Russian tea traditions. Traditional tea-bathing in Russian China in Russian

Russian tea traditions. Traditional tea-bathing in Russian China in Russian

Unspoilt tea drinking at a quiet home environment is a small family tradition with a great history. For the old hours, it was accompanied by a whole ceremony with its own institution ritual and permanent paraphernalia. Deyakі zvichaї, not suspecting it ourselves, we continue to do it today. Let's go back to the tea traditions of the past and come up with our own power. Let’s hope, let’s hope that we fantasize together with the Peroni company, the maestro of the brewery malts.

Way of tea to the Russian heart

It is important to believe, but for a long time tea could not take root in our country. Burning herbal beaten and winter Ivan-tea were richly sweet to the Russian heart. Chronicles to say that tea appeared in Russia as early as the 16th century. Yogo Cossacks Otamani were the first to bring them as a valuable gift from China. For those, who had wondrous liquor, they squashed like a trace, the whole century passed. Approximately stіlki well tea vvazhavshis rozkіshshu and drank exclusively at the most light. To the wide masses of wines, becoming available only in the 19th century.

This is also the beginning of one of the first traditions in the Russian way - laying tea for the common people from old sleeping tables. People came to exchange fresh tiles and drink a glass of tea. Imovirno, here was born another quietly Russian tradition, visible to the whole world. And you yourself drink tea from flasks іz pіdsklyannikami. Most of them were given to the alloy of midi and nickel. At the honorable booths on the tables flaunted sribni pіdsklyanniki.

A whole tradition is especially special - tea-drinking in a merchant's way. A samovar was placed at the center of the table, shoving heat, a good symbol of home calmness and prosperity. On top they sat a shabby red-cheeked baby, or “a woman on a teapot”. Such hot-water bottles made of solid material helped to save hot drinks. It is customary to pour the tea from a cup into a saucer, put it on a rose-flavored bottom and with the relish of Serbian, so it is sonorous and without any litter and stinginess to draw in with your lips.

Russian-style tea bathing always struck with a flourish and rarely did without tea bathing, to wind up at everyday houses. Kalachi, sushinnya, bagels or licorice crackers were always known before tea. The nobles were free to eat fruits, berries, peas, buns and similar malts. Even then, on the tables, you can have a buffalo tіstechka, waffles, and bake that chocolate. Ale, perhaps, with the most beloved lassoches of all countries, there was a great skewer of white bread, smeared with home-made jams.

Zukor yak temple mystetstvo

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With special satisfaction in Russia, they drank tea with a bite. It worked like that. Mrs. vіdkolyuvala small shmatoshka and served to the guests on a saucer at once with tea. Such tsukor, on the vіdmіnu vіd zvіd zvіdny raffinade to us, pvіlno dangling at the mouth, like an icicle. Also, a bunch of skibochoks hung on the tea bath.

Tsya tradition knew the maisterne instillation in the company's blood lines Peroni. “Zukor with lavender” in iceboxes with a wonderful flowery aroma and a savory relish will become refined and original for tea. You will find the best variety of tea in the Peroni collection. Might as well be Black Diamond tea. All right plantation Indian tea of ​​the highest quality with harmonious blending and deep rich relish.

The rich-faceted aroma and rich palette of flavors will please the leafy black tea “Golden Leaf”. This drink miraculously tones up and bestows a vibrancy, which enchants. In the distance, I add a rich citrus accent to the Sicilian Orange zucru, which shimmers with interchangeable juice notes. The hand of the chef-cook of the Culinary Studio Julia Vysotskaya was handed to the creation of this relish.

The second tsіkavy product of spіlnoї creativity - tsukor "Ceylon cinnamon". I will give you wine to drink the important aroma of licorice spices and zanury you at the enchanting atmosphere of a fairy tale. And if you have more motives to the soul, please bring you Peroni zucchini with a midnight or currant. Yaskravі relish, scho enchant, embellish gloomy cold weekdays with sleepy summer farbs.

Before we speak, as if you were looking for an incredible gift for any saint, the Peroni tsukru collection will become a safe solution. Elegantly glassed jars are complemented by original translucent lids made from a slick, moderate decor in the middle. Such an effective present will be remembered for a long time and will become the color of the interior in the kitchen.

Honey primh kaleidoscope

One more traditional chastuvannya, without which you can’t reveal tea in Russian, is natural honey. If you don’t get to see these miraculous lassoshchi, then you will find for yourself a lot of satisfaction in the Peroni collection. Vіm, navitt not honey, but it is especially fantastically savory. Honey soufflé is the very essence of tenderness, turbot and love. The texture is repeated again and again with licorice oxamite, smack receptors, tanya and give miraculous sensations.

Wait a minute, tea for such a vishukanoi nasolodi is to blame buti is special. Puer, which is highly valued by the whole world, is more beautiful. "Palatsovy puer" Peroni will give you a deep aroma, which will add notes of the bark of a tree and the earth warmed by the sun. Honey-soufflé "Kedrovy Gorishok" allows you to reveal your mind and palette in all beauty, and at the same time impart charming pea nuances.

Do you care for a better vishukana classic variation? Todi obov'yazkovo try "Chervoniy diamond". The syrovine for this branded tea is supplied from historical plantations and processed using traditional technologies. It is great to add such a rich honey-soufflé Imbirica with lemon. The lower velvety honey, the spicy tartness of ginger and the juicy sourness of lemon at once create a unique harmony of relish.

"Milk oolong" with a variety of top-caramel flavors - a special flavor of katunka. The secret of a glamorous rich-faceted bouquet lies in a strong tea base and rightly intertwined aromas. An ideal pair of such tea is the Bourbon Vanilla honey-soufflé. By the way, all the relish of being broken up by Peroni experts together with the chefs of the Culinary Studio Julia Vysotskaya. You will find three more bedrooms of honey creations at the company line. “Apple with Cinnamon”, “Videnska Cava” and “Sicilian Orange” are Yuliya Visotska’s favorites, as garnishes are no less than an addition to tea, and as an original ingredient for your homemade brew and author’s desserts.

Tea traditions continue their way, take on new forms and invariably bring nothing but satisfaction. Let your homeland also show its own great traditions. Everything that is necessary for anyone, you will know from the Peroni brand lines. Elite sorts of tea, fragrant tsukor and a collection of unique honey soufflés make the best homemade tea on a small family sacred.

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  • - Morocco -

    Tea of ​​the Tuareg - nomads from the territory of Morocco - summish m'yati, leaves green tea and a generous portion of zucru. Such tea is vvazhaetsya vishukami chastuvannyam and served in high and thin flasks-armuds.

  • - Tibet -

    Tibet does not ask what to add to tea - milk chi tsukor. Here at tea add oliyu that sil. And by the mountains, tea is often prepared with a bag of annual boiling. The pasta that came out is mixed with borosh and eaten like energy bars. Often such a madness for a year and thinness.

  • - India -

    India is the largest brewer and the safest tea on the planet. Here you can enjoy tea with such spices as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, cardamom and pepper. While regional recipes may change, this spicy tea is a typical element of Hindu life and is sold on skin rose. Drink a drink from simple earthenware cups, which allow you to fully appreciate the taste and aroma of the drink.

  • - Argentina -

    In Argentina, they drink mate - herbal tea, which the Argentines themselves call "let's drink the gods." Mate is prepared in calabashes - special containers crushed from mussels. Tea is drunk through tubes of straw, so that the grass hung in the air, yak є mate.

  • - Russia -

    The tea traditions of Russia were created by the day, if the tea would be made with great pride and the tea itself would be made with an extraordinary gift. Especially in order to get tea for everyone, they made samovars - great capacities, where the water was heated and brewed black tea. In Russia, it is customary to drink tea with zukr and milk - it seems that the same name among the Russians was called by the English.

  • - China -

    The traditional Chinese tea ceremony is a uniquely detailed process, which can be enjoyed in the fallow in the province. The ritual includes small brewing cups, tongs, special servettes and towels, as well as the brewing sequence. In China, it is customary to drink tea in large quantities from cold cups, so that you can better understand the taste and specialness of the drink.

  • - Thailand -

    In 1949, when the mass war broke out in China, Chinese refugees flowed to Thailand, taking with them elements of Chinese culture, including the tea ceremony. Ale in Thailand, the tradition has significantly changed, including especially Thai varieties of tea, as well as supplementary ingredients for kshtalt anise, feniki and orange blossoms.

  • - Taiwan -

    Taiwan can sleep a lot with China, but not only in the sphere of tea. In Taiwan, they drink cold tea with cups of blood and syrup. Such a drink is called tapioca - in honor of the growth, which can be white, starchy blossoms. Taiwanese tea has been recently recognized as a wine - in 1988, having become a favorite among the whole world.

  • - Hong Kong -

    Tea at the wearer's - it doesn't sound very pleasant, but you yourself get ready for the traditional Hong Kong drink. The tea leaves are boiled at a special panchokha, as they are placed at the container with water. Serve such tea (mostly oolong), together with milk and brown zucr.

  • - Japan -

    The island state can have even different tea ceremonies. The rituals include a lot of details - from the preparation of the booth to a special inventory. The Japanese are especially fond of drinking the hot greens of the Matcha variety and eating yogo with licorice zukerkas.

  • - Pakistan -

    Tea is the most widely drunk in Pakistan, which can be richly drunk from Indian traditions. Here they drink tea sumish, which includes pistachios, almonds, salt, milk and spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, and anise. The result is a rich pale erysipelas color, which is served from the traditional licorice vipichka.

  • - UK -

    Tea appeared in England in the 17th century, but the traditions developed later - approximately in the middle of the 19th century. In 1840, the standard tea bath began in the evening after the evening meal. The rest were preparing a teapot of black tea and impersonal dry snacks for kshtalt testochok and sandwiches. They drank tea for a long time, adding an hour with roses and savory snacks.

  • - New Zealand -

    British missionaries on the cob of the 19th century brought tea from them, and on the mіsts nabuli zavochki brewed at once from tea shmatochki kіvі. This is how New Zealand tea appeared, which today is drunk just like in Victorian Britain, but with exotic exotic additions.

  • - Iran -

    Having penetrated the territory of Iran from the side of India, tea did not take root here. Tim is no less, in the 20th century, the Iranians radically solved the problem, having planted an old variety of black tea, which today is the subject of national pride. Serve yoghurt by brewing it and pouring it into small circles. Tea is served with fresh malts and pieces of chopped zucru.

  • - Malaysia -

    In this country of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia, tea is drunk in sumishi with zukr, which thickens milk, with which the triplets are churned. So the wine builds up a little bit of the structure, and the process of whipping itself can become a great unimaginable sight.



Dzherel XVIII-XIX centuries were often attributed to the "introduction" of tea in Russia to Peter I (a number of other innovations attributed to the tsar, but in fact, they appeared, most of all, long before the yogi people, before which the samovar was imported from Holland, and drinking cavi , and borid golinnya, and "inozemnu" cloth, and vіysko "new zrazka"). True, the Russians knew about the origin of tea, and they began to drink yoga before the reign of Peter.

At Russian robots, dedicated to tea and history, expanded version, included in the book "Tea" by U. Pokhlebkin, for which Russia was first aware of tea in 1567, if the Cossacks were otamani Petrov and Yalishev, who had been in China, described the sound of living in China I will drink Siberia and Central Asia before the unknown in Russia. The version resembles a manuscript seen in the 19th century by a selector of ancient documents I. Sakharov in "Tellings of the Russian people", the proteges of today's historians of the world vvazhayut tsey manuscript podrobleny, and "the embassy of Petrov and Yalisheva" - Vigadanim.

Documented confirmation of the appearance of tea in Russia

The first authentically documented contacts between Russia and China date back to the beginning of the 17th century: expeditions in 1608 and 1615 were not far away, and only in 1618 the fate of the Cossack Ivan Petelin was delivered to China. The very description of yoga at a higher price formed the basis of the manuscript, which told about the embassy of Petrov and Yalisheva, and, perhaps, the church itself in Moscow knew about tea.

The introduction of tea in Russia began in the first half of the 17th century, but the exact date is also possible. The current version is that already in 1618 Tsar Mikhailo Fedorovich Romanov took away a gift from the Chinese letters, a box of tea. It is reliable that in 1638 the Mongolian Altan-Khan Kuchkun handed tea to the Moscow ambassador Vasil Starkov for Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich at the gift, brought by the Russian ambassadors.

The very word "tea" in Russian is used for the first time in medical texts of the middle of the 17th century, for example, in "Materials for the history of medicine in Russia": "herb for tea; ramonov's color (?) - 3 times" (issue 2, No. 365, 1665 r_k , 291), “varene chaga (imovirno, chaje or those same, ale through the walnut “din”) of the khіnsky leaf (drukar’s pardon: khansky)” (issue 3, No. 1055, 1665, 788). from Chinese language, in Yakіy (Cantonese dialect) the words “cha” and “tea” mean, obviously, “tea-drink” and “tea-leaf”).

Imports of tea gradually increased, in fact, subvoyuyuchi skin 20 years (from 1800 to 1850 years of wine virus from 75,000 poods / ryk to 360,000 poods / ryk). In 1840-1850, the import of tea reached 95% of all Chinese imports to Russia and was estimated at 5-6 million karbovantsiv per river (poor - during this period, the entire export of Russian grain gave 17 million karbovantsiv per river). Trade in tea was carried out exclusively on a minuscule basis; in exchange for tea, Russian merchants delivered fabrics, rolled wool, hutra, and metallurgy to China.

The rise of tea spontaneity sprouted under the quiet galuses of craftsmanship, as if they were directly related to the tea trade. So, in Tula, the production of samovars was widely developed: while in the other half of the 17th century, samovars were produced practically by the piece, then until 1850 there were 28 samovar factories in Tula, the wholesale production of samovars reached 120,000 per river. Having gained popularity in the 19th century and Russian porcelyan - a bunch of tea utensils, with the initiative of Catherine II, they began to be produced in small batches at the Imperial Porcelain Factory, and numerous private firms were engaged in this process. In the other half of the 19th century, the main manufacturer of "mass" tea porcelain was the Association of Porcelain and Faience Manufacturers of M.S. At the beginning of the 20th century, the catalogs of porcelain factories were filled with hundreds of views of tea pairs, sets and other items on the tea table, be it of any form, rosemary and color for any relish.

Overland transportation (including horse-drawn transport) was the reason for the expensive tea in Russia. From the Chinese cordon to Moscow, tea wagons traveled close to 11,000 km, which is enough to get to the airport. Up to the price of tea, krіm mita in 80-120% of the purchase price, which is drawn by the tsar’s order, stained glass was given for transportation, announcing the emergence and protection, as a result, for saving tea from Russia, at equal prices, 10-12 times more expensive lower in Germany and England. Situratiya Doctorno Zmіnіnilsya Lishe at Friend Polovin XIX Tipittya, if a scrap in 1862 Rotsi solarily surrender to Rosіya Cantonsky tea, Shahu delivered by a fruit shlish, and z 1880-Rokiv sorapy Funki'ionvati Samaro-Ufimska і єkaterinburg-Tyumenska Zaliznitzі, Шо Різко tea delivery. The circle began deliveries of tea to Russia, India and Ceylon - this tea was delivered by sea to Odessa and transported by the country. The price of tea has fallen sharply, and wine has become a generous mass drink. In 1886, tea was added to the warehouse of the army food supply, and from the middle of the 1890s, it began to appear in labor contracts as one of the parts salary(weeping “pennies, grubs and tea”).

"Tea bath in Mitishchi, near Moscow", V. G. Perov, 1862 rec

Vzhivannya tea bіla Russia gradually grew. Until the 19th century, everyone drank yoga already. In the years 1830-1840, Russian statistics spoke out: in quiet areas, where tea was growing, drinking was decreasing. The structure of tea imports in Russia during the 19th century saw significant changes. A whole ninth of Russia has always had more black tea, less green, ale to cob XIX a century of high-yielding green tea, becoming a commemorative part of the tea import. At Russia, they also drank traditional Chinese tea, for example, yellow Chinese "imperial" tea, which the Chinese sold only to Russians and only for a farm. Among black teas, ordinary varieties and expensive "kvitkov" (tips) teas were imported. I mean a part of the import, having become a glassy tea, for the mass of yoga, it was imported myzhe stіlki zh, skіlki black. Prote zі zі zrostannyam absolut obyazhu tea _port of the XIX century, the import of green tea svidko falling, as і absolute, і і vіdnosnomu virazhennі. So, although in 1810 12,000 poods of green tea were imported, which became 1/6 of the total duty to import, then in 1850 - only 500 poods, that is no more than 1/750 of the total duty (which was 4, 8 times) to import. After the above-described changes in the supply of tea in the 1860s - 1880s, the difference in the price of sour green and black tea reached 6-10 times, which led to a total increase in the import of green tea.

The nobility could allow their own new varieties of Chinese tea, expensive and rare, or importing tea flavorings from Europe. The merchants gave the honor not so expensive, but such that they give dark infusion tea, they drank at the great kilkost, brewing weaker, lower at the noble middle. The simple people drank the found and low-grade tea. Until the end of the 19th century, falsified tea appeared in Russia for the first time, which got used, mainly by the most popular versions of the population, and also drank to various mortgages of the low-rate tavern, on the kshtalt of station buffets.

On the cups of the Sitegin plant in the 60s of the 19th century, one can write: “Kyakhtensky tea and Murom kalach - eating riches”.

Until the middle of the 19th century, the expansion of tea in Russia was geographically oversized uneven: they drank yoga more importantly in the regions, but European Russia and Siberia. At the same time in Ukraine, in the Middle Volga, on the Don, like in Belarus, tea is practically non-dominant. Until the end of the 18th century, sales of tea were sold only once in Moscow (wholesale trade was also carried out at the Irbitsky and Makarievsky fairs near Nizhny Novgorod). Until the middle of the 19th century, having found only one tea shop for all the places near Petersburg, at that time, as near Moscow in 1847, the number of specialized tea shops already outnumbered a hundred, and there were more than three hundred tea shops in the public tavern, where they served ready-made tea. In the first half of the 19th century, up to 60% of tea, which was imported into the Russian Empire, was saved by Moscow, the rack was transported to the places and gardens of Central Russia.

In the other half of the 19th century, the tea area began to grow rapidly: the tea trade began in Odessa, Poltava, Kharkiv, Rostov, Orenburz, Samara, Uralsk, Astrakhan. And at the beginning of the 20th century, Russia became the leader in the absolute supply of tea in the world (for blame to China, for which there are no reliable reports about the supply of tea at the right time). The global turnover of the Russian tea trade before the First World War reached hundreds of millions of rubles on the river, tea warehouses and shops were practically at all the great cities of the country, the import of tea in the first years of the XX century reached 57 times.

Drinking tea in the Russian Empire

At tea at the rose factory of Batumi. The beginning of the XX century. Prokudin-Gorsky Photos

On the territory of Russia (like the Russian Empire, as well as the SRSR, the RRFSR and the lower Russia), the tea bush has a natural appearance not in growth and space, which are attached to yoga, it is not rich. Tim is no less, even from the 18th century, they started plans for the cultivation of "Russian tea", which are stimulated, on the one hand, to promote tea, which is constantly growing, in the country, and more expensive - imported Chinese tea. In 1792, an article by G. F. Sivers was published, in which it was suggested to buy tea bushes in Japan and set up plantations in the Kizlyar region, which at that time was the most important point of the Russian Empire. Vtіm, far beyond the plan, that theoretical tab on the right did not go.

The first documented record of the growth of the tea bush in Russia was 1817, when the tea bush was grown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea. One of the first samples of growing a tea bush for making tea in Russia was made by Porfiry Yevdokimovich Kirilov, doctor of the 11th Russian spiritual mission in Beijing (1830-1840). After the return of Russia, the wines brought with them a tea bush and nasinnya, and in domestic minds, demonstrating the possibility of growing tea in Russia.

The tsar’s order did not attach any respect to the production of tea in Russia, and even before the Zhovtnev revolution, the production of tea was the share of a lot of enthusiasts and wealthy landlords. Promyslovye chaynitstvo on the territory of the Russian Empire began after the Crimean War. Poloneny British officer, Scot Jacob McNamarra made friends with a Georgian noblewoman and settled in Georgia. Having created the first small tea plantations on the lands of the princes of Eristavi, in the regions of Ozurgeti and Chakvi. Already in 1864, “Caucasian tea” was presented at the trade and industrial exhibitions. In the meantime, this tea is already of low quality and has not yet been able to compete with imported Chinese tea. After that, when you were grown, try brewing tea in Georgia, on the lands of the royal family, but the winding actually failed, the main rank, through the low quality of seed material: purchased in China and Japan, it turned out to be partly dissimilar, partly rotten.

The development of tea production, in the SRSR

At the peak of the development of tea production, the SRSR followed, obviously, another half of the 1970s. At the same hour, the area under tea reached its maximum - 97 thousand square meters. ha, tobto, equal to pre-revolutionary hours, grew more and less 100 times. In Ukraine, there were 80 daily enterprises of the tea industry, but in Georgia there were 95 yew less than ready-made tea. t per river Until 1986, the total production of tea in the Soviet Socialist Republic reached 150 thousand. tons, tile black and green - 8 yew. tons, green cellar - 9 yew. tons. In the 1950s - 1970s, the Soviet Socialist Republic changed into a tea-exporting country - Georgian, Azerbaijani and Krasnodar tea reached Poland, the NDR, Ugorshchina, Romania, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iran. In Asia, ishov, head rank, looking at that tile tea. The consumption of the SRSR at tea was satisfied with the vlasniy virobnitstvom, different fates by the value vіd 2/3 to 3/4.

Entrusted with the development of wet brewing, arranging the import of tea from behind the cordon. Since then, the main supplier of Chinese exports to the world (associated with internal political processes in China, through yakі in deakі roki vіn zovsіm not supplying tea to the world market), began to purchase tea in India, Sri Lanka , В'єтнамі. , Kenya , Tanzania . The quality of Georgian tea, matched with imported tea, was not high (the main rank, through the mechanization of the selection of tea leaves), it was actively practiced to mix imported tea with Georgian tea, as a result of which a product of acceptable quality and price was obtained.

Until the end of the 1970s, the situation with wet tea production in the Soviet Socialist Republic began to improve rapidly. Georgia, which deviated from the main part of the Radyansk tea, practically switched over to the mechanical selection of the tea leaf, through which the quality of the Georgian tea fell supernaturally strongly. At the same time, the technological discipline also decreased, for example, becoming allowed to pick leaves from the rainy weather, which is unacceptable. Over the coming ten years, from 1981 to 1991, the selection of tea in Georgia fell from 95 to 57 thousand. tons per river, and the progressive decrease in quality led to the fact that, in fact, the production of tea fell more than four times - more than half of the tea leaf, which was sent to the factories, was rejected as unsuitable for tea. From what passed the control, high-yielding tea was practically impossible to take away. Try the “advanced” (actually, speed up and cheapen) the technology of tea leaf processing, which is used in Radyansk tea factories, zocrema, the introduction of finishing processes at elevated temperatures, “accelerated fermentation” (processing of non-dried tea leaves in a rozrahunka for those in the course of other technological operations) additionally increased and so low the quality of the syrovin. As a result, they drank low-grade tea on the counters, with a great number of pagons (the people call them “firewood”), which practically does not have a tea aroma. Zvitch, Tse called to the revigatuatsії, Alya Pozpovyvulosa Nabagato Mensh, Zagalo, to the result of the Chvidko's Іndiysky school, Schvidko saving to def_citu, buy yogo in stores . Sometimes Indian tea was imported to distant and cafeterias of enterprises and establishments.

Voucher for tea near Leningrad, 1990

After the 1980s, the fate of the tea fell significantly, the quality deteriorated. Since the mid-1980s, a progressive commodity shortage has hit the goods in the first need, zucru and tea. Under the influence of the internal economic processes of the SRSR, the death of Indian and Ceylon tea plantations (due to the completion of the black period of growth) and the increase in light prices for tea were lost. As a result, tea, as a low food product, may be sold out of the free market and become sold on coupons. Only low-grade tea can be bought freely from a number of vipadkivs. Yearly, Turkish tea has become purchased from the great cities, which is already filthy brewed. Wine was sold at the great packaging without coupons. At qi f roki in the middle smoothness and at the beer lands, green tea appeared for sale, which was practically not imported into the qi region earlier. Vin was also sold freely.

Vlasnі varieties of tea, which were prepared in the SRSR, with the help of the Chinese variety "Kimun", wanting to be harvested by the Radyansky breeders of the robot, greatly changed this variety. Black tea was distributed in the following varieties:

  • Bouquet- tea of ​​the highest quality with tips (called, stalely in the case of the trip, "Georgian Bouquet", "Azerbaijan Bouquet", "Krasnodar Bouquet").
  • Extra- High-yielding tea with Tips, less fragrant troch, lower “Bouquet”.
  • High grade- black leaf tea from the top leaf, to reach a high quality.
  • First grade- black leaf tea;
  • Another rod- low-grade tea made from the material of machine folding, with a large number of pagons and third-party inclusions.

Traditionally in Russia, water for tea was boiled in a samovar; At tea, the samovar was placed in the middle of the table, closer to the master, or on a small supplementary table in order to the master, which was aesthetically pleasing, handy (it was not necessary to go anywhere to pour tea for the guest, as if it were wine) and allowed the masters to demonstrate the rіven of their prosperity, one of the symbols of such a samovar is a yakomoga greater vaga. However, at this time of the day, samovars (mostly electric ones) are more likely to boil water on the stove in a metal kettle, or else an electric kettle. In the meantime, the production of samovars (zokrema and firewood) is saved from Russia, more importantly, as souvenir products.

Tea flask at the firm's "zaliznichny" podsklyannik

For urochist and formal tea baths, porcelain or faience teas are served with a small cup (200-250 ml). The tradition of pouring hot tea from a cup in a saucer and drinking from a new one is de-no-de saved at home tea bathing. In every day life, tea is drunk from the be-a-kind-of-a-kind-of-a-kind-of-the-world dishes: from cups, flasks, kitchen utensils. On the vaults, you decided to ring out to serve tea at the glassy glass, installed at the glasshouse.

The peculiarity of Russian tea brewing, which is taken from donin, is two-tea brewing: tea is brewed in a small teapot richly mіtsnіshe, lower yogo p'yut - near a teapot with a volume close to pіvlіtra brewed a lot of dry tea, enough for people. Concentrated brew is diluted with sprinkles without intermediary when pouring into cups, I will drink to the relish by adjusting the spice. Sometimes after a one-time bottling, the tea leaves are re-filled with okrop and infused, but not more than once.

Wanting to take tea in Russia, on the authority of the Japanese and the English, is not accompanied by formalization of ceremonial, until the 19th century, their own peculiarity of drinking tea was formed, most of them were already forgotten. For example, guest, having drunk one cup of tea, mav vіdmovlyatsya in the attack, the docks of the master of the kіlka did not ask him to continue the tea.

Dosi widen the option of drinking tea with tsukru “in a bite”: drink unsalted tea, while drinking a small piece of solid tsukru in your mouth so that the tsukor “washes” with tea, or just taste the giblets, drinking chrychti tsukra with tea. In another case, the tsukor is sometimes soaked in front of the edge of the shmatka in tea, in order to change its hardness. In the past, drink "in a bite" was like a given economy, at the same time, tea lovers practice it sometimes, as if they care that adding tsukra right in the drink of yoga relish. Another tradition has already been forgotten - drinking tea “with a towel”, for example, before drinking tea, a towel “for rubbing sweat” was hung on the neck.

At poor families, they twisted a flask and a cup and put a piece of tsukra on the beast, which needed to be pulled out for all the tea - which sound dictated by the dearest tsukra; at the larger houses, they put tsukor on the table and put a spoon near the flask and a cup. Today, it is not uncommon to put a salty spoon in the zucchini, such a tsukor is placed near the cup, with which you spread the tsukor at the tea skin with your spoon.

The tradition that was saved, the tradition of pouring another cup of tea for the guest is being abandoned. What does it mean, what the master does not want, so that the guest is shvidko ishov. In the meantime, according to the extended tradition, drink tea with great (one to five) cups - before that, how to pour such a cup in full, at the guest's chick, pour some slivers for you.

Peculiarities of tea bathing in different environments

Daily home tea

As a rule, in the Russian family, tea is drunk no less than two or three times a day (not excitedly, wisely, quietly, de will kava). Tea accompanies the skin by taking їzhi, drink yoga and okremo vid їzhi. Most often, leafy or granulated black tea is brewed; Packing tea in Russia is unpopular, connoisseurs of tea call for it to be low and unsweetened, and drink only as needed, if the environment does not allow you to brew rose tea. Deyakі amateurs specially select and dry different herbs and berries for adding to tea: mint, blackcurrant leaf, zvіrobіy, raspberry leaf, shipshini berries.

Tea is brewed, as a rule, for the whole homeland, in one teapot for brewing, the stars are poured into cups and diluted with sprinkles for relish. The brewing teapot can be topped up again or two with sprinkles. Most often, tea is drunk with malt, or with licorice confectionery virobs (otherwise, they drink it). Rank tea drink sing at the table in the middle of the kitchen, in the evening tea can be accompanied by watching TV programs.

Utensils for home tea-bathing can be chosen in a variety of ways - from miniature cups and bowls to majestic kitchens with a volume of up to a glass of water and more. Not infrequently, a cup of chi kuhol is in love with the skin member.

Tea at the Christmas party

Tea in Russia is a practical obligatory element of the "full" Christmas feast, called the evening of the evening. In fact, such a table is divided into two parts: the first one serves zhu and alcohol, the other - tea and malt. At the transition to the "tea" part of the obidu, the steel is cleaned up and curled up for tea. If you want etiquette, apparently, not due to the one-mantletness of tea utensils, for urochist and formal occasions, it is important to make utensils more beautifully in one service. Not infrequently there is a ceremonial tea service, which is victorious only for tea-bathing.

For drinking tea, tea bets, pie plates, teaspoons, tsukor (pisok or refined) at the tsukornitsa with a creamy spoon or tweezers for laying tsukru, tsukrki in vases, vypіchka, cut into portions, cuts of white bread and straw are served. You can give a cup of milk to the milkman. Lemon is served thinly sliced ​​with skewers on a saucer, or chocolate butter - on a saucer or in a special olive. Varennya that honey is displayed on the table in small vases, ring out the curses, abo krishtalev, with a spoon; guests are provided with small sockets, where you can put your own brew or honey from a hot vase. You can put balm on the table, rum and cognac for adding to tea. A teapot, or a glider with hot water, and a teapot for brewing are also placed on a table, or placed on an additional table in order with the master. As soon as a cake is served before tea, wine is placed on the center of the table, sir (lord) cuts yoga and spreads it with a spatula on the guests' plates. For the availability of special pie plates (otherwise the place for them, as the table is small), it is permissible to put pieces of cake on tea saucers, cups to be placed directly on the table.

When pouring tea into cups, I will drink it individually, for relish, zucor and other leather additives, put yourself in a cup independently. Put Zukor at the cup with a hot spoon (or with tweezers), and stir it up with your own. On the vіdmіnu vіd english etiquette, which punishes їsti vipіchku for an additional knife and fork, in Russian tea “hard”, cut in portions of vіpіchka and sandwiches to take with your hands, cake and “m'yaku” vipіchku їdyat teaspoon.

Similar to the formalized order of behavior at the tea table, similar to the Japanese tea ceremony, in Russia there is no, at the same time, at the same stage of the meal, a conversation is carried out on enough topics. Completion of the tea bath means the completion of the zagalom.

Okreme specially organized tea bath

Alternately, tea can be organized on a special basis, as an option for a short, inexpensive one and does not require folding preparations for a sleepy hour at the reception. When it comes out, it flows approximately like this, like in a forward slump; the world of etiquette formalities, assortment of malts, savory and other snacks before tea, at which time it can be very boisterous, depending on the possibilities of the organizers (participants), equal to their acquaintances one with one and the time of the hour. Every now and then tea is regularly or hourly every hour to break at the work station (in the office); at these surroundings, ring out tea bags for a small selection of confectionery varieties brought from home or purchased from the nearest store.

Reception of non-hostile guests

It is customary in Russia to serve tea to a guest who arrives on a visit, including unscheduled, official, or with some side furnishing (you can take a rabbit or ask for help, help, ask for it). The proposition of a cup of tea in such surroundings is considered a sign of hospitality, especially in the cold season of rock, if you are talking, that the guest, that he came from the streets, instantly shudders. From home culture, it’s been long since you’ve moved to the office, and at the same time in the office it’s important to practically ob’yazkovy proponuvavat visitors’ tea or cavi, so you can arrange it for an hour, especially if it’s an hour of the check.

As a rule, none of the serving and culinary dishes are served, whether tea is served (in the office, as a rule, it is packaged), so it is possible to choose - ask the guest, according to his will; before tea, tsukor is served, perhaps from ordinary confectionery types. Tea is served there, where it is better for specific conditions, the gentleman can make the guest company for tea, or maybe not work, but just be present; to another friend, that the lord cares for the necessary vikonati borg of the hotel, but for the better, move on to an uninterrupted visit.

Tea in Russian culture


The word "tea" in Russian language is more sonorous, and in other grammatical forms it is similar to the ancient English word "chayati" (bachiti, nobility). By virtue of this sound, earlier - in roman language, and at the same time - more importantly, in literature, you can use different variants of puns on the topic "tea - tea", on kshtalt: "Tea - you need to drink tea" (before "tea" - the first person alone like "chayati", another - ancestral vіdminok one type "tea").

Є in Russian language, the number is low winged viraziv on the tea theme. For example:

  • "Drive tea"(with a voice on kіnceva "i") - about not being surrounded by strict time frames, unhurried tea in a small company, for the sake of the reception room, or just for the sake of zasіb zagayat an hour, if there is nothing more to do. You can get used to the negative connotation, as a synonym for “empty, spend an hour well”, for example: “Why don’t people practice? Look here, tea ganyaty have come?
  • "[By] indulging in a seagull"- Expressive synonym of neutral virase "drink some tea". You can stop drinking tea “to the point”, if you hope for a good moment.
  • "Tea ta tsukor!"(outdated) - an important phrase, as if it were a guest, who came at an inopportune time, behind the back of an hour of deliberation and the master, who made him drink tea. An analogue of the richly old “Bread is that strength!” At the reply to “Tea ta tsukor!” the rulers could instruct the guest to come to tea.
  • “They didn’t call for tea”- Characteristics of a cold, unfriendly receptionist.
  • “[Would] you not drink tea?”- a phrase, turned to the visitor, that one chooses to go nego; vyslovlyuє easy, than dokir for shvidkoplinnist visit and pity the Lord for his drive.
  • At Tulu with its own samovar- stock up on the road with items that are in excess there, where you break (the place of Tula is heated, one of the largest centers for the production of samovars in pre-revolutionary Russia).

The traditions of drinking tea gave rise to a set of "tea" adjectives and orders, such as:

  • Tea is not burnt - not richly boiled.
  • Drinking tea is not rubati firewood.
  • Do not lament, but sigh, de straw, de tea!
  • Vipiy seagull - you will forget the tightness.
  • We don’t need tea for tea - we sip on this cup!
  • Come to tea - I cook pies.
  • We have Chinese tea, tsukor - gospodarsky.
  • We tea in Russia without denting anyone!


Antioch Cantemir in the comments to his other satire “For the sake of that pride of the evil nobles” (written in Russia, went to the lists, seen in 1762) means:

Everyone can see that the best tea (a fragrant and savory leaf of a tree, so called) comes from China and that, having put that leaf into hot water, the water is cold, having put a piece of tsukra, I take a drink.

Tea at the life of the helpers of the 19th century bagatorazovo zagaduetsya at the poem "Evgeny Onygin" by Alexander Sergiyovich Pushkin. So, for example, tea is served to the guest of the country, the able candidate named:

... Call Susida to the samovar, And Dunya pours tea; Їy whisper: "Dunya, help me!" Then we bring the guitar: I squeak out (my God!): “Come to the palace before me, golden!”.

Tea is an indispensable attribute of evening gatherings with susіdami, reception, ball:

... The eve of the evening converged Susіdіv good sіm'ya, Unceremonious friends, I grieve, and slander, and laugh at the children. An hour passes; Time to punish Olzya to prepare tea, There is evening, there is an hour to sleep, and guests go out of the yard. ... dusk; on the table, bliskucha, The evening samovar hissed, The Chinese kettle was heating; A light steam swirled under him. Poured by Olga's hand, Into the cups with a dark strumen Already big winter tea, 1 inch of the lad served.

Tea is served to the lieutenant to the room:

... Ale, the doors quietly open, Vzhe їy Pilipіvna siva Bring tea to the tatsi. "It's time, my child, get up"

Russian tea, Ivan-Chay or Koporsky tea drink, drink over ten hundred years. The tradition of drinking tea appeared in Russia long before the acquaintance with overseas black tea. Yak zavaryuvannya vikoristovuvalis dried leaves roslini fireweedand such tea is at the great post. Zgidno with a Russian legend, fireweed on the head among the people Ivan-chayem they called it ... "... One Russian cotton is alive, walking in a red shirt and loving to be found in the middle of meadows and tall grasses. tea, roam". And so it happened: the redness of the greenery was associated with Ivan ... ". And one time people bred a bagattya and together with firewood threw a tall cyprus grass near the fire. and mindful moods. brew.

This drink is conjured up in ancient Russian manuscripts, Europe knew and loved yoga, and therefore Ivan-tea was brought from a great number of people with zacordon, and yoga was called "Russian tea". In the 19th century, Ivan-tea was actively exported to Great Britain, which led the majestic tea plantations in India, and even bought tens of thousands of pounds of Koporsky tea, giving precedence to Indian tea. Ale in the Fatherland knows, in Russia at the same time the market has flooded the Indian tea and the wholesome national drink of unforgettable forgetfulness. Even this calmly-Russian fragrant, trochy tart drink is not only savory, but even more brown for the whole organism.

Ivan-tea is brown for a person with all its parts: from young pagons to sprout salads, to eat roots with a fresh look, from dried ones to spruce up. The fluff of Ivan-tea, which appears after the flower, vicarious for stuffing pillows. Kypriy is a prominent honey plant, from which nectar is produced special fireweed honey, high-yielding pilok. From the stalk of cyprus, fiber comes out, but from the blossoms and leaves to sprout tea.

Koporsky tea can be accepted, a little tart relish with a smelly floral-herbal aroma. Wash up to 20% of tannins, bioflavonoids, mucus, pectin speeches and vitamins of the "B", "C" groups. In flowers of Ivan-tea, up to 25 mg of nectar is allowed per skin leaf. In addition, Ivan-tea to avenge a lot of protein, which is easily conquered by the body, which allows just that quick energy to flow.

UAH 100 green mass Ivan-tea to avenge:

    saliva -2.3 mg.

    nickel - 1.3 mg.

    midi - 2.3 mg.

    manganese - 16 mg.

    titanium - 1.3 mg.

    molybdenum - 0.44 mg.

    boron - 6 mg.

Significant amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, etc. At 100 gr. leaves of Ivan-tea can be taken from 200 to 400 mg of ascorbic acid (in kilka more, less in lemons). The appearance of the growth of the bay, midi, manganese allows you to use it in your own way, improve the process of hematopoiesis, improve the functioning of the body. Do not take revenge on caffeine, oxalic and sechoic acids, which are used to destroy speech.

Until the new one does not win the zvikannya, like until the wonderful tea chi kavi.

Repair: in yazhuche that protizapalne; pain-reducing and antipyretic; calm with stress, nervous anxiety; knowing food, alcohol abuse, testing; oluzhu, cleansing the blood; boosting immunity; reinforcing strength when exhausted; corysnia in hypertension, atherosclerosis and undercrowding; brown in gout and impaired salt metabolism; zarubtsovyvaetsya virazki shlunkovo-intestinal tract; brown with stones at the stove, nirks and ailments of the spleen; brown with internal bleeding, painful menstruation; zmіtsnyuє root hair; change intoxication in cancer; help to prevent prostatitis and adenoma in front of the mihuric slough.

The warehouse signifies the difference between the rulers of power and Ivan tea. Zavdyaki temple vmіstu askorbіnovoї acid i bіoflavonіdіv (vіtamіn P) for recommending pіdvischennya іmunіtetu i opіrnostі rіznim іnfektsіyam, zmіtsnennya krovonosnih sudin, zv'yazuє i vivodit vazhkі methane ochischaє organіzm at rіznih іntoksikatsіyah, in addition chislі alcoholic od radіatsіynogo zabrudnen. . Beneficially pours into the immune system and the endocrine system, effective in case of any igniting processes, may be calm, m'yaku snodiynu diyu.

How to properly prepare and brew Ivan-Tea

Making Koporsky tea on your own is not difficult, but when preparing Koporsky tea, you need to grow fermentation . As a result, the "operations" do not differ cursive speeches Ivan-tea goes through a phase of expansion and can, when brewed, go into water.

The roslina itself takes all the necessary fermentation in itself. All yoga juices and ferments. If the leaf is rumpled in the hands, then part of the kіtin lusne, let the roslin sіk. The moisture-laden crumpled leaf will contain vitamins, vital speech and internal cellular enzymes. The qi axis of enzymes, which are derived from vacuoles, begin to actively change the biochemical structure of the plant. Price nibi self-perfection. Leafing with this dark thing, a different, accommodating smell appears. For this process of fermentation, it is necessary to leave out the well-cut leaves in a non-metal dish under the mold (when the contact with the powder and metal is changed, vitamins are saved) for 1-2 doby at room temperature. Yakshcho trimati dowshe - ferment tea, like cabbage.

After fermentation, the leaves need to be put on a chavun frying pan and on the arc of a povіlny fire "torment" with a stretch of magpie. It is not necessary to warm up to a hot temperature for quicker fermentation, while some of the non-extracted non-extracted speeches of the dewy tissue are transformed into retail and easily acquired. Tse te speeches, yak і give relish, the smell of that color to tea.

After forty hvilin, it is necessary to turn on the middle fire, and, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the leaves to a dry state. You need to work carefully, so as not to burn the leaves, otherwise the tea will take on the burning aroma. per old-fashioned look- a special black large-leaf tea, proteo with a pleasant natural smell. When brewed, Ivan-tea gives a warm color and a pleasant smell, and when the dose is increased, it gives an intense color and astringency to a starry tea.

What a cicavo, - brewing Ivan-tea does not zabarvlue tooth enamel, that and correctly prepared Ivan-tea is richly savory for Indian or Ceylon. For the power of drinking Ivan-tea, I borrow the hut of the city between black and green for the city and the city. And if you add some freshness to that tea, dried berries and fruits, then you will become a right and unique gift of Mother Nature-Nature - sow for the joy of the guests!

Cyprus - roslina is wild, with the growth of a small river, near the watery soil. It also thrashes on fox galyavins, thinly pagorbs.You can grow up to a pivmeter, but you can reach human growth.The color is practically stretched by the yellow color of the erysipelas color to the quilts, as only vranci are roaring.Roslin-barometer - close the tickets in front of the board.

You have commemorated the plantation of Ivan-tea, hanging about on the cob of grass to cut off the tops of young pagons, from which you have the Koporsky tea of ​​the big gatunka. And the cupped pagons will begin to sprout, and the leaves on the roslins will sing more richly until the cob.

The syrovina is taken at the hour of flowering, - lime-serpen, if the flower brush has not yet blossomed again, but farther, if the roslin blooms - the fruits-boxes appear, filled with fluff.

culture different peoples roamed with light, adding her farbi to the new one. The introduction of new sounds, manners and imitations served the establishment of Russian society in good stead. Such a rank on the territory of Russia in the 17th century was the culture of tea bathing, as it began to be passed on by generations. With the Russian tea traditions, warm evenings of the middle of the loved ones are brought about, not without reason that everyone fell in love with this drink.

History of vintage tea in Russia

Today, a person doesn’t know what else to eat, no one can say about tea, like about a drink. At the 17th century, after the Mongol Khan, 4 boxes of tea were handed over to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich as a present. Correctly vikoristati yogo learned not once.

A handful of chalk leafing tea was added in hot herbs like seasoning.

Piznіshe far away z'yasuvati, how to properly vicorate the product and began to brew a drink, which will spare the filthy self-consciousness that vtomi. Having dropped the tea to like a ruler, but delivering yogo from the lands of the overseas Bulo is not handy.

Drinking in vvazhavsya expensive pleasures, that deliveries from the zakordon tea could take in all the nobility. Just people learned how to make tea on the basis of selected herbs, popularizing fireweed.

Formerly tea merchants were sold at the Nizhny Novgorod fair near the 19th century. Vіn becoming available. Step by step, teahouses appeared, dezbiralsya, schob vyrishit nebhіdnі pitanya, poslkuvatisya and just reread. The gentlemen of the teahouses were allowed to play a gramophone and billiards. For alcohol in such places, Suvoro was punished.

Like dodatkovі servitov podshivka pіdshivka newspapers. Oliya, prickly tsukor, rolls, bagels were drunk before tea. Sounds like people will tea without any additives, berries and leaves (currants, raspberries) are dried with vines. Later, different things appeared, in the black and before.

Russian tea traditions

Vikoristannya samovar

Having asked the samovar itself for the process of brewing tea, those who, before they appeared in Russia, had to specially heat food.

They called to respect the truly Russian and invisible part of tea. Few people know, but yoga is the wine of Ancient Rome. The first ones heated firewood for help, that vugillya, step by step improving their quality, the maistri learned to turn them on the extinguisher.

According to tradition, the samovar was placed in the middle of the table, or on a small table near the hut. Stil embellished with a white tablecloth manual robot, in the middle, a fabric vase was ruffled, and a part was added.

Bagels and bagels before tea

Everyday tea is not complete without mutton and stew, beautifully laid out on the table

The Russian people have proven themselves to be one of the most generous living rooms. Before the guests they were placed with special honor and they pronounced the best strabismus on their table. Sounds like to drink tea "in a bite" for the sake of coming from Siberia. Bagels and bagels were like sausages for an hour of tea. Accurately vikonan, appetizing bagels embellished the fairs, being simple and accessible to private parties.

Flasks with pіdsklyanyniki

First they showed up at the taverns. Popularity was robbed of their cheapness and practicality, to the fact that the best coats often fought and were expensive.

Baba on the teapot

This name was nabula beautiful woman at the yaskravy dress. In some places of Russia, the deputy women were adorned with fairy-tale characters. The upper part of the samovar was twisted with a grill, looking for the preparation of tea.

Drink tea from bowls and saucers

If they put a cup on a saucer, then they knew that tea was no longer needed

One of the most important symbols of Russian tea bathing was the saucer. The merchants' helpers and the villagers drank tea for a while, almost sipping. In the greater society, it was respected by vivacious vulgarity.


Rozkіshnі teynі servіzi dоsі іѕ саn bіtіt іn thе skin οf οthеr apartment

The fashion for tea sets originated in the 19th century, being the pride of the master, which you respect yourself. At the order of Katerina Petrivna, a factory was founded for the manufacture of porcelain dishes.


Sob not to worry about those that the tea will end at the break of the conversation, the gentlemen began to prepare tea leaves. The trochs were brewed in an okremu utensil and allowed to infuse to the maximum strength. The skin of the bazhayuchy moment to add oneself will need the quantity.

Tearoom talk

Heartbreak with a good company, perhaps, is the main part of tea in Russia. Sit wide and emotional. They drank tea after the lazy until 7 o'clock, the guests wore special towels, to wipe themselves. Over tea, the most important meals were served, beginning to praise the songs of the decision and ending the discussion of sovereign rights.


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