What water is used to determine the freshness of eggs. How to check eggs for freshness at home

What water is used to determine the freshness of eggs. How to check eggs for freshness at home

Many hostesses are quite difficult to answer the question when the eggs stored in the refrigerator were purchased. Not to mention that it is not known how long they lay in the store. Therefore, the question of how to test eggs for freshness, often becomes very relevant. This article will reveal all the subtleties to identify the "old" eggs and will tell about how to spend simple, but effective tests for freshness.

Eggs are considered a valuable source of trace elements and vitamins. "Chicken caviar" uses as an independent dish or prepare on its basis various eats.

But if in the fresh form this product brings the body only the benefit, the use of spoiled eggs can lead to poisoning, which entails serious impairment of health up to death.

To identify the product that was kept for a long time, you can still in the supermarket.

So, the freshness of eggs is determined by the following criteria:

  • Surface structure. The shell of fresh eggs matte and a little rough to the touch. Soased will be released by glossy glitter and will be smooth.
  • Smell. The egg shell has a feature to absorb smells of surrounding objects like a sponge. If fresh foods smell like lime, then over time they will attract foreign flavors.
  • Sound and vibration level when shaking. If the raw chicken egg is to take to the ear and shone slightly, in the case when it is fresh, there will be no extraneous sounds. Bulk and vibration occur if the product is stored for quite a long time.
  • Product weight. If fresh egg weighs from 55 to 70 g, then as a result of long-term storage, this indicator will decrease.
  • View of the egg on the lumen. If there is an opportunity, you need to bring the egg to the window or the lighting device. When the product is fresh, it will be perfectly visible, in addition, there are no dark inclusions inside. And the "air chamber", which are in a wide part of the egg, will be barely noticeable. The longer the product is stored, the greater this education.
  • Reaction to spinning. If there is a smooth horizontal surface near the admission, it is necessary to put an egg on it and unwind it with your fingers. Fresh product will quickly stop its movement, and the one that has long been stored, as well as boiled, wolk will be wrapped.

Products that do not meet the designated requirements should not be purchased, most likely, they are stored on the shelves for quite a long time and will not bring any benefit to the body.

Check freshness of raw eggs in water

Even if the test results spent in the store turned out to be quite satisfactory, it is worth conducting an additional check of the house before drinking eggs into food. You can do it by immersing the product into a glass with water.

The results are interpreted as follows:

  • when the egg fell to the bottom and fell on the bar, it says about his freshness - most likely, it was demolished during the day;
  • "Age" of eggs, the sharp end of which rested in the bottom, and stupid looks at the surface, not less than 7 days;
  • the product, located strictly perpendicular to the bottom of the stupid end, is stored for 14 days or more;
  • the egg emerged on the surface was demolished at least a month ago.

On a note. Some hostesses dissolve salt in water before immersing the eggs there, explaining this by the fact that the result will be more accurate. However, this is nothing more than a myth, and therefore it is meaningless to spend the product without benefit.

Visual assessment of the quality of protein and yolk

Another way to check the house purchased product for freshness is to break it into a deep plate. It is advisable to use this method in cases where a raw egg is required in the cooking process.

The product is in the bowl, you need to carefully consider. Fresh protein transparent, consistency resembling jelly. At the same time, the lower layer will be thick, and the upper is more liquid. In a long stored product, this bundle is almost unnoticed.

Yolks of fresh eggs are bright, lush and convex, and if the product is not the first freshness, they become flat.

How to check the freshness of quail eggs?

Freshness of quail eggs is determined approximately as well as chicken.

  • In the store you can weigh the egg. Mass of one thing is from 10 to 14. If there is no suitable, the supersensitive instrument in the trading point, you can evaluate the weight of the boxes, taking them in your hands, and choose the most difficult.
  • After that, you need to carefully examine each egg for cracks or damage. Bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate even in the microscopic hole, so the shell must be integer.
  • By making a purchase, it is worth spending a test with water at home. Freshness is estimated at the same principle as in the case of chicken eggs.
  • A broken quail egg holds the form and does not spread. Therefore, you should know that the yolk is not always inside the protein, in some cases it is located next to it.

Criteria for the quality of boiled egg

Freshness of eggs can be determined not only when it is raw, but also after cooking. First of all, it is worth paying attention to how the shell is removed. The harder this process goes, the less the "age" eggs.

The second sign is the smell. At all stages of freshness, eggs smell gray, but if the recently demolished product is almost unnoticed, then with the "amber" increases.

Clean the egg and evaluating the outgoing smell, it will be necessary to cut it. Poor signs are considered watery, as well as the presence of mucus.

Attention! Often you can notice in the edges of the yolk greenish, gray or bluish edging. This feature does not always testify to the spoilness of the product, the "rim" may appear in cases where the fresh egg simply digested.

Verification of eggs freshness eggs

There is a special device with which you can determine the quality of eggs. It is called an Ovoscope, and the essence of its work is to translucent the product with bright lamps. This allows you to detect various defects.

Some devices are designed for simultaneous study of a large number of objects, but they are used on an industrial scale. For home use is enough a ovoskopa accompanying one egg.

It is important to remember that even on the "dietary" stage of the eggs are considered allergenic products, and these properties are only enhanced with time. For this reason, persons prone to such reactions, as well as children and older people, should use this product only if its "age" does not exceed 7 days.

The benefit of eggs cannot be overestimated. They are rich in protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins B, A and E. However, this product is useful under the condition of its freshness. As soon as the shelf life expires, its use becomes dangerous. We learn how to determine the freshness of eggs using simple ways.

Storage time

First, we consider what the shelf life of eggs is considered the most optimal. The product is recommended to keep at a temperature not lower than +4 ° C and not higher than +24 ° C, it is best in the refrigerator. Eggs do not need to be washed or subject to any processing before storing. In this case, they remain suitable about 3-4 weeks. If you have previously sleeved eggs, it is recommended to prepare them within 4 days.

If on the way home you broke the shell, keep the protein and yolk separately, and not more than 4 days. It is best to use broken eggs within 1-2 days. After cooking, the product remains for about 1 week.

Popular Methods for checking

The fastest method allowing to determine the freshness of eggs is a visual and tactile assessment. The shell must be solid and smooth. Its surface matte and dry, with a pleasant monophonic tint. As soon as the product begins to deteriorate, the shell becomes dim and soft to the touch. Its color is dark and uneven. The surface acquires a specific shine.

You can also bring an egg to a bright light source. In the case of the spoilness of the product in its center there is a characteristic dimming. If the egg makes a pronounced rotten smell, without thinking to throw it away.

Fresh chicken or quail egg has a greater weight than spoiled.

Another way is suitable if you need eggs to prepare some kind of dish. Slide the shell, and the contents pour on the saucer. There are such signs about the freshness of the product: the dense protein practically does not spread over the surface, and the round yolk is significantly towers. There is no sharp smell. If the shelf life on the outcome, the protein is rather liquid and quickly spreads, filling all the bottom of the saucer. Yolk does not hold a round shape.

It is possible to determine the freshness of eggs using a water tank. If the product is sinking and lies at the bottom, it means that it is fresh. The egg that is stored for 2 weeks is lowered with a sharp end down, and blunt up. Although it is not the first freshness, it can still be used. If the egg floats on the surface of the water, it means that it is spoiled. It is best to throw it away. This is explained by the fact that over time the air accumulates the air, which pushes the egg to the surface of the water. This method is effective provided without damping, the whole shell.

If you do not have time to experiment, just shake the egg. Take it index and thumbs. If, when scrapping, you feel the movement of the yolk inside, the product is no longer fresh. To make sure this is a visual assessment of protein and yolk on a saucer.

Freshness of quail eggs also need to be checked. For this there is a very simple way. Weigh them on electronic scales. The fresh egg weighs about 20 g, the fierce - 5 g. This difference is due to the chemical process, as a result of which air accumulates instead of the liquid mass. These changes occur inside the egg after a certain period. Of course, approximate indicators are given. They may differ slightly. The lower the weight of the egg, the longer it is stored in the refrigerator.

Danger of spoiled eggs

Often the hostess during cooking immediately break eggs into the dish, forgetting to pre-check their freshness. And only after notice a pronounced greenish color and a specific rotten smell. As a result, many products have to be thrown away. Of course, it is unpleasant when the forces and money are spent in vain. But on another cup of scales - a huge danger of harm to health, their own and relatives, when using a spoiled product.

Many people think that if the eggs lie in the refrigerator just a few days, they are definitely fresh. However, remember that you can bring from the market or shop already spoiled product. To prevent this, pay attention to the shelf life indicated on the package. Also always check the freshness of eggs with one of the above methods.

For a long time, people use bird eggs. Most often in refrigerators there are chicken. But dietary quail dietary washed. Duck and goose are well suited for baking. Pleases an exotic ostrich eye, striking its value. In restaurants are ready to offer dishes even with eggs of turtles and crocodile.

Today we will talk about the product, which is practically 96-97% absorbed by the human body. It is eaten boiled, fried and raw. Many dishes also include eggs: salads, baking, stuffing, desserts, creams.

A chicken egg is rich in vitamins, amino acids and microelements necessary for the vital activity of the human body. The composition includes potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and almost the entire list of vitamins.

This product contributes to improved blood building, protects our eyes from diseases, strengthens immunity.

Harm yi

The product is contraindicated to people with diabetes, obesity, as well as individual intolerance, allergies on it. There is a risk of salty salmonella if used eggs in raw. But the greatest harm can bring a nonstable, spoiled product. Such eggs will give dishes unpleasant smell, color, taste, and will also cause poisoning.

Selection and storage

Determine the eye, how long ago hen a chicken egg is almost no possibly a special device, such as an ogoscope, is not everyone, but the flashlight check in the store will look ridiculous and ridiculous. Although there is one way of visual definition of freshness of eggs. Remember, color and magnitude do not affect the quality. The egg will be fresh if its shell is matte, clean and without any damage (even a small crack indicates spoilness).

While buying in the store, pay attention to the marking. Manufacturers put a stamp on the shell, indicating which category the egg relates. Dietary eggs are marked with a red stamp with a date of manufacture, as well as a varietal label. Such a product must be purchased within the seven-day period.

Eggs older than this period belong to the tables that have their markings:

  • "O" - selected, large;
  • "1" - medium;
  • "2" - small eggs.

The product is stored at a temperature of from 5 to 8 degrees with a plus sign, not more than one month.

Storage Rules:

  • The storage place should not be wet.
  • Eggs wash only before use.
  • Nearby should not be stored strongly smelling products.
  • Laying eggs in the tray recommended by a sharp end down.

Come home, you can easily determine how much the egg is fresh.

The first way: The most common and practically accurate. With the help of ordinary water, we will learn not only freshness, but how long ago "made" egg. For home expertise, it is necessary to take a glass or any other transparent container, as well as cold water. Lower the purchased product into the liquid and in its position determine the degree of freshness. The weekly egg will fall horizontally on the bottom of the tank, over 10-14 days will raise his stupid end to 45 degrees, stored for more than two weeks will depend in this position in the middle of the glass. Fast to the surface - it is best to recycle as soon as possible.

Some chicken egg experts advise to use a concentrated solo solution to check the freshness. Indicators remain the same.

The second way: Definition of freshness using light source. A lamp or even sunlight will be suitable for checking. A fairly fresh egg will be shifted, and the old one - there will be no dark areas in it.

Third way: It is carried out using an ultraviolet lamp (who has it is at home). It is necessary to send light on the tray with this product. Fresh eggs will be removed with bright red light, spoiled will become pale lilac.

Fourth way: It will help to check not only the freshness of the product, but also the rumor. Between the shell and a bag with a squirrel and yolk, there is a small cavity with air. The longer the egg is stored, the more this cavity becomes. To check, you need to bring the product to the ear and shake. From the fresh egg will not come any sounds, but it was sent - it will be poked. This way can be used in the store and on the market.

Fifth way: Apply if the egg does not need to be boiled in the shell. For examination it is necessary to take a flat plate or saucer. Sometimes they say that it is possible to apply even a frying pan. But in this case, there may be a saying: "The spoon of tar spoils a barrel of honey." So, one fierce egg ruptures not only previously proven eggs, but spoil all the dish, and the mood too. Therefore, it is best to check the product in a separate dish for one. After breaking the egg, look at its structure. Freshly will have a transparent protein that holds near the yolk. The yolk itself should be elastic, high rounded shape. If the protein is muddy, spreads around the plate, and the yolk has not so dense consistency, then before you spoiled egg. This will talk about an unpleasant sharp smell. Such a product does not fit even as auxiliary ingredient for dishes.

Buying eggs in retail outlets, do not forget about the recommendations for the definition of freshness and storage rules. Let the dishes with this product benefit and please you and your loved ones.

Video: How to check eggs for freshness

A sign of the quality of chicken egg is its freshness. In appearance, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether it deteriorated. Knowledge of simple secrets of the definition of freshness of eggs will help not be mistaken when buying.

The suitability of the use of chicken eggs depends on their age and storage conditions. In the hot season this product will deteriorate much faster. How to determine the freshness of chicken eggs?

Check eggs for freshness when buying

First of all, it is important to look at the surface of the eggs in the tray. Recently demolished eggs have a matte surface, and old - a little glossy. This method does not always work - sellers sometimes wash their goods, and this affects the appearance. It is useful to compare all eggs in the tray: they are from one party and should be one color. If they differ, it is possible to fresh added older.

Another way is to shake the egg. Such a simple experiment is easy to determine the "boltune", that is, inhability for consumption, the product. In the process of storing the egg dries, its inner sheath is separated from the shell and the contents "hanging".

Check eggs for freshness at home

We will not dwell on complex experiments to determine freshness, such as measuring the temperature of the egg in different parts (in a fresh stupid end is warmer than sharp) or displacement with ultraviolet (fresh eggs - bright red, old - pale-lilac).

Check for freshness eggs at home can be much simpler. You just need to lower it into a concentrated solution of kitchen salt. If the egg lies at the bottom of the dishes, then his age is no more than a week. If rises up a stupid end, but sharp still at the bottom, then the egg is about 10 days. If it floats in solution - the egg is already stored about 2 weeks. And if it floats like a float, half off from the water, it is better to throw it away.

After breaking the egg on a great deal of confidence, it is fresh or not at all. It is in mind not the case when the stench will tell you that the product is spoiled. The egg can be suitable for use, but not suitable for storage if its protein immediately spreads by. Fresh - protein is denser and more viscous.

Fresh egg transparent protein, yolk elastic, his shell is dense. If the broken egg yolk immediately spreads and stirred with a protein - the freshness of it is doubtful.

The cooked fresh egg is cleaned much worse, the thin film between the shell and the protein holds tightly.

The color of the yolk does not show freshness, and depends on the diet of chicken. The yolks of saturated yellow-orange color are among village chickens that feed on grain, grass and worms, as well as birds on poultry farms, which are fed specially designed feed with additives for color.

Egg is a useful and satisfying product, which is used when preparing a large number of dishes in different countries of the world. Chicken eggs are source of protein, calcium and other important trace elements. They contain vitamins of groups A, E, B. They are recommended to use regularly adults and children from the first year of life.

The most useful, of course, are fresh dietary eggs - that is, those that the chicken demolished not more than 7 days ago.

But most of us are not related to agriculture and buys food in ordinary supermarkets. How to check the freshness of eggs at home, on the market or in a store without special devices, knows not every mistress.

Here are the main ways to determine the freshness of eggs without special devices.

Verification with immersion in water

The first method will allow you to quickly and easily determine the age of raw eggs..

You will need:

  • A glass or any capacity depth of at least 10 cm.
  • Water.
  • Salt.

Everything you need is to omit a suspicion of an instance in dishes with water. In this case, liquids should be pouring enough - the level should be above the egg two or three times.

Now the most interesting begins: due to the ability of this product, we will conjure your structure over time. Samples of different "age" will behave differently.

If there is no egg and the week, it will calmly continue lying at the bottom of the bowl. If from a week to two, it raises up a stupid end, while the sharp will remain at the bottom. It can be eaten, but it is better not to delay with cooking. If the egg floats in the thickness of the water - it is already 2-23 weeks, it can only be ease after thorough heat treatment. If it pops up - it is better not to risk your health.

You can prepare a steep saline solution, then the result of the test will be more reliable.

This experiment is possible thanks to the air breakfast in the stupid part of the egg - Pug. Over time, the contents of the egg are compacted and the amount of air increases, which helps to pushing it to the surface.

Inspection on light

The essence of this method is to determine the size of the air layer and the location of the yolk.

For its holding it is necessary to place an egg opposite the source of bright light.

If there is a space up to 4 mm between the contents and shells - everything is fine, such a product is dietary, and it can be used without fear. If the punch is 8-9 mm, the sample is already related to the table type, and its age is approximately 2-3 weeks. If more, it is worth thinking about the consequences when using it in cooking.

Yolk must be even and located strictly in the center. If he is dismissed, it also speaks about the duty of the storage of the goods. If it comes into contact with the wall - the product is clearly spoiled.

Inspection of the shell

It is not always possible for a long study of the goods. For example, immediately before buying in the store. In this case, the attentive inspection of the appearance of the egg will help. This method is not quite reliable: the house should still check the product with additional methods. But it will allow us to cut out clearly overdue copies.

The shell of a good sample should be smooth, without scratches and damage, have a matte surface. The too smooth and brilliant egg should alert you. Especially if it has a bluish shade.

And also must push off the purchase and unpleasant odor. Over time with the penetration of bacteria inside the shell, the eggs begin to highlight gases, one of which is hydrogen sulfide having a characteristic "rotten" smell.

Carefully study the label on the container. The whole product is divided into dietary and table. At the same time, it can be the first, second or third category. The dietary egg is the freshest, his age is less than 7 days. Table, as a rule, 2-3 weeks. The category characterizes the mass of the product. The third is the smallest. The weight of such an instance is only from 35 to 44.9 grams. The second eaten falls with a mass of 45 to 54.9 g, first - from 55 to 64.9 g.

There is still a selected product - its weight is equal to 65 to 74.9 grams, the letter "O" is placed in the marking. And more than 75 g of special giants are awarded the highest category with the designation of the letter "B". Meet the latter in ordinary stores, however, it is rare.

Inspection of content

If the ingredient does not require cooking, and it is necessary for adding to baking or omelet, you can try to check it on freshness using the fourth way - inspection of content.

We break a suspicious copy above the flat plate and look carefully. The characteristics of a good product are flat, convex yolk of homogeneous color and thick, transparent protein, ringing it. The latter should not have a stranger and spread around the plate. He must rather resemble jelly and keep shape. At the same time, it is possible to consider the protein layers - the bottom is denser, the top is liquid.

If the yolk broke into a plate - this is a clear sign that the product is spoiled.

You can see the stream of blood. If there are few of them and they are separate specks, you should not be afraid. Cosourcing should be abundant quantity and pinkish color of the squirrel.

Check for rumor

The latter, fifth way, is based on the property of the egg to be seal under the shell with time.

Skinny sample is firm enough in your hand and bring to the ear. Shake several times. If you hear the characteristic bouffaging - the product is clearly nonstable. There is still no free space between the shell and the shell in the perfect copy, and the yolk is fixed, so there is nothing to hang out there.

The shelf life of YIITS

Even if you have purchased a high-quality fresh product, you must follow the recommendations for storing it in order to avoid the emergence of an unpleasant situation.

Raw eggs can be kept both in the refrigerator and in the closet . It is important to take into account the following conditions, otherwise the product can quickly spoil:

  • Avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Containers must be away from heaters.
  • The relative humidity indoors is 70 percent.
  • The air temperature ranges from 0 to 24 degrees.

At the same time, chicken eggs will remain suitable for use for 21 days. In a refrigerator

they can be stored up to 60 days.

The shelf life of quail eggs is at room temperature for 30 days, and in the refrigerator - up to 90. It is important to be left in a special container. Increased lifetime will help a simple advice: you need to flip all the eggs with blunt ends up.

Please note: all these data is reliable, if any processing has not been carried out. Since with the shell is washed off the protective layer and the bacteria begin to penetrate inside, which contributes to the rapid spider product.


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