Rozpovid for a schoolboy about the profession of a collector. Posadov's instruction of the collector

Rozpovid for a schoolboy about the profession of a collector. Posadov's instruction of the collector

The collector is engaged in the collection and delivery of pennies and other material values ​​from the organization to the bank, as well as the delivery of the preparation from the bank to the organization. The profession of a collector is foldable and strong, it will require the same skills and qualifications from the applicant. Ale, with the specialty of the collector, he can drink a lot from robots, he will give you the opportunity to promote your newcomers to volunteer and physical training, and also allow you to take it off.

Robotic space

Settlement of the collector is requested from the state service of collection, private security enterprises (PSC), special services of commercial banks, credit non-commercial organizations.

History of the profession

At that hour, if banknotes were not yet in use and the main penny units were gold and silver coins, pennies were transported from the great forged screens and screens. Trade caravans of merchants, who carried with them a large sum of pennies, accompanied the good guards, on the basis of which they sent a trusted representative from the richest merchant homeland.

Nadali obov'yazki іnkasatorіv vykonuvali zvichaіnі polіtsіyskiy, and pennies were transported from simple lanes. For the past 25-30 years, the work of the collector's robot has become a perfect profession.

Bonds of the collector

The axis of the main line of what to work the collector in his working place:

  • Delivery of preparations and valuables to the organization from the bank and back.
  • Rechecking and packing of valuables together with a cashier.
  • Reviewing the correctness of supporting financial documentation.
  • Security of valuables on the entire route.

Posadovі obov'yazki іnkаsії mozhut v_drіznjatisya stalely according to the specifics of the installation and objects of collection.

Wimogi to the collector

Essays on the specifics of the work and transfer of material dependency, the main assistance to the collector are presented:

  • The number of convictions, shkidlivy zvichok, doubtful facts in the biography.
  • Service in the army of the MVS, often dosvid work in the defense structures.
  • Vitrivality, good physical training, readiness to physical adventure.
  • Respect, good speed of reaction.
  • Preparing for special courses from certificates.
  • Vodіyski rights category B (often roboticists proponuyut zdobuvachevі zamіschennya funktsіy vіdіkasі and vodіya).

In addition, scho enter before obov'yazkіv іnkаskovomu in obov'yazkovuyu order, okremі robodavtsi can show vlasnі vomogi — evidence of accounting knowledge, for example, chi manifestation of vlasnoi traumatic zbroї.

Sample resume of the collector

How to become a collector

As a rule, in order to competently understand the functions of the collector, even though there is no need for special lighting. People from the middle light, even if they have served in the army, can have a “clean” biography. Prote in front of him, like becoming a collector, all one has to go through a special training and get a private security license. Often a plus for the applicant is the military, legal or sports education.

Risks of the profession

Settlement of the collector is tied with a rizik for life and that is a physically important robot. Before that, the robot is psychologically foldable - constantly mothers in the hands of great sums of cooking and not everyone can fire a fire. Psychologists are also qualified by the collectors.

Collector's salary

The salary of the collector is to be deposited depending on the date of the work of the specialist and the specifics of the company, in the same wine. Sounds like it’s going to be between 17-35 thousand rubles, and the average salary of a collector in the country is 26 thousand rubles. Often, those who take the money from the collector, deposit in the form of obov'yazkіv and the number of organizations, until such traces come for collection. I’ll give you a salary, the workers of the robots give bonuses to the employees of the workers.

The collector is guilty of delivering pennies or valuables to the bank or from the bank. Tse smut in the profession, which conveys viability, gaining riches and skills, miraculous physical form, professional motivation to quit. Such practitioners are needed by state institutions, private security services, commercial banks and non-commercial structures of the credit plan.

If the pennies were all in the form of coins of silver and gold, and for their delivery they ordered trade caravans, as they demanded a hired guard, as it was well prepared and known on the ground. Those hours have sunk into oblivion;

Bonds of the collector

Representative of this profession:

  • We deliver the preparation and the value from the bank to the right organization and the same day.
  • Checking and packing material values ​​together with the cashier.
  • Reviewing the relevant documentation.
  • Take care of the security of vantage along the entire route of straightening.

Ker_vniki ієї chi іnshої structures іnоdі add to tsikh vidіv іnkasatorskoї ї іyalnostі іnshі. For example, the functions of a cashier, which is responsible for the execution of financial documentation, acceptance and transfer of preparation.

Have a vipadka, fire-fighting courage, vibrancy, miraculous physical training, respect, quick reaction, and so it’s smart to make the right decision when you are not safe, and be smart for your profession. The collector is guilty of violating his health, including psychological ones.

The salary of the collector is brimming with legal documents, the specifics of the place of work, the number of structures that are required for collection. The range of wages to become 25-38 thousand karbovantsiv. Some companies have a fixed salary for workers to have additional bonuses.

Car'arni go for the best spivrobitnikiv like this: from a simple collector - to a senior collector, with fates there is a chance to become a key.

How to become a collector

Up to the pluses of the profession lie those who often don’t need higher education, pro-army service is necessary for the applicant, like a “non-contaminated” biography. As a minimum, you will be deprived of a private security license after passing the necessary training. Dodatkovoy perevagoy for priynyattya on the job will be zdobut before the profession of a lawyer, military, as well as professional sports education.

For the singing of the circumstances, the collector is guilty of but and ready to catch the evildoer after the attack, in which the head risk of the profession is laid - it’s not safe for life. In addition, the importance of physical and psychological work. Not the skin can be trusted with great pennies and fire armor. The work of the collector is stressful, so the representatives of the profession need regular consultations with psychologists.

Collector: possibilities and taboos of the profession

Editorial note

1 Serpnya marks the All-Russian day of the collector. On the first day of 1939, a cash collection service was created at the Derzhbank of the SRSR. In the meantime, the need to transport and protect penny koshtіv and valuables of vinyl richly earlier - at once with the appearance of valuables, and pennies like the IX century from Kiev Rus.

About those who are engaged in collectors, what is fenced off and allowed for an hour of work, rozpovida

Who are the collectors?

Collector - a person who delivers pennies and other material values ​​from organizations to banks, and also delivers preparations from the bank to organizations.

It can be said that the collectors appeared at that hour, if the banknotes were not yet in use, the main penny units were gold and silver coins, and the pennies were transported from the great forged screens and screens. These trade caravans of merchants, as if they carried with them a large sum of pennies, accompanied the good guards, on the basis of which they trusted a representative from the richest merchant's family.

Nadali obov'yazki іnkasatorіv vykonuvali zvichaynі polіtsіysі, and pennies were transported by the simplest film crews. The independent profession of a robot collector became less than 25-30 years ago.

What are the bindings and the help to the collectors?


  • Delivery of preparations and valuables to the organization from the bank and back.
  • Rechecking and packing of valuables together with a cashier.
  • Reviewing the correctness of supporting financial documentation.
  • Security of valuables on the entire route.

Essays on the specifics of the work and transfer of material dependency, the main assistance to the collector are presented:

  • The number of convictions, shkidlivy zvichok, doubtful facts in the biography.
  • Service in the army of the MVS, often dosvid work in the defense structures.
  • Vitrivality, good physical training, readiness to physical adventure.
  • Respect, good speed of reaction.
  • Preparing for special courses from certificates.
  • Vodіyski rights category B (often roboticists proponuyut zdobuvachevі zamіschennya funktsіy vіdіkasі and vodіya).
  • Vlasnі vymogi okremih robopodavtsіv — nayavnіst accounting osvіti, for example, chi vyavnіst vlasnoi traumatic zbroї.

If the collector can zasosuvat zbroyu?

Practitioners of the collection service may have the right to collect money from such cases:

  • for zahistu koshtіv and values ​​vіd malice encroachments;
  • for the purpose of redressing the attack, if the life and health of the workers of the encashment are attacked without any harm;
  • for zatrimannya zlochintsiv, yakі attacked pracіvnіkіv іnkаsії аbо values ​​аnd objects thаt аrе protected;
  • for a victorious attack, I will attack with a method of zavolodinnya zbroєyu.

Before withdrawing the service charge, the collector needs to deposit a sleep at the regional authority's license-permissive system UVS. Then we see a license for saving, if a person can have the right to be engaged in transportation and protection of cats and valuables.

About the skin fact of vikoristannya zbroї іnkasator zobov'yazaniya dopovisti to the police and perebuvat on the mіstsі fit until the arrival of law enforcement agencies, yakshcho, obviously, ymovіrnіst re-attack.

Why don't you have the right to work as a collector?

The collector is not guilty for the daily furnishing:

To the warehouse of the brigade of collectors enter the cashier, guards and water.

Collector- tse posadova persona, yak zdіysnyuє іnkasіu - tbto zbirannya that transportation of penny koshtіv and other valuables of a material nature: expensive metals, tsіnnih papers, important banking documents. The choice of that transported spіvrobіtnik viroblya, like between different installations, and between the same pіdrozdіlami.

Tobto the collector is a whole person, as he is engaged in the delivery of pennies and other valuables, especially the great ones between different financial organizations. The collector can be a spivrobitnik to a bank, or another business, or a state institution.

The cashier is the person who is transporting goods to the bank from the supermarket, shopping center, filling station; and the one who brings that deposit to the ATM also by the collector.

History of the profession

Inkasator - a pokhіdne word like incassare - put at the treasure that came from the Italian movie.

Prote, the collector, - as an okrema specialty - showed up recently, less than 25 years ago, before the binding of the collector for the protection of the transportation of large sums of cats, the policemen were confiscated. And even earlier - it’s a rich century for that - gold and cost among the great cities were transported by caravans of merchants with a great wealth of protection.

Step by step, this tradition has grown into a great profession - the function of protecting penny coins, which are transported from banks to banks, - a specially trained person at the warehouse of the security group began to pick up, which was beneficially marked on the transportation system, the robot’s shards were entrusted to people go, come on. the stink of robbing and that the work of the robot is tied up with risks.

What to rob the collector

Speaking in simple terms, the collector is engaged in the transportation of especially large sums of money from a specially owned car at the warehouse of the collection brigade.

Professional footwear

The whole essence of the work of the collector is based on the collection of pennies that are transported. Therefore, all work clothes can be subdivided into the following categories:

  1. Rechecking that pіdrakhunok tsіnnosti before zavantazhennyami їх at the car.
  2. Zapovnennya and reverification of the correctness of the filling of documents.
  3. Bezposerednє zavantazhennya ts_nnosti on the car. Suprovid that security of safety of valuables during transportation and further transfer for the sake of help.

Varto designate, that in the fallow, you have installed, as a worker the collector, to distinguish between your work shoes and the wimogi.

Features of the robot

The collector works as a warehouse lanka in the collection brigade. The brigade is composed of a non-intermediate collector, security guards and water (in the middle of a settlement, a collector is hired). Through those who are cashing in - a robot with a high professional risk, we’ll succumb to the robbery and theft, - regardless of the appearance of the guards, the cashier himself goiter to support the miraculous form of that high-class volodity zbroєyu.

The work of the collector is rather important and not safe, the shards are connected with the constant risk of life and regular physical adventures. However, the psychological aspect is given a profession of excellence through a constant work with even great penny sums and the obligatory presence of a fire pit. As a result, people with a stable mentality can work at the estate of a collector, and then the robot provider will provide a regular job with a psychologist.

De call the collector

In order to work as a collector, it is not necessary to have everything, but a secondary special education - for the profession of a collector, as such, there is no basic discipline. Prote pevni vimogi to work in this sphere.

Cashier's career

The ability of the cashier's growth to be small, the shards of his professional obligations are only related to the removal of the transported valuables, - the practitioner does not take away that knowledge necessary for the rozumіnnya bankіvskoї sprіvіvіvіlіvіlіvіlіy.

It’s not worth talking about those who are kar’єri in the bank’s office, you don’t have to work as a cash collector, but the cash collector can grow up to the head of the cash collection service, or (more likely) the head of the security of the enterprise. So the choice is small, through the end of the university specialization.


Іnkasator - low-paid posad, yak not visuvaє could not svіti until osvіti that dosvіdu work zdobuvacha - є one of the main zasobіv zabezpechennya bezpechennya when transporting penny koshtіv.

Professіya іnkasatora, yak і be-yak іnsha may have а plus and minus.

The main plus is that it is possible to practice with a notoriously bad salary for people who cannot afford specialized education and knowledge of work.

Summarizing, it would be desirable to show that the profession of a cash collector secures a worker with disproportionately high risks, as well as psychophysical advantages for a low salary, as in Russia it should be between 20,000 and 40,000 rubles per month. Obviously, this job is most likely to be attractive and promising for many military servicemen-strokovikiv, young people who can’t afford to enlighten.

However, the chain was with two points. That lightness, with which it was young, a person was able to dominate the work, that salary does not pay off, hiring risks. If a profession is necessary, it won't be good as a starting point for young people.

Collector(from the Italian incassare - put in a box) - a spy to the bank or a special third-party organization, the obligations of which include the collection and transportation of ready-made coins, as a rule, to the bank from the bank’s organization (for example, the organization’s trade receipt) or back ( наприклад, для видачі заробітної плати. Також інкасатори перевозять готівкові кошти між різними банками (наприклад, знову надруковані банкноти в сховищі банку), інші матеріальні цінності — особливо важливі документи, дорогоцінні метали, банківські картки та ін. оплати) також відноситься до інкасаторської діяльності . The profession is suitable for those whom physical education and life safety (div. choice of profession with interest in school subjects) should be called.


Before obov'yazkіv іnkasatora enter the reception of the organіzatsіy for zdacha in the bank. Ale, as a penny, it is necessary not only to accept and issue, but to deliver it to the bank in safety and security, to the brigade of collectors, together with the cashier, security guards and water enter. That collector himself is guilty of miraculously volody zbroєyu that mother was granted a license. The collectors are guarded whether they are violating the route, zupinki, whether they are interfering with third-party persons, as well as all those who do not comply with the violations of their functional obligations and violating the safety rules.

Pluses and minuses of the profession

To the minuses of the profession one can see the high material strength and risk for life. Іsnuyut i pevnі problems. We are physically challenged: we often have to carry big bears with rubbish, gold, large packages with banknotes. If you want a current bulletproof vest to weigh less than 3-4 kg, it’s important to wear it all day, whatever the weather. Give me more money: a pistol, and the spivrobitniks of "Rosinkasu" have a machine gun. Another folding is psychological. A robot with great sums, with a firearm in the hands is already strained, to that the collectors perebuvayut under the constant supervision of a specialist psychologist, which follows the situation in the team and the psychological state of the skin practitioner.

Misce roboti

Collectors work at state-owned collection services (“Rosinkas” under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), special services of commercial banks, non-banking credit organizations (the largest of them is “Inkakhran”) and private security enterprises (PSCs).

Important yakosti

First and foremost - orderliness. Important - moral stamina and vminnya get along in the team, bazhannya postiyno doskonalyuvatisya.

De navchayut

As a rule, the collector is not obov'yazkovo mother to see the light, it's more for the singing specialty. Plus, it will be legal, sporty chi military education, ale, zreshtoy, virishal will appear otherwise: the physical form is that “pure” biography. Ale to go through a professional training all the same to happen. One of the necessary documents for obtaining a license for private security is a diploma (certificate) on completion of special training courses. Її you can go to the main centers "Alfa-Prestige", "Vityaz" and other.

Payment for services

The salary of the collector is not too high for a worker, connected with the risk and the hardship for life: from 17 to 30 thousand. rub. (If you want a svіvrobіtnik іz solid dosvіdom іnоdі otrimuє і more, up to 50 ths. rub.). The work schedule can be changed: the usual five-day week, two days after two, etc.

Salary as of 17.09.2019

Russia 15500-42000 ₽

Moscow 30000-62000 ₽

Gatherings of Kar'eri and Perspectives

Spivrobitniki іnkаsatorskikh pіdrozіlіv vіdmіnu pratsіvnіkіv, for example, kol-tsentrіv mаyut dzhezhenі posobennosti zrobiti bankіvsku kar'єru. Carrying pennies, it is unlikely that you can become a specialist in sales, or you can understand all the nuances of banking products . Ale virosity to the guardian of the collection service as a whole is real.

Portrait of a current collector

Credit organizations have been given a portrait of an average candidate for the transfer of pennies. Call the honor to give to young people aged 23-24, who have served in the army. Special physical training is not necessary, but important, so that the health of the future collectors was good - even if they had to bear hardships. Bazhano, that the applicant Mav "Yakir" - squad and children. І smut - in the collector, you can always burn your eyes. And not the figure of the movie: a man is languishing, like “everything is the same” you can spend a lot of time or react incorrectly in an extreme situation. Deyak kerіvniki vvazhayut for the best recruit spіvrobіtnіv without certificates, which are easier to learn from scratch. Natomіst dosvіd іnkasії іn ATMs dzhe vіtaєtsya.

Day of the collector- professionally holy spіvrobіtnikіv іnkasії, like 1 sickle is marked. On the first day of 1939, a cash collection service was created at the Derzhbank of the SRSR.


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