Khti Khti Admissioning Commission. Kazan National Research Technological University

Khti Khti Admissioning Commission. Kazan National Research Technological University

Alexey Customin is still bypasses Ilshat Gafurov, the Ministry of Education is cleaned by lawyers and philologists, and the former IEUP broke into the top three

The reduction of "humanitarian" budget seats did not affect the mindset of yesterday's schoolchildren: they continue to storm philological and law faculties. The graduates themselves in the Republic of Tajikistan turned out to be 300 less than free places in institutes. In the local Morobre, they assure that we will go to the side to learn only a few hundred, and they will replace their applicants from other regions and countries. Where the free set in 2017 will decrease and where incoming waiting with open arms - in the review "Business Online".

According to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, the school of the republic graduated from 15,479 graduates, and 15,806 budget places in institutions were highlighted on Tatarstan Photo: "Business Online"

"Three heroes" - KGMU, KFU, KGASU

On June 20, a reception campaign was started in all Russian universities. Curious item: According to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, the School of the Republic graduated from 15,479 graduates, while Tatarstan highlighted 15,806 budget places in institutions. It turns out that the Republican Alma Mater does not have enough local applicants to close even a free quota. Moreover, part of the graduates will either come, either go to study in Moscow, Peter, and even abroad.

However, the First Deputy Minister of Education of the RT Andrei Pominovi assures that a few people leave the republic in pursuit of knowledge. "We are asking information from the municipalities at the reception campaign and we get more or less intelligible statistics of municipalities, which, on the basis of school surveys, understand how many graduates left somewhere. In foreign and federal universities, we cannot get such statistics, but approximately we represent that only a few hundred people are leaving. There is a problem how to leave our guys from us who have the highest results on various Olympiads, on the exam and which are coming to leading Moscow or St. Petersburg universities. We use various measures in this direction and apply, "he told the" Business Online "correspondent.

At the same time, as assures thousands, there is an inverse migration of applicants: they will arrive at study to Tatarstan from other regions and countries. "Common stream goes to the republic. I can say that we have several thousand applicants from abroad arrived ( in 2016.approx. ed.). There is a huge number of applicants from other regions of the Russian Federation, "the official told.

Photo: "Business Online"

Where exactly want to do former schoolchildren? To understand the trends of the current receiving campaign, Business Online analyzed last year's data, since the 2017 passing points and the competition will be known no before August. Let us immediately say: the statistics collected by us include only the indicators of the largest universities of the republic, and it does not have information about those universities that were not included in our previous analytical reviews (for example, because they ignored the requests of "Business Online").

Top universities on the average passage point and competition in place for 2016
UniversityMiddle Score Ege (2016)Middle Score Ege (2015)Middle Competition in place (2016)Middle Competition in place (2015)
1. KNMU79 85.2 10.5 12.6
2. KFU78.5 76.4 15.5 13
3. KGASU73.8 72.8 27.2 15.5
4. KAI71 68.6 10 there is no data
5. Kazgik70 there is no data9 there is no data
6. Pgafxit70 there is no data2 there is no data
7. Tisby68.3 61.7 15 27
8. KGEU.66.9 64.6 16 4.5
9. IEUP66 66 19 there is no data
10. Khti Khti62.5 62.1 10 there is no data
11. KGAVM.60.6 50.3 4 4
12. KGAU60.3 60.3 there is no data7.7

* Data provided universities of RT

We add that the institute has opposite points of opinion, how similar ratings are reality. The average passage points and the contest is not very correct, believes David Cordonchik, Vice-Rector of the Kazan Architectural and Construction University (KGASU). From his point of view, since the applicant has the right to submit documents in five different universities in three areas, then many applications for admission are deserted and only add an agitate around the university. Rector of the Kazan State Medical University (KGMU) Alexey Customin He considers otherwise: the competition and passing score are inalienable components in assessing the quality of education: "These factors are definitely characterized by the level of university, and in demand specialties. Naturally, they are far from the only and impossible to fetish them, but nevertheless it is important factors. "

The results of last year's campaign demonstrate that the leaders of the top 10 largest educational institutions on the average passage point and the number of applicants in place retain their positions. The most "qualitative" graduates of schools - that is, those who scored the highest scores on the exam, as in 2015, continue to choose KGMU, and the greatest competition is maintained in KGASU. The Kazan (Volga) Federal University (CFC) breathe in the back of the Kazan honey in the quality of applicants. At the same time, the Kazan Innovation University (KIU, former IEUP) unexpectedly fell in the TOP-3.

Photo: "Business Online"

Medical biochemistry and dentistry are in demand in kvmu

So, the first in the level of the abitrity remains KGMU, although its average score has decreased by six points, and the competition is two. Could part of the "qualitative" students move to the opening of the KFU fundamental medicine opened two years ago? After all, the distribution between the two leading universities of the republic continues from the moment as the rector of the KFU Ilshat Gafurov Announced the creation at the University of the Medical Cluster.

Copyings are confident that about any changes in the applicants entering Kazan honey, to speak prematurely, and the passing points and the competition fluctuate around the average perennial data. "A little more, a little less - these changes can be essential in small faculties, for example, social work, which has 10 budget places. Of course, there will be a scatter. And on therapeutic faculty oscillations are only in the range of 2 - 3 percent. It turned out a little less, I agree. But if it is a trend, it will be visible at the receiving campaign of this year, the rector of KGMU is convinced. - We are in the same segment, and it is clear that there are changes that are related to the presence of the nearest competitor. "

Nevertheless, the total number of scores on the process in three main school subjects in kDMU still exceeds KFU performance. Thus, the highest passing point of the applicant in Honey was 275 in the direction of "therapeutic matter", whereas in KFU this indicator is 246 points for the same profile. "We have good graduates. Let them be smaller, but the KGMU is included in the top 25 universities of Russia in the quality of applicants, - said COPIN. - It makes no sense to talk about the time when the exam was not and there was another system for receiving exams in the university. The amount of tasks associated with the demonstration of school graduates competencies overlooking the actual knowledge increases. And it seems to me that it needs to be perceived as a given and aware of the processability of the USE. "

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Source: KGMU site

The highest competition in KGMU, as before, remained in the direction of "Medical Biochemistry" (28.8 people in place) and "Dentistry" (15.8), the least popular area - "Social work" (3), despite The highest passing point is in the direction of the "medical case".

Photo: "Business Online"

Legal disciplines in KFU lost 31 budget place

KFU is slightly lagging behind his main opponent. And this is quite explained: the number of budget places on the undergraduate uni is reduced, and the cost of learning is growing annually. In 2016, the average price for training at the Volga University rose by 6.3%. And this year, as the first Vice-Rector KFU said Riyas MinzaripovThe applicants will have to pay a minimum of 102 thousand rubles for training in humanitarian disciplines. There is something to think about!

Top 10 most popular KFU directions on passing point (2016)
Directionpassing score
Pedagogical education (English and second foreign language)279
Oriental Science and Africanism (Languages \u200b\u200band literature of countries of Asia and Africa; Economics of Asian and Africa; The history of Asian countries and Africa)267
Public Advertising and Communication263
Software Engineering (Information Systems Development Technologies)260
Pedagogical education (French)259
Pedagogical education (Russian language and English)259
Philology (foreign philology: English language and literature, translation; Spanish language and literature, translation)251
Medical work246
Business Informatics246

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* Data taken from the KFU site

At the same time, the University predicts an increase in the competition and passing point - about this "Business Online" told the responsible secretary of the KFU admission committee Oleg Bodrov. Paradoxal, at first glance, the statement, but under it lies the material basis. "On a number of specialties there has been a reduction in the number of budget places. This is a kind of element of high-quality selection. As you understand, this will lead to an increase in the passing points of the EGE from applicants, "notes vagrants. However, despite the high reputation among applicants, the KFU does not happen to PR and continues to lead an active career, told our interlocutor. KFU specialists left for this in the city and areas of the republic, regions of Russia and the CIS countries, actively participating in exhibitions and advertising campaigns.

"The most popular destinations traditionally are medicine, economics, international relations, especially their linguistic direction. The Faculty of Law, as well as the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies, is enjoying a huge demand, "the vigorus stressed. However, there is no sensation in this. The voiced areas from year to year are popular among high-score applicants, while the control numbers of the reception (KCP) are reduced where it is small than the number of budget places. Let's say, the direction "Oriental Science and Africanist" will be able to receive 13 people for free this year, "advertising and public relations" - 6 applicants, pedagogical education according to the "French language" profile received 9 seats. The greatest blow to the CFU fell on the philology, which lost 23 budget places in 2017, retaining only 7, and jurisprudence, where 31 budget position was sequested at 29 remaining.

Top 10 least popular KFU directions for passing point (2016)
DirectionPassing score
Hydrometeorology (meteorology)180
Pedagogical education (chemistry)180
Information Security (Mathematical and Software Information Security)180
Technical Physics180
Quality control180
Quality Management (Management Robotic Production Systems)180
Naturalization and water use182
Soil science (management of soil quality and biotechnology)182
Geology (geology and geochemistry of combustible fossils)190
Geology (Geology)191
Mathematics (general profile)191
Cartography and geoinformatics (geoinformation technologies in economics and management)192
Geology (Geophysics)192

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Source: CFU site

But it will not be less than the state employees on the most unpopular among KFU applicants directions, and, for example, inadequate "cartography and geoinformatics" received an additional 5 more free places, which became 25.

"No need to recruit people with low scallers, you do not need to" vacuum "all in a row"

Judging by the competition 27 people in place, Kazan State Architectural and Construction University (KGASU) remains the most popular higher education institution in Tatarstan. Most likely, he will keep leadership and present summer. "In 2017, we expect an increase in the competition and the average score in connection with the reduction in the number of budget places mainly in the areas of training of bachelors in the specialties" Construction "and" Architecture "- they say in the admission committee of the university. In Alma Mater, future architects this year strongly reduced the number of budget places - to 613, which is 136 less than last year's quota. Now the university plans to score students at the expense of extrabudgetary set. "Applicants understand that, while studying in KGASU, they will receive real-order professions and will be guaranteed employed. Therefore, we believe that the number of people willing will not be lower than last year, "hoped in the university.

Traditionally the most popular directions here - "Architecture", "Design", "Construction", "Construction of unique buildings and structures", "Management", which this year will be significantly reduced. The least popular specialties - "Technology of transport processes", "Ground transport and technological complexes", "Technosphere security", "design of the architectural environment" and "urban planning".

The average score of the incoming in KGAS in 2016 decreased somewhat, but the university consider it not the main indicator, but only the average temperature in the hospital. "Always need to be desired. But what schools give us, we work with. You need to be able to adapt, "says the rector KGASU Rashit Nizamov. - The exam still objectively reflects the reality, level of preparation. You simply do not need to pick up people with low scam points, you do not need to "vacuum" all in a row. "

Photo: "Business Online"

In the book, the future Tupolev state left 44 places

Kazan National Research Technical University. Tupolev (book-kai) on the middle passing point, as the a year earlier, was in fourth place. In 2016, it was 71, which is 2.4 points better than the results of the previous year. "This allowed the book-kai to take the 134th place in the highlights of the universities with the KCP more than 300 compared with the 151 place in 2015," said the responsible secretary of the Kai Commission Roman Moiseev. According to him, as a rule, the middle score of the Schoolchildren has grown from year to year, so the university awaits the growth of the indicator. "Continues to grow interest in engineering specialties and areas of preparation. This year we expect the increase in the number of applicants compared to 2016, "he added.

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Source: Kate-Kai site

Directions with the highest competition - "Engines of aircraft", "Standardization and metrology", "Heat-power and heat engineering", "Nano-Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering". "We expect this trend will continue in 2017," hopes Moiseev. At the same time, he says, usually the demand for specialties is developing according to sinusoid, that is, interest in the areas of preparation, which was a relatively low competition in the previous year, often increases in the following. "This is due to the fact that the guys want to progress and increase their chances of admission," explained the responsible secretary.

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Source: Kate-Kai site

The reasons for the growth of the competition, judging by the dynamics of budget places, the KAI is not. From the most popular directions on 5 places (up to 25), "software engineering" decreased and 7, which is surprising, - profile "aircraft", where 44 places left. It seems that today the country does not need new Tupolevs.

The number of budget places in the Volga State Academy of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism is increasing from the year - compared with last year they were 23 units more Photo: "Business Online"

Athletes overlook remote training

The fifth-sixth position in the quality of applicants is divided by the Kazan State Institute of Culture (Kazgik) and the Volga State Academy of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (PGAFXTsit). But if the first is a very high competition, 9 people in place, then the second applies efforts to scrape two for one "vacancy".

However, the Volga Academy of Sports plans that the flow of applicants this year will increase significantly, especially since the university's KPU has grown to 618. According to the Academy Rector Yusup Yakubova, 90% of the university students are trained at the expense of the state budget and now knowledge and skills in its walls absorb 2450 students. As PGAFXTs attributes, by 2020, 4 thousand students will study here. According to these plans, the number of budget seats is increasing from the year - compared with last year they were 23 units more than 23, and in 2018 the Academy plans to increase the team of state employees to 778 - 10% more than this year. Against the background of such a number of free places, such a low competition becomes quite explained. At the same time, the overall popularity of the 9th existing directions in the university is approximately at the same level.

To attract as many students as possible, PGAFXTs is actively developing distance learning programs. After all, professionals athletes spend most of the time at the fees and competitions, and it happens that in the morning the student remotely listens to a lecture or examines the exam, and in the evening it goes to the start. At the same time, the demand from professionals is the same as from the rest of the students. "We cannot close the eyes of the student's failure, even if he is an athlete," says Yakubov. - We have the requirements of the Ministry of Sports, that if the student shows no acceptability throughout the year, then I as a rector must sign an order of deductions. "

The most popular destinations in Kasgik, according to his rector Rivka Yusupovare "film and television director", "design", "acting art" and "tourism". Well, the fashion for these professions is not passed for several decades. The least in demand in the cultural student community "Music and Instrumental Art", "Library and Information Activities" and "Sound Engineering Audiovisual Arts". The university did not predict how the passing points will change this year, however, they noticed that potential migrants in the metropolitan VGIK or MCAT attract such new directions as "painting", "monumental-decorative art" and "director of animation and computer graphics".

"We even had no one to deduct after the first session last year."

In the Kazan State Energy University, at the end of last year, a competition for budget places increased almost four times, and with him the average score of the EGE - by 2.5 points. Such a tendency in high school is explained by an increase in vague care guidance. "I must say, this work brings fruits - every year we celebrate an increase in the average passing point on average for one point," the university's press service noted. According to three fundamental subjects (Russian, mathematician and physics), the average score in Russia is growing on average by 10%, emphasize in the energy exercise, and in CGEU "Quality" graduates grow intensively than on average in the country. "We even had no one to deduct after the first session last year," the Vice-Rector for the academic work of the CSEU praises Alexander Leontiev.

"We have no budget humanitarian directions, and all technical are very in demand, they emphasize in the university. - In the first priority, the "electric power industry" is chosen, then the "heat energy" is coming. As a rule, 1500 people submit applications for more than 300 places on electric power industry. In 2016, the direction "Applied Informatics" appeared and immediately became one of the leaders. A distinctive feature of the preparation of students in this direction is that they receive knowledge in the field of electric power industry, and after issue they do not need to explain the basics of the specifics of the activities of the energy enterprise. " According to our interlocutors, the largest competition in 2016 was observed in such areas of preparation of CGEU as "automation of technological processes and industries", "Electricity and electrical engineering", "Applied informatics" and "Applied Mathematics".

"Kazan energy equipment is interested in the fact that the smart guys remain in Tatarstan, says the head of the press center of the CEU Nikolay von Essen. "Therefore, we raise the scholarship to students for participating in the Olympics or the high number of points received on the exam." In the first semester, this scholarship can reach 15 thousand rubles, in the following - about 10 thousand rubles.

Photo: "Business Online"

"Corruption was found and neutralized. Life at the university is raised on normal rails "

Another technical university, book-khti, somehow lost in the total mass of commercial and state universities. If the average competition here is approximately at the KAI level, the EGE indicator has grown only 0.4 and stopped at 62.5 points. Perhaps this is due to the large reputational losses of the university against the background of corruption scandals associated with the previous leadership. Recall, shortly after the conviction, the ex-visor CHTI Ildar Abdullyradotal good dozen applications describing the Technical University with a real corruption pool and implanting ex-rector German Dyakonova, a number of vice-rectors, professors and wet. According to the approval of the former Vice Rector, the leadership of the university allegedly gave off Gazprom, the federal ministries and even kidnapped the student scholarships.

The new rector will have to work on the restoration of the renome of one of the leading technical universities of Kazan. "When another first person comes, of course, something changes, - said the rector Khti Sergey Yushko Correspondent "Business Online". - Probably, in all universities there are some manifestations. But now, such close attention is paid to our university that, of course, there is no corruption and will not. But this should not be a one-time event, there must be constant monitoring. Everyone has already found and neutralized. Life at the university is delivered to normal rails. You can safely learn and get knowledge. "

Photo: "Business Online"

This year plans to actively fight applicants with the highest assessments on the exam. "The quality of applicants is growing annually. Those who are now coming to the first course are better prepared than students of past years. Of course, there are certain difficulties, but the University of Technological University will fight for the raspberries, "the new rector assured.

This year, applicants will continue to fight for budget places in the areas "Oil and Gas Business" and "Chemical Technology" - it is here that the highest passage point is here in high school. Competition among future oilmen, for example, last summer amounted to 17 people in place: more was only in the directions of "heat and power engineering" and "electric power and electrical engineering" - 47 and 55 applications in place, respectively. And the lowest "turnout" fell in 2016 on the "design of light industry products" and "food of animal origin". "But on them, 2,5 and 3 applications were submitted for one budget place, respectively, that, as I believe, a very good figure," says the responsible secretary of the recruitment commission of book-khti Marat Valeev. In general, the university average competition exceeded 10 people in place. Let's hope that this year, after the replacement of the rector, this figure will still grow up.

Kazan Innovation University. Timiryasova, who in his arsenal has several budget places, has a more accurate place in the RT educational institution rating Photo: "Business Online"

Private universities are not lagging behind

In the meantime, the two main commercial university of the Republic - Kazan Innovation University. Timiryasov (KIU) and the Tisby Department University, which in their arsenal also have several budget places, "according to the results of 2016, they received decent indicators in the ranking of Tatarstan educational institutions. The average EG enticker Tisby Ege grew by 7 points, although the competition decreased by 12 people. This year, taking into account the growing number of budget places (+11 this year), the admission committee of the university expects even greater influx of applicants. "Judging by the number of calls, already entering the admission committee of our University, the number of applications this year will be no less than in the past," they say in the press service Kiu. According to the average competition for a budget place, a commercial university can already compete with KGASU - 19 people in place, although the average score still remains at the same level.

Traditionally, the greatest number of wishing to learn came to the "Economy" directions, "Jurisprudence", "Management", they say in many universities. "We noticed that in the last two years, the interest of applicants towards the areas of" Tourism "and" Linguistics "have increased significantly. This is primarily the result of attraction to the teaching of language disciplines of foreign languages. Obviously, in 2017, competition among entering these areas will be quite serious, "said them in Kazan Innovative University. Timiryasova.

As before, the achievements cannot boast of achievements, two very important for the economy of the university - Kazan State Agricultural University (CGAU) and the Kazan Academy of Veterinary Medicine (KGAVM). Rector KGAU Jaudat Firesrakhmanov He said that the average score of his applicants last year was not changed and amounted to 60.3. The head of KGAU noted that the audience of the university fill mainly yesterday's schoolchildren from rural areas, so the university does not plan to increase prices for training this year. In KGAVM, the passing point of the applicant rose from 50.6 to 60.6, but the competition did not grow up - four people in place.

In conclusion, we recall that many of the interviewed "Business Online" staff members celebrated once again the growing training of graduates of schools. Everything suggests that the trend of recent years will continue, which means that the passage points and the competition among applicants will grow. Let's hope that together with this will improve the quality of training graduates of the universities themselves.

1890 - Kazan United Industrial School
1919 - Kazan Polytechnic Institute
1930 - Kazan Chemical Technology Institute (KHTI)
1992 - Kazan State Technological University (KSTU)
from 2011 - Kazan National Research Technology University (book)


As part of the book of 12 educational and research institutes (including the Soyuzhimpromproekt Design Institute, Kazan Science of Special Purpose of Special Forces); 4 branches: Bugulminsky, Nizhnekamysky Chemical and Technological Institute, branch in Kurthi (Kyrgyzstan), boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry and 4 representative offices, Kazan Technological College. In 2014, a representative office in Vietnam (Vietcchi) was opened.

Educational activities

Today, the book is the largest educational center of the chemical and technological profile in the Russian Federation - the leader in the preparation of highly qualified engineering personnel in the direction of "Chemical Technology". More than 378 educational programs of higher, medium and additional education are being implemented here. There are more than 25,000 students and graduate students from Russia and foreign countries.

The educational process leads 284 doctors of science and 990 candidates of science. Successfully functioning postgraduate studies and doctoral studies. The university has 14 advice on the protection of doctoral and candidate theses.

The book is a leading university of the oil and gas chimic educational cluster, integrating primary, secondary, higher and additional professional education and innovative activities of the Republic of Tatarstan in this area.

Science and innovation

For the production of experienced batches of products, the development of technologies and commercialization of development created a scientific and production park, including business incubators, innovative polygons and technology transfer center. To date, the innovative infrastructure of the book includes 38 small enterprises and 26 NCCs with leading scientific and educational institutions of the country.

Thus, at the university there is everything necessary for the implementation of a full innovative cycle: an integrated system of continuing education, developed fundamental and applied scientific and project activities, a network of intrinsic industries.

Among the partners of the university are the largest regional and federal companies. They include such leaders of the Russian economy as Gazprom, Sibur, Aeroflot, Tatneft, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, and others. For these and other companies, the book provides training for specialists, organizes students to the student practitioners, implements Joint scientific research and a wide range of design work.

International Partnership

The book is developing different international activities. The university creates a modern system of premunely foreign citizens in Russian. Currently, more than 2000 foreign citizens from 45 countries of the world are studying.

Much attention is paid to the development of cooperation with international organizations. The university is an associate member of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), a member of the Eurasian Pacific University Network (Uninet). Currently, the book has partnerships with 142 universities, international educational structures and companies from 37 countries of the world.

According to one of the most influential global ratings of universities (QS University Rankings: BRICS 2015), the book takes 151-160 a place among universities of the BRICS countries. In 2017, the Social Navigator project of the International Information Agency "Russia Today" was a national rating of university demands in the Russian Federation. The book among the leaders: we have the 12th place among engineering universities in the country and the highest position compared to other universities of the region.

Kazan National Research Technological University (book, earlier - KSTU) It is one of the oldest universities of the capital of Tatarstan. His story began with education in 1890 by the Kazan United Industrial School. In 1919, this educational institution was transformed into the Kazan Polytechnic Institute, and in 1930, a Kazan Institute of Chemical Institute (KHTI) was established on the basis of the Chemistry Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute and the Chemistry Faculty of the Chang State University. In 1992, Khti them. Kirov received a new status - university and became known - Kazan State Technological University (KSTU).

In 2010, the category of the National Research University is established regarding CGTU. Since 2011, the University is called Kazan National Research Technological University (book).

The book is 14 educational and research institutes (including the State Institute for Designing Chemical Industrial Enterprises ", Kazan Nii of special-purpose rubber" "), 2 branches - Bugulminsky (Republic of Tatarstan) and Volzhsky (Republic of Mari El) ,; about 100 trends and specialties of training, day, evening and correspondence forms; the release of bachelors, engineers, masters, training specialists in a bilingual basis (Russian and Tatar languages); more than 27 thousand students from Russia and foreign countries, about 900 graduate students and applicants and 100 doctoral students; more than 300 professors and doctors of science; budget in the amount of 1.4 billion rubles; Faculty of military training; seven senior schools working for various sectors of the economy and regions of the country; Authoritative scientific schools of chemists, mechanics, teachers.

The book supports creative and business contacts with more than 24 universities, research centers and international educational structures from 13 countries of the world, he became the third Russian university adopted in the Eurasian Pacific University Network (Uninet).

Scientific activities are represented by recognized scientific schools leading to research on priority areas of development of science and technology. For the production of experienced batches of products, working out technologies and commercialization of developments with the participation of students, graduate students and doctoral students, a scientific and production park has been created, including business incubators, innovative polygons, technology transfer center. With the active participation of the CGT, the Republic won the federal competition of high-tech technologies, created a technopark in the field of high technologies "" in the field of chemistry and petrochemistry. The university is in second place in Russia in terms of extrabudgetary financing of scientific developments after MVTU. AD Bauman.

The book is a leading university of the oil and gas education cluster and educational cluster of light industry of the region, integrating the initial, secondary, higher and additional professional education and innovative activities of the Republic of Tatarstan at the specified areas.

Achievements of the book in recent years are marked by state prizes of Russia and Tatarstan in the field of science and technology. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the book takes 10th place in the ranking among 159 technical universities of the country. In 2010, the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the book received the status of the National Research University and became the only university of the chemical and technological profile in the Association of leading universities in Russia. On September 20, 2010, the University of Ukraine, one of the 14 universities of Russia and the only university of Tatarstan, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Russian Foundation for the Development Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Foundation). This opens up new perspectives for innovative development not only by the book, but also the entire republic.

Currently, the university has everything you need to implement a complete innovative cycle: an integrated system of continuous education, developed fundamental and applied scientific and project activities, a network of own production. The book is an active participant in innovative transformations across the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. Prospects for the book are related to the preparation of world-class professionals, strengthening integration into the international educational space and commercialization of innovative developments of scientists.

Directions of learning

Economics and Management

Chemical technologies

Mechanical engineering

Industrial ecology and biotechnology

Forms of education


Education levels


Admission office book

schedule.Mode of operation:

Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest guest reviews

Angelina Shangareva 20:35 25.06.2019

5 years ago, the fate of the villain threw me a test in the form of higher education with a term of study for 5 years. It all started easily and simply, and then we went to our native Pamp. 2 people in a group, abnormalities, work, children, family and other - gorgeous students, of course, did not imagine. But! After time, I want to express my sincere thanks to the whole department: Kryakuakunova Elena Vyacheslavovna, Sidorov Yury Dmitrievich, Canary Albert Vladimirovich, Husainov in ...

Anonymous feedback 16:35 04/24/2019

This educational institution is full of Sharacken office! Starting from the Department of MTD, the dean of the correspondence department of the FPB, Accounting, people are not correct, who do not know their duties scored from the street in general. To such an extent to be irresponsible, well, I do not know, I have not met this yet. Not only are they sitting and knowing a lot much, so at the same time Hamyat and rude. Good teachers can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the rest do not come to the pairs, I'm talking about absentee form of training, it is ...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan National Research Technological University"

Branches of book


No. 02165 acts indefinitely from 05/27/2016


There is no data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the book

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Efficiency indicator (out of 6 points)6 6 7 6 6
Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms62.31 59.95 59.89 59.32 64.05
Middle score exam enrolled on the budget65.6 61.16 61.76 62.17 65.78
Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis54.12 55.40 54.35 54.06 58.5
Middle for all specialties Minimal scores of EE enrolled in full-time compartment44.85 42.20 42.66 44.74 43.12
Number of students21649 20897 20219 19729 20479
Full-time compartment12661 13291 12356 12296 11935
Part-time compartment774 560 501 352 449
Extramural8214 7046 7362 7081 8095
All data

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