Waiting for wifi miui. Waiting for Wi-Fi on Google Play

Waiting for wifi miui. Waiting for Wi-Fi on Google Play

The Play Market is a great resource that allows you to download various applications for your android. This is the most convenient way to download the games and programs you need to work with devices on Android. Many people may have problems with the operation of this service, for example: the Play Market does not work, there is no connection, we will consider in detail the problems themselves and their solutions.

Possible problems

In fact, the Play Market is a rather powerful online store that can provide all its users with a fairly high quality, but sometimes problems can arise in working with it.

Photo: Select Apps from Google Play

These problems can be of a different nature, so we will consider each in more detail.

So what kind of problems might be:

  • the first reason is the lack of internet connection. This may be due to a failure in the settings of both the router and the smartphone itself. Thus, Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet itself is not. Also, there is a possibility that the Internet speed is so low that it simply does not support the Play Market;
  • in some situations, which are quite rare, the store itself does not work. In such cases, you just need to wait a while before the Play Market restores its work;
  • There are also cases when PlayMarket does not work due to the fact that there was a problem with the hosts file that is installed on the device. This happens when the file is automatically edited by the system. In this case, it is enough to simply fix it;
  • the last reason is that the date and time are out of order. In this case, the Play Market will not work well.

These are, perhaps, all the problems that make the Play Market impossible to work. In principle, each of them is solvable, and this is done quite simply, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently set up your work. The most important thing is to know what to do if the Play Market does not work and how you can fix all these problems. This is what we will consider further.

Video: how to solve problems with the Play Store

Solution to the problem

It is logical to assume that it is necessary to solve the problems that arise when working with the Play Market, especially since it does not take a lot of time and does not require special programming skills. Therefore, now we will describe the possible options that can help in solving certain problems:

If you are rooting, the device becomes out of warranty. You can get rid of root, but at the same time, any specialist can definitely notice that the device has been rooted. So decide if you need to root for yourself first.

So, if you decide to install everything as root, then you should start by downloading the program. At the same time, not everyone can fit, so you need to see which program is suitable for your device and only then try to install it on your computer.

Google Play Market does not work via WiFi

The lack of connection to the Play Market via Wi-Fi may be due to exactly the same reasons as the lack of connection via the Internet. The reasons why it stopped working on WiFi are exactly the same, and their solutions are also no different. The only thing that could be the difference is in the connections themselves. That is, connecting to a wireless network can be more "moody".

Photo: menu for manual setting of ip-address

In more detail, the problem with connecting to a wireless network is quite logical and understandable. And first of all, it's worth looking at how correctly you are connected to Wi-Fi. Only after that, check the Play Market and the hosts file. The fact that Wi-Fi is not working is easy to understand, you will see that the WiFi icon is grayed out.

Then you can already check your device, be it a phone or a tablet, for other problems that may well arise. Also, do not rush to root the device, as this will make it out of warranty. In principle, this is not so scary, but all the same, I would not want to.

Resetting the settings

Resetting settings when Android is down can also be a great solution to problems, as it helps to update the device, and thus it could be that the problem was in the settings. It can often happen that when working with some programs, they themselves knock down the settings, making them the most accessible to themselves. This is why resetting the settings helps.

I would also like to note that resetting the settings helps in most cases. The only thing worth remembering is that you don't have to do it all the time, because constantly changing the settings will not have a very good effect on the operation of the device.

The most important thing is to understand that if your device was made in China, then changing the settings will be a little more problematic.

Configuring a proxy for problems with Wi-Fi

Any Wi-Fi network can be connected through a proxy server.

This is quite convenient, and therefore we will describe in more detail how to do this:

That's all you need to set up a proxy server for yourself and connect to Wi-Fi using it. You should also know that the proxy server settings are different for each network.

Wireless DNS Settings

If you happen to have a wireless connection to the Internet, but, at the same time, not a single web page is working. Usually, this will write a server error. And if they are loaded, then for quite a long time, then the problem may not only be in a bad signal. This can be related to DNS parameters as well.

Photo: parameters in a wireless connection

DNS is the domain name service server and is always provided by the ISP. And you should understand that without good work of this server, your work with the network will never be fast and high-quality.

Change MTU

To understand what MTU is, you should not be a programmer, but, at the same time, most sites give a rather complex definition of this parameter, which is not always convenient, the most important thing is to know that MTU is the value of a parameter in a router, without which normal work with the network is impossible. will be.

It is advised to change the MTU parameters in the event that you could not change the DNS parameters or they themselves did not change.

That is, first of all, nevertheless, it is advised to use the DNS parameters, and only after that start MTU. This will help solve the problem when the web page does not start for a long time.

Updating the application

So, if you are trying to enter the Play Market, and you can't, then you should try the simplest solution to all problems - updating the program. It's pretty easy to do and doesn't take much of your time. Moreover, it is logical to assume that this is the easiest way to do it than to think about the settings of the router parameters for a long time.

Photo: update apps directly from your tablet

Updating is a fairly quick and high-quality way to solve problems with the Play Market and its work. It should also be understood that there may be a small snag in the work of the program itself. In this case, it is advised to wait a while and then go back in.

Installing utilities

Utilities, in short, are special programs for smartphones. They help make the job much easier and better. In order to make it easier to work with the Play Market, you can install additional utilities that will undoubtedly help you with this. Such programs can help make working with the Play Market much easier, and also make it so that there are no special problems.

Video: why the Play Market does not work. And how to solve this problem

Why Market does not work on the phone

Play Market work is rarely problematic, but at the same time, slight difficulties can sometimes arise. The reasons why this can happen can be different, and this was described earlier. But everything, the main reason why PlayMarket may not work is the change in the operating system.

This is what mainly affects, while there is a way, the simplest is to return to the factory settings, but there is some drawback, all the information that was on the phone is lost.

Which, probably, no one would want, so there is another rather effective way:

So, as we found out, the operation of the Play Market is quite simple, and difficulties with it can rarely be. But if they do occur, then it is worth first taking those steps that are least harmful to the device itself, and do not relate much to the settings. Especially check the date and time, or wait for the download of the Play Market itself.

Recently I encountered such a problem that an urgent need to update the application, and there was no available WI-FI network nearby. I decided to update using the mobile network, removed the check mark in the market, but the download still did not start, instead the play market wrote "Waiting for WI-FI network" and the process stopped. There is, of course, no option in the Play Market settings related to the cause of this problem.

Video. Apps are not downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

Video. Apps are not downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

Why Xiaomi refuses to download apps and games using the mobile network

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and understandable, and the play market was not to blame for the problem. The operating system of my Xiaomi - MIUI has such a feature as a built-in bootloader. He is responsible for downloads, updates, their speed, size - well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to a smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the bootloader only downloads via WI-FI, then no matter how you want it, you won't be able to download anything without it. This is exactly what happened, the Play Market simply could not update the application, since the file size during download was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

To be able to download and update applications not only via WI-FI, but also via a mobile network, follow the instructions below.

Xiaomi bootloader setup instructions (MIUI)

First, go to "Tools" - Tools on your smartphone desktop. Here we select the "Downloads" icon - Downloads.

A window opens in front of us where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything in this spirit. We are interested in the settings, so we click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.

Menu items pop up, one of which is called "Settings" - Settings. It is he who we need, we click on it.

Now we are looking for the phrase "Download size limit" - the restriction of the mobile Internet. By default, there is usually 1MB. We are not satisfied with this, since we want to install applications with a large size. We tap on this item.

Choose from the necessary options the one that suits us and click "OK".
That's all, now you can safely download and update applications using the mobile Internet.

Note: if you do not have unlimited Internet on your smartphone or you are using up dedicated traffic very quickly, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as this can hit your wallet.

Android is a very user-friendly operating system that allows the user to install applications of a wide variety of categories, from games to weather forecasts. For this, the developers have introduced a special service - play market. Without it, a smartphone that is connected to wifi turns into an almost useless device. But there are times when it happens. What to do in such situations? In this article, we will answer this question.

First, let's figure out the simple reasons, because they most often interfere with using the market through the Wi-Fi network. So let's get started:

  • The android system may experience unexpected crashes. This is the real scourge of this operating system.

Solution: Restart the device and after that the problem will disappear.

  • The time and date are not set correctly on your device. When connecting to many services, including google play, the date and time are checked first. If they are incorrect, then the connection to the services does not occur.

Solution: Go to your phone settings and correct the date with time. It is advisable to use the network time zone.

  • If your phone is connected to the Wi-Fi network, this does not mean that the Internet is working, because these are different processes.

Solution: Check the source of the wifi network. Go to the browser from your phone and follow any link, if you can do this, then the problem is not in the router.

  • There are times when problems occur on Google's servers, but they are very rare.

Solution: Just wait.

  • The playmarket may not work due to the impact of a third-party application. This happens most often after uninstalling the Freedom app. Recall that it is used to obtain ROOT rights.

Solution: Turn this application back on. Go to its settings and click on the "Stop" button.

Router problems

If happens play market waiting for wifi network, then the problems may be in the router itself. Let's analyze them:

  • The phone is connected to Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work. Try to go to any site from your phone, if you can do it, then the problem is not in the router.
  • Is your internet speed good? Google play Is a demanding application that contains a lot of images. If, when you start it, a white screen and a loading indicator hang for a long time, then the problem is in your Internet connection. Please contact your ISP to resolve this issue.
  • The router has a function that prohibits a specific device from using the network. To solve this problem, go to the settings of the router. Find the list of blocked mac addresses. If there are such addresses, compare them with your telephone address. You can find it out in the device settings, in the "About phone" item.
  • Invalid password from wai file network. Check the correctness of the entered data in the wireless settings.
  • Incorrect router operation. There are many reasons for this. You can solve them with a trivial restart of the device. In some cases, it is worth updating the router's firmware.

There can be a great many problems in a router. If you cannot fix them yourself, then contact your provider for help.

Problems in the play market

As already stated, google play Is a demanding application. A number of unfavorable factors can disrupt its work. Let's try to find and fix them ourselves:

  • There are cases when to play any specific account is not connected to the market. Please use a different account to verify this.
  • Find out about possible updates for your device.
  • If you backed up your device, then it's time to restore google play with them.
  • If the previous point did not help, then restore the entire operating system.
  • Go to settings and clear your google cache.

If the above tips do not help, then return your devices to factory settings (all data, including photos and videos, will be deleted). Don't forget to back up your data.

Checking access settings

Connection to the play market may be disrupted due to incorrect access settings. Let's move on to them:

  • Let's check the Host first. In order to go to it, use the "Hosts Editor" program. Look for it on the Internet, not in the play market. Install ROOT rights using the "king root" application. Now let's move on to the file itself. Launch Hosts Editor and go to etc / hosts. Runs the Host. We delete everything in it, except for the line "0.0.1 localhost". We save it. We reboot the phone.
  • If your phone connects to the play market via mobile internet, but does not do so via wai file, then check the proxy settings. Open your connection settings, and find the proxy item. If there is something written there, then feel free to delete it.
  • Try to enable automatic DNS selection in the network settings.

All these problems arise from accidental data changes or questionable programs. Always use antivirus software on your device.

Recently, many owners of Xiaomi smartphones unexpectedly faced a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the inscription "Downloading" and a "slider" showing the progress of this very download, but on the right there is a message: "Waiting for Wi-Fi network". In fact, the download does not take place, and the "wait" can last as long as you like. Interestingly, the problem arises both with normal Wi-Fi and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card over a mobile network. Moreover, its appearance does not depend on either the firmware version or the model of the Xiaomi device.

It is clear that the reason for the error is not at all the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have found that the culprit is the version of Google Play Store 7.6. To date, we managed to find several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of the Google Play Store file

To eliminate the error " Waiting for Wi-Fi"try the following procedure on your Xiaomi smartphone:

  • Disconnect the Internet, clear data and uninstall updates of the current version of the Google Play Store through the application menu;

  • Download version Google Play Store 7.3.07;
  • Then follow the path system / priv-app / Phonesky (Root rights are required);

  • Copy the downloaded Google Play Store file to the folder Phonesky(with replacement);
  • Set the rights as shown in the picture;

  • Reboot your smartphone.

Apps from Google Play Store should be downloaded normally, without the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error.

Method 2: Firmware Google Play Store via Recovery

In order to use this method, you will need unlocked bootloader and recovery menu. The manipulations to fix the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

  • Download .zip file Google Play Store(Android 5.0+) to the device's own memory;

  • Reboot into Recovery;

  • Click on the " Install"and select the previously downloaded .zip file.

After that, applications from the Market should be loaded normally.

Method 3: Turn off download accelerator

1 ... Click on the shortcut " Downloads"- at the top right, you will see three vertical dots;

The process of downloading programs, books and games becomes much easier if you use the capabilities of the Play Market store, which is available for users of smartphones running on the Android system. Internet is required to open a resource. The easiest and most affordable way to connect is Wi-Fi.

Sometimes there are situations when the Play Market does not work over Wi-Fi. As a result, it becomes impossible to download the necessary information and programs, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Why is this happening and is it possible to solve the problem on your own, without involving specialists? This will be discussed in our article.

Why doesn't Play Market work over Wi-Fi?

  • Incorrect setting of the date and time on the smartphone;
  • Violations in the operation of the OS, including its incorrect configuration, which is responsible for access to the network;
  • Failures in the functioning of the installed service;
  • Inoperability of the router and lack of traffic, if the connection with the phone is via a modem;
  • Store errors that Google is responsible for.

Ways to solve problems

If you do not know exactly what the reason is, then it is advisable to first try the simplest and easiest options for solving the problem:

Incorrect synchronization with the modem

If the Play Market does not function only via Wi-Fi, then the reason should be sought in the settings of the router:

When the methods for correcting software errors have not yielded results, then the likely reason for the inoperability of the product lies in its failure. There is a wire break, an antenna breakdown, a burnout of modules - what exactly broke, only a repair shop specialist will answer when disassembling the device.

Disruptions in the work of Google Market

Another reason for malfunctioning is software glitches that have occurred in the operating system. How to eliminate them?

There are several ways:

  • Create or log into another Google account, because it may be that the entrance is blocked from your account;
  • Installing updates. It is advisable to make a backup in advance;
  • If you have already created a backup, then you can try to restore the application using it. For this, programs like Titanium Backup are perfect;
  • Comprehensive OS recovery, provided that you have used TWRP Recovery for Xiaomi in advance. All partitions should be discarded (with the exception of the memory card) and restore the last stable copy;
  • Clearing the cache. To do this, go to "Applications" and select "All applications". Your task is to clear the cache of Google Play and its services. Re-entering the service must be done after restarting the device;
  • It is recommended to use the official versions of MIUI skins, as there are often bugs in custom firmware.

Difficulties with access settings

If they are performed incorrectly, then it is necessary to correct possible errors, including.


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