Treatment of pranay in practical application. Prana

Treatment of pranay in practical application. Prana

Solar plexus is an important nervous center associated with a sympathetic nervous system. Yoga view it as the main storage for the accumulation of prana in the body for physical activity. Similarly, the battery accumulates electricity, so the solar plexus spares prana while you breathe. During yogan breathing (Pranayam)yoga absorbs a huge amount Prana , which accumulates in this center.

This plexus is often called the "abdominal brain". It is located in the supred area behind the patch on both sides of the spinal column. It plays an important role in the management of emotions and various functions Body.

A blow to this repository prana leads to loss of consciousness. It consists of white and gray brainstatus and emits strength and energy into all parts of the body. Thoughts and prana sent to this center with Pranayama(Exercises for alternate breathing), will re-charge it. He is constantly discharged by giving Prana forthinking, actions and desires. The more styling Pranain this center, the more will the power of the will and power of thinking increase, and vice versa.

Those who perform Pranayamaregularly and recharges solar plexus, can use their excess prana for treating diseases in other people and recharge themselves again Pranavery fast with Pranayama.

Do not think that by giving Prana to others, you will exhaust the reserve of Prana: the more you give, the more it is hampered from the cosmic source.

When you want to treat others, put a gently hand in place in which the patient feels pain and imagine that Pranait flows from your fingers on the affected part of the patient, like water flows from a higher level to lower. Mentally bind yourself with the cosmic energy, the power of the deity, and feel yourself a link that delivers Pranafrom the cosmic source to the patient.

The patient will immediately feel warmth, relief and increase strength. When you send Prana to the liver, spleen, stomach or any other part of the body, you can mentally talk to the cells and order them to work as it should. You can command by cells and they will obey your orders.

How could Jesus Christ perform miracles, gladly blind and curable diseases? It is not miracles as we think. This is the law of God. Christ could fully connect himself with the universal energy of the Deity and he did it without any egoistic motives. My teacher, Swami Shivananda, one of the greatest righteous of our time, did a lot of so-called miracles. He even cured people who were far from him, with the help of treatment at a distance. Many great saints and prophets did the same. There will be many such wonders in the future. However, they are all conventional laws of nature. Of course, we cannot perform such great miracles, as we are unable to completely identify themselves with the universal power of God, as Jesus did and other saints. But we could perform a simple treatment using Prana to remove various diseases from our brothers.

We must perform such treatment for the benefit of the world, and not for your own career. Only then such treatment will be successful. Think always that you are only a tool in the hands of God for the treatment and relief of other suffering. Repeat the "OM" when you pass your prana to others.

Concentration on solar plexus and treatment of prana

Solar plexus is an important nervous center associated with a sympathetic nervous system. Yoga view it as the main storage for the accumulation of prana in the body for physical activity. Similarly, the battery accumulates electricity, so the solar plexus spares prana while you breathe. During the yogis breathing (pranium), Yoga absorbs a huge amount of prana, which accumulates in this center.

This plexus is often called the "abdominal brain". It is located in the supred area behind the patch on both sides of the spinal column. It plays an important role in managing emotions and various functions of the body.

A blow to this repository prana leads to loss of consciousness. It consists of white and gray brainstatus and emits strength and energy into all parts of the body. Thoughts and prana, directed to this center with pranayama (exercises for alternate breathing), will re-charge it. He is constantly discharged, giving Prana for thinking, actions and desire. The more styled prana in this center, the more will the power of the will and power of thinking increase, and vice versa.

Those who fulfill Pranaama regularly and reloads solar plexus can use their excess prana for treating diseases in other people and reload themselves to pranay very quickly with pranayama.

Do not think that by giving Prana to others, you will exhaust the reserve of Prana: the more you give, the more it is hampered from the cosmic source.

When you want to treat others, put a gently hand in place in which the patient feels pain, and imagine that Prana flows from your fingers to the affected part of the patient, like water flows from a higher level to lower. Mentally tie ourselves with the cosmic energy, the power of the deity, and feel yourself a link, which delivers prana from a cosmic source to the patient.

The patient will immediately feel warmth, relief and increase strength. When you send Prana to the liver, spleen, stomach or any other part of the body, you can mentally talk to the cells and order them to work as it should. You can command by cells and they will obey your orders.

How could Jesus Christ perform miracles, gladly blind and curable diseases? It is not miracles as we think. This is the law of God. Christ could fully connect himself with the universal energy of the Deity and he did it without any egoistic motives. My teacher, Swami Shivananda, one of the greatest righteous of our time, did a lot of so-called miracles. He even cured people who were far from him, with the help of treatment at a distance. Many great saints and prophets did the same. There will be many such wonders in the future. However, they are all conventional laws of nature. Of course, we cannot perform such great miracles, as we are unable to completely identify themselves with the universal power of God, as Jesus did and other saints. But we could perform a simple treatment using Prana to remove various diseases from our brothers.

We must perform such treatment for the benefit of the world, and not for your own career. Only then such treatment will be successful. Think always that you are only a tool in the hands of God for the treatment and relief of other suffering. Repeat the "OM" when you pass your prana to others.

The method of treatment by imposing hands is used by people somehow instinctive. Mother instinctively imposes a hand on the head of a child who came to her with a complaint that he fell and hurt, the touch of the mother immediately calms his pain. How often have to see and hear that the mother soothes its children in this way. Or, if we hurt yourself, we also instinctively apply your hand to the patient. And it gives a famous relief.

It is generally accepted to treat a headache with applying a hand, and this nurse soothes the patient. These simple instinctive movements make up the basis for the use of practical healer. The course of treatment is simple that it almost does not need learning, although we are going to pay attention to the main methods used by those who achieved outstanding results in this way of healing.

The main ways to transfer vitality or prana in the treatment are as follows:

1. A close view or transfer with eye.
2. Passes or transfer with hands.
3. Breathing or transfer with the help of a blow.

All three methods produce proper action and can be applied together. Due to the fact that the transfer of vitality is mainly mental, and the eye serves as a channel to transfer mental strength, then it follows from this that the eye can be successfully used to transmit vitality during treatment. When using a hand over the sore place, the healers will notice the enhanced treatment of treatment, if at the same time they will closely look at the healing part of the body and at the same time concentrated their thoughts and their will, so that this power moves the patient and sick cells to restore their normal activity .

Many successfully apply breathing in healing. At the same time, mostly, directly blowing on a sore place for which warm breathing produces a striking animating effect. But sometimes blowing on a piece of flannel, applying then to the patient. Flannel delays warmly.

But mainly the transfer of vitality with such healing are passes and manipulative techniques. We first discuss the pass, and then consider manipulative techniques.

The position of the hands during healing can be described as follows: Bright hands and fingers so that the latter do not come into contact with each other. If the patient sits, then raise your hands over his head and then slowly and gradually lower them in front of him, ending with rapid movements a little above the knees. After graduating from the move, wait to the side, as if the water shaking off them and then, closer to the fingers and putting the palm on the sick pitch, stroke it in the bottom up, when your fingers will go higher heads, lower them again in front of him, spreading your fingers. Introducing myself mentally that you are bathing it with a stream of vitality coming from the tips of your fingers, you will soon acquire the power of movement, besides, each healer applies his own favorite movements, resorting to them instinctive.

The movement of the hands of the book acts on the patient is soothing, and the movement upwards, in front of the face, excite him to wake up and activity.

Exist different types Passes, or hands, and now discuss them. But we will advise readers to get acquainted with these various kinds, so as not to be embarrassed if, for example, the patient will suddenly be so calmed. Blowing with movements, we gain confidence that it is difficult for us to achieve otherwise: then the healer works calmly and can focus all his attention on healing.

1. Longitudinal passes - Already marked by the movement of hands along the body in the direction from top to bottom. They are done in a sick place, wherever it is: on the head of the chest, hand, etc. They always make the book, and not up. As we said, you must imagine that they pour out the stream of strength from fingertips. Your fingers must be killed and keep your hands with palm down. Movement of the book is made by the collapsed fingers, and upstairs on the sides of the patient, with compressed fingers, and the palms must be turned to the patient.

The distance is not determined, it is prescribed by instinctively each who quickly indicate you the right distance, and in some cases it will be much less than in others. If you yourself feel that the distance "just true", you will be satisfied and know that you have achieved that distance on which you can achieve the greatest success.

In general, we can say that slow motion, at a distance of 3-4 inches from the body, gives a feeling of peace and relief. A more accelerated movement, at a distance of one feet, produces a more enlivent effect, causing activity and energy in parts of the body. An even more exciting action is achieved even faster and strong movements at a distance of two feet from the body. These passes contribute to revitalizing blood circulation and raising organs.

2. Transverse passages - movements made across a sore place. At the same time, you should turn the palms with sideways or outward, it requires a special turn of the brush, but it is easy to get used to it. Putting your hands to the right position, stretch them in front of the body or in front of it, but with the reverse movement turn the palm in the inside, so that they turn out to be against each other, and not one from the other, these movements are very helpful in the treatment of patients suffering from tide blood. Sometimes it is very useful to apply this method of healing before treating the longitudinal movement.

3. In some cases, it is very recommended to use the so-called. "Substitution of the palm". At the same time, the palm of the hand is substituted towards the patient at a distance of six inches approximately, or even a little closer, and is not taken into continuation of a few minutes. This is usually done only with one hand. This is an exciting and strengthening effect.

4. In the same way, t. N. "Standing your fingers", consisting in the racing of the shafts of the right hand to the sick place at a distance of 6 inches, and in the holding of them so a few minutes so that life force can go from the fingertips to the sore body. In some cases, this method turns out to be more successful.

5. A variety of finger coating is the "rotational support", in which it is necessary to keep hands, as described above, in the continuation of 1-2 minutes, and then start the rotational movement of the hand at a distance of 6 inches., And keep them so many minutes from left to right in same direction on the movement of the clockwise. Acts exciting.

6. Another type is known as the "drilling", while the hands produce a drilling movement, as if they want to drill holes in the patient's body (on a 6-inch distance). This method strongly excites the activity of the lazy part and causes a feeling of heat in the healing part of the body.

It should be paid to the fact that in these types of substations is used unequal power. Just a moderate action - "putting a palm". Then follows the folding of the fingers, which is already much stronger. Then the rotational support that manifests the higher level of energy. The strongest action produces drilling.

7. In some cases, it is possible to achieve a successful result by imposing hands, and put your hand palm for several minutes directly to the sore place. Then, taking the hands, you need to quickly lose each other and put the place again. Repeating this several times, you will notice an explicit improvement. This method is usually applied with headaches and can serve with any ailment. With neuralgia, etc. Diseases This method greatly facilitates suffering.

8. "Stroking" helps well at a voltage and balances blood circulation when the tendency to incorrect blood circulation is noticed. It soothes and we advise you to use it at the end of treatment.

When stroking should be slightly touching the tips of the patient or sore places. We should always rub down from top to bottom or to outdoor places, and not from the bottom up or inside, and always in one direction, and not back and forth. Touch should be very light, not with the whole hand, but only the tips of the fingers. The words "lightness, tenderness, airiness" are only better determined by the accuracy of movements. When exercising, you can soon comprehend the correctness of these movements.

If you wish to stroke the whole body of the patient, then it is better to divide this method of healing into two parts, namely:

1) from the head to the lower back;

2) With the waist to the legs.

When stroking the entire body, pay attention to the chest and stomach to revive these organs and equalize their magnetism.

9. It should be remembered that the old tested method of rubbing is only a different way to transfer vitality or prana. This method is known since the most ancient times, always applied by all nations. The clergy in Egypt has always enjoyed them for the treatment of chronic diseases. Hippocrates very much appreciated rubbing and, apparently, very often used them. He wrote the following: "The doctor should know a lot, he is obliged to study the beneficial effects of rubbing. Through rubbing, it is possible to achieve opposite results: it weakens the obsessive joints and strengthens weakening. " Nearly 2000 years ago, Cleed is vigorously in defense of this method of treatment, he paid a lot of attention to the life method of healing in his books and, by the way, argued that he knew about this method and used many years before him.

IN ancient Rome Rubbing was a favorite way of treatment and rich people regularly resorted to it to preserve health. And now many people enjoy them called "Massage". Greek doctor VI century Alexander Trachles was a commitment to the "mystical rubbing" and applied them during treatment. He assured that rubbing contributed to the collapse of all the harm, soothed nerves and facilitated the selection of sweat. In addition, he believed that it was thrown convulsions and, in general, helped with various ailments. He wrote a lot on this topic and agreed with the hippocracy that only spiritual persons should be dedicated to these secret rubbing, and not to inform their profans. Physician Louis XVII, Peter Bororal, writes that a deguer - the court secretary - healed many people, rubbing their hands and legs.

And now in our time, the massage is very valued, and the new School of Osteopathy is used everywhere, enjoys success.

When rubbing to revitalize the body through life force, it should be opened gently, as it does not require and undesirably a manifestation of force: the result is achieved only by the transmission of the patient's vitality. In this case, the method of treatment should be used by the palm and the bottom of the fingers. Finger tips and thumb should be bent, in which the lower part of the thumbnail can use it together with the palm. Movements must be made from top to bottom. Some use another method of rubbing: after pressing the palm, they are pressed by flat tips of the fingers.

You can choose any of these methods at your own discretion. With each method, it was noted that the doctor should feel that it is in this way it can be better to convey the vitality of the patient. This gave the "feelings" of the healer and it should be adhered to, since it quickly begins to manifest itself at the healer.

10. Many healers consider the "rotational motion" a very successful way of treatment. It consists in circular rubbing movement (as described below) hands and fingers in patient places. You should always stick to the direction of the clockwise, and not chaotic movements there and here. Such a healer excites the effect of cells and useful when weakening them.

11. Another method of treatment called "Annex". It helps with imbibes of muscles, with rheumatism and other local, and not organic illnesses. Pressing is made by setting muscles or tissues and "processing" them by the surface adjacent to them. There are three different types:

1. Surface pressing.
2. Pressing palm.
3. Pressing your fingers.

One of the practical techniques of external pressure is "infringement", and it consists of setting the skin with large and index fingers, and the skin is slightly lifted, then it is lowered and falls as before. Both hands are used alternately: one captures the skin when the other lowers it and so along the entire surface.

This method is very revitalizing the patient and is successfully used with poor blood circulation and in other similar cases.

Pressing palm is made with your full hand. It is necessary to grab the sore hand with a hand with a hand and compressed fingers, without taking the big finger, with the exception of his fleet that helps in the movement of the bottom of the palm, called the heel of the hand, should be tightly keeping the captured body, not letting it slip away, throwing deeply to grab well Muscles. Do not use too much forces, act carefully, but still energetically. Use both hands alternately. There are various ways to apply this movement that the healer itself comprehends after some exercise. With time, he will feel his life in his hands, instinctively understand how best to transfer this life to the patient.

Pressing your fingers consists in covering the sick place between your fingers when it is easy to rub it on another, adjacent part of the body or bone.

12. If the patient is required by the excited activity of the body, you can use various types of healing with the help of "tapping", of which we call several here. At the same time, the hand brush should remain flexible and free, the unscrupulous brush in such cases is not applicable. Optification must be elastic and it is necessary to avoid coarse movements and bruises.

a) A backup way to use the clutch can be called "shock motion", consisting of a hand of a hand, which should be opened, with compressed fingers. Boots are applied by the side of the hand "At a small finger", the hand acts like a meat cutter. Fingers to keep freely, they are compressed when applied.

b) a fragmentation movement, consisting in applying shocks of the inner flat surface of a half-blooded fist, and the "heel of hand" and compressed fingertips come into contact with the patient's body.

c) the third way can be called "shock method", and the hand hits or slaves, and the fingers remain motionless.

d) The fourth method can be called a flaming method, with it you should keep your hand slightly bent to get a deaf sound. The position of the hand should be like the movement of the arms used by some people in the theater when they want to cause a strong sound with hand in applause. After some exercise, this movement will quickly be mastered.

e) The fifth way can be called the "Opposition" method, it consists in approaching the fingertips to each other with both hands and accented with them alternately.

13. In any way of treatment, through the transfer of Prana is "vibrational healer", consisting of a whole series of vibration movements produced by a doctor's hand. At the same time, fingers usually apply. They are firmly imposed on the sore place, then make a light trembling or vibration movement. The latter is considered at first complex, but is achieved with due skill. This is a strong way of treatment and the patient gets a feeling of any electric current, should not be pressed on the body with hands with hands, the patient should only feel the severity of the arm itself. With proper vibrational healer, the vibration should pass through the patient, when the other hand is submitted under the body, the vibration should be felt.

During the student training, this method of healing was put on the table a glass of water and showed them these vibration movements on the table. When the proper movement is reached, the water is trembling only in the middle, and does not overflow from the side on the side. We advise readers very seriously to engage in vibrational heal, if you study it, you can achieve astounding success.

14. Treatment by breathing also brings amazing results. This method is known from prehistoric times, Arnob reports that the Egyptians have been very successfully treated in this way, and that some preferred him stroking or imposing hands. Mercklin in his work tells about the case when one old woman revived and healed the child who seemed almost hopeless.

Bornel talks about the sect-living patients living in India by breathing. In India, there are now some spiritual persons who breathe on patients, as if they give them a living life and fresh strength.

Borel (who lived approximately in 1650) before the Nativity of Christ reports the case when the servant of breathing revived the body of his owner seemed to be dead and adds: "Is it surprising that a person's breathing makes such an action. Since we believe that God breathed life into Adam's body, it is a particle of that divine breathing, which even in our day can return the health of the patient. " In Spain, there are people called Insalvadoreese, healing saliva and breathing.

Physicia of breathing is used by two generally accepted methods of treatment. The first is known as the "hot breath of air". At the same time, a pure towel or a napkin is superimposed on the sore place, and then pressing a semi-open mouth close to the body so that the breath cannot disappear. Then you need to slowly breathe much, as if forcing the breath to penetrate into the body. The towel will become very hot, and the patient clearly will feel warmth. Another way to approach the lips to the body at a distance of one inches: while you must blow on the sore place, like blowing in winter to frozen hands to warm them.

Another way: you need to fold the lips and blow away one foot or more, as if you are going to pay off the candle. It acts soothing and even cattons sleep, it helps a lot when overworking the brain and other similar cases.

15. Some healers willingly apply treatment by eye. It consists in the following: the doctor "runs up with" a look of a patient or sick place and literally bathes a patient in the rays of his gaze.

16. Life force is often transmitted through objects, such as new handcomes, etc. The subjects undergoing the treatment just as if they were treated by the people themselves. To treat or magnetize the item like a nasal handkerchief, the healer must do the passages over it until it feel that the object is enough supplied with its strength, then it can stop treatment. This subject, when using it, he eats up in the last rays of magnetism, gradually decreasing to complete exhaustion. Some magnetize the subject, holding it for a while in their hands.

With all the methods of treatment, it is recommended to end a session with stroking, we have already spoken about. It makes it easier and soothes the patient. Never forget it. All this will be the beginning of the healer gradually, on intuition, and in the end there is something that can be learned only on personal experience. And there are no two people of the doctor at all equally. Do not be afraid to follow in this regard your own intuition.

Chapter Eighth

Panic breathing

Paradic breathing plays a big role in prastical healer. Through this, the reserve of prana is replenished, which is distributed through the patient parts of the body. Paradic breathing is based on continuous vibration, which manifests itself in all of nature. Everything is in constant vibration. There is no rest in the universe. From the planet to the atom - everything moves and vibrates. If even the atom stopped vibrating, then the mortality in nature would be destroyed. The work of the universe is made with constant vibration through it. Strength and energy constantly affect the substance and generate phenomena of life.

Atoms human body In constant vibration. Vibrations and movement are manifested in the entire human body. Body cells are constantly destroyed, replaced and change. Everywhere and everywhere there are changes and replacements.

The world is covered by rhythm, all, starting from the greatest sun and ending with the smallest atom, vibrates and marked with its special vibration. A circular path of the planets around the Sun, lifting and lowering the salt, heartbeat, marine tide and tide - everything should be rhythmic laws.

Both everything else and all our bodies are subjected to this law. The theory of yogis about movement and pranic healer was created mainly on the comprehension of this law of rhythm. Enhancing the rhythm of atoms that make up our body, it is possible to absorb more prana and then distribute it so as to achieve the desired results.

The body in which you are, compare with the small sun. Although it seems that it is subject to its own laws, in reality depends on the low tide and the tide of the Great Ocean of Life, which rises and falls, and we exist, respectively, its vibration and rhythm. Under normal circumstances, we perceive the vibrations and rhythms of the Great Ocean and we live according to this, but at times it seems that the entrance to the bay is littered with all sorts of garbage and the movement of the ocean of life does not reach us, and the burning inside us is violated.

You probably heard that several times and in the rhythm, the repeated sound of the violin leads to vibration movement capable of destroying the bridge over time. It can happen when going through the bridge of a whole regiment of soldiers, which is why the soldiers are always allowed to move through the bridge with a free step, slowing down.

These examples of the rhythmic movement give you the concept of the action of rhythmic breathing on the body. The organs capture vibrations and are escaped to the harmony of the will, on which the rhythmic movement of the lungs depends: with complete harmony, the body willingly fulfills the will of the will. When the body is so tuned by a volitional order, the blood circulation in any part of the body is easily enhanced and the reinforced current of Prana towards the patient, strengthening it.

By rhythmic breathing, you can strengthen the rhythm, absorb more prana and manage it. Rhythmic breathing a hundred percent increases the effect of mental and magnetic healer. The most important thing is breathing - to achieve the instant presentation of the rhythm. Those who understand something in music, a rhythmic account sign. Others can achieve such a presentation, thinking about the rhythmic step of soldiers: left, right, left-right, time, two, three, time, two, three ...

Yoga bases its pace per unit of appropriate heartbeat. Heart beating is not equally equally, but the beating of his own heart is for each sample of its respiratory rhythm. Determine the normal beat of your heart, putting your hand on your pulse and consider: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ", etc. While you definitely do not remember the rhythms. With some skill, you quickly master the rhythms and can easily play them. A beginner usually absorbs air after counting the pulse units, but, accustomed, it will increase the rhythms.

With rhythmic breathing, the yoga adhere to the rules that the units of inhalation and exhalation must be equal, while the units of breathing and time between breathing should be equal to half the unit of inhalation and exhalation. It is necessary to learn good to learn this breath, since it will serve as for us in the future for many other exercises.

Rhythmic breath

1. Sit or stand, accepting a comfortable position. Make sure your chest, neck, the head is possible, is one straight line. Catch off the shoulders slightly, and put your hands on your knees. Thus, the severity of the body is supported by the ribs, and you can stay in a similar position for a long time. Yoga studied that with the cloth outstanding, the proper rhythmic breath is complicated.

2. Slowly inspire deeply, count six pulse units.

3. Hold your breath, count three pulse units.

4. Exhale slowly, through the nostrils, count six pulse units.

5. Count the three pulse beats between breathing.

6. Repeat several times, avoiding overwork.

7. Deciding to complete the exercise, apply the cleansing breath that rest and clean the lungs will bring you.

After several exercises, you can increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation, until you reach the calculation of 15 pulse units. At the same time, remember that the units contained between breathing and exhalation are half the inhalation and exhaling unit.

Do not overdo it, seeking to increase the duration of breathing, try to achieve rhythm, as it is more important than the duration of breathing. Exercise and try until you complete the "motion scope" until you achieve the "feelings of rhythm" with a vibration movement throughout your body. This requires some skill and constancy, but it will easily pay off by the pleasure that you will deliver success. Yoga is extremely patient and constant, and in these two qualities the mystery takes the success.


It should be remembered that when rhythmic breathing and when controlling thoughts, you have the opportunity to absorb a significant amount of prana and you can transfer the body of another person, reviving the parts of his body and healing its health. But first duty you must learn so clearly to mentally imagine the desired condition that we can really predict the invasion of Prana and transfer it down on your hands and from the tips of the fingertips into the body of the patient. Apply multiple rhythmic breathing to quite install rhythm, then put your hands on sick places, slightly touching them. Start rhythmically breathing, imagining that you really pump prana into a sick organ or patient part of the body, kicking out everything harmful, just how they pump fresh water into a vessel with dirty water, and the latter gradually pours out, tester than fresh. This produces a very good effect if the mental impending representation is quite clear, and the inhalation replaces the water lever, and the exhalation itself.

Thus, the patient is pumped up with prana, and everything is harmful. From time to time, raise your hands and click your fingers, as if you throw away all unnecessary. It is recommended to occasionally repeat it, and after treatment, it is necessary to wash your hands, since you can infect the patient's disease.

During treatment, let Prana join in a patient with an involuntary flow, be a pumping pump that connects the patient with the worldwide reserve of Prana, and gives it the opportunity to freely join the nose. It is not necessary to move hard with your hands, but only so much so that Prana could reach a sore place. At the same time, healer should often repeat the rhythmic breathing so that the rhythm remains normal and Prana could easily penetrate into a sore place. Better putting hands on a sore place, but where it is not recommended or impossible, put them on clothes.

For the sake of diversity stroke the sore place very gently with the tips of the fingers, and the fingers should be slightly spread. It is very nice to the patient. You can repeat encouraging words at this time; "Come in, come out" or "firm", etc., depending on circumstances. Words well contribute to a stronger and accurate direction of will. Change these orders according to the requirements of each case, at its own discretion.

We gave you general rules, and you can apply them in a variety of way and way. With an accurate study and application of the above orders, you can fulfill everything that outstanding healers are creating, although their systems are more cumbersome and complex.

They enjoy praran, not conscious of it, and call it magnetism. If they joined the rhythmic breath to their magnetic healer, they could significantly achieve large results.

Ninth chapter

Paradic exercise

Before the start of the doctor, you should cook hands in this way: Quickly rub your hands one about another for a few minutes, then feel back and forth, while you get an indefinite sense of vitality and energy. Hand revival is very promoted by compressing them together and quick disclosure, repeated several times. Try it at least now and you will see how power will be felt.

Some of the practicing pranic healers are mainly engaged in general treatment, while others resort to it only sometimes and are signed mainly to the healing of individual patients of the body. In any case, frequent general treatment is very useful, since it contributes uniform distribution Blood circulation throughout the body, reviving every muscle, nerve and giving all the body new energy and livelihoods.

General treatment. Put a sick face down by putting a pillow under his chest, on which he could freely rely on the chin. Let him put hands more comfortably - on the sides, then put your first and second fingers on the sides of the spine so that it is between these fingers, then slowly, but strongly move your fingers along the spine, if you feel some soft joint, then you will be It is clear that some nerves emanating from the spine are inflamed, and that some organ or part of it suffers from blood tide. If you notice that some places are much colder or hotter than those adjacent parts of the body, this is a sign that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine there is a reduction in muscles acting on the appeal of nerve centers and causes pain, causing an abnormal effect in some affected the nervous part of the body. Remember this so that you can in the treatment of paying attention to these phenomena and treat these places by exciting useful vibration in them. Then turn the patient on the back and spend your hands throughout the body, noting in turns all sorts of abbreviations, all sorts of soft places, tumors, and so on. Start total treatment with solid exercises on the spine. Manipulate gently and carefully the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, then another, then make a vibration exercise along it and end with tender strokes, it is very soothing.

Then take on the next cervical exercise, which is as follows: Start with a thorough pressing of the rear cervical muscles and tender throat manipulation. This exercise makes it easier and balanced cerebral circulation.

Then manipulate the shoulders and hands in turn, ending the hand stroke from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers.

After that, let's get behind the chest, back and sides in turn, always ending with strokes. Resort to vibrations, if it seems necessary to you and if it is nicely sick. Resort to the performance of solid parts of the body, where they find it useful.

Then subjected to the legs of the same exercises that you did in our hands ending with strokes.

Finally, learn for the treatment of individual parts, i.e. those who are amazed by the disease, use at the same time, at your discretion, various methods of treatment, following these instructions.

A good way to put the right hand on the spoon, and the left on the middle of the back and give the stream of prana to penetrate the body within a few minutes. If the patient is experiencing pain, he will warm first your hands with fast rubbing one about another and, when they are warm enough, put the right hand to the place that hurts, and the left to the opposite part and mentally make the life stream destroy the pain. Always complete the general or local treatment with stroking, which calms the patient and equalizes blood circulation.

With general healing, suspend the occasion of the exercise and put the hands on the body of the patient, the right hand on the front of the body, and the left is on the back. This contributes to the free flow of prana in all parts of the body.

Constipation. This ailment is treated with common exercises and special manipulative techniques in the field of liver and intestines. It is very useful to make vibrations over the liver and internships. Start with strokes. Advise the patient more drinking water, because Popps often occur from a lack of fluid. Read the appropriate chapter from Hatha Yoga.

Bad digestion Coming by common exercises like treatment from constipation, try so that the currents of prana penetrate through digestive organs.

Diarrhea. Paradichelling helps almost instantly. When treating, caution must be taken, avoid manipulative receptions, limit the transmission of current to strokes. Attach the following special treatment from diarrhea. It consists in balancing the nervous force in t. N. Covered nerve, which has the ability to "Surprise" like a frightened horse. At the same time, this nerve is pressed by a special exercise and it seems to be in itself, in particular, if the doctor's thought is aimed at him by the order of "um." It is best to force the patient to lie on the back, put hands under both sides and keep your fingers along both sides of the spine, just under the last ribs. Then lift his body for a few inches so that heaviness falls on your fingers, and his shoulders and a sednamar remained on the bed, and the back would be arcuately bent. Do not rush, act slowly. All patient muscles should be relaxed. Give the patient to relax minutes 15 and if the ailment continues, then repeat the exercises. Finish stroking with the order "UYUS". In case of liver disease, special manipulative techniques in the liver and vibration over the sore place are used. Never forget about stroking at the end of the exercise.

Kidney They are treated, like a liver with the difference that local healer is produced over the kidneys.

Rheumatism It is treated by common healer, to which special attention is added to the patient area.

A heart He is treated with a common healing, connecting to him touching the patient area when manipulation.

Impotence Or sexual weakness is treated with general healing and a special manipulative reception in the field of the lower part of the spine and the top of the sedalent.

Female diseases It is very successfully treated with common healer and local healer parts of the body adjacent to the patient, and special attention is paid to vibration over these parts of the body.

General notes to exercises

The above treatments are given only as general instructions. The doctor must be guided by the feeling of intuition, which is manifested in all the healers interested in their work, and seems like a particular feeling given by nature to those who move serious intentions (desire) to "heal". When this feeling appears from you, you will greatly understand this than we could explain it to you.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize themselves with our doctor's own way to produce all movements naturally and freely - just as you use hands when dealing with food to mouth, dressed, etc. Having gotten up with movements so that they will seem quite natural to you, you will feel the urge to execute certain movements, preferring them to everyone else, and notice that in this way you can work much better than when following the rules, instructions of the book or teacher. There is a feeling of "healing", which is just as really as any other feeling and, starting to work, you will soon make sure that. Exercise on some friends or relatives, consonants to help you. Such an exercise in the continuation of several minutes is more important than all instructions.

Believe in yourself and in force, penetrating you, and you will achieve success.

Healing at a distance

Prana, painted by the thought of the sender, can be sent to people located far away if they wish to take it. This lies the mystery of "absenteeicing", about which so much was said in the West for last years. Prana's sent to the thought of Prana is introduced into the patient's mental organism and heals it. Prana is invisible and like the waves are all random obstacles and cures a person configured to her perception.

To treat a person at a distance, you need to make a mental idea of \u200b\u200bit until you feel in contact with him. When contacting contact you will feel close to the patient. We will not be able to explain this more accurately, it can be assimilated at some exercise, and others seek at the first attempt. Having reached a contact, refer to the distant patient with the words: "I send you a lot of vitality that will strengthen and healed you." Then imagine that Prana comes from you with each allocation of rhythmic breathing, the IMG is transferred through the space, reaches and heals the patient. Do not require certain hours in the treatment, although this can be done if desired. Customized to the perception of your mental strength, the patient at any time can take your vibrations. If he will continue to speak about time, then he should be treated in a state of rest and susceptibility.

Chapter Tenth

Lessons "Main Course"

In No. 4/94, "Your Health" We published the first first readings (lesson) from the "main course. 14 lessons of the yoga philosophy and the eastern occultism »Yoga Ramacharaki - the classical adaptation of yoga for a man of Western culture, translated and presenting the Yoga Ramanantata, known to our reader on numerous publications in recent years.

We offer in our heading the publication of the following lessons of the "basic .go course": Fourth ("Human Aura"), the sixth ("telepathy and clairvoyance"), seventh ("human magnetism") and the eighth ("occult ways of treatment"). Lessons - the fifth ("dynamics of thought") and the ninth ("mental influence") - presented in the "Blitchery: Occult Experience" rubric. The remaining lessons (the tenth - fourteenth) will be published in the next room, in the "Bliturpia: Occult Experience" category. All listed lessons are set forth in the translation of Yoga Ramanantata and in our edition. The purpose of these publications is primarily in returning the reader to the original sources of description of all those phenomena, which at the present time receive the most unexpected and vulgar interpretations from all sorts of "healers" and inventors " new Systems»Mental regulation. A wave of such an "energy-" and "psychotherapeutic" literature was overwhelmed by the Russian reader, in the mass of his not familiar with the primary sources, served as the basis of a modern plagiarism, divided into science, signs and witchcraft. The "main course" of Yoga Ramacharaki, who remained the desktop book of traditional traditional traditional traditional medicine was also the basis.

Human aura

In the three previous lessons, we stopped briefly the attention of readers alternately on each of the seven "began" a person. But the description of the structure will be incomplete if we do not mention that the occultists call the "human aura". This is one of the most interesting parts of the occult teachings, and the mention of Aure can be found in all occult writings and legends of all nations. Regarding human aura, various bewilders arose and disputes, and the truth was very darkened by various reasoning and theories of some writers on this subject.

This is not at all surprising if we remember that Aura is available to the vision of only people with highly developed mental abilities. People who did not have such a highly developed mental vision - it gave them the opportunity to see only some of the coarsest manifestations of Emanation, part of the Aura, thought that, in addition, they saw, there was nothing else, meanwhile, Only part of the aura was visible, since in the entire fullness aura can be prominent people only very high mental development.

Some of the theories of recent times are taught that Aura actually represents "matter", speaking beyond the limits of the space occupied by the physical body. But this is true in the same sense, in what light of the sun is part of the sun or the rays of electric light, part of this light, and the heat rays coming from the oven, is part of the heat of the oven itself, and the fragrance of the flower is part of the flower itself.

In fact, Aura is the emanation of one or several of the "seven began", i.e. Only radiation emanating from the beginning, and not part of the very beginning, if only not to understand all this in a figurative sense, as indicated. Each of the seven began radiates the energy that "visible" by the developed mental sense of some people. This emitting energy is related to radiation, known as X-ray, and, like them, remains invisible for the human eye, until the human eye receives some kind of help, which he does not have it.

Some of the coarsest forms of Aura are available to the vision of those who have a relatively small developed psychological force, meanwhile, as its higher forms become visible only to those people whose mental abilities reached high Development. Currently, relatively very few people in the flesh, who saw Aura, expiring from the sixth beginning of "spirituality". And the Aura of the seventh beginning is the spirit - is available to the vision of only the beings standing much higher than the person. Aura, emanating from the five lower principles, is available to the vision of many of us who have sufficiently developed mental abilities, and the clarity of our vision and the breadth of its coverage is determined by the special state of the development we have achieved.

We will try in this lesson to give readers the general concept of human aura and a brief essay of what applies to it. But we will see now how this subject is extensive. The descriptions of the aura would have enough for a big volume, and it is very difficult to present all this briefly, but we hope that we will be able to give a fairly clear concept about the subject of those from our readers who will not be larch, follow us.

As we mentioned, each beginning of a person radiates energy, and these radiation, entering into compounds, form what is called "human aura". Aura of each beginning, taken separately, if you delete the auras of all other things, it will take the same space that the aura occupied by all or some of the others began. In other words, the auras of different starts mutually penetrate one into the other, and at the same time, being a different speed of oscillations, they do not interfere with one another. When we talk about "Aure", we mean not the aura of one beginning, but a complete human aura, an affordable vision of a person with full mental vision. When we talk about the aura of some beginning, we definitely indicate this beginning.

The gross form of human aura, of course, is a Aura, which expires from the physical body of a person. It is sometimes said about the "Health" Aure, since the appearance of this aura clearly shows the state of the physical health of that person, whose body is emitted.

Like other forms of aura, it, depending on some circumstances, which there is no need to bring here, is distributed to a distance of two or three feet from the body. Like all other forms of aura, it is ovalna or egg-on. (This form, total many manifestations, and served some writers the basis for creating a term "auraic egg".)

The physical aura is actually colorless (or maybe bluish-white, like the color of pure water) and has a special property that is not available from other manifestations of Aura, namely: in mental vision, it seems to be "appreciated" with numerous thin lines, which are in the form of straight bristles from Body out. With normal health and viability, these hairs are standing right, meanwhile, as in the case of a decrease in viability and poor health, they are lowered by tips down as soft animal wool, and in some cases the type of suspended skins, as various hairs stick out in different directions, suits in Pile, mixed and twisted.

This phenomenon is caused by the current of prana bringing reinforced energy into the body, and a healthy body receives a sufficient amount of prana, meanwhile, as a patient or a weak body suffers from insufficient inflow of prana.

The physical aura is visible to many, having a very limited degree of mental vision, the vision of which is not available to the highest forms. For the developed psyche sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish it, as the physical aura is darkened by the bright colors of the highest forms of Aura, and therefore the "psychic", watching it, it can be forced to delay the impressions of the highest forms of Aura and tries to notice only the fluctuations of the special form, which He wants to watch.

The particles separated from the physical aura remain near the space or the place where the person or the creature was, and a highly developed sense of instinct in dogs and other animals gives them the opportunity to find a person or an animal that they track.

Aura, expiring from the second beginning, or the astral body, like the very beginning it has a gaseous species and color and similar to the ferry, ready to dissipate. Astral aura is very difficult to distinguish when it is mixed with other forms of aura, but when the astral body is considered separately from the physical, then his aura can be visible, especially if the observer is not available to the oscillations of other principles, spreading the aura of various colors.

Those of our readers who have ever seen an astral form or the fact that in everyday life is called a "ghost" of a high or low order, probably noticed the egg-shaped cloud of the couple, which surrounded the sharp figure of the astral form. This is a light, vapor, oval cloud and there is a astral aura. And it, indeed, is apparently someone who observes the "materialization" of the astral form.

The aura of the third main principle, or prana, is very difficult to describe people except those only who can see X-rays. It looks like something like a vapor-shaped cloud, color and view of reminding electric light or spark.

Prana has a light pink shade when she is in a body or near him, but loses this color as soon as it is distinguished by several inches. Psychic vision possessing clearly seen spark-like particles of prana, shallowing with the tips of the fingers engaged in "magnetic treatment" or making Mercere Passions. It can also be visible by many people who do not claim for mental vision, which it appears in the form of heated air, similar to that rises from the stove or heated land, i.e. Colorless, oscillating, pulsating couple.

This pranic aura is sometimes distracted from a healthy and strong person weak and sick, who feels a lack of viability. In cases of this kind, the person from whom, Prana is taken without his consent, having visited the Society of Persons who absorbed part of his vitality, he experiences fatigue and weakness.

In the science of breathing, under the heading "Aura Education", we indicated a method with which you can make yourself invulnerable to this form of vampirism, conscious or unconscious. This method, cited in the book for another purpose, is valid and in this case. An even stronger result can be obtained by the formation of a mental image, auraic shell, through which it cannot leave, no strength and no effect can penetrate outside without the consent of this person. In this way, you can protect yourself from danger threatening people, not fenced in a similar way.

Paradic Aura is also poured in Mes-Meric Passages or in general in psychological treatment, but in such cases an experienced operator regulates the influx of Prana and takes care to replenish the reserve of Prana in its system that produces and emits the constant aura current. We will not dwell on these details, as they are described in detail in the "breathing science."

This book will appear in the new lighting in front of readers who have learned what we spoke here relative to the properties of human aura. The book, which was discussed, was written for the general public, but that, extracting a lot of benefit from it, cannot still grab the meaning of it, which is made available to the reader delving into the study of affected issues. This book, very small and not claiming any particular importance, contains many hidden ideas that can only be recognized by people who can understand them. We advise readers from time to time to look into this book and notice how much they will find in it every time in it, what was not noticed at all.

Now we are approaching the most interesting features of the human aura. It seems that some of the facts cited in this lesson will be a kind of revelation even for those who are familiar with those manifestations of Aura, which have already been mentioned. There will be people who will doubt the provisions with doubt, but we must tell them that they have means to develop their mental strengths and see the described phenomena just like thousands of other people before.

Nothing from the occult teachings should remain hidden for someone who doubts. Anyone can enter the occult world by itself, provided that he will pay for the entrance: and for the entrance is not gold and not silver, but with a detachment from its lower "I", dedication to the fact that everything is higher in man. Some people break into the mental world without preparing and not clearing themselves with the right ways. But in this case, the acquisition of occult abilities is rather cursed for them than the blessing, since they have to come back with big suffering again until they manage to enter this world through the proper door, the key of which is easily found those who are looking for it in Appropriate mood, without personal purposes.

Turning to the highest manifestations of the human aura, we again draw the attention of readers to the fact that the aura is represented by a mental observer in the form of a shining cloud, almost oval in shape, occupying space from two to three feet in all directions around the body. It is not interrupted sharply, but gradually radically, until it disappears completely. And in reality Aura extends quite far beyond its "visible" outlines. It has the appearance of a glowing clouds, continuously changing shades, although some colors are in it for each given person prevailing due to the reasons that we will soon discern.

These colors and shades of Aura depend on the mental features of each particular person. Every thought or feeling manifests itself in famous colors or in combinations of flowers corresponding to this thought or feeling, and this color or color is manifested in a aura of the beginning, from which this thought or feeling comes, and visible to the observer who studies a complex aura of who thinks or Feel

A man with developed mental abilities can read the thoughts of another person as free as he reads the open book, suggesting, of course, that he understands the language of the color of Aura, which, of course, can do all the occultists. But the person, by chance and rarely falling into the mental world, will not see anything other than overflowing amazing colors in a luminous cloud, the value of which will remain completely unknown.

Before you go further, we find it necessary to give readers a general concept about the colors of the aura and about those thoughts and feelings whose belonging they are. These colors merge and go in thousands of combinations and shades. The following list gives a clearer view of this subject and will allow readers to better understand what we will talk about in this lesson later.

Colors of aura and their meaning

Black is hatred, malice, vagueness and the like feelings.

Gray light shade expresses egoism.

Gray special (body) shade expresses fear and horror.

Gray dark shade expresses depression and melancholy.

Green color of a dirty shade expresses jealousy. If a strong anger is mixed to jealousy, it is expressed in red stripes on a green background.

Black and green color expresses low deception.

Green, especially bright color, expresses tolerance to the opinions and beliefs of others, the ability to easily adapt to changing conditions, politeness, everyday wisdom, etc., that is, those qualities that some may recognize "subtle deception." Red, shade of flame escape from a burning structure and mixed with smoke, expresses sensuality and animals passion.

Red in the form of bright red flashes is similar to sparkling lightning, means anger. These outbreaks usually appear on a black background in case of anger arising from hatred or malice, and in cases of anger from jealousy, they appear on a green background. Anger caused by indignation or protection of the alleged "right" is expressed by these red flares in the absence of a background.

Raspberry color expresses love by changing their shades according to the properties of passion. Rough sensual love will be expressed dark, and sometimes dirty crimson; Love connected to the highest feelings will express in brighter and attractive shades. A very high form of love is expressed by beautiful pink color.

A brown color of a reddish shade, expresses stupidity and greed.

Orange bright color expresses pride and ambition.

Yellow, with its various shades, expresses intellectual power. If the intellect is content with personal achievements, low-order phenomena, then a dark yellow color appears. If the intelligence rises to a higher level, yellow color becomes brighter and lighter, and a magnificent golden yellow color expresses high mental achievement, wide and brilliant abilities, etc.

Blue dark shade expresses religious beliefs, emotions and feelings. This color, however, changes in brightness according to the degree of altruism detecting in religious representations. Tints and degrees of brightness vary from dark indigo to magnificent bright purple color expressing the highest religious feelings.

Blue color, especially bright and light shade, expresses spirituality. Some of the highest degrees of spirituality observed in humans are expressed in blue color with scattered on it with glowing, shiny dots, sparkling and sparkling, like stars in a clear winter night.

The reader must remember that all these colors form endless combinations and compounds and manifest themselves in a wide variety of degrees of brightness and forces, each color and shade has its meaning in the eyes of the occultist. In addition to the polls just listed, many others exist that do not have names. They are outside the colors visible in the spectrum, and since people do not know them, they did not find them names, although theoretically, it is known that such colors exist.

Science tells us about ultraviolet and infrared rays that cannot be visible by the human eye even with the help of mechanical devices, since the light oscillations are located outside our senses. These "ultra", "infra" and many other, unknown science are known to occultists and can be visible when the well-known development of mental strength is achieved. The value of this will be clearer if we point out readers that the appearance of ultracellum in human aura is a sign of the mental development of this person, and the brightness of the paint depends on the degree of development.

Another fact that will seem wonderful those who did not think about this issue is that ultraviolet color in Aura indicates a mental development that a person uses on a high altruistic plane, while infrared indicates a mental development that uses for Egoistic and unworthy purposes. This is a sign of black magic. Ultraviolet rays lie on one side of the visible spectrum, while infrareds lie on the other side. The oscillations of the first too high, i.e. Frequent, and therefore not available for the human eye, the oscillations are unavailable because too low, i.e. rare.

The difference between two forms of mental development is visible from the degree of development of two progenicious "colors. In addition to these two depreciated colors, there is another color invisible for an ordinary eye - a true primary yellow color, an indicator of spiritual enlightenment, weakly seen around the head of spiritually great people - "radiance", Nimb. The color of the seventh beginning is the Spirit - is a special brightness color, which has never seen a human eye. This is absolutely white, the very existence of which is denied by Western science.

Aura, emanating from the instinctive mind, is expressed by heavier or brown shades. In a dream, when the mind rests, an ordinary red color appears, indicating that the instinctive mind performs animal body function. This shade, of course, there is constantly, but during hours of wakefulness it is often closed with brighter shades of alternating thoughts, emotions or feelings.

It would be relevant here that it will be appropriate to say that even when the mind is in complete peace of mind, in the aura fluctuate and transfers one in another shades, indicating the dominant aspirations of a person. Thus, the height of human development and its "tastes", as well as other features of his personality, can be visible in his aura even when he himself passive.

When the mind is absorbed by strong passion, feeling or emotion, the whole aura is painted in colors expressing these movements of the soul. So, for example, a strong parcel of anger causes bright red outbreaks in the whole aura on a black background, almost darkening all other colors. Such a state continues more or less for a long time, respectively, the power of anger.

If people could, at least a glimpse, look at the human aura painted in this way, they would have come to such a horror from this terrible spectacle, which would never allow themselves to come into rage: it reminds of the flame and smoke of that hell about which is mentioned In church Christian teachings. Indeed, at such moments the human soul temporarily becomes a real hell.

Strong wave of love embracing

lovek, expressed in the aura of raspberry color

volume, and the shade will depend on ha

racter emotion. Similarly,

ryve religious feeling imposes on all

aura blue color, as we have already explained

in the colors table. In short, strong

emotions, feelings or passions cause

aure one or another shade until it continues

two types of color properties of aura:

the first depends on the dominant cape

leu, usually manifest

lifetime of this person; Second

determined by feeling, emotion or

passion manifested in this minute.

The transit color disappears with the disappearance

knowing feelings, although feeling, passion or

emotion, often repetitive, change with

time the total color of the aura. This is a change

aura colors will indicate a change

the nature of this person.

Generally speaking, the permanent colors of the Aura point to the permanent properties of the soul, while changing indicate emotions that dominate the soul at this time. The usual color, detecting in aura, gradually changes as a person is improving.

From previous lessons it is clear that a person develops as it is less and less leaving for transient passions, emotions and feelings arising from the instinctive mind, and that intelligence and then the spiritual mind begin to manifest itself instead of having to dry in a hidden state.

Remembering this, the reader will see how great there should be a distinction between the aura of the undeveloped person from the aura developed. The first is a variety of dark, thick, coarse paints, often mixed with the colors of transient emotions or passions. The second manifests the colors of a higher order, brighter and clean and only at a slight degree are violated by transient feelings, which are already in a certain extent depend on the will.

A man with a well-developed intelligence has aura, permeated with a magnificent golden yellow color indicating the development of mental abilities. This color in such cases is especially noticeable at the top of the aura surrounding the head and shoulders of this person, while more animal colors descend to the lowest part of the aura. When the human intelligence absorbed the idea of \u200b\u200bspirituality and devotes itself to achieving spiritual power, its development and disclosure, this yellow color begins to framing a blue border, especially bright and brilliant shade.

This particular blue color indicates that we can usually call "spirituality", but in fact there are "intellectual spirituality", if you can use such a few paradoxical term: this is not the same as the spiritual mind, but only intelligence impregnated with spiritual The mind, using the other, is also a poor term.

In some cases, the high development of this intellectual state of the Blue Center is bounded by a wide fringe golden-yellow color of intelligence, and this border is often wider than the center itself, and in addition, sparkling and sparkling points are visible among blue radiance. These brilliant points indicate that the color of the spiritual mind aura has already been established, as well as the fact that spiritual consciousness has become suddenly obvious to this person or becomes such in the near future.

Aura, coming from the spiritual mind, or the sixth beginning, has a true primary color, inaccessible to ordinary vision and cannot be artificially reproduced by a person. It centralates around the head of a spiritually enlightened person and at times it produces a special radiance, which can be apparently even by people with poor mental vision. It is especially happening noticeable when such a spiritually developed person is engaged in a serious conversation or a teaching, and indeed, his face is shining and acquires a special shine.

The radiance in the form of a crown, which we see in images of the great spiritual leaders of the peoples, is nothing but the image of what the first followers of these great people and saints seemed to be a legend.

When we take a look at the amazing picture of the Gofman "in the Gefseiman Garden", we will be present in a completely new light of mystical radiance around the head of the Great Spiritual Teacher, the deep and true teachings of which will always be a living truth for the occultists of all nations and countries, with all the external difference of their beliefs.

About the seventh start, spirit, we can say very little, and this a little came to us only by legend. We are told that it consists of "pure white color", Colors, unknown science. Among us there is not a single person who would have seen him, and no one will ever see it at the human stage of development.

The spectacle of this amazing radiance seems to be creatures standing on a much higher level of development than we, creatures that were also ever with mortals. And we will become as they are in the time laid for us. "We, the sons of God, and have not yet shown themselves as we need to be", but we are on the way, and going ahead of us carrying us to keep comfort. After long years we will find our home.

Mantram and a fourth topic for reflection: "I send others the same thoughts that I myself would like to get from them."

This mantram encompaces a powerful occult truth in himself, and if it is conscientious to repeat and construct his life with him, he will give the opportunity to quickly develop and achieve spiritual truths. Everyone will get what gives. Mysterious waves of people extend much further visible aura, affect other people and attract to the person who sent them, the thoughts corresponding to the properties and qualities of those who come from him. Thought there is a living force - use it wisely.


Telepathy can be defined as direct communication of the minds between themselves. This communication is due to five senses, or sensations, i.e. Without those instruments of communication, which only materialistic science recognizes in humans: view, hearing, smell, taste and tanging, of which we use the most vision, hearing and tanging to communicate with each other.

According to materialistic science, it should be followed that if two minds are delivered outside the possibility of ordinary communication when sensations, there can be no communication between them. And if it was proven that in such circumstances there is communication, it would be possible to make only one reasonable conclusion, namely, that a person, except for the five senses assigned to him or recognized as a materialistic science, possesses some other sensations.

And the occultists know that a person really has such sensations. Without going deeper into this subject and limiting himself only the desire to find out what telepathy is, we can say that a person, except for five physical feelings, has five more astral feelings (as if the originals of five physical feelings) appear on the astral plane.

With this astral feelings, it can learn the properties of objects that are usually felt by five feelings without using physical organs for this purpose. In addition, he has another sixth physical feeling for which there is no name in European languages; With it, he receives information about the thoughts emanating from the minds of other people, at least these minds and were removed from it in space.

Five astral feelings correspond to five physical feelings in the astral plane (sensations), functioning on the astral plane completely the same way as five physical feelings function in physical senses. The physical body of feelings corresponds to a special astral feeling, although the astral impression is not a physical body, - it reaches consciousness with its own ways as well as the impression passing in physical ways.

And this is a special sixth physical feeling (for non -ion best nameWe will call it a "telepathic feeling") possesses as a physical body, with which it gets impressions and the corresponding astral feeling is completely the same as all other physical feelings.

In other words, it has the same purely physical organ as a nose, eyes, ear, with which it receives ordinary "telepathic" impressions and which uses in all cases that can be connected under "telepathy".

Astral telepathic feeling acts on the astral plane in some forms of clairvoyance; As for the telepathic physical body, with which the brain receives oscillations or waves of thoughts emanating from the minds of other people, this body is in the brain, near the center of the skull almost right above the top of the spinal column, a small body, or iron, reddish gray cone-shaped shape attached to the base of the third cerebral ventricle, ahead of the cerebellum.

The iron consists of a nervous substance enclosing a body, similar to nervous cells and containing small accumulations of lime particles, sometimes called "brain sand". This iron is known for Western Science under the name of the bustic gland; This name was given to it as a result of her shape, like a fir bump.

Western scientists were in bewilderment relative to the function, goals and appointments of this brain body (as this is a really organ). In their writings, this question is solved by a solemn statement: "The function of the sishkovoid gland is not investigated," and scientists did not make any attempts to somehow explain the presence and purpose of the "Taurus, similar to nervous cells", or "brain sand".

Some of the specialists, however, note the fact that this body is greater in children than in adults, and more developed in adult women than adult men, which, in essence, very significant.

Yoga For many centuries ago, it was known that this tide gland is an organ, with the assistance of which the brain gets impressions of oscillations caused by the thoughts of another brain, in short, this iron is a telepathic communication organ.

For this body, there is no need for an external hole like ear, nose or eye, because the vibrations of thought penetrate the same easily as light oscillations pass through the glass or oscillations of X-rays through wood, water, and so on. The most suitable example of the character of vibrations of thought can be the oscillations sent and obtained by the "wireless telegraph". A small sishkovoid brain iron is the receiver of the "wireless telegraph" of the mind.

When a person thinks, he sends hesitations of a greater or less power into the ether surrounding it; These oscillations are emitted from it in all directions as well as waves of light emit from their source. Having hitting the telepatic organ of another brain, the oscillations cause brain activity, which reproduces the thought in the taking brain.

This reproduced thought can go into the field of consciousness or, respectively, the circumstances remain in the field of instinctive mind. In our lesson, the "dynamics of thought" we talked about the impact and strength of thought, and it would be very good if the reader freshed in memory what was said there. We explained there what "waves of thoughts" and how they act. Now we are talking about how they are perceived.

Therefore, telepathy can be viewed as a receipt by some person, consciously or unconsciously, oscillations or "waves of thought" sent, consciously or unconsciously, the minds of other people. Thus, the foreigner transmission of the thought between two or more persons is telepathy; And in the same way absorption of the thought of thought sent by another person without the desire to achieve a certain person, telepathy.

"Waves of thoughts" are very diverse on strength and tensions, as we have already explained. The concentration of the sending or perceive mind, or both of them together, increases the power of sending and accuracy, as well as the clarity of perception.


It is very difficult to talk about the phenomena defined by the overall name "clairvoyance", without entering the consideration of the issue of the astral plane, since clairvoyance is one of the properties of the astral plane and belongs to this latter. But we cannot go into details on the astral plane, as we expect to devote a separate lesson to her. Therefore, for the purposes of this presentation, we ask readers to accept the statement that a person has the abilities that give him the opportunity to "feel" fluctuations inaccessible to its ordinary individuals of sensations.

Every physical feeling has the appropriate feeling of astral, which is open to oscillations, inaccessible to individuals: it perceives these oscillations, translates them into the language of physical feelings and transfers them into a person consciousness.

Thus, astral vision makes it possible to receive astral lighting oscillations from a huge distance, to perceive these rays through solid items, see thoughtforms on the air, etc. Astral hearing gives a person the opportunity to perceive astral fluctuations in large distances and after a long time, since the finest oscillations continue to exist a lot of time after their appearance. Other astral sensations correspond to other physical sensations, and, like astral sensations of vision and hearing, they are a continuation of physical feelings.

It seems to us that this idea was very good, although it may be somewhat rudely expressed by one low-educated woman; With a mental vision, which, trying to explain the similarity of his astral sensations with physical, said that "this is the same, only it is more." And we think that you can hardly find something better than this explanation given by the uneducated person.

All people exist astral feelings, but only relatively few developed them so much to consciously use them. Some have random glimpses of astral vision, but they are not aware of the source of their impressions, knowing only that "something arose in their mind" and often trying to get rid of such an impression as from unnecessary fantasy.

People awakening for astral feeling are usually as awkward and uncertain in their feelings as a child starting to receive and interpret the impressions of the outside world. The child must, getting hearing and visual impressions and combining them with tangible, learn how to determine distances, create relief and perspective. Consciousness that awaken in the mental world must pass through the same experience. From here, its embarrassment is obtained and the unsatisfactory results of perception at first.

Simple clairvoyance

In order to understand the different forms of the phenomenon of clairvoyance, especially what we call clairvoyance in space, i.e. The ability to see items at a high distance, we must recognize as the fact of the occult teaching (confirmed by such the latest discoveries of modern physics) that all forms of the substance constantly emit oscillations in all directions.

These astral rays are many times more gentle and thinner light rays, but spread in the same way, perceived and imprinted by astral vision completely as ordinary light rays with physical organs. Like the light rays, these astral light rays are in continuous movement, and developed, trained feelings of the occultists grab the impressions of distances, seemingly incredible readers who have not studied this issue.

Astral light rays penetrate and pass through solid material, objects without any difficulty, and the most dense bodies are almost transparent for an experienced clairvoyant.

All marked forms of clairvoyance are of different forces, which depends on the most clairvoyant. Some of the clairvoyant exhibit extraordinary strength, others are only an average force, and most have only random glimpses of the infancy of the feeling in the astral plane. It is observed as in simple clairvoyance, and in the highest forms of it, which we will now describe.

From the laws of clairvoyance implies that a person can have some of the properties of simple clairvoyance and be deprived of the rest, higher.

Under the "simple clairvoyance" we will understand the ability to receive astral impressions from the nearest places. In these cases, clairvoyant does not yet have the ability to receive impressions at a high distance and feel the phenomena belonging to the past or future

A person who has a complete degree of simple clairvoyance can receive astral light waves through solid objects. He literally can see "through the stone wall." Solid objects become transparent for it. He can observe the items located in the next room, behind the closed doors; can read the content of sealed letters, can see several yards under the ground and; observe the minerals there; It can see through the body located near the person, observes the work of the internal organs and distinguish between in many cases the cause of physical unhealthy.

He can see the aura of the people with whom he faces can observe aurice colors and thus identify the quality of thoughts emanating from people's minds; Maybe thanks to the ability of "Clearness" to hear what is outside of an ordinary hearing.

He begins to perceive the thoughts of other people due to the exercise of its astral telepathic abilities, which many times the sharper of his ordinary telepathic feelings. It can see the rave-naked spirits and other astral forms that will be discussed further. In short, there is a whole world of impressions in front of it.

In some rare cases, persons with simple clairvoyance may gradually develop the ability of an arbitrary increase in small objects - i.e. They may be so installed in the focus of astral view to see objects enlarged in any time as in the microscope. But this ability is very rare and only in very few cases develops suddenly and by itself.

It is observed in the occultists who develop occult abilities to a high degree, and is achieved by exercise. Various forms of this ability will be considered by us in the Clairvoyance Department in the space to which we now go.

Clairvoyance in space

There are various ways, with which people with elevated mental abilities and occultists can observe people, objects, places and incidents that are or taking place at a large distance from the observer, far beyond its physical vision. We can only express here two of these ways, since all other methods belong to the highest planes of life and are available only to the adepts and occultists far away in their development.

These two methods relate to clairvoyance in the astral plane. The first is that we called simple clairvoyance, but only in increased sizes. This increase in simple clairvoyance is achieved by the development of the ability to bring up remote items to themselves and enter them into the field of view by means that the occultists call the "astral pipe" that will be described further. The second method consists in a conscious or unconscious sending its astral body where it is necessary to observe the phenomena in place. This method will also be described below.

We described the astral light rays emanating from all items and make it possible to astral vision. And in the department of simple clairvoyance, we explained that a clairvoyant can observe the nearest items through the medium of astral vision as well as he observed them with vision of physical.

But as any person cannot see distant items with their ordinary physical vision, although the light rays are not interrupted anywhere, just as a simple clairvoyant cannot see very remote items through its astral view, although astral light rays are also not interrupted. In its physical sphere, a person in order to see outside his normal vision should use a telescope. Similarly, in the astral plane in order to obtain a clearer impression of objects at a high distance, it should use some adaptation, as if a supplement to simple astral vision.

This device, however, comes from its own astral organism and is a special astral "ability that acts as a lens" telescope and increases the images transmitted by the rays from a long distance, making them accessible to perceive the mind. This force, so to speak, "telescopic", although in reality it represents only the modification of the microscopic ability we talked about in paragraph about simple clairvoyance.

"Telescopic" ability manifests itself differently: some can only see at a distance of few miles, others also easily gain impressions from different ends of the globe, and people with exceptionally developed abilities can observe the scenes taking place on other planets.

Astral vision at a large distance usually occurs with the help of the fact that the occultists are called the "astral telescope", related "astral current", etc., which are all modes of "astral pipe".

The "astral tube" is formed by establishing a direct current of thought in the astral plane, fastened by the strong stream of "Prana" sent along with the thought. This current of thought, or "tube", as if destroying the distance between two remote points. On the path of this current, all astral oscillations are going freely: astral-light, astral and sound, etc. The astral "pipe" is a tool, with which the most varied mental phenomena is possible.

In the case of astral telescopic vision, or "spatial clairvoyance", clairvoyant consciously or unconsciously establishes the astral "pipe", reporting it with a remote place of action. Astral light oscillations are easier reaching it in this way. External impressions, usually reaching from all sides, as if turn off, and the mind gets impressions only from the point in focus, where attention is directed. These impressions achieve a clairvoyant, enhanced by its "telescopic" ability and become completely clear visible by his astral vision.

The "astral tube" usually forms the will of clairvoyant or his strong desire, which is almost the same force. However, sometimes with favorable conditions, even a weak thought can create an astral current, and a clairvoyant will see such scenes and such persons who did not know at all.

Weak and passive thought can be included in touch with other mental currents and be rejected in an undesirable direction under the influence of the laws of attraction and association, and as a result, completely undesirable influences may appear. But the will of a person is usually enough to turn off unnecessary currents and establish a connection only with the desired face or place.

Many people know how to manage this ability well, others suddenly appear and disappears; There are also those who are deprived of it and can show it only under mesmeria influence and so on. Others enjoy a glass ball, a crystal or any such subject, as a slight way to create an astral "pipe".

Crystal is a point of departure, as if the "eyepiece" of the astral "pipe". We can only give here only the general foundations of this important subject in order to give readers at least a weak idea of \u200b\u200bvarious forms of mental phenomena. We regret that we are not able to provide descriptions of interesting cases of clairvoyance marked by different writers.

We do not deal with the existence of clairvoyance and should assume that readers know it as a fact or at least not hostile to this idea. Here we can only briefly describe and explain the phenomena of clairvoyance, but we have no opportunity to prove their reality to skeptics. This is such a question that every person in the end himself must prove to himself. No evidence from his side will be killed.

The second method of clairvoyance, applied to subjects or places, very distant in space, is to send the astral body there, consciously or unconsciously, and observing the necessary things in place with the help of astral vision. This is a more difficult and less frequently used method than an ordinary way to establish an "astral pipe", although many people traveling in the astral are watching a spectacle that, as they after thinking, they saw in a dream or created in their imagination.

When describing the astral body, we said that a person can send his astral body where he wants, or to be watched in the astral body throughout our planet, although very few people are aware of this ability. From a beginner practicing in this outlet of the body requires a lot of work and caution.

Being on the spot, the astral traveler is not limited to a narrow circle, dropped in front of the astral pipe, and may observe everything that happens around. His astral body will obey his desires and will and heads where he ordered.

An experienced occultist is only worth wishing to find out in a famous place, and his astral performs this journey with the ray's speed or rather. It goes without saying that the occultist insufficiently exercise does not have such a degree of control over its astral body and shows a greater or less awkwardness in managing them.

People during sleep often run in their astral body; Some of them wake up unconsciously during wakefulness. But only very few achieves the knowledge that gives them the opportunity to leave the physical body completely consciously and arbitrarily both during sleep and during wakefulness.

The astral body is always, even removing from physical, remains with it connected. We will still speak further about the astral body. Here we only mention it in order to explain the cases of clairvoyance of those that we described.

Clairvoyance of the past

Clairvoyance in time, since it relates to the feeling of past events, quite often occurs in people who have developed occult abilities, and can be recognized as one of the first signs that distinguish the occultists.

The same ability, expressed incompletely, occurs at random "psyche", who do not know their own forces. In such people, clasiousness in time is always bblee or less unsatisfactory, gives incomplete images and misleads. The reasons for this we will try to figure out.

That approval that a person with astral view can see the past events will require a completely different explanation than clairvoyance in space. With clairvoyance in space, a person sees what is happening at this time elsewhere. With clairvoyance in time, he should see what, apparently, has already passed and no longer exists. These words - apparently, passed - and serve as the key to understanding clairvoyance in time.

Occultists know that nothing disappears and that in the highest planes of matter continue to exist permanent and unchanged "records" of all scenes, actions, thoughts or phenomena that ever happened. These "Akazash" recordings are not in the astral plane, but in the plane is higher and only reflected in the astral, just as the sky and clouds are reflected in the lake, and the observer who cannot see the sky can see its reflection in the water. And as this reflection on the water can be distorted by the smell and waves, in the same way and the astral reflection of the "records" of the past can be distorted and give the wrong impressions as a result of unrest on the "Astral Light".

As a result of this similarity, the occultists from the most ancient times use water as a symbol of astral light.

Akazi records contain paintings in all the past, and the one who has access to them can read the past in the same way as he reads the revealed book. But only a very far mowful minds in their development may have free access to these records and have the ability to read them. Other occultists, what are much more, acquire the ability to read Akasic records only by their astral reflection.

At the same time, the process of "reading" of Akazi records is little similar to reading, as we understand this word, but absolutely similar to the viewing of the paintings of the cinema. Events pass in front of the viewer, as they actually committed themselves, repeating and repeating the infinite number of times.

Beginners are difficult to explain the properties of Akasic records. We have no words for their explanation, and even people who have deeply studied the occultism, have only a partial understanding of the innermost secrecy of Akazi records. Therefore, it is very difficult to hope for us to understand us, only beginners to study the occultism. We can give here only a very imperfect illustration of the facts that we speak.

There are millions of cells in the brain of every person, and these cells contain memories of past events, thoughts and actions. We cannot prove the existence of these memories neither by a microscope nor chemical analysis, and meanwhile they exist and can be revived and caused by light. The memory of every action, thoughts and act remains throughout the life of the human brain, although he does not always know about him. The reader on the basis of this illustration should be able to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Akazich-Skoy" memory of nature.

In the cerebral cells of the Great Memory of the Universe are registered and stored memories about everything that was before. Those who have access to these "records" can read them with all the accuracy, and who see their astral reflection, can read them with a greater or lesser degree of approach to truth. Here is the most that we can offer to explain the inexplicable. Who is prepared for the adoption of truth hidden in these words, see its glimpse; The remaining should be waited until it is prepared.

Cleumbling of the future

Clairvoyance in time relating to predictions or the foresight of the future is even more difficult to explain. We will not make attempts in this direction and only let's say that in the Astral Light you can find weak and imperfect reflections of the great law of the causes and consequences, those "shadows that are thrown back upcoming events." Very few people have the ability of more close and direct acquaintance with future phenomena on the highest planes. Most even among the occultists should be content with their shadows or reflections in the astral light.

These reflections cannot be accurate. But there are higher planes, and due to the ability to penetrate there with their inner vision, some people who lived in a variety of centuries could look into the future. Moreover, the strength of these people is much higher than the miserable abilities of the astral plane, which seem amazing for a beginner occultist, but they are not at all valued so highly those who went further. We regret that we must pass this part in a few words, only hinting for truths, for these are revealed only to the most tireless researchers.

But we know very good that people always get the world they need just when they are ready for his perception: no moment before or later. Therefore, it is impossible to speed up the acquaintance of people with ideas to which they are not yet ready. All that we can do is throw a few words and hints and wish that they come to the seeds of the future rich harvest.


Clear is hearing on the astral plane by means of astral feelings. Almost all that we talked about clairvoyance, equally true and relatively yokes; The only difference between them is to use different astral organs.

Simple claniness like a simple clairvaluation; Clear at a distance is akin to clairvoyance. distance; Clearness of the past is similar to the clairvoyance of the past; Even the clairvoyance of the future has a shadow of similarity with the same phenomena, clarity. Some clairvoyant at the same time and clear; Others are deprived of the last ability. Then there are both people who can be ranked as a nose-wool, and meanwhile they do not have the ability to see in the astral light.

Generally speaking, Clearness presents a rareral ability than clairvoyance.


Just as we sometimes remember, it would seem to have a forgotten thing, seeing what is connected with this thing in our memory, so exactly sometimes, touching things connected to some place or event, we can open the astral reflection of the past acasic records Events and see pictures of the long-lasting.

Apparently, there is some connection between the material objects and the Akazi records entering into themselves the paintings of past centuries. Metal thing, stone, cloth or strand of hair can open us a mental vision of phenomena connected to them in the past. Similarly, with a piece of clothing, letters or strands of a living person's hair, we can put ourselves in mental contact with him, and the relationships in this way will help us to spend the "astral pipe".

Psychometry is only one of the forms of clairvoyance, created by establishing a connecting link between people and phenomena through some subject of the intermediary. Psychometry does not represent a separate class of mental phenomena, but there is only a modification of other forms of clairvoyance, and several species of clairvoyance sometimes are connected in it.

How to develop mental forces

We often ask a question that probably already occupies the majority of our readers, especially those who have not yet found any noticeable manifestations of mental power, it is: how can a person develop "mental strength", which is in it in a hidden state?

There are many ways to such development, of which only a few are recommended: most of them are undesirable, and some are even positively harmful.

From the harmful ways, still some are still in the use of wild peoples, sometimes even people of our race continue to hold them with delusion. We have here in mind such means as the use of adherent drugs, rich dances, witchcraft, disgusting rituals of black magic and other similar actions and techniques.

These actions are intended to cause an abnormal state, similar to poison, which is as well as intoxicating alcohol and drug infusion, as a result, leads a person to mental and physical death. These funds, indeed, develop the lowest genus of mental or astral strength, but they always attract astral creatures of a negative nature and are often influenced by the influence of which prudent people carefully avoid.

We will limit ourselves here only to caution against such actions and their results. Our work is intended to elevate our students, and not to reduce them to the level of followers of black magic.

Other actions, more or less unwanted, although not absolutely harmful in the sense, in which we talked, often observed both in the Hindus and in the West.

We mean the methods of self-hypnotization and hypnotization of others in order to produce or cause them a mental state, in which hypnotized persons get the opportunity to catch glimpses of the astral world.

The methods of this kind include a closer look at some brilliant subject, until the state of the trance, or the repetition of some monotonous formula leading to the dormant. To the same category, we consider the ordinary process of hypnotization of one person to others for the purposes of causing clairvoyance.

In addition to the well-known hypnotism, a familiar European science, there is still the highest form of hypnotist, known in the occultists, but there is a process of hypnotization in a completely special plane. Occultists reluctantly use this method except in some cases leading to good. These methods cannot be known to ordinary hypnotists, which, unfortunately, often not only have very imperfect occult knowledge and experience, but are also at an extremely low level of moral development.

In view of very many dangers, consisting of their will to another person, we warn our readers and we advise them not to allow you to perform hypnotization experiments.

There is, however, another way that some students of yogis are used to develop mental abilities, it is pushing to acquire this knowledge by experienced and exercise earlier than switching to the spiritual plane.

We consider this way true if only a beginner occultist will not look at the mental power as at the end of the achievement and if it is always inspired by decent objectives and will not allow interest to the astral plane to take his attention from its main goal - spiritual development. Some of the students of yogis follow this plan, the whole of all subordinating the body of the Spirit, and then the instinctive mind of intelligence and controlling all this will.

The first steps of the bodies over the body are set forth by us in the book "Science of breathing" and even more clarified and supplemented in the book "Hatha-Yoga". The forms of mental control over the body are of themselves a separate issue for consideration. If the reader wants to make some experiences in order to make sure that the method is correct, we recommend that he first of all strive to acquire control over themselves and practicing the concentration of thoughts if possible in absolute silence.

Many of the readers, probably, have already been manifestations of "mental" abilities, sometimes it is best for them to practice on the lines corresponding to the manifestations that they already had, i.e. Strive to develop those abilities that have already appeared.

If it is a telepathy, make it possible to intermittently. Thoughts with some of your friends and watch the results carefully. A small exercise produces wonders. If this is clairvoyance, you can exercise with a crystal or a glass of clean water to help your concentration and put the start of the "astral pipe". If it is psychometry, then practice in it, taking some subject: a stone, a coin, the key and, sitting quietly and in silence, mark the impressions in my mind, which first only vague will appear before consciousness.

But do not allow yourself too to get involved in mental experiences: they are very interesting and instructive, but they do not have a significant value for higher spiritual development, although they can contribute to him. Let your mind always be directed to the goal you have to achieve, it is precisely for the desire to develop your true "I", to distinguish the true "I" from the false and even higher consciousness of your unity with everything.

May the world be with the reader. If someday he will feel the need in our sympathy and spiritual assistance, let him just call us in silence - and we will answer him.

Mantram and the sixth theme for reflection: "Before your eyes see, they should become not capable of tears. Before the ears will hear, they must lose their sensitivity. Before the voice gets the opportunity to speak in the presence of teachers, he must lose the ability to apply wounds. "

These words can have a lot of values: and each value corresponds to the spiritual needs of people at different stages of development. These values \u200b\u200bare mental (emotional), intellectual and spiritual. We take one of many values \u200b\u200bfor this month for our reflection. We will try to understand it "in silence."

Our eyes should be unable to shed tears because of an offended pride, because of someone else's condemnation, undeserved resentment, unfriendly comments, small, everyday disorders, failures and disappointments before we get the opportunity to see clear spiritual truths. We will try to gradually ride these personal adversities and strive to conscious our individuality, our "I", standing above for personal adversity; We will try to understand that these phenomena can not touch on our true "I" and that they wash together with the sand of the time of the ocean waves of eternity.

Similarly, our rumor should lose its sensitivity to personal remedies before he starts to clearly hear the truth, without interference with the disharmonious noise created by the struggle of the personality with the world. A person should grow so much so that, hearing all this, just smile, feeling under the protection of the knowledge of his soul, knowledge of her strength and destination.

Before the voice of a person gets the opportunity to speak with creatures above it in order of life and spiritual development, he must forget about the possibility to insult other unpleasant words, a shallow malice, unworthy speech. A highly developed person should not hesitate to express the truth, even when she is unpleasant if he considers it necessary, for he must say her, like a loving brother who does not condemn, but only feels the suffering of his neighbor and wants to remove their cause. Such a person is already standing above the desire to make silence another person with hostile and prolite remarks or "to reduce the scores with him."

All this should be discarded as an old, worn dress. A highly developed person does not need anything like. Reflect on all this in silence, and let the truth strengthened in your mind, let it go there the roots, grows, blooms and brings fruit.

Human magnetism

Human magnetism is a perfectly different phenomenon from what is called "personal magnetism." Personal magnetism is the property of the mind and refers to the subject of thought of thought. Human magnetism, on the contrary, is the manifestation of Prana and belongs to the activity of the physical organism.

The term "human magnetism" very little expresses the idea into it very much, but like many other terms is used for the absence of the best and in order to avoid creating new words that would only knock the reader. In Sanskrit language there are terms, perfectly expressing various phenomena of the spirit, soul, body and nature. But the West of Alien Sunskrit Terminology, and we have to be content with what we have. When Eastern philosophy becomes better known to Western readers, many existing difficulties will disappear.

We prefer the term "human magnetism" the term "animal magnetism", since the latter is usually mixed with some manifestations of mesmerism. Both terms "Animal Magnetism" and "Human Magnetism" are not entirely accurate, because the ability or property that they indicate belongs equally both to both a person and animals. The difference is that a person can manage his magnetism with his will or thought, while animals use them unconsciously, without the help of intelligence and without will control.

Generally speaking, the animals, and the person, not conscious, continuously allocate magnetism or "pranic energy", but the person of the corresponding training session, who knows how to manage his will, may, if desired, either stop and delay the flow of magnetism, or strengthen its expiration " And with greater power to send it to the desired place. It can also use his magnetism, connecting it with mental waves in order to give them greater energy and power.

Risking even be accused of unnecessary repetitions, we strive to capture readers in the mind that the idea that pragic energy, or human magnetism, is a phenomenon completely different from "mental power" and in general from any manifestations of energy invested in thought, Although, as described above, pranic energy can be sent together with mental waves.

This energy is simply blindfolding the power of nature, like electricity and other similar forces, but amenable to the action of the will. And a person can use it consciously or unconsciously; With understanding or without understanding, smartly or stupid. This force does not show a reasonable action, except for those cases when it is managed by a conscious mind of a person. "Human electricity" would be more for her suitable namethan "human magnetism" because this force is more like electricity than magnetism.

Noting this, we will continue to use the term "magnetism"; But we ask the reader to remember what exactly we mean by this word.

Human magnetism is a form of pranic energy. In our first lesson, we have already said something about Prana.

Prana has universal energy, manifested in a wide variety of species in all animated and inanimate objects. All types of force or energy are only manifestations of Prana. Electricity There is a form of prana, just as the strength of attraction is the form of prana, and also human magnetism. Prana - one of the seven began a man, and in more or in smaller quantity it is in all human organisms.

A person removes prana from air to which he breathes; food he eats; From the water that drinks. If a person lacks prana, it becomes weak; "It has little lifestyle," they say in such cases. When the reserve of prana in man is sufficient, it becomes active, vigorous, energetic, "full of life." In our small book "Science of breathing" we give guarantees regarding the accumulation and preservation of Prana with the help of proper breathing, and in the book "Khatha-Yoga" we specify the best ways to extract prana from food and drink.

The amount of prana existing in stock in organisms of different people is very different. Some are filled with prana and emit it from themselves as an electric machine, forcing all people coming with them in contact, feel enlarged life, vigor and health. Another, on the contrary, is so lacking prana that, while in the society of other people, they replenish their lack of vitality, drawing it from other organisms. And as a result, healthy and strong people who visited such weak people in society, also feel weak and tired.

Some people of this kind that do not know how to create themselves the reserve of prana, are made literally vampires and live with magnetism of other people, although they can usually do not realize it. But there are others who understand that they can live at the expense of the strength of people approaching them, and they are made by conscious vampires. Conscious use of this ability to extract strength from other people is one of the forms of black magic, and it inevitably leads to those who use people to stop spiritual development and other detrimental consequences.

A person can never become a sacrifice of such vampirism, conscious or unconscious, unless he learned and understood the features of the manifestation of animal magnetism and its laws.

Human magnetism, or Posakye-Sky Energy, there is the most powerful medical force in nature; And in one form or another, this strength is always applied in cases of the so-called "mental treatment".

The use of pranic energy is one of the oldest forms of natural treatment, and we can say that it has become almost instinctive in humans. A child who hit anything, runs to the mother who touches the bruised place, kisses it or strokes this place with his hand, and in a few moments the pain passes. And when we are approaching someone who is very suffering, the most natural way our movement is to put his hand on his forehead or stroke his hand.

This instinctive use of its hand has a way to transfer magnetism to the one who needs it. And usually grief or man pain facilitates a touch of a friendly hand. Pressing the crying baby to the chest is another form of instinctive action for the same purpose. Mother's magnetism comes out of it, energized her loving thought, and the child calms down, calms down and feels good.

Human magnetism can be directed from the body with the help of desire or thought or can be transferred to another person more directly: with the help of hands, body contact, kiss, breathing and other similar means. We will talk about this issue in more detail in the eighth lesson, dedicated to the occult methods of treatment.

It is impossible to give a simple and clear explanation of what human magnetism is impossible, without deepening in occult teachings, little affordable for beginner. In order to tell what human magnetism is, we must say what Prana is, and in order to tell what Prana is, we must reach the root of the question and open the true nature and origin of "energy", i.e. . We must do what is not able to make modern science, but that can explain the deep occult teachings to those who have achieved the right degree of understanding through gradual, stubborn and purposeful work.

We may argue that we expect too much when we ask readers to adopt as a truth that there is a phenomenon, like human magnetism, or pranic energy, the true nature of which we cannot explain.

Responding to such a remark, we can say that there are so many things that can only be proven by their results; The most phenomenon in simple and clear words is explained to be. Take, for example, electricity or magnetism - the existence of them is proved to us at every step in our daily life, but is proved only by the results of their action, as applies to their true nature, the physics says very little such that can be clear and learned.

Similarly, it is the case with another manifestation of pranic energy, with human magnetism. To prove its existence, we must look for the results of its action, and not try to resolve the secret of the general source of all forms of energy - practitioners.

But we will be repaired that the results of electricity and magnetism are obvious and undoubted, everyone can easily see these results; Meanwhile, the results of human magnetism, or pranic energy, and nothing allegedly observed in anything.

This objection always seemed fun to us when we compared with him the fact that any body movement from the mighty efforts of the giant, raising gravity, to the trembling of the eyelid of a crying child there is a born result of the action and manifestation of human magnetism, or pranic energy.

Physiologists call the reason for the indicated phenomena "nervous force" or other similar names, but this is exactly what we call human magnetism form of pranic energy. When we want to raise your finger, we do the effort of the will, if this is a conscious movement; Or if the basis is the subconscious desire, the necessary effort makes an instinctive mind. What does this effort mean? This means that the muscles that control the movement of the finger, the well-known number of human magnetism is sent. Muscles strain and finger rises.

The same thing happens with each body movement, both with a conscious effort, and when the subconscious effort is created. Every step that we do is performed using the same process; Each word we pronounce, every tear, which we shed, every heartbeat - everything is created by human magnetism, managed by the conscious will of the rally of the instinctive mind.

Magnetism is sent along the nerves in the same way as telegrams are sent by wires going to all ends of the Earth. Nerves are telegraph wires, and there is continuously current transmitting deposits. And both until the very last time it was considered impossible to send telegrams without wires and the transfer of nerve currents without the help of nerves seems today impossible for our physiology.

Meanwhile, human magnetism, or "nervous power", can be transmitted and without the help of nerves and even send at distances. Science recently opened the principles of wireless telegraph, and the Occultists have already known many centuries ago, they knew that human magnetism could be transmitted from the face to face through the astral atmosphere without the "nervous wires".

We hope that readers are doing a more understandable system of human magnetism;

As we have already said, human magnetism is taken by the human body from the air, which he breathes, from the water that he drinks, from food that eats. A person is a device in the laboratory of nature to extract magnetism from everything that it comes into contact. The magnetism extracted by the human apparatus is maintained in the nervous system, where there are large reserves of it, enclosed in a whole network of "batteries", of which the nervous solar plexus is central and main. From these "accumulators" magnetism is taken by the mind or senses and is sent to where it is needed for a wide variety of purposes.

When we say that it takes the mind or (sense authorities, it does not mean at all that the mind or body of sensations should act consciously. On the contrary, no more than five percent of all actions of a person are the result of the manifestation of conscious will. The remaining ninety-five percent of human and his body They are committed by an instinctive intelligence, heads of body functions, the work of the internal organs, the processes of digestion, assimilation, the discharge, blood circulation and other parties to the life of the physical organism, which are all entirely or partly in the institution of the instinctive mind.

From the above, one should not withdraw the conclusions that magnetism is ever absent in any part of the body. On the contrary, every part of the body always contains a greater or smaller stock of magnetism, and the amount of stock depend on the total vitality of this person. The vitality of the body and the other part of it is determined by the number of prana or human magnetism throughout the system and in its parts.

Having reached this place, the reader will be very useful to refresh in memory that he used to read or heard about the nervous system and about its structure, about nervous cells, about ganglia, about plexus, and so on. This will help him make a clear concept about the process of distributing the stock of magnetism in the body.

The human nervous system is divided by LA two departments, it is: a cerebrospinal (or spinal) system and a sympathetic system.

The cerebrospinal system consists of all those parts nervous systemwhich are enclosed in the cavity of the skull and the spinal channel, i.e. In the head and spinal cord, together with the nerves emanating from the spinal cord. This system manages animal functions: want, feeling, etc.

The sympathetic system includes all those parts of the nervous system that are located mainly in the chest and abdominal cavities and which are associated with the internal organs. This system controls unconscious processes: height, power supply, etc. under the control and observation of instinctive mind.

The cerebrospinal system serves as vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. She is. does not serve directly for the manifestation of motor pulses, and in general, "I" uses it to think, i.e. It serves to manifest consciousness and intelligence. This is a tool with which "I" can communicate with an external world through the sense of sense. This system is compared with a large telephone wire system, in which the brain is a central station, and the spinal vapor and nerves are gear stations, cable and wires.

The brain has a large mass of nervous tissue and consists of three parts: a large brain, or hemispheres occupying the front, middle and rear pieces of the skull; The cerebellum, which occupies the lower and back of the skull, and the oblong brain, which is an extended start of the spinal cord.

The big brain is an intelligence body, as well as a slowly developing spiritual mind - notice, only an organ, i.e. The instrument of manifestation, not the most intelligence or spiritual mind. The cerebellum is an instinctive mind organ. The oblong brain is the upper part of the spinal cord, and from it the same, as from the big brain, go nerves to different parts of the head and to some organs of the chest and abdominal cavity, as well as to the respiratory authorities.

The spinal cord fills the inside of the spinal canal. This is the long mass of the nervous tissue, from which in places of the connection of some vertebrae go to the branching side, turning into the nerves, which are already communicated with all parts of the body. The spinal cord is like a chief telephone cable, from which the wires go to individual phones.

The sympathetic system consists of a double chain of ganglia, or nerve nodes located on both sides of the spinal column, and from gangliy, located in different places of head, neck, chest and abdominal cavity. These ganglia are interconnected by nerve fibers, and with a cerebrospinal system - motor and sensory (sensitive) nerves. From Gangulia, fibrous branches go to various body bodies, to the blood vessels and so on. In various parts of the body, the nerves meet and form the so-called "nervous plexuses". The sympathetic system controls involuntary processes: circulatory, breathing and digestion.

With the help of this amazing system, human magnetism is valid, or the great energy (as well as the "nervous force", if readers prefer a more scientific term).

The impulses going from the mind through the brain take magnetism from the "batteries" of the body and send it to all parts of the body or to some one part of it on the wires of the nervous system. Without this magnetism, the heart will not fight, blood will not move, the lungs will not breathe; No authority will function.

In a word, the entire body mechanism should stop, if the access of magnetism will stop. Even the brain cannot perform its functions of the instrument of mind if there is no sufficient reserve of prana or if the inflow of fresh prana stops during its work. The teaching of yogis speaks of one part of the nervous system more than Western science.

This part is solar plexus. Physiologists consider solar plexus simply with a lumpy lump of sympathetic nerves and do not give it much importance. The teachings of yogis says that this is one of the most important parts of the nervous system, namely, that this is the largest "battery" of pranic energy, from where it is transmitted to smaller "accumulators" scattered throughout the body and in various organs.

Solar plexus is located behind the lower part of the stomach, on both sides of the spinal cord. It consists of a brain substance as well as a head and spinal cord. It plays a much more important role in human life than it is customary to think. A person can be killed by a blow reflected on the solar plexus. The prize fighters know well the property of the solar plexus and often strive to paralyze the enemy with shocks reflected in this area, although it should be noted that these blows treat them to the number of prohibited, as representing a danger to life.

The name of this plexus "Sunny" is very successful, because the energy and strength in all parts of the body is emitted from this place, and even the big brain depends on its work on the energy sent by the solar plexus.

In the same way, both blood penetrates into all parts of the body using arteries and smaller blood vessels, ending with tiny thin "hair" vessels and human magnetism, or pragic energy, penetrates all parts of the body using an amazing and complex nervous wire system, Cables and "batteries". Oxygen rich, red arterial blood builds and chinit cells and delivers the material that is necessary for the continuous resumption of tissues going in the body under the control of a faithful servant of a person - instinctive mind. But without magnetism there would be no life, since even the entire effect of a complex circulatory system depends on the pranic energy, which is the motor force of the body.

A healthy human body from head to the legs is full of this amazing force that makes the whole car act and which has a force and meaning not only on the physical plane, but also on astral, as we see it further.

But it is necessary to remember that the instinctive mind is worth the distribution of all this distribution, which supports the permanent supply of the body by magnetism, collects it into "batteries" and then takes it out of them and sends into different parts of the body, following in one of them There was no lack of great. And if some part of the body needs an enhanced influx of magnetism, the instinctive mind invariably responds to its requirement and sends it the desired amount of prana.

But the instinctive mind is very cleaningly refers to the reserve of prana existing in the body, and allows us to spend only a small percentage of stock available, not allowing the body to waste their wealth and turned out to be bankrupt. Although at the same time an instinctive mind is not a meek at all, and if the body is well and in it there is a permanent and abundant influx of Prana from the side, the instinctive mind also generously distributes its wealth. And then a man radiates magnetism, fills them all the astral and physical atmosphere around him - and it feels anything coming to him in contact.

In the fourth lesson, describing a man's aura, we talked about aura of the third start, or Prana, which is the Aura of human magnetism.

This aura can feel very many people, and people who have some degree of clairvoyance can even see it. There are clairvoyants who see the movement of magnetism by the human nervous system.

At a short distance from the body of the aura of magnetism, it looks like a cloud of color of the electric spark; Sometimes it is compared with radiation emanating from the tube with X-ray rays. Clairvoyant notice sparks separated from the tips of the fingers of people treated with magnetism or making spiritual passes. And in the same way, persons who do not consider themselves clairvoyant differ sometimes as if the cloud, enveloping man, colorless, but pulsating and vibrating, similar to evaporation, rising from the heated Earth.

A person who is capable of a strong concentration and possessing the trained thought throws a large number of magnetism with his mental waves. In general, every mental wave is more or less saturated with magnetism, but weakly concentrated thoughts of a negative nature take so little magnetism that it can not be taken at all into a consideration, if you compare these thoughts with the thoughts of a person who developed and trained their mental abilities,

An important point of differences between the modern naturalist and the occultist is the question of the possibility or inability to transfer magnetism, or nervous force, as science calls it. Physiologists claim that although the nervous force undoubtedly exists and really makes in the body all that the occultists are attributed to Prana, but it is concluded within the nervous system and go through its borders. Therefore, they deny many of the phenomena, the reason for which human magnetism is acting outside the body, and consider occult teachings as creating people with excessive imagination.

The occultists, for their part, know from the experience that magnetism can go beyond the nervous system, constantly comes out and is sent often over long distances from the body of the person in which it was accumulated. Evidence of the occult teaching on this issue can find anyone who will only want to look for the truth without any preconceitable opinion and will not deny the facts when they come to him.

Before you go further, we want to recall our readers once again that human magnetism is only a manifestation, or a form of prana, and that Prana is not anew to the needs of people. It exists in nature in the finished form. And when we say that a person increases the amount of magnetism in his system, he does this, simply attracting the influx of Prana and remove it from the great stock of nature by breathing, drinking and nutrition.

In this way, the reserve of prana or recoverable from air, food and drink, as we see, can be significantly increased by a conscious desire to get it or the power of our will. But the amount of prana in the universe is constantly and invariably. It can not be increased nor reduce. Prana is energy, the number of which is constantly.

In the fifth lesson, we told readers that when the thought was sent with force, it usually carries a significant amount of prana, or magnetism, which even more enhances it and sometimes produces a very strong effect. This prana, or magnetism, most really revives the thought and makes it almost a living being. Every positive thought, kind or evil, more or less strongly saturated with porn, or magnetism. The man of strong will, sending beetled and living thoughts of a positive character, unconsciously (or deliberately, if he can) sends a reserve of prana, or magnetism, which is always proportional to the energy voltage, with which thought was sent.

The thought sent when a person is in power of strong emotion, is also commonly rich in praran. Many people: speakers, preachers and others, as we have already said, are perfectly able to use these properties of magnetism and give their words and thoughts an extraordinary persuasiveness. We will return to this issue in the tenth lesson when we talk about the astral world.

Prana is very strongly aimed at thoughts and desires, as in those cases where a person wants to attract more Prana to himself and in those when he wants to send it from himself. Therefore, the amount of prana absorbed by the person can be significantly increased. Huge help here can be exercised by yogis regarding breathing, food and drink. But, generally speaking, the thought, desire or expectation, lying in the soul of a person, by themselves will increase the number of absorbed Prana. And in the same way, the will or the desire of a person, increasing the number of prana, who was saturated with the thought, would significantly increase the power of the action of this thought on others or on the person himself.

I am clearer, if a person is at a time when he breathes, drinks or eats, will make a mental image of absorption prana, i.e. To draw a picture of how his body absorbs Prana, he will act with these thoughts of some occult laws, on the basis of which more prana, from the matter introduced into the body, is truly liberated, and as a result, the body will get more gain.

Try to make experience. Make a few deep breaths, mentally drawing that you absorb a large amount of prana, and as a result you will certainly feel a very significant tide of strength. It is worth trying when you feel tired and lost forces. Similarly, drink a glass of water, drawing that you remove Prana from the water, and you will get the same result as in the first case. In the same way, during meals, slowly burn food, keeping in mind that you try to extract all the food to the whole prana, and you will get a much greater reinforcement and strengthening from food than usually.

Such simple tools greatly help people and give them the opportunity to feel stronger and, in turn, to help others. Let the reader do not confuse the seeming simplicity of the described methods of mental exposure to Prana, and let it do not reduce its value in his eyes. We hope that he will experience the recommended mental techniques and then will be convinced of their benefits and meaning.

Because of the same law, the thought sent with a bright mental manner is very saturated with praran and reaches great speed and strength of action in comparison with an ordinary thought; Practice further increases the strength of thoughts sent in this way. But let the reader be careful and does not send evil thoughts, especially with bright images. We already pointed out earlier, in the lesson, the fifth, how great the chance of the fact that the evil thoughts of a person will oppose himself.

Human magnetism allows the pro-: Having made a number of interesting experiments with them. If there is a circle of people interested in this issue, they can try the next experience.

Let several people sit in a circle, holding each other by hands, and let everyone imagine that in a circle there is a strong current of magnetism, and everyone must imagine a current going in one direction. It is very convenient to imagine that the current goes on the movement of the clockwise, from left to right. If there are twelve people in a circle, then let it be 12, the other - 1, the third - 11th and so on., And let it all imagine how the current of Prana moves. If society is harmonious and favorable conditions, participating soon will actually feel light shocks, exactly from the electric current passing through them.

If it is moderately practicing in such creating a current of Prana, it will act as a strengthening manner on all participating and give them strength. But we do not advise you to sit for a long time, as it can create such a strong current that unexpected excess mental mental or medium phenomena can be obtained, which should not be engaged in people who have not studied the laws of these phenomena. In general, we highly recommend the unconscious and involuntary product of the phenomena of this kind. Before it is taken for it, you need to know a lot, and who knows enough, he does not want to make himself a gun of unknown forces *.

In our small book "Science of breathing" are briefly given various types of use of pranic power, or human magnetism; There are also described exercises calculated to increase the absorption of prana by the body and regulate its distribution and emission.

The head of the XIV "Science and Baby" gives detailed information on this issue. Paragraph 2 of this chapter contains a description of the exercise leading to enhanced absorption of prana by the body, to the correct distribution of it in all parts of the body and in order to enhance and revitalize cells and organs. This exercise will be doubly useful to people who have studied the theory of prana, or magnetism, in the human body. Paragraph 2 of the same chapter teaches how to suppress pain, directing the stream of prana to the affected place. Paragraph 4 explains how to adjust and control the movement of prana. Paragraph 5 gives guidance on self-medication, and paragraph 6 reports brief information about the treatment of others. If strictly execute all the instructions given in the last paragraphs; You can become a real "magnetic healer." Paragraph 7 teaches how to treat at a distance.

The next chapter XV gives information about sending thoughts, saturated praran; Reports, ways to form a guarding aura, which can make a person inaccessible to thoughts and prana of other people. Since people, consciously or unconsciously, often send their thoughts and Prana with evil targets, the information about how to protect themselves from the possible influence of evil thoughts may be very useful.

In the same chapter XV, explains how to resume the reserve of Prana and promote this resumption in others. Then it is said how to saturate water with prana, and many other useful exercises and instructions are given to use the pranic power or human magnetism.

Those of our readers who do not have full health, we especially recommend paying attention to the exercises that mean an increase in the reserve of prana in the body with the help of conscious removal of it from food, drinking and air. Attentive execution of these exercises can not help but bring benefits and must strengthen the body, the entire painful state of which usually depends on the lack of prana. Do not despise the body - this is the temple of the Living Spirit. Take care of him, and then it will be correctly operating the instrument of the spirit.

Mantram and the seventh theme for reflection: "I absorb the amount of prana universe from the reserve of energy, which is required to strengthen my body and putting it with health, power, activity, energy and vitality."

The given mantraram and the topic consisting in it for meditation are intended to strengthen the physical body in order to make it a more advanced tool of expression. Previous Mantrams and Meditation Topics were intended for mental and spiritual development, but since we know that many people are burdened with bodies discovering the lack of harmony and lack of perfect health, we consider it appropriate to appreciate to the lesson about Prana and human magnetism mantra and theme for meditation In the direction mentioned.

Let the reader take a comfortable position and, bringing his mind into a calm state, then repeats the mantram many times in a row until it reaches a special rhythm and the sensation of pulsation in the whole body. Then, let him focus his thoughts on the huge reserve of Posaic energy in the universe. The whole universe is filled with this great force, this great life start, thanks to which all forms of movement, strength and energy have become possible.

Let the reader understand that it can freely and arbitrarily use this reserve of Prana, that all world energy is his property, which he can consume to the structure of the body, i.e. Temple of the Spirit; And let him not afraid to demand what belongs to him, let him take what makes his property, and let him be sure that he could not be able to be that he would receive an answer.

Holding these thoughts in mind, you need to breathe slowly, as it is indicated in the "breathing science", and imagine the influx of Prana, entering the body with every breath. At the same time, with each exhalation you need to mentally throw out unnecessary and spent substances from the body. Then you need to mentally draw yourself with full health, strength, vitality and energy - cheerful and happy. If a person is tired and tired for the day, let him make a few deep breaths, imagining the influx of prana and the release of unhealthy substances by breathing. He will immediately notice the appearance of a feeling of increased strength and vitality.

Prana can be sent to every part of the body that requires help and support, and the smallest practice gives a person the opportunity to acquire such control over the body, that it will clearly feel the passage of prana to the affected or tired part of the body. If a person is in a lying position, then holding his hands on his body from head down with a shutdown hand on the sunny plexus will act very beneficial and soothing.

Hands can easily charge prana, pulling them freely full of length and slowly waving them back and forth, from time to time producing such a movement, which is done when the water shakes out from the fingers. When light injections feel in the fingers, it will mean that the whole hand is saturated with praran. Then the touch of hand will stop pain in other parts of the body at the person itself and from other people.

With this meditation, moving to "silence", take with you the thoughts of health, strength, activity, energy and vitality.

Occult methods of treatment

A person who studies history will find in legends, in fairy tales and in legends of all peoples of instructions on the fact that the treatment of diseases by those or other occult ways has been practiced in all races, in all peoples and at all times.

Forms and methods of occult treatment changed. Among them, we see the disgusting techniques of witchcraft, accompanying the gross forms of the Dicar superstition, and more reformed, but, in essence, the same techniques accompanying modern spiritualistic cults. In general, it can be said that the idea of \u200b\u200boccult treatment of diseases is inherent in all forms of religion - from the Dicar Fetishism of Negroes Central Africa to the highest forms of religion, well-known peace.

All sorts of theories were made to explain the healings that were the result of occult methods of treatment. Many beliefs arose exactly around the facts of true or imaginary healing. The priests, preachers and healers argued that the divine grace appears through them, and they insisted that they were representatives on the land of the Divine, who worshiped in their country. And in the proof, they led their ability to heal the disease.

The same power of healing by servants of any one religion was provided as evidence of the truth of the very religion itself, and the healings made by the ministers of other religions were usually considered as a deception and fake. It often happened that the ministers of any religion considered occult treatment as if their monopoly and severely chased those who also dared to treat people with such ways, or those who preferred from the healers of other religions.

Human nature has always been the same all over the world and at all times. And we see that in our time there is the same rivalry of the healers of different sects, who claim that only they possess the "real secret." And in this regard, fashionable leaders of various spiritualist sect, which was divorced so much in Europe, and in America, no different wild tribes differ from African "doctors". But to the great grief of all these people seeking to pick up a monopoly on the use of one of the greatest forces of nature, the right to use it belongs to everyone. And they themselves, if they sometimes perform real healing, then it is not because of their theories, but rather, contrary to their own theories and despite them.

The Great Healing Power of Nature is free, like air and as sunlight, and it can use anyone who wants. She cannot own and cannot control it any person, or sect, or school. And no specific religious views are needed in order to use the results of the beneficial action of this force.

Readers, probably, it is already completely clear that at the heart of all the facts of occult treatment, some one significant reason should lie. There must be some kind of power that all healers enjoy in cases where they really make healing. As a rule, they use this force completely blindly, building the most ridiculous and impossible theories on its account, which in no case cannot be considered a real explanation of the phenomena of occult treatment. Only that explanation deserves attention, which explains all cases of valid healing, and not just the cases belonging to one sect or school.

Philosophers yoga many centuries ago knew and practiced various forms of occult treatment. They deeply and thoroughly studied the principles underlying healing. But they never cheated themselves and did not imagine, as if they had a monopoly of occult treatments.

On the contrary, their research and experiments convinced them that all the healers, in fact healing people's disease, enjoyed the great natural strength, the same in all cases, although from the outside and were used, and called it differently. In addition, yoga came to the conclusion that all spiritualistic theories, sectarian creeds and all statements of rights to the grace monopoly, which were built around rare cases of occult treatment, are just as little related to it, such as, for example, to electricity or to magnetism.

Yogi understood that all types of occult treatment are various ways to act as a great power of nature, and some methods are better in some cases, others in others, and in certain cases, combinations of different methods are needed.

Yogi understood that Prana is the same force that enjoys in all these cases, although it is attracted to the treatment of diseases in various ways. And the teachings of yogis says that all forms of occult treatment can be explained by the action of prana; Moreover, they themselves use various methods developed by schools of occult healers, and used them in many centuries to our time, always recognizing the numerous and diverse healing facts one of this theory.

The methods of occult treatment they are divided into the following three main categories.

1. Paradic treatment that includes

it is all that in the West is called

"Magnetic treatment" and so on.

2. Mental treatment where

personal forms of mental and mental

treatment, including "treatment at a distance", and

also all types of treatment based on

3. Spiritual treatment that is

very rare form and requires high do

hovina development. Nowadays in various

sects often talk about "spiritual treatment",

but it's only one deception, because the power of do

hoving treatment can only belong

very far away in its development ok


In all these cases, even in the highest and rare, the current force is Prana. Prana is a means of healing disease; Praran use methods can be different.

To consider in more detail the question of occult treatment, we must come back a few. Before talking about the treatment of a patient body, we must figure out some of the states of a healthy body.

The philosophy of yogis teaches that God gave each individual a physical car adapted to his needs, and gives him all the means to keep this car in order and correct it if the car will deteriorate or hesitate for the negligence. Yoga view the human body as a work of the Great Mind. In all the activities of the body, in all its functions, they see the instructions on the care and reasonable calculation invested here. They take as the fact that the body exists and created by the will and plan of the Great Mind, and they know that this mind and now continues to act through the physical body. Therefore, if the individual consciousness in his desires, aspirations and actions will coincide with the desires, aspirations and actions of the Great Mind, the body will remain healthy and strong. And if a person goes against this law, as a result there will be a violation of harmony and illness.

According to yogis, it is funny to think that the great mind, giving the existence of an excellent human body, left it further on the arbitrary of fate. And they are convinced that the mind continuously heads all the functions of the body and that we can trust him and not be afraid.

The Great Mind, the manifestation of which we call "Nature", or "Life Bene", and similar names, always resides, to correct damage, heal the wounds, connect the broken bones, to throw out harmful substances accumulated in it and thousands Other actions and ways to maintain a car in good working condition. A lot of what we call the "illness", in fact there is a beneficial effect of nature, aimed at freeing the body from poisonous substances that we allowed to enter our body and allow you to stay there.

Let's try to see that, in fact, it means the "body". Suppose that the soul is looking for dwellings in which it could develop this phase of its existence. Occultists know that in order to manifest itself a known manner, the soul is needed a bodily abode. Let's see what you need the soul from the body and whether it gives her nature what she needs.

First of all, the soul needs a well-built apparatus for thinking: in the central station, from where she could manage the body. Nature gives it the amazing tool called the "human brain", the possibilities and abilities of which we still do not yet implement. At the present stage of its development, a person uses a very minor part of his brain. While not going to work part of the brain is waiting for the development of the human race to serve it.

Further, the soul needs organs intended to perceive and record various forms of impressions of the outside world. Nature gives eyes, ears, nose, taste and tactile nerves. Other feelings Nature keeps in stock until the time they need us.

Then the soul needs messages between the brain and various parts of the body. Nature is paving nervous cables and wires, creating an amazing system for its harmony. The brain gets the opportunity to broadcast its orders to all parts of the body, sending orders to the cells and organs and insisting on their immediate execution. On the same system, the brain receives telegrams from different parts of the body: caution about the danger, requests for help, complaints, etc.

Then the body must have means of movement. It has already turned the conditions of fixed, plant life, and he needs to move. In addition, he needs to be able to take well-beneficial things and be able to pay them to their need. For this purpose, nature gave him members, as well as muscles and tendons, with which members move and work.

Further, the body needs a durable core, which would preserve his shape, would do for him unsighted shocks, would give him strength, fortress and elasticity, would generally support him. And nature gives the body this cable, known as the "skeleton" and representing an amazing mechanism deserving the most attentive study.

Finally, the soul needs physical means of communication with other embodied souls. And nature delivers funds such communication in speech and hearing.

The body needs a transmission system to different parts of materials that serve to resume wear vessels and. fabrics, materials for repair, to replenish and amplify. Similarly, it needs another system, with which the garbage of production and waste substances could move to the body-inflating furnaces of the body, burn there and emit out of the body. And nature gives us blood, carrying life, arteries and veins for which it runs to work and returns to easy to take a new oxygen stock and burn the brought to the garbage.

The body needs material from the outside, with which it could continuously repair and resume its wear-in parts. Nature gives food absorption tools, digesting it, extracting nutrient elements from it, turning these nutrient elements into such a state that they are easily absorbed by the organism.

No one will spend the gift of time, devoting himself to studying the amazing mechanism of the human body, and from such a study, a person gets complete confidence in the existence of a large mind of nature, he sees the great principle of life in action, he sees that the organization of the body is not a blind case, not a coincidence, But the work of the powerful mind.

A person tends to trust this mind and knows that the same forces that have given him physical existence will help him go through life.

And when people reveal themselves access to the great life began, it always brings them great benefits. If they fear him or do not trust him, close the doors for the one that is most important for them, they themselves suffer from the consequences of this.

Readers can ask what the relationship has all this to occult teaching, and they may complain that we are talking about things that have long been known to them, but we cannot bypass the idea that in nature there is everything you need to maintain full human health. And we deliberately repeat: True information about the treatment of diseases indicate that a person should strive to agree on his life with the laws of nature - only he can keep health.

Oriental teachings consider unreasonable to create cults around treatment methods. They find that if the cults are needed, it is better to create them around health as a center, avoiding the diseases themselves, which in such cases will only be accidental.

There is a special department of philosophy of yogis dedicated to the idea of \u200b\u200bhealth conservation. There are taught that health is the normal state of a person and that diseases are largely the result of ignorance and inability to obey the voices of natural laws. We add to it that the force healing diseases exists in each person and can be consciously or unconsciously powered. The occult teaching lies in the actuation of the internal forces of the individual (sometimes with the help of the forces of other individuals) and in the disclosure of the physical system for the action of the power of nature.

All occult treatment depends on what we call the vital force of the individual. The active start of this vitality, as we have already explained, there is a manifestation of universal power - Prana.

If a person has neglected the laws of the right life and thought for a long time and eventually upset his physical health, and then he tried to be treated for a long time to be treated with external material means, then he would tell a lot about treatment with natural forces. It will find a lot of the forms of occult treatment for him.

We have intention to explain to readers the effect of these various forms of treatment, but we can only give a very brief information about it, since every method of treatment, if it is completely present, would require a whole book; But we hope that even brief information can benefit.

Magnetic treatment

Magnetic treatment is a form of a great treatment, in which or the patient himself, or another person, the "healer", sends reinforced reserves of prana to the affected parts of the body.

Paradical treatment includes as an integral part to all other forms of treatment, although many of those who resort to occult methods of treatment are not suspected. What is called magnetic treatment, the operator conducts his own hands on the body of a sick person and effort of will or a strong desire sends a strong reserve of Prana to his patient.

This prana acts in the same way as if she was in a sore body of the patient himself. It strengthens and revives the affected parts of the body and makes them function normally. With magnetic treatment with hands are usually carried out by body.

Mental treatment

The term "mental treatment" covers a rather large number of cases with various forms on appearance.

There is a form of self-medication, which consists in repetition by the patient of well-known statements, or self-suggestions, seeking to create a more fun and elevated state of the spirit that acts on the body and causes it to function correctly. We can say straight that the main benefit extracted from this treatment and from the forms related to it is that it causes the patient to drive thoughts that prevent nature to do their job.

For themselves, the approval of the benefits cannot be brought. The thing is that we often interfere with the life began freely act in us and put him obstacles in the form of the opposite self-sucking. Therefore, when we change our spirit of the Spirit, we destroy these obstacles, and nature itself finds the way to what she needs. In addition, strong self-adhesions of a positive character excite the system and lead the dormant instincts.

In the form of mental treatment, which is known for the "external", the same principle is valid. The patient's mind is exempt from hostile self-attachment by positive suggestions from the attending. This eliminates the brake that prevents the correct action of instincts, and nature restores the normal activity of the body.

The means of this recovery is the reserve of prana sent to all parts of the body and forcing them to work on normal bases. In addition, when treating an external treatingly, consciously or unconsciously sends a patient's reserves of own prana, which excites vitality in patients in the body and makes the patient himself in the restoration of normal pranic conditions.

In what is generally called mental treatment, there is always a significant number of "external treatment", although the attending itself may not know about it.

The state of the spirit of the attending is always reflected in the patient. Words, the tone of the voice, the attending confidence cannot pass without a trace for the patient's mind, but, in addition, the attending and consciously sends a strong current to the patient, encouraging and reviving the thought, which the patient takes telepathically, especially if he has the appropriate mindset.

The interaction of two minds for a common goal usually gives great strength, and this is a factor producing treatment, since the patient's mind is distracted by negative thoughts, and his body receives a large stock of Prana. The correct form of mental treatment is beneficial on the mind, and the patient's body.

What is known entitled "mental treatment at a distance" is valid for the same lines as the described form of mental treatment. The distance between the patient and attending is not an obstacle for mental currents. In both cases, the attending often creates a strong tolerant, saturated with prana, which produces almost immediate action on a patient that felt reinforcement and amplification.

Sudden cure is often produced in this way, although very few healers have so large forces to send a thought form of this kind. But a very strong mental healer can be able to send a thought that is so saturated with praran and so full of vital power and energy that the patient may feel immediately tide of the reviving forces, and the disease can almost instantly give way to treatment.

Of course, such a cure will first only apparently, because for the completeness of the cure, it is often necessary to restore a large number of tissues, but the tide of fresh blood and the updating elements will make the fact that in a relatively short time the disease will really disappear, and the body will win hostile trends, clone to his disorder Systems.

All forms of mental treatment are suitable for one of the listed categories. One of the most important things is to create a patient a mental state, eliminate all the forms of hostile self-sufficiency and give the opportunity to do their job without interference. To achieve these results, the patient needs to send a strong thought and reserve of prana, which, if they are sent to a sore body part, will facilitate the healing activities of instincts.

Spiritual treatment

There is also another form of treatment, very rarely observed, in which a person possessing special spiritual abilities can so much on a patient that the entire system of the latter suddenly be changed and, expanding the action of higher forces, comes at the same time in a normal state.

This true spiritual treatment occurs so rarely, which very few people have to face it. Very often, the spiritual treatment is called other forms of occult treatment, but people who deceive themselves in this way do not have the slightest concept of true spiritual treatment.

A sign of spiritual treatment is immediate results. If even complete cure is not observed immediately, then, in any case, the restoration of the normal activity of the body immediately begins. Very rare people possess this ability, and why this ability cannot meet often, is made quite understandable for a person who will get acquainted with the principles of this method of treatment.

The spiritual treatment can never be committed from personal purposes or for the sake of achieving any extraneous goals, it cannot be impurities of material interests *.

We want readers clearly distinguished spiritual treatment from other forms of mental or mental treatment, often also called spiritual. This is necessary because otherwise they will mix completely different things.

Experiments in the occult ways of treatment

We have intention to describe readers a few examples of occult treatment, which they can practice themselves. The results of these experiments are largely dependent on preliminary training and from the ability to own the forces of the body.

Here are experiments relating to pranic or magnetic treatment.

1. Let the patient sit down in the chair, and you stand in front of him. Let your hands are freely hanging around, a few seconds, shake them freely back and forth until the feeling of light enclosures in the fingertips appears.

Then lift your hands to the level of the patient's head and slowly spend them down to his legs, holding the palm treated to it and the fingers are slightly placed, as if you were lily the power on it from the tips of your fingers. Next, step up and raise your hands again to the patient's head level, and at a time when you raise your hands up, your palms should be one against the other.

If you raise your hands in the same movement, as omit, then you take back all the magnetism from the patient, which you gave him. Therefore, lowering hands down, you need to wrap your palms in different directions, and raising up, keep your palms with one to another. Repeat this move several times, not straining the muscles of the hands, let them be as possible better. So you can act on any part of the body.

Having finished the session of treatment, it is necessary to shake hands, as otherwise there may be a connection between you and the sick organism and, in the end, you can get in a painful state. Such treatment will act a strengthening manner on the patient, and if practicing it often and correctly, it will undoubtedly benefit.

In the case of chronic or very old disorders, the disease can be "discharged", making side passages in front of the affected part. This is done before the patient with the connected hands relating to the palms of one another, and then spending hands several times to the sides. Then you should make the passes from top to bottom.

2. In chapter XIV books "Science of breathing"

we led several examples of such

the same methods of occult treatment that

by caring data.

3. Headaches can be facilitated when

assistance to the passage produced behind the patient

enta. Let the patient sits on the front of you and you

standing behind him, make hands with shifting

thumbs are double circles over his goal

howl, not touching, however, his own. Through nonsense

how many seconds you will feel the expiration

magnetism from your fingers and pain pat

enta will be facilitated.

4. Then a good way to relieve pain

is to become before the patient

tom and keep the palm of the right hand before

no part of the body at a distance

how many inches from it. Need to keep la

don stationary a few seconds and then

give her a slow rotary motion

nie around a sore place. Such passages by

fight a very strong reviving action

wem and soon restore normal


feminine part holding it in several inch

mach, first motionless, and then make ru

some rotational movement as if you

drilled a hole with a finger. It can be

to become a blood circulation in the affected part and improve its condition.

6. Put your hands on the patient's head over

whiskeys and keep them so for some time.

It can give good results by bringing


7. Light blows on the body of the patient on top

clothes excite blood circulation and mouth

wound the consequences of various delays in

departures of the body.

8. A significant part of the benefit that

brings massage and other similar

ways of treatment is the influx

prana from a healthy person to the sick that

happens without the knowledge of consciousness during

process of rubbing. But if the same

rubbing accompanied by conscious

laine to send a stream of prana to the patient, then

it turns out significantly large results,

and if it is still accompanied by rhythmic

breathing, then the action usually happens


9. Breathing on the affected parts, practice

in many middle peoples, often

is a powerful means of transfer

chi Prana in a sore place. Sometimes per patient

the place is put a piece of fabric and breathe on it; Tog.

yes, breathing, heating fabric, adds more

the effect of heat to its action, and sogre

via enhances treatment, facilitating the transfer

10. Water magnetization often shows

to the means used by magnet

healers, and you can hear a lot

stories about the healing action of Magnet

water-plated water. The simplest shape of Magne

tizated water lies in the fact that

the glass is kept behind the bottom of the left hand, and from the fingers

right hand as if something shake into the water.

This action can be strengthened ^ Doing

a glass of several passes with their right hand

top down.

Rhythmic breathing strongly helps to saturate water with prana. Water, thus saturated in thus, is an excellent tool and benefits people suffering from general weakness, especially if they drink it with small sips, keeping the idea about the fact that they drink strength. If they create a bright mental image of prana penetrating into their body together with water, the treatment will almost inevitably give favorable results.

We describe a few more experiences of mental, or mental, treatment.

1. The self-suggestion is to inspire a physical condition, which person would like to possess. This self-confederation must be transferred to himself, speaking out loud or about ourselves just as one person would say to another, seriously and persistently; At the same time, the mind should draw a mental picture of those conditions that words speak.

For example, a person says: "My stomach is Silen, Silen, Silen - he is quite capable of digesting food and can take the necessary food for the body. He may well produce all the necessary power and health for me. My digestion is very good. My body turns food into a healthy red blood that carries health and strength to all parts of my organism, making me a strong and healthy person. "

Such self-compliance, or approval, applies to all parts of the body and gives very good results. Active force here is attention to the patient or upset part of the body. This attention attracts a strengthened stream of prana to this part of the body; The same thing makes mental pictures in which a person imagines a normal state of a patient or a member.

It is necessary to understand the spirit or meaning of SA-. Moving and treat him completely seriously. Success largely depends on the brightness of mental paintings, which draws yourself an inspiring. Try to see yourself as you like to be. In addition, you can help treatment, acting by those methods that are described in the chapter on pranic treatment.

2. The treatment with the suggestion coming from others is made on the same principles as the most described self-sustaining, excluding only the fact that the patient should strive to transfer the patient's mind that in cases of self-sufficient people should give himself.

Especially good results are obtained in cases where the magnetizer, and the patient simultaneously create a mental image; A suggestion coming down, complements and strengthens self-sucking. The treasured transmits the idea that he wants to hold a patient's consciousness, and the patient tries to suggest to his instinctive mind, with which it can give physical results. The most powerful suggestion is given by the people of great vitality, which can be sent to the patient's patient, full forces saturated with prana, at the same time seeking to cause patient in the mind of self-sustaining.

Commonly, several forms of mental treatment are connected in one. Everyone who tried to make experience in this direction will see that it will certainly connect several types of treatment in one. Much depends on instincts as a person who treats and is treated, which requires treatment. The instinctive mind has a habit of known cases to help the body, and this habit can be called an artificial way.

Create good instinctive mind habits - this is one of the best ways to self-medication, since very many diseases occur exactly that the instinctive mind disappears from the proper activity due to the abnormality of life. The suggestion and self-sucking make the instinctive mind function correctly, and the body quickly returns to the state of complete harmony.

In many cases, everything that is required from the treatment with suggestion is only to free the patient's mind from fear, from anxiety and from depressing thoughts that prevent harmonious body activities to such an extent that we do not at all. Obstacles created by these thoughts and emotions for the normal life of the body are that they interfere with the normal distribution of Prana, the consequences of what are inconsiders.

By eliminating these harmful thoughts, we do the same thing that there is a watchmaker, removing small lumps of dirt and dust particles that prevent the correct action of the clock mechanism. No matter how small obstacles, they can disrupt the entire harmony of a complex machine. Fear, anxiety, and especially hatred and malice with all the accompanying emotions are the cause of physical disharmony much more often than all other reasons connected together.

3. In mental treatment (in the exact meaning of this expression), the patient is sitting, trying to make his body may be more passive and less intense, from this is more susceptible to his mind. The attending sends a patient a thought of reinforcing and recumbrive.

This thought, acting on the patient's mind, for ^ puts it to discard the thoughts of the negative properties and replace their thoughts positive. As a result, the patient's mind restores its equilibrium, and all the activities of its body gradually becomes more normal, and this, in turn, is to act on all the regenerating forces that the human body is so rich and who we usually interfere with the manifestation.

The reinforced stream of prana, directed to all parts of the body, brings with them strength and health. All this will result in the result of the direction of the patient's prevailing thoughts. Therefore, the first principle of mental treatment is to bring the patient's mind into a normal state. As a result, the body exactly gets what he needs.

Many of the mental healers seek not to do this, but directly send strong and positive thoughts saturated with prana, in the affected place and produce physical change in the body, in addition to the consciousness and subconscious of the patient, the action of their own will. Treatment of this kind requires a much greater cost of forces from the one who treats.

It must be remembered that the treatment only will reach its goal when the conditions created the disease will be eliminated. Therefore, it is very important to produce a well-known impact on the patient's entire mental system and through it to influence the physical organism. To do this, first of all, you need to exclude patient's mind negative thoughts that again can be done without his knowledge, drawing it to yourself as a strong and healthy mind and body. It is necessary to strive to draw all the conditions of his body and the Spirit as they would have to be, then concentrate the idea on this image and straight to throw this image into the patient's body in the affected place.

Properly sent thought can not not penetrate where it is directed, and as a result, it will certainly produce the desired physical change, eliminating abnormal conditions and restoring the normal activity and functions of the body. In addition, sending thought, it is necessary to imagine that the thought sent is very saturated with Praran, and the will of the will to send it to where it is necessary. Results depend on the practice and many people are very easy.

4. Treatment at a distance is made by the same ways as treatment in the presence of a patient. Some instructions regarding the forms of this treatment we led to the chapter XIV "Science of breathing".

By connecting the said there with what was said in the previous paragraph, we will get elementary foundations that you need to know on this issue.

In the treatment at a distance, some of the people engaged in this kind of treatment are drawing a patient's image, representing it sitting in front of them, then they produce passes and so on, as if the patient really was present here. Others, on the contrary, try to create a brighter image of their own thought penetrating through the space and the patient's intent. Third, finally, they simply try to concentrate their mind and perhaps more intensively think about the patient, trying to forget and not remember the separation of their space. There are still such that try to have some thing belonging to the patient in order to keep this thing in your hand, to establish contact with each other and the patient's body.

Which of these methods is better - to say it is impossible; They are all completely equivalent and equivalent. One or another method gives the best or worst results Depending on the temperament, the inclination and skill of those who use them. Based on all methods, the same principle lies.

A small practice with the specified types of occult treatment gives the learning confidence and ease of handling healing; And finally, he will begin to even emit this power, often without knowing it.

If a person works a lot on occult treatment and puts the soul into this work, he soon begins to treat almost automatically and involuntarily, entering into communicating with a suffering person. But attending occult ways should beware of the exhaustion of its own stock of prana, it can not be much damaging his own health.

It must carefully examine the methods of replenishing the replenishment of Prana and protect the body from excessive waste of his vitality. And he should not hurry in any respect in the case of occult treatment, always remembering that artificial growth of strength or abilities can not be healthy.

This part is not written in order for all readers to become healers, and we do not have intent to advise them at all. Everyone must follow in this matter to its own judgment and its own intuition. We dedicate this part to occult treatments, as this is part of the issues of our questions, and it is very important that readers familiarize themselves with the principles underlying the occult treatment, whose witnesses they will have to be or they will hear about; Let them learn to learn all the fantastic theories built around these facts, and they will be able to study all cases of occult treatment with interest, without taking the theories of people engaged in this treatment.

It must be remembered that representatives of a wide variety of cults and schools claim the ability of occult treatment - and many of them are really treated. At the same time, they all use the same principle, but attribute the results of treatment with their theories and beliefs, very far away from each other.

As for us, we keep the principles of Hatha-Yoga, which transmits us ancient teachings and speaks about ways to preserve health with the help of the right life, and the right thinking. And standing on this, we consider all forms of treatment equally, as phenomena, the need for which was created solely by ignorance of man and its reluctance to obey the laws of nature.

But while the person does not want to live correctly and correctly think, some forms of treatment are inevitable for us, and therefore it is useful to study them and need. But the advanced occultists look at concerns about keeping health as a thing much more important for humanity than the treatment, agreeing in this case with an old proverb that "the oz of precaution is more useful than a pound of medication." However, since currently knowledge of occult treatments can bring people a favor, this knowledge is useful. This is one of the forces of nature, and studying nature, we must study it.

Mantraram and the eighth theme for reflection: "I'm going through this stage of existence, making it possible to use the best use of my head, heart and hand."

Every of us in this world has its own work he has to do. We exist here for a specific purpose, and until we do in accordance with the law and do not fulfill tasks assigned to us, they will again and again become before us. The purpose of the fulfillment of these tasks is to acquire experience and in improvement. Therefore, no matter how they seem unpleasant, they are directly related to our future development and life.

When our actions coincide with the law and we see and feel what it is behind him, we cease to resent and beat your head about the wall. Revealing his soul with the influence of the Spirit, with readily starting to work in order to save their salvation, we make the first step to the liberation of ourselves from unpleasant tasks for us. When we stop allowing themselves to feel the work as a nuisance, we begin to get more interesting tasks, as it means that our lesson is made.

Before every person, work is worth the execution of which the most contributes to its internal growth at this time. All his needs are taken into account, and it is given exactly what he needs. The case here does not play any role; This is the inevitable result of the action of the Great Law. And the only true philosophy, which one can find a person is to inspire himself it is possible to better fulfill the work posed before him. While a person evades her, he cannot get rid of it, but as soon as he begins to enjoy good embelling her, new opportunities are opening up.

Hand or be afraid of something - it means to tie this thing to yourself. When your spiritual eyes open and you see the true meaning of things, you are freed from her. And passing the life and producing our work in the world, we must make the best use of the three great gifts of the Spirit - head, heart and hand.

The head, representing the intellectual part of our nature, should be able to develop - it should receive the spiritual food you need and should work, since the exercise strengthens and develops it. We must develop our mind and not be afraid to think. In this case, the mind should be completely free.

The heart (representing the emotional part of our nature, the properties of love in its best sense) should also be free and must fulfill its task - to love. It should not be starved, should not be adequately and devoid of freedom. Of course, we are not talking about the lower forms of the animal passion, falsely called love, we are talking about a high feeling belonging to humanity and being a harbinger of great phenomena in future development. This is what sympathy comes out, sympathy, tenderness and meekness. These feelings, in turn, should not turn into sentimentality or to intoxicate a person, but must be controlled by head. The feeling of love should cover all the living, give a feeling of kinship with the whole world. This feeling is the most striking sign of spiritual development.

Hands, representing the manifestation of physical consciousness and work, should be accustomed to make the work set in front of them as much as possible. Hands are a symbol of physical consciousness and must be respected and revered. The man of spiritual development passes through life, trying to make the best use of his head, heart and hands.

To comprehend anything with healing with Prana, we must understand. Something relative to Prana itself. Yoga philosophers are called Praran "current strength" or energy in the body of all living things. It can be called "vital force." Prana is gifted by the ability to think and represent the energy of the universitive mind. But in order to avoid any metophysical differences, we will follow the overall example and discuss Prana as something non-independent, as if we discussed the thought or matter. According to the teachings of Yogov Prana, there is a global principle, something common everywhere and component along with the thought and matter triple representation of the Absolute.

Leaving aside the manifestation of prana in the form of forces known as electricity, heat, light, etc. We want to discuss it in its intention of its manifestation as a vitality. Prana is a force leading to the whole body in motion that contributes to any actions to the manifestation of all signs of life. In other books, we described in detail Prana, so we will not repeat.

Nevertheless, I will briefly say that Prana is the life principle that can be found in the air, in water, in food, etc., the absorption of which is used for body action and to get a more accurate concept about Prana, we advise you to read the book " The science of breathing "or" Hatha Yoga ", in these two books we pointed to many exercises that contribute to the accumulation of prana and how to use Prana. The principles of pranichellia are based on the fact that Prana can be translated in a different way or transfer from one person to another. The most ordinary and actual way consists in the passage of hand moving along the body of the patient, directing the current of Prana to the sore place at the same time, as a result of which lazy cellular groups come to life and come into motion. Prana transmitted in this way acts on the patient as a strengthening agent that feeds its energy, which contributes to the cure of the patient.

Prana can be conveyed in the form of an exciting thought of thought directed by the doctor on the patient. This method is little known, but we will examine it in detail in the next chapter when discussing pranic healing. These methods, leaving aside the other forces of healing, you can achieve astounding results.

Students will notice that we do not lose time for discussion of the theory - we do it deliberately that this book is a book of practical facts and learning, those who read our previous books most theories are known, although these books are not dedicated to a specially topic about healing or mental recipes. Healing patients by "overlaying hands" is known since ancient times. Its traces can be found from the very beginning of history and very likely this treatment was practiced before, when events have not yet been recorded. Nowadays, it is distributed everywhere, even among wild tribes. People as if instinctively feel that healing in this direction should be looking for.

Hindus, Egyptians, Jews, the Chinese of ancient times knew this way of healing well. Ancient Egyptian engravings on stone are depicting healers who keep one hand on the stomach, and the other on the back of the patient. The ancient researchers in China report that the same treatment was distributed there.

In the Old Testament, many examples are given of the same healing, it is said in the New Testament. It is reported that sv. Patrick, healing blind in Ireland, put his hands on their eyes, say, sv. Bernard was healed in one day eleven blind and eighteen embankments, and that he healed in Cologne twelve chrome, three silent and ten deaf by applying hands. The history of the ancient Church of Ptttit of this kind of examples and assuming that they are partially presented to a certain extent, as always happen in such cases, it is still clear that this way has been achieved in this direction.

In history, there is an indication that the Zero king Pyrrh has the ability to heal the spasm and Handra, touching patients and blind overlap. Andrion healing suffering from water, putting finger tips on them. The king of Olaf instantly healed patients with applying hands. The ancient British and French kings treated the royal touch from the goiter and any other throat diseases. In England, there was a notch, called "royal evil," and believed that he was heal only by the royal touch. It is believed that the Habsburg graphs had the ability to heal from stuttering by a kiss. Pliny said that in ancient times, some people cured snake bites with their touch. Many celebrities from the spiritual environment were treated by imposing hands.

In England, Gretkex produced a sensation and persecuted. Thus, various aahs, only amenable to royal touch, so many decided that he claims to the royal throne. In the seventeenth century, a certain gardener named Levreter successfully healed patients on the streets of London, stroking them with her hand. In 1817, the Sicilian hotel's main hotel cured 1000 people by putting out hands.

Of all this it can be seen that Paradic healer was manifested from ancient times among all the peoples, and that those who had sufficient confidence in their own, in their healing abilities, were considered particularly given by Darovitis. But in reality, this "gift" is universal, and anyone who has sufficient confidence and sufficient seriousness so that all the soul is given to the cause, can manifest him.

Twenty-five centuries ago ancient scientists of yoga turned this form of treatment into science. And traces of their knowledge penetrated into all parts of the world. The Egyptians acquired their knowledge from the great scholars of yogis and established their own schools, the Greeks have learned these knowledge from India and Egypt. It is assumed that Jews and Assyrians drew knowledge from Egyptians. Ancient Greek doctors treated mainly imposing hands and "processing" affected by the ailment of body parts. Hippocrat wrote: "The soul with closed eyes see the ailments from which the body suffers." Already in ancient times, wise doctors were aware of how useful for blood light rubber body with their hands and believed that the heat outgoing from hands is beneficial and pleasantly acting on the patient. This tool is equally successfully used both with sudden and with familiar pains and with all kinds of disadvantages, it always acts encouraging and strengtheningly. In this way, my patients often thought it often seemed to me that a special property was emanated from my hands (removing, pulling out of patients with all the pain and all dirt out of the patients). Therefore, some scientists know that the patient can be healed by means of known movements and touches, just as the infection of some diseases is transmitted to the touch of one person to another. Stopanius treated patients, blowing sick places and stroking them with her hand. Ancient druids were also treated, and these techniques were used during religious rites. This is reported about the druids and are given the striking evidence of their adarability.

Medieval records are full of similar messages about surprising healing reached by imposing hands, this happened in churches. Van Helmont, who lived at the beginning of the seventeenth century, it seemed familiar with the principles of Paradic healer, because he writes: "Magnetism is acting everywhere, and there is nothing new in it, it seems to be Garodox only to those who are changing attributes all the inexplicable Satan. "

Approximately at the same time Scot Makavell was affected by such methods of healing. He believed in the vital spirit, common worldwide, with which people could use for healing from the ailments. In 1734, the priest Father Hali, who had learned about the existence of a "World Fluid", which can be used for treatment. He reached many of the striking healings, but was expelled from the church for the possession of the devilish power and abuse it. Mesmer trained the theories of animal magnetism and healed with his help, applying hands. After a Mesmer, there were many followers and students, many of them have achieved greater fame, among them the Marquis Lenzegur was standing out. In Germany, dogmas of Mesmer and his followers were greatly successful, Bremen was a vast center of the dogma of "Animal Magnetism" and hence this teaching spread throughout Germany. The Prussian government has shown a great interest in this issue and established a hospital for treating the "magnetic way." Many continental governments issued strict laws for which magnetic treatment should have remained under the department of doctors.

So, a new method of treatment has spread from the country into a country, often suppressed by the government's intervention, close to the obstacles from medicine, it continues to flourish in various ranks and theories. Over the past ten years, he enjoys great success in America and England, spread from various schools of magnetic healer, and from the movement of a new thought. To explain it, many theories were developed, starting with purely material and ending with religious. But despite all the theories, the work itself continued with an increase in healing. Almost with all types of treatment, not believable with theories and names of various directions, hand overlating.

Many still believe that this ability to heal has a special gift inherent in and given only to some persons, but this is not true, because this gift is inherent in each, although some achieve greater success than others, depending on the degree of manifestation of their temperament in This work. Everyone has the opportunity to develop this gift.

We do not want to especially spread about the theory that serves as the basis of mental healing is all different types of treatment by applying hands, despite different complex theories and names belong to it. The most correct on the influence will be prana with what we mean by life strength, so we are here with the explanation of Prana resort to the definition of vitality.

Life force underlies any physical movement in the body. It contributes to the circulation of blood, the movement of cells, in general, all actions on which the life of the physical body depends. Without this vitality, it could not be life, movement, actions. Some call her nervous force - but it's all the same power, no matter how they were called it. This is the power sent by voltage, if from the nervous system, when we wish to lead to any muscle. And it is this power that makes the muscle move.

It is not necessary to discuss in detail the nature and essence of vitality, as it will lead us to the other side of the topic of discussion. It is enough to say that life force really exists and can be applied to heal the ailment. Electrical engineering, even the most outstanding of them, do not know anything about the true nature of electricity, and yet they are surprisingly able to use and comprehend the laws of his action. The same is the case with life strength, and to learn the nature of the whole universe, the person every minute uses this force and has the ability to apply it with different purposes. A person is supplied with a margin of vitality through cosmic prana, vitality, and in particular from exhaled air. It also has a mental source, through which he attracts energy from the great repositories, the energy of a universitive mind. In our books "Science of breathing" and "Hatha-Yoga", we disassembled in detail these issues and all learners of mental healing should be met with these books. This vital energy is in the brain and in different nervous centers of the body and is taken from there to supply weak body parts in need. With the help of the nervous system, it applies to all parts of the body. Indeed, every nerve is in vital and serves as a wire that transmits life force on. Even more, each cell in the body, wherever it been, and no matter how much work does, always contain a well-known share of vital energy.

A healthy person is considered to be the one who has a significant margin of vitality penetrating all parts of the body, refreshing, exciting and encouraging it in everyday activity. Life strength surrounds a person as if aura, and those who come in touch with her can feel it. A man with a relaxed life force feels bad, it feels its disadvantage and reaches a normal state only when a vitality replenishment.

In medical circles, the existence of vitality is openly recognized, but disagree on its nature. At the same time, doctors assure that it cannot be conveyed beyond the nervous system of that person, which generates or manifests it. But this is contrary to the reality of thousands of people who know that life force or prana, or magnetism, call it as you want, can be transmitted to the third person body, giving the last force and energy. Many adherents and the applicants of this kind of healing confused public opinion, calling him magnetism or magnetic healer. There is nothing magnetic in this power because it comes from a completely different source, although, of course, the root cause of all varieties of strength and energy is the same. Life force has its own destination in nature, completely separate from magnetism. It differs from all over and can only be comparable to himself.

All people are more or lesser by life, everyone has the opportunity to increase its reserves and transmit to others, healing them from the ailments. In other words, all people are inherent in healing. A lot was mentioned about people gifted with the ability to heal, but in reality everyone has this gift and can develop it and with well-known exercises. This is the development and there is a goal of our book.

The basic rule of pranic healer is the filling of patient cells with a fresh margin of vitality or prana, leading a cell to normal activity and work. With the proper activity of cells, the body acquires the former energy, and the whole body is rehabilitated again, and


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