Nitric acid salt of nitric acid presentation. Salts of nitric acid

Nitric acid salt of nitric acid presentation. Salts of nitric acid

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Lesson on the topic "Nitric acid" Grade 9 Chemistry teacher: Matyushkina T.S.

At the lesson: - we can keep up with nitrogen - we can clearly see the power of HNO 3

Chemical warm-up: 1. Formula for ammonia: a) NH 2 b) NH 4 c) NH 3 d) N 2 a) oxidizing, b) a guide, c) tim, ta іnhim. 4. Ammonium ion a) NH 2 + b) NH 4 + c) NH 3 - d) NH 3 nitrogen in ammonia: a) 0, b) -3, 4) +3, 5) 8

Chemical warm-up Determine the level of nitrogen oxidation in skin oxide

Nitric acid HNO 3 is one of the strongest acids Physical power: -bezbarvna rіdina - on the surface of "dimit", t kіp \u003d 84 about C, t pl \u003d -42 about C - on light yellow through the vision of NO 2: 4HNO 3 \u003d 2H 2 O + 4NO 2 + O 2

Original HNO 3

Chemical dominance Types of dominance of acids

Chemical dominance with metals reacts especially:

Chemical power: Interaction with non-metals

For the drinkers:

Storing of HNO 3 salts - in the agricultural state - for fabrication of fabrics - in medicine - in pyrotechnics

Revise yourself: Oxidation stage to nitrogen in HNO 3 a) -3 b) 0 c) + 5 d) + 4 guide, c) tim, і іnhim. What makes HNO 3 the most powerful acids? a) so b) nі c) to deposit depending on the weather Tsarskaya Gorilkatse a) concentrations of alcohol b) 3 volume of HCl and 1 volume of HNO 3 c) concentrated nitric acid

Finish the speech: - this year at the lesson, I recognized ... - I worked out ... - I shook ...

Homework: Vivchiti theory: stor. 118-121 Right 2, 3,4 side 121

Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and summaries

Klochkova Violetta Mikhailivna, teacher of chemistry, MBOU secondary school No. 2 named after I. I. Tarasenka st. Whistleblowers of the Krasnodar Territory.

Synopsis of a combined lesson on the topic "Nitric acid". In this age, physical, ignoble and specific powers, laboratory and industrial methods of nitric acid control are observed.

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This speech was described by the Arab chemist in the 8th century Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) in the yoga practice “The Coachman of Wisdom”, and from the 15th century this speech was used for the vocalizations of the Russian teachings of V.F. Petrushevsky in 1866 took off the dynamite for the first time. Tsya speech is a component of a rocket fire, yoga was vicorated for the first engine in the world of Radyansk jet aircraft BI - 1 king" of metals. The sum itself, which is made up of the 1st obligation of speech and the 3rd obligation of hydrochloric acid, is called the “royal burner”.

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Її magnificence Nitric acid Yakonyuk Vira Sergіїvna teacher of chemistry MOU Znamyanska ZOSH Chemistry lesson Grade 9

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First, nitric acid was taken away by alchemists, heating the sum of nitrate and salt vitriol: 4KNO3 + 2(FeSO4 7H2O) (t °) → Fe2O3 + 2K2SO4 + 2HNO3 + NO2 + 13H2O Pure nitric acid was removed first: KNO3 + H2SO4 (conc.) (t °) → KHSO4 + HNO3 "Dimna nitric acid", which practically does not avenge water

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It has been confirmed by a path that the underlying link is evenly divided between the two by sour atoms. The degree of oxidation to nitrogen in nitric acid is +5, and the valency (to give respect) is more than half, more than half the high electronic wager. Zv'yazok - covalently polar. Crystal lattice - molecular Budov

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Extraction of HNO 3 Laboratory method of extraction: NaNO3 + H2SO4 t NaHSO4 + HNO3

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Process method 1. Oxidation of ammonia to NO in the presence of a platinum-rhodium catalyst: 4NH3 + 5O2 = 4NO + 6H2O 2NO + O2 = 2NO2

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Physical dominance Physical dominance bezbarvna homeland tpl = -41.60 C tbp = 82.60 C nitric acid sounded in a yellow color,

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Follow-up (group leader): (Repetition of PTB!). 1st group: carry out the reaction of separation of nitric acid and midi(II) oxide, record the equalization of the reaction, determine type 2nd group: remove the indistinguishable base Cu (OH) 2; carry out the reaction of nitric acid and midi(II) hydroxide; write down the equal reaction, determine the її type.

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Group №1 CuO + 2 HNO3 = Cu(NO3)2 + H2O - ion exchange reaction, non-reversible CuO + 2H+ + 2 NO3- = Cu2+ + 2 NO3- + H2O CuO + 2H+ = Cu2+ + H2O Group №2 CuCl2 + 2 NaOH \u003d Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + 2 NaCl (from a non-reactive base) Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + 2 HNO3 \u003d Cu (NO3) 2 + 2 H2O - ion exchange reaction, non-reversible Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + 2H + + 2 NO3 - = Cu2+ + 2 NO3- + 2 H2O Cu(OH)2↓ + 2H+ = Cu2+ + 2 H2O Sign of the reaction - separation of the blackite precipitation of Cu(OH)2 Group No. 3 2 HNO3 + Na2CO3 = 2 NaNO3 + H2O + CO2 - reaction ion exchange, non-reversible 2 H+ + 2NO3- + 2 Na+ + CO32- = 2 Na+ +NO3- + H2O + CO2 2 H+ + CO32- = H2O + CO2 The sign of the reaction is characteristic “boiling”.

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With other acids: 1. Strong electrolyte, which dissociates well into HNO3 ions -> H + +NO3- Changes the contamination of the indicator. 2. React with basic oxides СuO+2 HNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 +H2O 3. React with bases HNO3 + KOH -> KNO3 + H2O 4. React with salts of more lethal acids Na2CO3 + 2HNO3 -> 2NaNO3 +H2CO3 \ H2OCO2

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Specific: When heated, the light expands 4HNO3 = 2H2O + 4NO2 + O2 =H2SO4+2NO P+5HNO3(60%) =H3PO4+5NO2+ H2O P+5HNO3(30%)+2H2O =3H3PO4+5NO NOnotMe + HNO3NO2 . Nitric acid oxidizes nonmetals

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The interaction of nitric acid and metals is good to do, because conc. HNO3 vikoristovuєtsya like an oxidizer rocket fire. The sense is that the products of the reaction lie in two factors: 1) the concentration of nitric acid; 2) the activity of the metal The combination of these two parameters and the storage of products in the reaction is determined. What can you do? a) metal may react, or may not react (do not react in a flash, passivate); b) a warehouse of gas mixtures (as a rule, not one gas-like product is seen, but a sum of gases, and other gas is transported over others); c) there is no water in these processes - upgrading to ammonia NH3, more precisely to NH4NO3; here the process of upgrading is N(+5) + 8e ----> N(-3)). Possible intermediate options for upgrading to NO2, NO, N2O, N2 Process scheme: HNO3 + Me ---> strength of nitric acid (nitrate) + product of nitric acid recovery + H2O

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Interaction with metals: When interacting with metals, nitrate, water and the third product are dissolved according to the scheme: HNO3 (r.) + Me (up to H2) → nitrate + H2O + NH3 (NH4NO3) HNO3 (r.) + Me (after H2) → nitrate+H2O+NO HNO3(c.)+Me(up to H2)→nitrate+H2O+N2O(N2) HNO3(c.)+Me(after H2)→nitrate+H2O+NO2 Concentrated HNO3 on Al, Cr, Fe, Au, Pt do not die.

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P.S concentrated HNO3 >60% diluted HNO3 = 30-60% more diluted HNO3

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Zastosuvanya Nitric acid:

Variety of nitrogenous and combined additives, vibukhovy rechovins (trinitrotoluene and in), organic barniki. yak okislyuvach rocket fire. - In metallurgy, nitric acid is zastosovuyut for etching and separation of metals, as well as for the bottom of gold, that silver.

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Dia on the body

Inhalation of vapors of nitric acid produce until toxic, ingestion of nitric acid (especially concentrated) on the skin of the eye. The maximum allowable amount of Nitric acid in other industrial applications is more than 50 mg/m3 in pererakhunka on N2O5

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Reverse yourself:

Oxidation stage to nitrogen in HNO3 a) -3 b) 0 c) +5 d) +4 When stored in light HNO3 a) red b) yellow c) becomes barless When interacting with metals, nitric acid є: a) oxidizing, b) reactive , C) i tim, і іnhim. Nitric acid does not react with speech, the formula is: a) CO2; b) NaOH; c) Al(OH)3; d) NH3. Tsar'ska Gorilka - ce a) concentrations of alcohol b) 3 x HCl and 1 x HNO3 c) concentrated nitric acid

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1 - y 2 - b 3 - a 4 - a 5 - b

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1. Nitric acids and characteristically powerful acids: reaction to an indicator, interactions with metal oxides, hydroxides, salts of weak acids, noise in H+ ion molecules; 2. Strong oxidizing power of nitric acid and buoyant molecule; When interacting with metals, water is not dissolved in any way, but nitrates, oxides of nitrogen or other forms (nitrogen, ammonium nitrate) are dissolved, that water is fallow due to the concentration of acidity and activity of the metal; 3. The strong oxidizing properties of HNO3 are widely sought after for the removal of various important products of the national government (goods, varnishes, plastics, etc.)

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Home tasks:

§26 exercise 4.5 Creative task - presentation of the history of the production of nitric acid. Stasis of nitric acid

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Dyakuyu for the lesson

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O.S. Gabrielian, I.G. Ostroumіv Nastіlna book of the teacher of chemistry 9th grade. Bustard 2003 Lidin R.A., Molochko V.A., Andreeva L.L. Chemical power of inorganic speech Chemistry 2000 D0%B7%D0%BE%D1

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Salts of nitric acid, zastosuvannya Motto of the lesson "Au, Na, Ar, Ne, It, Eu - Os, Ra, U, Db, In, Er, As Ni, Es C, Eu La b" L. N. Tolstoy

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to know and to name the salts of nitric acid, signify the power of the oxide or are characteristic of them; to be used: the stage of oxidation of chemical elements in the formulas of salts; types of chemical reactions, from which they can take their fate; characterize: severe chemical power of salts of nitric acid;

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Gras "Tic-Tac-Toe" Rezchin nitric acid and reaction with skin speech. MgO Al P2O5 KCl CO2 CaCO3 Al2O3 K2SiO3 Zn

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To what classes of inorganic speeches can one speak? 1. Name the salts - the products of these reactions 2. Store the molecular balance of the reactions with the elimination of the nitrates. MgO Al P2O5 KCl CO2 CaCO3 Al2O3 K2SiO3 Zn

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Finish the equal reactions and explain how you can give money when you interact. OO + HNO3 → OO + N2O5 → Ba(NO3)2 + Na2SO4 →

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Given a pair of speech, add up the possible equal reactions a) sodium hydroxide and nitric acid, b) potassium hydroxide and nitrogen oxide (V), c) calcium oxide and nitric acid, d) ammonia nitric acid, e) barium sulfate and calcium nitrate, e) sodium chloride and barium nitrate, which reaction is impossible and why?

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Recycle salts taken away as a result of possible reactions. Potassium, sodium, calcium and ammonium nitrates are called nitrates KNO3 - potassium nitrate (Indian nitrate), NaNO3 - sodium nitrate (Chilean nitrate), Ca (NO3) 2 - calcium nitrate (Norwegian nitrate) NH4NO3 - nature's nitrate of ammonium no). German industry is respected first in the world, which took away the strength of NH4NO3 from nitrogen N2, adding that water of water, which is used for eating roslin.

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Nitrati - hard crystalline speech, refractory, named after the table of retail, what kind of electric stench should be placed - strong or weak?

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What speeches are called salts? It is necessary to induce a logical lance: the type of chemical linkage - the type of crystal ridges - the strength of intermodality between the particles at the nodes of the ridge - the physical authority of speeches.

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Chemical dominance of nitrates Interaction of nitrates with metals, acids, meadows, salts Cu(NO3)2 + Zn … , AgNO3 + HCl … , Cu(NO3)2 + NaOH … , AgNO3 + BaCl2 … .

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Tsіkava іstorіya Dopitlivy khіmіk vivchiv types of chemical reactions and remembering that indistinguishable carbonates (CaCO3), sulfites (CaSO3), silicates (CaSiO3), sulphate deacids (FeSO4) are laid out for an hour of heating. Vіn having set your own goals, determine what expenses will be spent. To confirm the wines, I took a laboratory tripod, a test tube made of sodium nitrate, and an alcohol bath. Knowing that with the spreading of rich salts, gas is established, a dope chemist has prepared a torch, litmus papriets and vape water (Ca (OH) 2). If the strength heated up and melted, the wine lowered a splinter at the test tube, which was smoldering, and it rapt fired. What kind of visnovkіv deyshov young chemist?

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not a single vessel can accommodate more than its obligation, the crime is a judge of knowledge; vin is constantly expanding. Arabic language

Qiu speech in Europe is called "Chinese snow"; 808 roku Chinese alchemist Qin on the basis of vinayshov black powder. Designate the molecular formula of speech, so that up to її the warehouse includes 38.61% potassium, 13.86% nitrogen and kisen.

Salts of nitric acid

Nomenclature of salts

Budova and physical dominance nitrativ Type of chemical connection - ionn Type of crystalline ґrat - ionn

Chemical dominance, cohesion with other salts Electrolytes Reactions with acids Ba (NO₃)₂ + H₂SO₄ with meadows Fe(NO₃)₃ + NaOH with salts AgNO ₃ + BaCl ₂ with metals Cu(NO₃)₂ + Fe

The special powers of the nitrates Thermal laying out For a long time without staining, We take it like a waste By the stove they lay out. What to go out? Luzhny metal is so active, In a commanding tone, it seems: “Be nitrate - I’ll be so fluidly. And they threw from the company from magnesium to midi, Zinc, and others. Carefully and calmly, without an image, With nitrate soak up your oxide. Well, what did that mercury do? Metals that consider themselves noble, become worthy of being free.

Features of nitrates Yakisna reaction to NO₃⁻ NaNO ₃ + Cu + H₂SO₄

Nitrati: “for” and “against”

The name of the growing line Recommendations for stowing Patisson It is better to see the upper part, which admixtures to the fruit stalk, kitchen salt or ascorbic acid Carrot Vіdrіzat the upper part and the lower part of the root Table. Accumulation of nitrates in various parts of the productive organs of roslin.

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