Low decorative trees for the garden. Trees for garden decorative, fruit and fruit, dwarf and deciduous in the design of the garden, how to arrange and position on the site, the best types of shrubs for the garden

Low decorative trees for the garden. Trees for garden decorative, fruit and fruit, dwarf and deciduous in the design of the garden, how to arrange and position on the site, the best types of shrubs for the garden

In the landscape design for the design of the country area, in addition to decorative plants, various trees use. To leake as soon as possible, choose fast-growing trees. Exist different kinds Fast-growing trees.

Deflecting fast-growing trees

Of the shady trees, they choose mainly deciduous with a thick and wide crown. Under such trees, you can not only take a walk, but also relax, have lunch. In height they can grow up to 40 meters. Tennic trees include:

  1. North red oak. A tree with a wide barrel coated with smooth and gray bark. Good grows on wet and acidic soils. Height can reach up to 21 meters. The leaves of the oak are brilliant with a reddish tide of about 25 mm. Red oak resistant to frost and winds. This is a light and shadowed tree. It is recommended to plant early spring.
  2. Maple. Height can reach up to 40 m. This fast-growing tree is very decorative in the autumn period, as the leaves have a beautiful form and differ in a variety of color.

There are various types of maples: ostolistic, ashenseid, fan, green, red, silver, etc. Each species requires certain soil conditions. Tulip tree. This is a high-strained tree, the height of which can be about 30 m. It is better grown on loose with a large content of humus. Another name of the tulip tree is a yellow poplar, since the leaves of two trees are very similar. After flowering, the yellow poplar can mow on the site, so it is better to plant in a large area.

Gray Elm. This large tree has a rounded and elliptical crown. Depending on the type, the height may vary from 10 to 40 meters. The following types are used as landscaping: Elm Rashavy, Elm Green, Elm Mellite, Elm Smooth. Grow mainly on loose, fertile and alkaline soils. Thanks to the thick foliage, Elm gives a dense shadow, but the tree itself loves the illuminated areas. This decorative tree is used to landscap the countryside, the creation of group and mixed landings, as well as alive hedges.

Poplar. Unlike other deciduous trees is the largest. The average height is about 40-45 meters, and some species can reach 60 meters. This leaf fall tree with decorative foliage and crown is very often used in the landscaping of the site. It is better to use instances that do not form a poplar fluff. Used in landscape design Levkooid, deltoid and balsamic poplars.

Can grow up to 2 meters per year. Prefers spacious and wet places. Among all the varieties of this tree, the most common birch is curly and hung. A tree in the garden is used for landscaping small areas of recreation. White acacia. Tree is high with a scattered crown. In the first year, the plant can grow more than one meter in height. During flowering beautiful flowers Acacia will delight for a long time with his aroma.

Conifer breeds of fast-growing trees

Any kinds of coniferous trees will convert the appearance of any country site. In a short time, the following types of coniferous trees are capable of growing. European larch. High, monodomal conifer with a soft cheese, which in the spring becomes light green, and in the autumn of the golden yellow shade. Larch - winter-hardy and durable tree. Pycht. Evergreen coniferous tree. Couplings are spiral, single. There are various types of this coniferous decorative rock. The most popular fir is a monochrome fir, since it is this species that has a softly uncomfortable cheva and does not drop it for the winter.

Eastern white. Evergreen tree with blue-green cheese. Height can reach 25 meters. Prefers to grow on wet, acidic soil and well-lit places. Lzetsug tissoliste. A large coniferous tree with a height of about 60 meters. The needles of a bluish-green shade, soft, slightly curved.

Video about fast-growing trees:

A pleasant fragrance publishes in rubbing. Egg-shaped bumps, differ from other breeds with their structure. Thuja folded. The thickness of the trunk can reach up to 4 meters, and in height - 60 meters. The bark is reddish brown and thin. The cooler is shiny and flat on one side has a yellowish green shade, and on the other - dark green. This is a light-lubricated plant, so it follows to the illuminated areas.

Types of fruit fast-growing trees

Fruit trees grow a little slower than ordinary decorative trees. . It is a very decorative and valuable fruit tree. In the spring period, the tree will decorate a plot or garden with beautiful and magnificent blossoms, and in autumn - bunches of bright orange berries. Mulberry white. High fruit plant that can reach 20 meters in height. A spherical crown consists of a trunk with a brown bark.

Fruits of silver black and purple color, taste sour and sweet, juicy. Used in food not only in recycled, but also fresh. Mascular. Tree with rolled, large crown and barbed. Special decorative leaves with a tree leaves - dark green with outdoor and bright on the inside. At the tree, the fruit is round, which in shape resembles an orange and has healing properties.

What you need to know when choosing fast-growing trees

When choosing fast-growing trees and shrubs, the size of the site should be taken into account. If a loft of a small size, then seedlings should be selected. It will be enough 3-4 pieces. The rest of the space can be chopped with shrubs.

These trees are not capable of growing a year before the size of a large tree, even despite their name - fast-growing. After landing in the first year, trees are getting used to the habitat and differ in minor growth.

Only then, from the second year, the trees begin to grow hard, and the increase in the year is about a meter, and sometimes even more. During landing, take into account the location of the trees and how they will fit into. Saplings should be placed so that the trees subsequently did not close the site from the sun. Coniferous trees should be cut in time. In a short time, you can turn the country plot into a real picturesque landscape, and will help in this fast-growing trees.

Pensive willows and modest birch trees, empty apple trees please the eyes with smooth lines of trunks and branches, give saving coolness.

And even if your country possessions are small, definitely take place here by trees.

On the country area of \u200b\u200bmedium-sized even rowan, stretching for 15 m, looks like a Giant, what to talk about real record holders!

For comparison: the highest tree on our planet - the sequoia evergreen, grown in California, reaches 115 m in height.

What are we we?

To the fact that if the size of the site is small, to the selection of trees should be treated extremely carefully. Do not hope that the high nature of nature, the detachable representatives of the fauna will grow slowly or at the sight of the owner with suchkores in the hands themselves, the scenic crowns of the desired volume are formed. Most often, hope is not justified, and with overgrowth instances you have to part.

Avoid disappointment will help strict limit in height - no more than 5-6 m, and these are dwarf varieties.

Choose them in reliable, proven nurseries. One of the practical options: weaving shapes, grafted on a straw, is a successful combination of expressive spectacular crown and small growth. The crown in the form of a tent is extremely slowly growing in height, with its diameter can be quite impressive.

If there are places for a wide wreakch of the crown, choose the cultivars, whose branches almost fall into the ground parallel to the trunk. Of course, such a tree will not be tamed by their fertile to the company of recreationers and will not protect against prying views.

However, on the small size of these tasks, pergolas, arches and canopies successfully cope with, and decorative dwarf shapes acquire independent value as a durable landscape decoration with all signs of an adult tree in miniature.

Molding shapes brew vaccinated on the strab, so the sizes of the tree are determined by what height the vaccination is made. You can purchase as a completely miniature tree, which in the composition will replace a tall herbal perennial, and the tree higher, under the crown of which you can even hide from the sun.

True, under the green tent, a permanent platform for receiving guests should not, since the soil seal will not benefit with more demanding decorative forms. Crown in the form of an umbrella or tent is inherent in a variety of garden cultivars from nature, but the corrective trimming will still be needed to maintain a characteristic silhouette.

It is mainly removed by unsuccessful branches and shoots that grow in an undesirable direction. For some tree breeds, the candelaborous trimming is used.

The general rule for all vaccinated plants is not to allow the appearance of a stroke. If the kidney wake up at the stamper below, remove them immediately. In the design of the garden, the wreling strambl trees attract attention from published.

Therefore, they can serve as an independent decoration, for example, with a single landing on a lawn or in a reservoir and a central element when creating landscape compositions In combination with grassy perennials and low shrubs. Tip: Plants will be better fit into the garden and will be safely punished if they plant them in the spring. In the year of landing required regular watering.

Trees for a small area: who will cut

Yellow Acacia (her molding form - "Karagan Walker").

With the first meeting, this openwork tree will make you come closer and look closely: from what the Walking of his air light green veil is from leaves or khuminok?

The similarity with the cheese occurs due to narrow and long leaves, of which the filament leaves are folded. It finally reveals the riddle of its origin it is only in color, when in the end of Spring Krone becomes so good acquainted by the "moths" of yellow acacia.

Gracefully swaying in the wind, subtle swimming branches fall in parallel with the trunk almost to the earth itself.

It is curious that the closer to the ground, the slower they grow in length. The growth of the tree is limited not only in height, but also in width, and therefore, he needs very little space. Flowers up to 2 cm long, single or in beams 2-5 cm.

Birch hung (Betula Pendula) "Youngii".

This is an excellent choice for those who dream of a whittle birch under the window, but does not solve large trees in the garden. Conventional birchings will very soon develop permissible dimensions for small sections.

Attempts to limit the growth of wood trimming, as a rule, only uroducts the crown and lower the winter hardiness.

The branches are stubbornly grow vertically up, trying to overtake each other and form a new crown typical of this breed. As a result, a multi-stentest grove occurs from one barrel above.

In the tental crown of Birza Jung, the main branches are directed horizontally and picturesquely curved to the ground. It will take only a small trimming, emphasizing the spectacular silhouette. White trunk and driving thin twigs with sticky in spring leaves will not allow to doubt that you have a native birch.

Many small trees are growing more often, around which mini-kindergarts form, for example, from various varieties of heather, Eric and cereals or other low-layer plants. Adult copies can reach a height of 5 m with the diameter of the crown to 4 m. Birch of light-headed, beautiful crown is formed only with sufficient lighting. In the harsh winters can freeze the ends of the branches.

Iva Goat Watching (Salix Caprea) "Pendula", "Kilmarnock".

It marks in the garden. Spring arrival. The village has not yet had time to dress foliage, like on naked branches (in the middle lane - in April) are blooming large fluffy yellow earrings. In the wild, IVA goat - a tree height up to 10-15 m.

Stambling crowns are usually formed by a height of 1.5-2.5 m. For miniature Easter compositions, potted trees are grown with vaccination to an even lower stack. Such plants are good at the porch, on the terrace and even in the desktop composition.

Iva goat is unpretentious, however, to preserve an expressive molding crown with a cascade of falling branches is possible only with the help of annual trimming: it is carried out immediately after flowering. As the crown is growing, it is thinning, removing first all branches growing inside the crown or vertically, which disturb the mold shape of the flowing green fountain.

Too long branches, if they have already touched the earth, shorten on the exterior kidney. Once a few years, the old branches are shortened by about 4/5 lengths. This causes the enhanced growth of young shoots, which are further laid in abundance of flower kidneys.

Elmus Glabra (Ulmus Glabra) Camperdownii.

The decorative shape is up to 4-5 M height with a wide crown in the form of a dome with a diameter of about 3.5-4 m. For comparison: the usual wild elm is a powerful wood up to 30 m high, suitable only for large parks. Divorous long branches with large gear on the edge of dark green leaves 13-15 cm long form a dense canopy.

With age, it significantly grows into the width, and even a bench fit under it. Sweep the garden cultivar on the stack high from 1 to 2.5 m.

Weeping form allows you to create original works of garden art using trimming. It may be a canopy, similar to a neat mushroom with a wide hat, and green slabs from thick branches to the ground with an open entrance, inviting to look into the mysterious shelter ...

In the design of the modern garden ordinary fruit trees No longer enjoyed popularity. After all, today pay special attention landscape design territory. Extremely, decorative plants are used in the design of the household territory. Their diversity will strike any amateur gardener. Decorative tree and shrubs of various varieties perfectly fit into existing gardens.

Selection of decorative trees

Before proceeding with the choice of plants, it is necessary to determine the future style of the planned landing of decorative plantations. To date, experts allocate only two concepts of household territories:

  • landscape garden;
  • regular garden.

Regardless of your chosen design concept, you need to pay special attention to the choice of plants. Saplings of decorative trees should be purchased only in proven places. In this case, you will be confident as all the acquired plants.

Features of regular garden

This concept of design of the household territory is characterized by planting plants in accordance with clear geometric lines. Remember that these plants need to regularly care. All decorative trees for the garden should be carefully cut, in accordance with a certain geometric shape. In such a garden must be present hedge. It can be both high and small sizes. For low green fences, gold currant is used, berry tees, evergreen flavis, an ordinary spruce, a mellipid lip. For high hedges, Tern, Barbaris, Mulecolastic Elm, are used, red cedar, Western.

Features of the landscape garden

Such a concept for the design of a nursery territory represents an unceasing corner of nature. In such a garden, shrubs and trees grow in random order, without taking into account form and order.

The choice of plants for this type of garden is quite diverse. The only criterion in the choice of plants should be the susceptibility of the tree to the climatic conditions of a particular territory. Everything else depends on the designer idea.

The landscape garden is characterized by the presence of conifer and deciduous plants. The most common is a snowy year, maple, birch, spiroia, a caticker, lilac, bubbler. Most of them are beautiful and brightly bloom, and some may even bring fruit.

Traditional shrubs and trees come with modern gardeners, so they want to transfer the rust of the green plants on the whole territory pricework. And this is wonderful, because many decorative trees for the garden are perfectly aimed in the climatic conditions of our country. These plants please theses of the owners and their guests with beauty and originality. Consider the most common types of trees that are most often used in landscape design.

Decorative flowering trees

Apple tree Nedzvetsky

In the garden above all time impertured valued fruit trees. This decorative tree is appreciated not only due to its excellent fruitful qualities, but also thanks to the beautiful appearance. Apple tree of the Uzzvetsky is a low tree with unusual purple leaves. The length of the tree does not exceed 8 m. The most valuable is the moment of flowering, during which the entire crown covers bright pink and lilac flowers. This apple tree is universal in planting alleys, single and group compositions, shows resistance to pests and diseases. It is characterized by a high aesthetic value, fertility, unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Horse chestnut

Baumannii's chestnis is particularly popular, which is very often called horse. This decorative plant is characterized by lush red or white terry inflorescences. Many gardeners choose it due to the intensity of growth, decorativeness of inflorescences, unpretentiousness in care and resistance to many diseases and insects.


Modern gardens can not be imagined without a blooming sakura. The whole world knows about the flowering of this plant. Melkopilic and short-hearted cherry also belongs to the variety of this decorative tree. An unusual color of Sakura makes the plant unusually beautiful.

Unfortunately, Sakura is quite susceptible to environment, so it requires special care.

Planting this decorative tree is necessary in moderately warm climatic conditions.

All vaccination places should be tied with a reed layer. The same must be done with crowns. It will protect the tree from the frost.

It is necessary to regularly carry out the prevention of bone diseases, which negatively affect the state of the tree.

Exists a large number of Plants that use modern gardeners. We will give the most popular names of decorative trees: Iva Matsudan, Catalpa Bignonyevid, Currant Golden, laptop shrub etc.

Exotic shrubs for the garden


Magnolia is a tree shrub. This plant attracts many gardeners of the unusual beauty of flowering. It occurs in early spring, even before the dissolution of foliage. Petals of inflorescences are quite dense, they can be different shades: from purple to bright yellow. Thanks to such peculiarities, magnolia can be planted in various compositions.

Magnolia has a pleasant saturated fragrance, it is unpretentious.


This is an unusual plant, which has a shape of a shrub or a small tree. Its height does not exceed 3 m. Special popularity in gardeners This plant deserved thanks to the funnel-shaped colors in which elegant proboscists are located. Its petals have different color shades.

Hibiscus is unpretentious to climatic conditions, flowering prolonged, abundant.

Breeding beelandist

This is a shrub with a dense rounded crown. Plant height reaches 1 meter. This plant grows intensively, and yellow-green inflorescences in the form of an umbrella bloom in May. With the onset of the autumn of his foliage becomes a saturated red shade.

The plant has winter hardiness, can withstand high temperatures. It can be planted in any soil, you can create various forms.


Another unusual shrub is hydrangea. Its height reaches 3 meters. Flowers of this plant are large, bright. Hydrangea use designers and gardeners in the design of household territories. Especially beautiful this shrub becomes in the summer months. His crown has large and wide leaves.


Decorative tree and shrub recently enjoy unprecedented popularity. Thanks to these plants, you can create unusual compositions that will delight the look all year round.


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