Fern Orlyak. Billet in the Leningrad region

Fern Orlyak. Billet in the Leningrad region

This year, the growing fern was delayed for a week due to the cold start of May. Several of my acquaintances even panicked - they say, there will be no fern in general. But now the very season. Last weekend, we collected 25 kilograms of fern in four hours! It is not only for yourself - it will have to give out, "Pavel Zhirnov shared, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior State Inspector of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Amur Region.

When collecting

The fern will be "in the juice" by about 10 June, and then irrevocably calls. Fern sprouts (academic - rahis) need to tear up to dissolution of the first leaflets. Then the plant becomes too bitter, and no salting will no longer help, the fern will become unsuitable for food. Young, not yet worried sprouts should simply be laid out with a slight crunch - this means that the fern is what it is necessary.

Where to looking for

Traditional places to collect fern in the vicinity of Blagoveshchensk: Sopgia along Novotroitsky and Ignatiev highway - in the area of \u200b\u200bcountry towns located there, in Mokhovaya Paddy. Of course, each experienced collector has its secret places, but also in an easily accessible hopes, it is so much so much that everyone has enough for all winter, "says Pavel Zhirnov.

The fern usually begins to get out of sobes on the southern slopes, closer to the vertices. But then, with warming, descends to the eastern and western slopes, and even in cold hollows - here it can be collected up to mid-June. The fern loves forest glads, and especially the borrowers. Where last year fell in the forest or field, fern usually most.

By the way, this is not a thermo-loving plant. It is growing hardly around the world, does not climb out in the mountains in the desert. In the Amur region, it can be found in the Amur region even in the zones of permafrost, for example in Tyndinsky district.

All will not delement

The collection of ferns by Amuritsa annually does not exceed five percent of the total stock, so it does not cause damage to the form. But the fern need to collect with the mind, tearing off at no more than one fifth of the plants on each glade, otherwise for the next year you will be fruitless for the next year.

Unfortunately, the collection of fern in the Amur region is not put on the industrial basis. But the inhabitants of Southeast Asia fern love, he is present in China, Japan's kitchens, both Korea.

Reader on note

Japanese taught us to fern

Annunciations until the end of the seventies about fern and the layers did not hear. Only Evenks were collected by experienced Taiga. But then massively began to buy a fern through the Russian Far East of the Japanese. Officially, through the enterprises of Soviet trade. Annunciation fern changed the scarce Japanese clothes.

By the middle of the eighties, almost every Annunciation family received a gift from the state of six acres. Then the fern entered our diet already finally - to assemble it next to the site did not constitute problems. And with the appearance of dozen cafe of Chinese cuisine in the city ... Now a rare festive feast is done without a fern salad on the table.

What to be afraid during the collection

First, ticks. Now they are in the forest Pond Prudi. Bite - already unpleasant, and here are also experts Rospotrebnadzor They found ticks infected with encephalitis right in the Blagoveshchensky district. Sick for the fern - prepare well. It is necessary to wear dense clothes that protect the ankles and wrists, a headdress. And enjoy special anti-splash repellents.

Another danger, especially when walking through the forest along the Novotroitsky highway, is an unexploded ammunition. This is now a bunk polygon well fenced and carefully checked. And in Soviet times, there were many and how it fell.

I myself, gathering a fern in the student's student in the area of \u200b\u200b32 km of Novotroitsky highway, stumbled upon a whole glade of flashing inert shells from BMP-1. It was fun to collect the shoots of Orlyak among those who protruding here and there from the ground of shiny aluminum shanks of shells. I was told that one mushroom in the 1980s found a combat anti-tank mine near the village of Canton-Commune and managed to blow it up, shot because of the shelter from the hunting rifle, "Pavel Zhirnov told. - The main rule in such situations is not to touch! No matter how much I wanted to see.

Under the name fern hidden 10,560 species.

They are known to mankind since the time of Paleozoic - this is the only ancient plant that managed to maintain such a variety of species so far.

They are common worldwide, and differ significantly among themselves.

What types are used by man

Family family is extensively, however, not all of them are used by a person.

Consider the most common.

Male (Dryopteris Filix-Mas) or Shield

Known in the northern hemisphere, in zones with a temperate climate.

Core preparations prepare medicinal preparations, eat eating.

The plant itself is actively used in decorative gardening. Some species are used in perfumery.

Scientific name DRYOPTERIS (LAT) translates as a fern of oak oak.

Large terrestrial plants with a strong rhizome, protruding over the ground and covered with scales.

The leaves are twice or threelyperistic, the top plate of the sheet is smooth, and on the bottom there are sporangies, with which the reproduction occurs.

Leaf Rahis. covered with the same scales as rhizome.

Openwork patterned leaves are assembled into neat beams and very decorative. The height of adult plants is an average of 0.3-1 m, sometimes, more.

Propagated by disputes, does not bloom. It remains a mystery, why the people are so widespread the myth about the blooming on the night of Ivan's fern.

The plant is poisonous, so it is not recommended to use it yourself.

Orlyak (Pterídium Aquilínum)

A perennial herbaceous plant with beautiful twice and three-sided leaves (Wijah), sometimes called Jesus grass.

In general, there are several versions on the origin of the name of this common fern.

Someone sees in it the similarity of the sheet plate with the wing of the bird, others on the cut stem saw the Eagle from the state coat of arms, and someone the plant resembles an eagle posture.

The rhizomes of the ordinary orchard occur deeply, which contributes to the vegetative reproduction.

The leaves are growing not by beams, but singly, its thickets form a solid carpet.

Completed in the European part of Russia and the Urals - a lot of it in Siberia and the Far East.

Orlyak ordinary is used in food in many countries, and in Japan and China, it is considered a delicacy.

Tight twisted, like a spring, who have not yet had time to turn away the young juicy shoots are suitable for use, only under the condition of special treatment - in the fresh form they do not eat them, since they are poisonous.

Processing is carried out immediately after the collection - the cut-off young sprouts are instantly coarse, while the concentration of toxic substances increases.

The collection of young shoots is similar to the collection of a flower bouquet - fragile stems are brought at an altitude of 15-20 cm and collected in bundles.

The use of an ordinary orchard is not limited to young shoots.

The billet time is early spring or autumn.

Roots (about therapeutic properties of horse sorrel, read) digging the blade, cleaned from the ground, cut into parts and dried at a temperature, not higher than 40 degrees.

Useful properties are saved throughout the year.

When billet, part of the roots (therapeutic properties of the buried are described in the article) plants leave untouched so that it continues to grow.

If we are talking about the harvesting of a fern for use in food, then the subject of the collection is young sprouts - Rahisa.

For eating, only very small shoots are suitable, up to 20 cm long.

They must be fragile and brittle - If the escape fails, it is not even worth trying to do this - in this case, it is no longer suitable. The tallest part of the shoots is a twisted part ("snail").

Interestingly, in the fresh form, shoots are not used, preliminary preparation is necessary.

To do this, they are boiled in salted water, changing water several times. For a long time, it is impossible, enough for 3 minutes.

The task is to get rid of bitterness and toxins, but prevent softening.

Soothes must remain elastic and crispy.

After boiling, they are used to prepare salads and side dishes, independent dishes.

There are two ways to salmon:

  1. Layers of fresh fern Sleep salt, pressed by cargo.
    After 2 weeks, the brine is drained, and the fern shift and fall asleep with salt again, only the concentration is reduced.
    Before use, saline shoots are soaked in cold water. Two days in cold water, while changing water 6-8 times.
  2. Accelerate the Supil processIt will help boiling and draining water.
    Then the shoots fall asleep salt at the rate of 250-300 g per 1 kg of fern.
    Before use, they are soaked as well as in the first case.

Saline fern free from brine and dried. Marinate fern as well as mushrooms.

Harm and contraindications

Practhing harm brings only the improper use of a fern for treatment or nutrition.

The reason is the poisonous properties of the plant. It is impossible to treat ferns and drugs based on children, pregnant women, people with weakened immunity.

Danger overdose of drugs. Treatment is carried out under the control of the attending physician.

Look at the master class how to prepare a useful dish of fern leaves at home.

The beneficial properties of the fern are primarily determined by the amazing ability to derive radiation, toxic substances from the body. Residents of Japan were first to pay attention to this feature: after nuclear bombing by living organisms, which they were easily survived, were ants. To speak more precisely - that their appearance, which is powered only by the ferner Orlyak.

Subsequently, it turned out that of all existing species of this plant in food, only 2 are suitable, one of them is the fern of Orlyak. It is used as a separate ingredient for various salads, as unusual seasonings.

Orlyak has a rather low calorie, it makes it an attractive component of the diet menu. By the way, many nutritionists successfully use this plant in their practice: recommend patients to add it to salads and meat dishes, drink useful infusions and decoctions.

Orlyak calorieness - 34 kcal per 100 g. If we talk about the nutritional value of this miraculous plant in its properties, it is amazing due to an unusual interest ratio:

  • carbohydrates - 5.54 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • protekov - 4.55

The rhizome of this plant contains therapeutic components:

  • tubils that provide excellent digestion;
  • various essential oils and fats;
  • flavonoids;
  • orlyakov-tubyl, glutamine, asparty, nicotinic and sinyl acid;
  • alkaloids;
  • starchy substances and saponins;
  • riboflavin, tocopherol and carotene (contained in young shoots);
  • various enzymes, in particular glycoside and thiaminase (enzyme involved in thiamine hydrolysis).

The valuable composition of the Orlyak is represented by the following trace elements:

  • nickel and potassium;
  • magnesium, copper and gray;
  • phosphorus, sodium and manganese;
  • calcium and.

The proteins that are part of the Orlya in their properties are something like grain crops (wheat, oats). But the most important use of fern is associated with a high concentration of biologically active elements.

Striking benefit

Doctors have long and very successfully apply in their practice Fern Orlyak: The beneficial properties of this plant help to treat many diseases. For example, it is shown to patients who suffer:

  • dry and wet pleuritis;
  • headaches and chest pains;
  • jaundice (Botkin's disease);
  • scrap in joints and bone pains;
  • diarrhea;
  • noises in the ears;
  • failures in the intestinal, stomach and spleen.

On this therapeutic properties of the Orlye do not end. A well helps a decoction made from his leaves and roots, during constipation. The plant is used for thickening pain, getting rid of worms, removal of urine (with a violation of a diuretic function).

By the way, people knew about the painful ability of this plant for a long time. Many centuries ago fern applied to wounds, burns, bruises. And he removed even the strongest pain.

  1. Especially useful is for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. For example, a lot of time spends on a computer or a TV.
  2. At the expense of Orlyak saves a person from Belokrovia and radiation sickness.
  3. In accelerated mode restores the disturbed metabolism, thereby contributes to rapid and comfortable weight loss.
  4. Greatly removes the excitation of the nervous system and a strong voltage, leads to a normal state of the pulse.
  5. Restores in full lack of vitamins with spring avitaminosis.
  6. Dears heavy and harmful metals, radionuclides, improves the activity of the endocrine system. Man's performance after applying Orlyak is significantly increasing.
  7. Used Orlyak and with ulcerative manifestations, seizures. He actively treats rheumatism, hemorrhoids, radiculitis.

As you can see, the therapeutic properties of this variety of fern are truly limitless. The main thing is to learn how to harvest the plant and apply it correctly.

Rules for collecting and use

If the fern leaves are young, they are used for the preparation of salads. In addition, the Orlyak can be prepared in the future - to spray or pick up. This is an excellent seasoning to meat and fish dishes. But the old leaves of the plant should not be eaten, they can be dried and further used for infusions, lotions and decoctions.

If a person is concerned about the radiculitis, rheumatic and other pain, vegetable raw materials must be poured and added to the bathroom.

So that the fern will benefit, it should be collected early in spring. After all, in the summer and autumn, he loses a part of the healing properties.

Young shoots need to be stored in the refrigerator, not longer than 2 days. If you do not have time to use Orlyak at the specified period - it will become poisonous and harmful to the body.

Harm and contraindications

Despite such an abundance of useful properties, Orlyak has its own contraindications. First of all, it should be remembered that this plant contains poisonous substances. That is why it is necessary to consult with an experienced herbalist or Dr.-homeopath.

Dosage should be observed during the preparation of the drug. If you ignore this rule, nausea may appear, strong dizziness, vomit, convulsions, strong headaches.

There is even a fatal outcome, especially if for treatment you used low-quality shoots or fern leaves. Noticed after applying plants any of the above symptoms? Immediately call the doctor and rinse the stomach well.

What fern edible? Does he have useful properties and how to prepare such a product at home? Answers to all these questions you will find in the materials of the article under consideration.

Edible Fern: Views

There are approximately 10 thousand different types of ferns in the world. Such plants can be found anywhere, including in swampy places and even deserts. But most often they grow in the forest zone.

Different habitats of ferns directly contributed to their diversity. They can differ significantly not only on external form and sizes, but also by the inner structure, as well as in chemical and physiological features.

What edible fern is known to you? The most popular plant that is used to prepare various dishes is an ordinary orlyak. Also in food is used by Osmund Asian and Ostrichnik.

Features and collection of plants

So after cooking edible fern turned out to be delicious and gentle, his shoots are collected at a young age until they become hard.

The collection season of such plants is the early spring, when the leaves on the trees begin to bloom and juicy grass appear. Edible fern should be immediately used to prepare various dishes or recycled to such a semi-finished product that will be stored for a long time. Semi-finished products include three types of plants: frozen fern, salty and dried. The first option is the easiest and most common among the owners. However, on an industrial scale, it is not used.


Now you know what fern edible. Where does this plant grow? Orlyak, Osmund Asian and Ostrichnik are widespread over the entire globe, except steppes, Arctic areas and deserts.

In Russia, such plants can be found in the European part, in the Far East, in Siberia and in the Urals. They also grow in Europe, Asia and North America.

Edible Osmund Asian and Ostrichnik are very often found in forest areas, on open elevations and in the thickets of shrubs.

Useful properties and composition

What is noteworthy fern edible? The beneficial properties of this product are known to be a little. Moreover, most owners do not even suspect that the plant under consideration can be eaten.

According to the allegations of specialists, the rhizomes of such a product contain starch, saponins, alkaloids, orlyak-tanning and as well as essential oils, fat, flavonoids and tanning substances. As for young shoots, they are very rich in tocopherol, vitamins, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and carometh.

From the trace elements, the plants mentioned well accumulate in themselves iodine, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, copper, sulfur, nickel and phosphorus.

Such a plant has been published in food residents of the Far East, as well as citizens of Japan and Korea. They believe that this product favorably affects their growth, helps the formation of a solid skeleton and metabolism. In addition, lovers of this plant argue that it affects the activity of the nervous system, improves the overall state of the endocrine system, increases efficiency and removes radionuclides from the body.

What else is the fern edible, the photo of which is presented in this article? For medical purposes, this product is applied for a long time. Not only young shoots of fern, but also his rhizoma take inside. For example, the decoction of the roots of this plant is actively accepted for diseases of the intestine and spleen. In addition, it effectively helps with the chickness of the joints, jaundice, diarrhea, chest and headaches, as well as with noise in the ears and head, dry pleurisy.

The decoction made from the edible fern is often used as a diuretic, laxative, anthelmic and painful agent. Also, this plant relieves stress and stimulates the metabolism.

Outward decoction from the rhizomes of the product under consideration, it is used in eczema, wounds, jaws and gold. As for the infusion, it can be used in rheumatism (in the form of baths) and ulcers.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that all the listed types of fern are edible, including them in their diet follows with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that an adult plant is very poisonous. It may contain bitter cyanide glycosides, tanning substances, sinyl acid and carcinogenic compounds. The concentration of mentioned substances increases gradually, as the growth of the plant is developing.

It should also be noted that it is strictly forbidden to use a fern during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Overdose of this product can lead to vomiting, seizures, nausea, decrease in blood pressure, headaches, inhibition of respiration, dizziness, weakening of cardiac work, and even a fatal outcome.

Application in cooking

Fern edible species is actively used in cooking. Of the young leaves, various salads are often prepared. In addition, the peculiar "snails" fry, boiled, salted and marinate for the winter, and also use as special seasonings to meat.

The most popular among culinary edible fern is an Orlyak ordinary. He received his unusual name due to the similarity with the wing of the bird of prey.

Such a plant is quite common throughout Russia, and find it quite easily.

Young shoots that are used to prepare various dishes are formed in May. First, they resemble a kind of "snail", and in the development process, they unfold and become similar to the hook.

Edible sheet pets called Rahis. To taste, he very much resembles white mushrooms. Raw rachis poisonous, so it should be subjected to heat treatment.

Fern edible: how to cook?

As mentioned above, the fresh plant is not stored. This is due to the fact that it solidens very quickly, with the result that it is simply impossible to use it in food. Therefore, the fern closures have just made immediately picking up or boil in salted water, and then dried.

If you decide to use the latest preparation option, then fresh leaves must be thoroughly rinsed and put it in a saucepan with boiling salted water. In this form, the plant should be boil no more than 5 minutes. After that, it is required to be thrown into a colander and shake hard.

As for the salting, this process is carried out as follows: Fresh and thoroughly washed greenery are laid into an enameled container, move the conventional cooking salt (at the rate of 250 g of spices by 1 kg of plants), is closed with a wooden lid, less than a diameter, and then press the overt. At the same time, the weight of the latter must necessarily be equal to the weight of the product used. In this form, saline greens leave for 7-8 days.

After the brine begins to cover the wooden cover, it is slowly drained. Together with him and the whole bitterness inherent in young shoots.

The product prepared in this way can be extinguished. It is first roasted along with the onions onions, and then poured fresh sour cream and prepare in such a form for a few minutes. To the table, the finished stewed dish is served with greens and fried tomatoes.

You can also fry in a fryer, having finished it in a pancake dough.

If none of the presented ways are not suitable for you, then the salty product can be simply choking and add to salads, pizza, soup, and so on.

In the mythology of Slavs, they always ended with magical properties, although these plants do not bloom. On the night of Ivan Kapahu, the couples are actively looking for this mythical flower, believing that he will definitely bring them eternal happiness (according to legend, such a flower dissolves only for a moment).

Greetings all those who are not indifferent to their health!

Today we will find out What a fern is useful. Often people mistakenly attach importance to important things. For example, at first glance, the usual plant keeps the secrets of great history and huge value for our body.

In the article you will find the answers to many questions regarding the fern. You will learn: what it is useful, what kind of properties are attributed to experts and how to use it correctly.

The fern is an unusual plant with whom the ancient legends are connected, and the leaves are something resemble the wings of the proud eagle. Already 400 million years this plant grows on the planet.

To our time, more than ten thousand varieties of fern came to us. Of course, not all of them benefit a person, there are also poisonous or just useless varieties.

The composition of this plant is rich in the necessary our organism by microelements. Back in antiquity, people understood the value of ferns. All parts of this plant is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. In addition, this is a low-calorie product, which is quite easily absorbed thanks to the part of the proteins.

This plant has long been an important part of the diet of the peoples of Eastern cultures. In order to learn about how the fern is useful, we will briefly read the chemical composition. In fern there are many saponins, alkaloids and essential oils.

Young shoots saturated with vitamin complex of groups A, B, E and PR are very helpful. In addition, the composition includes fats and flavonoids. This is not a complete list of useful substances. The chemical composition differs depending on the variety, age and separate part of the plant (leaves, rhizome, "snails").

It is strictly forbidden to use a fern without preprocessing. Freshly plant can cause edible poisoning, vomiting, nausea and general intoxication of the body.

The fern is most popular under the name "Orlyak". It is very useful. This plant grows in almost all countries. Only young shoots are used in food, whose leaves have not yet blocked. With age, the Eagle becomes poisonous and of course it cannot be applied in cooking.

  • strengthening the immune system
  • normalization of the work of the cardiovascular system
  • improving the work of the thyroid gland
  • normalization of blood sugar level
  • improving blood composition
  • positive impact on the endocrine system
  • strengthening bone tissue
  • normalization of the work of the GTC
  • improving the health of the body
  • improving metabolism

The usefulness of the fern is difficult to overestimate. In addition to its above, its use contributes to the withdrawal of toxins, slags and radionuclides from the body. The active components of the plant helps to cope with stress, also turns out to be a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

In addition, this component is useful and when leaving for itself. It is often used in cosmetology. Orlyak escape contains substances that slow down the processes of aging, which means that its regular use will help preserve a young and fresh appearance.

In antiquity, people often used the leaves of this plant for the manufacture of various faucenes to protect themselves and their housing from evil spirits and damage. Nowadays, the most common way to use the fern is cooking. He is useful, of course, only if you cook it correctly.

Soldering of ancient plants for the winter is popular with popularity. For this purpose, the petioles of one of the edible varieties of ferns are used - orlyak or an ore. The cooking method resembles a salting of mushrooms and takes place in three stages with breaks for several weeks. To taste, the baby's pets after processing resemble mushrooms, and the second type of fern looks more like a sauced cabbage.

Before cooking a fresh plant, any variety, it is pre-needed to boil in salted water for ten minutes. After that, the water merges, and the useful product is stealing, marked, fries, etc.

Very useful salad from this ancient plant. For its preparation, the fern leaves are soaked in water, after which they are cut and dried over thirty minutes. Next to it is added roasted onions with meat. All this is refueling soy sauce and shop. Chilled salad is served on the table.

Popularity is also popular with fern, special roasted, delicacies and other dishes. Rice with the addition of this plant is very useful for health, it is widely popular with the eastern peoples. Cooking variations are actually a lot. Therefore, everyone can find something to taste.

The fern is not always useful for everyone. Before using it in food, it is recommended to consult with a doctor or experienced herbalist. There are a number of contraindications:

  • It is strictly forbidden to apply this plant during pregnancy.
  • The presence of serious diseases of the internal organs is a weighty argument to refuse fern

Very dangerous overdose by this product. In some cases, convulsions, vomiting and nausea are possible. Dizziness can also be caused, lowering blood pressure, malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system, etc. If the alarming symptoms ignore for a long time, even a fatal outcome is possible.

In any case, the fern is useful, but only if you consume it in moderation and follow all the advice and recommendations of experienced specialists. It should also be remembered that it is not sufficient to maintain the health of some decoctions. It is important to abandon all bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Only in this case can you keep your health for many years.

If we talk about health, then see also there are many different techniques and techniques to create an ideal body and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is important to remember that not all of them are universal, and what is well suited for one person can, on the contrary, bring harm to the other.

If you have found useful information here, share an article with friends on social networks. Take care of yourself and your health. Good luck to you!

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