Affirmations to improve and develop memory. Powerful affirmations for each day of affirmation to improve memory and attention

Affirmations to improve and develop memory. Powerful affirmations for each day of affirmation to improve memory and attention

Every living creation has a memory, but only a person is developed on the very high level. Memory is a link between the past and the present. Thanks to the memory, a person is aware of his identity, exists in the world around him. Without memory, it is impossible for a full-fledged existence of a person nor society. Memory can be called the ability to receive, store and reproduce life experience.

Affirmation can be used to train memory - positively formulated phrases carrying a concrete meaning. They are set out what a person wants to possess: certain qualities, abilities and relationships. They should be repeated many times during the day, write them with large letters on a piece of paper and pinch it on a prominent place. It is possible to utter charged formulations aloud, and it is possible to ourselves.

After some time, perhaps, to feel the improvement, which began, as if by itself. In fact, it worked on the subconscious level positive statements. Affirmations to improve and develop memory may sound like this:

I see a goal - I do not see obstacles;
My memory has unlimited possibilities;
I remember only what I need;
With each time I am more and more relying on my memory;
My memory is not burdened with clichés;
I remember all the necessary information in a timely manner;
I only proceed to the correct use of the mechanism of my memory;
I am improved ability to create comparisons and associations;
I successfully use all kinds of memory;
Day after day, my memory is clarified, I remember any information that I need at a particular point in time;
My ability to remember promotes me in solving significant issues;
My consciousness records only positive information;
Everything I see and hear, I remember, I remember;
My memory captures everything you need;
I easily remove the necessary information from the memory.

However, if there is a desire, so that affirmations give you a return, it is better to use not a ready-made expression, but to formulate your own affirmations. The main rule for the compilation of the formula is originality. Approval should be a clear goal and be formed under it. Another rule is the brief formulation. A short expression composed of several positive words is easier to penetrate the subconscious and faster will enter into force.

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If you have a certain perseverance, soon affirmations will be remembered and will easily "reproduce" without any particular effort. Fascinating process!

Afformations for self-esteem development

  • I am a favorite and welcome child.
  • My parents love me.
  • My parents are proud of me.
  • My parents encourage me.
  • I love myself.
  • I am smart and intelligent.
  • I'm talented and creatively gifted.
  • I am always healthy.
  • I have many friends.
  • I know how to love.
  • I like people.
  • I know how to make money.
  • I know how to save money.
  • I am kind and loving.
  • I am a stunning person.
  • I can take care of myself.
  • I like the way I look.
  • I am satisfied with my body.
  • I am quite good.
  • I deserve the best.
  • I forgive everyone who ever offended me.
  • I forgive myself.
  • I accept myself as I am.
  • Everything is already good in my world.

Affirmations for women

  • I see my excellent inner entity.
  • I am a wise and a beautiful woman.
  • I admire myself.
  • I firmly decided to love myself and delight myself.
  • I am the only and unique for myself.
  • I am responsible for my life.
  • I extend my capabilities.
  • I am free and can realize myself as a person.
  • I have a wonderful life.
  • My life is filled with love.
  • Love in my life begins with me myself.
  • I manage my life.
  • I - strong woman.
  • I deserve love and respect.
  • I do not belong to anyone; I am free.
  • I strive to learn new in life.
  • I am firmly standing on my feet.
  • I am aware of my strength and use it.
  • I am good to be alone.
  • I enjoy everything I have.
  • I love and appreciate myself.
  • I like other women, I love them and support.
  • I am fully satisfied with my life.
  • I study love in all its diversity.
  • I like being a woman.
  • I like that I live here and now.
  • I fill my life with love.
  • I perceive my life as a unique gift.
  • I feel my own integrity and perfection.
  • I'm safe, everything is good around me.
  • I am a very strong woman worthy of love and respect.

Affirmations expressing love for their body

  • I love my body.
  • My body loves to be healthy.
  • In my heart focused love.
  • In my blood there is a vitality.
  • Each cell of my body is loved.
  • All my organs work perfectly.
  • I look at everything with love.
  • I listen with understanding and sympathy.
  • I easily move easily.
  • My legs are constantly dancing.
  • I bless the food that I eat.
  • My favorite drink is water.
  • I can take care of myself.
  • I am healthy like never before.
  • I admire my wonderful body.

Affirmations for relationships in your life

  • I was born then to find out that there is only love in the world.
  • I start aware of what I am a wonderful person. I love myself and glad myself.
  • I am the wonderful creation of the Lord God. He loves me infinitely, and I take this love.
  • I am open and ready for an excellent relationship based on love.
  • My good thoughts help me create relationships, full of love and support.
  • My heart is open for love.
  • It is safe to express your love.
  • I live with all the Lada.
  • I bring laughter and joy everywhere.
  • People love me, and I love people.
  • I am in harmony with life.
  • I always have wonderful partners.
  • I feel safe because I protect me love.
  • I have a harmonious relationship with life.

Affirmations to improve the situation at work

  • I always work with those who respese me and pays well.
  • I always have excellent chiefs.
  • I have a good relationship with all colleagues, and we work in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
  • At work they love me.
  • I always attract the best customers, and I am pleased to serve them.
  • I like my workplace.
  • I like that at work I am surrounded by beautiful things.
  • I love going to work, I like this area: it is beautiful and safe.
  • I can easily find a job.
  • At the right moment, suitable work is always for me.
  • I always work with one hundred percent return, and it is very appreciated.
  • I easily make a career.
  • My income is constantly growing.
  • My business develops, surpassing all my expectations.
  • I have so many business projects that I do not have time to do everything.
  • Works enough for everyone, including me.
  • I am happy that I have this job.
  • I have a great career.

Spiritual affirmations

  • I possess a strong spiritual connection.
  • I feel my unity with all my life.
  • I believe that God is merciful.
  • Life supports me in any situation.
  • I completely trust life.
  • In my heart beats the force, created the world.
  • I always guides the divine hand.
  • My personal angel keeps me.
  • I always protects the Divine Strength.
  • Life / God loves me.
  • Wherever I come, I'm calm.

The essence of life is always with us

I easily free from the past and completely trust life. I close the door before the past pain and resentment and forgive everyone, including myself. I see a stormy stream. I take the whole of my past experience, all the old resentment and disappointment, omitting them into the water and see how they begin to dissolve and float downstream until they finally disappear. I am free, and everyone who was in my past is also free. I am ready to go ahead to new adventures that are waiting for me. The time released on life comes and goes away, but I remain forever. I am alive and full of forces regardless of what measurement exist and what happens to me. I am surrounded by love, from now on and forever. And this is exactly the way!
(Louise Hay, "Life! The only and unique!")

Trying to remember something, you should not start with the details. It is important to see the picture in our consciousness as a whole, a single image that causes certain associations. Suppose first this picture will be blurry and ridiculous, but in the future details, smaller items will be viewed. You will be able to remember anything in the smallest details.

Memics not only allow you to remember without the efforts of lists, tariffs, schedules, numbers, cards, but also suggest special mechanisms in order to remember and reproduce memorable information without any problems. The combination of the possibilities of "clean" memory and mpm products allows you to purchase extremely useful tools for accumulating knowledge and use them for your benefit.

Whatever your age, be confident that, having a more flexible, reliable and obedient memory, you increase your personal value. Use your memory to expand the horizons and deepening knowledge. When a person is constantly looking for new knowledge and is improving in a particular area, he is always mentally young.

You can use several statements to develop memory that will allow your subconscious mind to adjust the brain to more productive work. These statements (affirmations) need to repeat many times a day, record large letters on a sheet, hang this sheet for a prominent place. You can even hum in the song in the song.
After a certain period of time, you will understand that improvements began as it were for themselves. In fact, positive installations for the subconscious occupyment. Your affirmations for improvement can be approximately such:
1) I see a goal - I do not see obstacles,
2) my memory has limitless features;
3) I remember only what I need;
4) I remember everything on time;
5) I just begin to correctly use the mechanism of my memory,
6) I'm more and more and more trust my memory;
7) I improve my ability to form associations and comparisons;
8) My memory every day becomes clearer, I easily remember everything that I need at the moment;
9) I successfully apply any type of memory;
10) My ability to remember helps me to solve important things;
11) My memory is not loaded with stereotypes;
12) Only positive information is preserved in my mind.

Use also special exercises that allow harmonize the work of the left and right hemispheres, which in turn contributes to the achievement of the agreed interaction of consciousness and subconscious.

All this will not only improve your remembrance opportunities, but also will provide an opportunity to remember everything in time.

In our Palestines, the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging his life by listening to various suggestions was deeply rooted. Or to sound weights, affirmations.

Very seductive idea, I report to you. You don't need to do any effort to apply any effort, listen to you and observe how life changes miraculously.

The coolest concept sounds like this: "You simply listen to special music, and the changes you need on the subconscious level."

At the same time, what is curious, there is some effect from listening. The most obvious, it is, of course, memorization. The more often we listen to something, the better you remember. True, the lives in itself does not change, but it does not care if it does not care, right?

Secondly, there is a subliminal perception. A person may not understand that he caught some kind of signal, but to start acting, so to speak, towards this signal.

Let's say a person can hear the steps behind his back and accelerate. If he has to ask if he heard steps, a person will answer that he did not hear. On the question of the reasons for acceleration, a person will answer something like "just decided to go faster."

There are other interesting features of sub-step perception. For example, it turns out that the sub-step signals we remember and then, already in the "outpall" state, they are more pleasant to us than other "outgoing" that we see for the first time. That is, if the sub-step is to listen to three sets of notes, and then mix them with other sets, then these three people will determine how more pleasant than the rest.

From here, apparently, the myth of the 25th frame was born (the myth of this was born a specific person, he obviously relied on something; perhaps, for these effects of sub-step perception).

But do not be afraid that in this way you can deceive or merge into any actions. The fact is that the existence of sub-step perception does not at all mean the availability of subliminal influence (subliminal influence). And no 25 cadres or audio recordings of affirmations will not be able to do with you - fortunately or unfortunately.

Why am I so sure about this? Thanks to the famous social psychologist to Pratopanis with colleagues. They spent the most interesting experiment (Greenwald A. G., Spangenberg E. R., Pratkanis A. R., Eskenazi J. Double-Blind Tests of Subliminal Self-Help Audiotapes. Psychological Science. - 1991. - 2. - PP. 119-122.)

The experiment was made elegant and somewhere even cynical. I expressing modern tongue, psychologists have experienced fans and manufacturers of affirmations.

Here is how it was.

Scientists have selected a number of participants in the experiment to study the influence of audio recordings with different suggestions. As a material for study, two entries were used. The first allegedly had to improve self-esteem, the other contained affirmations to improve memory.

To begin with, the participants in the experiment measured the starting indicators of self-assessment and memory, and then broke into four subgroups. The first subgroup received an audio recording to increase self-esteem. The second subgroup is an audio recording to improve memory. This, as easy to guess, were control groups.

The members of the third subgroup believed that they received an entry to improve self-esteem. In fact, they were given entries to improve memory (and experimenters knew it).

With the fourth subgroup did the same focus. Its participants thought that they received records to improve memory, but in fact they were given entries to improve self-esteem.

Five weeks of participants honestly listened to these records. And then they came to psychologists - and the cheerleh began. Volunteers from the first subgroup (listened to records about improving self-esteem) were confident that they had grown self-esteem. Participants from the second subgroup (listened about the memory) also believed that they had improvements with memory.

This could be believed if not the third and fourth subgroups. The participants of the third subgroup believed that he had listened to the record about self-esteem, therefore they argued that their self-esteem had grown. But in fact, they listened to records about improving memory, and the memory should have been improved.

With the fourth group, the same parsley turned out, only accordingly, their scenario.

Well, the most important thing. None of the participants have a control dimension showed improvements in self-esteem or memory. Neither in the first, nor in the second, nor in the third, nor in the fourth subgroup.

It turned out that the whole effect that these records give, a) depends solely on the conviction of the listening regarding the record; b) no objectively manifests itself.

In other words, you can take one entry, stick to it any name and people will believe in the effectiveness of this record - depending on the name of this entry. Say that this here is a record with suggestions work on the "attraction of a man," they will believe that they learned to attract a man. You will say that this entry helps to develop confidence, - believe.

Even regardless of what will be the content of the recording - sub-step signals or clear text of suggestion. The main thing in all this story is the name of the record. The name and formed myth about the miraculous strength of such records.

By the way, here's a great way to make money. Write down one hundred twenty minutes of silence, impose it on a record with noise, say, ocean, and sell as a miraculous means for all occasions - from hemorrhoids to poverty.

This will, of course, fraud ... But the business is profitable and unwind. Use on health!

Leaving jokes aside, I inform: and trainings, and books, and audio recordings contain only the information you need to apply, apply and apply. There are simply no subconscious changes. Everywhere there is only perseverance, perseverance and perseverance. Well, perhaps, a little luck.

And I have everything, thanks for your attention.

By the way, if you want more details about what really works, then.

Other interesting notes -.

Affirmations: unpleasant truth: 37 comments

  1. Danila

    I think that many just want (including me) so that the whole "dirty work" for them did others. No one prevents these affirmations to themselves to think of themselves, read and believe in them. I believe that this is due to the common Soviet myth "not tired? So, I worked badly "from which I, for example, concluded that in order to achieve something, it is necessary to imply a bunch of efforts.

    1. Pavel Zygmantich Record author

      No one prevents these affirmations to themselves to think of themselves, read and believe in them.
      _ So it works a little, but this applies not to affirmations, but new beliefs (installations). And there you need to work a lot more before these very beliefs are invented. But yes, so you can and need to do. However, I would like to call it affirmations.

      for example, I concluded that in order to achieve something, you must imagine a bunch of efforts.
      _ The exception of the word "necessarily" is a completely reasonable conclusion.

    2. I recently went to a psychotherapist (about jealousy to my wife), we made a cognitive scheme, "If the wife loves me, I will be true, we have a wonderful family." I told me that I repeat this scheme when again Thought about jealousy.

  2. Yulia

    Pavel, hello! I was very interested in the information about the configuration of the sint. He is an employee of the Research Institute, there are results of his scientific research (in the USSR, it was strictly). Did not see? Plus, no one has canceled placebo effect. Also read about athletes when changing the visualization method. Some trained, the second visualized, the third were the control group. Unfortunately not let the link, but the results of course I was impressed.

    1. Pavel Zygmantich Record author

      About visualization - this is my separate video\u003dpxcftezhz3o. The athletes you are talking about, applied visualization correctly, and not as learning on the Internet.

      As for the placebo effect, this note is just told - people sincerely believed that their memory had improved. But in fact - nothing has improved. The placebo effect works and so too.

      In general, it makes sense, Julia, ask a simple question - if visualization really gives such results, why didn't it be on the stream for a long century, and still continue to exercise yourself with workouts and exercises? 🙂

  3. Zoltka

    This is your personal opinion - this is once, and secondly, you heard the ringing and do not know where he is! I also ... a psychologist. Yes, I have something to tell you, but it is indelible - as a pea about the wall, your narrow-mindedness is striking me in some articles.

  4. In the article you talked about suggestion from. what human body Takes help on faith, he inspires that it will cure him, raise self-esteem, makes it smarter, decisive. Or maybe a man himself convince his brain in the fact that he has an improved memory or what is he happy, confident?

  5. Andrew

    "Leaving jokes aside, I inform: both trainings, and books, and audio recordings contain only the information you need to apply, apply and apply." And why didn't you put in this chain's "opinion of the psychologist"?)) And what is the opinion of the psychologist more effective affirmation? Is it really that affirmation can be made up for free and free of charge, and the service of the psychologist is subject to payment?

  6. ira

    If there is no connection with reality, it will not work, but what about hypnosis, does he exist?
    Maybe the affirmation is self-hypanosis and thus actuate some hidden reserves of a person.

  7. Natalia.

    I would call your articles a source of rational information) (I apologize if I write tonazingly). I always considered myself nearlypt or lazy to master some new extensions of modern "sciences") if honestly, then the trust of all sorts of mantras, improving life, I did not inspire ... It always seemed that I was so far from my husband in terms of positive Installations and other things that write "scientists practices". And now more and more I am convinced that my position was true. And self-hypanosis, and afirism (they are particularly interested in the husband now), and some other books of self-development and techniques have influence on the course of events during the day. One Zeland What is worth, and after him the husband read and some other author who refuted Zelanda and urged to hold his views. I would like to know your gaze, Paul, on, so-called creativity, Zelanda (if, of course, you have ever heard about such an author)). At one time, the husband and his buddy were just preserved on it, constantly listened to the audiobooks. The husband even sought to go to raw foods, having heard the books, also to me, as if by the way, said that it would be good if I supported him.
    But is it interesting to influence such hobbies with pseudosciences on the relationship inside the family? It is not in terms of quarrels or an alienation, but so that one of the spouses in an even place is so confused in these affermatics, which decided that he was no longer needed to be married and what should be engaged in self-knowledge and everything in such a spirit?)

    1. Pavel Zygmantich Record author

      I would like to know your gaze, Paul, on, so-called creativity, Zelanda (if, of course, you have ever heard about such an author)).
      _Us, Natalia, I can not answer - not familiar.

      But is it interesting to influence such hobbies with pseudosciences on the relationship inside the family?
      _If both both - does not affect.

      But so that one of the spouses in a flat place is so confused in these affermen, which decided that he was no longer needed to marry and what should be engaged in self-knowledge and everything in such a spirit?)
      _And, such, alas, happens and not so rarely, as I would like. Here -

      1. Natalia.

        Thanks for the material, but unfortunately, this will not save us. This is now more about myself because it seemed to me that I was very conservative in my views, and that is why I do not see the obvious and simple solutions of my problems, if you can express it. But, thanks to your work, I now understand that all the singers are all the same pseudosciences, and not help in solving tasks and problems that arise on life path man (family).

  8. Natalia.

    Then maybe I am mistaken and the desire of the spouse is still licking in something else, but he cannot formulate it, he says that he just doesn't like it.) Although I can't say something in his attitude.

    1. Pavel Zygmantich Record author

      he says that just does not like anymore.)
      _Els such nonsense in people in the heads. For them, love is a special state (that is, we are talking about in love). When it is not, but there is love, such people do not consider this love - Sight shot down. Through this, families and marriages are very often crumbling. Alas.

  9. Pavel

    Hello. I watched your video on the YouTube channel about affirmations and you said that the analysis itself and the repetition of new beliefs themselves effectively. What, for example, by analyzing and our conviction that prevents, you rebuild it yourself and then repeat it. As you were in the video, the conviction "I must like the girls, and if I don't like it, I will move" by staying by the person himself changed to "I quietly get acquainted with the girls, and if I go down, then I will calmly react to it." So, this is a new conviction, if you repeat, will work and integrate into the brain, unlike affirmations?
    And also another question related to this topic: "If this belief is listening to audio, for example, to wear headphones and listen while you go and do something, then it will also work? I mean, during any session, you still can't clearly focus on the records and it will lose, but you won't hear it - it will also be fixed in the brain, or is it only a complete concentration when listening to / repeating? Thanks for the answer.

10 ways to improve your memory

Do you know why children grab everything on the fly? Because they are constantly
Training your brain. Memory is a very strong tool, but he
It becomes unusable if they do not use a long time. And what
Do you do to ensure that your brain remains active and productive?
We offer you 10 ways to improve memory and self-development.

1. Read good books

During reading, you make the brain remember information about the heroes
Books, about their characters, feelings, events. In the brain there are clear
Images and imagination is stimulated. So reading improves your
Memory, develops intelligence and increases vocabulary.

2. Computer games

Lovers computer games It will be nice to know that they are not just
Take time after the monitor, and train your brain. But here there is one
But ... To train your brain is enough for the game, maximum
One hour, but not in the whole evening or day. During
intellectual or logical game you have to think choose
Strategy, plan further actions. If you have a routine job,
That half the game is able to support your brain in active condition.

3. Son.

Healthy eight-hour sleep is vital for maintaining the brain in
Good condition. During the day, your brain solves all sorts of tasks and
problems - from simple to very complex, so at night he needs a good
Rest, to effectively solve your tasks tomorrow.

4. Learn something new

Think about what you would like to learn what you like more
Total, and do it. Try your hand in the new hobby - perhaps
It will be horseback riding or painting. Try to write
Poem or fairy tale for a child. Make what you used to
Never did, and let your brain actively participate in this.
Trying something new for yourself, you stimulate your brain, improving
Concentration and imagination.

5. Get rid of the routine

Make unusual actions and take spontaneous solutions.
For example, replace your morning coffee with fresh juice, try
learn to write with your left hand, change the usual route - so you
Learn to get rid of the routine. You have already developed the usual image
actions and thoughts, but changing them at least a little bit, then you will force
your brain to work intensively and record new rules and
order of behavior.

6. Work with numbers

You remember
Multiplication table? And remember how to consider it in the mind? We are no longer
We present your life without board calculators or on the phone. BUT
You try to manually calculate your purchases in the supermarket or make
Other calculations in the mind. With this you not only make your brain work,
But also take memory.

7. Teach by heart

how many
poems Do you know by heart? But the children know dozens of poems. You
You can teach children's poems along with your children or learn
Near a dozen (or more) you liked the poems of classics or
modern poets. So you not only train the memory, but also
Touch the beautiful. And someday you will be surprised by colleagues or
Supported by reading at all a poem.

8. Tell us about the past

Try to tell someone your yesterday, what's from the end,
those. What you did in the evening, during the day, how your yesterday began.
Looking into the nearest or more distant past, you activate
Memory and do not give her opportunities to erase this information as unnecessary.


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