Typical errors when lining and destroying the protection of the clan fortress. Typical errors when lining and destroying the protection of the clan fortress what a fortress is

Typical errors when lining and destroying the protection of the clan fortress. Typical errors when lining and destroying the protection of the clan fortress what a fortress is

In Lineage 2 fortresses are very popular with clans who could not buy themselves. In total, it is possible to highlight 2 types of fortresses: border and territorial.

Fortress It has a lot in common with the halls of the clans. To take possession of the fortress, you need to capture it. Depending on the location, two types of fortresses distinguish:

  • borderline;
  • territorial.
Type of fortresses Small fortresses Large fortresses
Fortress Toron Fortress Floran
Fortress Turtle Fortress of foggy mountains
Fortress Aara Antaras Fortress
Fortress Demon Western Fortress
Fortress of monks Fortress Hunters
Old fortress Dragon Fortress
Fortress Ulya
Fortress of ivory South Fortress
Fortress Narsall Fortress Bordershop
White Peskov Fortress Fortress of swamps
Snow-covered fortress Fortress Giagants

By the way, it is worth noting that near each castle or on its territory will definitely be one or two fortresses. To that the owner of the fortress himself chooses whether he will obey the lock or not.

All fortresses have their own flag, which easily defines its appearance.

  • blue flag - territorial fortress;
  • red - border fortress.

It is easiest to know information about the fortunes in the Information tab.

If you want to find out where the fortress is located, then use the card by clicking on the fortress in the list. On the map the fortress will be marked by a shield icon. If you bring the cursor to such a pictogram, you can learn more details about the fortress. If you are capturing the fortress, then you will show information about how many barracks are captured.

The ownership of the fortress gives the following advantages that are activated by the sergeant:

  • restoration possibility;
  • use of teleport;
  • using reinforcing magic;
  • using the clan storage

A variety of items, such as shirts, talismans, bracelets and others can be purchased from the Captain Support for a certain number of Knight's Epole. Special skills for detachments are purchased from the same NPC. Regardless of the political status, which owns the Fortress of the clan consistently receives the swirl blood from the supply officer every six hours, until the period of ownership is completed, or will not conquer another clan. If the fortress has become addicted to the castle, then it acquires additional protective functions that can be activated from the captain of the Guardians, and is also empowered to increase the power of the guard and supply the supplies clan to the owner that can be purchased from the supply officer. In independent fortresses, there is an opportunity to get to the underground dungeon, for this it is necessary to approach the prison warder.


Rules of ownership of a fortress

As well as the monastery, the fortresses are a clan residence. A clan that owns a fortress can be registered on the sieges of castles and other fortresses, and, having woning them, become their owner. However, the previous fortress goes under the control of NPC until any clan captures it again.

The clan can own only one fortress or a lock, while it remains the possibility of acquiring the abode of the clan.

A clan that owns a fortress can establish political ties with a clan that owns the lock in this area.

With the help of the capture of fortresses, you can get an oath blood, which is used to increase the brass reputation points and increase its level.

While the fortress of the clan is in the siege, this clan is deprived of the ability to capture other fortresses and locks.

After 168 hours (7 days) after your clan seized the fortress, the army of rebels will be attacked on it and the fortress will go under the control of NPC.

The clan cannot be registered on the siege 2 hours before the rebel attack on the fortress.

The clan cannot register on the siege 2 hours before the start.

Starshina informs about the time remaining before the attack, general Information Regarding the fortress, as well as about the situation with the territories where the harvest is harvested.

Rules Opad.

The rules of the siege of fortresses do not differ from the rules of the siege of the castles. In case of siege, all players are divided into 3 types:

  • allies;
  • opponents;
  • neutral players.

Defenders and attackers have appropriate icons:

  • members of one alliance can be on different sides during the siege.
  • attacking - a sword icon;
  • defenders - shield icon.

Players can attack hostile and neutral characters, without climbing the button Ctrl However, they cannot attack their allies.

Preparation for siege


The siege of the fortress lasts 1 hour. You can attack the fortress every 4 hours a day.

If one of the attackers of the clans raises the Battle Flag over the fortress - the siege ends.

The siege of the fortress begins after 1 hour after the first clan was registered.

Registration on the siege

Registration on the siege of the fortress is similar to registration on the siege of the castle. Any clan, whose level is not lower than 4, can sign up for a siege in a suspicious merchant, located next to the fortress.

The clan, which registered first, undertakes to pay a fee of 250,000 aden. All other clans recorded on this fortress do not pay a contribution.

After the first clan is registered, the remaining clans have 50 minutes to join the capture. During this time, registration can be canceled.

After 50 minutes, a suspicious merchant disappears and a 10-minute stage of preparation for the siege begins, after which the battle comes. If the clan owns the fortress, then it automatically becomes a defender and must beat the attack of the attackers.

Registration on the siege closes 2 hours before the start.

Start of siege

The whole territory on which the siege becomes the battle area.

Clans registered in the siege may break the lags in the precipitated territory.

As soon as the siege begins, all the inputs into the fortress are tightly locked and NPC protesters appear on the walls.

If a fortress is controlled by any clan, then the power of the guard and numerous protective functions depend on what kind of fortress the level of protection of the fortress. At the same time, the captain of NPC mercenaries appears outside the precipitated fortress, which must be protected by the attacker.

The process of siege

On the territory of the fortress is from three to five NPC barracks (it depends on the size of the fortress). Five barracks include Officer barracks, Control room, Arrow, Guard and Warrior Support. The barracks of the command are located in the center of the fortress.

If all barracks are captured within 10 minutes after capturing the first barracks, the door in the command barrack automatically opens.

To capture the barracks, you need to kill the rebel commander. In large fortresses you also need to turn off the power in the control room.

Attachment clans can use Bomb Ballists to destroy the ballast inside the fortress - it will give clan some amount of reputation points.

If the players do not fit in 10 minutes, after capturing the first barracks, the officer of each barrack appears again, and you have to capture them again.

If the players sat in the time limit, the door opens in the command barracks and the battle flags appear inside.

If the precipitated fortress is in possession of the clan, then it is necessary to keep in the living captain of mercenaries until all barracks are captured - only in this case it will be possible to get the battle flags that are inside the command barrack (only 3 pieces).

When a player picks up one of the battle flags, he automatically takes it into hand. If this player dies - the flag returns to its original place.

As soon as the player picked the flag of the battle - its speed of movement decreases, and the fighting skills get worse. Also, this player is added skill, allowing you to set the flag of the battle flag on the tree, located at the very top of the command barrack.

If the clan manages to set its battle flag using the battle flag setting - this clan wins the siege and acquires this fortress. As soon as the fortress is captured - a special messenger from the castle, which owns this land appears inside it.

Only one special envoy appears in the territorial fortress, and special envoys from all adjacent regions appear in the border fortresses.

As soon as the clan sends the territorial fortress, it can establish political ties with a clare owned by the castle in this territory or declare its independence.

Clans who own border fixes do not have the possibility of installing political ties with a clan owned by the lock, they are always independent.

Control room

In addition to installing the battle flag, there is another way to capture the fortress - turning off the control room. In large fortresses your task may be a power outage of the control room, winning the victory over all the barrars of officers and the installation of the flag. As soon as it is done, the fortress will go into your possession (control rooms only in large fortresses).

After turning off all the backup power systems near the control room, a character having a control panel can open the control panel. Map of the control cutting is extracted from the sergeant artillery of the gnomes, which are around the control room. Attempting to turn off the backup power systems should be made when the stability of the system is extremely low. Only characters who have a profession master or blacksmith can turn off the backup power system. To gain control over the control room, you must enter a three-digit password. Enter the password can any class, but the master and blacksmith make it much easier. If a certain number of times the wrong password is entered, then for some time the control is locked. Once all the backup power systems are turned off - the power supply to the control room will be discontinued. After that, the clan will remain to defeat all officers to the barracks and install your flag.

Political activity

Neutral position

After capturing the fortress, a special envoy appears in it, which for an hour expects the decision of the clan leader, which policy will adhere to. For this hour, the fortress acquires neutral status. This status is characterized by the inability to enhance the fortress and use the dungeon, but all other functions, including an increase in the reputation points in the sergeant, remain available.

Independent position

The fortress becomes independent, if the leader of the clan owning this fortress or if no solution was taken within an hour after successful capture.

If the fortress announced independence, then the clan that owns the lock located on this territory can register with the siege of this fortress.

Independent fortresss cannot improve their protective abilities through the captain of the Guardians.

For independent fortresses, it is limited to observe protection status through the supply officer.

The castle does not supply independent fortress with their goods.

An independent fortress has its own dungeon where the players of the clan, which owns it can descend. To do this, they need to talk to the prison supervisor.

Contract position

The fortresses enter into a contract with the lock in the case when the clan leader makes a similar choice in a conversation with a special envoy.

If the clan swore to the loyalty to Lord Castle, he undertakes to pay a certain tax to this castle every six hours. This tax is automatically removed from the Casna clan.

If the money in the execution of the clan is not enough to pay tax, the fortress automatically goes into the discharge of independent.

The subordinate castle is endowed with all the possibilities of management, but the underground dungeon is deprived.

The castle, which concluded a contract with a fortress, undertakes to supply it by special goods that can be purchased from the supply officer. Level (quality) of these goods rises every six hours.

Wring the lock clan is deprived of two reputation points with each delivery of goods for the fortress.

If the number of points of the reputation of the clan, the lock control becomes less than two, then the delivery of goods into the fortress is terminated, and the leader of the clan owned by the fortress, receives a system notice of this.

The maximum level of the goods supplied is the sixth.

If the clan that owns the fortress, acquires the goods from the supply officer, the level of delivery is reset again on zero.

If the clan who owns the castle has a fortress on its territory, who switched to him to loyalty - it is endowed with the opportunity to descend into the dungeon of the castle.

Benefits from ownership

Fortress dungeon (time zone)

If the fortress is an independent, NPC prison ward can give you access to a special fortress dungeon. He also, regardless of the political status of the fortress, is able to give you a special task associated with the dungeon of the fortress. To fulfill this quest in the group, it is necessary that each member of the group takes this task.

In the dungeon you can get a group of two people or more, a request for visiting the dungeon should make the leader of the group belonging to the clan that owns the fortress.

In the dungeon of the fortress, you can enter once every four hours and only one group has the right there.

If the character came out of the game during a visit to the dungeon, then at the time of his next right to play the game, it will appear inside the fortress in the prison warder.

Raid bosses that are inside the dungeon disappear 10 minutes after the group entered inside, provided that they were not attacked.

If the raid boss of this dungeon was defeated, then the band who killed him is awarded the sign of the dungeon leader, which can then be exchanged for a knightly epole.


For successful capture of the fortress, the clan receives 100 clan reputation points. Loss of fortress on the clan reputation glasses does not affect.

As soon as the clan captured the fortress, his reputation glasses begin to increase every six hours. Another advantage is the possibility of buying an empty blood from the supply officer.

During the siege of the fortress, the Knight's Epolet can be obtained as a trophy killing NPC defenders and officers.

The blood of the Alliance, the swirl blood and the knightly epoles can be exchanged from the mulling of the clan clan and mule on the points of the clan reputation.

Clan who captured the fortress can buy special goods from the Fortress officer

The leader of the clan capturing the fortress, can use a wigean for flights, for this you need to talk with the manager of Vivenni

see also products and services NPC in the Fortress

Effects of the fortress

The clan, which owns the fortress, is automatically endowed with special effects. These effects apply to all clan members, including the Academy. After capturing the fortress, the clan receives two, and for the western fortress for the whole three special effect. With the loss of the fortress, the clan is deprived of all the fortress effects.

Name fortress Skills Description
Old fortress
Shanty Fortress
Blessing Body Residents
Block cover monastery
South Fortress
Southern Fortress
Block cover monastery Increases the chance of protection of the shield of all clan members at 54.7, if the clan controls the property.
Fortress Ulya
Hive Fortress
Assumption of monastery
Resistance to Lava Residents
Dragon Fortress
Valley Fortress
Clean the abode
The power of the will of the monastery
Fortress of ivory
Ivory Fortress
Freedom of monastery
Moral abode
Fortress Narsall
Narsell Fortress
Blessing Body Residents Increases max. HP all clan members on 222 if the clan controls property.
Mental shield monastery
Fortress Giagants
Bayou Fortress
Inspiring monastery
Power of monastery Increases Piz. ATK. All clan members 34.6, if the clan controls property.
White Peskov Fortress
White Sands Fortress
Magic barrier abode
Blessing of the spirit of monastery
Fortress Bordershop
Borderland Fortress.
Posthumous luck abode
Blessing of the spirit of monastery
Fortress of swamps
Swamp Fortress
Precision abode
Shield monastery Increases Piz. Row. All clan members 54.7, if the clan controls the property.
Snow-covered fortress
Archaic Fortress
Blessing Body Residents Increases max. HP all clan members on 222 if the clan controls property.
Mental shield monastery Increases permanent resistance for all clan members by 10 if the clan controls the property.
Fortress Floran.
Floran Fortress
Freedom of monastery Increases resistance to hold for all clan members to 10 if the clan controls the property.
Precision abode Increases the accuracy of all clan members to 4 if the clan controls the property.
Fortress of foggy mountains
Cloud Mountain Fortress
The power of the will of the monastery Increases stunning resistance for all clan members to 10 if the clan controls the property.
Posthumous luck abode Lowering the loss of experience and chances of obtaining other death penalties for all clan members if the clan controls property.
Fortress Toron
Tanor Fortress.
Move the monastery Increases the speed of all clan members to 6 if the clan controls the property.
Resistance to Lava Residents Increases fire resistance and land for all clan members at 10, if the clan controls the property.
Fortress Turtle
Dragonspine Fortress
Magic barrier abode Increases magician. Row. All clan members are 44 if the clan controls property.
Resistance typhoon monastery Increases water and wind resistance for all clan members to 10 if the clan controls the property.
Antaras Fortress
Antharas' fortress
Inspiring monastery Increases magician. ATK. All clan members at 40.4, if the clan controls property.
Protection of monastery
Western Fortress
Western Fortress
Posthumous luck abode Lowering the loss of experience and chances of obtaining other death penalties for all clan members if the clan controls property.
Protection of monastery Increases the protection of all clan members by 225 if the clan controls the property.
Shield monastery Increases Piz. Row. All clan members on 54.7, if the clan controls property.
Fortress Hunters
Hunter's Fortress.
Assumption of monastery Increases the evasion of all clan members to 4 if the clan controls the property.
Power of monastery Increases Piz. ATK. All clan members are 34.6 if the clan controls property.
Fortress Aara
Aaru Fortress.
Clean the abode Increases the recovery rate of MP all clan members by 0.47 if the clan controls the property.
Blessing of the spirit of monastery Increases max. MP all clan members at 168, if the clan controls property.
Fortress Demon
Demon Fortress.
Moral abode Increases the recovery rate of CP all clan members on 1.09 if the clan controls the property.
Blessing of the spirit of monastery Increases max. CP all clan members at 444, if the clan controls the property.
Fortress of monks
Monastic Fortress.
Blessing Body Residents Increases max. HP all clan members on 222 if the clan controls property.
Health abode Increases the recovery rate of HP all clan members per 1.09 if the clan controls the property.

Dungeons Fortress

A clan owning an independent fortress can visit the dungeon of the fortress.

The entrance to the dungeon is carried out through the NPC prison warder.

The entrance to the dungeon is possible every 4 hours (when victory over the monsters in the dungeon), if the group has not mistakenly entered the dungeon, you can enter the desired in 20 minutes.

If the player came out of the game or lost communication with the server while in the dungeon, then after entering the game it will be outside, in the prison warder. To enter back to the dungeon, the player must accept in the same group in which he was before departure, after which it should press the top line in the dialogue with the overseer.

Danger in the underground

Light beam in darkness

Products and services NPC in the fortress


The older fortress is activated:

Name Act Period Cost
HP Recovery 300% 7 days 12,000 Aden
400% 7 days 20,000 Aden
MP Restore 40% 7 days 45,000 Aden
50% 7 days 65,000 Aden
Restoration of experience 45% 7 days 63,000 Aden
50% 7 days 70,000 Aden
Teleportation 1 UR. 7 days 1,000 Aden
2 ur. 7 days 10,000 Aden
Auxiliary magic 5 UR. 7 days 49,000 Aden
8 UR. 7 days 120,000 Aden

Captain Guaji

Captain Guardians are activated by the protective mechanisms of the fortress (available only in the fortress subordinate to the castle)

Officer of supply

In the strength of the slave castle, the supply officer can activate the gain of the lock protection and get the supply from the lock. The supply level increases every 6 hours (25,000 aden is written from the clan treasury), the higher the level, the higher the quality of the goods sent. Maximum level 6. If you get the supply, its level is reset again by 1. Every 6 hours you can get an oath blood

Improving the level of protection:

Level Improved protection What rises Cost
1 UR. Rises by 120% 100,000 Aden
2 ur. Raised by 150% Physical attack and physical protection 150,000 Aden

Supply from the castle:

Captain Support

Captain Support You can buy mascots, decorations, shirts, and you can enjoy shirts. Also, this NPC can be learned the skills for the royal guard and the Knight Order of the clan.


A type Name Cost
Epoletti. Aden
Items Human diadem Knight's Epole - 480 pcs. 720,000 Aden
Diadem elves Knight's Epole - 480 pcs. 720,000 Aden
Tiamets of dark elfs Knight's Epole - 480 pcs. 720,000 Aden
Diadem Orkov Knight's Epole - 480 pcs. 720,000 Aden
Diadem gnomes Knight's Epole - 480 pcs. 720,000 Aden
Diadem Kamaeley Knight's Epole - 480 pcs. 720,000 Aden
Agathione Bracelet - Fortress 5,000,000 Aden
Teleport Scroll: Fortress 500 Aden
Cut Vivenna 300 Aden
Blessed Scroll of Teleport: Fortress 200,000 Aden
Bangles Iron Bracelet. Knight's Epole - 216 pcs.
Bronze bracelet. Knight's Epole - 480 pcs.
Steel bracelet. Knight's Epole - 1144 pcs.
Mithril bracelet. Knight's Epole - 3556 pcs.
Shirts Silk Rubah Knight's Epole - 80 pcs.
Striped silk shirt Knight's Epole - 180 pcs.
Fine leather shirt Knight's Epole - 260 pcs.
Knight's Epole - 260 pcs.
Scaly Rubaha Knight's Epole - 588 pcs.
Striped scaly shubah Knight's Epole - 880 pcs.
Myfril Rubaha Knight's Epole - 1800 pcs.
Striped myfril shubah Knight's Epole - 2540 pcs.
Talismans Random talisman Knight's Epole - 10 pcs.

Enchanting Rubs:

Shirt Engagement type Cost
Silk Rubah HP Raising (+118) Knight's Epole - 120 pcs.
Enhance MP (+51) Knight's Epole - 120 pcs.
Enhance CP (+354) Knight's Epole - 60 pcs.
Striped silk shirt HP Raising (+135) Knight's Epole - 140 pcs.
Raising MP (+66) Knight's Epole - 140 pcs.
Enhance CP (+405) Knight's Epole - 70 pcs.
Fine leather shirt HP Raising (+147) Knight's Epole - 180 pcs.
Enhance MP (+72) Knight's Epole - 180 pcs.
Enhance CP (+441) Knight's Epolet - 90 pcs.
Striped fine skin shirt HP Raising (+160) Knight's Epole - 210 pcs.
Raising MP (+78) Knight's Epole - 210 pcs.
Enhance CP (+480) Knight's Epole - 105 pcs.
Scaly Rubaha HP boost (+172) Knight's Epole - 240 pcs.
Raising MP (+85) Knight's Epole - 240 pcs.
Enhance CP (+516) Knight's Epole - 120 pcs.
Striped scaly shubah HP Raising (+186) Knight's Epole - 310 pcs.
Raising MP (+92) Knight's Epole - 310 pcs.
Enhance CP (+564) Knight's Epole - 155 pcs.
Myfril Rubaha HP Raising (+224) Knight's Epole - 500 pcs.
Enhance MP (+111) Knight's Epole - 500 pcs.
Enhance CP (+672) Knight's Epole - 250 pcs.
Striped myfril shubah HP boost (+246) Knight's Epole - 550 pcs.
Raising MP (+122) Knight's Epole - 550 pcs.
Enhance CP (+744) Knight's Epole - 225 pcs.

Skills for clan divisions:

Vivenna Managing

The clan leader can ride vivierne, it is necessary to come to the control with the driving dragon and crystal: B-rank - 25 pcs. .

Suspicious merchant

A suspicious merchant, who can buy various items, wanders around each fortress, disappears 50 minutes before the end of the siege.

List of selling items:

Name Cost
Code of Giants - oblivion Knight's Epole - 200 pcs. , 1,000,000 Aden
Code of Giants - Discipline Knight's Epole - 540 pcs. , 1,260,000 Aden
Code of Giants - Mastery Knight's Epole - 1800 pcs. , 1,800,000 Aden
Combat Spell - Wizard Shield 3,000 Aden
Combat spell - magician 3,600 Aden
Combat spell - healer 3,500 Aden
Combat Spell - Master Dagger 3,200 Aden
Combat Spell - Master Luke 2,900 Aden
Combat Spell - Berserk 2,200 Aden
Blessed switch teleport with battlefield 27,000 Aden
Transformation scroll on the battlefield 8,000 Aden
Martial potion healing 1,400 Aden
Magic Energy Mail Potion 9,200 Aden
Combat potion CP. 4,000 Aden
Mental power potion 7,200 Aden
Potion jellyfish 8,000 Aden
High-speed acceleration potion 3,000 Aden
Bomb Ballists 4,000 Aden
Full bottle - 5 shower (for battle) 1,500 Aden
Rope for fishing 4,000 Aden

About fortresses

Fortress - This is a small residential clan structure similar to Clancholl. It can be captured during the siege.

Depending on the location of the fortress, there are large and small, border (Border Fortress) and territorial (Territory Fortress).

Small fortresses

Screenshot of the Fortress

Narsell Fortress Fortress Screenshot

  • Aaru Fortress - border
  • DEMON FORTRESS - border
  • DragonSpine Fortress - border
  • Monastic Fortress - border
  • Tanor Fortress - border

Big fortresses

  • Antharas "Fortress - border
  • Cloud Mountain Fortress - border
  • Floran Fortress - border
  • Hunter "S Fortress - border
  • Western Fortress - border

Each area is one or two fortresses. They can choose an alliance, or independence with (from) lock (lock) on this territory.

Rules of fortresses

Fortresses, like Clancolls, are the habitat of the clan. The clan, which owns the fortress, can register on the siege of castles and other fortresses and qualify for possession of them in case of victory. In this case, the old fortress goes to the NPC.

One clan can simultaneously own either a lock or a fortress and clanholm. A clan that owns a fortress can establish political ties with a clan that owns the lock on the same territory.

Blood Oath Clan can be obtained by capturing the fortress. Blood Oath can raise a reputation and level of clan at 9 level.

If the fortress belonging to the clan, in the siege, this clan cannot take possession of another fortress, even if it captures its flag.

Information about the world / Fasteners information can be viewed on Minikart (Alt + M). The border fortresses are marked with a red flag, territorial - blue.

Siege fortress

The siege of the fortress lasts one hour and can occur every 4 hours around the clock. If the flagpole is raised on the flag of Fight, the siege of the fortress is over. The siege of the fortress begins 60 minutes after its first announcement through the record.

Rules of siege fortress

The general rules for the siege of the fortress are similar to the rules of the siege of the castle. Participants are divided into three groups: friendly side, enemy side and neutral. For attackers, the entire alliance or clan becomes a friendly side, those who are not in alliances become neutrals.

After the start of the siege of the fortress, the defenders are indicated by a shield icon above their heads, and the attackers - a sword icon. Colors of shield icons and sword different.

Players can automatically attack enemies and neutrals without pressing the Ctrl key.

Attack friendly players can not be attacked.

Registration on the siege of the fortress

The registration procedure for the siege of the fortress is similar to that on the castle siege. At the siege of the fortress can be registered with clan. At the siege of the fortress, the clan of level 4 and above can be recorded at the corresponding Suspicious Merchant NPC near the fortress.

Clan, the first fortress-written on the siege, should pay a fee. The remaining clans who recorded on the siege of the same fortress, the fee do not pay. They have 50 minutes to sign up after recording the first clan.

Registration on the siege of the fortress can be canceled within 50 minutes after the first record.

After 50 minutes after recording the first clan, Suspicious Merchant disappears, and after the countdown, the siege begins for another 10 minutes.

A clan that owns the precipitated fortress is automatically registered as a defender.

Start of siege

After the start of the siege, the terrain around the fortress is considered a siege territory. In this area, registered clans can install siege flags (Siege Headquarters).

The gate of the fortress is closed and special NPC guards are displayed. If there is a clan - defender of the fortress, then the level of NPC guards and various other functions affect the level of the Fortress Defense level. COMMANDER NPC also appears, which should guard the defenser clan.

The process of the siege of the fortress

Inside the fortress there are from 3 to 5 camps (depending on the size of the fortress), and the command camp is located in the center.

If all the lags are captured within 10 minutes after capturing the first camp, the command camp door opens automatically.

To capture the camp, you need to kill the Commander NPC of each camp or turn off the power in the Control Room (in the big fortress you must accomplish both conditions).

The clan can use Ballista BOMBS to destroy Ballista inside the fortress, and this earn a certain amount of clan reputation.

If 10 minutes after the destruction of the first camp, the players cannot destroy all the others, then Commander NPC appears again, and all the lagi have to be destroyed.

If players capture all the lags for the allotted time, the doors of the command camp open, and the flags of the fortress appear inside it.

When the player takes the flag, it automatically dresses. There are three Fortress flags. If the player carrying the flag is dying, the flag appears again, so there are always three flags.

Flags of the fortress give those who carry them, two skills:

  • Flag Equipment - reduces player speed (passive);
  • Raise Flag - makes it possible to raise the flag on the flagpole (active).

After taking a fortress from the castle of this territory, Ambassador NPC is sent (ambassador).

The flagpole is on the roof of the Command Camp (central building). If the clan has time to set the flag on the flagpole using the Raise Flag skill, he wins the siege and become the owner of the fortress.

After taking a fortress from the castle of this territory, Ambassador NPC (ambassador), which you can find inside COMMAND CAMP is sent.

In Territory Fortresses, only ambassador from the castle from this territory appears. The Border Fortress arrives ambassadors from all neighboring territories.

The new owner of the fortress can either swear to the loyalty of the castle of this area, or remain independent.

The Border Fortress clan owner can only proclaim independence.

Control Room (Control Room)

In addition to installing flags, there is another way to capture the fortress - disable the Control Room, which is only available in large fortresses.

After disconnecting all the Sub Power Systems, the Access Card player can open the door of this room.

Access Card can be obtained from Dwarves next to the Control Room.

To disable the Sub Power System, wait until its health fell. In order to disable the Sub Power System, you need Maestro or Warsmith. To activate controllers in the Control Room, the larger password of three digits.

A password can enter any class, but Maestro or Warsmith will be able to find a password faster.

If a certain number of times is entered the wrong password, the controllers are temporarily disconnected.

After the entire main nutrition is disabled in Control Room, the clan picks up the fortress.

Fortress opportunities

Manager NPC in the team camp makes it possible to reduce the loss of experience (like in clanhollah), territorial teleports, bass and clan warehouse.

Supply Captain NPC offers such objects such as shirts and talismans. You can also buy the skills of Knight Unit and Guard Unit for CLP.

For Knight "s Epaulettes you can buy shirts, bracelets and talismans.

Proportional to the time of ownership of the fortress, you can get Clan Points.

If you switched on loyalty to the lock, you can activate Fortress Defense Functions and get a greater number of guvard (on the next siege) and more items from Guard Captain.

Independent fortresses (those that did not swear on loyalty to the castle) can enter the underground prison (Instanced Dungeon), where there is a prison gatekeeper Warder NPC.

Political activity

Capturing the fortress, the clan can swear to the faithfulness of the relevant territory or the lock via Ambassador NPC (ambassador).

Only ambassador from the castle of the relevant territory appears in the territorial fortresses. In the border fortresses there are ambassadors of all neighboring territories.

The clan, which owns the territorial fortress, may or swipe the castle, or remain independent. The clan owning the border strength can proclaim independence through the ambassador.

Ambassador NPC disappears in an hour. If during this time the oath was not given to loyalty, the fortress becomes independent.

If the clan swirls the castle, different functions become available.

Uncoated Fortress (Nonpartisan State)

If a clan, owning a fortress, cannot make a choice in favor of a contract or independent position (Contracted State / Independent State) before the ambassador, the fortress goes to the non-aligned position (NonPartisan State).

If the fortress is non-aligned, its protective functions cannot be used, you can also use a dungeon, but the clan can use additional functions and reputation via Manager NPC.

Independent State (Independent State)

If the clan, capturing the fortress, decides to refuse the oath to loyalty, the fortress goes into an independent position (independent state).

Capturing the fortress, the clan can proclaim independence through Ambassador NPC. If the fortress in an independent position, then the castle clan owner on the same territory can sign up for the siege of this fortress.

Independent fortresses cannot improve their protective properties before the next siege.

Such a strength control functions like a defense control, in an independent fortress are not available.

To receive Fortress Items, an independent fortress can participate in underground hits under the fortress - Underground Prison. To do this, you need to talk to Detention Camp Warden.

Allied position (Contracted State)

The fortress enters the union when the clan leader agrees to accept the Union, talking to the ambassador of the castle.

When the fortress enters the union position, the clan owning the fortress should pay the castle tax every 6 hours in the amount of 12,500 aden. The tax is automatically charged from Clan Warehouse.

If a clan that owns the fortress does not have the desired amount of adena in Clan Warehouse, the status of the fortress automatically moves from the union to independent.

When the fortress is in the union state, all its functions are available for use, but the entrance to the underground prison will be limited.

When the fortress is in the union state, the clan can get supplies, talking to the Logistics Officer NPC. The level of supply items rises every 6 hours, when the tax is paid.

For each subject of supply, from the clan owned by the lock, which the fortress swelled, 2 CLPs are deducted.

If the number of CLP clan, owning the lock, falls to 2 - the level of supply items will not increase; The clan leader of the clan, which owns the lock will be notified by the corresponding system message.

The level of supply items can be enhanced to the sixth.

The level of supply items obtained by Logistic Officer NPC is zero. Clan, the castle owner, can use the underground prison (Instanced Dungeon) inside his castle, if any fortress swore the castle.


Capturing the fortress, the clan receives 100 CLP (Clan Reputation Points). The loss of the fortress does not lead to the loss of CLP.

After capturing the fortress, the level of the clan's reputation rises every six hours. Logistics Officher NPC can be obtained by Blood Oath.

During the siege of the fortress from Defender NPC or Commander NPC, you can get Knight "s epaulette.

If Blood Pledge or Knights Epaulette is to hand over such clan Merchant as Ilia or Hulia, then you can get a certain amount of CLP.

Residential Skill

The owner of the fortress automatically receives Residential Skills.

There are 2 Residential Skills, and in the fortress Western Fortress - 3 Residential Skills.

Losing the fortress, the clan loses and Residential Skills.

Fortress Dungeon (Instanced Dungeon)

If the fortress is independent, then the Warden NPC can be obtained by Instanced Dungeon Quest.

In Fortress Dungeon, you can get a group of 3 or more players, upon request of the group leader.

In Fortress Dungeon, you can get every four hours in the amount of no more than one group.

Players cannot request two Fortress Monster Prison at the same time.

Relogne in Fortress Dungeon is impossible.

In the Relogne, the player appears before Fortress Dungeon NPC.

The murder of the Boss raid in Fortress Dungeon is given to ten minutes, or it disappears.

After killing the Boss raid, you get Dungeon Leader Mark.

Dungeon Leader Mark can be exchanged for Knight "s epaulettes. They can be used to buy shirts, bracelets and talismans at Manager NPC.

Let us leave the prose in the form of guessings of plants growing on the windowsill of the NCSOFT office and turn to the facts.

21 Raskidan Fortress over all Mape Aden since Chaotic Throne: Interlude.
In CT1, when no one hoped (smile), the siege was launched.
Fortresses are divided into large and small, as well as on border and territorial.

What is the fortress?

All the same Buffa, teleports and reeds. Everyone is also paid from the pocket of the one who connects this business (and has powers).

Manager NPC in the team camp makes it possible to reduce the loss of experience (as in clanhollah), increase the regeneration of HP / CPU / MP, territorial teleports, bumbes and clan warehouse.
Supply Captain NPC offers such objects such as shirts and talismans. You can also buy the skills of Knight Unit and Guard Unit for reputation points.
For Knight's Epaulettes you can buy shirts, bracelets and talismans.
In proportion to the time of ownership of the fortress, you can get Clan Points. [?]
If you switched on loyalty to the lock, you can activate Fortress Defense Functions and get a greater number of guvard (on the next siege) and more items from Guard Captain.
Independent fortresses (those that did not swear on loyalty to the castle) can enter the underground prison (Instanced Dungeon), where there is a prison gatekeeper Warder NPC.


During the siege of the fortress from Defender NPC or Commander NPC, you can get Knight's Epaulette.
If Blood Pledge or Knights Epaulette is to hand over such clan Merchant as Ilia or Hulia, then you can get a certain amount of CLP.

The owner of the fortress automatically receives Residential Skills.
There are 2 Residential Skills, and in the fortresses of Western Borderline - 3 Residential Skills.
Losing the fortress, the clan loses and Residential Skills.

Restriction on the simultaneous possession

The clan possessing the fortress can register on the siege of the castle or another fortress. In case of good luck, the former fortress is leaving under the control of NPC.

The clan can simultaneously have clanholl + fortress / (or) lock.

Registration on the siege of the fortress

If you can not find well, that is, 3 possible options:
1. The siege has already been signed up and less than 10 minutes left before the siege (with such a situation, NPC disappears)
2. The siege recently took place and went counting at 4 hours. NPC all this time will not be.
3. You have topographic cretinism

  • To sign up for the fortress of the clan must be the 4th level or higher.
  • If your fortress was registered, then you will receive a message. In chat systems, not otherwise, because Large white inscriptions in the center of the screen there is definitely not.
  • Within another 50 minutes after the first registration, other clans can also sign up for the siege.
  • Explore the first is your roig simply: with the first regime, 250K adene is removed, for the subsequent fees is not charged

Start of siege

Surregated clans can install flags in the siege zone.
Doors in the fortress are locked and the guard will be spawned throughout the fortress.
If the fortress belonged to another clan, then the level of the guard, as well as protective functions depend on the Fortress Defense Level (installed as in the locks).

Regulations for the siege

Inside the fortress in a circle there are 3 (small) / 5 (large) camps, the command camp is located in the center.
To open the doors of the command camps, you need to capture all the lags in 10 minutes. The countdown of these 10 minutes begins from the moment of disconnecting one (any) of them.
The capture of all types of camps except one happens like this: you need to kill the NPC commander, only the control room differs (see below).

Ballista BOMBS (Sold by Suspicious Saler) are used to destroy the ballists inside the fortress, and this earn a certain amount of Clan's reputation [?].
If 10 minutes after the destruction of the first camp, the players cannot destroy all the others, then Commander NPC appears again, and all the lagi have to be destroyed.

If players capture all the lags for the allotted time, the doors of the command camp open, and the flags of the fortress appear inside it.
When the player takes the flag, it automatically dresses. There are three Fortress flags. If the player carrying the flag is dying, the flag appears again, so there are always three flags.
Flags of the fortress give those who carry them, two skills

  1. Flag Equipment - Reduces player speed (passive)
  2. Raise Flag- makes it possible to raise the flag on the flagpole (active).

The flagpole is on the roof of the Command Camp (central building). If the clan has time to set the flag on the flagpole using the Raise Flag skill, he wins the siege and become the owner of the fortress.
After taking a fortress from the castle of this territory, Ambassador NPC (ambassador), which you can find inside COMMAND CAMP is sent.

In Territory Fortresses, only ambassador from the castle from this territory appears. The Border Fortress arrives ambassadors from all neighboring territories.
The new owner of the fortress can either swear to the loyalty of the castle of this area, or remain independent.
The Border Fortress clan owner can only proclaim independence.

  • If the clan already has a fortress and besieged another, he will not be able to capture it if at this moment the old fortress is deposited, even if the flag is captured.

Control Room (Control Room)

Its capture is different from the capture of others, so we consider in more detail.

Around the control room is the Sub Power Systems.
After disconnecting all the Sub Power Systems, the Access Card player can open the door of this room.
Access Card falls from the dwarves next to the Control Room (those with flamers).
To disable the Sub Power System, wait until its health fell.
In order to disable the Sub Power System need a gnome crafter
To activate controllers in Control Room, you need a password from three digits.
The password can enter any class, but quickly and without a special gemmore can only be made by the crafter.
If a certain number of times is entered the wrong password, the controllers are temporarily disconnected.

Friendly Fire.

All as a siege of locks.

Fines for death

Standard -4% adjusted to Hylvl and clan skill, if the clan just fastened.
Similarly, on the siege of locks.

Political activity

Only ambassador from the castle of the relevant territory appears in the territorial fortresses. In the border fortresses there are ambassadors of all neighboring territories.
The clan, which owns the territorial fortress, may or swipe the castle, or remain independent. The clan owning the border strength can proclaim independence through the ambassador.
Ambassador NPC disappears in an hour. If during this time the oath was not given to loyalty, the fortress becomes independent.
If the clan swirls the castle, different functions become available.

Uncoated Fortress (Nonpartisan State)

If the fortress is non-aligned, its protective functions cannot be used, you can also use a dungeon, but the clan can use additional functions and reputation via Manager NPC.

Independent State (Independent State)

Capturing the fortress, the clan can proclaim independence through Ambassador NPC.
If the fortress is in an independent position, the castle clan owner on the same territory can sign up for the siege of this fortress.
Independent fortresses cannot improve their protective properties before the next siege.
Such a strength control functions like a defense control, in an independent fortress are not available.
To receive Fortress Items, an independent fortress can participate in underground hits under the fortress - Underground Prison. To do this, you need to talk to Detention Camp Warden.

Allied position (Contracted State)

When the fortress enters the union position, the clan owning the fortress should pay the castle tax every 6 hours in the amount of 12,500 aden. The tax is automatically charged from Clan Warehouse.
If the clan that owns the size does not have the desired amount of adena in Clan Warehouse, the status of the fortress automatically moves from the union to the independent one.
When the fortress is in the union state, all its functions are available for use, but the entrance to the underground prison will be limited.
When the fortress is in the union state, the clan can get supplies, talking to the Logistics Officer NPC. The level of naism items increases every 6 hours, when the tax is paid.
For each subject of supply, from the clan owned by the lock, which the fortress swelled, 2 CLPs are deducted.
If the number of CLP clan, owning the lock, falls to 2 - the level of supply items will not increase; The clan leader of the clan, which owns the lock will be notified by the corresponding system message.
The level of supply items can be enhanced to the sixth.
The level of supply items obtained by Logistic Officer NPC is zero.
Clan, the castle owner, can use the underground prison (Instanced Dungeon) inside his castle, if any fortress swore the castle.

Fortress Dungeon (Instanced Dungeon)

In Fortress Dungeon, you can get a group of 3 or more players, upon request of the group leader.
In Fortress Dungeon, you can get every four hours in the amount of no more than one group.
Players cannot request two Fortress Monster Prison at the same time.
Relogne in Fortress Dungeon is impossible.
When Relogneiy, the player appears before Fortress Dungeon NPC.
The murder of the Boss raid in Fortress Dungeon is given to ten minutes, or it disappears.
After killing the Boss raid, you get Dungeon Leader Mark.
Dungeon Leader Mark can be exchanged for Knight's Epaulettes.
They can be used to buy shirts, bracelets and talismans at Manager NPC.

Current Status of Forty ...

You can see on a game map. World Info (Information) -\u003e Fortress Info (Fortress). It looks like this:

Fortress Name - respectively, the name of the fortress
Occupied Clan - name of the clan owner
Current Status - At Peace \u003d Siege is not conducted, at war - siege
Time Held - the number of time, which this clan holds the fortress by non-stop.

On the map, the border fortresses are marked with a red flag, and territorial blue

The clan fortress is necessary to create or attach the clan. It contains troops that can be used or as a reinforcement during an attack, or as defenders, when the player's base attacks the opponent.

Players start the game with a destroyed clan fortress, which is surrounded by obstacles (plants and stones) and cannot be moved. After restoring the fortress, players can create a clan or join the already existing one. The restored clan fortress can also be moved, and you do not need to first join the clan for this.

After the player joins the clan, it gets the opportunity to request reinforcements every 20 minutes (or faster using crystals). In addition, players can add a message to notify other players about what troops they need. Other members of the clan, seeing a request in the Clana Chat window, can sacrifice the maximum 5 of their units in favor of the clan fortress. Players can use these troops during the battle. They will protect the database when the player is offline.

Players get experience points, sacrificing their troops. The number of experience points has depends on the living area of \u200b\u200bthe provided troops. For example, giving 1, the player receives 1 unity of experience; Saltling 1, he will earn 5 units of experience, 1 - 20 units, - 30 units. Players can give a maximum of 5 units on request. Each donated unit is taken into account when receiving the achievement of "Friend in trouble".

As part of the update of April 9, 2014, the clan fortress has become a storage for bonus military mining, earned in the war clan. The higher the level of the fortress, the more production can be stored in it. Mining, which is kept in the clan fortress, should be collected before it can be spent. It can be looted by enemies directly during the battle. To save this bonus prey, small drives of three types have been added at the top of the clan fortress.


Defense tactic

When enemies enter the 12-cell radius of your fortress of clan, troops presented by your Soklanovs will join the attack. During protection, troops from your clan strength can jump over. This statement is true for heroes.

When choosing a definition of the clan, the radius of its actions can be seen in the same way as the range of the actions of the turret. This is the only building besides defensive structures, which has it.

If the definition of the clan is destroyed during protection, any troops remaining inside it cannot be deployed until the fortress is repaired. This one can occur if the attack uses exclusively air units, and some or all troops inside the fortress are targeted only on ground troops and, therefore, will not be deployed.

Try to put the fortress of the clan somewhere close to the center of the village, which will allow the troops to quickly respond to attacks in any direction.

Remember that after the enemy troops that do not have a priority goal will be known for troops protecting the fortress of the clan, they aim to these troops. This desire can even encourage them to break through through the walls if necessary to get to the defending troops. Thus, the placement of the fortress of the clan, full of missions, behind the inner wall will force the attacking troops to destroy the wall before proceeding to the attack of adjacent buildings, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not.

The fortress has many hitposts, in which, as a rule, is inferior only. This makes it a very good building to absorb damage when attacking your protection.

Although the fortress of the clan is a very useful building for defensive purposes, troops that are aimed at protective structures (giants, riders in boars, and golems) will not consider it a priority goal. They will do it only after all defensive structures are destroyed, and only if the fortress is the next closest building.

Protecting the fortress units that survive in defense, regardless of their level of health, are returned to the clan fortress in full health (if they are used in the attack, they will need to be replaced regardless of whether they survived or not).

If the air units attack you, they will come out and start protection only those troops that are aimed at air opponents (linens, dragons and in the same order). All other troops will remain in the clan fortress until ground units are deployed.

Lien is considered good troops of the clan fortress. They only occupy one place and are able to attack air units.

Offensive tactics

It is very important to try to lure troops from the defendant fortress of the clan when attacking. Players can do this by turning one unit in the range of an enemy clan fortress, which will prevent the situation at which players are forced to fight these troops in the range of an enemy defense. It is also very useful to find out what type of defendant troops is in the clan fortress, before deploying a whole army (for example, you do not want to deploy a massively when the enemy has balloons to protect its base).

After knocking the troops from the fortress, the player can or surrender in the battle (if you decide that these troops can put you at a disadvantage), or ignore them (not recommended), or destroy them with a lightning spell, or lure them away from defensive structures and start the battle. Please note that after the deployment of the troops of the Clan's fortress will no longer have a launch radius and will travel along the entire length of the map to attack any enemy units. Use it in your interests and lure them as far as possible from defensive structures.

The easiest way to cope with strong troops (level 5 or 6), luring them away from the base. Place one giant away, wait until the troops are approaching, and then expand the lunches around them. Enemy troops will quickly be disabled. This method is effective for both heroes, although in this case it is more difficult to achieve the same result, since the heroes cannot be lured far from their radius.

When weak troops come out from the clan fortress, use to get rid of them. Spell causes damage only by defending troops, so you can safely use it without fear for your troops.

With a deal with a large number of weak troops, you can also lure them out and deploy sorcerers if the lightning spell is not available. A strong radius damage caused by a sorcerer may be one shot to destroy entire groups of troops of 1 row.

Do not forget to lure the troops, because if you just unfold all your troops, then the enemy fortress of the clan will deploy his troops for you, and your attack may try simply with anything.

Remember that even if the clan fortress does not have a clan shield, there can still be troops in it. If the clan strength does not have a shield, do not ignore it only for this reason.

Features of development

The clan fortress undergo significant visual changes after repair (1 level), as well as 2 and 5 levels. Most of the parts at the top of the clan fortress are dimmed with the symbol of your clan, after you have created and joined it.

With the first appearance, the fortress is destroyed (it seems that the roof collapsed, or the building was damaged in the explosion).

When you initially "update" a fortress to 1 level, it is displayed in the form of a square stone structure with inclined parties. The fortress is decorated with one window, two gray metal doors and a wooden roof.

On 2 levels on a wooden roof of the fortress, a toothed platform appears, resembling an appearance platform on the level 8 rattles. The second window is also added.

At 3-level on four corners of the clan fortress, wooden supports appear, and shields are added to each corner of the toothed platform.

At 4 level, wooden supports are replaced by stone. The wooden roof opens, exposing the staircase leading down inside the fortress itself. On the doors, between windows and on the shields of the clan fortress, gold jewelry appear.

At the 5th level, the clan fortress receives the same gray-black color as the level 9 Town Hall. The walls become vertical, down the roof leads the staircase. Black shields appear on the edges of the fortress.

At the 6th level, the clan fortress has the same gray-black color. The only difference is that black shields are replaced with gold, and the angular gear platform becomes slightly lower.

When Soklanians sacrifice their troops in your favor, these troops go to your fortress of the clan from the upper left corner of the glade. When you give your troops to use Sallanians, they come from your glades to the lower right corner and disappear.

The troops leave the fortress in the following order: barbarians, linens, giants, balloons, sorcerers, dragons, minions, riders in boars, golems,. And it happens in the direction from the lowest level.

Didden troops pass through the walls to get to the fortress of the clan, and not jump over them.

When the Christmas update began to act, Supercell had to raise the hitpoints of the Clan fortress, because the players could destroy it using the spell "" before she could direct any of his troops.

Your clan symbol disappears from the clan fortress during its upgrades, but at the same time you continue to receive troops.

If the reduced fortress of the clan is destroyed during the raid, it will accurately resemble the initial ruins of the fortress. However, it does not need to be recovered and will restrict automatically, like all other buildings.

If you sent a request for troops, while your Clan Fortress is updated, and the update is completed while your request has not yet been accepted, your sockets will be able to donate only the number of troops that is available for your fortress of the previous level clan.

If your request is partially filled, and then you use your clan fortress during the raid, your request in the clan chat will continue to show the number of troops that your Soklanians have already donated in your favor, even if the fortress is currently empty. For example, if your fortress of the clan has 10 of 20 spaces filled when you used it, then your request in the chat will still show 10/20 and not 0/20 until you send a request again.

The miniature storage of the dark elixir on the top of the clan fortress will not be displayed until you create a constant storage of the dark elixir (the amount of "military dark elixir" will not be shown on the information screen).

Although the ruins of the clan fortress are repaired on 3 th level, you can restore them before using crystals.

The update of September 16, 2014 allows you to dismiss troops from your regular fortress of the clan. Prior to this update, players should have used these troops in the attack, perhaps losing valuable units in this process. In addition, as a result of this update, troops come out of all four visible sides of the clan fortress.

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