralized test.

MDLU is in the process of studying sixteen foreign languages. Any student in full-time uniform will learn two of them. Once every 5 years, recruitment is carried out for the Asian group. For this purpose, students can obtain additional languages, for which the Department of the 3rd Foreign Language works on a paid basis.


Linguistic universities are widely represented in the SND. The variety of faculties with a large number of foreign languages, as well as the evolving forms of international linguistics, provide a wide choice of current linguists. When choosing a university in this category, the most important factor may be the geographic proximity to the applicant’s place of residence, as well as skin awareness programs from the descriptions of the universities, however, the year iznomanitny.

The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is recruiting for a part-time course directly in “Linguistics” (profile “Translation and Translation Studies”) from the assigned qualification “Bachelor”.

The program includes distance learning, two indoor sessions on the river and in-person classes on Saturdays from 10:00 to 16:50. The term for beginning is 5 rocks.

Main foreign language: English.
Other foreign language: German, Spanish or French.

Full-time scientists III, as well as professors, associate professors and assistants at other universities in the city. The strength of the study in the English department is the integration of university traditions with new methods and programs in language and other linguistic disciplines.

Main foreign language: English

In the first and second English language courses, a comprehensive program is taught with the upcoming transition to Focus on aspects: basic practice, grammar, home reading and analytical reading.

The formal practice is enhanced by respect and the greatest duty of the honoree. Employment from basic practice carry out vikladach-nosiy mov. At their final exams, students demonstrate their ability to conduct a coherent conversation without limiting the topic at the same time.

Writing practice Allows students to acquire and improve their spelling skills, master the skills of writing various communicative types of text (including documents).

Phonetics It is an integral aspect of the first year, starting with the introductory phonetic course, which is accompanied by an intensive course in the right, aimed at accelerated correction of language, and is supplemented by a lecture course in theoretical phonetics.

Grammar master a comprehensive program with expanded and in-depth knowledge of Galusa morphology and syntax and is supplemented by a lecture course on theoretical grammar.

Home reading By strengthening your skills with text, vocabulary, and the works of English and American literature, it helps students to more effectively acquire a wide range of new vocabulary.

Analytical reading Learn to approach the text competently, and to perform a varied, richly dimensional analysis of the text.

Other foreign language: German, French or Spanish

Navigation begins in the 2nd year . In senior courses, the study of another language includes the beginning of a translation of the fundamentals of the theory of another foreign language (in the same language as the main one).

Russian language

Russian language is included in the 1st course. The Institute has developed a unique program that includes practical work on the stylistics of Russian language, which allows not only to advance the level of Volodin literary norm of Russian language, but also to prepare the necessary One base for further intensive translation.

Specialist's training - translation

The training of a specialist-translation begins in the third year and includes a complex of theoretical and practical disciplines. Particular respect is given to disciplines that are directly related to the upcoming specialty of students - translation. Students listen to a course of lectures on history, theory and ethics; go through the oral translation, as well as the written translation (including artistic translation). In senior courses, the amount of time it takes to transfer is 8-10 years per week. Before oral translation begins, elements of synchronous translation are included. When transferring, carry out wire transfers at places.

In the third year, students take a course work, in the fifth year, a diploma work in linguistics or theory and practice of translation.

The program includes Latin language, a course on the history of Vietnam and the history of Great Britain and the USA, as well as other courses in accordance with the State Standard and special courses for selected students, which are constantly updated in those aspects of the sciences ovih rozrobok vkladachiv III.

The Institute of Foreign Relations has concluded agreements on cooperation with the Universities of Bedfordshire (Great Britain). Student exchanges are carried out. It is possible to continue the work of Great Britain with the further award of a diploma to the University of Bedfordshire.

In the first part of the statistics - State Linguistic Universities of Moscow - we have compiled a rating of the shortest universities from which you can obtain a linguist diploma and learned about the specifics of the study at these universities. In addition, in the previous article you can find a table of all the state institutes and universities in Moscow, which conduct training in the specialty “Linguistics”, based on the designated passing grade, including the budget They have the right to pay for coverage.

One of the main shortcomings of non-state linguistic universities in Moscow is the number of registered educational institutions. As a rule, linguists in such universities learn English and other common languages. However, before the start of the campaign, applicants are promised the ability to learn, for example, Dutch or Japanese, then after the beginning they often realize that the group for learning this language has not been recruited, and in Those looking for an initial mortgage cannot hire a depository for 2-3 students.

Another problem is the knowledge of foreign languages ​​(mystery of translation or translation), and not linguistics. However, there will be no “pressure” in the commercial linguistic institutes and universities of Moscow, which means that there will be no guarantees for paying for a diploma immediately, which cannot be said, for example, about the MDU or MDLU. Of course, since they do not require a license, with non-state initial deposits, the remaining hours are spent to finish often.

If, for whatever reason, you urgently want to start studying at one of the non-state linguistic universities in Moscow, for the sake of us, first of all, pay attention to the following initial pledges:

This is your opinion, creations in 1992 years, tsikavyy us before that, under the direction of “Linguistics” in 2014 years, we saw 10 budget places. With this, the passing score for this year in 2013 in three subjects (history, Russian and foreign language) will be equally low – 210 points.

Students learn three foreign languages ​​at a time: English, Spanish and, optionally, German or French. The initial plan includes items that allow you to learn about transfer and storage activities. However, it is important to note that MIM LINK is not located in Moscow at all, but at a significant distance from the capital - near the Zhukovsky district.

Russian New University

RosNOU was founded in 1991 through recent years and today is one of the largest and most prestigious non-state universities in Moscow. At the Faculty of Humanitarian Technologies of this university, linguists with the first European language are trained not only on full-time, but also on evening and part-time courses. In addition, at the Russian New University you can obtain a linguist diploma from the first Chinese language (only in person), and the chance to start at the “similar” branch is less than 4,000 rubles more, less than “ European" - 96,000 rubles per river.

In 2014, people at RosNOU are also preparing to open a Center for Iranian Studies and Persian Language Education, where it will be possible to simultaneously teach Farsi and English. If any new programs will be launched, please check with your university.

Similar University, previously called this independent linguistic university of Moscow, founded in 1994, allows you to study the required similar languages. Students in bachelor's programs will be taught two foreign languages ​​- English and one similar language of their choice (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Indonesian, Farce or Hindi).

Odn Tsіni in INTITITITY KRAMAN, I at the same time of the people who have found the captivity of the Komerzihi unuse of the capital: Foreign in the widespread form in 174,000 ruves on the RIK, and in full -time -Zaochny - 150,000.

IGUMO, founded in 1992, can boast of achieving a great reputation in the field of linguistics. Here they train bachelors (speakers and translators), who can work in three foreign languages: English; German or French, Spanish or Norwegian.

International University near Moscow

This commercial university in Moscow was created in 1991 within the framework of the decision of Mikhail Gorbachov and George Bush to create a high-quality Russian-American university. The first mayor of Moscow, Gavrilo Popov, became the permanent president.

Today, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the MUM, you can obtain a linguist diploma in two fields: “Translation and Translation Studies” and “Theory and Methods of Translation of Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures.” All students are required to learn an English language, as well as two other languages ​​to choose from: one European (German, French, Spanish or Italian) and one similar language (Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew or Arabic) ku).

The unparalleled advantages of this non-state university in Moscow include a wide selection of classes, a rich storage warehouse, employment in small groups, daily attendance of audiences, manually moving buildings and a large number of international contacts. c. There is probably only one shortage at the MUM - a record for commercial universities in the development of linguistics, which is still fixed over rubles, like other universities, and intellectual units. Infection of rivers on a full-time basis costs approximately 193,000 rubles.

Moscow Humanitarian University

One of the oldest commercial universities in Moscow dates back to 1944. Linguists are trained here at the full-time department of the Faculty of International Communications and Tourism. The initial cost is 134,000 rubles per river (if paid for the entire river in advance) up to 144,000 rubles (if paid in 10 equal parts). The biggest drawback of the university is that it teaches only two foreign languages ​​and, as a rule, only the most extensive European ones.

Although it was founded in 1996, it is one of the largest linguistic institutions in Russia, and its reputation has been significantly damaged by the remaining fates. Personnel changes at the dean's office of the Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, which trains linguists, led to a massive rotation of contributors, a flurry of negative comments at the university address and a bit about the position addition to the initial deposit of accreditation.

Tim no less, since the applicant urgently wants to gain exposure to the specialized linguistics in Moscow, and the passing grade does not allow him to worry about MDLU, then the Moscow Institute of Linguistics may be a way out zi camps. The study of linguistics here is carried out not only on a full-time basis, but also on a part-time basis. Students learn two foreign languages ​​out of six possible ones. Moreover, 100% VNZ is guaranteed only by groups from English, German, Spanish and Chinese. And the initial plan of orientation is important on mastering the skills of translation and translation of foreign languages, and not on linguistic disciplines.

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at this non-state linguistic university in Moscow, opened in 1994, you can obtain a linguist diploma in two profiles: “Translation and translation studies” (87,000 rubles per rik) and “Theory and methods of translation Anna of foreign languages ​​and cultures" (75,000 rubles ) on rik). The training is conducted both in person and in person and in absentia.

All students are required to learn an English language, as well as one of the most widespread European languages: Spanish, German or French. However, this linguistic school in Moscow often fails when a group is not formed for any language, so students are required to learn a different language. After taking a class - like a cost-free elective - take the same class in Chinese language with your nose.

As a result of the fall from MIL, a stream of dissatisfied voices about weak training, a rotten warehouse and unimportant placement of students hit the MDLI.

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of this independent university in Moscow, founded in 1993, you can study both full-time and in a weekend group. Among the unparalleled advantages of the initial deposit are a safe storage warehouse, a modern technical base, a catless swimming pool and a gym, as well as a democratic start-up. Thus, starting a full-time course in the specialty “Linguistics” will cost only 64,000 rubles.

However, even though commercial universities have a limited number of choices for entry into education, they will have very little choice. In the beginning, students must learn three European languages: English and German – obligatory, and a third language – of choice – Italian or Spanish. It is also possible to learn Bulgarian, Polish or Macedonian language.

Non-state universities in Moscow that provide training for the specialty “Linguistics”

VNZ Faculty Navchannya form Vartisty navchanniya on a contract basis (krb. on the river)
International Institute of Management LINK Linguistics in person 120 000
Russian New University Humanitarian technologies in person 92,000 or 96,000 (depending on the movie)
- // - - // - part-time 59 000
- // - - // - in absentia 53 000
Institute of Regional Countries Right away Linguistics in person 174 000
- // - - // - part-time 150 000
Institute for Humanities and Information Technologies Foreign languages in person 110 000
- // - - // - part-time 80 000
International University near Moscow Foreign languages in person 4000 USD (at the euro exchange rate on the day of payment, approximately 193,000)
- // - - // - part-time 2,500 USD (at the euro exchange rate on the day of payment, approximately 121,000)
Moscow Humanitarian University International news and tourism in person 134 000 - 144 000
Moscow Institute of Linguistics Linguistics and intercultural communications in person 101 200
- // - - // - in absentia 65 000
International Humanitarian-Linguistic Institute Foreign languages in person 75,000 or 87,000 (depending on the profile)
- // - - // - part-time 60,000 or 65,000 (depending on the profile)
International Slovenian Institute Foreign languages in person 64 000
- // - - // - part-time 50 000
Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" Linguistics in person 180 000
International Independent Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU Academy) Institute of Social Communications and Foreign Languages in person 85 000
- // - - // - part-time 62 000
Moscow Institute Television and Radio Station “Ostankino” - in person 130 000
- // - - // - in absentia 60 000
Moscow Institute of State Administration and Law Management in person 85 000
- // - - // - part-time 85 000
- // - - // - weekend group 70 000
- // - - // - in absentia 55 000
University of the Russian Academy of Education Foreign languages in person 78 000
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
Institute of Light Economy and Informatization Rights and humanities in person 76 000
- // - - // - part-time 66 000
Moscow Psychological and Social University Linguistics and innovative social technologies in person 73 868
- // - - // - part-time 53 846
Moscow University of State Administration - in person 69 000
- // - - // - part-time 55 000
Humanitarian Institute Linguistic in person 66 000
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
Humanitarian and Social Institute Humanitarian and pedagogical in person 60 300
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
- // - - // - in absentia 52 000
Capital Institute of Translators in person 89 880
- // - - // - part-time 63 360
- // - - // - weekend group 52 440
Institute of World Cultures im. Lev Tolstoy Foreign languages in person 100 000
- // - - // - in absentia 78 000
- // - - // - distance 70 000
Moscow Institute of Economic Development - in person 65 000
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
- // - - // - in absentia 35 000
Moscow Institute of State and Municipal Administration - in person 49 000
- // - - // - part-time 39 000
- // - - // - weekend group 39 000
- // - - // - in absentia 32 000
- // - - // - distance 23 000
Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy Linguistics in person 83 000
- // - - // - part-time 51 800
- // - - // - weekend group 64 800
Central Russian University. Moscow Humanitarian Institute Humanitarian part-time 36 000
Moscow Social-Pedagogical Institute Foreign languages part-time 80 000
- // - - // - in absentia 70 000
Institute of International Law and Economics im. A.S. Griboedova Linguistics in absentia 50 000
Institute of Professional Innovations - in absentia (distance) 20 000

We express your respect to those who, in 2014, the Federal Service, in view of the field of education and science, blocked two non-state universities in Moscow from training bachelors in linguistics and recruiting students. These initial foundations were the Suchasna Humanitarian Academy and the Institute of Foreign Languages. In addition, the Moscow Academy of Education of Natalia Nesterova in 2013 was unable to cancel the new accreditation and lost the right to issue diplomas of the state government, and the UNIK Institute, which specializes in distance learning Anna, a license was granted, so this commercial university in Moscow will be re-formed. existing institutions:

  • Moscow Economic Institute;
  • Institute of World Economy and Information Technology;
  • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Distance learning - for adults and specialists.

Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Likarska - .

Faculty - Arts and Humanities - extramural studies

You can submit documents and register from any country. We offer distance learning in more than 200 specialties. The system of education at the Birch International University is completely incompatible with the work and way of life of everyday people.

Diploma - Specialist / Expert - Linguistics
Bachelor - Bachelor- Linguistics
Master - Master- Linguistics
Doctoral level (Ph.D.)- Linguistics

Linguistics deals with the development of structural and semantic elements of language: morphology, phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, lexicology. The basis of this program is a cognitive approach, which allows you to include such disciplines as pragmatics, language psychology, mental health, language and cerebrum. Also, students should look at all the new approaches to knowledge. Language is the remaining great mystery of the human mind.

: Yassine Sabir
Detailed information about this journal and other contributions from Bircham International University is available on the Bircham University Human Network website.

Movi to the world
Communication process
Mastered movie
Theory of human communication
Today's linguistics
Grammar and morphology
Syntax and semantics
Phonetics and phonology
Psychology of language
Philosophy of language
Cognitive development

Linguistics - remote - distance learning

Programs (modules) of all specialties, which are taught by the Birch International University, represent the level of a Master, and can be adapted to the level of Fakhivtsya, Expert, Bachelor and Ph.D. It is also possible to twist objects of the skin module around. This program can be combined with other modules or supplemented with disciplines from another module of the same faculty.

Students who are entering distance learning must take into account the following aspects:
1. Addresses: Birch International University is responsible for the same mailing address for sending initial materials and documents.
2. Communication: Communication between the university and the student is facilitated by telephone, email or postal mail.
3. Observation: Whatever difficulties, physical or psychological, that arise from reading and writing books, writing abstracts, may be reported to the university as soon as possible.
4. Technical abilities: To complete the course at the International University, the Birches do not need any special technical or technological abilities.
5. Introduction: Removing the initial materials and submitting abstracts may be requested by the applicant and praised by Bircham International University during the admission process.
6. Discrimination: There is no discrimination based on race, skin color, or gender status.
7. Century: Div. benefits for entering a specific eastern region.

All documents about your distance learning will be presented in English. You can request the submission of written work in another way.

Trivalality of learning - Linguistics - remotely - remote learning

The orientation of the initial recovery is carried out on the basis of the following indicator: 15 initial years per week. Thus, at the end of the program, which covers 21 academic credits (A.K.), the beginning of the trivatime is 21 years. For programs that cover 45 academic credits (A.K.), start with 45 credits. The complexity of the current situation also lies in the number of transfer points insured from advanced knowledge and professional information.

Linguistics - correspondence learning

List of basic disciplines (skin subject consists of 3 A.K.): 1 academic credit (A.K.) BIU = 1 semester A.K. USA (15 years of navchannya) = 1 A.K. ECTS (30 years of experience).

This course can be used as a wiki for corporate training.

Movi to the world
Language is the main characteristic of a person as specialness. This course examines the world languages ​​with an emphasis on their diversity and complexity, including their syntactic, phonetic and morphological features.

Communication process
This course shows the processes that need to be managed and controlled. She cares about special and inter-personal communication, non-verbal communication, verbal interaction, language functions, forms of group communication and conflict management. Vrahova is infused with context, situation, culture, environment and awareness of the communication process.

Mastered movie
This course is directly aimed at studying nutrition in how children learn the native language. At the beginning, classical and modern theories of language learning will be examined, as well as nutrition such as language acquisition by ear (listening), mastering vocabulary, mastering phonology, morphology, syntax, and developing metalinga strict and pragmatic features. In addition to all known rumors, analyze the change in communication and communication associated with the development of this galus.
Science book: Philomena Wavinya Ndambuki

Theory of human communication
This course explores the theory of human communication with an emphasis on learning from both internal and external communication processes in business and other professional organizations. Shows theories, techniques, methods, goals and the social environment where humankind begins and develops.
Scientific quarry: Eduardo Cano Camarero

Within the framework of this course, the structural and semantic elements of language will be taught: morphology, phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, lexicology. The course of Linguistics is based on a cognitive approach, which allows you to include such disciplines as pragmatics, psychology of language, language learning, language and brain. After completing their studies, students gain a good methodological base. Language is one of the great mysteries of the functioning of the human mind.
Scientific quarry: Ivan Gesse

Today's linguistics
This course explores contemporary linguistics as it understands the universal and cognitive aspects of language structures, the interplay of genetic and social factors in the formation and development of language, within the framework of the general analysis of behavioral science. and rational theory of language. A review of the main theories of phonology, syntax and semantics is carried out and the foundations of linguistic analysis are laid.
Scientific quarry: Yassine Sabir

Grammar and morphology
This course covers grammatical concepts, terminology, word structure, and the processes behind how stinks are created. The morphological processes in various languages ​​are also explained.
Scientific Kerivnik: Carmen Ramirez Hurtado

Syntax and semantics
This course explores the structural power of language and the parameters of syntactic theory. The importance of language and its functioning in communication and the world, as well as the connections between semantics and syntax, are explored. Reportedly examines various semantic phenomena of natural language.
Scientific Kerivnik: Carmen Ramirez Hurtado

Phonetics and phonology
This course examines the mechanisms of language production and the structure of sounds in languages. This also increases the students’ respect for current knowledge of phonetics and phonology.
Scientific Kerivnik: Carmen Ramirez Hurtado

Psychology of language
This course examines the psychological processes that are at the core of modern language. It explains how the principles of language development are established for the organization of language structure, language development, language development, and also shows the psychological processes that underlie the understanding and development of language. The interconnections between the brain and brain and the specifics of brain functioning in the human body are examined.

Philosophy of language
This course reveals the basic concepts of the philosophy of language, including the character and structure of language, the nature of the origin of the semantic concept, the connections between world languages ​​and their noses, the role of non-significance in dialogue and the evolution of language in marriage. i.
Scientific Kerivnik: Carmen Ramirez Hurtado

Cognitive development
This course provides an interdisciplinary perspective on the developments, emerging theories and models in the fields of science, cognitive psychology and human intelligence. Under the hour of beginning, there are different points of view on the process of learning, memorizing and saving information, self-regulation methods of learning, metacognition, the creation of analogies, forming to understand, becoming a beginner, mastering language, reading, letters and books.
Scientific quarry: Elena Lorente Rodríguez

Help for applicants

Click to download... Official application for admission

To enter Birch International University, you must send an official application for admission by electronic mail, completed on the standard form, dated and signed. You can download the application form from our website or request it by mail. Send a new package of documents by mail to our address or as attachments (PDF or JPG format) to our email address.

The standard duration of the document review procedure is 10 days.

All applicants can submit:

* The application for admission has been filled in with a date and signature;
* 1 photo 3x4;
* Summary;
* A copy of the document that certifies the person.

Applicants seeking a Bachelor's, Master's or Ph.D. degree may also submit:

* Contribution for review of documents: €200 euro or 250 US dollars;
* Copies of diplomas, inserts with grades, certificates, etc.;
* Additional documents: a sheet of information about the scholarship, special obligations, proposals (optional).

After reviewing the application for admission, Bircham International University receives an official certificate of admission, which will indicate the number of transfer points insured from your advanced education and professional qualifications, and all transfers. x discipline, which is your responsibility to complete the main program you have chosen specialties. This process cannot be carried out without first announcing the acceptance.

You can submit documents and register from any country.

Offices BIU - University of Distance Learning -Contacts...
If you run out of extra power, fight back. We will be happy to help you. :)

Linguistics - remote - distance learning

Joining professional associations is the shortest way to grow professionally.

Belonging to professional associations is the shortest way to grow professionally. Candidates may vary depending on the faculty, qualifications and data of the graduate, so BIU cannot guarantee the membership of its graduates in various associations. Bircham International University does not participate in or mediate this process. The BIU also sends messages to professional associations for each skin faculty. If you are attracted to any organization, contact it directly.

AAAL - American Association for Applied Linguistics
ABRALIN - Associação Brasileira de Lingüística
AELCO - Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva
AESLA - Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada
AFLA - Association Française de Linguistique Appliquée
AFOS - Association for Foundations of Science, Language and Cognition
AIL - Associação Internacional de Linguística –
SIL Brazil
AILA - International Association of Applied Linguistics
ALAB - Associação de Linguística Aplicada do Brasil
ALD - Asociación de Lingüística del Discurso
APL - Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
ASL - Association des Sciences du Langage
FTUL - Fédération Typologie and Universaux Linguistiques
IASS - International Association for Semiotic Studies
ICLA - International Cognitive Linguistics Association
IQLA - International Quantitative Linguistics Association
ISLE - International Society for Linguistics of English
LAGB - Linguistics Association of Great Britain
LSA - Linguistic Society of America
MLA - Modern Language Association of America
PALA - Poetics and Linguistics Association
PLH - Portal of Lingüística Hispánica
SCL - Society for Caribbean Linguistics
SEHL - Sociedad Española de Historiography Lingüística
SEL - Sociedad Española de Lingüística
SILF - Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle
SLIR - Société de Linguistique Romane
SLP - Société de Linguistique de Paris

Knowledge - Linguistics - distance learning - distance learning

Knowledge - Distance learning
Accreditation - Distance learning -
Legalization of diploma - Services for graduates -
ECTS Bali - Uninterrupted lighting -

Recognition of the Diploma of distance learning and securing of academic loans (A.K.) with other initial mortgages, organizations and enterprises is the prerogative of the receiving party. The criteria for this process are being developed at each university and depend on the current internal policies and legislation of the country where they exist.


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