Wids group of electronic maidans. EDS for electronic Maidan "Ots-tender"

Wids group of electronic maidans. EDS for electronic Maidan "Ots-tender"

JSC "OTS"- the operator of the electronic trading platform OTC-tender, created in September 2012 to carry out purchases in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ. In this hour, the company has 28 representative offices in the entire territory of the Russian Federation and for various infrastructure solutions, both for organizing the procurement activity of the deputy, and for the successful participation of the supplier of goods, work and services in such purchases.

The OTS.RU group includes such Maidans: OTS-tender, OTC-agro, OTC-market, OTC-crypto.

OTS-tender (www.otc.ru)

Maydanchik for the purchase of goods, work and services in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ, as well as purchasers from the corporate sector. Over 130,000 organizations have been accredited to Maidanchik. From one tender, from the middle one, take the fate of 5 - 6 post-employees, reducing prices by 10 - 15%. For organizations-deputies, the servants are given without cost. The organizers of the OTC-tender maydanchik regularly conduct cost-free practical seminars in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ.

OTS-agro (www.otc.ru/agro)

An electronic maidanchik for undertaking the agricultural sector for the distribution and control of commercial applications for the purchase of sales of grain, processing products and other goods, material and technical resources and services. Major categories of market participants can serve as servants of the maydanchik: virobnik, pererobnik, caretaker, exporter, postal worker, infrastructure market participants, state and state agents. When working on the maidanchik, the agreement is guaranteed to be laid down.

OTS-market (www.market.otc.ru)

OTC-market - a resource for state, municipal, corporate deputy and post-employee, creations with the method of purchasing and selling goods, services, work from paragraph 4 of part 1 of Art. 93 44-FZ up to 100 thousand rubles for one favor in electronic form, with different keys of electronic signature.

Deputies, who may have purchased more than 5 billion rubles, can spend up to 500 thousand rubles for one favor.

OTC-crypto (www.otc.ru/crypto)

This is the accredited center of AT "UTS" of accreditation by the Ministry of communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation. The center of the Nada) of the Hall of Vipus Klivipikovyi Sartifіkatіv Kleiv Konіrkki Elektrodnaya P_dpisu for Roboto on the ELECTRONIC TRADEMENT MANDATERS, Reflammation of the ones of the Munіzipalniyvniki, riddled by the legal signs of the ELECTRON Document Document Yak for Legal OSIB, so і for Fіziki Osisb.

The adoption of a qualified electronic signature guarantees the security of the safe conduct of electronic auctions, the laying down of contracts and other matters that require legal significance for participants in electronic document processing.

Electronic trading platform OTC-tender is a joint project of ZAT "Pozabirzhovі markets" and TOV "RTS-tender". At present, before the OTC-tender group, there are lots of maidanchiks and distributions, which are recognized for facilitating participation in purchases.

OTC.RU was founded on the cob of 2012 for the purpose of the purchaser in accordance with 223 of the Federal Law.

ETP OTS-Aerokosmos

On this ETP, auctions are being held for aircraft enterprises and rocket-industrial galleys. Zavdyaky to the fact that the bidding of which directly affects the okremy maidanchik, a good level of competition is created, and the result of the replacement will be the best price for the contract.

All purchases are carried out in electronic form with the ECP's selection pages.

Tsya trading system transfers tools for zvіtnostі, statistics and analysis of conducted purchasers for the most efficient purchasing activity.

Deputies of this section of the UTS tender are such great companies, like:

  • Moscow airport Domodedovo;
  • Airline "Peremoga";
  • Holding "Tekhnodinamika";
  • AT "AeroMASH";
  • and a lot of other companies that post new tenders in their gallery.

Official website of OTS-Aerocosmos - www.otc.ru/aerospace


Tse spetsializovaniya trade maidanchik for the purchase of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. On it, open auctions are held in front of an electronic reduction. Okrema section allows you to conduct auctions with the maximum benefit for the deputy and fair competition among the participants in the purchase.

Tsya ETP, just like OTS-Aerokosmos, propagates for the automation of the robots of the dispatchers from the side of the manager, and also allows for effective control over the robots of the delivery service managers.

OTS Agro Maidan’s successors are such great companies, like:

  • "Borivska" poultry farm;
  • Gulkevichsky starch plant;
  • Miratorg;
  • and other companies.

Official website of OTS-agro - www.otc.ru/agro

OTC market

In this section, purchases of a small obligation of a single postal worker are carried out. You can become a participant in the Maidanchik through registration without intermediary on the OTS-market, and as a participant in registrations at the ETP RTS-Tender, you automatically become a participant in this system.

The whole resource of appointments for association in one system of deputies and post-employees, for the development of young and productive interests.

The servants for the deputies are paid without cost. It is enough to enter the system for the help of the ECP, which is suitable for work on the site zakupki.gov.ru.

We will then publish an application for purchase, the buyer will take feedback from sellers and their propositions about goods and services. We will then hold talks with the post-employees and they will be fine, mind you. The deputy and the postal worker are exchanged with all the necessary documents for the help of electronic document processing.

Financial services

On the OTS-tender electronic platform, you can take a tender position for securing applications for participation in the auction, as well as apply for a bank guarantee to secure the contract. For whom it is necessary to register for the UTP and to withdraw an application from a special office.

The undertakings, which act as substitutes, work on the ETP OTS-tender absolutely free of charge. For the participants in the purchase, if they are post-employees, it is necessary to pay for a license to participate - an unlimited one.

Detailed tariffs for participants are presented on the website of the electronic maidan.

For consumption through the website of the maydanchik, you can withdraw an application for the issuance of an electronic digital signature for work and purchases on the OTC-tender.

Official site OTC.RU otc.ru

TOV IWC"RusTender"

The material is the authority of the site. Be sure to win the statute without the appointment of a dzherel - the site was fenced up to the statute 1259 of the Central Committee of Ukraine

In running a highly efficient business, the best way to help professional OTS is a tender platform - a place where one knows one potential buyer and seller of a different, unbreakable commercial lane. Within the framework of the Maidan, it is possible to carry out tender operations without problems, guarantee the transparency of the interests, as well as the maximum profitability of the trading operations and various services.

Important! For the deputy of the UTS, the tender trade maidanchik allows organizing and conducting different auctions, as well as tenders, without any problems.

It is possible to carry out in the operational mode effectively the cost of the equal price, which allows to maximally follow the best vitrates, increasing them to a minimum, while significantly increasing the high level of the efficiency of the capital investment. For potential post-employees, similar maydanchik transmits up-to-date information about various goods, services, and invariably take part in the organization of the procurement process.

Perevagi spіvpratsi z maidanchik

For potential undertakings, countering the maydanchik may be relevant for the following reasons:

  • It is a high indicator of increased profitability, which guarantees a significant reduction in cost, and inspires the security of richly growing minds of the upcoming supplies of equipment, materials.
  • Managers of business enterprises, organizations are aware of the decrease in the power of labor costs, and the oscills will be aware of the need to organize a labor-intensive survey of potential post-employees, enterprises - workers, for further organization of sales.
  • Maydanchik UTS is actually a miraculous alternative to corruption, which will be reduced to a minimum in this room, while working with electronic systems. In case of any future advancement of the transparency of all foresight, there is absolute legality and the presence of any claims from the side of law enforcement agencies.
  • The client, having succumbed to the servants of the maydanchik, het-purely spend the need to secure close cooperation with various post-employees from the regions, contractors. Otzhe, such a pіdhіd allow suttєvo skoroti vytratі material resourіvіv ta become relevant rіshennyam for organіzatsії be-yakoy equal, nezalezhno vіd spheres of activity.
  • From the side of the administration, there is also a systematic control over the bidders, which makes it impossible to sign contracts, create illegal agreements, underwater stone and other warehouses, which are often blamed when working with partners without victoring electronic Maidanchiki and other systems.
  • The company begins to reach home, with successfully completed skin pidvishuetsya її rave reputation, which can not be positively recognized in the upcoming operations and in cooperation with other workers, post-employees.

Relevance of intercompany trading today with OTC

Varto marks a few important moments in the activities of the UTS trading maidan. This group was split up at the same joint venture with the smaller giant "RTS-tender". The main sphere of activity is the organization and support of tenders, which fit on the lines of various commercial structures and organizations, which allow to optimize the level of investment and income of potential customers as much as possible. On a competitive basis, both commercial and sovereign estates can be listed, hanging their positions on the tender.

Among the features, you can see the possibility of placing on a similar maidanchik of wet cats, which is known to be under the absolute superstition. As a basis, the OTS group took as a basis the most innovative solution of the RTS, to which all the operations that are carried out within the framework of the Maidanchik are considered to be highly practical and viable for skin potential ventilation independently in the context of operations that are healthy. Registration is available for a special form, with the provision of complete information about the activity of your organization, details and data.

OTS.RU is a project of the company ZAT "Pozabirzhovі rinki" in partnership with TOV "RTS-tender", a group of electronic maidanchiks for the development of trade and purchasing activities. The OTS.RU group includes such Maidans: OTC-tender, OTC-agro, OTC-finance, OTC-market, OTC-crypto and SecondShares. OTC.RU is a modern universal tool for the market of sovereign and municipal construction, commercial buyers and banking services. The Maidanchiki are expanded on the basis of the exchange technologies of the RTS, they are inspired by the simplicity of the victorious.

Maydanchik for the purchase of goods and services in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ, as well as purchasers from the corporate sector. Over 130,000 organizations have been accredited to Maidanchik. In one tender, on average, 5-6 post-employees will take part, reducing prices by 10-15%. For organizations-deputies, the servants are given without cost. The organizers of the OTC-tender maydanchik regularly conduct cost-free practical seminars in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ.

Electronic maidanchik for purchasers in the agricultural sector. OTC-agro - a wholesome service for the agricultural sector for distribution and control of commercial applications for the purchase of grain sales, processing products and other goods, material and technical resources and services. Major categories of market participants can serve as servants of the maydanchik: virobnik, pererobnik, caretaker, exporter, postal worker, infrastructure market participants, state and state agents. When working on the maidanchik, the agreement is guaranteed to be laid down.

Electronic maidanchik for placement of free funds of organizations up to bank deposits on a competitive basis. The whole procedure is clear for the organizers of auctions, the change of hundred rates is carried out at the real time mode, the propositions are submitted confidentially at your bank, for the minds of direct competition. Over 25 major state-owned and commercial banks have been accredited to the OTC-finance Maidan, 20 of which are among the TOP-30 banks of the Russian Federation.
(! Electronic signatures for the UTP are issued by the OTC-crypto CA)

An electronic mega-mall, on the Maidanchik of some kind of legal entity in a handy form, can sell and buy comrades and services with the improvement of the specifics of electronic document processing of legal systems.

OTC crypto
The Center, which receives accreditation by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, which prepares a qualification certificate for reverification of an electronic signature. The contract of the ECP guarantees the execution of all legally significant acts in the course of electronic trading, as well as the execution of contracts for the purchase and sale and delivery.

Second Shares
Information system for trading in shares of non-commercial enterprises. SecondShares is inspired by simplicity and superior service and modern electronic maidanchik, on which you can buy or sell not only quotes, but also other prices of paper.

1. UTP OTC-tender Electronic trade maidanchik otc.ru

UTP OTC-tender - the price of a new generation of trading maidans, which are the most popular and demanded. Directly, that main recognition is brought up to the beginning of offensive trade manipulations:

    laying down contracts for the purchase and sale of enterprises;

    conducting electronic trading;

    information about the product of the service.

Electronic trading platform OTC-tender є joint distribution CJSC "Pozabirzhovі rinky" and TOV "RTS-tender". The goal of the project is to ask for the participation in the procurement process. Before this warehouse enters the grouping of maidanchikіv and rozdіlіv.

The fate of the resource was founded in 2012 rіk, chi dіє vin on the basis of Law 223 of the Russian Federation.

This material has basic information about warehouse UTP UTS - Tender:


  • 4. UTP OTC-Market

    The electronic marketplace of trading specializes in the development of fast and productive trades, the main task is to ensure the mutual interdependence of buyers and post-employees.

    The resource is used to attract purchases from small companies of a single supplier and seller.

    Wash for participation in this sector as simple as possible. For this, register in the OTS-market, if you can actively work on these resources. There are no requirements for registering for the RTS-Tender electronic trading platform at the registration on the OTC market. The other is a synchronous way of registration with the first.

    The lieutenants swear by the possibilities of the analyzed Maidan on a free basis. It is necessary to get to the system, vicorist electronic digital friend.

    Further action is possible as an offensive algorithm:

      the deputy manager will place an order for the purchase;

      in the case of you, you need to have propositions in the case of post-employees, in whom there is information about the proponing of the object;

      with the seller, yakky zatsikaviv, negotiations are organized;

      the main points of the contract are discussed;

      The parties zdіysnyuyut exchange of documentation, vikoristovuyuchi such a tool, like an electronic document.

    5. Financial nutrition and support

    Electronic trading platform OTS-tender of creations for maximum ease and efficiency of goods circulation between buyers and sellers. For whom all the necessary processes were fully completed and supplemented. We are concerned about the financial side.

    One of those demanding processes is the only chance to take it. Position for submitting an application:

      for securing participation in the auction;

      for the security of the contract.

    6. What is necessary to grow, to take the necessary posture

    For this, register on the electronic trading platform OTC-tender, submit an application.

    Free of charge can work on UTP OTS-tender only organizations of replacements, contractors need to pay a fee for a one-time or non-drawing license.

    In case of need, if there is a need in the ECP, apply for the її issue for the help of the official site.

    On the website of the ETP OTS-tender OTC.RU - otc.ru for participants, all the necessary information about food is posted:

      mind reports for the parties to take part;

      information about tariffs;

      contact details;

      List of great patrons.

    UTP OTC-tender opens up new opportunities for potential buyers and sellers. The resource is a wonderful helper in running a highly efficient business. Become participants of this electronic Maidan, watch all the achievements of the global spivpratsi.

    7. Video instruction for registration on Maidan

    For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can contact the experts at the Center for Promotion of Procurement for a consultation. If your organization belongs to the subjects of small subcontracting, you can take a low advantage: advance payment for sovereign contracts, short terms of resale, laying down direct contracts and subcontractors without a tender. and pay less for big contracts with minimal competition!


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