The life expectancy of fruit trees. How many years do the trees of oak and birch live? How many years peach tree lives

The life expectancy of fruit trees. How many years do the trees of oak and birch live? How many years peach tree lives

An unforgettable feeling is to be near the long-lived tree. Just think about the most ancient living creatures on Earth! They are eyewitnesses of all great events of human civilization. Awareness of only one of this fact leads to admiration.

To the most long-lived trees on our planet include splage ordinary. The age of the most ancient ate is estimated at 9550 years, it grows in the Swedish Province of Dollarna. Interestingly, the spruce looks not at all old. Scientists conducted an analysis of genetic information and opened an unexpected coincidence: according to their approval, a slim spruce on Mount Fula has the same genetic material as the remains under it. It turns out after dying the ancient tree, by unspecified reasons, gave a young escape, thereby extinguishing his life.

Spruce ordinary

The following in the list of long-lived trees belong sequigu and baobab. Their age can reach 5000 years. In addition, there is one of the highest trees on the planet, the height of individual instances reaches 115 meters. California sequoia is very thick, in places up to 30 centimeters. It possesses one unusual property: when contacting with fire, it is charred and turns into thermal protection for wood. When you walk among these giants, it seems that you got into a fairy tale.

Giant sequoia

Baobab is one of the thickens: the circumference of its trunk can be 9-10 meters, while height is small, only 18-25 meters. A unique feature of Baobab is the ability to absorb up to 120 thousand liters of water. Under the thick bark of wood are soft and porous fabrics absorbing water as a sponge and necessary for the survival of the tree during the long drought in Africa.


Third place in the list of long-lived trees occupy Yew and tree Banyan. Their age can reach 3000 years. Banyan, or, as it is also called, wood-forest, has not one, but thousands of trunks. In his center is the main barrel, thick shoots grow from it, branches are drawn down from these shoots, which, reaching soil, is rooted. After that, they begin to grow in thickness, and subsequently, secondary trunks become similar to the main barrel and begin to start their young shoots ...

One of the oldest banyans is growing in India for more than 3 thousand years and consists of 3 thousand small and 3 thousand large stems with a height of more than 60 meters each.

Tree Banyan

Tis tree is noteworthy in that it easily transfers the lack of light.

Pine. Her age can reach 1200 years. However, the age of one of the pine varieties - the pine is an oestoneal intermountain has 4,900 years. At an altitude of 3000 meters on the border of California and Nevada in the United States, where these pines grow, a very harsh habitat: the soil is poor in nutrients, and the precipitates rarely fall out. It is surprising that they live in such conditions for thousands of years, while no plants can survive nearby.

Pine savory interhoems

Oak ordinary (puffy), poplar silver, linden Largenedclose a list of long-lived trees. Their age can reach 1000 years.

It is noteworthy that the long-lived trees include the trees of the coniferous family. Coniferous forests make up more than a third of all forests of the planet, besides, coniferous plants - Indicators of air pollution, they are very sensitive to its purity. Most likely, precisely because of its properties of longevity, the coniferous species of trees are worshiped by many nations. In Japan different kinds Pines, juniper, Elutes are considered a symbol of eternity and longevity, in Finland - a symbol of life, in China and Korea, they personify loyalty and principle, in Malaya Asia - immortality and fertility. In Germany, spruce is considered a sacred tree.

Oysters can change their gender. For his life, the conversion from the male in the female and, on the contrary, the oysters can occur repeatedly, and it depends on different factors. Usually, the oysters appear on the light of men's guise, and then, carefully removed and becoming capable of producing offspring, they turn into a female.

    Trees live quite a long time, if not to say more that some trees have also grew to Christ's birth. The largest life expectancy is the sequoia and baobab. As for our country, here are the leaders of oak and tess berry.

    It is possible to determine the age of wood by cutting, counting the number of rings. For the year it is formed one ring. To form two or more rings, this can not be. But so that no one is formed, this is possible because of a very strong drought.

    Among fruit trees The most durable are pears and apple trees, their life lifetime can reach a hundred or fifty years.

    Another fruit plant of Peach lives very little - from five to twenty years.

    Coniferous trees live longer than others. So a larch was discovered on Tien Shan, whose age is 1300 years old!

    One of the oldest plants is sequoia that grows in America, California. Her age is more than two thousand years. This tree even has a name - General Sherman.

    Trees are very different in life expectancy - from several tens to several thousand years. Fruit, alignment trees, live, as a rule, not long.

    sample lifespan of some types of trees, see the table

    Trees are a type of tree plants that are widespread around the globe. Tree plants are coniferous and deciduous. Depending on the breed, places of growing and some other factors, trees can grow a long period of time. The table below serves a period of life of a tree:

    Trees in comparison with a person live quite a long time.

    But the age of trees, as in humans, can range from 20 years to 5oo and more.

    And there are long-livers. It is difficult to believe it, but some live for 5000 years.

    Scientists from Sweden found on Mount Ful the world's oldest tree. It is pine and her age about ten thousand years.

    Prior to that it was believed that the oldest sequoia tree, whose age is from 4,000 to 5000 years.

    Surprisingly, there are trees that can live just a huge number of years. So for example, the oak is chicken can live as much as 1500 years.

    Different trees have a different life expectancy - from several years to several tens or more.

    But the table of some varieties of trees with their life expectancy:

    Trees, like people - live a certain life cycle, that is, they also have their own annual meter.

    They also have a life for the years.

    But, compared to a person - trees live much longer than people.

    Below, the table shows the average life of each tree:

    And another table:

And grow the Son, - To plant a tree ...

If the construction of a cozy home can be attributed to essentially, and the birthbaby - to the immediate continuation of the kind, then planting trees is akin to some touching for eternity ...for some of them live a few human lives.

So what and how much? How to find out?We will try to answer these questions.

Pthe leaving of the life of trees like her Determine?

If you look at the cutting of a tree, then you can observe the rings of growth. One such wood ring is one year of life.

  • But it happens that the trees who survived short-term stress during the growing season may form several rings for a year.
  • On the other hand, in an extremely arid or cold weather for a whole year, no increase in the rings may not form.
  • Determining the age of stumps, bars, boards, wooden crafts, scientists often resort to the dating method of wood, comparing the sequences of narrow and wide rings in detail.

Radio carbon analysis is also applied (to determine the age of trees, in which there is no hollow) is the most accurate and expensive way.

If you carefully look at the perennial branches, it can be detected by outer annual rings, calculating which and adding another year (from the calculation of the tree of the trunk itself) - you can determine the age of this tree.

How many fruit trees live?

Among the fruit are the most durable wild apple trees and pears growing in the forest.

In the middle lane of Russia they can live 100 and 150 years.

Their forest bonnets in Ukraine, where the climate is somewhat softer can grow and more than this term.The first cultural varieties of apple trees and pears, multiplied by seeds, also achieved this age.

It is known that such fruit is more durable than grafted, or rose from the root row or stump. How long the fruit seedling will live, depends on when it starts fruit.

But the least term at the Russian expanses, even in the south, is released to peach - from 5 to 20 years.

In Turkey and Greece, peach breeds live significantly longer, until hundreds of years, like Apricot. In the Caucasus there are apricot rocks under 300 years old. Slepts in our gardens are cherries and cherries, whom pests are very like, and without proper care, these trees die quickly.

The life expectancy of trees depends on how high it has grown. How favorable the conditions of existence are.

The average life expectancy of fruit trees

  • Apple tree wild up to 200 years,
  • Domestic apple tree 100-120,
  • Pear 200-300,
  • Plum 15-60,
  • Peach 5-20,
  • Apricot 100,
  • Cherry 25-30.
  • Rowan 80-300

How many liveconiferous?

Conifers around the globe live longer than their fellow leaves with leaves.

The five-six century of larchs were found in the north of the Urals and Siberia, and on Tian-Shan - 1300 Summer relict thickets of Turkestan Archie.

And if you suddenly find yourself in English County, then looking at the local attraction - a huge tees, know that he was already an old mighty tree and then when Julius Caesar won British.

Now the circumference of this long-liver is 18 m.
The oldest tree on Earth has its own name and listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

This is a pine "Mafusail", the age of which experts were determined in 4772.

Life expectancy conifer

  • Eugene european 300-400 years
  • Spruce spiny 300-400 years
  • Blue fir 400-600
  • Larch european 400-600 years
  • Juniper ordinary - up to 500 years
  • Siberian Fir - up to 700 years
  • Pine ordinary 100.
  • Pine cedar European - up to 1000 years
  • Siberian cedar up to 1000 years
  • Tiss Berry - 150-200 years
  • Tuya Western - 150-200 years

Taking into service this information, you can clearly imagine both when it is possible to relax under the spreader cherry or apple tree in your garden, planted last spring or fall, and when we get the first fruits.

And when they shoot the winding, leading from the gate to the porch of your home, and in birds will appear. And how long all this will delight you, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren ...


Older trees on earth

The oldest fir grows in Sweden. She has her name - spruce Tikko. This spruce method of radio-carbon analysis of the root system is set for age more than 9,500 years.

Olive tree on Crete (in the clock above) - 2000 years.

Giant Sequoia growing in the National Park in California has about 2,000 years old. The trunk circle is about 27 meters. Her name - general Sherman.


Deciduous trees

Life expectancy (year)

Height, M.

Diameter of the crown, m







Acacia Belaya

Velvet Amur

Birch bearded

Beech East

Western beech

Elm Gladky


Forest pear

Cheerful oak

Willow Belaya

Iva Plakuchy

Kishtan Konsky

Maple isolate

Maple field

Maple silver

Maple ashrenanese


Lipa largest linden

Lipa Melo-Choir

Lipa silver

Alder black

Walnut manchursky

Walnut walnut

Mountain ash

Poplar white

Poplar Canadian

Pyramidal poplar

Mulberry white

Apple tree forestry

Clean ordinary

"Trees and shrubs in landscape architecture", L.I.Rovtsov

Growing conditions have a decisive effect on the development and durability of woody plantings. One of the most important conditions for the successful development of green plantings is the presence of a fertile soil layer of sufficient power and its proper preset processing. On bad poor soils not only slows down general development Planting, but also reduces the life of their life. Empting trees in urban plantings long before the onset ...

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Deep old age and huge sizes reach oaks. Once the oak forests of Germany were horrified on the Romans. Pliny writes: "In Northern Germany, a huge gercy oak forest, not touched by centuries and one age from the universe, surpasses the miracles with its almost immortal fate." In the Rhlovsky forestry of the Koropsky Leshoz (Chernihiv region), in the quarter 119, grows Dublean. In 1951 he ...

Large durability also differs also some types of coniferous trees, especially TIS. In the television forestry (Kakheti), in the Batsary gorge, there is a grove of tees, in which there are about 600 trunks. A model tree was fired to study the growth of growth, and its age was equal to 448 years. In the Tiger Dacha of Nikolsky-Ussuri Lespromhoz, Tisus Cuspidata Sieb was cut off. Et Zucc.) ...

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