Tests for love. Test "What is real love test what are you in love

Tests for love. Test "What is real love test what are you in love

Student heartbeat, dizziness, irresistible desire to be close to someone, almost physical pain from his absence, willingness to sacrifice all for his happiness ... Is it all love? Can you recognize real love - check by passing this test. Mark, you agree with these statements or not.

  1. Girls fall in love faster than guys.
  2. When you find true love, you will understand that it is she.
  3. Love and real love - so different concepts that it is very simple to distinguish one of the other.
  4. Sexual attraction can be as resistant in love, as in love.
  5. When the girl believes that he is in love, it is more emotional and romantic than the guy.
  6. One of best ways Find a real love - to be a long time with friends with a specific person.
  7. If you and your partner have found real love, you will never argue.
  8. It may be loved in several people at the same time.
  9. Strong sexual attraction - a sign of real love.
  10. Approval of your marriage with family and friends is one of the most important factors in determining the future of happiness.
  11. The desire to constantly be together means that you have found real love.
  12. Love at first sight is the longest kind of love.
  13. Couple can identify real love after six months of dates.
  14. Para is allowed to have sex before marriage if they are sure that they found real love.
  15. Love at first glance is possible when you are mature for your age.
  16. Young people who occurring two years and longer do not need the advice of parents, psychologists or a clergyman.
  17. If the couple found real love, and not a passion, they will be able to overcome all obstacles facing their happiness.
  18. With the help of attentive observation, it is possible to determine in the early stages of the relationship, is completely honest with you the person with whom you meet.
  19. If you have found real love, it does not matter whether parents approve of your partner or not.
  20. God created for each of us one special person, and with the help of prayer and searches I will be sent to this person.

Right answers

All statements are false, except No. 4, 5, 6, 10. Put 1 point for each correct answer.


17 points and more:

I have been told: there is no such love.
I have been told: like everyone else and you live!
Having painfully you want a lot, there are no people like that.
In vain you just fool and yourself and others!
They say: In vain sad, I don't eat in vain and you are not sleeping, not stupid!
But after all, you will give way, so better now give way! ...
And she is ......<…>

V. Tushmanov

Congratulations, you have a fairly correct understanding of true love.

14-16 points:

There is no love unhappy.

Maybe she is bitter, difficult,

Unrequited and reckless

Maybe deadly.

But unhappy love does not happen

Even if she kills.

One who does not go to

That happy love is not worth ...

Yu. Drunina

You have a lot of knowledge, but there is still something to learn!

13 points and less:

It happens that love will be held herself

Neither the heart is not touched upon, no mind.

That is not love, but youth fun,

No love to knee the rights without a trace:

She comes to live forever,

Until the man will turn into the ground.


You confuse love with love and passion, but worry - you will figure out over time.

Family relationships differ from romantic love as a real game of football from watching the match on TV. Almost all families face crises and very many turn out to be not ready for their overcoming. Difficulties are not the end of the relationship, but the transition to their new level.

For women in love, the meaning of life is the old news. Men's psychology differs from female, and because of this, disagreements arise in relationships. You can become a director and the main heroine of its history of happiness, write the scenario of our own life yourself.

It turns out that too active girls scare young people - guys themselves want to take the initiative and take care of the defenseless lady. The hunters and victims are two extremes in which you should not fall, it is better to determine the golden middle and behave naturally.

When people fall in love, the world is narrowed to one person for them. The condition is not quite normal, but no one would like to refuse him. Later, love will grow into real love or melts, but someday it will become a very pleasant memory.

Trust in the relationship should be necessarily, otherwise communication turns into spy games or permanent flashes of jealousy. But doubts from time to time can disturb the maiden's soul, and only a cold-blooded analysis will help dispel them.

The image of a men-romance is somewhat concentrated, but somewhere in the depths of the soul every woman would like her chosen one to be a gallant, devoted, attentive and helpful. Of these and other positive qualities there is a nature of romance.

There are several legends about the occurrence of Valentine's Day. According to one of them, the young priest Valentin secretly walked lovers, for which he was sentenced to execution. In prison, he fell in love with the daughter of the jailer and before his death he wrote her recognition with the signature "Your Valentine".

It is necessary to correctly express not only outrage, resentment and claims, it is equally important to learn to talk about joy, praise people, sincerely thank. You have the right to any feelings, and no one knows you better what you are experiencing.

During the times of Knight's tournaments, Maiden happiness depended on the whims of strong sex. Girls could only answer men's signs. The modern girl has two behaviors - ignore the shy young man or gain courage and take the first step.

They say about love, sing songs, poems and novels from the creation of the world compose. The topic is fully disclosed, but the phenomenon remains mysterious. Love feeling irrational, the analysis does not give in, the mechanisms of the origin are unclear. It is clear one thing - this feeling exists and it is synonymous with happiness. Even undivided, unhappy, short love gives life taste and color, fills it with meaning and aroma. People so seek to experience the love that other "related" feelings often take over it. These younger "brothers and sisters" of love are love, passion, affection, habit, even addiction - have the right to exist, but cannot replace love.

It is important to understand that love is a very unique and not consisting of their elements, even such valuable as respect, patience, care, loyalty, etc. These beautiful components may be the basis of long and reliable relationships, families disintegrate without them. Build a joint life without mutual attachment, the desire to understand and respect each other meaningless. But the love of topics is different from the attachment that it can not be achieved nor build nor to create. And still love is what you are experiencing, and not "to you." As everything is natural, love is simple and she brings happiness - know yourself, do not be afraid of feelings, do not look for relations without commitment, and you will definitely meet your love.

All online tests about love, feelings, relationships and sex for free.

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