Movie Ekadashi. Ekadashi - the best day for post and spiritual practice

Movie Ekadashi. Ekadashi - the best day for post and spiritual practice

We all realize that periodic rest is needed not only to our mind, but also the body. However, for some reason, this postulate of units is observed.

Most of us regularly gives resting the soul and mind, relaxing at the weekend or leaving on vacation. But at the same time, even in the days of mental recreation, we continue to force our body to work hard, often indulging in the curmony (which of us did not bring some extra kilograms from the rest?).

For such cases, more ancient Vedic culture presented to humanity such a phenomenon as post of ecadashi.

What post Ekadashi? What it is useful, and what can be dangerous? How to keep the post of ecadas?!

Post ecadashi: what is it and where he appeared

Not so long ago post Ekadashi It was a common phenomenon except among Krishnaitis.

However, with the rapid growth of the popularity of Vedic culture in society, such a post began to practice and ordinary people who care about their health - both physical and spiritual.

If you say quite simple, then practice Ekadashi - This is a 1-day dry starvation (that is, even without water), which is carried out in combination with spiritual practices exactly from sunrise to the next sunrise.

However, such a post has several options, including a lightweight, which even will withstand people are far from harsh Indian practices.

The word "Ekadashi" indicates the number 11 on Sanskrit. This name was received because Hindus, Jainists, Krishnaitis and other followers of Indian religions and cultures practiced him on the 11th lunar day after each appearance in the night sky of the new moon and the full moon (11th and 26th lunar days are obtained) . These days, according to the Vedas, are considered ideal for spiritual growth and emotional purification.

In turn, the purification of the body by temporary complete abandonment of food and water contributes to the speedy spiritual enlightenment and helps to be less distracted by worldly vanity.

Meditation and spiritual work on themselves - deeply personal matter, so we will pay more attention to the physiological aspects ekadashi post.

How to keep the post of ecadas

Full post Ekadashi It implies a complete rejection of any food and water. This is an "advanced" option for experienced people who have previously tried medical starvation Or at least trying to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition in ordinary life.

The most animated fans of dry starvation on these days do not even clean their teeth so that the mouth does not fall into the mouth. They also refuse at night from sleep, meditating or reading mantras.

In some Vedic sources, you can find a refinement that women, like a weaker sex, you can not syntictate yourself a full version of Ekadashi post. They can be limited to half post.

Also, the Vedas suggest that even a strict Ascapesis for passionate people can turn into dependence and harm. Therefore, with a strong sense of discomfort, you do not need to try to keep post at any cost.

Otherwise, your thoughts instead of high spiritual aspirations will be engaged in physical well-being, that is, the post of ecadas will lose their depth sense.

As we wrote above, post Ekadashi Has the Light Version for unprepared people who will not be able to withstand total hunger.

The minimum post involves simply limitations in the diet. This is a refusal of all grain and legumes (and products of them, including flour), soybean, coffee, seeds, coarse vegetables (eggplants, spinach, beets, tomatoes, onions and garlic, cabbage, etc.), sea salt, Many Indian spices and spices, butter of any origin, sweet (even honey).

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A person needs rest. From time to time we take a vacation, we are leaving for warm countries, turn off the phone and the Internet. Mind and body need peace and harmony. Does not rest only the stomach: on vacation, like at home ,. Meanwhile, our digestive system also requires pauses. In Vedic culture, the days of abstinence from food and water are called Ekadashi.

Ecadasi (translated from Sanskrit - "Eleven") - this is the 11th lunar day after each full moon and new moon. As a rule, this is the 11th and 26th lunar days. In Hinduism and Jain, these days are considered particularly favorable for various spiritual practices, meditation, as well as the purification of the body by compliance with the post. It is about the physiological aspect of Ekadashi we will talk in this article.

What is Ekadashi?

From the point of view of Vedic exercises, each 11th day of the ascending and downliving moon favors the purification of the body and its self-healing. It is believed that these days the moon is closest to the ground and has the greatest gravitational impact on its water. And since a person of 80% consists of water, the moon affects not only on marine rings and foals, but also on the physiological condition of the body. Cells these days are already experiencing "overload", and heavy food can adversely affect health. While abstaining from food and drink, on the contrary, allows the body to relax and gain strength.

The followers of Hinduism believe that such unloading days activate the internal resources of the body, purify it from toxins, improve health, rejuvenate and even prolong life.

From the point of view of modern medicine, Ecadas are preventive single dry fasting. Within 24 hours (from sunrise to sunrise), it is necessary to refrain from feeding and water. At the same time, unloading and diet therapy has both its supporters and opponents.

The benefits and danger of dry starvation

Supporters of Ekadashi and other types of medical fasting claim: Hippocrates treated hunger; post is in all religions; In abstinence, the great wisdom of ancestors is hidden.

It is believed that ecadas can facilitate the symptoms of diseases such as asthma, allergies, hypertension, diseases of the stomach and intestines, diabetes and others.

The main argument is this: not receiving feeding from the outside, the body moves to internal power due to the destruction of its own fats, carbohydrates and proteins. At the same time, the body is cleaning from slags and toxins. Thanks to which the cells are healing, the person feels the influx of cheerfulness.

It is important to emphasize that therapeutic starvation is the method of alternative medicine. Doctors representing a classic school, as a rule, do not support such radical measures. Thus, the doctor of medical sciences, a professor of clinical medicine, Cardiologist Isadore Rosenfeld (Isadore Rosenfeld) opposes diet, assuming consumption of less than 1,2 kcal per day.

He argues that the idea of \u200b\u200bexistence in the human body of so-called slags is unscientific. There are no research that reliably proving that the body needs help to bring the finite exchange products. Moreover, Dr. Rosenfeld believes that starvation can weaken the immune system, disrupt the heart rhythm and lead to dehydration.

Ekadashi provides for the rejection of water and food for 24 hours. It is possible as a strict post (complete lack of contact with water and food) and more gentle (partial starvation, when drinking and reception of food are allowed once a day). In the exercises it is said that the one who keeps the post fully receives the "award" completely, and the one who eats the NTA (dinner) is only half. However, it is important to remember that the loss of water causing a decrease in body weight by 10-20% is life threatening. Doctors urge to refrain from dry starvation in hot weather, as well as with significant physical exertion.

The followers of the ecadas are recognized that the first few posts can cause side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • heart rate violation;
  • lowering blood pressure and others.

But it is believed that this is the natural reaction of the body, which is rebuilt on the fight against slags. If practicing ecadas regularly, these symptoms will be held.

Doctors argue that dry starvation can lead to complications of urolithiasis and gout, and in the long run - to problems with liver and kidneys. In addition, there are diseases in which the doctors are categorically forbidden to starve, especially without water. Among them:

  • tuberculosis;
  • heart disease and blood circulation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • body mass deficiency;
  • malignant tumors.

Post Ekadashi: how to enter, keep and exit

As mentioned above, the best way to observe the ecadas is to completely refrain from food and drink. But those who cannot stick to such strict rules, it is allowed to drink water and there are definite foods. The main thing is that it does not include legumes and grain crops (peas, nuts, beans, beans, rice, pasta, etc.).

Other products forbidden to ecadas:

  • spinach;
  • eggplants;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • spices, sea salt and sugar;
  • oil.

But the most difficult thing is not the post itself, but the right entrance to the ecadas and exit from it. It is necessary to prepare the body for starvation, on the eve of refusing severe food and generally cutting the diet.

The exit from the ecadas should be started from drinking (if a strict post adhered). For this, after sunrise, you need to drink 0.5 liters of salted water (one teaspoon of salt on the floor-liter). If desired, lemon juice can be added to the water-saline solution. A few minutes after the reception of water, you can eat a banana. It is believed that this fruit is enveloping the stomach, neutralizing the acid accumulated in it. After some time, you can afford a light breakfast. During the day after ecada, it is not recommended to eat fat, fried food.

If a person fastens in Ecadas, I will burn all his sins and give him his transcendental abode. Ekadashi is the most suitable day to destroy all sins. He comes to everyone for good. Krishna Arjuna

Remember: Ecadas, like any religious post, is primarily spiritual abstinence. These days should devote themselves to Asskzam, help those who need and perform good. After all, in the Hinduism of Ekadashi - this cleansing is not so much body as the soul.

If you practice (ever practiced) ecadas or other types of starvation, share your experience in the comments.

Further, information for those who take care of their physical and spiritual body, with full responsibility. Story about my personal experience and results. And undoubtedly, my menu and recordings at some days of Ecadas. Since the basis of its own, I lead your personal diary about such things on my closed site. I will briefly say, the experience of my and my girls on the site showed that on this day, a person loses up to 2 kg. per day. Apparently, depending on some factors and menus, all the results are different. But persistent and significant. Do not perceive the post of ecadas as a primitive way to lose weight. If you come to the question only from such a part, do not wait for big results.

P.S: On the Quote Rules, read at the very end. Thank you for understanding!

This is the official website where the subscription is issued, you will receive reminders of the days of unloading. It is very convenient, in our mad rhythm of life. Do not think and memorize yourself. You will remind you. Carefully, follow the time (hours) input and exit from the post. It is always indicated.

And now is the time, tell about personal experience. My weight loss these days was from 800 to 2 kg. What is the reason, such jumps, I do not know. Yes, and I do not apply to decide. I will say one thing, I tried almost all unloading in my life. It is with the purpose of losing weight. All this, completely empty waste of nerves and time. There are probably some benefit in unloading, but they were given to me with such difficulty that except hysteria, nothing useful to me. I am very painful about prohibitions and restrictions. And the first experience of unloading to the ecadas, pursue me in shock. I moved it very easily and comfortable. Flight status and not very understandable sensations of what you do right. Well, a stable plumb, after unloading. For a person, whose weight is capable of jumping with astounding results, up to +5 kg. For the week, these days, just a gift of fate and the ability to keep weight enough stable. Indeed, in the month, two days of Ekadashi.

My first experience, a year ago. Loss: 800 g

Morning Ecadasi. On the street: - 20. In the usual morning, I would have beaten again. But on Ekadashi, I'm configured from the evening, I reached out, smiled and told myself: - 20, and it is good-oh-oh-oh !!! On this day, no discontent and God for God. Only positive emotions and thoughts.
So in the morning, I was crushed by Bodyflex. I consider this technique itself that there is no yoga, because of breathing.
Next, morning prayers and cleansing shower. A small advice when you are standing under the shower with your head, read about yourself three times "Our Father". Before completing the procedure, tell me three times: the driver, the driver, take all the bad and thin what is on me. Mentally imagine how all the energy mud along with water flows into the drainage. Only after that, turn off the water.
Next, we have breakfast.
I think I'm in Ekadashi, it's only green tea.
So, a cup of tea with cottage cheese and banana. All this is refilled by banana. A little sugar. And here is the question. Is it true? But the mention that no grams of sugar should be, I did not notice anywhere. For me, the morning sugar is the only sweet per day. I work with numbers and accounting, and I need this little joy. Chocolate I do not eat (with rare exception). Therefore, I did not rule out sugar and in this morning.
My cottage cheese. Tea do not take pictures.

Next, I calmly lived to lunch. I did not feel any hunger, as in general and always at this time of the day. The second breakfasts in our house are rare.
Dinner: My husband dumplings with broth, and I purple. I did not even expect such peace. When I put my dinner on the table, his eyes from the orbit got out ...
I had to tell about ecadas.
My lunch:

This is a grain cottage cheese from Prostokvashino. I adore this salty miracle, but I rarely buy.
No sugar already. Cottage cheese and two banana. In the photo one. But then I ate one more.
Located. Poured tea green without everything.
The snack, of course I wanted. But I'm snacking on ordinary days.

Came dinner time.And here I am attended ... And nowhere is not written about olive oil and instant thermal processing? How is Thais? On the big fire, three minutes and ready.
Vegetables: Zucchini (I found them, 180 rubles per kg.), Eggplants (160 rubles per kg.), Onion by half rings Marinated with lemon juice, broccoli fresh, chili pepper and just sharp pepper big, garlic. Quickly rushed into the oil olive in the pan and Chile. Immediately all vegetables. Three minutes of strong fire, slightly watered soy sauce. Everything. Turned off on the plate. Watering a little balsamic sauce with truffles (sauce is so called). Tasty!
Here is this delicious beauty:

At the same time, on a nearby pan, a boar was roasting with a bow. An incredibly tasty dish. Caban, this is not a pork. This game. The taste is incredible. There is even a lot of spices, boar is a fabulous meal. I am preparing and feeling more calm. That's what it means to tune in correctly!

Next, 2 apples (without a photo). Apples are not large, with the taste of an apple (not those apples that apples do not smell. Our similar to our apple)
Well, all day, water. Not much, liter is probably. Well, I'm cold!
Evening, marked cosmetic procedures.
After them, I went for an hour skiing with dad. Returned to the skiing. Kayfowed, difficult to convey words. Evening air, it is special. It is difficult for them to impass !!!
After the skis came and took a shower.

Morning today:
I get up: - 25 on the street. Dressed like a Christmas tree ... and ... I remember, and the scales then ??? Oh, even kill, but I will not undress. The deduction is better than these 500 g (already calculated that it is 500 g).
Here are the results:
Last fixation weight without clothes (net)

And today's clothes:

So my pure weight: 62 kg. 800
Weight Loss: 800
Does it seem to be negligible? Not to me. I have already desperately and did not dream to translate for 63. These 63 as if they had risen to me. And the fact that the weight was going down, I think thanks to Ekadashi.

The second experience of Ekadashi, March.

Morning Ecadasi. On the street: - 15. Loves the ecada frost apparently. If someone has spring, then we don't even smell her. Here is today's photo:

So, Bodiflex.
Next, morning prayers and cleansing shower. Breakfast.
Cup of green tea with cottage cheese Danon. In this ecadashi, I did not put sugar in tea. Sunday. I think the brain will survive it, I decided. In general, curd and tea I was founded. This is the whole breakfast and was ....
Dunon did not photograph, we all know what it looks. I had a cottage cheese of "Pinocolate" with coconut M pineapple. I must say, it was these two fruits that I chose for ecadas.
Dinner: My husband has spaghetti with seafood, and I do not purple. I hurt I love seafood. But I had to drown it in myself, and to eat what was scheduled.
Lunch consisted of: 1 pineapple
Paul banks of cottage cheese
coconut milk

Sauce: Pineapple Paul
Cottage cheese and coconut milk, whipping a blender.

The second half of the pineapple cut the pieces.
We pour this well-obtained sauce-type Sibarite.

Voila !!!
Apple raw - 1 piece
Came dinner time.Boiled beet and sour cream. Some sat down. The whole plate that I did not eat in the photo. My husband was and, and I could eat only four canteens spoons.

At the same time, the husband ate dumplings.
Well, all day, water. A lot of tea green with milk and nutrition bottle ajana.

In the evening, skiing. Chasic ride. After skis, definitely shower with a scrub. Butter did not smear, on the day of the ecadas, the body grilling is prohibited !!!

Morning today:
Weighing in clothes.

If you come from fixed weight in the morning before ecadashi, then loss amounted to 1 kg. 100 g.

Ekadashi !!!
Long live ecadas!
So, Morning Prayer and PBF. Of course, all this separately. But morning I start with prayer. Before bodiflex. Switched to the PBF (advanced bodyflex), because since Taya was on the usual BF. Muscles are all hurt. Highly. Again made sure the strength and power of these classes.
Breakfast: cottage cheese with kiwi and sour cream, green tea with jasmine. Photos are increased when clicking.

Lunch: vegetable salad with own production cress. He comes with a handsome man. Drink often. Vitamins after all!

Smells: Kiwi 2 pieces
Baked potato and greens, polished by the maslick (slightly)

And dessert: baked pear with honey and cinnamon. Fabulous thing and green tea !!!

An hour later, one kiwi. Hours at 8 pm.
That's all. That's all the food debauchery. No hunger. All delicious and appetizing! I look forward to tomorrow !!!

Morning, Minus 1 kg 100 g for this ecada!

Another entry (already briefly, so as not to strain a huge number of text):

This morning, there was a way out of Ecadas. I am very happy and glad that this unloading appeared in my life. This time, we conducted ecadas with mom. So, our results ...

MUM: 106,200-104,900
TOTAL: Minus 1 kg. 300 gr.
Milady:64,100 (I say that I recovered) -62,600
Total: minus 1 kg. 500 gr.
Of course, the mother of lost weight did not feel and did not appreciate. So few? But let Mother? Is this not a worthy result? We have people and 100 grams in the piggyback of losing weight. I had to read the lecture. Do not perceive ecadas like a diet. This is different. Believe me, I conducted an experiment. I fed is identical to how I eat in the ecadashi. The result was not. Not a gram in minus. In this day, there is some kind of magic. It is on this day that some processes occur. You can find them an explanation, but I do not want. The result is impressive, and I am happy! Do not rotate how little I threw off. So so much needed. I am such a result for the first time for all ecadas. It was 800 grams. And I was happy.
Based on the fact that I am not complete, I felt the loss of my half a kilogram right away. And visually internally.

When quoting, Remove to this part. That is, only discharge from the diary.

I think now, you fully understood that this is for unloading and what it is eaten with. You need it or not, it is necessary to decide individually. But for your life, I was convinced of any information, you need to be ready. You either accept it and begin to fulfill the conceived, or pass by without even assessing the dignity. So it's not time! So, do not worry. If it did not pull and do not hooked, do not try to carry out violence over yourself. Maybe sometime you will return to this information and understand what are ready. Or maybe not. Everyone in life has its own choice. And I wish you, find the right way to my perfection.

Rules, copying (citation) of this post.

A big request to those who will copy and quote. After the procedure, edit the text, removing clippings from a personal diary. All other texts and mine, including, you can leave as it is. Efremova Natalia (Milady)

This is a special day in Hindu traditions. Cleansing day, repentance, spiritual promotion. He has a great importance in the Vaisnava tradition.

Twice during the lunar month calculated on the Vedic traditions, many people around the world keep Ekadashi. These days it is better to stick to a strict post, or in general to refrain from food and water, as according to the ancient Vedic scriptures, all the bad karma and our sins fill food, especially grain and legumes. Tasting food these days, we increase reserves of negative fate. On the other hand, if we post on this day, then we burn our bad karma and increase the happy fate. Purely physiologically, this is expressed in the fact that when posting in Ekadashi Cells of our body are recovered, slags come out, soft cleaning of the body occurs, which increases energy, cheerfulness and beauty.

The followers of Hinduism believe that the committing of spiritual asksuz on days Ekadashi Help the soul to achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Besides, Ekadashi Promotes cleansing on physical, mental and spiritual terms. It says that the post in Ekadashi Warns and cures many diseases. Ayurvedic medicine advises to fast to preserve and improve health. Subject to observance Ekadashi It should be considered their individual features. If you have a major dosha kapha, you can spend dry post if you are wool, then you need to drink water with lemon, water can be sweetened, who do not have to make a dry post, you need to drink milk or juice, milk can be diluted with water - 40 % milk and 60% water, add some sugar and you can drink it during the post.

Depending on the state of health, large labor costs and other factors, you can make yourself a diet given the beneficial products on this day.

On this day, use

Meat and any meat products.

Fish and seafood.

Any type of legumes: peas, Turkish peas (nut), beans, beans and any products made from beans or grains (papadam, tofu, coffee drinks).

Grains and products from it: oats, semolina, pasta, rice, corn, millet, wheat, as well as any flour of grain and legumes (rice, laid, lenty), and products prepared from these extracts or mixed with them.

Drinking soda, bakery powder, many soft drinks, some types of cottage cheese, some types of yogurt, caramel, candy, etc.

Eggplants, beets, tomatoes, onions, garlic, color and white cabbage, broccoli, corn, coconut, sunflower seeds, sesame, mushrooms.

Indian vegetables such as Karel (bitter lemon), Loki, Parmales (Cole), Cunley, Bendy, Date ("Drumstands"), banana flowers; as well as leaves and stems of all these vegetables.

Oils: corn, mustard, sesamine and sunflower, as well as products fried in such oil, such as potato chips.

Any leaves: spinach, salad, cabbage, curry, him, parsley, etc.

Spices: Sesame, Tsmin, Asafhetide, Shambalu, mustard, Tamarind, Fennel, Calindji, Cardamon, Carnation, Musade Walnut, etc.

Products suitable for use in Ekadashi

Water and fresh juices.

Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Dried fruits.

Nuts (except peanuts) and walnut oil.

Milk products.

Potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, green papaya, lemons, avocado, olives.

Any sugar.

Buckwheat (but it needs to be carefully sought from cereals).

Oils: olive and gi.

Spices: turmeric, black pepper, ginger and salt, but only from new, clean packages.

Flight Rules for Ecadas

In the morning in Ekadashi Shower should be taken, and the whole post try to keep the mind and body clean and calm. It is very important to understand that the post is not just a refusal of food or some products. If on this day you allow deviations from moral and ethical principles or give the will irritation and anger you actually do not stop, but just do not eat. It must be configured to comply with the post, to negotiate in advance. You should avoid daytime sleep, rubbing with oil, not shave.

If you are taking food, then in Ekadashi It is desirable to eat no more than once, after noon.

If a Ekadashi Accidentally was not observed, it is possible to spend it the next day - twenty and interrupt the post on the third day of the ramp. If in the lunar calendar Ekadashi coincides with Dasha - the tenth lunar day, then there is no need to limit oneself by post, but if it coincides with the twenty - the twelfth day of the moon, then such Ekadashi called "Pure Ecadas" Or Mahadvadashi and it is recommended to strictly observe. Mahadvadashi is usually also called Ekadasami.

The output from the post must be produced the next morning, 2-3 hours after sunrise. It is desirable that the first eating consisted of fresh fruits (or juices). It must be remembered that during starvation the stomach does not work, so the use at the exit of heavy food is able to upset the health of the whole organism. Stay attentive.

Preparation for the post on ecadas

For those who first decided to be in a dry hunger during ecadas, it is better to prepare in advance. Need to configure accordingly. Customize your mind and body. On the eve of the post, it is advisable not to overeat, do not use animal food, there are vegetables, fruits, cereals in moderate quantity. You can spend cleaning procedures in the form of enema or other way you know. The way out of hunger should also be gentle for the body, drink juices, eat vegetables, fruits, can be light casis, but also in small quantities.

The history of the emergence of Ekadashi

History Ekadashi It goes into a deep past. According to Padma Puran, in order to help live beings to free themselves from bad karma, Vishnu showed himself a goddess of the lunar day Ekadashi. Thanks to the reverence of this goddess, living beings were able to quickly reach the spiritual world of Vaikuntha. The person's sin of papaporushe has nowhere to live and he filed a complaint to Vishnu. To save him, Vishnu gave him the opportunity to hide from exposure Ekadashi in grain and legumes. It is believed that since the one who honors Ekadashi, dismissed from all sins, but the one who takes the grain-old on this day, takes into sin.

Sanskrit is translated as the eleventh. This is the 11th and 26th lunar day in accordance with the Vedic calendar. These days are especially favorable for the accomplishment and spiritual enlightenment.

The saying is exactly the same as there is no water cleaner than the water of the Gang River, there is no Lord above the Lord Vishnu, the same and there is no post more sacred than the post in Ecadas.

"From all plants, I am more expensive to me Tulasi, of all months - Cartika,
from all places of pilgrimage - my beloved tweAR
and from all days ecadasy matters to me "
Padma Purana, Tong Khanda

The value of the post in the ecadas

Ekadashi contributes to cleansing on the physical, mental and spiritual plan, the acquisition of the grace of God and exemption from the illusion of material existence.

Why is it recommended to fast on ecadas? Everyone knows that the moon has a strong influence on the psyche of man. And in the eleventh lunar day, we are particularly dependent on our senses, the desire to enjoy and exploit their surroundings for their own purposes reaches a maximum. Grain and legumes are the main source of energy, so they are recommended to refuse them first - so as not to feed their egoistic desires.

Ecadas are called the Mother of Devotion - if we think about Krishna on this day or serve him, we get more good than usual. Accordingly, sin on this day, we carry large sinful reactions.

Lord Krishna himself in Bhagavad Gita told Arjuna about the meaning of Ekadashi:

"Oh Arjuna, the best of the Kuru, the strength of this good cannot even appreciate the demigods and half it is achieved by those who eat only" Naks "in Ekadashi."

Types of post. Rules for compliance posts in the days of Ekadashi

The post takes place on two levels - on the spiritual and on physical.

At the spiritual level Ekadashi - Vishnu Day. On this day it is better to pray, read the mantras, to do Puja and just live for the Lord, remember him constantly. The day should be filled with calm and ministry.

If possible, you should refuse to abandon worldly affairs and unnecessary trouble on this day, releaseing time for spiritual communication and improvement.

At the physical levelthis is an abstinence from food. The post can hold in two versions:

Full post - This is a very high standard for advanced devotees - implies a complete abstinence from food and water, the so-called "dry post". If you want to fully observe such a type of post, then you can not even brush your teeth, and also cannot be taken by Achaman (purification before / after rituals of Japs / Pujges). It is necessary to wake all night, singing holy names.

* For some Vedic sources, women are forbidden to keep a full post: only with the husband's permission, a woman can abide by half a strict post.

* Also, do not fall into strong ascetic and keep them at any cost (this is a gun of passion), because if you experience any discomfort on this day due to well-being, then your thoughts will be very far from ministry.

Minimum postthis is an abstinence from admission to food crops, such as rice, corn, peas, soy, etc. It is said that if someone uses grain on this day, it is equivalent to the fact that he eats beef.

You need to try to drink and eat no more than once, after noon. This food is called nakta (dinner).

When eating, in addition to grain and legumes, it should also be avoided: spinach, honey, eggplants, asafetides and sea salt (other types of salt, such as cook salt, permissible), as well as taking food in foreign houses.

You should be careful with the reception of the spices these days - in many spices (especially Indian) contain additives of flour, such as in asafetide. And may also include soybean in dairy products, although it is not even indicated on the label. Some sources argue that it is also necessary to refrain from oils (any - animal and non-living origin) and honey.

As for sugar, it is generally recommended to avoid sweet. The reason is that sweet feeds creature. Because in the ecadas, and without the desire to enjoy reaches its peak, and to warm up creature - it will be clearly superfluous.

In fact, on this day it is necessary to limit ourselves from any food and gastronomic addictions. The food must be very simple, with a minimum of spices and in no case cannot be overeating.

There is a fairly controversial information about the products allowed for ecadas or, on the contrary, prohibited. Therefore, it is better to check how authoritative sources are filed.

7 types of products that are not interrupting the post (according to "Hari-Bhakti-Vilas":
- fruits and vegetables;
- sesame;
- milk;
- water;
- Pancha-Hawny (5 types of cow products);
- Air.

According to "Mahabharat" the post is not interrupted :
- water;
- root;
- fruits;
- milk;
- the desire of Brahman;
- order of the spiritual teacher;
- medicine.

Products that cannot be used in Ecadas:

  • Legumes: peas, Turkish peas (nut), beans, beans and any products made from beans or grains (tofu, coffee drinks);
  • Grain and products from it: Oats, pasta, semolina, rice, corn, rice, corn, as well as flour of grain and legumes (rice, chopped, lental);
  • Eggplants, beets, tomatoes, onions, garlic, color and white cabbage, broccoli, corn, coconut, sunflower seeds;
  • ecadas are not recommended to use such spices:sesame, Tsmin, Asafhetide, Shambalu, mustard, curry, tamarind, Fennel, Calindji, Cardamom, Carnation, Muscata etc.
  • Oils: corn, mustard, sesam and sunflower.

What else can not be done in ecadas, and what to do is necessarily / preferably

It is impossible:

To shave;
- use unclean food;
- having sex;
- engage in other actions that contribute to the increase in the energy of Guna Rajas (passion) and Tamas (ignorance) - for example, watch movies with elements of violence, or read boulevard literature; quarrel, find out the relationship.

Conduct as much time in prayers, reading the spiritual literature or its discussion, meditation;
- awake all night;
- dance for the Lord;
- Giving alms - the benefit of what is given to Ecadas as a alms, increases thousands of times compared to other days (naturally, it is necessary to give from a pure heart and not for the sake of getting a good for yourself).

It is important to follow the calendar, and not try to calculate the 11th day after the new moon or full moon. It also indicates the time of exit from the post.

After compliance with the ecadashi, it is necessary to interrupt the post within 2.5 hours after sunrise the next day, in twinkle. To leaving the ecadashi, you must accept what you have fastened. If you have fed onto legumes, then, accordingly, eat something from these products. If you held a full post with water, then you need to eat something light, for example, fruit. If you kept a dry post, then you can get out of the post with water, juice or also fruit.

According to the Scriptures, it is necessary to observe ecadas from 5 years of age. One who is unable to fast because of serious illness or old age should find a particularly spiritual person and sacrifice something to him. He can also just listen or read about the meaning of each ecada. This practice is recommended as one of the methods of achieving the full result of the post.

If the ecadas are accidentally observed, it is possible to spend it the next day - twenty, and interrupt the post on the third day - Tradashi.

But most importantly -the meaning of the ecada is not to starve and not to get out of the post in a strictly defined period of time. The most important thing is that in what mind you spend this day. Ekadashi is, first of all, the phenomenon of the spiritual plan. So the most important thing is not the fact that you were able to hold out all day without food (or could not) or did not sleep all night (and then the question - how you will fulfill your duties the next day), but how much you are cultivated spiritually .


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