Tolokno vivsyane. Yak cook oatmeal? Vivsyane oatmeal: cinnamon and skoda, recipes

Tolokno vivsyane. Yak cook oatmeal? Vivsyane oatmeal: cinnamon and skoda, recipes

Tolokno is a traditional gourd product, which is made from the otherwise ground barley. Innocent peas are victorious at the same time.

The grains, in front of the front, are churned with a hot steam, for which they hang, are specially lubricated, come out from the shell and grow.

For the old hours, the grain was poured in the very same mortar, from what and to resemble the name "oatmeal". It’s not a matter of plutatie to see oatmeal from the forest, but there are two different products of food, which are caused by the corny authorities.

The bark is clear to see through the bush and to get into the brownies, and the splinters of all the grain in the grain itself take over. Todi, as in the usual for us, all the most popular parts come and go to the outside.

Зміст statty:

Coriander of oatmeal

Tolokno is a traditional national product. Before the revolution, the expansion was widened even wider throughout the entire territory of Russia, especially in the provinces. Name the process of preparing the viewer like this.

The bear was held for 24 years by the water, and the price of the ball was ringing. Then they chilled them in a stone oven, and when they saw them, they saw the whole get some water... On the last stage, the grain was hung with a thin ball on a special sheet and was poured at a low temperature.

Then the oats were picked up behind the help of a wood mortar. At the same time, they periodically squeezed out and a great deal of knowledge was refined. The results of vihodiil have fragrant cereals, the yaku was prepared and the vicoris were taken from the homeland of the skin.

Oatmeal was cooked with herbs, liquorice porridge and jelly. Brewing porridge with butter, honey and mountains, with sugar, or cily. They were very cool and formed the dovgas "cowbags".

In the Danish hour, oatmeal vikoristovuyutsya is much more important, in general it is recommended to use it for special children's food and drink. The Danish product is even cinnamon-colored, some of it can take revenge on rich cinnamon vitamins and microelements, as well as such an important word, like lecithin.

Milling oats miraculously normalizes the exchange of rechovins, as well as the morbidity of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. It is recommended to recommend tolokno in case of young children for vivedennya to the organism of shkidlivny speeches, radionuclides and important metals.

Dense oatmeal is even more cinnamon-brown with undercoating, and sour is good for normal acidity. Such porridge is indispensable for a child's food. For a quick renewal of the strength of the doctor, prescribe the product of recommendations for the exchange and chemotherapy in the period when the swelling is visible.

Have Stay for an hour dedals of more people include a wonderful product. At the end of the day, we went to work, as soon as I got in my warehouse, there were no more balanced components, as it was obvious that I could add one to one.

It’s hard not to take revenge on food fats; Groats, when peresetrated into a spike, develop at the rosemary and shvidko wiklikє are almost full of food. Tsya yak_st spriy a quick decrease in vagi.

Krim food value, oatmeal є a wonderful cosmetology zasob. Masks from the preparation of grinded cereals are used to cleanse and rejuvenate shkiri exposing, for the weakening of young defects. For the help of oatmeal, you can get along with the pigment beaches and lastovinia.

It is also possible to reduce the intensity of sebaceous vines, get rid of black specks and rosacea. With oatmeal, you can prepare a miraculous scrub to expose that body, for additional change, show the cellulite and lethargy of the skin.

Zagalny corny power:

  • activization in the organism of vivedennya shkidlivyh speeches;
  • normalizing the level of cholesterol;
  • accelerate the exchange of processes in the body;
  • spryaє quick renewal of strength;
  • Dobre dopomagaє with a nervous visnazhennі, I will increase the respect for that memory;
  • I will paint the immunity and power of the body;
  • zmіtsnyu stinki Sudin;
  • normalizing the robot to the stravohover;
  • I will paint the mill of shkiri that hairs.

Kharchova value and calorie

Kharchova value of oatmeal arches of the temple. Tse, madly, a cinnamon product, which may not be contraindicated. The first cinnamon is poured in front of an overbalanced warehouse.

The newcomer can take revenge on the amount of rich in carbohydrates (50-60%) and roselinic drinks (15-18%). At 100 UAH product approx. 360 kcal. In oatmeal є cinnamon lecithin and ligin, which is a source of cholesterol.

It is also very important to use flavonoids, such as natural antioxidants, to consume the viven of high-profile speech and to seize the body from toxicity and oncological illnesses.

To take revenge on a great number of vitamins of group B, which may rejuvenate the whole body, positively infuse into the camp nervous system, paint zovnishniy viglyad shkiri and nigtiv.

Avenanthramidi from the warehouse of the tsiy miracle product take effective cleansing veins and sudin, to prevent atherosclerosis.

Likewise, the oatmeal is even more rich in Korisna Klitkovina, as a result of high-flown talk and a reduction in the wake of the wag. Klitkovina is an important component of food for a quiet, healthy way of life and a beautiful sports figure for a mother. Zapovnyuchi great obsyag at the herb tract, won’t replace me, feeling hunger and normal persecution.

Skoda is a counter-indication for implantation

With a great number of corny authorities, the oatmeal is not shown before implantation. This product is not recommended for persons who may loss of calcium in the body.

Tse is tied with tim, so oats are poured with calcium. It’s a little too small for practical purposes, because for the whole life it is necessary to live a great amount of oatmeal.

It is also necessary to remember that the product is to take revenge on a large number of zhorystkoy klitkovini, but it can be even more awesome for individuals with small intestinal diseases... If you suffer for intestinal imperfections, or, before implantation, consult a Fakhivtsia.

Stagnation in folk medicine for thinning

The oatmeal can be rich in cinnamon grasses, as it will be even more effective for the skinny one, which will shrink the body’s body.

Sour from oatmeal

Warehouse: water 2 l., vіvsyane oatmeal 300 gr., Black chorny khlіb 100 gr., Sil and tsukor with relish.

How to prepare. I have hot boiled water (1 l), sip oatmeal and add to this callous hlib. Roughly mix and match the little stones of the years. If the process of souring starts to grow and grows old and slow, you need to clean up the picks and add another liter of water.

Re-stir that process through a ball of gauze. Otriman's home needs to be brought to a boil, to add a bit of salt and sugar. You can add berries and fruits for bazhannyam. Such sour is a miraculous zasib for lowering the vagi.

Kulaga (traditional slovo'yanskaya strava)

Warehouse: cranes berries, cranberries and currants 800 gr., oatmeal oatmeal 200 gr., linden honey 150 gr., tsukor 150 gr.

How to prepare. Berries need to be poured over, pour 1 liter of water and boil 5 quilins. The milk needs to be brewed and added to the berries. The process requires the addition of honey and tsukor. After 10 quills, it is necessary to put the trimmed sum for steaming 20 quills in a water bath.

Tasty is that cinnamon strava is ready, it can be used for children, for polishing etching, it is even cinnamon for undermining and avitaminosis. Also kulaga will be worthy of children like a vitamin dessert.

Mushroom soup recipe

Warehouse: oatmeal 6 tbsp. l., bili mushrooms or peppers 400 gr., 40 gr. roslinnoi olia, tsibulya leek 80 gr., carrots 1 pc., Silt and special.

How to prepare... Oliyu needs rostopiti in a frying pan and lightly grease on new mushrooms. Dodati tudi polished tsibulya and carrots. If the stench turns golden trochas, add 5 chilines to the casserole with boiled water.

Dough needs to be bred in small quantities of water and in small portions of vitality in a casserole. With a lot of stitches, the brisket did not bulge. Cook 10 hilin | minuti | until re-zagusannya. Dodati sіl and specials for gusto.

Before serving, add greens to the tartar. Such a country is miraculously thinned out and thinned out in high spirits.

The fat is widely stuck in folk medicine... Wonderfully tonizu and cleanse the shkіra. This is the basis for making miraculous masks.

Rejuvenating mask

Warehouse: oatmeal 2 tsp, milk or kefir 4 tbsp. L., efirna olia trojandi 3-4 blobs.

How to prepare. The milk needs to be squeezed from lightly fed milk to one-sided mass, with a lot of stitches, the milk is not baked. In otrimanu sumіsh to give efіrnu olіyu Trojandi. Otrimanu mask needs to be applied to the clean skin of revealing, unique areas near the povik. Bake 20 chilins і snake with clean water. Zastosovuvati 2 times per day.

Skin scrub mask

Warehouse: oatmeal 100 gr., milk syrovatka 300 gr., Efirne orange oil or lemon 6-8 drops.

How to save. Vivsyane oatmeal needs to be brewed with sprinkle in front of it and surplus for swelling. After 10-15 quills, it is necessary to add up to a new trocha of milk milk and mix it slowly.

Sumіsh is not guilty of being hot, so importantly, she’s one-sided.
Here and there to give efirnu oliyu. Otrimanu mask needs to be applied to the problem area with stegon or s_dnits. It is possible to apply it with light massage rucks.

Wrap it with a special cosmetic plavkoyu and fill it with 15 quilins, letting it soak in clean water. Such a mask is spriy skudnennya, rozgladzhu shkіru, good to live that rejuvenated shkіru.

Hair mask with vivsyanka

Warehouse: oatmeal 50 gr., olive olіya 2-3 tbsp. l., efirna olia lavender 3-4 drops.

How to save. It is necessary to brew the dough in sprinkles, cool and drink with olive olives. Have a sumy dodati oliyu lavender. Apply to the skeleton for all the necessary amount and add 20 quilins.

Wash your hair with shampoo and clean water. Such a mask is miraculous to live hairy and rejuvenate the head of the head, with the death of fungal infections.

Tolokno is a miraculous product, as if it would be cinnamon for quiet, who would look after their health. With this help, you can vilikuvati richly get sick, throw off your vagu, become a young one, you add it.

Tolokno is a pricey national Russian product, it is undeservedly forgotten in our days. The price is from veils, peas or barley, cooked for help at the tree stupa. The managers of their unique authorities won often vikorist lіkuvalnom kharchuvannі... For the old hours about the oatmeal, they saw a yak about the shvidka strain: "Stop it, carry it by your mouth." However, I have my own secrets to prepare. We will tell you about them in our statistics.

Practice cooking

Tolokno vіvsyane bulo is an important element of the race of our ancestors. The secret lies in the fact that the product can be easily prepared in household minds on the basis of a shallow fermented product. They entered simply: they vitrimated oats for a stretch of the night by a warm stove, and after adding new powers - denatured by ingesting gluten. Borough, cooked from such a grain, it didn’t dry out, but it miraculously swelled by the water and instantly zagged. Tsim and mali are our ancestors. Nayposhirenіshoyu strain on the Russian table Bula kulaga - oatmeal, zamіshan on boiled cold water and seasoned with silly. For the old hours, won over with the love of the little ones. In this thick product, children drink riboks, pivniks, owls and z'yadals. Qia gra nadovgo banished hunger. On the right, at least an hour passed by at least an hour. The crust lingered at noon, and the city began to get sick right up to evening.

Power of oatmeal

Tolokno vіvsyans grow up from the traditionally green bush with a rich gusto, as well as a high prowess. It’s worth explaining to you that in roasted and cooked forestry, all fractions of grain are saved, even if it’s just about the hour of melting the best living parts, it’s not easy to go outside. Oskilki in oatmeal, there is a large number of species of growth, which can be done without additional thermal processing.

In such a rank, roasting in the oven, we give a product that we describe:

  • unique aroma і relish, troy nagaduє cocoa, і sweet brown vidtinok;
  • The possibility of vzhivannya without cooking, so that you can simply brew it with hot tea and milk with cold kvass.

Oat warehouse

Tolokno is a very cinnamon product. At least 15-20% of the protein and about 5% of fat are available, in some words, for the most effective use of the protein - lecithin. Besides, to enter into oatmeal:

  • ligin, which I saw in the organism of superfluous gum acids and cholesterol;
  • bioflavonidi - antioxidants, which help to inflate the endocrine immune system organism;
  • vitamini group B;
  • amino acids cysteine ​​and alanin, which is positively infused into the mill of shkiri and hair;
  • avenanthram, how to seize arteries from clogging, and blood-bearing judges - from establishing plaques.

Barely, a bitter taste is obvious, it is possible to live in a live person. However, overwhelmingly zagoplyuvatisya їm is also not varto. Yogo excess overshkodzhaє assimilated calcium in the body. In addition, in case of stately and chronic problems before the inclusion of a product, consult a doctor until the next step.

Cleanliness in the minds of the home

As soon as there is no ready-made flour with your hand, it’s not hard to suffer. Tolokno is a product that can be easily prepared in a household mind. For the whole, it is necessary to buy whole grains, either barley or barley, and make it on the whole grain until the brown color is removed. For the whole product, it is necessary to cool it down and ask for it. Tse and will be self-contained "shvidke" oatmeal. You can navigate through such simple manipulation of all the power of power and you can see the whole world.

Milk from kvass

It can be made in ryzny gotuvati oatmeal. The recipes of the old-time Russian tradition were passed down from generation to generation by the centuries. The simplest of them is oatmeal and kvass. Qia is a dієtichna country with a lot of brown characteristics. With this systematic implantation, all functions of the body come to normal: the exchange of words is quickened, immunity is stimulated, etching is reduced. For the preparation of foodstuffs, it is necessary to have simplicity, accessible skin and gentlemen's products.


  • oatmeal - 1 spoon (їdalnya);
  • baked homemade kvass - 1 bottle;
  • sil, tsukor - for gusto.

How to prepare

Rise oatmeal from kvass and season it with kvass. Immediately washed out, the consistency of the gravy can be made up. The leather is fallen from its pass, you can vibrate according to its kind of production.

Sour from oatmeal


  • boronno oatmeal - 250-300 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • hlibnі picks - a few pieces;
  • sil, tsukor - for gusto.

How to prepare:

  1. Before you need to eat oatmeal with one liter of warm boiled water and put in a new layer of bread.
  2. Let’s reject the sums and then send and reject the power for a single hour of ubik for fermentation.
  3. Now, if it’s growing, it’s necessary to use a glass of bread and add another liter of water and mix it to the same consistency.
  4. Any further sum should be passed through a couple of balls of gauze and another sieve into a casserole.
  5. Then put the dishes on top of the fire and trim on the hot plates, do not boil the docks, and the fire will not get stale.

For the whole sour from the oatmeal, it is enough to get ready. Sile and tsukor to new needs to be added in the very last minute, for a delicious taste.

Zhuravlina s oatmeal

The licorice of the country has also come to us for a long time. About yogo korisnі power is possible and not zgaduvati. You can ask about it by picking up a mix of products that are necessary for preparing a dessert.


  • crane - 200-300 grams;
  • oatmeal - 100-150 grams;
  • zukor - 4-6 tablespoons (adal).

How to prepare

Zukor, oatmeal and cranes followed in a blender and tribute to the table, adorned with whole cranes berries.

Porridge from oatmeal

For those who are quiet, you can’t do without heat treatment, we will propose a recipe.


  • milk - 1 bottle;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • oatmeal - 40 grams.

How to prepare:

  1. First, it is necessary to dilute the milk with half a bottle of water, put it in the middle heat and bring it to a boil.
  2. Then it is necessary to dissolve oatmeal, to dissolve it with water, which has become abundant, and it is reduced to equal consistency.
  3. Dal in boiling milk should be brought in oatmeal, cook 2-3 chilin, quiet without interruption, and take off.

The porridge is ready! Vyyshov is a wonderful life-long sdanok for all members of your homeland. Yogo can be smeared with a little chi butter and a spoonful of jam. I don’t need sugar and salt. Spіvvіdnoshennya іngredієntіv can change in the fallowness of all your likeness. Any kind of vipadku will have a very savory і korisna strava.


Tolokno is a wonderful alternative to traditionally prepared boroshn. Just cook the tsikava and live the strava. Vono urinate your zvichny race with new, take savoring views. Delicious!

Hello, dear friends and just reading! Well, I knew from us, I forgot, but I didn't know about it cinnamon products yak vivsyane oatmeal. If you have poured such a product on the counter in the store, then do not go through it all over again, put it in the cats, you can get a few cinnamon herbs.

It will cost you such a cake, and the whole product will give you a try: here you can prepare styles of savory and cinnamon herbs, which will relish for the best children, and grill. Naskіlki vono livelier, styles are vono and healthy for the health of starting your own unique warehouse.

Oatmeal vivsyane boroshno Ale is prepared in a special way, in the basis of which the grain is picked up by the nobility of the trade, that is how it is called. Yogo was used in Russia for a long time, and the recipe for preparation was passed on during the recession. And they appreciated yogo for those who, when preparing food with oatmeal, were stained for at least an hour, which was priced by the villagers. As a result, I live in a high-growth country and a lot of vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids and other corns.

For more people, a small product may be good if you want it through those who

  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal for cinnamon authorities for five portions or five vials of visoks;
  • for an older person 1 teaspoon yes, a part of it is taken by the norms of consumption rose linen and two teaspoons will lower your cholesterol level by about 10%.

I wrote read about the warehouse and healthy oatmeal. I will propose to you a variety of recipes, at the warehouse of a variety of different products. Do not be overwhelmed, prepare one match for her.

Meal for the smallest children

The first complementary food for a child can be repaired in 6 months; Zychayno, the best child for the child, expect it to be.

Ale will be in the situation, if the children are already in need of complementary foods. And here we need to be even more careful: the actions of milk maddening may give rise to promising allergic reactions. And the axis is oatmeal, navpaki, є hypoallergenic and end up with a valuable and living product.

A simple porridge for the first feeding for babies is even easier to prepare: it is enough in warm boiling water or milk to grow oatmeal. The porridge was slowly razmіshati, the bast didn’t roll. For dyeing relish, it is fashionable to add a sprinkle of salt grains. You can add fruit and vegetable puree, baked apple, vershkov butter to this porridge.

Recipes for vipichka z oatmeal



  • oatmeal - 1 bottle,
  • kefir or old sour milk - 1 bottle,
  • 2 eggs
  • candied pisok - 2 tablespoons,
  • half a teaspoon of salt,
  • a bag of rozpushuvacha chi half a teaspoon of soda.

Yak prigotuvati:

Mix oatmeal, kefir or sour milk until one-grain mass and fill for 2 years. Then add eggs, silt, tsukor, soda or rozpushuvach. You can add some moles, small pieces of fruit.

Tisto maє butti in consistency, yak on special pancakes. If you shake it up, it has begun to fill up with thick, you can add a trocha of kefir, if it is, navpaki, spicy, then add a trocha of oatmeal.

Bake pancakes, as usual, in frying pans, watered olin, from both sides. Serve with sour cream and jam.


For the dough, take a small amount of oatmeal and milk, add 2 eggs, with a taste of sugar and butter. It is easy to make one-sided consistency. Vip on a chavunny frying pan, or mint from both sides.

Serve hot flakes with sour cream, olієyu chi boiled dumplings.


To prepare the syringes, rub through a sieve or use a blender. Then serve the eggs, sugar and butter until savory, oatmeal. Mix everything up, so the necessary consistency has been found.

Form syniks with your hands, roll them in dry oatmeal and grease them from two sides in a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil.

Serve with hot chi cold viglyadі with sour cream.


To prepare the test:

  • 1 flask of oatmeal,
  • 1 bottle of wheat bush,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 flask of zukru,
  • 100 g of vershok butter or margarine,
  • a tea spoon of soda or a sachet of rozpushuvach,
  • dribble of salt.

Zamіshuєmo tisto that put yogo in the refrigerator at pіvgodini. It is cold, it’s just rosary, mugs are virizamo, or robimo pouches, vipikєmo in the oven at temperatures of 180-200⁰, the docks do not dry out, about 15-20 hilines.

Є Another option for baking with oatmeal. The test requires:

  • 100 g of vershok butter,
  • 1 bottle of plastics,
  • 1 flask of oatmeal,
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. cane zukru,
  • zhmenya podribnenikh gorіkhіv, more beautifully - migdal,
  • zhmenu izium,
  • 0.5 tsp sodi, extinguish otstom.

It’s safe to shy away like that in the previous recipe.

Recipes for preparing soup with oatmeal

Sheep soup

For the soup, you can eat vegetables, like you have in the refrigerator: potato, tsibul, carrot, ripa, selera, parsley root, zucchini, harbor, etc.

Vegetables are delicious, cleaned, cut into cubes or straws (not important), pour 2-3 liters of water and cook it. Cook until ready. Yaksho є bazhannya, you can wipe the vegetables at the blender.

Okremo at the cold boiled water bottle is bred oatmeal, the breasts are gently rubbed, and then in the vegetable broth. The soup is salted with gusto, you can add a little olive and add some greens and serve it on a glass.

Pea soup

Peas are cooked, filled with 2-3 liters of water, cooked until ready. You can wipe the peas, or you can cook them more, then you can boil yourself. 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal are bred in a glass of cold boiled water and added to the broth, which has been softened.

Obsmazhumo in a frying pan with olієyu chopped tsibula, carrot, root, for bazhannyam - mushrooms and dodaimo in the soup. Solimo for relish, dodamo shmat of top of butter.

When served in a container, greens and spices are added.

Milk soup with dumplings

To prepare the dumplings, dissolve 1 bottle of oatmeal in a bottle cold water, rosmіshati, schob not boiled brisket, add 2 eggs, 0.5 tsp. Soli and I know all the solutions. Dumplings should be made from the cut-off dough.

Boil 4 bottles of milk. Put dumplings in boiling milk and cook 8-10 quills. Serve dumplings with milk, yaku boiled a stench.

Milk with lingonberry

One of the ways to save lingonberries for the winter is to soak in the simplicity of well water. Inodi thudi gave tsukor, ale zvichai got along with one water.

Such a country was prepared for the choloviks on the day of snowing. They gave oatmeal to the lingonberry cut, they made the oatmeal, and that's it, the country is ready!

Sour from oatmeal

It is possible to prepare sour from the oatmeal. Shchepravda, such sour remind you to name it importantly, it’s more dense to go. Yak gotuyut sour, read the details.

Oatmeal is brewed in the bottles of warm water, and there is a little porridge. Slidkuimo, the breast didn’t come, and put here a sprinkle of skorinok of chorny khlib;

After about 5-6 years, the fermentation will take only one third of the fermentation. Chlibnі skorinki viymaєmo і dodamo up to 4 bottles of water, for the relish of dodaєmo tsukor і sil. In addition, since the tsukor and the strong have been broken, the whole process is put through a sieve and put on a small fire, gradually dimmed, until it gets soggy. Hot sour is bottled in containers. Such sour is more beautiful than milk.

And in the whole video, one can marvel at another option of preparing jelly with oatmeal.

Dear friends, do not care for those who do not frequent guest on our table, you can cook a few strains, moreover, do not overwhelm the calories. You can see the recipes and share them in the comments. We will be with you.

At all I say goodbye to you until the next scene on the spalts to the blog. I wish you had a tsikava tsya stattya, share it with your friends. And do not forget to pay for a new blog, which is going to be a lot of fun.

You are Bula Taisiya Filippova.

You can find a lot of oatmeal for sale at day-to-day stores. It’s more delicious by itself, you can brew it with water and I’ll taste the porridge. Ale of the most like vipichka with oatmeal, cooked approximately like this: leavened thickened + honey (2-3 large spoons + melena cinnamon + melena cloves + poppy seeds + oatmeal poppy), it is possible in the sum of life or wheat needles - yakoda. , it’s ready for lunch, let’s stand for about 3 years, and at the moment, go even a delicious pie before tea - an unprecedented relish, free and not similar.

They thought they had cooked it on their own - it was costly, we didn’t try anything else. However, yak і at vipadku іf malt - gotuvati awkward, ale - uvagi demand comes a lot. Ale yaksho kupuvati is not handy (to deliver far, not too close to the sale), then you can tinker. :-)

The article about those who are also oily can be found here on this website.

It’s simple to grow rich and oatmeal - tse zovsіm rіznі speeches. Licorice lard for gusto.

We tried bare-grain oats simply by heating it in the oven - trimal at 150 degrees of pivot - after the whole procedure became even more girkuvati. To navit new trochas to hirchit - I don’t know, chi maє girchiti naked oats, chi vin is just old ? .. And after roasting, becoming simply girky, they also didn’t become zmaluvati, bringing them to vikinuti. They bathed at the anti-food lover of the hanging rock.

Tolokno - earlier than extensions of the Russian folk product of food, obsessions from the air. The oatmeal was trimmed to the goods prepared in advance of the grown grains (the name is "oatmeal"). Infection with oily vikoristovutsya even more rarely and in the main as a childish or cosmetic zap.

Virobi s bearberry boules one hour and a rocking for children, and caress. Children from the madness of oatmeal, drive that salt or simple figurines, as it is possible to build a fortune. Takі virobi - kulags were called. Mayuchi temple living value, such a snack will make you hungry.

To cook oatmeal is approximately the same as it is made of plastic: it can be boiled in water of milk. Pislya varinnya is recommended to be followed in the spirit.

During the preparation of oatmeal, the grain does not grind, but just a little, and all the peeled fractions, which are brown for the intestinal tract, will be left behind in the cleaned oatmeal. Actually, as long as gotuvati is oatmeal from grain to a house in a home-made milk and do not ask for it - if it is the same. Through those who go to the syruin, they give a warm process, the cells are kind of change and consuming the health of the gluten.

Earlier, oatmeal was bred with water, milk, kvass, and olia was given. As soon as they hid it cool, then they drank from the cowbass. Oh, the brothers were handily beating out of themselves on the ground of the robots, on the way to the point. Tsi cowbass were called scourges, more they gave a lot of strength and energy for the robot, starting up its high calorie content and garnishing it.

At the oatmeal warehouses є all warehouses for various types of food: beverages, fats and carbohydrates, bioflavonoids, amino acids. Moreover, at the storehouse of fat, there is lecithin, which can be used to reduce the consumption of wine. Uninvolved on those who have a high-calorie oat product, in carbohydrates, they can take a place in a new only folding, that is not viduzash.

Yak gotuwati oatmeal

For the preparation of oatmeal, the grain is grown until it sprouts. Soak the grains on the doba near the flowing water (in ancient Russia, they lowered the grain from the flowing river, or a glib stream). Allowing the roasting kernels to take away the vologue in yourself, the stench was ready to sprout. Then they steamed the grains, or simmered them in dry vessels at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. The whole grain was hung up in the oven, lined, washed, cleaned from the pork, and then it was already cooked (and not milled, as it was in the form of an extravagant bush).

It’s possible to cook it, but without a Russian stove it’s even more easy to do: steamed and dry. І nezumіlo, how can it reach that oats are not hot? For, if the oats are fresh and do not get hot, then it’s not hot and when cooked?

According to all the plastics from the bare grain, they also mentioned it more than once: when it’s flattened all at once - the porridge is good, it’s no more hot to eat oats, but I want to wait too long (a lot of olive oil) - Tim is stronger.

So oats do not go anywhere else. :-)

For days, I wondered if in my childhood my mother cooked porridge for us from oatmeal and gave us oatmeal, as they were robbed of oatmeal in their village. I made a decision and bought it in the store. That is not there - that bulo.

There were a number of shops with children's items, went to see the pharmacies. Ale nіde boroshno bearwood in our place is not for sale. Prikro, I forget old Russian products. Azhe oatmeal, oatmeal porridge, the whole Russian old-brand product, that is rich and savory.

Yak cook oatmeal

Earlier, oatmeal was cooked in an artisanal way, using barley. The bear was dipped into a small bowl for doba, while it was tormented in a Russian oven on a weak cake, until that hour, the oats had swelled well and came out with a smell of malt.

In case of vimochuvanny and stewed fermentation of grain, with all the corn and vivacity of power, we will be able to cope with the development. Otrimana flour consumed the healthiness of fixing gluten, a little more swelled and thickened. Then the grain was dried and the troche was greased until it was red. And then we got to the wooden stupas, mabut, the name went out - oatmeal.

A similar process of leaf fermentation is carried out as it is famous for all the world and for all the tea.

In the case of oats, oats were simply milled on mills and trimmed with flour. Alle the people of the kidnapped vіku strjuyut, how tough it’s rich in flour, more when grinded on a few peeled fractions of grain, go to the entrance - hang.

To take revenge at the hangings best number vіtamіnіv groups V. Voni rightfully vvazhayutsya friends of beauty and youth, bad-growth and health, memory, normalize sleep and mood, meaningfully turn the zagalny camp of shkіri.

Porridge from oatmeal, like liquor, poured out people with ailments. The processing of grain was matched by the corny power of all components, so that it could take revenge in the new. Yak tilki htos zahvorіє, at the same time they cooked bearberry porridge.

The brown power of oatmeal and oatmeal porridge

Oatmeal has a lot of lipids, especially lecithin, and when heated at 45 degrees, it stinks, so the oatmeal was most often poured with warm milk.

The sheds were taken from the oatmeal oatmeal, and not vipadkovo, even at all times the body does not grow up vitamins, but rather grows into a great bunch of microelements, antioxidants. For vaginal and mothers-year walnuts, porridge, kulag, and bearberry were fought with viscous and cinnamon products.

☀ It is good to take revenge on your dog up to 15% protein and up to 7% fat for easy absorption. If one teaspoon of porridge from oatmeal is less than 20%, it will give a grown-up person a good standard of food.

Lycithin, I already talked about yak, I won’t get used to it.

☀ Zm_stu zavdyaki lignin, it is good to lower cholesterol and vivodit gum acids, 2 teaspoons of oatmeal per day, lower cholesterol by 10%,

Avenantramidi change thrombosis in blood-bearing vessels and vivodat toxins from the body.

☀ Tolokno will speed up the processes of regeneration of cells, so that wounds can be quickly burned.

Alanin, which is transferred from the warehouse, normalizes the activity of the endocrine and immune systems.

Cysteine vistupaє yak zahist vіdnu radіatsії.

☀ Yaksh vrahuvati, which is rich in what was said є with a straining antidepressant and antioxidant, then it becomes ominous, for which in Russia the product is one of the most important in kharchuvanna.

☀ It is good to rejuvenate organism, children to the brain, supplementary help to the staff of the vitamins of the group V, as well as to rejuvenate the skin, turning the body, hair and nigty.

rіznі ailing... They indicated a slurry and intestines with ailments, they got sick of a liver and nirok, underwhelmed, nerves, and a broken exchange of words, they gave people for renewal of strength when they were old, they gave people a ghastly food.

☀ In one of the dzherel, I made an oatmeal with a mildew, it’s like a mite to cleanse the shlunks, intestines, shelter and lymph from shkidlivnyh vіdlivy and unused speeches.

☀ Porridge normalizє masu tila, lowering, feeling hungry, by the very same thinning.

☀ And then, there’s a protuchlinnu that protispelling action.

☀ It’s such a fact that it takes less than 1 year for a spoonful of oatmeal to grow up to five vials of hangings, and it’s possible and not torn with porridge.

Yak make porridge from oatmeal

Put the oatmeal into the casserole, pour the cold milk, bring to a boil on the main fire. The porridge is ready. You can add berries or dried fruits, trocha olii. Pidsolyuvati for gusto.

Yak zrobiti kulagu

The water was boiled down, they were filled with water, they were filled with oatmeal. Kulaga Bula beloved by the strava of bagatokh children. The kulag was often hushed up between offense and evening, if they wanted to, and the supper had not yet been prepared.

Cookies with oatmeal and cinnamon

Mix the dough in the correct proportions with a bush and take a sum is close to 500 gr. Rose 150 gr. top butter | mastic | h 100 gr. zukru, give ½ teaspoon of soda and salt, put cinnamon on your relish.

There is more to love, less less. Peremіshuychi, step by step pick up the sum. It is easy to process on small biscuits, as you wickle in deco, covered with butter, make beaten eggs and vipikite 15 min., At temperatures of 180 degrees.

Toloknyana is fought

From the boroshnaya, half-oatmeal, it froze down just like they gave trochas of soda and salt. Just rozkochuvali in a biscuit. The filling was robbed by the siren, and the greens were added to the slash, either from the prepared cartope, or mixed and mixed with greased cybula. The biscuit was pinched and piped onto a deck covered with butter. The bearberry was served up to the table with hot sour cream or butter.

Cookie biscuit from oatmeal

Substitute just oatmeal on milk water from supplemented soda. Form a paste of thin biscuits, lightly dry in the spirit. Put a biscuit on the framed frying pan, grate it with a sire and put another cake on top.

Zmastiti from above | zgori | oil | mastic | and bake. It’s not out of the question for preparing porridge and vipichki for cooking, serving desserts, delicious soups, and serving until meat. Stravi from oatmeal will be forgiven forgiving, and we will also take a glimpse of oatmeal.

Eat oatmeal for health, rejuvenate your body and live happily ever after!

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