Spontaneous. Spontaneity: the most undervalued psychological resource of health What does spontaneous solution mean

Spontaneous. Spontaneity: the most undervalued psychological resource of health What does spontaneous solution mean

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Everyone is familiar to the unpleasant sense of regret of the wrong decision. But if the feeling of guilt behind the chocolate eaten on the diet is tormented by a maximum of a couple of hours, then regret the incorrectly chosen work or partner torment us for years. Always take only correct solutions it is impossible, but you can try to make less errors. It is worth understanding what exactly pushes us to an incorrect decision. Often it is someone else's opinion, or fear, or our false goals. You can select several typical incorrect solutions that each of us has accepted in life.

We are in website They remembered cases of deceptive solutions that seemed correctly, but turned into a failure. For clarity, we led examples from famous films, where the heroes are regretting the wrong choice. You should not repeat their errors.

The decision to be in all number 1

When we try to do everything perfect, we strive only for victory, strong disappointments are inevitable.For example, an athlete who received bronze is often satisfied more than the one who received silver. The silver medalist is upset, because he did not reach gold quite a bit. And the bronze medalist is rejoicing its 3rd place - he still fell to the pedestal of the honors. In addition, according to the study, gold medalists are much smaller than happy when their result is only a little bit better than that of the silver winner, and more when they won with a significant margin. This phenomenon described famous psychologist William James: "We are dealing with a person's paradox who died of shame, because it became the second boxer or rie in the world, because he is able to win the entire population of the globe minus one person."

An example of destructive perfectionism in cinema is the heroine of Natalie Portman in the Black Swan thriller. She was obsessed with a desire to be perfectly danced by her black swan party. As a result, she achieved her goal, but it was her last victory.

Do not register yourself for small misses. And in the process of movement towards a global goal, do not forget to enjoy small achievements.

The solution leading to lost opportunities

It may be simple daily solutions, for example, skip a friendly party, because it was too lazy to gather. And then with envy look at joyful photos of friends from this party in social networks. And there may be serious miscalculations, for example, for a snoze to sell the land in the inheritance ("I will not live in the village for anything in the village!"), And after a few years it is understood that you dream to move away from the city bustle.

To make sure it is important to listen to your true needs and needs of your loved ones before making a cardinal solution, look at the film "Change Road". Frank's main hero cling to the usual way of life and did not go for concessions to his wife, who saw new opportunities for their family in Paris. As a result, he lost his wife, and her no longer return.

A sad example of such behavior - Teen Danny in the film "American History X". He admires his fearless older brother Derek, Neo-Nazis, and tries to imitate him. One day, Derek changes his beliefs and tries to return the youngest brother on let the true, but too late.

Before leaving the persuasion of the obsessive seller in the store, think if you really need this purchase or you just hard to resist someone else's impact.

Invalid spontaneous solution

Well suddenly go on a journey that did not plan, or take and call the cousin not on the holiday, but on the usual day. But some spontaneous solutions are insidious: they can lead to a momentary gain, but ultimately they will have to regret. For example, get drunk and call former is not the best idea. Or go to the nightclub, although in the morning it is early to get up, and then all day at work to suffer from headaches.

But there are spontaneous incorrect solutions that have broken all their lives. This perfectly demonstrates the film "Last night in New York." Husband and wife spontaneously go to betray each other. It does not bring anything other than regrets and understanding that their marriage will not be the same.

If you know that you are a rather impulsive person, psychologists advise to identify the types of situations where you are most likely to be inclined. So you will know which moments you need to tougher controlled yourself. And in the fight against excessive impulsiveness, this article can help.

The decision to ignore your conscience

Often we will drag the voice of their conscience. We pass by the man lying on Earth ("myself is to blame, drunk, probably"). We do not make a remark to parents who shout on their child so that the ears lays out. We are looking for an excuse: "Everyone is silent, and I am silent," "I would have acted in my place as well, but inside us still torments the feeling of guilt.

"A society that does not know the feelings of guilt would be the most challenged and most dangerous in the world," said Carrol Isard, researcher of the psychology of emotions.

Sometimes people ignore their conscience for the sake of benefits and sometimes ready to go even to betrayal. One of their examples of such greedy characters in cinema is the main character Film "Devil's lawyer". Kevin virtuoso protects in court of the most revealed villains. In the end, he understands how the monstrous consequences led his race for money and glory, but he appears a magical chance to fix everything, becoming the most conscientious lawyer. BUT B. real life The second chance may not be. In order not to repent in the deed, immediately think about what will be the consequences of your solutions for other people and what your conscience will tell you.

The decision to prove something to someone

"I still show them, they still know me!" Sometimes the progress of pride makes us apply gigantic efforts to prove others that they were mistaken in us. We all know examples of such behavior: a teenager is trying to conquer the authority in its environment "cool" unleashing behavior; Offended abandoned girl does everything to regret the former guy that he threw her.

Proving something to other people, we spend a huge amount of effort to create a certain ideal image that may not fit true. It is better to spend these forces on what we really need to fulfill our own desires, and not other people, psychologists advise. While we are trying to prove something else, we actually live for this person. Therefore, to prove that you stand something, you just need yourself.

A good lesson we present the heroine of Julia Roberts in the film "Wedding of the Best Friend". Julianna is trying to convince a beloved man that she is much better than his new passion. But thereby she brings him only grief. It is good that in the end she had enough wisdom to let him go and start living his own life.

A solution dictated by fear

Stay on the hated work because of fear not to find anything better, get stuck in toxic relationships because of the fear of loneliness, refuse to participate in the competition because of fear to lose ... Refusing new opportunities, think: you really do not want this or say "No" decided for you your fear?

Remember Daisy in the book (and the film) "The Great Gatsby", which did not decide to change the will of the parents and married a dislike man. When she reappears a chance to find love, she still chooses unhappy, but familiar life because of fear lose their position. Daisy's fate will not envy, despite the wealth.

Psychotherapist Joseph Burgo in his article explains how to cope with fears that prevent moving forward. Do not be afraid to change something and do not wait for this suitable moment. He may not come. Do not waste time in vain, make small tags for cherished changes today.

Decision to live one day

Enjoy the moment - perfect, but still it is sometimes to think about your future and learn to plan it. Carefree life hips are ideal at parties, but their daily lives are often not arranged. Permanent change of places of work, debts, lack of a reliable partner ... Once such people are surprised to realize that all their friends matured and move forward, and they were stuck at one point.

Unwillingness to grow psychologists are called "Peter Pan Syndrome." Typical signs: irresponsibility, non-recognition of their mistakes, the requirement of love, but the inability to give it yourself, excessively strong emotions.

Bind-free behavior under the slogan "We live!" It is often demonstrated in youth comedies. For example, the film "Project X: Dorval" tells about teenagers that have staged a grand party in the parents' house, calling the whole area. Naturally, the consequences of the party were the most deplorable, although she made the guys with local stars. It is a pity, in adulthood, to become a respected person, to roll the day for the whole world is not enough.

Bonus: simple technique for making a right decision

Popular journalist Susy Welch in his book "10-10-10: a life transforming idea" describes a simple rule 10-10-10, which will help in making a difficult decision.

Ask ourselves 3 questions:

  1. How will you relate to this solution after 10 minutes?
  2. What will you think about this decision after 10 months?
  3. What will be your reaction to it in 10 years?

This technique will show you the long-term consequences of your choice, and the decision you adopted will be conscious.

Spontaneity is a psychological resource that provides access to deep energy sources inside our psyche, this is the characteristics of the processes caused by non-external influences, but internal reasons; Independence, the ability to actively act under the influence of internal motivations. In this article we will analyze why spontaneity is so important.

Spontaneity involves the ability of a person to be himself, feel in contact with himself, manifest itself naturally in different life situations. The concept of "spontaneity" comes from the lat. SPONTE - free will.

Spontaneity is always associated with creativity, intuition, the game, the ability to improvise in new situations where what is happening is born in our eyes. Spontaneity is the highest expression of human individuality.

The spontaneity should be open, or will better say, is open, because when you were a child, you were spontaneous. You have lost spontaneity, because too many artificial - discipline, morality, virtues, and character were planted in you. You learned to play many roles; Therefore, you have learned to just be yourself.

Spontaneity is joy, this is a game, it is a dance, it is anticipation and exciting uncertainty. This is love, creativity, inspiration, pleasure from daily actions.

Creativity is one of the major practices of spontaneity. There are many techniques for the development of spontaneity.

One of the most famous spontaneity researchers, Moreno, described the independent forms of spontaneity expression: a dramatic form (revival of already underlined actions, thoughts, feelings, words); creative form (creation of new ideas, behavior, works, etc.); Original spontaneity (giving a new form already existing); Adequate reaction (properly selected, shape, direction and intensity behavior).

Spontaneity is a resource

Alas, spontaneity, like a dream, this is a resource that does not accumulate. Spontaneity does not accumulate and is not preserved; It appears to be spent "here and now" by giving way to the following manifestations. Spontaneity can find a way out or suppress.

The purpose of the training is the release of spontaneity and its simultaneous reasonable integration into the holistic structure of human life.

If spontaneity barely grabs to fulfill the task, and the joy is not enough, the person is serious, the assembled, tense. Some people sometimes happen, and some are constantly, and not always the tasks of the second global, often they simply do not know how to relax, enjoy life and exist in harmony with the world around. The absence of spontaneity means almost complete lack of pleasure.

Spontaneity is not impulsiveness

At the same time, impulsiveness and spontaneity cannot be confused, these are completely different things! The internal impulse away from the necessary is the name of the impulsivity.

Spontaneity is an internal activity enriching template behavior. Those. If you are in rabies and suddenly broke the pencil, which twisted in your hands, then it is impulsiveness. And if you start drawing this pencil without knowing that you draw is a spontaneity.

Spontaneity is actually, it is when everything else is also the optimal form in this world, in this situation at the moment. Including it may be that at the moment of time and in this situation the most optimal and most spontaneous will suffer and wait for a more appropriate moment (just for a long time of course). True spontaneity is always arbitrary than and different from involuntary impulsivity.

Your level of spontaneity

You can approximate your level of spontaneity on this scale. The spontaneity scale measures the ability of the individual spontaneously and directly express its feelings. The high score on this scale does not mean the lack of ability to be thoughtful, targeted actions, it only indicates the possibility of both the other, which has not been calculated in advance of the way of behavior, that the subject is not afraid of behaving naturally and relatively, to demonstrate their emotions.

Spontaneity scale:

1. I do not feel remorse when I am angry with those who love.

2. I almost never have the need to find the rationale for those of your actions that I do simply because I want it.

3. I do not strive to always avoid chagrin.

4. I often accept spontaneous solutions.

5. I'm never afraid to be myself.

6. It often happens that it is more important to express your feelings than to think about the situation.

7. I trust the solutions that I take spontaneously.

8. Perhaps I can say that I live with the feeling of happiness.

9. I often show my location to a person, regardless of whether it is mutually.

10. I almost always feel the strength to do the way I consider it necessary, despite the consequences.

Why do you develop spontaneity?

Why modern man developed spontaneity? He knows the route from work to home and from home to Bakery, he lives mechanically because he lives - comfortable and civilized. No need to hide him from a tiger or wintering in Tundra.

However, peace and comfort of modern urban civilization are deceptive and deadly. They lure a man, turning it in a mediocre (untreat) and a non-visual (not spontaneous) man in which, from such a life, all skills except the ability to consume.

Thanks to the spontaneity, a person is able to respond flexibly in new, non-standard situations, think and feel in the "frame", do not hide for various "social masks", stereotypically relying on the "crutches" of learned skills, phrases, imitating authorities, concepts of success and happiness.

It is important that spontaneity is a basic resource, "valuable" psyche. Only after the spontaneity and restoration of the locus control should be taken for the restoration of self-esteem.

1. Energy

Spontaneity is a source of energy, this is an opportunity to act in the conditions of purity and effectively cope with stress. Spontaneous people have a lot of times brighter, more beautiful and overflowing with inspiration and love.

Remember that spontaneity is a source of vital energy that cannot be forced, to make, subordinate, which comes itself and leaves himself. There are no rules and protocols, how to ruin it.

If you can still work with awareness to work, then the spontaneity has to speak very uncertain. Look at the children: they are full of energy and enthusiasm, spontaneous! With the age of spontaneity, it becomes less and less, because the duty displaces pleasure, Moral displaces feelings, and the sensation displaces sensations, because the resources are not pumped and gradually fruit.

2. Adaptation and spontaneity

Spontaneity - quality that helps our survival and adaptation. Spontaneity is ready to change. Remember that you are alive just enough, do you like to change?

In a modern person, a sense of spontaneity is developed much less than any other important function of the central nervous system. Hence, the fullest failure of a modern person in a collision with unexpected, and most often this reaction is evil.

Spontaneity disorders lead to the development of neurosis and energy loss. If a person behaves always at about the same, if it's a "life in a row", or a constant shock, issued for spontaneity, is automatism.

3. Easy and game

The development of spontaneity makes it possible to become ultimately brighter, confident, expressive and easy. The successful personality should be the personality of creative, creative and spontaneous.

Spontaneity is needed to every person, everyone who would like to feel confident and happy, in personal and professional life, everyone who would like to go beyond the usual, well-established behaviors and try themselves in unusual roles who would like to develop the ability to be bright and expressive Show yourself, enjoy the energy of improvisation, self-expression.

Spontaneity, of course, is needed to those who would like to achieve some heights in this life. The achievement of spontaneity is always associated with a feeling of great pleasure, the joyful feeling of life.

The development of spontaneity is not the way to perfection in the usual understanding, it is the path to naturalness. Moreover, the desire to achieve ultimate perfection increases obstacles to achieving free spontaneity.

4. Relationship

Spontaneity is also very important for those who would like to improve their partnerships. Often, women and men are unhappy with their behavior in relations with the opposite sex or do not understand why they refused the partner, not realizing that their behavior was stereotypically, regardless of whether the person holds outwardly very actively and speaks out, or the opposite is closed and conservative.

5. Personal development

It is scientifically proven that it is spontaneous thoughts that help us understand our own beliefs. This leads to an increase in self-esteem.

Spontaneity is directly related to how we show themselves in the surrounding world, self-testing, we present to other people, as they look in the eyes of other people. Often, we strive for "polishing" skill, bringing to perfection their manners, plastic body, voice, seeking to memorize the right texts, and every time they are in fear to allow a mistake or not like someone.

However, we often forget that in fact, we can do a lot, but we cannot show our opportunities completely, or we can manifest themselves immaculately only in a very narrow range of opportunities ("dance from the stove").

We do not deny the need to develop various self-testing skills (voice, body plastic, smile, use of certain words and expressions, building phrases, ban on the use of certain words, etc.).

Thanks to the spontaneity of "I as a woman" becomes more interesting for a man, and a man is becoming more interesting for a woman. We can consider yourself a very educated and cultural person, and you can "cool informal", and at the same time - to manifest itself stereotypically.

Thanks to the development of spontaneity, each person will be able to show its individuality not only due to external attributes, but also internal qualities. The ability to come into contact with its spontaneity gives a great charismatic person.

Life is unpredictable and every time gives new and unexpected situations where the learned rules and words do not act, it is necessary in a sense to "forget" everything learned and re-generate meaning, movement, topics.

Spontaneity allows you to find a resource unknown for a person and express yourself non-sketchy, creative, causing something completely new, filled with meaning, depth, idea.

Name: "Spontaneous Solutions"
Author: Maeve-Sama
Disclaimer: as always. I do not own "Naruto", "Naruto" owns me. All rights reserved. Masashi Kishimoto Wa Atashi No Kami-Sama.
Fandom: "Naruto", naturally.
Rating: hmm ... pg / pg-13. As one good fanficker says: "Anyway. It's innocent. "
Warning: Pedophilia, Senene-ah, incest. A, well, yes, Sasuke is a bit changed. He is here nine. Pairing: Itachi X Sasuke

"Spontaneous solutions - always not the best solutions" - you thought, listening to the rustle slowly moving towards the doors, the rustle of their steps, the rustling of the leaves outside the window.
Today's night has become the milestone of your personal history, and you already anticipate the power, the chance to get which unexpectedly was given to you fate.
Mangeko Sharinggan. The legend, the exact origin of which is unknown to anyone. Rumors, speculation, overheard conversations, five years in pursuit of ghosts, and now ... it. The power, power is that for which it costs to exist in this world - lies in front of you, it is enough just to stretch your hand and squeeze his dream with a deadly grip of Shinobi.
But all this will be tomorrow.
"Spontaneous solutions - always not the best solutions. But if you did not come up with nothing in advance, it will be best to rely on your instincts. "
Shore of bare feet relating to the wooden floor of the corridor.
Midnight. Mother and father are sleeping - but a stupid younger brother, of course, still reads some scroll or repeats the learned seals.
Does not want to hit the face in front of just returned with a long mission brother. Loved brother.
The strip of light is knocked out from under the paper door, and you slow down a step, becoming completely silent. Caution is not superfluous - undoubted truth, even when you are in your hometown. Especially when you are in your hometown.
Ruffle driving towards the door.
It seems that you were wrong. Sasuke sleeps, dropping his head on the tutorial on the history of Konochi, rather noisy sniffs and a nose bubbling.
"Is it suitable for what I want to cook it?" - You are starting to doubt the fidelity of the decision, but, confident in your own infallibility, renew the implementation of your intentions to life.
The younger brother sniffs, turns on its uncomfortable "pillow". The thread of saliva flows from the corner of his mouth and you feel like a mixture of squeezing and care covers your emotional spectrum, muffled even thirst for power.
You come to your brother and carefully touch him. He will feel even shuddering and wakes up, continuing, nevertheless, keep his eyes closed. You take it on hand.
- Sasuke ... I know you have already woke up. Do not pretend. Did you read late? Mom will get angry if he finds out ...
Sasuke understands that it is prevented useless:
- `Thachi-Niichan ... Pondoor ... I ... I wondered, read ... It's good that you returned - murmurs the useless lump of the flesh, bolding with his nose to your neck.
For a second, you are in bewilderment - spontaneous decisions are not brought to goodness even geniuses.
- How was your mission, NII-Chan? Are you not injured? Are you tired? You do not smell sake. Did you not celebrate? You…
You're interrupting the stream of incoherent speech, covering his lips with their lips and swallowing the breath of a little brother, frightened and inappropriate.
You're interrupting your lesson, dramatically suppress the desire to let go into a little mouth with your insatiable language.
It will wait.
- I missed you. - Of course, you missed. To the extent that you miss your beloved and familiar tool.
- Oni-Chan. - Sasuke's voice is completely frightened, but there is no hint of hostility in the eyes. He trusts the eldest brother even more than trust himself. "You will be very painful, Sasuke. Will you stand up? " - You think in passing.
- What is it ... was ... just?
- Hmmmm.
- Anica?
You again cover his lips with your own - and, this time, you go to the end. The brother does not resist and instantly gives back to your tongue. He breathes hard, in bewilderment and disarray, not knowing what to do and how to behave while you explore every millimeter of his mouth.
Then you are interrupted. You never did this with your brother before - it is not surprising that he is shocked - the boy is only nine years old. It is unlikely that he ever even thought about the like.

To make someone hate, you need to begin to make him love. You understood it even when it was even younger than your brother now. This truth has passed a strange way: you could kill without hatred, live without love, it is equal to relatives and enemies, and do exactly what they demanded from you. The perfect killer car. Only one "but" was not taken into account: Your thirst for power and power.
Thought to get rid of the corporate relatives, too, matured in your brain since Sasuke crawled on the floor and with a happy view licked toys and door jambs.
At first you wanted to kill only my family. Then you thought about ten-twenty people close to them. Only a few years later you decided to kill everyone: Cut the clan to prevail.
Yesterday, I already received the key to Mangeky, you suddenly came to the conclusion, surprising you.
Sasuke should be alive. Why? SAA. Spontaneous solutions never bring to good. However, it is better than to allow some error, the oversight, which is later impossible to fix it.
In fact, those feelings that arose between you and brother could hardly have to consider at least any distinct.
He loved you, it was clear and simple, he admired you, he wanted to be the same talented as you, he was out of his strength, trying to be worthy of brother-genius.
And, although he was still far from you, he had already strongly succeeded in comparison with the rest of the children and even some geneticities.
On the other hand, Sasuke did not cease to amaze you. When he was quite small, he cried, if he got a slap from an angry mother. He could dig in the ground for hours, and then also greeted to lick the dirty fingers, to the great horror and bewildered you. Being older, he walked for you on the heels, like chicken for chicken than the nimalo confused you.
You didn't understand him at all. "You cannot delete your understanding." - Someone said, and you almost agreed with him. Nearly. What you could not understand attracted, delayed, forced to think ... It was on the way to your goal, and therefore it was very dangerous.
Nevertheless, you decided to leave Sasuke alive. To raise hatred in it, to raise in it that thirst for revenge, the strength and power, which has eaten deeply in your soul.
You decided to make it with your successor - and therefore he will live.
To raise hatred in a person, you need to raise love in it.
A turning point that distinguishes these soor of each other's feelings finally occurred.
Only Sasuke still did not know.
He breathed hard in your hands and could only predicate changes in his little life.

... Silence reserves, and only the intermittent breath of a little boy violates her hopeless veil.
Sasuke no longer makes attempts to say anything, however, he also does not try to escape from your soft grip.
- Oni-Chan ...
You intercept the almost weightless brother's body more comfortably and carry it to the bed.
He suddenly calms down, apparently, considering the current situation with some stupid joke, another game without the meaning and rules in which you can play to make a favorite older brother nice.
You are sitting on a soft surface, and Sasuke quietly turns on your knees. With one hand, you support his back, the other - we smooth on your head.
Practically devoid of caress, the boy is shot down with your tenderness.
- Nii-chan?
Your right hand "dives" under his funny pajamas, made by small symbols of the Tech Clan, and begins to slide on the delicate matte skin of the child.
A shiver runs through the whole body of his brother, when your hand hits the nipple, and the squeezed moan breaks out of his lips.
The current situation no longer annivers you, moreover, looking at the painted face of the brother, listening to his intermittent, heavy breathing ... you start exciting myself.
- Schoektnoy, NII-chan - tears flow from his eyes, but Sasuke does not realize this and does not even try to hide, remove the weakness of the older brother.
You lean, and gently, carefully touch your lips to his lips.
- Sasuke ... Sasuke ... - You call him, trying to make your voice even. Now the main thing is not to harm the boy, do not break before the time, do not turn it into the weapon of revenge right now.
Only the magnificent self-control holds you from the act of violence towards the child.
"Not. Today I will not do anything with him. We will just be inopened ... Still, nine is too little. "

Itachi slightly knocked his brother in his forehead.
"Ittai, nii-chan" was followed by a duty response to this action.
- Now we will sleep.
- Will you sleep with me? - Sasuke's face lit up such happiness, such a unique delight that Itachi could not resist the kiss, the truth is not very deep this time.
- Yes. I will sleep with you.

You still come in hand practice, a stupid younger brother. We will meet again, and your eyes will be filled with the same scarlet curse as mine. They will not have a drop of that love that splashes in you now; Only a comprehensive, all-pervading hatred. But still - know - I will not retreat.
And you will be very painful, stupid little brother ...

« We find a few decisions of the same question not so much because our mind is very fruit, but because it is not too angry and, instead of staying at the best solution, it represents without parsing all the possibilities immediately. " Larancy F.

« It should be reconciled in advance with the fact that any making decisions It is doubtful because it is in the order of things that, avoiding one trouble, get into another. " Makiavelli N.

« How often the wise decision is interfered by the volitional. " Krutier B.

« We tend to consider our decision as a simultaneous phenomenon that caused the consequence of the process of rational and deep thinking. However, the decision-making is actually more similar to the test of the test. It comes not as the result of the summation of individual deep thoughts, but as a result of the ripening of their total mass.»Harris T.

« Before thinking about solving future tasks, learn how to cope with today's in the smallest time and with greater efficiency.. " Dr. P.

« Until you accepted the final decision, you will doubt you, you will keep all the time to remember that there is a chance to turn back, and it will not give you to work effectively. But at that moment, when you decide to completely devote ourselves to your work, Providence turns out to be on your side. Began to occur such things that could not happen in other circumstances ... for whatever you can have, whatever you dreamed, start doing this. The courage gives man strength and even magical power. Decide! Who thinks for a long time, does not always find the best solution. " Goethe I.

« Indecisive people are especially persequisite performed by their intentions, and those due to their own indecision: after all, refusing the fact that they have already judged to do, they will have to decide again. " Leopard D.

« It is necessary to discuss frequently, decide - one day. " Publishing

« It is much more difficult to see the problem than to solve it. For the first one needs imagination, and for the second only skill.»Bernal D.

« Often we find it difficult to find a solution, since subconsciously limit to the territory of the picture. However, it is not said anywhere that it is impossible to go beyond its limits. Conclusion: To understand the system, you need ... go for her. " Verber B.

« With open discussion not only errors, but the most absurdity is easily eliminated. " Saltykov-Shchedrin M.

« Whoever masters anger, envy and other negative emotions are better to postpone the decision. " Seneca

« Weak doubts before how to make a decision; Strong - after. " Kraus K.

« No problem can be solved at the same level on which it originated. " Einstein A.

« When it is necessary to take any important decision, the most dangerous is to ask the Council from another, because, with the exception of several eccentrics, there is no one who sincerely wanted to us well.»Choran E.

« As often happens in unlucky times, the good solution was made when the time was already missed. " Tacit.

« Do not make decisions by listening to only one side.»Japanese proverb

« If anyone knows what decision he should take to make something good or to prevent anything bad, but does not do this, then this is called a little man."Spinoza B.

« The problem ceases to interest us if it is solved or if it turned out to be unresolved. " Kotharbinsky T.

« Solve the task, said Descartes, - it means to win the battle. But win the battle does not mean to solve the task. " Rostan J.

« The solution to the question is the way to know. " Gadamen H.

« The principle of the second element states that the basic solution of any problem is not concluded in the problem itself, but is detected when the element opposing this problem is introduced into the situation. " Chopra D.

« In fact, there are no correct and incorrect solutions. This is the tricks of intellectuals. The main thing is that the decision is made. " Morgan D.

« A person actively tries not to notice everything that contradicts the decision previously adopted by it. " Chaldini R.

« Our solutions should not contradict the laws of nature, if we want them to led to set goalbecause if they will contradict them, they will simply be impracticable. " Popper K.

« Problems are more important to solve. Solutions can be outrageous, and problems remain. " Bor N.

« There are no hopeless situations in life, there are only unsuccessful solutions. " Roy O.

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(aM., iS., are) In the future, it acquires the form will Be. (less often sHALL BE.).

WILL In modern English used with all numbers and persons.
Shall Used only with the first person I., We.(Outdated use).

In modern English with all numbers and persons used only wILLand this is not a mistake. But shallyou can still meet in newspapers, old texts or texts in the job interview, when entering the educational institution, in fiction.

  • I. sHALL GO FOR A WALK TOMORROW. - Tomorrow I will go for a walk.
  • My Husband will BUY This Ring for Me. - My husband will buy me this ring.
  • We. will Find Your Key Tomorrow. - We will find your keys tomorrow.
  • The Project. will Be Presented NEXT WEEK. - the project will be presented on next week.
  • shall \u003d 'll (abbreviation)
  • I. 'LL Go to the Cinema Next Week. - Next week I will go to the movies.
  • will \u003d 'LL
  • He. 'LL Fly To Paris Next Winter. - He will fly to Paris next winter.



Education of the general question in Future Simple. occurs by making auxiliary verb wILLor shallto the beginning of the proposal to those subject.

  • Will I Go for a Walk Tomorrow? - I'll go for a walk tomorrow?
  • Will My Husband BUY This Ring for Me? - My husband will buy me this ring?
  • Will We Find Your Key Tomorrow? - We will find your key tomorrow?
  • Will The Project Be Presented Next Week? - Will the project be presented next week?

Special Question B. Future Simple. It is formed using a questionnaire or phrase that is put at the very beginning of the offer. The further order of words is the same as in the general question for Future Simple..

  • Where Will I Go Tomorrow? - Where will I go tomorrow?
  • What Will My Husband BUY FOR ME? - What will my husband buy me?
  • Will Will We Find Your Key? - When will we find your key?
  • Why Will The Project Be Presented Next Week. - Why will the project be presented next week?

Future Simple

Common Future

Future Simple. Used to describe single, repeated or consecutive actions in the future.

  • He Will Come Here Tomorrow. - He will come here tomorrow.
  • I Will Run Every Morning Next Summer. - The next summer I will run every morning.
  • They Will Go to the Cinema, Buy Some Snacks, And Watch Good Movie Next Monday. "They will go to the movies, buy something to eat and watch a good movie next Monday."

Assumptions about the future

Future Simple. Used to describe the assumptions about future actions. In this case Future Simple. Often used with the verbs and expressions in Present Simple: think (think), believe. (believe), expect (expect), be afraid (fear) be Sure. (be sure) or adverbs: pROBABLY (probably), perhaps. (possibly), cERTAINLY. (Certainly).

  • I. think He Will Win This Competition. - I think he will win this contest.
  • I'm aFRAID SHE WONT COME HERE ON TIME. - I'm afraid he will not come on time.
  • PROBABLY THEY WILL FIND THE WAY OUT. - Perhaps they will find a way out.

Promises, fears, hopes

Future Simple. Used to express promises, descriptions and hopes associated with the future. Often in the sentence this time is used with the words: promise.(promise), sWEAR(to swear), guarantee.(guarantee), hope(hope), threat.(threaten), warn.(warn), request(ask, request), offer.(offer).

  • I. promise We Will Go to the Seaside Next Year. - I promise, we will go to the sea next year.
  • We. hope He Will Enther The University. - We hope that he will go to the university.
  • She. sWEARS SHE WILL COME HOME IN TIME. - She swear, that will be at home on time.

Forecasts for the future

Future Simple. Used to describe things that will certainly happen in the future, and on which we cannot affect.

  • nEXT WEEK - next week
  • next Month - next month
  • nEXT YEAR - next year
  • next Century - next century
  • in a week - in a week
  • in a month - in a month
  • in three year - three years later
  • in Two Days - Two days later
  • in One Of These Days - in one of these days

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