How to make imitation vinyl record. What are our plates made from? Vinyl and all-all-all

How to make imitation vinyl record. What are our plates made from? Vinyl and all-all-all

If there is no special audio output to the player - carry out the headphone connector. This will require a wire with the MINI-JACK (3.5 mm) interface. Connect the other end of the wire to the microphone connector on sound card Computer. As a rule, the MINI-JACK interface is also used.

Prepare player for playback. Turn it on, put the desired vinyl record. Install the player's needle on the very first plate of the record.

Select one of the applications to record sound. Sound Forge, Audacity, Adobe Audition, etc. may be as examples. Run the program and create a new project. Perform a trial. To do this, click on the appropriate button in the application. It is usually denoted by a red circle or an inscription Record. After that, start playing the plate on the reproducing device. Follow the monitor that shows the sound level, in the application. If necessary, adjust the volume to the sound recorded from the plate was not too quiet or too loud.

After a minute, two stop recording. Press the play button in the application. Usually it is indicated by a green arrow or an inscription play. Listen to the recorded material. If the recording quality suits you - proceed to record all the record. If not, adjust the sound properly.

Delete the recorded track in the application. Install the needle to the beginning of the record. Click the Entry button in the program and run playback on the player. Wait until everything is recorded. After that, save the audio file using the File menu -\u003e "Save".

Video on the topic

Recently, a successful choice of hobby is able to influence the life of a person. So, love for music can turn into a rather profitable profession. DJs today are so popular that sales of vinyl records are constantly growing.

You will need

  • - vinyl records;
  • - Special equipment (vinyl players, consoles, mixers, etc.).


Determine your style. Before you begin to play vinyl, you need to purchase it. But the purchase of first plates caught under the arm will not lead to anything good, so to begin with, in what style you want. After that, find the best performers on the Internet in this direction.

Go to or shop. The plates are popular among a certain circle of people, so their sales are limited. You will have to find a store where the range, and you can buy fresh releases immediately after their release. Either make purchases on the Internet, which will facilitate the search for a certain plate in several stores.

Learn to handle equipment. The perfect option is to ask a familiar DJ to conduct a short training course. If there are no such among your circle of communication, contact the DJling School (you can find details on the site You need to learn the basics - cross-fader, adjust the levels of the channels on the mixer and twist a Pitch on the turntables.

Try to reduce tracks. To do this, put the needle about the middle of the track. You need to have clean bits in this place. Return to that part of the track, where the bit is just starting to join, listen to both playing track simultaneously, refund Pitch.

Make a few scratch (the ability to make them pleasant for hearing comes gradually) at the site of the bits. Scratchs are made in the beat of the playing track. Pick the bits of both tracks (playing in the column and headphones) and release the heard only for you with a light shock. Both track will start playing at the same time.

Listen to the mixture of tracks. Once you make sure that they really are fitted perfect, move the Kosselder to the center. If you need to correct the lagging track, simply push the plate with your hand (or slow down the second). This actions are based on vinyl game, but for successful development they will need not one month. Over time, you can customize tracks directly from vinyl, the experience will give the opportunity to experiment with sound and adjustment.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Do not hurry to acquire expensive DJ equipment. First, learn how to play someone else, get some experience and decide whether you really want to turn it into your profession.

Since the end of the 19th century, and throughout the entire 20th, vinyl records were popular, inexpensive and affordable media for the distribution of audio records until digital discs were sweated.

Vinyl disk and playing it

The vinyl record is an analog sound information carrier in the form of a disc, on one or two sides, the "track" (continuous groove) is applied, the depth and width of which varies depending on the sound wave. Such plates are played in gramophones, old sample, as well as in more modern electricians and flashlights.

The player's needle, moving in more expensive plates, vibrates, and an electrical signal is produced. This signal enhances the amplifier and reproduce the speakers, with the result that the sound material recorded in the studio is heard.

Composition of material

The polymer called vinyl is a copolymer of vinyl chloride / vinyl acetate. In industry, such a polymer is often called "vinyl resin." She was the first material from which the plates were manufactured for playing in gramophone.

A US company Carbide and Carbon in 1933 was received by the American company Carbide and Carbon in 1933 for the first time. From this, the vinyl record of the record industry began. Vinyl chloride / vinyl acetate copolymer, however, is not the only component of the material, because The record made only from it would be transparent, short-lived, would give a strong noise, as well as a crackling of static electricity.

Therefore, the composition includes other components, for example, carnab wax and calcium stearate are used in the production of plates since the 1930s and ... Otherwise, the composition has changed repeatedly for decades to improve the quality. Thus, the composition of the material for the manufacture of the plate includes 95% vinyl resin and different additives defined by the manufacturer. Under the additives implies stabilizers, pigments, anti-static, plasticizers, lubricants internal and external.

Vinyl today

Peak production of plates, replicated massively by hot press, fell in the 1970s. At the end of the 20th century, digital discs sweating vinyl records. They are still applied, but today they are mainly used by DJs, lovers of antiquities and connoisseurs of a specific warm and lively sound, which give vinyl discs. This compensates for them such flaws as a small number of tracks on the side of the plate and its fast wear, humidity exposure and temperature drops.

Vinyl lovers actively acquire plates over the Internet and at auctions. The cost of individual collection instances can be a whole condition.

Have you ever thought about "But how do these vinyl records are written at all?"

Briefly about the process of creating vinyl disks

  1. It all starts with a reference disk made of aluminum. Such a disc is covered with varnish and goes to the recording studio
  2. On the recording studio on this disk using the sapphire cutter "cut" the tracks on the plate
  3. Then, this disk is covered with a layer of some metal (tin with something nickel). Here the plate holds one and a half hours and this figure is very important, because overexposure or undershirt can spoil all the work!
  4. This plate is lowered into a special tank with a solution where an electrochemical reaction occurs, in the process of which the entire metal is accurates gently on the plate.
  5. This metal layer is moving off with an aluminum plate and the center of the plate is located with the device.
  6. Further, this iron pad is used to press a solution from polyvinyl chloride into familiar plates to all of us (in our time it is used 180 grams of such a solution, which makes a tolst and durable plate). Stickers are glued at the same stage, right before pressing. On average, the time of such pressing is 22-28 seconds

To demonstrate all this there is a great video in Russian

As well as similar video in English

As you can see on these videos - the process of creating plates is rather complicated and requires the lion's share of accuracy and patience. As well as one such template matrix for plates, it seems to be only 1000 copying (I'm not sure).

A bit of history

Story about the monopoly sound recording company "Melody", which seems to be going to be reborn back in 2009

More about melodia

Setting up a player

Here for example, an excellent comprehensive guide to setting up a vinyl player from zero on an example of an excellent vintage turntable JVC QL-A7 (suitable almost to any turntance)

As well as another video for setting up superpopular among TECHNICS player DJs

Vinyl today

Many, seeing the vinyl record, say: "And what, they are still released?". Yes, right, release! The vinyl market is still holding, the players for them are still produced.

Select a player

The market is full of players from the manufacturers of audio equipment, including Audio Techica, Rega, Pro-Ject and even technics. That's just the quality of modern players leaves much to be desired: budget players in the price category up to 13 000 r. In general, nothing is capable, except for the destruction of your audio records. The heads in them do not change, the tonearma is not configured at all, you can only change the needles, the horizontal slope is also not configured, in general, if you think about buying a player - get ready to spend at least 20 thousand on it.

So what to take: vintage player or modern? I, and many others, recommend buying vintage players from the 80s (I also have such a thing). An excellent option will be TECHNICS SL-1210 MK2, it is released again - that is, in the end, this is a new player, but the exact copy of the old one. It costs such ~ 80,000 rubles. You can find the same vintage on the flea markets much cheaper, if you search (I did not find (). Also, a good merpture of JVC QL A7 and some models from Pioneer (by the way, the 2010s, very new).

As for the Soviet players, the most popular of them, Arktur 006 - Great Arctic! Only you have to find DYN adapters on RCA. You can find such a flea market for 3,000 rubles and buy a normal head for 2000 - 6000 rubles to it (you can also put a head for 20k, it will not be worse).

Attention! By purchasing a vinyl player, you automatically fall for money and on the meters of area storage area.

A couple of years ago, Vinyl releases mainly produced independent small labels and alternative mainstream musicians. Today, Jack White and Black Keys, first of all, announce the release of records, and even such stars pop scene, like Taylor Sphift and Beyonce, also want to hear how their music sounds from under the needle. And they all want to be printed in Nashville - the largest factory for the production of vinyl in the USA

"This is a metal matrix," says Jay Millar, looking at a dazzling silver disc in the machine hall of the United Record Pressing plant, located in the suburb of Nashville, Tennessee. - Hence everything begins. "

Fifty years ago, this plant released the first in the US Single The Beatles, and then in the 70-80s hundreds of hitted plates for 33 and 45 revolutions from the famous Motown recording studio. Today, old machines do not think to stop, releasing hissing, buzzings whose sales are reborn. Nashville claims the title of world capital Vinyl - the city music industry is trying to satisfy the growing demand for vinyl records.

United Record Pressing is the largest vinyl company in the United States. By the way, it is located near Third Man Records - Jack White, who was recently released by Jack White.

Nashville claims the title of world capital Vinyl

Next year, the company plans to establish 16 new presses, which will increase the daily production volumes of up to 60 thousand plates. Jay Millar did not specify exactly where they managed to find these machines - the production of machine to work with vinyl records was placed in the eighties, and competition for the remaining production capacity of colossal - because the demand for vinyl is growing rapidly. Several last machines for the production of metal master discs (stamps for the production of vinyl records) bought at the auction held by the Church of Scientology, whose followers sincerely believed that the best way Save the speeches of your guru Ron Hubbard for descendants - write them on 33⅓ plates.

Left: Printing blanks for vinyl record, on the right - the plate itself (in this case, the Creedence Clearwater Revival group)

Scientologists are not the only one who decided to return vinyl to life. After several years of the war of audio formats, as a result of which the total sales of physical media fell twice, consumers, apparently decided. The demand for CDs and downloads MP3 files falls, and the sales of streaming audio and vinyl grow.

Now we have a convenient digital version and high-quality vinyl

"Now we have a convenient digital version and high-quality vinyl," Millar says. "Our production works 24 hours a day, six days a week, but we still do not have time for growing demand." As of mid-June 2014, Vinyl sales in the United States rose by 40% compared to the same period last year. Probably this year turnover will reach 6 million plates. It is worth noting that in 2007 only about 1 million vinyl carriers were implemented.

The master disk is placed in a galvanic bath to make your opposite - "Mother" (matrix)

Analog audiophiles like Jack White and Black Keys, have long been typing their music in Nashville. However, for some time the stars of the pop scene, previously not distinguished by special love in vinyl, for example, Taylor Swift and Beyonce have joined this company. The demand from the musicians is so large that the waiting time of the disk batch production has grown to 12 weeks. Sound recording companies do not announce the dates of the vinyl release until the seal of their release begins.

The printing process of the two-color version of the Jack White Plate The Lazaretto

This year's sales leader was the album of Jack White The Lazaretto, in the first week of the circulation of 40 thousand records. This recognized record - no vinyl release is so good sold since 1991. By the way, sales of this album are still continuing, and, according to statistics, amount to 2000 per week. In the Third Man Records Studio, located at the entrance to the United Record Pressing factory, recently Nile Young has recorded the album a Letter Home. There is a car for cutting vinyl with King Records, which is in Cincinnati, presented by James Brown; Glass cabinet with a toy dancing monkey. One half studio is painted in red, the second - in yellow. Between Third Records rooms run girls in branded yellow-black colors. Corridors are decorated with stuffed animals, one of which resembles Yak.

Slogan Studio Third Man Records: "Your player did not die"

"In fact, it is a container," Ben Swank told Ben Swank. He and Ben Blackwell - Heads of Third Man Records. They came up with a slogan "Your player did not die" and offered direct subscription services, which involves the monthly delivery of all new vinyl releases. After moving White from Native Detroit to Nashville 2007, the label released about 300 entries, mainly singles. "Jack produces more American, and Ben and I am rock and roll and punk. Mostly replicate Sorokatki. We try to be spontaneous: got a master? Let's let him down! " - comments the Swamp.

The studio has already worked Black Keys Dan Auerbach and Brendan Benson. Ben Swamp believes that Nashville with his historical tie from Country becomes a new center of attraction for musicians. "Local community is a mother and for pop music," he says. - We do not run from modern technologies. It seems to us that using a ribbon microphone or analog ribbon where romantic. On the other hand, it is harder to work so much - and this is, on the contrary, well, because adds the value to the final result. "

Use a ribbon microphone or analog ribbon where romantic

The success of Nashville may be connected with conservativeism conservativeism. Country, for example, is still recorded in the classic eight-strand format - record studios working with musicians on this equipment today seem to be relics that have experienced a nuclear war. "We are in a very cool place," adds Swank. "People still crave individuals."

Radon Plate Print, Album No Idea Benefit for Quinn Cloower

But there is a slight concern that analog revival is only a temporary phenomenon. "Everything comes back, but once leaves forever," says Director VH1 Bill Flanagan. - If it is just a nostalgia or luxury soot for hipsters, will it disappear in the next 10 years? This revival may be the last sigh of a leaving culture before all the clouds of clouds [streaming audioservices] ".

If Vinyl is an elite thing for hipsters, will it disappear in the next 10 years?

At the same time, the demand for vinyl does not weaken. Every year on the third Saturday of April, Record Store Day is held - a huge number of people who want to release their release are collected. They swear, try to crawl without a queue and accuse each other in a desire in sabotage. Production is a narrow side, and it is very cool that large musicians celebrate high sales of vinyl releases. Physical limitations of the record (two sides of about 20 minutes each) are forced to return to the format, lost in the era of 70-minute CDs and endless iTunes format. Chris Mara (Chris Mara), who created Welcome analog Studio in 1979, says that if the artist wants to create music in the album format, he must come back a step back.

Printing Vinyl Plate Sarah Jaffe, Album DON "T DISCONNECT

By-business Mary - the restoration of 24-track analog tape recorders - has never been idle: "I come to me to make a record in the most difficult way. They want to tell themselves and their fans are our music, our product. We played every note in this track. "

Vinyl will live

The question arises: maybe vinyl to keep the market and walk with high technologies leg in foot? Jay Millar thinks that the introduction of high technologies in the technical process is possible - master discs, machines, varnishes, etc. "Revival occurred. We go to a new round. Vinyl is not going to leave. Demand can align at some point and stop growing so quickly. But then it's not so much in the form as in the content. Vinyl will live, "he concludes.

P.S. If there is a desire to visit the United Record Pressing factory, then this can be done if you find yourself in Nashville. The company holds tours weekly on Fridays, details.

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