State Universities of Tobolsk. State Universities of Tobolsk Key Stages of Development

State Universities of Tobolsk. State Universities of Tobolsk Key Stages of Development

Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute named after. D.I. Mendeliev (filiya) of the Tyumen State University near the metro station Tobolsk
(Tobolsk Pedіnstitut im. D.I. Mendeliev (filiya) Tyumen State University near metro Tobolsk)
R_k zasnuvannya 1916
A type sovereign
Rector N.V. Frolova (director)
students over 4500
Doctors 28
Vikladachi 204
Roztashuvannya Tobolsk
Campus Moscow
Legal addresses Tobolsk, st. Znamenskogo, 58

Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute named after D.I. Mendeliev (filiya) of the Tyumen State University in the city of Tobolsk ( Tobolsk Pedіnstitut im. D.I. Mendelev) foundations at the 1913th roci (the first reception at the 1916th roci). Includes six primary buildings, two sports and health complexes, three guild houses, primary and secondary workshops, the Museum of Folk Education of the Tyumen Region, an information and library complex, an inclusive education center, a car and training center, a lizhnu base, a stadium , sports tabir.

Encyclopedic YouTube

Structure of the Institute

Today, the following faculties function at the institute:

  • Social and Pedagogical Faculty (SPF)
  • Natural Science Faculty (EF)
  • Faculty of Humanities (GF)
  • Department of secondary professional education (SPO)

Social and pedagogical faculty

  • Department of preschool and postgraduate education;
  • Department of pedagogy, psychology and social education;
  • Department of physical education, sports and MP.

Natural Science Faculty

  • Department of Biology, Ecology and MP;
  • Department of applied science;
  • Department of Physics, Mathematics, Informatics and MP;
  • Department of Chemistry, BZ and MP.

Faculty of Humanities

  • Department of foreign languages ​​and MP;
  • Department of History, Philosophy and MP;
  • Department of professional training;
  • Department of Philological Studies.

Vіddelennya middle professional education

Cyclic methodical commissions:

  • CMK of pedagogical disciplines;
  • CMK of social and informational disciplines.


Key stages of development

Roku Stage Name of the initial mortgage Number of specialties Number of students Qualification of graduates The term of training
1916-1919 Doradyansky Teacher's Institute 3 43-58 Vchitelі vishchih pochatkovyh schools (semirichka) 3 rocks
-* Early Radiansky Pedagogical technical school (pedagogical courses) 250-300 Teacher of primary classes (primary education school, national school), teacher and organizer of preschool education
1939-1954 Pre-war, military, military Teacher's Institute 280-585 Teacher of the seventh school (the main school of education) 2 rocky
1954-1977 Pobudov guilty of socialism Pedagogical Institute 3 (4) -* Teacher (subject)
middle school (10-11-river)
(Renew middle school)
4 rocky
1977-1991 Development of the social sphere of the oil and gas complex of the Tyumen region 9 2500-3500 Teacher (subject)
middle school
(Renewed zagalnosvitnoi school)
5 years
1991-2006 Postradyansky 38 over 7000 Bachelor of Education, specialist
(reader again, middle
spiritual education school)
4-5 years

* - no exact data.

Teacher's Institute

The Tobolsk Teachers' Institute was founded in 1913 by the decree of the Russian Emperor Mikoli II. Behind the date of consecration, there were fifty-eight teachers' initial pledges near the country and the third near Siberia (following Irkutsk that). Meta yogo creation was used in order to prepare students for a wide profile of small-scale higher cob schools of the Zahidno-Siberian primary district. After the canonization on 10 chervny 1916 the fate of the late Metropolitan John of Tobolsk On 11 chervny 1916 the Tobolsk Teachers' Institute was honored with the name of John of Tobolsk. After that, the linden rose first reception of hearing aids for the 1st course. The first release appeared as one. On April 25, 1919, to the fate of the Tobolsk province, V.P.

I am re-establishing the Tobolsk Teachers' Institute of Approval (Innovation) by the Decree of the People's Commissars of the RRFSR dated 27 chervnya 1939, becoming the fifth initial pledge of a similar profile in Western Siberia. The meta-yogo creation was used by the schools of Tobolsk, administrative, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets, national districts, provided by teachers. On the 15th day of 1939, the landing of the director of the Institute of Appointments I. V. Zaitsev, who turned the institute into one of the best initial mortgages in Siberia. V

We kindly ask you to the Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute named after. D.I. Mendelev

(filiya) Tyumen State University!

Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute named after. D.I. Mendeliev (filiya) of the Tyumen State University as a structural subdivision of the Federal State Autonomous Primary Foundation for Education “Tyumen State University”.

Philia may have its own arrangements for life and a space of 51,460 square meters. m.

Two historical houses with majestic marmur gatherings, high crypt steles, two modern primary buildings with great bright audiences and high-tech possessions - I do my best to get the best lighting with comfort and prosperity.

Laboratories and special audiences The institute is given a wide range of practice-oriented training.

V laboratories of biological science of the Tyumen region Institute of choosing unique exhibits of the world of creatures of the region, here you can find out a lot of new things about the mystic fauna.

Student's gurtozhitok the institute was insured for 435 students, a cinema hall and a buffet.

For students who live at the camp, organize groups for interests, organize weddings and sports visits.

Information and library center The institute has a great documentary fund, which is to become 394,331 single savings, including over 6 thousand. rare and valuable sights. The structure of the information and library center includes 2 subscriptions and 2 reading rooms. Є bezkoshtovny unlimited access to the Internet.

Sports infrastructure of the Institute fold two sports and health complexes with a total area of ​​2417 sq. m with gyms and game halls and a stadium with stands for 380 seats, near the warehouse there is a football field, a big track around the perimeter and a smuga crossing.

In physical education classes, you can choose a section: fitness, swimming, table tennis, hockey, figure skating, strength training.

When fіlії practice:

Center for Youth Innovative Creativity "Tobolsk-POLITECH"

The study of the programs of the Central Institute of Technology is aimed at the development of skills in technical creativity and the formation of engineering competencies among schoolchildren and students with the achievement of a unique specialization for the city.

Innovative science and lighting center "Evrosad" World at once"

Innovative scientific and educational center for children of preschool age and schoolchildren, which ensures the full and harmonious development of children with modern lighting technologies.

Center of mov ta cultures

The center checks for children and grown-ups - those who help to learn foreign language from scratch, perfect their own skills, and appreciate foreign culture and history. For those who need help, the international qualifications are tested with foreign language and the advanced level program. For foreign citizens, Russian courses are being promoted. School graduates will be helped to get ready to study Russian and foreign languages.

Center for physical culture, sports, mass and health work

The task of the sports center is to create an optimal social and cultural environment, based on physical self-expression and self-realization of specialty, organization of work in sports and health sections, and promotion of various sports.

Center for Social and Psychological Support and Support

The Center provides assistance to a psychologist in important life situations, to conduct

dokarska psychological diagnostics

Helps with subaltern negative emotional states, and also pronounces services for children and grown-ups:

Services of a child psychologist;

psychological diagnostics;

psychological counseling;

Individual and group correction;

development of individual features;

Suprovid child-batkiv vіdnosin.

Museum of Folk Education of the Tyumen Region

The museum complex consists of a permanent exposition, an exhibition hall, a scientific portal with funds and a library. The scientific fund includes over 20 thousand single savings: writing, speech, image-creating, which give a statement about the initial pledges and teachers of the Tyumen region in the first Siberian school, created in 1701–1703. until now. Fondi to collect over 400 references, including special and thematic ones.

Contact information:

Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute named after. D.I. Mendeliev (filiya) FDAOU HE "Tyumen State University"

626150, Ural Federal District, Tyumen region, Tobolsk metro station, Znamensky str., b.58

Mode and work schedule:
Mon-Thu - from 9:00 to 18:00, from 12:30 to 13:15
Fri - from 9:00 to 16:45, from 12:30 to 13:15
Saturday, week: weekends


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