Modern Humanitarian Academy Modern Humanitarian Academy Management and Law of the Modern Humanitarian

Modern Humanitarian Academy Modern Humanitarian Academy Management and Law of the Modern Humanitarian

Є disciplines, scho priyat vyvchennu people in different areas of її activity: rozumovo, spiritual, suspіlnoї, moral, cultural. According to methodology, subject, object, they often overlap and are identified with vast spheres of knowledge. As the institute disciplines of the humanities began to take shape before the 19th century. Today, Russia has a low university, which promotes the education of specialty programs. One of these is SDA. Legal address 115114, m. Moscow, Kozhevnitska street, 3, st. 1. Lighting activity is being built near Moscow, on Nizhegorodsky Street, 32.

Zagalni vіdomostі

Modern Humanitarian Academy (SDA) is a non-state private lighting institution. It is one of the largest universities in Russia and Europe. The number of students who study in the new one hour, exceeds one hundred thousand. The modern humanist academy teaches you to get a profession, depending on your background, strengths and abilities. Kerіvnitstvo pragne to provide students with the same illumination of the capital equal to the place of residence throughout the territory of Russia. Further in the article, it will be told about those who propagate the Modern Humanitarian Academy. The official website of the initial pledge of more information about the structure, history of graduation, formation, current days and far-reaching plans of the university. The article will also have a short description of the initial mortgage, yoga benefits.


The Moscow Modern Humanitarian Academy was founded in 1992. The main university in Russia, which is included before GMUNET (the structure of mega-universities). Regardless of the folding hour, the Modern Humanitarian Academy was able to survive and expand, requesting the best personnel from its walls. Inhabitual mortgage One Іz Persons in Rosіya Zoshivavov Novі Distazіinі Scho Schosvіdcheno Okaz Mіnosvіti Skold Skladdzhenna Previously Skivatny Skladja Non-Euro-type "Low Schuchnya Akademäya" to Zdіysnennya Low Svittnіkh projectіv's vicar stistovanya (dot).

Modern Humanitarian Academy of the Philanthropy

Zastosuvannya DOT allowed the university to form a razgaluzhenu structure, the elements of which are sorted out in distant municipal institutions. The only pedagogical content is available for all students, regardless of the region of residence. With all the presence of modern telecommunications, it is possible to use the academic resources of the SDA to partners from abroad (near and far). The high rank of professionalism of graduates reaches for the fairness of the illuminating middle. Її warehouse є:

Elite professorial-vikladatsky warehouse;

Postiyne vdoskonalennya that popovnennya osvіtny content;

Innovative information communication pedagogical technologies;

Individualization of lighting;

Legislative base

The Humanitarian Academy in its activities is enforced by the Civil Code, the Federal Laws "On Education", the provisions "On Non-Commercial Organizations", the Statute that operates in the Academy. Establishment of an apprenticeship for the submission of licenses to the FS with a clear view of the light and scientific areas (document of visions 25.02. 2011 without a line). Certificate, dated April 26, 2010 (due to April 26, 2015), confirming the holding of credits for lighting programs that need to be approved. The quality management system is active in SDA. Action complies with ISO standards. In 2004, the initial pledge - the only one of five leading universities in Russia - successfully passed the standardization of the SML in the FA accreditation for technical regulation and metrology (FATRiM) of the Standard Test certification system for the GOST rating, otrimavshid certificate The Academy of Humanities is the only university that has the status of a television company. Movement zone of the Zagalnorossiisk canal "First Light" - mayzhe 300 mіst of Russia. SDA students, who master various accredited primary programs, both higher and secondary level for full-time professional education, may be eligible for a promotion to the military service.


The Humanitarian Academy provides various educational programs. Zokrema, V/O: bachelor's degree, training of personnel for equal higher qualifications, master's degree. In addition, training for programs is carried out:

  • middle vocational education (preparation of faculty in the Middle Lanka and advancement of qualifications of workers and service workers);
  • vivchennya movi (Russian);
  • preparation for university;
  • training of Microsoft specialists.

Educational programs for bachelor's degree:


  • Translation and translation knowledge.
  • Gifts and gifts.
  • Social work.

Navchannya in the magistracy:

  • jurisprudence
  • economy.
  • Informatics and VT.
  • Philosophy.
  • Municipal and state administration.
  • Psychology
  • Management.
  • Personnel management.
  • Middle vocational education:
  • Management, economy and buhoblik (behind the curtains).
  • Jurisprudence.

Activity outside the cordon

The active role of the Humanitarian Academy in international activity is to be seen. Zocrema, the won is included to the warehouse of the following organizations:

  • Association for International Studies in Europe (EAIE).
  • Association of (International) Universities (IAU) at the United Nations UNESCO.
  • Association "Knowledge", which has a consultative status of ECOSOC in the UN.
  • International Academy of Informatization, associate member of the UN.
  • European Association for Education in the Languages ​​(EPEA).
  • Global network of mega-universities (GMUNET) and ATT in their development (GDLN).

>SDA (Modern Humanitarian Academy)

SDA (Modern Humanitarian Academy) - faculties, professions, courses, studies, official website

SDA (Modern Humanitarian Academy) - faculties, professions, courses, studies, official website.

SDA is one of the largest metropolitan non-state VNZs, accessible to different versions of the population. The academy opened in 1992 in Moscow and has already managed to prove itself as an educational foundation for a wide profile.

SDA graduates are specialties with a high level of professional competence. The Academy can boast of an elite team of professors and lecturers, uninterrupted improvement of lighting content, the development of innovative technologies in the training process, and individualization of the quality management system.

The structure of the SDA includes the following elements: basic VNZ in Moscow, branches in other places and beyond the borders of Russia, and representatives. Bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies function on the basis of the academy.

The main directives for which students can get a job of professional education:

Informatics and computational technology (bachelor's and master's degrees)
- History of sciences (bachelor's degree)
- Linguistics (bachelor's degree)
- Management (bachelor's and master's)
- Pedagogical education (bachelor's and master's degrees)
- Political science (bachelor's degree)
- Psychology (bachelor's and master's)
- social work (bachelor's degree)
- Tourism (bachelor)
- Philosophy (bachelor's and master's)
- Economics (bachelor's and master's)
- Jurisprudence (bachelor's and master's degrees).

You can also get secondary professional education and supplementary education from SDA. Іnshoy directing VNZ є additional courses for specializations:

Russian language courses
- Kursi MBA
- Course Microsoft
- Courses for schoolchildren
- courses for self-education.

A special place for the SDA is to introduce foreign languages, especially to the Faculty of Linguistics. Students of the faculty after completing their studies will get the degree of "Bachelor of Linguistics". Graduates of the faculty can practice fah:

- teacher of foreign movies
- caller.

VNZ graduates, who have successfully completed the entire course of study, receive a diploma of the sovereign degree with the addition of an international degree.

Modern Humanitarian Academy
International name

Modern University for the Humanities

R_k zasnuvannya
The president

Karpenko Mikhailo Petrovich


Tarakanov Valery Pavlovich

Legal addresses

Modern Humanitarian Academy(rename Non-state accredited private lighting establishment of the highest professional education "Modern Humanitarian Academy", NACHOU VPO "SDA") - founded in 1992, the largest number of initial installations in Russia and in Europe, in which it is started over 145 thousand. students. In 2008, the SDA appointed a jubilee date - the awarding of a diploma of higher education to 200,000 graduates.

SDA became the only Russian university, which in 2005 became a founding member of the global network of megauniversities GMUNET.

The President of the SDA is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Karpenko Mikhailo Petrovich.

Rector of the SDA - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Tarakanov Valeriy Pavlovich.

Academia D_dpovіdually to the Tsivіl Code of Rosіyskoi Co., the law of Rosіyskoi Fedecil "Pro SvituTu", Federal Law of Rosіyskoi Federation "About Nekroetsіini Organizatsії", "About Visita Tu Pisyluavzіvki Visіina Assistu", which are common to the legislation of Rosіyskoi and the Statute of Akademії.

The current Humanitarian Academy conducts coverage on the basis of licenses of the Federal Service with an eye on the field of education of science dated 29 March 2010, AAA series No.

An important achievement of the ATS in international activities was the signing of the site by Svitovy Bank, and until 2005, the Academy became a member of the Global Distance Learning Network for Development (GDLN, the Svitovy Bank Initiative). Spіvpratsya iz Svіtovim bank є an important aspect of the internationalization of osvіti SDA.


According to the information portal, a number of branches of the Modern Humanitarian Academy were allowed to attest and state accreditation, or the term її was shortened at the link with a low level of training of students.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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