Because of constant lack of time. Temporary acceleration theory

Because of constant lack of time. Temporary acceleration theory

Do you have to hear: "I have no time for this"? And you yourself say these words? Interestingly, why one people manage to do many cases per day, and they still have a reserve of time for sports or some hobbies. But others - constantly experiencing his deficiency. After all, absolutely every person is given the same number of hours and minutes a day. Let's try to deal with the reasons for lack of time.

The inability to say "no!".

Look at your communication with other people. Perhaps you are often asked to do something that is not included in your terms of responsibilities, and you cannot refuse. One of the most complex skills is to say: "No." Learn to really evaluate the volume of tasks that you directly relate. Then decide whether you can help another person without damaging your own free time. Learn politely to refuse people, otherwise unfinished affairs will grow like a snowball.

Misunderstanding your duties.

Before proceeding to perform work, it is necessary to understand what it lies. If you do not clearly imagine what is the result of your effort, you will not be able to distribute the time to perform the task.

Tract time to "empty" cases.

Watch people from which complaints are most often audible. Most likely, you will see that they are regularly late for work; love to chat with colleagues or chat in social networks; Periodically prepare a cup of coffee and go to the cross. Naturally, such employees by the end of the day do not have time to fulfill the necessary amount of current affairs, and they have to stay after shift or take work home.

Incorrect prioritization.

Starting your day, distribute current affairs on the importance of their implementation. Learn to perform more important tasks first, leaving at least less urgent affairs.

Attempting all things to do yourself.

Unfortunately, each person has a fixed amount of time per day. Sometimes it is impossible to do all the necessary cases yourself. Therefore, you need to be able to ask for help from colleagues or your native people. If you clearly formulate a request and competently explain the progress of the task, then the assistants will cope with the work not worse than you.

Inability to bring work to the end.

Getting Started with the next task, make sure that the previous work is made in full. If you store unfinished things, then, in the end, they can be accumulated too much, and you will not be able to finish anything. Do not dispel your attention to several cases at the same time. If you perform tasks one by one, time will remain much more.

Nowadays, many people suffer from time deficit. Despite the fact that in the days of 24 hours, you have to learn to distribute your time so that it is enough for all intended affairs. As a result, everything is fallen suddenly, and it is difficult for you to cope with everything.

A person feels a constant shortage of time. Throughout the day we rush, late, do not have time, etc. Such a rhythm of life devours us from the inside and leads to frequent stressful states.

It is worth noting that the problem of lack of time is often liably, and not in a shortage of time. Agree, many people can spend precious time to make themselves climb from the sofa and proceed to any cases. In this case, you need to think about the incentive you will receive from this action.

Correctly disposal by your time, a person will not complain about his lack. Therefore, it is very important to make it so that in 24 hours you can not only work well, but also relax.

How to distribute time

Determine motivation

If you think that the work you do is not important, you will not give her special attention, so half the time will not be engaged or sitting on the Internet. However, time will be used with benefit, if you know that thanks to such work you can earn a lot of money.

Define priorities

With the onset of the day, we plan to make a lot of things. However, we begin to fuss of the fact that it does not understand clearly, what exactly to do in the first place. From such a feeling you are at the head. Do not worry: You always need to highlight the main priorities whose list you can make themselves. In addition to work and a healthy lifestyle, do not forget to include on the list and rest, and meet friends and friends. And never forget about the family that needs to be given attention and time. Thus, thanks to the planning of its time, you can define your primary tasks.


Feel free to ask for help, if on this day you do not have time to do everything that they have conceived. Do not learn important work to run for a child to school, because it can make a grandmother or a senior child. In this case, you calmly complement the urgent job, and in the evening, dedicate the time to your family.


It is very important to discipline yourself. Note, precisely successful people always differ in particular discipline. Do not waste time for long Skype talk, watching magazines and swinging before work - all this is a waste of expensive time. Better use it to perform work.

Exploring the problem of time deficit, experts came to the conclusion that you can get rid of the lack of time by applying some rules.


A person needs to learn how to breathe smoothly and slowly during the day. In this case, a reduction in stressful state is also observed. The technique of such breathing you can find in yoga. This will help reduce the alarm state, and you will feel that you have enough time. Also, the alarm can be translated into a useful action: Gather and start faster to perform a planned job. Consider that your anxiety is just an excitement that pushes you to more active actions.


In the evening, try to analyze the past day. You will see how much time you spent on all perfect actions. As a result, you will become clear where time goes and with what benefit.


Also in the evening, plan all things the next day and specify the time that will be spent on each action. After each task executed, put the checkbox in the list, and start performing the following task. Modern technology allows you to start a scheduler - this is a program that is installed on your computer with all your tasks in it. Thanks to such a program, you can accurately distribute your time, as well as to get a reminder of the next task.


Never stand for things that you can not. IN otherwiseYou will not be able to fulfill them and spend the mass of time for nothing.

Time with benefit

Any free time try to spend with benefit. For example, if you are in transport, read the book or make a list of cases the next day.


During the day, pay more attention to urgent matters, and then secondary tasks.

Many thoughts

Do not try to upload your brain with numerous thoughts. It is better to start a notebook in which you will record all those thoughts that suddenly visit you. It is very important to concentrate your attention during any work and go to the goal without being distracted by all sorts of little things.

Active time

At certain times, your body can be more active. Determine this time and download yourself in this period more important and urgent work. In this case, you can not download too much your body, as well as correctly distribute the time during the day.

Good mood

A good mood from the morning will help you in performing scheduled tasks. With this arrangement of the Spirit, you can always find positive emotions. Despite any situation, you will finish work with a smile.


Do not forget about the right day day. It should not contain not only work, but also a vacation. If you clearly execute the rules of the regime, it will allow you to carry out the planned plans, while the fatigue will be less.


it important moment In everyday labor life, in which it is necessary to allocate time to relax and bring your body to normal. Also, it is necessary to allocate one day a week for a full rest.

Some people specially upload themselves with work only in order to show all their employment. Of course, today's lifestyle can not allow laziness or human inaction. But in our time, people begin to understand that it is necessary not only to make serious affairs, but also more consciously live every minute. Try not to be afraid of time, even if you are in idle. In any time you can find satisfaction.

How to control time


Scientists are confident that their time, which is available in sufficient quantities, we control themselves. It is only possible to distribute time correctly, and we note that it is subject to us.

Paradoxically, the very feeling that you always lack time, makes you distracted; You are trying to cope with urgent matters due to important long-term tasks, such as the development of a method for more efficient time management for subsequent projects.

It turns out that when we spend all the strength to only "stay afloat," this affects our mental abilities. As the economist Sendhil Mulleititan and psychologist Eldar Shafir found out - the authors of the book "Deficity: why the lack of something so much means" (Sendhil Mullainathan, Eldar Shafir Scarcity:WhyHavingToo.Little.Means.SO.Much.), This condition develops a kind of myopia from us, "prevents us from working to work more creatively, plan for the future, to maintain control over the situation." In other words, the amount of time you have to perform work remains unchanged, but the feeling that you do not have time to reduce your productivity.

Fortunately, avoid trap lack of time is possible if you change your way of thinking.

1. Protect your priorities, voicing them out loud.

Incorrect attitude towards a shortage of time can force you to neglect the priorities that do not belong to the near future. You begin to ignore important, but indispensable questions, such as health, relationships, reading, reflections or training. Email letters and tasks from the list today seem more serious than the need to go to the gym. You all the time repeat "I'll do it later," but in reality, these tasks are lost against the background of urgent affairs and remain unfulfilled.

The loop is on the fact that you always lack time, makes you postpone loyal affairs.

To cope with this, Laura Wanders, the author of the book "168 hours: you have more time than you think" (Laura Vanderkam 168 Hours:You.HaveMoreTime.Than.You.Think.), It offers to replace the phrase "I don't have this time now" with the words "it is not a priority for me" to determine what purpose for you are actually important. Instead of saying: "I have no time to work on my novel now," try to say clearly and out loud: "Writing for me is not a priority," and see how you feel yourself. (Probably, it will not be very pleasant at the beginning, but in the same thing and the whole point.) Instead of inhabuding yourself the excuse type "I can not find in my schedule time for the gym, because I have an avral at work," Tell me: "My health is not priority to me."

By doing so, you can stop avoiding the truth and more clearly realize our goals in life. This change in the approach will also help you see how you borrow time from our long-term priorities for the sake of urgent decens. And if anything really turns out to be irradiquated for you, think about it to leave it.

2. Plan heavy things at the time you are most productive.

Even thoughts about the upcoming difficult work can affect your productivity. During another study of Mulleyitan and Shafira, one group of people who sat on a diet were offered to find the word "donut" in the text, and the other group is the word "picture". It turned out that the first group required an average of 30% more time to perform this task. A simple thought about the temptation in the form of sweets interfered with those who follow a diet, to do well.

A similar phenomenon is observed when you are worried about a shortage of time. Your concern about an urgent project prevents you from doing the rest of the work. This permanent annoying background limits your capabilities, because of what you make more mistakes in the work, which is currently doing, and thus lose even more time.

Instead of worrying about when you should deal with the important task, because of which you are nervous, it is better to ask yourself when you have peak productivity during the day. To effectively control the time, important (but not urgent) work should be performed in the period when you are more productive. So you do not have to do an important thing in the wrong moment for this (when you are not able to work well). In addition, you will be able to regain a sense of control over the situation.

For example, if you understand that fatigue after work prevents you from engaging in our third-party project, then try to get up early and work on it sutors.

3. Do not spare your time for others.

The focus on the lack of time makes you greedy. You begin to appear different ridiculous thoughts, for example, you consider how many minutes you stood in line for coffee, or about yourself curse all passersby, which prevent you from moving faster on the way to work. At such moments, do not regret your time - the last thing you want to do.

However, thinking and acting in accordance with the motto "I have enough time so as not to regret it and be more generous." It turns out surprisingly useful. When you simply share your time with other people, even one minute, the feeling of "abundance of time" arises.

During one experiment conducted by professors from Yiel, Worton and Grevord, it turned out that the people who began to spend 15 minutes of their time, helping to problem students with their studies, later paid more time to this work. Somehow magically turned out that generous people were more productive for a while and felt that they had more time.

You cannot control all the events that occur during the day, but you can manage your reaction to them. Change your image of thought, and your productivity will increase.

- I do not have time to go to the gym ...
- I do not have time to finish this work ...
- I disastrously lacking time for the family ...

Surely, you constantly hear such phrases. Yes, what they themselves are used!

Study on time lack

According to statistics, more than 80% of people consider themselves overloaded at work. Employees are not enough time to accomplish the entrusted duties. Leaders - to do everything planned. Why is this happening?

Perhaps people just learned to competently plan their working hours. Judge yourself: about 50% of the working time isted. This is evidenced by a large-scale study.

In December 2008, experts of the Group of Companies "Institute of Training - Arb Pro" conducted a study "Personnel Management in Crisis." They observed, and then polled 2,788 servants of 12 Russian companies working in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the Urals, the cities of the North-Western and Central Administrative Districts.

The results showed that office personnel of Russian companies on average inefficiently uses 4 hours of 25 minutes of working time.

  • approximately 80 minutes workers spend on a cross;
  • 60 minutes on tea drinking;
  • about an hour goes to informal communication with colleagues;
  • another 45 minutes takes the period when before and after lunch, the intensity of the employees is reduced;
  • on average, 15 minutes falls on lateness and premature care from work.

Total: half a day - simple.

At the same time it became clear that the staff is often not even aware of the problems. Workers sincerely believed that they effectively spend 87% of working time.

We conclude about the main reasons for lack of time.

The most popular causes of lack of time:

  • Unwillingness or inability to plan work time.
  • Inability to arrange priorities in affairs. Laying important affairs for the evening.
  • The habit is grabbed at the same time for several cases.
  • Inability to say no.
  • Distracting telephone conversations.
  • Habit every half hour check blogs, forums, mail.
  • Communication in social networks and various chats.
  • Smoking and another hundred other factors.

What threatens the constant "race for time"?

Implications of chronic lack of time

No matter how trying to stretch time, every day to work and entertainment we have only 24 hours. And we spend a significant part of this time in the running and bustle, trying to all have time.

The feeling of chronic lack of time is a very harmful state for the body. It becomes the cause of many stress symptoms:

  • blood pressure
  • insomnia
  • attacks of unfortunately alarm
  • muscular tension
  • permanent irritability.

How to avoid this condition? A wise decision is to use various methods of optimization and work time planning.

Optimization and planning methods

According to the principle of Pareto, 80% of the result is achieved in 20% of working time.

(According to the materials of the site

In daily work, it means that it is necessary to consider the task regarding its importance. For example, you should start a day with important cases, and only then perform the other numerous minor tasks.
It becomes real if applying ABC-planning.

2. ABC Planning
It is necessary to distribute all the tasks of importance using the letters A, B, C. The importance is determined by the contribution of the task in achieving the goals:

3. Eisenhuer principle
According to this principle, priorities are established on the criteria of urgency and importance. All cases are divided into four categories:

(Based on the materials of the site

Automatic working time control

But how to identify these 20% of the most important cases that bring 80% of the result?

As director is recognized, after the implementation of the service in the company, the performance of employees increased by 10% for the first month!

You will also achieve similar results. Just download the Yaware.timetracker app and install on the working computers. By the end of the first day, you will see how much time the staff spent on different sites and applications.


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