How to explain the child went to the warehouses. Divided into warehouses

How to explain the child went to the warehouses. Divided into warehouses

Teaching children how to spell words is even more important for adults. Volodinya is a similar beginner camp to benefit the first-grader in mastering school literacy. For children who belong to the speech therapy group, this is the most important task! Apparently, preschool children with mental pathology are at risk of serious damage to the storage structure of the ligaments. Children cannot create words with a folding structure, rearrange, replace, or skip the sounds of those warehouses, for example: “snegiik” (“snowman”), “visiped” (“bicycle”), etc. A newbie in the warehouse will help children deal with this problem and improve their diction.


Forward view:

“Instead of children dividing words into warehouses”

Teaching children how to spell words is even more important for adults. Volodinya is a similar beginner camp to benefit the first-grader in mastering school literacy. For children who belong to the speech therapy group, this is the most important task! Apparently, preschool children with mental pathology are at risk of serious damage to the storage structure of the ligaments. Children cannot create words with a folding structure, rearrange, replace, or skip the sounds of those warehouses, for example: “snegiik” (“snowman”), “visiped” (“bicycle”), etc. A newbie in the warehouse will help children deal with this problem and improve their diction.

How to correctly divide words into warehouses?

1 rule: The child applies the back side of her thigh to the bottom of her chin.

Rule 2: The child earnestly asks for the word, carefully speaking in her voice.

Rule 3: When washed, the child will squeal, opening her mouth several times (and resting her chin on her hips). In the meantime, you can work by bending or bending your fingers to make it easier.

Rule 4: The child hesitates, for example: “The word “drum” has three movie."

! Once a child understands the concept of “vocal sound,” it is important for him to remember the following rule: “There are so many vocal sounds in a word, so many words.”


  1. In the next section, under the selections, indicate how many warehouses the name of the game has.
  2. Vibrate the correct warehouse layout, and show the bear's clack. The diagram is not correct!

Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

gra - presentation "Distribution of words in warehouses"

The funny little train helps the child to understand the number of words in a word. A picture appears on the screen, a child is pressing on the trailer from the necessary number of windows (warehouses). If the choice is correct, then...

Gra "Dividing words in warehouses" (theme: "Creatures of special lands")

With your hands under your chins (downward), count how many folds there are in the name of the creature. How many times does the mouth open (rest your chin on your hand), the number of folds in a word. Mouth...

There are a lot of children who go to pre-school nurseries where they prepare your little one for school. Here they play with her and carry out special activities designed for the child’s vital development. Before school, the teacher already introduces the children to the writers, the variety of voices and voices, ringing and hissing.

How to teach a child to divide words into words

You should start learning in cages in a playful way. Start by explaining to children that a leather object has its own name. The boys pronounce the word out loud, and the teacher writes it down, dividing the warehouses through a hyphen. To teach a child to divide words, it is necessary to understand the importance of the vowel letter in a suitable manner, and that the skin word is located according to the vowel and one or two consonants.

You can learn how to store warehouses in the following ways:

  • for additional cards from warehouses, which are inserted into a child’s kindergarten at a special intestine. Dividing words into words is easier for children to learn;
  • gra in nepovne word. This means that an adult learns the beginning of a word, for example “FOR”, and a child pronounces the end of a word, for example “BIR”;
  • game with the ball. You also name the beginning of the word and throw the ball to the child, and that child, in his turn, is guilty of making it evil and adding all sorts of other endings;
  • "rogue". The grown-up person takes 4 words in his hands and specially forms 2 words incorrectly, instructs the little student to “correct” the grown-up words, for example, “MAPA”, and needs to spell “MOM” and “PATA” correctly. This is one of the best ways to start reading the booklets, and also understand the principle of division.

How to teach a child to eat letters in warehouses

In order for the child to be able to put the letters into storage, it is necessary to thoroughly read all the letters in the alphabet, as well as to revise the voice from year to year. As soon as you realize that the time has come for your student to start putting together warehouses, feel free to move on to the beginning.

The first time you play, spend it in a game form so that the little ones can get stuck, then explain that you can store letters in warehouses. Warehouses are open if the sound “MA” begins with a voice, and closed if the sound begins with a voice letter, for example, “AM”.

How to teach a child to read at once

If a child is alone, without adult help, to learn folding, she can begin to read and read at once.

Beginning from the very beginning of a child’s learning, the teacher, based on a well-established school curriculum, has a lot to learn about reading techniques. It is very important that the first-grader is already prepared before this initial process: whether he reads well or reads poorly, otherwise a child will need to learn up to 6-7 years to read words at once.

The axis of the effective rules of Swedish learning:

  1. It is necessary to read with a child gradually, starting after 2-3 years. You definitely need to see your father at least once a day, preferably before bed.
  2. Take your child’s favorite book with colorful illustrations to get your little one excited.
  3. When the child becomes a senior (4-5 years), move on to getting to know the writers.
  4. Take a primer (for example, Zhukova N.S.). Just 1-2 letters each day.
  5. After the baby memorizes the entire alphabet, begin to learn about the warehouses, how you need to separate words into warehouses, how they come together. You can play it in game form by pressing the letter “M” to the letter “A” and saying “MMMAAAA” out loud.
  6. Read from easy short words: tato, mom, cat, hand and so on.

How to teach a child to speak and write

Dad, in the process of starting his child, can independently conduct an analysis of the level of preparation of a small student before school: how he knows what words are logical, who knows all the letters of the alphabet, what the warehouses say. , which has a warehouse with a division of water into warehouses.

The most important thing is to systematically take care of the child. Malya can name objects correctly and pronounce sounds clearly. Regularly going home with your father at the same time as carrying out activities in the kindergarten - this will significantly make learning easier for your young student in the early classes.

Explain to a child of preschool age how the literature meets at the warehouse, to finish easily through the peculiarities of the preschooler’s mind. That’s why there are a lot of teachers and psychologists who disagree in the Duma about ways to teach preschoolers to read language.

Nowadays, there are two main methods: folding letters in a warehouse and memorizing warehouses as entire reading units.

First method transfers the name to the letter and the connection of letters to the warehouse. "N, O - what are you looking for?" It is not recommended to ask: “N and About - what happened?” - This helps to create a uniform letter and teach the child to write a style correctly. Today's preschool pedagogy promotes the use of various additional techniques during the course of work. The axis deals with them.

An adult shows the first letter with an oval (pointer), then moves the olivet (pointer) to another letter, connecting them with a “path”. With this urge, I’m crushing the letter until the child “along the road I can’t reach another letter.” The other letter needs to be read so that “the path does not open up.”
- The adult holds one letter in his hands, the child reads, suddenly another letter appears from afar, and the first one “falls”, the child moves on to read a new letter.
- The older man holds a card in his hands, with letters written on both sides. The child reads the letter on one side, the adult turns the card over to the other side, and the child reads the other letter.

When reading the language with the help of sound-letter analysis, the letter B will appear as follows: “The letter I after the voice signifies its softness, in this way, in the second letter B the letter B signifies a soft sound. And what kind of lancer would be when reading, for example, the words CROCODILES? How can a child easily master reading in such a “long-term” way? Thus, children in their early preschool years (three-pieces and four-pieces) can successfully master reading skills in this manner. But for most children this method is very important. Often, regardless of the need for additional techniques, investments, the formation of reading skills is important, interest is lost in order to occupy, psychological problems are formed: through failures, self-esteem decreases, Id start.

Another way The beginning of the preschool child's reading of approaches to centuries-old possibilities and features and foundations on the unique unique powers of the memory of a small child. Let's find out what this method does.

Try to read it as a proposition, and then be careful how the words come out of the letter. You will find that you simply recognize different types of warehouses, and then understand their combinations! The idea itself helps us read the word, bypassing the stage of prompting Lanzyuzhka’s minds about the sound-letter structure of the word.

Based on this caution, one can understand that it is simpler for a child to learn to read by memorizing the system of reading units - warehouses, like warehouses that are formed from the past and the coming vocal literature.

Another argument for the usefulness of learning the warehouse: our apparatus of articulation (lips, mouth, teeth, vocal cords) forms the warehouse as one unit. Try to watch out for yourself if you find warehouses. For example, say VA. You will realize that your device does not pause between B and A.

To memorize the warehouses with this method, the beginning of reading is necessary for the same scheme, which is what you learn when memorizing letters: - the rich name of the language is mature ("Tse MA, and tse - MU");
- search for the warehouse behind the warehouse of an adult with the next name ("Find the warehouse MU, farm it. Which warehouse did you farm?");
- Independent naming and reading of the warehouse.

The choice of how to teach your child how to read the warehouse is up to you. Try two methods, choose the one that best suits your child, or try these methods of getting started.

Ale, in any case, vikorize the game situations, avoid the mundane and the primus. Demonstrate the children's various plots (shop, everyday life, transportation of goods, etc.) from the various warehouses written on the cards. You can find options for such games in the article “Games with Warehouses”.

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Natalia Chernishova
Summary of lessons in literacy “Warehouse. Podil sliv in warehouses" (preparatory group)


Subject. Stock. Floor of drains in warehouses.

Purpose: I understand about warehouses, read and share words in storage,

separate one, two, and three warehouses words; improve the articulation apparatus of children, develop vocabulary, mislennya, language; develop your sense of hearing and understanding words.

Obladnannya: subject pictures, toys, cards - diagrams

Activity activity:

Anu, everyone has become a circle,

Everyone joined hands together,

We will stand on guard - to provide feedback.

Let's start studying, the whole lesson will be covered,

Repeat, don’t hesitate, remember everything.


1. Rozmova. (The conversation has an active role in taking the toy - Mishko)

What do these schemes mean?

(Vikhovanets shows different diagrams.)

-How we signify words- Name the items? (One straight line)

-How we signify words - name? (two straight lines)

-How we signify words– signs of objects? (with a squiggly line)

How the power supply is confirmed words- Name the objects, words - name, words– signs of objects?

Iga: “Fuck how many sliv u river» .

The Whisperer expresses a two-fourth proposition drain, and the child signifies by ear “skilliness” sliv u river.

For example: Vedmedic sleep (2-words)


Expressions of propositions taken by ear.

The Whisperer voices the proposition outright. Together with the child it means the ear is thick sliv u river. What if he promotes the proposition not directly, but dictates according to drain like dictation. Ditina schematically writes down the proposition in dosha.

Medvedok is victorious. (CHILDREN ASSIST AND GUIDE YOGO.)


Creation of a problematic situation.

Mishko and Pinocchio planned to carry out the run. The stench begs you "to get sick" for athletes. What does it mean to root for athletes?

Which one of you was on the run?

Are there any stinks?

What do you call those who are quiet? "illness" for athletes? Why bother about the stink?

You will be sick. The girls root for Pinocchio, and the boys root for Mishutka. Remember that the patients loudly, in parts, chant the name of the runner.

Well, let's start with Buratino. How will you tell the name of this runner? (Bu-ra-ti-no.)

At the start of Viishov Mishko. Boys, how do you tell this runner? (Mi-joking.)

March to the start! (Two children with toy characters sign the roles of runners)

We use Mishutka and Pinocchio with excellent results.

When you shouted the names of athletes, what did it sound like? word? (in parts)


On this We're busy finding out what these parts are called words And why do you need to enter divisions? words into pieces. 4. FIRST IMPROVEMENT AND AWARENESS OF NEW MATERIAL

1. The robot is practical.

It's good to talk the word riba. Tap your sheep on the table. Clap it word. Enjoy your babes. How much was it?

The trainer explains to the children that WORDS RI-BA TWO PARTS.

Calls first part, then friend. When we see it I won’t say the word, And dividing it into parts means that we divide it into store(Show).

IN there can be two words, three, more and more warehouses. And yes words, in which there is only one stock. So you probably noticed that words They can be long or short. This will lie down depending on how long it is in the new warehouses. Axis listen, I'll tell you words from the same language: budynok, cancer, catfish, whale, etc.

When you find out drain the mouth opens more than once. Now listen and tell me how long warehouses I share these words(vikhovatel vimovlya -two, three warehouses words)


1. Gra "Share words in storage» .

Try the beginning of the whisper yourself, and then speak out loud warehouses of words - names of objects I'll show you on the little ones.

2. Fizkultkhvilinka « Syllable-stribunchiki»

I call words, and you are to blame, promiscuously words behind warehouses, shaved off as many times as possible.

3. Modeling warehouse warehouse drain.

If we graphically wrote down a proposition, then the skin word signified by rice. To show how many in in the words of warehouses, you can depict straight cutlets, divided into several parts, like warehouses in the word.

(Vihovanets means the most important children.)

4. Gra "Lichilka"

You, children, should always speak in propositions, words see the rivers together. Ale inodі, u grі, you see words behind warehouses. For example, if you wash out medicinal products. Stand in the ring now and listen to how I will warehouses get rid of the doctor.

Che - re - pa - ha tail pod - zha - la

I followed the hare.

About -ka - behind - going forward - re - di

Who doesn’t believe it, come out!

The teacher encourages the children to guess other types of medicine and recognize them for warehouses. The tapper prompts you to select the required warehouse rhythm for treatment, so that your skin the word was divided into warehouses.


Medvedok helps.


And now we’ll play. I’ll show you pictures, and you’ll find little diagrams.

Marvel at the images. What are you talking about? Name. Significantly largeness warehouses.

To calculate the quantity warehouses in the word There is one more way. You swing your hands a little lower than your chin in your well-ordered hand. Dilyachi word in stock, you keep track of how many times your hand hits your chin.

In what way did you share words in storage?

How many warehouses can be in words?

7. Pouch busy

What new things did you learn on busy?

What did you learn?

Now you need to take note words in storage?

Try dividing it into warehouses names of fathers, nickname for the creatures.

Warehouses are the parts where the word is divided into the process of speech. If we say the word, then a number of visible items come out around the world - this is exactly what we see behind the warehouses: kishka. Two items of air when you see them - two warehouses: water. 3 items per day - three warehouses: na-u-ka.

A word has as many warehouses as there are sounds in a new voice, like vocal ones: sheet - 1 warehouse, no-ra - 2 warehouses. The warehouse may have a variety of letters, but one obligatory may have a vowel.

The word may have a variety of warehouses. There are single-fold, double-folded, trifold words and multifold words: sheet (1 warehouse), no-ra (bifold word), u-e-stenuti (trifold word).

The structure can be formed from one glottal sound, or the combination of a glottal and a subvocal sound: a-ba-zhur. To make one loud sound is already a warehouse. And the axis of one voice is not a warehouse. How to divide the word into warehouses? It is important to understand the main principle: as soon as vocal and subvocal sounds enter the warehouse, then it begins first with the vocal: no-chnik, krajna.

How to divide a word into warehouses when running out of voices

How to divide a word into warehouses, since in the middle there are a few voices? How to correctly break down the word behind the warehouses: kishka or kishka? It is necessary to understand the principle of the so-called greater thickness. Vіn comes to the attention of another episode. Type of vocal - to vocal. At first there is a dull sound, then a ringing voice, and finally a voice - shka. The first warehouse will end with a voice (before). Such warehouses are called closed warehouses. We have a lot more of them, some of them, which end with the phonics: stil, stilets (they are called closed warehouses).

At the middle of the word warehouse, it sounds and opens, so that it ends with a voiced sound: edge. Corresponding to the principle of increased sonority, all voicings go from here to the next warehouse: gut.

If in the middle of a word there are a number of vowels, then all the vowels that follow the vowel go to the next word: leak. These may, however, be new phonics, or simply a combination of different phonics: father, hat, kishka.

Blame from this point: those warehouses in the middle of the word that end on unpaired vowel sounds (they are called even jingle, sonorant) end on vowels: [й], [р], [р'], [л], [л' ], [m], [m'], [n], [n']: grass, San, man.

If in a word a number of sounds are combined into one sound, then they all fall into one warehouse: zhu-zhzh (Zh)at, vіdvolіkatsya (CA). In these situations, it is not possible to confuse the division into warehouses and the morpheme division for transferring a word: for example, according to warehouses it is divided around, but the word for transfer is divided like this - I will follow.

Please note that the word is in stock

The vision of warehouses is important for the correct transfer of waste; the warehouse principle is the main one for proper transfer, although it is a unified one. An important insult to note: the expressions in the word are morphemes (meaningful parts of the word), because the phrases and morphemes do not coincide in many cases. The warehouse is not a prefix or a root, a suffix.

The division into warehouses appears when a word is spoken. And he divided the words into parts of the necessary written words, such as writing letters in prefixes, roots, suffixes.

The vision of morphemes (prefixes, suffixes, roots) and warehouses is two different things, two different principles on the basis of which the correct transfer of words is carried out.

For example, when transferring the word behind the warehouses, it is necessary to immediately study the root, the prefix, so that, for example, you do not lose the first and last letter of the root or open the single-fold prefix.

There is a whole series of transfer rules that revolve around dividing the word into words and morphemes at the same time. Therefore, you need to work one way or the other.
