Piloting team “first flight. America Follows Polite

Piloting team “first flight. America Follows Polite

Key to start

Appointment Russian technological companion

Zamovnik Ministry of Defense of the SRSR

Virobnik OKB-52 MAP

Nose rocket Satellite 11A59

Starting maidanchik Baikonur

Technical characteristics

Masa 1400 kg


Dzherela life

NSSDC ID 1963-043A

SCN 00683

Elements of orbit after completion of maneuvering


Naughty 58°55"

period 102.5 hwilin

apocenter 1437 km

pericenter 343 km

The Sovereign Commission for a lot of trials for the heads of the commander of the range, General Zakharov A.G., where the intercessors of the head included - Kobzarev A.A. Vіd DKAT, General Trusov K.A. Vіd vіysk PPO, tehnіchny kerіvnik - Chelomey V.N., praised the decision about the launch of the spacecraft on the 1st leaf fall of 1963.

Tsіkavim є the fact that the spacecraft "Polit-1" broke into history under its own name, and not among the satellites in the "Cosmos" series. Ale, such “vipadannya” from the list went sideways. "Polit-1" strіmko having torn down at the river of forgetfulness. Russian Wikipedia can't find articles with such a name.




As a matter of fact, prior to the program of exploration of outer space and further thorough spaceships near the Radiansk Union, space vehicles are being developed, which allow to improve the orbital benefits for a wide range of maneuvers at all direct routes.

The work that is being carried out is to allow for the management of spacecraft in the field, directing them to the necessary areas for obtaining scientific information related to the space expanse.

With the help of the program of the 1st leaf fall of 1963, the Radyansk Union launched the ceramic maneuvering spacecraft “Polit-1”, equipped with special equipment and a system of rukovoi installations, which would ensure stabilization and wide space maneuvering of the spacecraft.

On board the spacecraft installed scientific equipment, radiotelemetric system and transmission, which operates at a frequency of 19.945 megahertz.

The spacecraft of viishov on the outer orbit with the maximum distance from the surface of the Earth (at the apogee) is 592 kilometers and the minimum distance (at the perigee) is 339 kilometers.

At the latest performance before the program was installed, the launch of the launcher was carried out for the stabilization and subsequent development of spacecraft maneuvers.

The spacecraft "Polit-1" made significant lateral maneuvers, changing the orbital plane, as well as maneuvers in altitude and transitions to the final orbit from the tip of the altitude to the equatorial plane of 58 degrees 55 altitude, with the altitude at the apogee 147 km3.

The first period for the spacecraft in this orbit is 102.5 minutes.

Onboard equipment, installed on the spacecraft, working normally.

Watch over the spacecraft "Polit-1" and receive telemetric data from ground command and control points, which are distributed to the Radyansky Union.

Radio-telemetric equipment ensures the transmission of the necessary scientific information related to the known space.

In this rank, for the first time, a wide range of maneuvering of the spacecraft in the minds of space was made.

As a result of the planned program of testing the Radyansk Union, an important breed was broken, which is necessary for further development and exploration of space.

The crime of the TARS induced more news, on the sides of the Pravda newspaper, for three days, were published reports of the world's spirituality, dedicated to the success of the Radian cosmonautics. Zvertaє respect reading the ideological directing of publications. Such an hour.

Significant access

From a short notice, a call flew around Poland about the launch of the Polit-1 spacecraft near the Radyansk Union, which is maneuvering.

The intercessor of the head of Radi Ministers of Poland Stefan Ingar told TARS correspondents:

Enemies and victories to the new all-important achievements of the Radyansky Union in space exploration. Not so long ago the whole world was suffocated by cosmonauts V. Tereshkov and V. Bikovsky from Radyansk. The first axis of the new Kraina Rad has created a new serious rock at the root of the cosmos. This is already a preparation for the perfection of the benefits of a person. To the zustriches at the All-world.

Wonderful, fantastic!

BERLIN, 1 leaf fall. TARS. The announcement about the launch of the spacecraft "Polit-1" spread all over the republic.

Wonderful, fantastic! This is an important step on the path of distant exploration of outer space for peaceful purposes, said Associate Professor of the Physico-Chemical Institute of the University named after. Humboldt Hervard Peich. The creation of that launch of a spacecraft, which can be taken from the earth, is a new achievement of the Radian science and technology. We, German vcheni, vitaёmo radyansky people from tsієyu new victory.

Important Crook!

The telegraph brought a call about those, that in the Radyansky Soyuz, the spacecraft “Polit-1” was launched, which was maneuvering, and the unpredictable Ugorian radio spread the call all over the country. About the policy of praise to speak at the editorial offices of newspapers, at enterprises, at apartments.

The successful launch of a maneuverable spacecraft is an important success for conquering space, Yerne Nagy, secretary of the Ugorsk Committee for Space Use, told a TARS correspondent.

America Follows Polite

NEW YORK, 1 leaf fall. (TAS). Three years after the announcement about the launch of the Polit-1 maneuvering spacecraft near the Radyansky Soyuz, American telegraph agencies began to transmit reports about the new reach of the Radyansky Soyuz in space exploration.

In defiance of the importance of the Radian experiment, the AP agency is blaming that the approach of two such ships near space would allow us to put into orbit a great deal of possession, as it can serve as a launching pad for rockets that can direct to distant space bodies.

majestic interest

London, 1 leaf fall. (TAS). The announcement about the launch of the ceramic spacecraft Polit-1 at the Radyansk Union, which is maneuvering, called out the majestic interest of London. The information about the new important achievement of the Radian science was negligently transmitted by news agencies and radio.

New unapplied feat!

The international community is engulfed by the launch of the spacecraft that maneuvers, "Polit-1"

A wonderful gift for Zhovtnya

PRAGUE, 2 leaf fall. (Vob. Cor. "Pravda"). Information about the launch of the Polit-1 maneuvering spacecraft near the Radiansk Union was published by all current newspapers on the first sleepers under the great headlines: “An important crucible for a distant twisted space”, “Great success of Radian science”, “Polit-1” maneuvering on its own paths near space".

“Rude Pravo” writes: “In front of “Polyot-1” there is a scientific task of majestic significance. Re-checking the maneuverability of the satellite will show if the spacecraft can change its course, get closer to space with a smaller space body. It is impossible not to notice that the Radyansk vcheni zdijsnili launches of the maneuvering apparatus on the day of preparation for the great saint of the Radyansk people - the river of the Zhovtnevoy revolution. The Radyansk region won Zhovtnya in advance of its glorious science a valuable gift.

Necessary opportunities

WARSAW, 2 leaf fall. (Vob. Cor. "Pravda"). The launch by the Radyansk Union of the first maneuvering spacecraft "Polit-1" won the respect of the broad Polish community.

The newspapers without a blame placed a tribute to N.S. Khrushchov, who was crushed by him in the wake of the launch of Pol'ot-1 at a reception in honor of the Prime Minister of Laos, Suwan Phum. Newspapers see the opportunity for N.S. Khrushchev, it seems that space exploration is an area that gives the opportunity for peaceful expansion between powers.

The launch of a space maneuvering apparatus, according to the vice-head of the Polish Astronautical Association, Professor Z. Ponchkovsky, is extremely important for the implementation of future, more foldable, lower dosі cosmic benefits.

In the center of respect

TOKYO, 2 leaf fall. (TAS). The launch of the SRSR ceramic spacecraft "Polit-1" can be even more important for the development of space achievements - this is how the Japanese agencies characterize the new achievements of Radian science.

"Polit-1" pays respect to the team, writes the commentator of the newspaper "Asahi" Abe, that you can switch from one orbit to another. Improvement of this spaceship, the sound of vins, the SRSR is approaching until the date of the launch of two ships near space.

Taken one more peak

HAVANA, 2 leaf fall. (TAS). The capital's friend at other places publishes this year's great announcements from Moscow about the launch of a new spacecraft "Polit-1" at the Radyansk Union. The newspapers Notisias de oy, Revolution, Mundo provide technical data on the new spacecraft, acknowledging the great successes of the Radyansky Union in space exploration. Newsletter about the launch of Pol'otu-1, the newspaper Notisias de Oy, headlined: "People's thought has taken one more peak."

Broad prospects

London, 2 leaf fall. (Vob. Cor. "Pravda"). In England, the launch by the Radyansk Union of the world's first maneuverable spacecraft is regarded as another important milestone for the Radianian science on the road to space exploration.

Today's newspapers report about the new one on the first side under great headlines that tie the respect of readers: "Russia launched a satellite in a change of orbit" ("Daily Telegraph"), "New Radiant Space Success" ("The Times"), "Russian Earth maneuver satellite" ("Guardian"), "The Russians launched a satellite, like a stench can cheruvati" ("Final Times").

An English astronomer, Sir Bernard Lovell, stating that the launch of a spacecraft near the Radyansk Union, which is maneuvering, "obviously, is the beginning of a program for stunting between spacecraft that fly behind their orbits." "The construction of the ship "Polit-1" changes the camp in your Russia in space with a speed of 18 thousand miles a year," writes Angus MacPherson in the "Daily Mail", "the day is approaching if two cherished human spaceships will strike in space." The commentator says that the flight of the Radyansk maneuverable spacecraft is reaffirming that in the field of development of Russia "technically far ahead of the Americans."

Great hostility

Washington, 2 leaf fall. (TAS). The launch of the kerovan spacecraft "Polit-1" at the Radiansky Soyuz, having done a great job of defeating the American fahivtsivs for the promotion of space. "A new Radian launch, - said the assistant to the director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Robert Siemens, - to tell about the high technical capabilities of the Radian Union."

NASA Director James Webb said that the launch of the Polit-1 spacecraft at the Radyansky Soyuz is deafening to the need to “continue a broad service program in the United States so as not to show up as a hoax.”

Washington's "Star" says with a grand headline on the first line that "Polit-1" can change its orbit.

New glorious victory in the Krayina Zhovtnya

WARSAW, 3 leaf fall. (Vob. Cor. "Pravda"). The secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Henryk Yablonsky, said to a Pravda correspondent: “It is significant and important that the Polit-1 spacecraft was actually launched on the eve of the Zhovtnevoy socialist revolution. The whole triumph of the great ideals of Zhovtnya, the whole triumph of a new human history, rooted in Zhovtnya.

The launch of a space-ceramic and manoeuvrable apparatus, without a doubt, represents a new important stage in the history of the development of human space. V_n once again about the absolute firstness and the predominance of the Radyansky Union in this room.

The triumph of radian science takes its bud from the miraculous remembrance of the socialist revolution in the future of 1917 and the successful development of ideals. Dzherelo is clean and not exhausted. Vіdkriv svіtovі epoch of peaceful development of humankind, and tse inspire all people of good will with majestic and indestructible optimism.

SOFIA, 3 leaf fall. (Kor. "True"). A new gigantic streak of Radian science and technology - this is how “Robitnicha on the right” signifies the launch of “Poliot-1”. Wine is the most important for further exploration of the vastness of the world. The incredible maneuverability of the new spacecraft opens up wide spaces for space navigation.

BERLIN, 3 leaf fall. (Kor. "True"). — I would like to widely welcome Radian scientists, engineers and technicians with great success, — Professor Johannes Hoppe, Vice-President of the German Astronautical Association, Director of the Observatory of the NDR Academy of Sciences at Babelsberz, said to the correspondent of Pravda. - The launch of the Polit-1 spacecraft, without a doubt, marks a new stage in the development of space exploration. Humanity is ahead of the new challenges, it is entering the era of space launch stations and group flights of ships on the nearest planets.

Light of the new triumph of Radian science

The launch of the Polit-1 spacecraft is a new great streak in space, write Neis Deutschland. We are demonstrating before the world the unapplied mastery of Radian scientists, engineers, robotics and technicians, like building a grandiose space program step by step. "Polit-1", the naked newspaper, is the price of a new confirmation of the victory of the socialist suspension system, the all-season power of the ideas of the Great Zhovtnevoy socialist revolution, as it has opened the doors to a new era before the people.


Gromadskіst and seal of Czechoslovakia are fading new triumphant success of the Radyansk Union in space achievements, showing that the launch of the spacecraft "Polit-1" is of great importance for the outward, more complex space benefits.


"Polit-1" has opened a new era in the field of space prices, - the scientific observer of the weekly London newspaper "Sunday Times". Assessing the significance of the great victory of the Radians' achievements in space, looking around the bare, that "Polit-1" has gone far, lower than the previous ones. Vіn zdatny vykonuvati more foldable maneuvers and may be enough fire for that.


“The new spacecraft “Polit-1” is not only the technical perfection of today, but it is also more important, as it will help future achievements,” said Professor Wu So Maung, director of the State Technical Institute, to TARS correspondents. “I am grateful for the success of the Radian scientists, and I wish them new achievements.”

The program of casting and design testing of the spacecraft "Polit-1", was opened for the second turn, it was more foldable. After the first inclusion of a separate dvigun, the satellite of the viishov into the reference orbit with an altitude of 339 km at the perigee and 592 km at the apogee. Then, following the commands of the control system, the yogic engines were switched on in the late and transverse directions. For a long time, the apparatus was shaking and stabilizing with the engines of “zhorstkoy” and “soft” stabilization. After all the maneuvers of the transitions to the end of the orbit with an altitude of 343 km at the perigee and 1437 km at the apogee, changing also the height of the orbit to the equatorial plane. The program has been updated again.

Lecture 38

Ground radio stations

For communication with the PS, PCs are used, or independently functioning radio transmitters and receivers. The principles of their encouragement are more important than those of the onboard PCs. Table 1. It can be seen from the table that more transmitters of terrestrial PCs provide more noise reduction and higher frequency stability against airborne PCs. "Baklan-RN - Baklan-5"). There are also effective antennas on the ground, lower ones on board. To change the transmission to the radio receiver, terrestrial transmitters are grouped in the transmitter, and receivers - at the receiver's radio center, as if they are separated one by one for the first one. Transfers are carried out by remote transmissions and receivers.


Transmitter "Octopus-1", receiver "R-870M"


"Polit-1", "Polit-2"


Transmitter "Ash-50", receiver "R-870M"

Frequency range, MHz

Number of channels

Frequency separation between channels, kHz

Tension of viprominuvannya, W

5 ("Polit-1")

50 ("Polit-2")

(AM, AMn) - 150

J3E (OM) - 500

Frequency stability

10 -5 and 3 10 -7

Carrier frequency shift, kHz

0; ±2.5; ±4; ±7.5; ±8

Sensitivity of the receiver, mkV

It's time to switch to transmission, or re-bud,

Class viprominuvannya

The middle hour is on the vіdmova,

2500 ("Polit-1")

1500 ("Polit-2A")

3000 ("Polit")

Table 1

Consumed tightness

vіd merezі 380V


local or distant


W×D×H, mm

460 x 600 x 710

570 x 670 x 220

570 x 420 x 1000

Weight, kg

PCT "Polit-3" can be used in the mode of ground tropospheric lines

Assigned for transmission / reception of TF to receive data from the channels of the fixed-line aviation service, GA call, including for stationing in the ARC

AT Volodymyr plant "Electroprilad"

The fundamental feature of the new generation of terrestrial radio transmitters in the MB band is that they have a mode of vipromonition to the shifted frequencies of carriers. In this mode, the frequency of vibration is measured by fixing the value of kilohertz. This mode is victorious, as the PC is installed at the relay point, hundreds of kilometers away from the transmission center. The zones of vibration of the main transmitter and the repeater at high altitudes intersect one by one, because of the instability of frequencies and the presence of Doppler effects when receiving signals from both transmitters, tuned to the same frequency, they can be blamed for shifts in the appearance of interference whistles. The use of the frequency of one of the transmissions uses the possibility of viniknennya such shifts.

For the help of the PC "Polit" and the transmission "Ash-50" it is possible to automatically exchange digital data with the airborne systems of the AP. Operational and technical characteristics of terrestrial PCs in the DKMV range are indicated in Table. 2.

The most favorable operational and technical characteristics are given by PC MB "Baklan-RN", "Polit-1", "Polit-2", radio transmitter "Ash-50", PC DKMV "Yastrub", "Kashtan", radio transmitters DKMV "Bereza" ( s priymachem "Brusnitsa"), "Cedar". Radio station "Baklan-RN" and PC "Baklan", supplemented with a microphone and an additional ULF for remote monitoring. The radio station "Polit-1" includes the radio transmitter "Polit-1A" and the radio receiver "Polit". At the PC "Polit-2" the deputy broadcaster "Polit-1A" wins the broadcaster "Polit-2A". The radio transmitter "Polit-1A" should serve as an alarm clock for the radio transmitter "Polit-2A" with an intensity of vibration of 50 W, the intensity of the output signals is 5 watts. At the radio transmitters "Polit-1A" and "Ash-50" the carrier frequency is transmitted.

The frequency scale for the MB band is selected equal to 25 kHz, for the UHF band - 100 Hz. The stability of the frequency of transmissions and heterodynes of receivers lies at the boundaries of 10 -5 ... 2 10 -7, which makes it possible to install wireless and wireless communication and implementation of OM.

In 1987 The logging was completed by POLIVNI VIPHT-3, admitted to Obmіn by telephone Rad_omlenniy, and Torztrya Rad_yozv'Inka, and Horizodiyuyi Aeroports, MIZDERIKI, MІZTEROVY AEROPORTS, MAYDATERIKI MINIMIKI AEROPORTS, MAYDERATERS TO POSITIONS aviation robots. A characteristic feature of the PC "Polit-3" is the formation of additional channels of the tropospheric expansion of the radio wave, which ensures a stable connection with the same type of ground-based PCs on a distance of up to 200 km. with vikoristannі radioviprominyuvan z OM, up to 150 km. km pid hour vikoristannya viprominyuvan z AM. Acts and other values ​​of the operational and technical characteristics of the radio station "Polit-3" are indicated in Table. 4.3.

The radio station "Polit-3" is warranted for operation with an antenna-switch attachment "Chinara-0.25" with a 30 m coil, which has a gain coefficient of 20 dB.

The antenna at the horizontal plane is weak, and at the vertical one - with a high straightness (cut the difference between the straightness diagrams at the vertical plane to be approximately 4 °).

Table 2





Frequency range, MHz

Frequency separation between channels, kHz

Tension of viprominuvannya, W

Frequency stability

Sensitivity of the receiver, mkV

Resource, year (service term, рік)

The middle hour is on the vіdmova,

Main technical characteristics of PCT "Polit"

Table 3

Name of exhibits




frequency range,

100 – 149,975

Croc frequency grid, kHz

Klasi viprominyuvan

you see before. information

A3E (TF - AM); A2D (data transmission)


Intensity of PRD, W

for classes A3E and A2D:



middle class J3E

Sensitivity of PZM, µV at SNR 10dB (not higher):

in class A3E

in class J3E

Voltage e / life 50Hz,

Basic technical characteristics of REO "Pheasant"

Nova SERIA UNIFIRKIKOVYA AREA OVF R / VIRBIVA AREZ, SHO Vіdpovіdaє Vimogam Іkao, Mizhnaya Tosiki Standardіv, shall not arrive with the scratch of the techniques of the providy Curbishni R / Technichny Fіrm І Davivolan Realіzuvati, the concept of the concepts of the AVES in the ASF R_VNY automation.

Table 4

Exhaustion, W

Operating frequency range - 108 ... 155.99 (7) MHz

Croc mesh - 8.33 kHz


Visible instability 1 10 -6


Articulation characteristics - not lower than for another class according to GOST 1660-72 at SNR 20dB


Management and control: mistseve and control (AKDU "Zlit", LAKDU "Zlit")


Electricity: 220V (+22; -33), 50Hz


Vymogi shdo survivability and stamina to zvnіshnіh vplivіv - GOST B20.39.304-76, gr. 1.1 UHL instrumentation

Technical resource

100000 years.

Operating temperature t o C - 40 o C

Service term - 12 years

Awakening hour 0.5s

In the history of humankind, this date is engraved in gold letters: on April 12, 1961, the first person, the bulk of the USSR, Yuri Oleksiyovich Gagarin, flew into space.

Yuri Oleksiyovich Gagarin

Everything started early. About 06:07 outside Greenwich or 09:07 outside Moscow, the spacecraft “Skhid-1” with Gagarin on board was lifted off at the air. The trajectory of yoga less than a two-year flight was only one revolution around our planet in earth orbit. Already at 10.55 Moscow time "Skhid-1" made a successful landing in the Saratov region.

Creation of the ship "Skhid-1"

Two years before the historic flight on the level of the Order of the SRSR, it was no less important for the history of the decision about the creation of the piloted complex "Skhid". The initiator of this project was D.F. Ustinov, who, having captured at that hour, I will plant a deputy. Head of the RM SRSR and for the madness of the head of the Komіsії z vіysk and trade food under the Radiation Ministers.

This is a serious crock, the method of which was put forward for the SRSR as the leader of space flights. Through the words of the term s bagatioh power at the move of the device "Skhid-1" came up with more solutions. So, the emergency system of the order at the start, the soft landing system were disabled, and the duplicating galm was switched off. The life security system on board the ship was covered by less than 10 decibels. It was explained that the "Skhid" is launched in a low-visibility orbit (up to 200 km), with some fault at any time during the period of time with the help of natural galvanization of the atmosphere.

Design features of the apparatus "Skhid-1"

The parameters of the apparatus itself, its weight is close to 4.725 tons, and the maximum diameter is 2.5 m.


The engine of the "Skhid-1" lethal apparatus was calibrated at the Voronezh Design Bureau of Chemical Automation. This design has the element RD-0105, the first engine in the world, launched into outer space.

Let's look at the interior of the spacecraft, an important role was played by the ground control, which is responsible for technical maintenance and the uninterrupted launch of the "Skhid-1" apparatus in space. For yogo virobnitstvo vіdpovіdav mashinobudіvny zavod mista Novokramatorsk.

The role of an astronaut in the first place

In the course of the first space flight with people on board, the role of the astronaut was more passive - in fact, he was the passenger of the ship, which controlled the automatic systems. A special two-way radio communication system was created between an astronaut and a ground station. The station of the pilot of the space station constantly changed under the supervision of fahivtsiv for additional radio-telemetric and television fittings.

The prote system of switching on the manual control in the ship was transferred. Psychologists had a serious fight against the infamous camp and the behavior of a person in the minds of a trivial perebuvannya at the camp of negligence. Theoretically, the cosmonaut could instantly turn on the automation and start it, whether it was not transferring the air. Therefore, the manual system could only be recognized after the introduction of a special code, enclosed in a sealed envelope. Everything was thought out so that only a person in an adequate state could read the code and take control of the ship. prote,


The Joint Appliances Corporation has completed the development of a security optical radar complex (RLOK) to control the perimeter of state cordonies and especially important objects that go to the associated corporations.
“The complex, expanded by our Vega concern, allows us to take the same reliable information about the situation in the territories and objects that are being protected,” said Sergiy Skokov, the intercessor of the General Director of the United Appliances Corporation. “In view of the greater radar capabilities of buildings, it is not only ground targets that are shown, but also drones that fly low, which significantly increases the effectiveness of such a monitoring system.”
To the warehouse of the system enter the Forpost circular radar and the Polit-1 optoelectronic module, which are used to detect the transfer of vehicles, people and to navigate small-sized UAVs at a distance of up to 20 kilometers.
Military-technical cooperation "BASTION"


Joint-Stock Partnership "Chelyabinsk Radio Plant "Polit", which enters the warehouse of the VAT "Concern" Vega ", in a short term, has expanded and released a fundamentally new product, which is innovative for business - Optical-electronic module "Polit-1". OEM “Polit-1” is used for environmental monitoring of territories and can be used for the protection of especially important objects (nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, oil and gas pipelines, airfields, rowing, oil refineries, etc.), infrastructure of places and enterprises.
In OEM "Polit-1" integration:
colorful television camera with a lens, which will ensure the change of the field of light without interruption;
black-and-white television camera of high sensitivity with a lens, which secures a narrow field of vision;
a thermal imaging camera based on a photodetector facility, which cools down, which allows to carry out safety and security of detection and recognition of an object of the “human” type at a distance of up to 4 km.
The following has been implemented for the software ARM OEM "POLIT-1":
step-by-object algorithm;
ruhu object detector;
support for high-rise living quarters FullHD;
program monitoring system;
image stabilization algorithm;
panoramic view;
software correction of the video stream;
the possibility of archiving freeze-frames.
For the monitoring of territories during the protection of especially important objects (nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, oil and gas pipelines, rowing, oilfields, etc.), infrastructure of localities and enterprises, as well as for other types of conservation. Construction Module Dzvollaє Zdіysnyuvati Voice, wedroom І ROSPIZONAVENNA RUKHOMIKH І NERUUKHOMIKH CIRYY BUT WHO ACCOUNT ACCOUNT, PANORAMUMANYY MІSETSETSEY, SHO SPOSTERIA IN THE SECTOR OF 360 °, DISTRIBUTION OF POINTS OF STEPORTS, PROGRAM OF CONTROLLINNY SKANUVENNIY PRIRITERITIES DІLANEKEN SPEOKENNY, AUTOMATIC ON CHILANTE (FІKSATSIA) ON ' єkta, scho poserіgaєtsya, z vyvedennyam traektorії. moving to the monitor, viewing freeze-frames following the operator's command, auto-supply of objects, software correction of the video stream to improve image clarity, as well as archiving video recordings and stop-frames.
video block: black and white, color and thermal video cameras;
swivel support attachment (OPU);
personal computer and monitor (PEOM);
software for AWP OEM "POLIT-1";
electric cabinet;
local network cable.
Advantages over analogues:
improved technical and economic indicators;
original software security;
the possibility of complexation with any systems of technical protection and protection;
the development and production of the main warehouses, including thermal equipment, is carried out at the industrial plants;
repair and maintenance services of thermal devices on the territory of the Russian Federation (without transportation for the cordon);
yakіsna tekhnіchna pіdtrimka virobіv vsom zhittєvomu tsiklі;
rozrobka and preparation to be carried out in accordance with the state standards.
The main warehouses of the module are built according to the Sovereign standards at the domestic factories.
For image processing, the module has three channels: thermal imaging - for working in the night minds; colorful and black-white - for guarding the day.
The original software, developed at the JSC "Chelyabinsk radio plant "Polit", passed the metrological examination and state registration at the Federal Service of Intellectual Power. A patent for the Korisnu model has been issued.
Repair and maintenance of the module, including the thermal channel, are covered by the facsimiles of the Chelyabinsk Radio Plant Polit joint-stock company (without transportation outside the borders of the Russian Federation).
Dosvіdcheny zrazok OEM "Polit-1" proyshov ekspluatatsiiynі testing, de showing vysokі tekhnіchnі characteristics and proving itself as a nadіynyy zasіb tsіlodobovogo sposterezhennya.
February 20, 2012 The interim committee signed an Act on the assignment of documentation for the type of OEM "Polit-1" letter "O1" for the organization of serial production. On May 17, 2012, the Act and Decision on the completion of testing was signed with a recommendation to accept the module for delivery.
At the present time, work is being carried out from the integration of the OEM "Polit-1" with the radar station "Forpost", developed and prepared by the BAT "Concern" Vega ".
"United Industrial Corporation", which is part of the State Corporation Rostec, which conducts the development of an automated system for technical monitoring (ASTM) of the infrastructure of the oil and gas company. The system with the working name "Dome" is used in its optical-electronic attachments for the protection of cordons and for the detection of radar. It is designed to provide security for all-weather monitoring, to control whether it is carried out on the territory of the object, to spread the number of messages to various modules in the middle of the system, and also to try and check the distribution of planned work on the pipeline and to detect vivitik The rozrobtsi transferred the possibility of integrating the complexes of the airborne guard with the most unmanned aerial vehicles and other information subsystems.
“The system is being developed by our Chelyabinsk radio plant Polit,” Oleksandr Kalinin, director of the department of JSC “OPK”, has developed the system. – The new winemaker is the butt of the victorious technologies for defense in the civil gallery. The system has enabled the expansion of the opto-electronic module "Polit-1" for the protection of the cordon with improved technical indications. Modernization of "Polit-1" equipping with three cameras: thermal imaging, highly sensitive black-and-white and color, as well as active lighting. Vіn building vіyavlâtyat people with vіdrivom up to 6 km. “At the time of the oil industry, it’s more difficult to manage: it’s necessary to secure guards on the territory of the facility with a 360-degree view. For whom we have built both optical and radar modules into one complex, - even the general director of the ChRZ "Polit" Yevgen Nikitin. - ASTM fixes all roaming objects on the controlled territory. The object is detected by a radar, which is a kind of building automatization of the search for targets that are collapsing, and “better” early, lower optical security cameras. Then the system gives a targeting command for the optical module, which focuses on the required space, conduct further investigation and record the incident. The system takes a visual image of the object, which can be recognized in detail, moreover, it can be done both with the help of the operator, and with the help of software in automatic mode.
OEM was successfully tested on a number of cordon plots near the Troitsky and Zhovtnevy districts. OEM "Polit-1" floorings were worthy of cordoners, that the stench with obvious lack of space was separated from these installations after the fate of exploitation in the regimes of sovereign trials.
The optical-electronic module works again in automatic mode, moreover, in any weather. Periodic maintenance, obviously, is required. Ale, before MOT after a month of uninterrupted work, MOT - 2 through pivroka, MOT - 3 through river, coming after two rocks. At this hour, the module did not look at the right sight, except for the supply of electricity through the cable, either from the engine, or from autonomous sony batteries.
The long-distance module "Polit-1D" runs at night and day, near the fog, people on the road are 6-7 kilometers away, a car for all fifteen, and a bunny is scattered at a couple of kilometers! At once, a series of modules, which is significantly cheaper for a rescuer, is being carried out: a medium radius of dії, if the optics, for whatever reason, separate people at a distance of a couple of kilometers, and a small radius of dії - for a second kilometer.


kut fields zoru, hail 1.45 x 1.08
matrix size, pixel 768 x 576
distance of detected people, km 8…9
distance of recognition of people, km6…8
min illumination, lux, less than 0.0001
max lighting, lux, no less than 30 000
rozdіlna zdatnіst, tv linіy570
corner turn, hail
- in azimuth 360
-in the kutka of the month -40…+40
top speed, deg/s
- in azimuth 0.03 ... 65
- at the end of the month 0.03…30
pointing accuracy
azimuth and turn of the month, 1
kut fields zoru, hail 1.45 x 1.08 / 31.01x23.58
matrix size, pixel 752 x 582
range of detected people, km 7…8
distance of recognition of people, km 5…7
min lightness, lux, less than 0.03
max illumination, lux, not less than 100 000
razdіlna zdatnіst, tv line 450
cut of the field zoru, hail 9 x 6.75 / 3 x 2.25
digital expansion 2
range of detected people, km 6…8
distance of recognition of people, km 4…5
hour of exit mode, min, troch more than 5
working range of dozhin hvil, µm 8…12

Dzherela: www.polyot.ru, Consolidated Appliances Corporation, www.sdelanounas.ru, up74.ru and others.

The aeroclub team "Pershiy Polit" was created in 2009. On this day - the price of the Russian professional piloting team on piston aircraft.

Representatives of sports aviation enter the warehouse of the piloting group "Pershiy Polit". All young pilots-athletes, winners of the Championships of Russia and the Championships of the World for the best piloting: leading group: Dmitro Samokhvalov, right of reference: Anton Berkutov, leader of reference: Roman Ovchinnikov and Irina Markova as tail wingman.

The program has the task of launching the YAK-52 and YAK-54 aircraft. The division in the "OKB im. A.S. Yakovlev" training aircraft YAK-52 in the Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted for the training of young pilots in the DTSAAF system, especially in light sports aviation. Yak-54 was developed on the basis of the flying Yak-55M in 1993. Appointments for the training of pilots-athletes, for the greater pilotage and participation in the promotion of flying sports.

Piston aviation has its own characteristics on the ledges, for example, small swidths, small turning radii. The display program zone is located near the square 1.5x1.5 km. Everything allows you to look in the most details to watch for nimble aircraft, formidable figures, and for the noble robotic pilots.

The skin piloting team has its own unique style of piloting. The clarity and ease in control, the minimum distance between the pilots, the nameless figures, the synchronicity and lightness of the viscons characterize the entire program of the aerobatic team "First Polit". In the middle of the hour, the emotional tension of the gazers, the thinning of the forging of the aircraft, the roar of the robot between the engines, the importance of the robot of the skiffs, the skin okremo and all the groups as a whole, are angry together, so the atmosphere is holy.


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