Rules of planting vegetable crops in the greenhouse: a compatibility issue. Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes. Various options for recipes. Product compatibility

Rules of planting vegetable crops in the greenhouse: a compatibility issue. Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes. Various options for recipes. Product compatibility

Many experienced daches perfectly understand the compatibility of vegetables and when landing use these knowledge to achieve a rich harvest. In one greenhouse, plants can grow, which require the same cultivation conditions. The compatibility of plants in the greenhouse is necessary, especially. Even in conditions of limited space, even If it manages to plant incompatible vegetables on different beds, they apart from each other, they still conflict. Competition is not only for water and nutrients coming from the soil. Some plants have a destructive effect on adjacent substances that allocate.

What plant to give preference

Table of compatibility of growing vegetables. Using the greenhouse on the dacha or the household site for a long time justified. She is a reliable protection for early seed crops, a raidman for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants who later find a place in open soil.

Having a greenhouse, you can get not one harvest of greenery, keep the harvest of removable raspberry, which is not allowed to crush the beginning of autumn frosts. It can grow any vegetables in it, it all depends only on the preferences of the owners. Impressed in the spring to sow radishes, dill and annual bow on the greens, and after cleaning the early greenery it is placed there tomatoes, eggplants and peppers or occupy area under the cucumbers.

Fans of southern crops will certainly find a place in a greenhouse for melons and watermelons or will rise in it grapes. Given the compatibility of crops, you can even grow corn with which legumes are well neighboring.

But care for it is manifested by a little due to the complex polling technology. Flowers, most likely, take the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse under decorative flowering plants. The specialists are recommended not to hurry with the creation of vegetable vesators in the greenhouse, it is better to start experiment with some one plant, since growing technology in an open and closed soil is somewhat different.

Vegetable cultures landed in greenhouse require much more attention and care. You must first make sure that this undertaking is forces. By purchasing basic skills, you can try to grow at the same time 2-3 types of vegetables in the greenhouse.

If the area area allows, the gardeners set several greenhouses. However, on a plot of 6 acres, when 2 of them are already occupied by the house, a parisade and economic buildings, this option is unlikely possible.

Leaders of vegetable crops: tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse

The option of landing cucumbers and tomato in one greenhouse is due to a lack of landing place, but does not give an impressive harvest. For the most popular vegetable, without which the table is unthinkable, are cucumbers and tomatoes. For the country season, gardeners try not only to grow them for consumption in a fresh form, but also stock up on the whole winter canned fruits.

This is usually the main greenhouse vegetables. If the other vegetable is grown in large volumes in order to sell, then it is better for each of them to take a separate greenhouse.

But often amateur gardeners cannot decide that of them are more important, and places tomatoes with cucumbers in one greenhouse. This is also possible, but you need to adapt the greenhouse microclimate for each vegetable, as they have completely different requirements for moisture, heat and ventilation. For cucumbers are preferred wet, warm climate, but straight sun rays undesirable.

They love such a way of watering as sprinkling, which tomatoes are not tolerated at all. So that they have to get along in one greenhouse, it is necessary to land so that the plants do not touch each other at all. If the greenhouse is long enough, you can make a barrier inside from polycarbonate, plywood or boards.

But for this option it is important that there are also two entrances. When the greenhouse is ventilated from tomatoes, the cucumbers will not hurt.

And when the cucumbers are poured, the bushes of tomatoes will not suffer from the water. Many daches noted that with a combined planting of tomatoes and cucumbers, more tomatoes suffer. The vintage is significantly reduced.

Therefore, the optimal option will be their separate existence. If it was decided to use the greenhouse under tomatoes, you can first land all the seedlings in the 20th of May to the greenhouse as a seatingman, and then leave some part of the roots under the shelter. It can be early grades for the emergency harvest or, on the contrary, the late tall varieties to increase the duration of fruiting.

Everyone decides himself. And the cucumbers will feel comfortable separately - in the garden under the film shelter.

Favorable neighborhood

For pepper and eggplant, the most suitable lungs and well-tired soils are most suitable. All tomatoes are perfectly getting along with greenery in the form of dill, parsley, onions. If you sow in April Radish, salad, green onions for receiving a pen, then in May after them, you can successfully place tomatoes, leaving part of the greenery.

Bargeted beans are affected by the tomatoes, melons and watermelons will not interfere. But they should be placed away from the draft, in the depths of the greenhouse. The first and eggplants will feel good both with cucumbers and with tomatoes. Therefore, such options are possible:

  • tomatoes, Pepper, Greens, Bahch, Beans, Peas; Cucumbers, Peppers, Eggplants, Cabbage, Zucchini, Beans; Tomatoes, Early Cabbage, Spicy Herbs and Greens.

However, the concept of greenery requires clarification. Onions get along well with many vegetables, but does not accept beans and peas. The beans, in turn, will not tolerate the bouquet.

Although friendly to most plants. The greenhouses fit under the multi-level berry from various varieties of strawberries and strawberries. In this case, it is necessary to consider that the berry will feel good in the surroundings of the greenery: onions, garlic, cucumbers.

Cabbage is also favorable for these cultures, but it does not tolerate the berry. It feels off with any neighbor, the microclimate of cucumbers is close to him, only the places it will be required more and the ventilation more often. If pepper and eggplants are fully compatible, then close to tomatoes are not worth the eggplant.

And it's better in one greenhouse with tomatoes, it is not planted at all. But for peas, substances coming from tomato are very favorable, they accelerate its growth and development.

Features of growing vegetables in greenhouse

Compatibility of vegetables according to the abundance of feeding. Well, if the plants are combined correctly in the greenhouse and the compatibility of vegetables is taken into account, it is important to pay attention to the frequency of landing. The thickening is extremely undesirable.

If in the open soil you can form a strambered bush of tomatoes in 3-4 branches, then in the greenhouse it is desirable not more than 2, and tall varieties are only one. Planting pepper is allowed to be sufficiently thick, in a checker, but Eggplant loves the spaciousness.

In order to smoke, one plant did not shade the other, a lot of time should be paid to the timely tightness of the plants. If you do not comply with this condition, pests often become in the greenhouse, and it's not easy to get rid of them. It is necessary to maintain the level of humidity, the excess of which can seriously harm tomatoes.

Yes, and the soil must be carefully prepared, since there is no power access from the outside. Insect access that take care of timely pollination is missing too. Therefore, it should be bought seeds intended for greenhouses.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants belong to self-polished. But the cucumber varieties are far from everyone that. In regions with unpredictable weather in May-early June, it would be nice to take care of emergency heating.

In the case when seedling has already been planted, and the sun is not enough and there is a threat to frosts. vegetable cropsCompetently chosen plants will contribute to the better growth of each other and fruiting. As practice shows, the yield increases by 20-25%, when there is a favorable neighborhood. If you have only one greenhouse for planting various vegetable crops, remember that not all of them get along with each other.

And it is logical. For some crops, ventilating, others are quite comfortable by and without it. For some plants, you need to buy fertilizers, others do not need it.

Let's try to figure out which plants are compatible, and which is better to plant in different greenhouses. Perfect decision to combine several cultures in the greenhouse, you need to know their moisture needs and temperature mode.

Compatibility of cucumbers and tomatoes

Let's start with the favorite vegetables of many gardens - cucumbers and tomatoes. Harves grow quite easily. For these crops you need a lot of heat and moisture.

The optimal air temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees, but as soon as the ovary appears, the temperature should be increased to 26 - 28 degrees. For the cultivation of cucumbers and tomatoes, absolutely different conditions are needed. Therefore, their joint cultivation is not desirable. It is necessary to water a lot and often watered, you can even use the spray gun to water not only roots, but also from the top.

Water cucumbers need warm. You can use the well heated in the sun. But in fertilizers this vegetable does not need, you can only use nitrogen-containing. Cucumbers do not need frequent ventilation. And the tomato is quite another matter.

For the growth of these cultures, moderate air temperature is suitable, the tomato loves when the greenhouse is perfectly ventilated, adores fertilizers. Tomatoes also need to often water, but only under root. As you see, there are completely different conditions for cucumbers and tomatoes.

The conclusion suggests itself - for these vegetable crops, various greenhouses are needed. If you have one and another, you are not going to put, it is better to plant tomatoes in it.

The cucumbers will quite comfortably feel and in the garden under the observer cannol. If you left the greenhouse of tomatoes, then accept the fact that they will go there, to land the rest of the cultures, you will have to take another place to land. Otherwise, the crop will be less.

But with tomatoes, it is good to plant greens: parsley, celery, basil. Perfect, not having tomatoes, garlic and radishes, and still Tomato likes to coach with the beans. If all the same "turned" the cucumbers and took a warm place, the sweet pepper can be planted with them in the neighborhood.

He also loves warmth and water. But the fresh air pepper loves more than cucumber. Therefore, the place for planting these plants is better to highlight near the door or vest.A good company cucumbers and peppers will be eggplant.

Especially peppers, then a good harvest and those and other cultures are provided. They love each other. But remember that eggplants prefer the air temperature more, closer to 30 degrees.

So support the temperature of 28 degrees to be all comfortable .Tube compatibility of growing vegetables in the greenhouse. I have at least two greenhouses well, but what to do if it is one and options for planting vegetables no longer? We will have to plant all the vegetables in one house.

But what about notorious compatibility? If you come to this question correctly, then you can and incompatible combination. Greenhouse in two parts. Well, if she has the doors from two sides.

But consider a more difficult option when the door is only one, and on the opposite side there is a window. In this case, near the door to the tomatoes and separate their board, plywood or slate. On the extreme case, you can simply turn the film.

The following will be cucumbers, then eggplants, and peppers near the window. Peppers and eggplants can be changed in places, but in no case cannot be planted with eggplants next to tomatoes. If there is no special need for an especially need, then it is better not to plant them at all. If you have a big greenhouse for three beds, then you can manage them as follows: on the central bed, we plant cucumbers, and leave the side for the rest of the plants.

Back to the category

Compatibility of other vegetables

In the greenhouse, of course, other vegetables can be grown. For example, white-born cabbage of early varieties. The optimal temperature for growing cabbage is 20 degrees, so seedlings can be planted in mid-April. Cabbage loves a lot of sun and moisture.

For proper care At the beginning of the summer it will be possible to assemble the first harvest. It is possible to plant greens in the next with a cabbage garden: onions, salad, cilantro, parsley, celery, dill. If you later plan to accommodate tomatoes into the same greenhouse, then Dill and Fennel is not needed, you do not like the capricious vegetable.

Good and quickly grow in this greenhouse and radish. Cucumbers are very well compatible with belococcal cabbage. Tomato will also not be against such a neighborhood, especially since when it starts to be fruit, the harvest of early cabbage will already be assembled. It is growing in a greenhouse and early zucchini.

Seedlings are planted by the end of April, and at the beginning of the summer it will be possible to enjoy the first fruits. Care for the zucchild is about the same as behind the cucumbers - this plant loves heat (up to 25 degrees) and moisture.

But the main difference is that a greenhouse with zucchini needs to be used as often as possible, it is better to do this in the spring during the day when the air on the street is warm. Kakaska is glad to any neighborhood: greenery, beans, corn, radish - everyone will grow well in one greenhouse. But do not forget that the zucchop needs a lot of space. So, summarizing the foregoing, I want to remind you that the most capricious of all plants is tomato.

If you want to get a good harvest of these vegetables, then highlight it a separate greenhouse. For the rest of the plants, there is enough one warm house.

What is next to what to plant in beds?

Plant compatibility table in bed. Who comfortably grow together? Is it possible to plant tomatoes next to garlic? See the table and change cultures necessarily, from year to year.

Compatibility of cultural plants. This table was compiled, taking into account the analysis of several sources on the mutual influence of cultures. That is, the principle acted: those data on compatibility, which turned out to be the same, common in several authors - were made to the table.

Data that differed or were contradictory, there were no data in the table. So, the entire table represents a conclusion or a result of several sources on this topic. We present you a table of compatibility of vegetables, rootpodes and herbs.

It's no secret that the climate is in most of the territory of Russia Surov. However, this does not stop our gardeners, because vegetables from their beds are tastier and much more useful to shop. And in order to receive record crops not only in the south of the country, but also in the Urals and in Siberia, we grow many cultures in protected ground.

Due to large labor costs for the construction of greenhouse and greenhouse structures, each centimeter of this land is valued by gardeners by weight of gold, and it is very important to prevent agrotechnical errors.

The variety matters, so when selecting plants for its greenhouses, pay attention to the varietal characteristics. Omission of varietal compatibility - the first error of gardeners. There is a commodity opinion that if the tomato is suitable for open soil, it will also grow well in the closed. This is completely wrong, because breeders are experiencing and derived varieties for certain conditions.

For example, the street tomato in the greenhouse may be affected by diseases (sick and neighbors infect), pretty stretch and build up a large number of Green mass, while not giving a good harvest. The same with cucumber: do not experiment with bee-pee hybrids in greenhouse conditions. And in general, in a secure soil, we recommend planting only supercount hybrids.

The second error is the wrong selection of crops when forming a variety. After all, plants - like people, if a person surrounds good company, then everything is laid in life. Often, competent joint landings can significantly increase yield, simplify the care of them, to some extent to create protection against diseases and pests.

Well, now let's talk about specifics. The main cultures in the protected ground are cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. It is these four vegetables most often we plant in greenhouses and greenhouses. But, as they say, the sacred place is not empty! Little gardener can keep in order not to take the last free corner. The whole earth should be in business! So the hands stretch to put a neighbor to tomatoes or peppers. Well, if it is harmless radishes or salad that can peacefully coexist with any garden plants. But there are more serious cultures, overwhelming their neighbors in the garden. So subtles are not always good.

Closed soil is a limited space in all senses. So you have to think twice before planting one or another vegetable in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. And sometimes even abandon some cultures, because everyone may not be enough space.

Compatibility of tomatoes in the greenhouse

For the growth of this cult, moderate air temperature is suitable. Tomato loves when the greenhouse is perfectly ventilated, adores fertilizers. Plants need to water often, but only under the root. In the company to tomatoam can be planted early cabbage Belococcal, for example * miracle ultrasound F1 "," Express FL \\ "Find". Its seedlings can be planted in mid-April and already at the very beginning of the summer to get the cocheans of juicy, crispy, sweet cabbage for the first vitamin salads - such a neighborhood does not hurt anything, and the crop will delight.

In the legs of tomatoes, you can place the varieties of sheets or coastal salads, a mixture of varieties "bright vitamins" is good. Not bad companions - onions (if you grow it on the feather) and parsley (for greens). Also in the company to Tomato can land watermelon. But when a joint landing of tomato with green crops, remember that he does not like the neighborhood with dill and fenhel!

By the way, such a familiar greenhouse tandem, like tomatoes and cucumbers, and in the very case, nothing good is promulit. So, growing them in one greenhouse, it is advisable to disseminate the plants either on different beds (on one side of the tomatoes, on the other - cucumbers), or if there is no such possibility - to plant them in different angles and divide the landing of a pair of rows of peppers.

Compatibility of cucumbers in the greenhouse

You can do any landing next to cucumbers in the event that you grow them on a hatcher. Then the cucumbers will be comfortable, and the neighbors are plenty.

Halfing you can any green crops (dill, parsley, basil, fennel and others), leafy and cooked salads. Also, if in the legs of the cucumber there is a lot of free space, there you can plant a white cabbage - no harm does not bring such a neighborhood.

Very strange, but very good neighborhood of cucumber and radish. Of course, a little, which gardener will come to mind to grow this root plant in the greenhouse, but the fact remains a fact: such a partnership helps protect cucumbers from leaf and a spider tick.

Pepper compatibility in greenhouse

All grained (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) are good, but for

their better harvest still should be dissected in different parts of the greenhouse or sow individual groups. As for plants from other families, it is necessary to fit the basil and lubber next to pepper (and sharp and sweet). There will be no harm from these crops. Also a successful companion - onions.


Compatibility of eggplant in the greenhouse of eggplants is very compact plants, so it is best to set anyone to them, so as not to thicken and not shading them. But if a place on the weight of gold, then this vegetable culture is perfectly seated with a bow. Also nearby can land melon. Neighborhood with tomatoes eggplants is also not contraindicated.

Compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse


Good neighbors

Unwanted neighbors


Pepper Sweet Giant Guito Ross F1 Ural Tolstone F1, Queen Elizabeth F1 Giant Red, F1 Giant Yellow F1, Giant Orange F1, Giant Dutch, Eggplant (Siberian Quick 148, Mushroom Dream), Radish

Tomato, Watermelon, Sage


Watermelon (sugar lightning F1) radish (sugar giant), sheet salads., onions, parsley, early cabbage varieties (miracle ultrasound F1)

Cucumber, Fennel, Dill


  • Compatibility of cucumbers and tomatoes
  • Compatibility of other vegetables

If you have only one greenhouse for landing various vegetable crops, remember that not all of them get along with each other. And it is logical. For some crops, ventilating, others are quite comfortable by and without it. For some plants, you need to buy fertilizers, others do not need it. Let's try to figure out which plants are compatible, and which is better to plant in different greenhouses.

Before making a decision to combine several cultures in the greenhouse, you need to know their moisture needs and temperature mode.

Compatibility of cucumbers and tomatoes

Let's start with the favorite vegetables of many gardens - cucumbers and tomatoes.

Easy enough. For these crops you need a lot of heat and moisture. The optimal air temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees, but as soon as the wound appears, the temperature should be increased to 26-8 degrees.

For growing cucumbers and tomatoes, absolutely different conditions are needed. Therefore, their joint cultivation is not desirable.

Cucumbers need a lot and often water, you can even use a spray gun to water not only roots, but also from the top. Water cucumbers need warm. You can use the well heated in the sun. But in fertilizers this vegetable does not need, you can only use nitrogen-containing. Cucumbers do not need frequent ventilation.

But Tomato is quite another matter. For the growth of these cultures, moderate air temperature is suitable, the tomato loves when the greenhouse is perfectly ventilated, adores fertilizers. Tomatoes also need to watered, but only under the root.

As you can see, for cucumbers and tomatoes are needed completely different conditions. The conclusion suggests itself - for these vegetable crops, various greenhouses are needed. If you have one and another, you are not going to put, it is better to plant tomatoes in it. The cucumbers will quite comfortably feel on the bed under the passionate web.

If you have left, then accept the fact that they will host it there, to land the rest of the cultures will have to take another place. Otherwise, the crop will be less. But with tomatoes well: parsley, celery, basil. Perfect, not interfering with tomatoes, garlic and radishes, and still Tomato likes to coach with beans.

If still "turned" the cucumbers and took a warm place, then you can closely with them. He also loves warmth and water. But the fresh air pepper loves more than cucumber. Therefore, the place for planting these plants is better to highlight near the door or vest.

A good company cucumbers and peppers will be eggplant. Especially peppers, then a good harvest and those and other cultures are provided. They love each other. But remember that eggplants prefer the air temperature more, closer to 30 degrees. So keep the temperature of 28 degrees to be all comfortable.

Have at least two greenhouses well, but what to do if it is one and options for planting vegetables no longer? We will have to plant all the vegetables in one house. But what about notorious compatibility? If you come to this question correctly, then you can and incompatible combine.

Divide the greenhouse into two parts. Well, if she has the doors from two sides. But consider a more difficult option when the door is only one, and on the opposite side there is a window. In this case, near the door to the tomatoes and separate their board, plywood or slate. On the extreme case, you can simply turn the film. The following will be cucumbers, then eggplants, and peppers near the window. Peppers and eggplants can be changed in places, but in no case cannot be planted with eggplants next to tomatoes. If there is no particular need for special need, then it is better not to plant them at all.

If you have three beds, then you can manage them as follows: I put the cucumbers on the central bed, and the side leave for the rest of the plants.

Many experienced daches are perfectly understood in compatibility of vegetables and when landing use these knowledge to achieve a rich harvest.

In one greenhouse, plants may grow, which require the same cultivation conditions.
Take into account the compatibility of plants in the greenhouse is necessary, especially. Indeed, in conditions of limited closed space, even if it is possible to plant incompatible vegetables for different beds, they apart from each other, they still conflict. Competition is not only for water and nutrients coming from the soil. Some plants have a destructive effect on adjacent substances that allocate.

What plant to give preference.
The use of greenhouses on the summer or in the preservation site has long justified itself. She is a reliable protection for early seed crops, a raidman for tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, which will later find a place in the open ground. Having a greenhouse, you can get not one harvest of greenery, keep the harvest of removable raspberry, which is not allowed to crush the beginning of autumn frosts. It can grow any vegetables in it, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

It is reasonably in the spring to sow radishes, dill and one-year bow on the greens, and after cleaning the early greenery to place tomatoes, eggplants and peppers or take the area under the cucumbers. Fans of southern crops will certainly find a place in a greenhouse for melons and watermelons or will rise in it grapes. Given the compatibility of crops, you can even grow corn with which legumes are well neighboring. But care for it is manifested by a little due to the complex polling technology. Flowers, most likely, take the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse under decorative flowering plants.

Experts recommend not to hurry with the creation of vegetable assorted in the greenhouse, it is better to start an experiment with some one plant, since growing technology in an open and closed soil is somewhat different. Vegetable cultures landed in greenhouse require much more attention and care. You must first make sure that this undertaking is forces.

By purchasing basic skills, you can try to grow at the same time 2-3 types of vegetables in the greenhouse. If the area area allows, the gardeners set several greenhouses. However, on a plot of 6 acres, when 2 of them are already occupied by the house, a parisade and economic buildings, this option is unlikely possible.

Vegetable growing compatibility table

Leaders of vegetable crops: tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse.
The two most popular vegetables, without which the table is unthinkable, are cucumbers and tomatoes. For the country season, gardeners try not only to grow them for consumption in a fresh form, but also stock up on the whole winter canned fruits. This is usually the main greenhouse vegetables. If the other vegetable is grown in large volumes in order to sell, then it is better for each of them to take a separate greenhouse. But often amateur gardeners cannot decide that they are more important, and places tomatoes with cucumbers in one greenhouse.

This is also possible, but you need to adapt the greenhouse microclimate for each vegetable, as they have completely different requirements for moisture, heat and ventilation. A wet, warm climate is preferred for cucumbers, but the straight sun rays are undesirable. They love such a way of watering as sprinkling, which tomatoes are not tolerated at all. So that they have to walk in one greenhouse, it is necessary to land so that the plants do not touch each other at all.

If the greenhouse is long enough, then you can make a barrier inside from polycarbonate, plywood or boards. But for this option it is important that there are also two entrances. When the greenhouse is ventilated from tomatoes, the cucumbers will not hurt. And when the cucumbers are watering, the bushes of tomatoes will not suffer from water.

Many dacifics note that with a combined planting of tomatoes and cucumbers, more tomatoes suffer. The vintage is significantly reduced. Therefore, the optimal option will be their separate existence.

If it is decided to use a greenhouse for tomatoes, you can first plant the whole seedlings in the 20th of May to a greenhouse as a rampateboard, and then leave some part of the roots under the shelter. It can be early grades for the emergency harvest or, on the contrary, the late tall varieties to increase the duration of fruiting. Everyone decides himself. And the cucumbers will feel comfortable separately - in the garden under the film shelter.

Favorable neighborhood.
Nevertheless, tomatoes are perfectly getting along with greenery in the form of dill, parsley, onions. If you sow in April Radish, salad, green onions for receiving a pen, then in May after them, you can successfully place tomatoes, leaving part of the greenery. Bargeted beans are affected by the tomatoes, melons and watermelons will not interfere. But they should be placed away from the draft, in the depths of the greenhouse.

Peppers and eggplants will feel good as cucumbers and tomatoes. Therefore, such options are possible:

Tomatoes, pepper, greens, bumbish, beans, peas;
- cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, zucchini, beans;
- Tomatoes, Early cabbage, Spicy herbs and greens.

However, the concept of greenery requires clarification. Onions get along well with many vegetables, but does not accept beans and peas. The beans, in turn, will not tolerate the bouquet. Although friendly to most plants.

Often the greenhouses fit under the multi-level berry from various varieties of strawberries and strawberries. In this case, it is necessary to consider that the berry will feel good in the surroundings of the greenery: onions, garlic, cucumbers. Cabbage is also favorable for these crops, but it does not tolerate the berry.

The zucchini sees with any neighbor, the microclimate of cucumbers is close to him, only the places will need more and air often. If pepper and eggplants are fully compatible, then close to tomatoes are not worth the eggplant. And it's better in one greenhouse with tomatoes, it is not planted at all. But for peas, substances coming from tomato are very favorable, they accelerate its growth and development.

Features of growing vegetables in a greenhouse.
Even if the plants are combined correctly in the greenhouse and take into account the compatibility of vegetables, it is important to pay attention to the frequency of landing. The thickening is extremely undesirable. If in the open soil you can form a strambered bush of tomatoes in 3-4 branches, then in the greenhouse it is desirable not more than 2, and tall varieties are only one. Planting pepper is allowed to be sufficiently thick, in a checker, but Eggplant loves the spaciousness. In order to smash, one plant did not shade the other, a lot of time should be given to the timely tightness of the plants.

If you do not comply with this condition, pests often become in the greenhouse, and it is not easy to get rid of them. It is necessary to maintain the level of humidity, the excess of which can seriously harm tomatoes. Yes, and the soil must be carefully prepared, since there is no power access from the outside. Insect access that take care of timely pollination is missing too. Therefore, it should be bought seeds intended for greenhouses. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants belong to self-polished. But the grades of cucumbers are far from all so.

In regions with unpredictable weather in May-early June, it would be nice to take care of emergency heating. In the case, the seedlings are already planted, and the sun is not enough and there is a threat to frosts.

Compatibility of vegetables on abundance of feeding.

Compatibility of vegetable crops, competently chosen plants will contribute to the better growth of each other and fruiting. As practice shows, yield increases by 20-25%, when there is a favorable neighborhood.

Joint (combined) landings in greenhouse - tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper and eggplant

It's no secret that the climate is in most of the territory of Russia Surov. However, this does not stop our gardeners, because vegetables from their beds are tastier and much more useful to shop. And in order to receive record crops not only in the south of the country, but also in the Urals and in Siberia, we grow many cultures in protected ground.

Due to large labor costs for the construction of greenhouse and greenhouse structures, each centimeter of this land is valued by gardeners by weight of gold, and it is very important to prevent agrotechnical errors.

The variety matters, so when selecting plants for its greenhouses, pay attention to the varietal characteristics. Omission of varietal compatibility - the first error of gardeners. There is a commodity opinion that if the tomato is suitable for open soil, it will also grow well in the closed. This is completely wrong, because breeders are experiencing and derived varieties for certain conditions.

See also: Compatibility of vegetables from A to Z

For example, the street tomato in the greenhouse may be affected by diseases (sick and neighbors infect), it is pretty pulled out and build a large amount of green mass, while not giving a good harvest. The same with cucumber: do not experiment with bee-pee hybrids in greenhouse conditions. And in general, in a secure soil, we recommend planting only supercount hybrids.

The second error is the wrong selection of crops when forming a variety. After all, plants - like people, if a person surrounds a good company, then everything will be laid in life. Often, competent joint landings can significantly increase yield, simplify the care of them, to some extent to create protection against diseases and pests.

Well, now let's talk about specifics. The main cultures in the protected ground are cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. It is these four vegetables most often we plant in greenhouses and greenhouses. But, as they say, the sacred place is not empty! Little gardener can keep in order not to take the last free corner. The whole earth should be in business! So the hands stretch to put a neighbor to tomatoes or peppers. Well, if it is harmless radishes or salad that can peacefully coexist with any garden plants. But there are more serious cultures, overwhelming their neighbors in the garden. So subtles are not always good.

Closed soil is a limited space in all senses. So you have to think twice before planting one or another vegetable in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. And sometimes even abandon some cultures, because everyone may not be enough space.

Compatibility of tomatoes in the greenhouse

For the growth of this cult, moderate air temperature is suitable. Tomato loves when the greenhouse is perfectly ventilated, adores fertilizers. Plants need to water often, but only under the root. In the company to tomatoam, you can plant an early cabbage whitewash, for example * miracle ultrasound F1 ',' Express Fl 'Nakhodka'. Its seedlings can be planted in mid-April and already at the very beginning of the summer to get the cocheans of juicy, crispy, sweet cabbage for the first vitamin salads - such a neighborhood does not hurt anything, and the crop will delight.

In the legs of tomatoes, you can place the varieties of leafy or coam salads, the mixture of varieties 'bright vitamins' is good. Not bad companions - onions (if you grow it on the feather) and parsley (for greens). Also in the company to Tomato can land watermelon. But when a joint landing of tomato with green crops, remember that he does not like the neighborhood with dill and fenhel!

By the way, such a familiar greenhouse tandem, like tomatoes and cucumbers, and in the very case, nothing good is promulit. So, growing them in one greenhouse, it is advisable to disseminate the plants either on different beds (on one side of the tomatoes, on the other - cucumbers), or if there is no such possibility - to plant them in different angles and divide the landing of a pair of rows of peppers.

Compatibility of cucumbers in the greenhouse

You can do any landing next to cucumbers in the event that you grow them on a hatcher. Then the cucumbers will be comfortable, and the neighbors are plenty.

Halfing you can any green crops (dill, parsley, basil, fennel and others), leafy and cooked salads. Also, if in the legs of the cucumber there is a lot of free space, there you can plant a white cabbage - no harm does not bring such a neighborhood.

Very strange, but very good neighborhood of cucumber and radish. Of course, a little, which gardener will come to mind to grow this root plant in the greenhouse, but the fact remains a fact: such a partnership helps protect cucumbers from leaf and a spider tick.

READ ALSO: Plant compatibility and alternation of vegetables

Pepper compatibility in greenhouse

All grained (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) are good, but for

their better harvest still should be dissected in different parts of the greenhouse or sow individual groups. As for plants from other families, it is necessary to fit the basil and lubber next to pepper (and sharp and sweet). There will be no harm from these crops. Also a successful companion - onions.


Compatibility of eggplant in the greenhouse of eggplants is very compact plants, so it is best to set anyone to them, so as not to thicken and not shading them. But if a place on the weight of gold, then this vegetable culture is perfectly seated with a bow. Also nearby can land melon. Neighborhood with tomatoes eggplants is also not contraindicated.

READ ALSO: Compatibility of vegetables on the cottage bed

Compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse


Good neighbors

Unwanted neighbors


Pepper Sweet Giant Guito Ross F1 Ural Tolstone F1, Queen Elizabeth F1 Giant Red, F1 Giant Yellow F1, Giant Orange F1, Giant Dutch, Eggplant (Siberian Quick 148, Mushroom Dream), Radish

Tomato, Watermelon, Sage


Watermelon (Sugar Lightning F1) Radish (sugar giant), leaf salads, onions, parsley, early cabbage varieties (miracle ultrasound F1)

Cucumber, Fennel, Dill


Basil, onions, Lovers, Tomato, Cucumber


Bow, melon, tomato

Tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse: nuances of simultaneous cultivation

Combined landings are very relevant in home greenhouses: I want to get all the vegetables immediately and a lot. However, professionals recommend growing separately every culture, but it is difficult for us to allocate a place even for two greenhouses, therefore cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse are an effective way out for receiving different species from a unit area.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are good together or boring apart?

Such rational use of space prevents one-sided exhaustion of soil and improves the taste of fruits.

Combined landing

Not all vegetable plants get along together. This is especially true of the neighborhood of cucumbers and tomatoes:

  • the negative impact of them is known for a long time;
  • the differences of their agricultural engineering are very significant;
  • these plants require the creation of different microclimate.

Note! Cucumbers prefer elevated humidity, destructive for tomatoes, loving rare watering and constant ventilation. It means that compatibility in the greenhouse of tomatoes and cucumbers is ensured only by their placement and departure.

Spring mixed planting cucumbers and tomatoes

It is advisable to use a summer greenhouse before the landing of already mentioned thermal-loving vegetables, first under cold-resistant cultures:

  • beijing cabbage for greens;
  • leaf turnip;
  • other early greens.

So we have time to remove the abundant harvest of this vitamin product before tomatoes and cucumbers in one in the greenhouse will start actively grow. Such a realization will give good profits - the cost of the first greenery is traditionally high.

Mixed boarding of summer

  • Dill, separating the tomatoes from cucumbers, neutralizes their mutual dislike and their smell will scare the pests.
  • Four plants of asparagus beans will ensure the entire seven of the valuable product for a whole year and increase the yield of tomatoes, enriching the soil with nitrogen.
  • We will provide increased illumination of these thermal-loving crops, removing the shadowing salad plants.

Terms of Combination

The instructions from professionals lists the conditions for the comfortable neighborhood of tomatoes with cucumbers.

  • High cucumber should not shadow the bustts of tomatoes.
  • An ideal place for tomatoes - at the entrance, where ventilation is much more intense, and therefore humidity less, which will save them from diseases.

In the photo - landing seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes.

  • We select the varieties of tomato, resistant to the phytoofluoride.
  • Additionally, we pollinate tomatoes, slightly shook their blooming bushes.
  • At the far end of the room, the cucumbers are planted - there are no drainagers here, constantly high humidity.

Features of growing tomatoes and cucumbers

Supplements in design

It is more convenient to extinguish the cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse.

  • We are easily created here 2 different microclimate: frequent ventilation, dryness of air and comfortable temperature of tomatoes, and completely opposite conditions - to increase the fertility of cucumbers.
  • The versatility of the film partition also is that it freely skips the rays of the sun to these cultures that are not tolerating shading that reduces the harvest.

Soil preparation and feeding

Peat, humus, wood sawdust, coarse sand enrich the teaspoon sodium nitrate or urea, add potassium sulfate and potassium magnesia (on a tablespoon), 3 spoons of double superphosphate, 500g wood ash, and leaving all this. The cucumbers each decade focus the soil ammonia Selitra (20 g on the water bucket).

Tomato also feed every 10 days.

  • 1 Composition: on 10 liters of water floors of a liquid cowboard plus a tablespoon of nitroposki (liter under 1 plant).
  • 2 Composition: 10 liters of water plus a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, as well as a tablespoon of fertilizer full (5 l / sq. M).
  • 3 Composition: the same 10 liters of water plus two tablespoons of ash wood, a tablespoon of superphosphate (6 l / sq. M).

Fruiting tomatoes are fed by a solution with two tablespoons of superphosphate, a tablespoon of sodium liquid humate (5 l / sq. M) to speed up the ripening.

Care for cucumbers

Estimated hybrids of Alma-Ata-1 hybrids-1, Gribovsky-2 need manual pollination. Although it is more profitable to use parthenokarpic seeds, not pollinated varieties: the Moscow Greenhouse and Meshamian, because their price is the same. Sowing - after January 10, the first fruits - in early March.

  • On the bottom of the box with a height of up to 30 cm and 20 cm in diameter by 2 cm, we smell drainage: pebbles, ceramzit so that the water is not stood.
  • Soil is a mixture of peat (humoring) with widths of non-smallest breeds 10: 2. To 10kg of this mixture, add 10g ammonium nitrate, sulcate potassium, wood ash and 20g double superphosphate.
  • After 2 weeks, this mixture is with warm water, and the seeds are screwed at 12 hours (1 l of water, 5 g of superphosphate and potash nitrate, plus 0.02 g of manganese sulfate).
  • In winter, seeds immediately, without germination, sowing for 1 cm. At + 25 ° shoots will appear quickly.
  • Before the tie of fruits, the cucumbers are pouring often, but there is a scoop - so much female flowers will be formed, which will give an abundant harvest. After the appearance of fruits - watering increase, especially for the night.

Care for tomatoes

  • Ridges with a height of 40 cm and a width of up to 90 cm located along the greenhouse, leaving 60 cm for the passage.
  • Thirty santimeter seedlings in the soil are placed vertically, and overgrowing into a two-storey well.
  • Fully the hole is closing the ground after a half months when seedlings come true.
  • The first half ease of seedlings extremely rarely water.
  • When the stem is pulled out, it is periodically typing to a 2-meter choplet, forming 7 floral brushes to remove steps.

Note! Excessively wet soil the greenhouse makes fruit with sour and watery, therefore recommended rare, but abundant watering with warm water 10 liters per 1 square meter. m. Soil.


Different biology of these species requires maintenance of opposite conditions for such species: wet soil and dry air - tomatoam, and cucumbers - wet air and lack of drafts.

In the overhaul, the desired temperature is held, moisture in the ground and optimal solar lighting.

Comfortable conditions for these plants are created like this:

  • in the fall fill the soil with a variety of organic;
  • in the spring, add fresh manure for heating and cover with high blood soil;
  • in the greenhouse along the perimeter, we will land the grade of cucumbers and form 4 ours under the roof over tomatoes.

The video in this article will provide additional information on the cultivation of cultures.

Compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse - a pledge of a rich harvest

Many experienced daches are perfectly understood in compatibility of vegetables and when landing use these knowledge to achieve a rich harvest.

In one greenhouse, plants may grow, which require the same cultivation conditions.
Take into account the compatibility of plants in the greenhouse is necessary, especially. Indeed, in conditions of limited closed space, even if it is possible to plant incompatible vegetables for different beds, they apart from each other, they still conflict. Competition is not only for water and nutrients coming from the soil. Some plants have a destructive effect on adjacent substances that allocate.

What plant to give preference.
The use of greenhouses on the summer or in the preservation site has long justified itself. She is a reliable protection for early seed crops, a raidman for tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, which will later find a place in the open ground. Having a greenhouse, you can get not one harvest of greenery, keep the harvest of removable raspberry, which is not allowed to crush the beginning of autumn frosts. It can grow any vegetables in it, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

It is reasonably in the spring to sow radishes, dill and one-year bow on the greens, and after cleaning the early greenery to place tomatoes, eggplants and peppers or take the area under the cucumbers. Fans of southern crops will certainly find a place in a greenhouse for melons and watermelons or will rise in it grapes. Given the compatibility of crops, you can even grow corn with which legumes are well neighboring. But care for it is manifested by a little due to the complex polling technology. Flowers, most likely, take the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse under decorative flowering plants.

Experts recommend not to hurry with the creation of vegetable assorted in the greenhouse, it is better to start an experiment with some one plant, since growing technology in an open and closed soil is somewhat different. Vegetable cultures landed in greenhouse require much more attention and care. You must first make sure that this undertaking is forces.

By purchasing basic skills, you can try to grow at the same time 2-3 types of vegetables in the greenhouse. If the area area allows, the gardeners set several greenhouses. However, on a plot of 6 acres, when 2 of them are already occupied by the house, a parisade and economic buildings, this option is unlikely possible.

Vegetable growing compatibility table

Leaders of vegetable crops: tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse.
The two most popular vegetables, without which the table is unthinkable, are cucumbers and tomatoes. For the country season, gardeners try not only to grow them for consumption in a fresh form, but also stock up on the whole winter canned fruits. This is usually the main greenhouse vegetables. If the other vegetable is grown in large volumes in order to sell, then it is better for each of them to take a separate greenhouse. But often amateur gardeners cannot decide that they are more important, and places tomatoes with cucumbers in one greenhouse.

This is also possible, but you need to adapt the greenhouse microclimate for each vegetable, as they have completely different requirements for moisture, heat and ventilation. A wet, warm climate is preferred for cucumbers, but the straight sun rays are undesirable. They love such a way of watering as sprinkling, which tomatoes are not tolerated at all. So that they have to walk in one greenhouse, it is necessary to land so that the plants do not touch each other at all.

If the greenhouse is long enough, then you can make a barrier inside from polycarbonate, plywood or boards. But for this option it is important that there are also two entrances. When the greenhouse is ventilated from tomatoes, the cucumbers will not hurt. And when the cucumbers are watering, the bushes of tomatoes will not suffer from water.

Many dacifics note that with a combined planting of tomatoes and cucumbers, more tomatoes suffer. The vintage is significantly reduced. Therefore, the optimal option will be their separate existence.

If it is decided to use a greenhouse for tomatoes, you can first plant the whole seedlings in the 20th of May to a greenhouse as a rampateboard, and then leave some part of the roots under the shelter. It can be early grades for the emergency harvest or, on the contrary, the late tall varieties to increase the duration of fruiting. Everyone decides himself. And the cucumbers will feel comfortable separately - in the garden under the film shelter.

Favorable neighborhood.
Nevertheless, tomatoes are perfectly getting along with greenery in the form of dill, parsley, onions. If you sow in April Radish, salad, green onions for receiving a pen, then in May after them, you can successfully place tomatoes, leaving part of the greenery. Bargeted beans are affected by the tomatoes, melons and watermelons will not interfere. But they should be placed away from the draft, in the depths of the greenhouse.

Peppers and eggplants will feel good as cucumbers and tomatoes. Therefore, such options are possible:

- Tomatoes, Pepper, Greens, Bakhchy, Beans, Peas;
- cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, zucchini, beans;
- Tomatoes, Early cabbage, Spicy herbs and greens.

However, the concept of greenery requires clarification. Onions get along well with many vegetables, but does not accept beans and peas. The beans, in turn, will not tolerate the bouquet. Although friendly to most plants.

Often the greenhouses fit under the multi-level berry from various varieties of strawberries and strawberries. In this case, it is necessary to consider that the berry will feel good in the surroundings of the greenery: onions, garlic, cucumbers. Cabbage is also favorable for these crops, but it does not tolerate the berry.

The zucchini sees with any neighbor, the microclimate of cucumbers is close to him, only the places will need more and air often. If pepper and eggplants are fully compatible, then close to tomatoes are not worth the eggplant. And it's better in one greenhouse with tomatoes, it is not planted at all. But for peas, substances coming from tomato are very favorable, they accelerate its growth and development.

Features of growing vegetables in a greenhouse.
Even if the plants are combined correctly in the greenhouse and take into account the compatibility of vegetables, it is important to pay attention to the frequency of landing. The thickening is extremely undesirable. If in the open soil you can form a strambered bush of tomatoes in 3-4 branches, then in the greenhouse it is desirable not more than 2, and tall varieties are only one. Planting pepper is allowed to be sufficiently thick, in a checker, but Eggplant loves the spaciousness. In order to smash, one plant did not shade the other, a lot of time should be given to the timely tightness of the plants.

If you do not comply with this condition, pests often become in the greenhouse, and it is not easy to get rid of them. It is necessary to maintain the level of humidity, the excess of which can seriously harm tomatoes. Yes, and the soil must be carefully prepared, since there is no power access from the outside. Insect access that take care of timely pollination is missing too. Therefore, it should be bought seeds intended for greenhouses. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants belong to self-polished. But the grades of cucumbers are far from all so.

In regions with unpredictable weather in May-early June, it would be nice to take care of emergency heating. In the case, the seedlings are already planted, and the sun is not enough and there is a threat to frosts.

Compatibility of vegetables on abundance of feeding.

Compatibility of vegetable crops, competently chosen plants will contribute to the better growth of each other and fruiting. As practice shows, yield increases by 20-25%, when there is a favorable neighborhood.

Is it possible to plant tomatoes and eggplants in one greenhouse?

Question from our subscriber Natalia:

I have such a question - I read that there is no eggplant seedlings and tomatoes nearby, they do not bring each other. Is it true? Is it possible to plant them in one greenhouse?

Best regards, Natalia.

Vera, Biysk

Robes are somehow not very much watching love relationships between plants, harvest is important for them. But it depends on the biology of every vegetable plant. But there is one rule: do not put a number of culture that have common diseases and pests. For this reason, the withdrawal tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes are better sent to the beds, which are far away from each other. This is the first cause of "hostility" of tomatoes and eggplants.

What do tomatoes love and what they do not like? They love the light, the sun, but can grow in a relative darkening, for them, the rainy rainy days without the sun are not the tragedy, well, the bushes will stretch a little, a little shifting the time for the crewing of the fruit. Therefore, this culture is beneficial for greenhouses.

But the sun gives the sun in the summer, her tomatoes are simply not supposed to endure, for them the best temperature range from 22 to 24 degrees during the day, at night from 16 to 18 degrees. With a high temperature of pollen, tomato flowers becomes sterile, no ovary, no harvest, although the bushes can be powerful. If the temperature is in the greenhouse above 30 degrees, then even the ovary may be fastened.

Eggplant Light love very much. This culture of those locality, where the summer day is short, at least very bright and hot. This day you need to create eggplant in the greenhouse to get a rich harvest. In the middle lane in the soil, such conditions for eggplants cannot be created. On those beds, where tomatoes will give a good harvest, eggplants can grow hard for one fruit.

Eggplant requires a lot of water! Watering should be abundant! There is no sufficient amount of moisture in the soil - the fruits are bitter and curvocy. With an excessive moisture, eggplants do not make up, they begin to root. But an extra moisture for tomatoes is dry eggplant buckles! No moisture? Eggplant bush stops in growth, fall and flowers, and buds, and wound. Moisture is also air humidity. Eggplant is very comfortable with high humidity, because his homeland is India.

If the greenhouse glasses for the rescue of tomatoes from the heat shade with curtains, splashing with a chalk solution, then for eggplants almost night comes.

For tomatoes need draft. Otherwise, the flowers will not want to be polled, and they will have to do everything manually. With high humidity of the pollen of tomatoes, it also becomes wet, it cannot fly, no pollination. Tomatoes love spacious, they need greenhouses high, and the neighbors are not required for conversations.

That's all the feud ... This gardeners force plants to live in the conditions unlocked by their biological parameters. That is, in fact, make not begun, but suffering from unbearable living together.

Lyudmila Orlova (Abramova), Yekaterinburg

Faith, what are you well done, so everyone has written wonderful, everything is simple and understandable! Thank you!

Vasily, Kostroma

Colleagues, what a feud. In industrial greenhouses even vaccinate eggplant to tomato.

Elena, Lviv

Vasily, it is very interesting! And what technology can there be a photo? Logic suggests that this is quite normal - the same family - Polenic.

Margarita, Izhevsk

I am planting both eggplants, tomatoes, and pepper and another in one glass greenhouse for many years in a row. Previously, it was watering under the root now - drip + watering under the root of peppers and eggplants. I do not complain about the harvest, the phytoophtor appears at a time, as well as all who plant them separately. I live in the Baltic States.

Yes, I also put a new greenhouse, landed: cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, melons and watermelon now doubt, whether everything is wrapped, although everything is fine


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