Secrets of dreams. Sleep secrets All dream secrets are disclosed

Secrets of dreams. Sleep secrets All dream secrets are disclosed

Secrets of dreams

Why does the day replaces the night? What is life? What is death and what is sleep? These questions were interested, probably still Neanderthasev who lived about 40 thousand years ago.

The man thought, compared, stubbornly searched and found, as he seemed to him, answers. He watched, as every new day begins with the sunrise and trampled with him. Each night, falling on the ground, interrupts the affairs of people and powerfully takes them to sleep.

With the sunrise, everything is repeated again. But not for everyone. Someone does not wake up - dies. But what does die mean? What is death? And does it exist at all?

After all, every night we are dying, and in the morning it is expensive. And how many times I had to observe: a man fell, lost consciousness, and after a while he came to the feeling.

Or it seems that a person died, but the day passes, the second, sometimes a week and more - and life returns. Lethargy dream always hit people with her like death. And if a person did not wake up, then really died? To whom of us in a dream, and those who suffer hallucinations, and reality did not come, favorite, friends, those who have already left this world forever.

And if they come, it means that they live somewhere, exist. So there is no death?

Ancient believed that death is just a long-long dream that someone constantly lives in every person. This mysterious "someone" can leave the human body and come back again. So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe twin.

It was believed that the twin is a real creature, which possesses not only by his body, but also an amazing property - volatility.

When the twin is in the body - a person does not sleep, it works, loves, suffers; Twin left from the body - a man sleeps or loses consciousness; Not returned - falling asleep by eternal sleep.

Over time, the concepts of the twin changed: it was no longer performed by physical properties, but perceived as a spirit, soul.

Some represented a shower, as a very thin essential part of the body, others - in the form of a subtlest substance that cannot be seen or touching him, the third considered it a foggy elusive being, a shadow having a body (though, it differs from ours). The soul can drink, eat, you can hurt and even kill.

An indisputable evidence of the real existence of the soul was always dreams.

From deep antiquity they reached our belief: dreams - this is what the soul sees, who left the body.

At this time he lives according to the law, communicates with her expensive people who have long died, travels, singing, solves the most difficult tasks, overcomes obstacles.

The soul continues to live after the death of man. There was a good man in his life - a good soul stayed after his death; He died angry, cruel, unreleased - the evil soul on the white light.

Meeting in a dream with a good soul is a good sleep, meeting with the soul of an evil man foreshadows trouble.

Ancient believed that someone else's soul could be visited by sleeping or vice versa: someone else's body can be visited by his soul.

Night dreams sometimes affect us with their reality, and in the beliefs of peoples it can be noted that the dream and the reality are absolutely real for them.

Somehow dreamed in the past century to one African that the White Traveler killed his slave. The African, waking up early in the morning, immediately demanded a redemption for the damage caused, although his slave was alive, healthy ... ransom had to pay: the basis for the purchase requirement was too serious - a dream.

Dreams were considered not just a reality, but the reality of material. In China, there was such a custom: if a person dreamed a bad dream, then to prevent trouble predicted in a dream, sleep can be simple .., eat! To do this, they appeal to Tapir: "About Tapir, eat my dream."

Tajiks helped mountain stream in such situations: they asked him to carry a bad dream.

Otzvuk ideas about the materiality of dreams we find in proverbs and conspiracies: "Where night, there and sleep."

Now we already know that there is a common sleep, lethargic sleep, hypnotic sleep, hallucinations. But often, even by owning modern knowledge, our dreams are striking us with their mysteriousness, the intricateings of the plot lines and, most importantly, prediction. How hard sometimes it happens to figure it out in these night gold.

In order to solve your dreams, these prophetic prompts of fate, have long been people trying to interpret them, finding a relationship between sleep images and phenomena real life. So the dreams were created.

The first famous dream book belongs to Peru Artemidor Efesse (II century BC, E.).

The beginning of the I millennium BC, E, is dating from one of the oldest monuments of world culture - the Indian collection of conspiracy "ATKARVABED". The authorship of this ancient book is attributed to the priest of Fire Atharvan.

Among the numerous conspiracy collected in this book, a significant amount is used to destroy the spell, induced by bad dreams.

Of course, the dreams here are also perceived as a reality, but the reality that can be destroyed by conspiracy.

The mystery of sleep people sought to reveal at all times, and should give them due - they have achieved significant success. Analysis of myths, legends, customs convincingly testifies: many properties of sleep and a significant number of specifics in dreams, if not comprehended, did not know, then, in any case, noticed in ancient times.

So, priests Ancient Egypt They knew and knew how to use hypnosis methods.

No wonder B. Ancient Greece Among the numerous gods, the honorable place belonged to the God of Sleep - Ginsu. Highness - Son of the night, and the night of His kingdom. He is the brother Moir - the goddes of fate and the brother of death.

The similarity of sleep and death is purely external, but as often Tanatos - the God of Death - comes to a person when he is in captivity of Hynos.

Tanatos Lick is terrible; Highness quiet, beautiful and friendly.

But the wise Greeks understood: sleep is a very difficult phenomenon, and it is impossible to personify one God. Therefore, Holness has many children - dream gods and dreams.

Perhaps the most famous is the wonderful and omnipresent God of dreams Wing Morafi. The gods generously endowed him: he can take any appearance and visit each of each of the living on Earth.

Gins and Morphy - Active Assistants Asclepia - God of Drugs, God of Medicine. Already in those distant times, Lekari knew the healing power of sleep, believed that dreams in the temple of Asclepia - a tip of the gods about the disease of man and the Council, how to treat the patient.

Even the great doctors of the past Hippocrat and Galen drew attention to the diagnostic meaning of dreams. This problem was designed in the works of many antiquity drugs, in the Middle Ages era.

The knowledge of dreams and dreams accumulated over the past century is successfully used by modern medicine. Scientific research confirm the following:

Dreams, if they properly decipher, it is possible to use effectively when diagnosing and predicting human diseases, because any changes in the body, joy, sadness, shocks are reflected in night gold.

An experienced specialist in the nature of dreams can not only determine the disease itself, but also to find out a specific disease, its localization, beginning, development and completion.

During the hidden (latent) period of the disease, the frequency of dreams both throughout one night and for many nights.

Dreams are becoming unpleasant, restless, sometimes turn into nightmares. Plots of dreams at this stage: dirt, blood, fires, injuries, attacks, battles, doctors, medicines, fall and t, d.

It is noticed that the hard disease, the horrible dreams and their consequences: the feeling of fear, anxiety, despondency.

Dreams are sometimes directly, and sometimes in an encrypted form display the localization of the pathological process, the specifics of one or another disease.

As a rule, such dreams continue throughout the disease, often repeated "literally" or changes. And when joyful motives appear in such dreams, their emotional color changes, it means that the period of recovery began.

Knowing common patterns of development in manifestation of dreams, most of the so-called prophetic dreams can be explained.

So, the dream, described in 1908 by M. M. Popov, produced many an indelible impression on many. Young brilliant officer Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky died suddenly. The death of the prince deeply struck his friend Stepan Stepanovich Apraksin.

On the first night after the tragedy he dreamed of sleep: the late friend comes to visit him. Friends know that they are already in different worlds, but it does not interfere with them. The deceased prince promises his friend a long life and reports that next time he will visit him three days before death.

Forty years have passed. And again saw Stepan Stepanovich his friend in a dream. Three days later he died ...

At first glance it seems that it was not without the intervening of the Higher Forces. But psychologists claim that the role of the power of suggestion and self-sustaining was played. Science has long known similar phenomena.

As you can see, and sleep, and dreams keep a lot of mysteries and secrets. Almost us is almost unknown about such simple things as snoring and yawning.

It is not clear and such a disease as the "Curse of Undines", picking up the life of babies during sleep, who did not hurt anything before (the unusual name of the disease was taken from mythology: the jealous gods were deprived of the death beloved Water Nymphs to breathe in a dream).

Still can not solve why, in a dream, practically healthy men unexpectedly arises fibrillation of the heart muscle, then death.

The so-called "enlightened" dreams, which not only develop "to order", but also allow interference and influence on the consciousness of the sleeping person.

Not studied and first described by Walter Scott and the same named "Feeling": a person sees really existing ones, but they have never seen images - a certain terrain, a house, a room, and t, d.

A lot of secrets hides sleep in the ghostly night dreams.

It seems that dream and dreams can serve as a key that nature gave a person to know the fundamental secrets of Genesis: consciousness, thinking, memory.

And now a few words about hallucinations - the so-called "sleep in reality."

Hallucinations have a state of a dream reality; At the time when the feelings are awakened, the eyes see, the ears are heard and t, d. Talking in a simple sense, it is nothing more than a nonsense of one of many feelings, since the subject does not have actions on the mesh eye shell, the sound does not affect Hearing, then the actual cause of hallucinations should be found in a sensual nervous projectile and attribute its special brain activity.

This phenomenon exists not for just visual visual and hearing, other feelings may also be exposed to it. Touching, smell, taste, felt without any outdoor irritation, can also be called true hallucinations.

With such a delusion of feelings, one is heard, for example, delicious melodies, another - terrible noise, ears tearing creak. One sees charming images, the other is disgusting, horrified by the leaders and T, d. Finally, some imagine that they are hit or tormented that they gnaw hot coals, meanwhile, it seems that they eat expensive shorts and drink excellent wines .

These imaginary sensations depend on the ideas and images submitted by the memory, complemented and identified by the habit. Books of such a content, the history of magic and magic at all times and in all peoples, the chronicles of psychological medicine are filled with many examples how many amazing, as many strange delusion of feelings.

The reasons for predisposing to such a state, the essence of the two ways: physical and moral. The first is very numerous: raising or decrease in temperature, abuse of alcohol drinks, strong tricks of quinine sulfate, grass of anticipate, mad cherries, whites, dope, opium, camphor, nitrogen evaporation and especially hashish; Finally, the shocks of the brain from impact, fall and t, d. To ordinary physical reasons belong also: a sudden impression on feelings or too long and lively feeling, too tense attention, conscience remorse, fear, fear, passion, and t, d.

Although these delusions can occur at all hours of the day, but for the most part they develop before bedtime or immediately after awakening, when all items acquire some kind of indefinite form: this moment is the most favorable, in the slightest outdoor excitement can break it.

It should be noted here that in most part cases of misconceptions of feelings are found at the beginning of madness, and as soon as this disease breaks out, they take a long time and continuously pursue their unfortunate sacrifice.

In other cases, hallucinations appear with a full mind; Sometimes moving and occur daily at certain hours. This phenomenon we meet mainly in hysterical, cataleptic, hypochondriac, melancholic and such persons who indulge in deep reflections or sad passions.

Throw now a look at the misconceptions, characteristic of each feeling, and begin with a hearing error, as the most common.

1. Mailing hearing. The scores belonging to this category seems to be that they hear different kinds of sounds, quiet, loud or terrible voices that are striking one or both ears, occur from afar or nearby, sometimes they are internal. Subscribed to this state hear noise in the head, in the chest and in other parts of the body. History talks about many great people who gave the voice of their ghenium-keeper. These internal voices were nothing more than excited by continuous mental activity of brain nerves.

I knew one professor of philosophy, a man of hot-tempered and indomitus, in the young years of his who betrayed the bad inclinations, which were suppressed by the efforts of his mind. This professor heard various voices: one, meek and friendly, injured him to good; Another, responding with a metal sound and a coarse tone, encouraged him to evil. Here the explanation is very natural: the mind struggled with instinct and won the victory in this struggle.

One canonir, obsessed with the deafness in the continuation of ten years, suddenly began to hear the sounds of pipes and military music that resembled him about those days when he was under banners. He gladly spoke his acquaintances, which will soon cure from deafness, because he begins to hear the sounds of the pipe and the battle of the Big Drum.

In the bisetri, a few years ago, there was one poor musician, which, as a result of an insoluction, was made by Libanca (reverecting himself for the wolf), from those who were in this institution he did not want to get acquainted, except for one student of medicine who gave him a bow.

Daily, alone, he drove a bow on his left hand, as if on a violin. At the same time, his pantomime was very curious: he did move forward, then back, then to the right, then to the left, then accelerated, then slowed down and gave the sign to the imaginary orchestra so that he would be better than playing the play; Then his movements strengthened and the face was covered with a large later, expressing annoyance that invisible musicians played not as needed.

A minute later, he slowly led the bow in his hand, looked at the sky and seemed to listen to the delightful harmony, in the devils he was expressed in an inconsiderable delight, and if someone interfered with him, "TC! TC! - He shouted - on his knees , Profas! Listen to these divine sounds! "

IN last years The famous Beethoven's famous Bethoven and listened to his life and listened as an invisible orchestra played his sublime symphonies. It is said that for the old man it was the first consolation.

One lady, quite possessed by his mental abilities, as soon as he sat down for the toilet, heard two male voices. One exceeded the whiteness of her skin, the elasticity of forms and the secret charms of it. "You are so beautiful that you can go crazy from love for you!" - he said. And the lady, although she was very nice to hear such praise, closed from shame.

When she came again to the mirror, to continue his interrupted toilet, suddenly the other voice was distributed, who spoke completely nasty first: "Your freshness is fake, these forms and circumference only deception: if those who are surprised by them, looked at them in naked form, They would run away, frightened by your disgrace. You're so applied that you even look terribly! "

The poor lady was blushing from shame and was pale from his annoyance, he strongly called the servant so that he pushed the arrogant man. But while the servant was entered, she was aware of his misconception and ordered him to lay horses in the crew. The next day, at a certain hour, the same was repeated; Six months have passed.

Now this lady was completely cured and maybe without any interference to engage in its toilet.

One abbot whose mental abilities were lower than mediocrity, one day suddenly awakened as an eloquent preacher, all glasses to listen to him. The surprised boss asked him about the reason for such an unexpected change. The Abbot disgustly responded to him that he heard the Divine Voices in Silence and wrote his sermons under the dictation of St. Mikhail.

2. Initial view. The delusion of this feeling, similar to a hearing error, is almost always in a more or less close connection with real ideas and classes or with those who have passed live sensations. The appearances are either clear and sharply outlines, or dark and confused; They continue longer or short-term, then pale, they seem to be disintegrating in the air and disappear.

We have already told the misconceptions of vision also occur in the afternoon, but more often in the morning, in the evening and night. If they are awakening in a dark night, one ray of light instantly waves them; During the same clear day, it is enough just to blink to make them disappear.

Mr. Baljarger in his excellent essay of the delusion of feelings reports the next fact, in 1832, in the tears of land in the old Franciscan monastery there were many coffins in Paris, inside which there were still quite well-preserved skeletons. One student of the medical faculty received from workers a decent number of bones, which he cheered on the walls of his room, and two days later, returning at midnight, he felt the fear for the form of disgusting skulls, illuminated by the lunar light. He drove this stupid fear, litter a cigar, drank Ryumka Romu and lay down in bed.

He just fell asleep, as was awakened by a strong pain in the elbow mixed with the noise of votes and moans. Looking back in the fright, he saw two rows of human figures in the light of the month, who were dressed in Savan and walked around the room in silent reflection.

"Their fixed faces," he said, they shone like silver, their directions rushed to me threw the pale lightning. From time to time they glanced at me, murl into the eyebrows, and the whisper of them was obsessed with hostile attempts on my person.

At first I thought that I was exposed to a terrible nightmare, however, I was completely in a wipe state, because I heard a crew knock on the street and the hours of hours on the bell tower of the Church of St. Severin. I felt all the slightest details of the vision, I wanted to jump out from bed, but I was as if kept.

Raising his head, I noticed a high height person in black clothes, with a pale face. His sparkling eyes forced me to close the eyelids; Since my hand was exactly in the ticks and I could not jump off my bed, I felt rabies, despair, fear. Finally, the giant released my hand, turning to me with some speech, from which I kept only these words: curiosity, indiscretion, youth.

Now I jumped off my bed and challenged the window, I terribly wanted to jump into the courtyard ... Meanwhile, the coolness of the night again reminded me of real life, and I looked at the starry sky for a long time, lit by the silver rays of the month. When I turned around, to look at my bed, I again saw a person dressed in black, and two rows of white ghosts.

At least from a quarter of an hour I looked at a strange scene. It became dawn. There was a great movement between these figures; I heard the doors of my room allocated and blended; I lay down again in bed; My eyes turned around the cover, and strong sleep mastered me. Waking up at eight o'clock, I felt a strong pain in the fold of the palm and incomprehensible longing, as if got rid of some terrible danger. "

One official of the military ministry for a long time was subjected to painful delusion of feelings. Awakening in the morning, he saw in the middle of his room spider hanging on a web. The spider quickly increased and filled the entire room, so the official was inevitable to go out, so that this gigantic and disgusting insect did not crush him.

Now it is a deceptive representation replaced by another, less painful and more pleasant. An official every morning, with his awakening, saw a table with a great breakfast, but, unfortunately, he can enjoy only glances, because the table disappears at the same moment when the official comes to him.

During my stay in Greece, I experienced a very pleasant misconception of the feelings that I attribute to mental tension, and at which at the same time vision and ear were tense.

In one of the beautiful and poetic evenings under the blue sky, Eldlami weld me to relax on the green carpet of the Liquek Mountain. High peaks climbed in a foggy gave, and the Silver Bay Waves of Arcadia were reflected in the Lazzore horizon, the birds sang under the shadow of spring leaves, the light breeze was spread over a small valley of the fragrance of herbs and flowers, and the last rays of the setting sun dropped their mysterious shades on this beautiful nature.

I was young, impressionable, full of enthusiasm and sweet memories, little tolerance tolerance mentally into the heroic times of ancient Greece.

My eyes quietly rushed on the shores of the River Padon, which took place at my feet. Body life seemed to cease, and my imagination wandered over laughing fields of mythology.

In the midst of this silent contemplation I saw in some distances of the Nymph's choir, danced to the sounds of Pan's swirls. They intertwined their hands, their legs in a measured beat hit the ground, and as soon as the breeze raised their light tunics, my eyes admired charming forms, luxurious outlines.

That was a sweet deception of feelings! .. Oh! How I wanted to continue it! .. But, ah, one of the seeping of the eye was enough to destroy everything, dispel everything ...

I could explain myself this phenomenon while he concerned only the feelings of view, but what I heard was unexplained for me. I went to the banks of the river to see the musician, the one-way melodies of which came the wind to me.

After several things, I noticed that in some places of the coast, the reed was cut off on uneven height, so that the air pulled over the expansion tubes was removed from them various sounds, which, mixing with the noise of the leaves, produced a strange harmony with me. This explained everything.

3. Connation errors. When delushing the feeling of touching, the subject is experiencing an imaginary crawling of ants along its skin, universal or local colotier, a feeling of cold and heat, varying from ice jellies to burning pain, touching any gadine, which is worshiped around his body, spider crawling on it; Sometimes it seems to him that the body increases in volume, it is exorbitantly swelling and finally bursts, sometimes it decreases little and reaches and comes to the grain-grade.

In other circumstances, he imagines that he strikes a stick, whip and t, d. More pleasant delusions make him think about caressing and hugs, then he honors himself happy and in the devils it is expressed inexplicable pleasure.

One poor woman felt the mouse ran through her body. As soon as she managed to free themselves from them, spiders were attacked, which soon turned into beetles. An hour later, this vision disappeared, and she calmed until the next day.

Another woman seemed that her body was covered with toads and caterpillars. The third after she had to get the water from the stream once to get drunk, he felt that a frog was moving in the stomach. The fourth felt the heat and winter was all in the sweat. The fifth thought she froze, and trembled into the hottest summer noon.

One notary allowed his wife to beat himself; The wife died, and he was glad that she would stay alone, but, ah! Hope it was in vain. The body of an evil wife was from time to time and squeezed him a few full blows with a stick, so the poor fellow in the middle of his classes shouted loudly, as if he was really beat.

They tell the story about the poor lady from the Panta, which a long time was disturbed by a demon who did not know the slightest decency or shame. This assistant Satan was her in a dream in the image of a wonderful young man and communicated with her even on a marriage bed, near her spouse. Unhappy, despite the ceremonial solemn words, would have come to perfect exhaustion, which was defended by her old pleasure during the night, if he was not attended by medical art and did not drive a rapid demon, restoring her health.

4. Melting sense of smell and taste. The delusion of this kind is much less likely of the previous ones, but still quite a few examples that serve as confirmation of their existence.

Enthusiastic Khigzhi imagine that they are surrounded by the smell of Mirra, Fimiam, Cinnamon and Ladan, opposite the foliar and disgusting smell everywhere.

One doctor, wanting to experience how far the delusion of such a kind can expect a misconception, led one blindfolded to the slaughter, he stayed for a whole hour and imagined that he was walking in the garden, seated with fragrant flowers.

One old actress, who went crazy, imagined the victim of the crowd of lovers, whom she rejected on the days of her celebration. "It's not pretty that they insult me," she said, "no, they throw such a mowing unclean that I do not have peace of mind or night."

5. Mailing of all feelings together. Such cases are very rare and occur only in fisher or fanatics.

One girl of weak addition, nervous, hysterical and frightened by speeches and teachings of the fanatic, little came to such a fortune that was still no madness, but in the consequence of time would bring to madness if the love of his father and brother's request did not return it to True path. We give her own story here.

"I spent my days in prayer, and as a result of primary prayers heard the heavenly sounds, divine harmonies. Sweet voice was distributed in my ears and promised me eternal bliss if I was done by the nun, but I did not have so much spirit to leave my father, 75- The summer senior, for whom I was the only consolation, and so I refused to join the monastery.

Then sweet voices and divine harmonies stopped; I heard the ringing of the chains, grinds the teeth, shrill screams, the noise of gusty winds, as if during a terrible thunderstorm, and thunder strikes, which made me tilt the head and stuck your ears.

The new octracy took possession of my mind: it seemed to me that all hell danced around me; Horrible, disgusting ghosts came to me to grab me and pass with them; I was taken to pray with the heat, my good guardian angel appeared to me and pointed my finger to the monastery, but the thought about my elderly weak parent has kept me, and I did not dare to pronounce the vow of monasses.

Annoyed Angel disappeared, but I felt that Satan's assistants were dragged, plucked, tormented me, I suffered from the smell of sulfur, the air lacked me, the dizziness was intensified. My whole body was covered with a flicker later, the blood flowed from my eyes, my mouth was like a burning oven, I did not dare to swallow my saliva, so she was bitter in a meal. If I coughed, then splashes, falling on my body, left on it as if traces of strong vodka. I again began to call on my guardian angel. He appeared again, silent, motionless; His hand was simple to the monastery.

Oh my God! As I suffered! .. For a whole half year, I fought with this terrible nightmare, which in the afternoon tormented me hourly; Finally, I could not resist more and wanted to leave my poor Father to join the monastery, believing that it was the will of God. Then my brother my brother arrived from the army; He burned my books, kicked out of the house of people who were surrounded by me, and after a few days with the help of the doctor these terrible views disappeared.

Relief and health again returned to me, I hugged my brother, and now I can be useful to my elderly parent. "

Also in our days there are people in the villages who believe the shorts, houses, ghosts and demons, which came out of hell; They with the greatest comprehension they assure you that during the dark night heard the sounds of chains and knocking bones that they were chased by terrible ghosts, terrible monsters, and they all tell them with such an erat, which does not leave any doubt in the reality of them.

It often happens that people are unrealistic, fraudsters and thieves, dressed up fantastic to frighten the fearful people and successful to fulfill their criminal plans.

In this case, of course, there is no error in feelings; On the contrary, it exists if chimeric phenomena is a consequence of horror. Unfortunately, many who, by their duties, would have to enlighten the ignorant and charming class of people, try to keep him in the most rude superstition; The worse for fools, they say those who laugh at this ...

Now let's talk about the so-called "transparent" dreams.

Institute of Psychophysiological Research in Oxford Some time collected reports that they called "transparent" and "transmitted" sleep.

Transparently called such a dream, during which a person understands that he sleeps.

With a continuous dream, a person is not sure, he sleeps or awake, and it may not come to the right decision.

Here is one of the messages stored at the Institute:

"I found what I am with N (a friend of the storyteller) in the room at the other end of the corridor. I told him about transparent dreams, which I just saw, and suddenly said:

"Of course, this is also a dream." - "Maybe. How to know?" - replied N with a helpless smile. "Of course, this is a dream," I said, and went to the window. "Now I have a web." "" It's stupid, if it's not a dream, "said K, who was still calm and, it seemed that I had fun."

Of course, you can see anything, including awakening from sleep. Many dreams that they wake up, lie in bed, get up, begin to dress - and suddenly discover that all this is a dream that they are still sleeping. Even awareness of the fact that the first awakening they dreamed, does not serve as a guarantee of the truth of the second awakening.

Bertrand Russell said that one day, waking up from anesthesia, he experienced "about a hundred" false awakens.

To distinguish sleep from wakefulness is not easy, at least in a dream. Those who are shot transparent dreams cannot trust their feelings, as the touch, taste and smell in a dream are absolutely real.

Everything you can experience in reality can be experienced in a dream. In dreams, events can be meaningfully followed by each other, taking into account the preceding experience. In a dream, you can see how you wake up, get up, come out of the house and make one after another ordinary daily business, while suddenly there is no doubt about the reality of what is happening. At that moment, a person can remember similar difficulties that arose from other people, and compare them with their own and yet not be confident in his own state.

Do you sleep or have already woken up? Or all that today happened to you - part of a difficult sleep? For some time, such questions can cause an attack of doubt, but soon you throw doubts because you are sure that you woke up.

This confidence that we feel at the biological level is so undoubted that there has nothing to do with mind.

In one of the messages collected by the Oxford Institute, this feeling is very well transmitted: "I thought I would know what I really woke up. It was often puzzled me, but still I am sure that when you really woke up, you feel Something is different. I can not clearly express this difference. However, it seems to me that in a dream one of the senses is absent, perhaps a sense of responsibility. "

So, if you doubt if you really woke up, then be sure that you are still sleeping.

This confidence turns the transparent dreams into transparent, bringing with them confidence in the opposite. Probably dreams differ from each other, as from the state of wakefulness, something special and difficult. Despite the similarity of sensory experience and mental processes in the states of sleep and wakefulness, we can argue that these states are completely different and that personality can with the same ease of expressing himself in any of them, but not both at the same time.

When you awake, you can remember how to remarkably fly out of the windows donating you and soaring over the tiled roofs of a spreading house. When you see a clear sleep, you can remember how it is unpleasant to drive a finger along the razor blade, and perhaps you will even try to compare two sensations. The development of the personality is likely to depend on both types of experience.

When we awake, we are in the authorities of the forces forming our body and the mind enclosed in it, in a dream, as in the game, we have the opportunity to act outside of these forces, turning out in a wide variety of circumstances to then tie them with another experience and build a comprehensive and fruitful attitude to life.

The fact that the infants for dreams falls eighty percent of the time leaving for sleep, and old people - less fifteen, confirms the hypothesis that dreams play an important role in the integration of experience.

Apparently, all the contents of dreams are derived from sensations obtained during wakefulness.

Helen Keller, having lost sight, hearing and smell as a result of Scarletin, transferred shortly after birth, often sees dreams. At first it was a purely physical primitive experience, for example, something heavy was spawned on it. Then, when she fell to an experienced tutor, who described the world in detail in detail, she began to see dreams in a new dimension, but they all firmly relied on the only feeling she could trust.

"Once in a dream I kept the pearl in my hands. I have no visual memory about the pearl. The one I saw in a dream was probably the fruit of my imagination. It was a smooth, perfectly formed crystal .., dew and flame, velvet greens Moss in muffled white lilies. "

The dreams of the blind from birth do not contain visual images and are not accompanied by a rapid movement of the eyes characteristic of dreams of moays.

One blind and deaf patient never heard of dreams, but remembered that one day he woke up in deep sadness, again surviving the shock, tested by him when, shouting his hand into a cage with his bird who had his living, he found her dead Taurus.

The relationship of sensations tested in a state of wakefulness, with experiences in a dream was confirmed during the observation of a deaf-and-dumb, which usually communicated in the language of signs. When he dreamed that he speaks usually with other people, an electromyograph attached to the body of sleeping, noted strong motor currents, but not in the larynx, but in the fingers.

The dependence of dreams from information obtained in a wakefulness is huge, but not absolute.

In 1965, studies conducted by Australian scientists showed that people who slept under the action of strong sleeping pills could learn to distinguish between two sounds of different heights, one of which was accompanied by electric shock. When the same two sounds were reproduced by a waking patient, the encephalograph showed that their brain responded to a shock, and not on a neutral sound.

This conditionability has long been advertised by those who sell apparatuses for learning in a dream. According to most studies, training is reduced mainly to those periods when the student is dorming or is on the verge of sleep, but obviously, at different stages of sleep, the susceptibility changes.

Falling asleep, we pass through four recognized stages of orthodox sleep, as we fall asleep everything is stronger.

Then, when the rapid movement of the eyes begins and we enter the phase of paradoxical sleep, quantitative changes are suddenly occur. Muscular tone drops quickly, and the body relaxes, spinal reflexes disappear, and even snoring stops. As brain activity increases, susceptibility decreases.

Apparently, the most complete care from physical reality occurs when a transparent sleep begins.

One who sees a transparent sleep is almost impossible to wake up, and no report contains a mention of a transparent dream, which includes external incentives, as it often happens with opaque dreams. When you know that you are sleeping, you achieve the very complete care from the binding restrictions.

There are many messages that in a dream you can get information that cannot be obtained by another way.

In New York in the Maimonian laboratory of Sleep Montagu Ulman and Kripner made an attempt to objectively analyze this opportunity.

They joined the tests under the usual electroencephalograph and after each quick movement of the eyes walked them and asked what kind they saw. While they were engaged in this, the third person in the room at the other end of the building, tensely thought about the picture chosen at random from the whole collection of paintings.

The next thread showed all the pictures and asked what of them most resembles what they saw in a dream. A lot of amazing correlations were revealed.

Once for experience, an irosko picture depicting a group of Mexican revolutionaries moving on a dark background of jamming clouds and mountains was chosen. One of the participants in the experience saw in the dream "New Mexico City", "heavy clouds and mountains" and "colossal film production". Even when the relationship between sleep and the picture was less obvious, a group of independent experts almost always easily found the desired picture on the basis of messages about saws.

This success is due to telepathy rather than the spatial movement of sleep, but the latest studies of the same laboratory represent the problem in the new light.

In 1969, a young English physicist I was joined by a young English physicist in the Test, who saw in a dream "Fruit Bowl", when the planned still life of Kokokov "Fruits and Flowers", and "Minor Pools" and "Making Collage", when the collage was going Under the name "Human Court".

But especially amazing ZGI hitting the goal makes the fact that in the third room at night there was no one who would think about the paintings, and in some cases the picture was taken only to the next morning.

Apparently, the abundant not only could travel in space, leaving his sleeping body, but also to separate time. It would be interesting to know whether he saw transparent dreams, because the separation of the mind and body can intentionally control when you understand what you sleep.

One of the participants in the experience, who worked with the Oxford Institute of Psychophysical Research, reports that in a transparent dream, you can move anywhere, just closing the eyes and "mentally focused on".

An old, but well-documented case, which illustrates all the opportunities for this situation in this situation.

On October 3, 1863, a steam vessel "Gorod Limerick" came out of Liverpool, on board which was the owner of a manufactory from Connecticuta S. R. Wilmot, heading home to his wife and family to the United States.

On the night of October 13, Wilmot had dreamed that his wife entered the cabin in the night shirt, stopped in indecision in the doorway, seeing that there was another passenger, then he approached, kissed him and disappeared.

The next morning, his neighbor, according to the reviews "discreet and very pious man," without any visible reason suddenly stopped talking to him. After persistent attempts to find out what was the matter, William Tit stated: "As you can allow yourself to make a woman to you in this form." It turned out that, lying down without sleep, he revealed exactly the same stage that Wilhot in a dream.

When the vessel came to New York on October 23, Wilmot's wife immediately asked if he had seen her ten days ago. Knowing about storms in the Atlantic and having heard a message about the death of another vessel, she went to sleep in a big alarm for the life of her husband.

At night, she felt that she crosses the stormy sea, finding a low black ship, passes through him, sees a stranger man in his neighboring bed and was delayed at the door on the door, but still he enters, kisses her husband and leaves the cabin. After the asked, she managed to accurately describe the features of the cabin.

This case was carefully disassembled by the staff of the American Society of Mental Research, and we have no reason to doubt the veracity of the participants in the events, but nevertheless, to make a judgment of the eyelid after him, it does not seem possible.

Today, this story interests us from the point of view of the opportunities in it. If everything happened exactly as described, then Wilhot and his wife had a common experience in a dream, while retaining his own individuality, in a dream they saw and felt the same thing that they would feel and reveal, in ordinary life.

But the most amazing thing is that the wakeful tait also participated in this event, having its own point of view. From the fact that he probably saw - and subsequently could describe - Wilmota's wife, it follows that the energy body, which we postulated earlier, most likely retains its recognizable form, even after separating from their physical twin.

Here we find out in the heart of the gloomy world of ghosts, where science has almost no chance to get out of the fog of uncertainty.

About a third of his life, a person spends in a dream, and most of this time is filled with dreams. Waking up, we often can't even remember them, but sometimes the dream hooked, what causes the strongest emotions: tears, fear, despair, surprise, joy, hopefully such a dream We will remember for a long time, returning to him again and again, trying to understand The hidden meaning of the events of the events, explain the meaning of his amazing plot.

Dreams occupy an average of two hours of night sleep, licked 7.5 hours. Dreams see everything, but many people do not remember their dreams. If the sleeping wake in the midst of fast sleep, he will remember a very bright dream. If you wake it up 5 minutes after the end of the rapid sleep period, he will have only a vague memories of a dream, and if he is waking up after 10 minutes, he will not remember anything at all.

Often in a dream we see the most unexpected, sometimes funny, sometimes scary, and even ridiculous pictures and events. Waking up, we are surprised: "I will dream of one!" And some, recired seen, sees in it some kind of mysterious, maybe a prophetic meaning. And try to find him interpretation.

At all times, starting with deep antiquity, people wondered about the meaning of dreams. The content of dreams was considered essential in the interpretations of past and current events, as well as the prediction of the future. For example, the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 to R. H.) demanded not only the explanations of dreams, but also reminders of their earlier dreams, which he could forget about over time. It was not just a whim of those who have power, but the type of human needs, which are connected with its nature: not to leave the mysteriousness of the emerging phenomenon, especially since it is directly connected with the person himself and accompanies it throughout life.

How does science explains the dreams?

During the XX century, psychologists tried to find a scientific explanation of dreams. Scientists have long ago expressed the thoughts that there is nothing mysterious in dreams that they represent the result of revitalizing in a dream really experienced.

The founder of psychoanalysis Austrian Sigmund Freud assumed that dreams symbolize the unconscious needs and concerns of a person. He argued that society demands from us to suppress many of our desires. We cannot affect them and sometimes they are forced to hide them from themselves. This is an unhealthy and subconscious desire to gain equilibrium, present their desires to conscious mind in the form of dreams, thus finding out the exhaust needs.

Swiss colleague Freud Karl Gustav Jung saw various dream images as full values \u200b\u200bcharacters, each of which could be interpreted differently in accordance with the general context of sleep. He believed that in a state of wakefulness, the subconsciously perceives, interprets events and experience and is studying on them, and during sleep, it informs this "internal" knowledge of consciousness through a system of simple visual images. He tried to classify images of dreams symbolic meaning. He believed that symbols in the system of dream images are inherent in humanity that they have been formulated during the evolutionary development of the human brain and passed through a generation by inheritance.

Best of all, this look expressed I. M. Sechenov, who called the dreams of a "unprecedented combination of experienced impressions."

Fully comprehend the inner mechanism, the physiology of dreams helped the doctrine of higher nervous activity, and in particular, the disclosure of the peculiarities of the braking process. Experiments have shown that the transition of the nerve cell of the cerebral cortex from the state of excitation to complete braking and returns through a number of intermediate, so-called hypnotic phases. When the dream is deep, dreaming does not happen, but if for one reason or another the strength of the braking process in individual cells or parts of the brain weakens and complete braking is replaced by one of the transition phases, we see dreams. Paradoxical phase is particularly interesting. The cells in this phase respond to weak irritations are much stronger than the strong, and sometimes they stop responding at all. For those in the paradoxical phase phase of the cortex cells, the role of a weak stimulus can play the role of a weak stimulus, and then the best forgotten forgotten in our brain a colorful and exciting image, which we see as if in reality.

Against the background of various braking during sleep, they often flare out those smoldering in our brain of excitation, which are associated with desires and aspirations, persistently involved in us during the day. This mechanism (which physiologists are called the revival of dormant dominant) underlies those often dreams when we see really fulfilled what I only dream about.

Why in dreams everything is so coerciborantly and confused why in a kaleidoscope sleeping visions rarely you can catch some kind of logic? This is explained by the peculiarities of brain activity during sleep, which is sharply different from the orderly work of the brain in the wakeful state. When a person is awake, clear, critical attitude towards the surrounding, its own agencies and thoughts is ensured by the agreed work of the crust of large hemispheres as a whole. In a dream, brain activity becomes chaotic, unbound: the overwhelming mass of the cerebral cortex is in a state of complete braking, in some places they are inserted into it areas of nerve cells in one of the transitional hypnotic phases; In addition, the brake process is moving along the crust, and where there has just been complete braking, suddenly a partial disbursement occurs, and vice versa. What is happening at this time in the brain can be compared with the picture of the dark August sky, on which it is here, then the lights of heaven flashes, move and go there.

What is "bonding" dreams?

During sleep, information from the outside to the brain almost does not come (the sipping eyes are closed, the rumor becomes not complete). But at this time, brain activity switches to the so-called internal information.

Internal information is diverse. First of all, its source serves the balance of the previous day. It includes everything and literally everything we saw, heard, thought, worried from the moment of waking up to sleep. As scientific data shows, so that the information is fixed in memory, it is necessary 24-28 hours. It turns out that everything that enters our brain at this moment is still saved and is in a state of fine memory, although it seems to us that we do not remember something. At the same time, all incoming information does not carry a logical sequence, it is indispensable and changes dramatically. All this leaves marks in memory ("cortical nervous traces" - Pavlov), which, in turn, differ in their magnitude and depth.

During sleep, from all this confusion, the preparation of a chain of a logically conntted video card begins - a dream. The dream is reflected on our screen, which is in the occipital part of the brain. And since the eyes (cameras) and ears (voice) do not send information, i.e. Sleep, then the screen is purely internal information. If there are no problems, the simple dream flows out of this, if any, it all depends on the brightness of severity, longitude - the picture is obtained or the problem showing, or then what such a problem will lead to.

The construction logic is the same as a person uses during his wakefulness - this is the logic of the presentation of the surrounding world in its natural flow. If the car rides on the road in reality, then on the same logic it will move in the same way in a dream, but not at all through the air or some other unnatural way.

The brain is looking for a connection between themselves and information flows and builds them pictures. It is like this occupation when the teacher from the keywords "house", "murder", "green", "chamomile", "shadow", "curling", "coffee", "pity" suggests students to make a story. Even in this case, if there are the same source information, the stories of people will differ from each other. Fantasia and logical thinking every individual is individual; Similar in general, but they diverge in trifles.

Thus, everything without exception details of the dream can be found in the residue of the previous day. The difficulty is concluded in the fact that we are not able to remember everything; Most of us do not remember even specific traits Past days. We can't remember what we did.

Great confusion brings and turning words into concepts with opposite values. For example, a seen pillar can pop up as a dust post. Especially since a person may for himself individually some things to associate with something else. Such is more characteristic of jargon words; For example, if in reality a person saw Oak, then in a dream it can go to the quality of the abilities of some seen person. Nevertheless, the main share falls on real information received yesterday as one to one.

In persons suffering from severe forms of mental disorders, there is a dream and will be deprived of any logical orientation. They hold their own logic - mixed, task prevails more move, and not to connect.
And finally, an alarm, harassing, excessive mental and physical experiences is underway to the internal information. Our feelings, soreness of organs, beliefs that determine the nature of the sleep pattern are added to the purely information field. They are more constant in time, it means that they are fixed deeper.

In a dream, when sorting the remnants of the day, our brain is under the severity of these feelings, trying to present a vision subject to logic, but due to anxiety that prevents him, he is knocked down. Some image, the action is distorted. We dream of a nightmare, and it must be a signal to revise our attitude towards previous feelings. The moment occurs when emergency steps are needed. Otherwise, repetitions, looping, mental disorders are possible, when it requires significantly more means, time and strength to return to its original position.

What is the role of dreams in a person's life?

We present some theories with a specific logic.

1. The purpose of dreams is imprisoned in the sorting of information on the necessary and useless and in the decomposition of "nervous traces" of sediments of information on places. Like a tape record, which we erased when it is no longer needed, and in the subsequent, I write something else in her place. In our case information about the next day.

2. A visual construction of a dream is a check, the brain exercise before the wakefulness, which is expressed in the ability of it in a short time from incoherent details to make a consistently built film, on the plot of which you can check the correctness of its work, the degree of possible overload.

3. Dreaming is our inner psychoanalyst, talking by images. This is the book that needs to be read between the rows, looking for hidden logic arising from the previous night "the remainder of the day". If, for example, a person dreams that he builds a high-rise building - this is nothing like an element of his day experiences due to the lowestness of its position. The main thing in this dream is not a plot, but feelings (desire to assert, to perceive spirit, etc.).

4. Dreams perform an important role of the transitional stage from sleeping for wakefulness.

Dreams can affect the human body rather strangely. Ancient drew attention to the influence of dreams on a person. Galen who engaged in medical activity collided with the patient who dreamed a dream where the leg seemed to him stone. After some time, paralysis feet came. The French neuropathologist Lermit met with another example. The patient in a dream felt the snake bite in his leg. After a few days at that place an ulcer was formed. There are many such examples. Or no less bright examples of how the "subconscious mind" really helps to solve some problems in a dream (at least recall the well-known fact of the opening of the Mendeleev periodic table). Perhaps, such an amazing manifested in memory of the really existing inner sensations from the events of the previous day.

But perhaps the secret of dreams is so fully and not solved. Who knows how many riddles hides our brain and what our dreams actually broadcast to us.

Secrets of dreams.

The dreams can not only see, but also generate, consciously cause a dream to solve this or that problem, make a decision, establish connections, overcome bad habits. To do this, before bedtime, describe in detail your problem and specify a question related to this problem. Confoliate on this issue before going to bed. After waking, write down everything you saw in a dream. Try to analyze sleep.

Vision occurs during wakefulness, and some dreams have the nature of the visions. Symbols and sensations of dreams and visions indicate that these states come from the highest level of consciousness. Dreams and vision are a true expression of their own "I", which converts external validity to internal experience and forms messages.

The content of some dreams can be so exciting and terrible that a person often wakes up with a strongly harsh heart, in sweat. Many people sometimes starry nightmares, which may be a warning, literal or symbolic. Such dreams can be an expression of fear that needs to be overcome, some dreams can be a kind of preparation of emotions before exposure to stress. Thus, the reality will be postponed easier.

Any conscious actions, relationships or emotions that come too far will inevitably require a subconscious compensatory restructuring, that is, a self-regulating system that supports the necessary balance in the psyche. Such self-regulation is often carried out through dreams. For example, a dream in which a person is not moderately cheerful, can be compensation too serious attitude to life. Sleep as if says: Do not perceive things too seriously, rejoice more.

If you want to improve your memory for dreams, then think about dreams, talk about dreams, read about dreams. In other words, make sure that the dreams become an important part of your wakeful state. Indians believed that listening to dreams of their children had therapeutic property. They did not have crimes and violence until they followed this practice. During breakfast, all children under 12 years old told about the dreams of the past night.

Often the dreams are those krand, which publishes steam. In real life, such actions may be unacceptable. A dream in which a person attacks the hated boss may be a safe discharge for a person overcrowded by hostile feelings. This is a more acceptable way to repay aggressive emotions than to keep them inside yourself, which will adversely affect physical and spiritual health.

Do not despair if most dreams seem to be negative. Remember that dreams usually come to help us when we have problems, and seek to help us when we make mistakes. Our night pharmacist, apparently, does not believe that it is necessary to give too many specific instructions, so when he sends us a message in the form of a hint or allegory, then it must be more accudated as possible.

The first step in working with dreams is removal of dreams. Due to poor remember, many people complain that they do not see dreams. However, studies have shown that almost every person sees from four to five dreams per night, at intervals about 90 minutes. Forgetfulness can be associated with diseases, fatigue, depressed state, etc.

One man was constantly dreaming a dream in which he went like a zombie, absolutely not interested in what was happening around him. After he realized that the message had to be more emotionally responding and followed this advice, the dream stopped.

Drive the dream record book. A special notebook, a pencil and a light source, which is easy to enable, should be all the time to be near your bed - you need to convince the subconscious in your frankness (by means of this ensuring the interaction of consciousness and subconscious). Immediately after waking, write down your dreams, otherwise the dreams are distorted, and you can lose an important character.

Before going to bed, mentally analyze your feelings, activity, physical condition of this day. Do not expect dreams to perform the role of Oracle. Conscious attempts to get answers to questions should be followed at the beginning. And, if possible, wake up in a natural way.

Some dreams can be scenes or memories of past life. Thoroughly study any dream, which, as you think, can relate to another period of time, where there is another environment and other clothes. Such a dream can be classified as a dream from past life. Sleep from past life is dreaming not only to help resolve these conflicts, but also in order to help wake up the spiritual nucleus of sleeping.

If the dream is remembered with a night awakening, write down the phrase or keyword, which in the morning will launch the mechanism of complete recall. Mentally foresee a dream at this point, and then fall asleep again. If you do not work on the removal of dreams, most of them will be lost. You must write something: a fragment, symbol, name, man, scene, feelings. Record sleep in the present time. If the dream is remembered during the day, write it down at what happened at the time of remembering.

Inside our body there are three levels: physical, thought (mental) and spiritual (spiritual). Many dreams can be interpreted at several levels, in addition, there are many intermediate types. For example, compensatory dreams may also be dreams of wish. Which of the three levels was the initiator of sleep, it is not so important. It is important how we use the information received.

Dreams, initiated by the physical level, are easiest to understand and interpret. Some dreams indicate the physical need, for example, in exercise, balanced diet, medical care. Other dreams do not matter and are often simply a reaction to external influences, for example, on a bad combination of products, food abuse or drinks, on hormonal imbalance, injuries, disease or any physical sensation (such as bright light, cold, sharp smell ).

The belling of the alarm in a dream will sound a phone call; And if you dream of a snow frosty winter, then waking up, you will feel that you are cold. Drugs, medicines, abuse of food and drinks, difficult to digest food or life, full of rush, can cause unreserved dreams, i.e. the information of the message may not go to sleep.

Daily activities sometimes also "launches" dreams without meaning. For example, a person who at night for several hours was led by a car, dream of headlights dumped on it. And this dream does not make sense to interpret. However, it is not too trended to take a dream to the physical level - you can lose an important message from another level.

The greatest number of dreams caused by the subconscious, mental (mental) level. Dreams of this level are complex and are associated with a wider field of activity. Many of these dreams can be a valuable tool for solving problems and self-knowledge. A lover of rampants dreamed that he came on the racetrack, and discovered him dusty, densely sworn weed. Later, he regretted that he was not "listened" to his sleep, since he had played much.

Tightly connected with compensation dreams of dreams of desires. If a person finds money or value in a dream, it can reflect the desire to correct the difficult financial situation. A shy man can dreamed that he utters an outstanding speech. But do not rush to attach such dreams only to the category of desires. Similar dreams can suggest which way you can get money or learn to utter speeches. Look at different levels of interpretation of dreams, choosing the most suitable.

Some dreams are not a reasonable explanation, at least at this stage of knowledge of dreams. Such dreams contain elements of telepathy and clairvoyance. The Bible is replete with prophetic dreams. The story knows a lot of examples of the fact that people saw themselves in a dream or their loved ones at that moment when misfortune happened to them.

Contrary to the expectations of many people, our night guru does not tell us what to do, but give useful information that we have the right to accept or reject. A fan of the food often saw a dream in which he himself was so fat that he could neither sit, nor walk, but only stand. Sleep did not say: "Stop to overeat", but painted a bright picture of what a man awaits on this path.

Since many of our problems arise due to lack of internal knowledge, Self-knowledge dreams are closely associated with dreams aimed at solving the problem. Do not be afraid that you can open dreams. We cannot make more of what we are capable at the moment. Such dreams may be invaluable.

Dreams emanating from the spiritual level have the greatest conversion effect. If you remember such a dream once, it will not be forgotten. Such dreams fill us with a sense of completeness of life and harmony, they encourage, inspire and give an understanding of the meaning of life. Often well-known religious figures appear, educating or giving vital advice. In addition, other symbols that are related to the spiritual theme may also occur: the top of the mountain, the light, rainbow, water, any feeling of euphoria.

If we learn to interpret the dreams correctly, and then apply your knowledge in practice, this can be an effective self-improvement tool. Dreams can indicate us the right direction for physical healing, enrichment, career and for many other areas important for our lives. Be open and ready to take the values \u200b\u200bof dreams, even if it threatens current beliefs or relationships.

All people tend to see unusual scenes of dreams. If someone says he has not dreamed of anything, he simply does not remember the picture that arises in the consciousness of a sleeping person in a number of subjective reasons.

For a long time, people sought to solve the dream of a dream, so the predictors took up the drawing up of dreams, which can be called a sentence for the interpretation of sleep. It was rational to explain the dreams not only by the predictors, but also scientists, but the riddle remained undisclosed.
Physiology sleep
The study of sleep, as a process, is engaged in the science of Somnology, but studying a dream of science called onairology. Sleep need people in everyday life as a physiological process. The exact reason for the need in a dream is not yet solved, but scientists suggest that the dream is necessary for the brain to relax from the daily work of the body.
Without sleep, a person can hold out no more than three days, otherwise there is no deposits to avoid. To sleep, a person needs no less than 7-8 hours of sleep.
In the course of scientific research, scientists managed to establish that after forced insomnia, more than three days a person suffers from the following metamorphosis:
worsening hearing and vision; disorders coordination movements; sharp reduction in the concentration of attention; The possible appearance of hallucinations. In addition, volunteers, which, according to the conditions of the scientific experiment, were subjected to forced waking, dramatically lost weight, despite the full nutrition. With insomnia suffers the immune systemWhat contributes to an increase in viruses and blood bacteria. Night recreation mode is needed to human body to restore vital processes. Sleep is necessary not only to people, but also animals, a long insomnia ends with death.
Mystic dreams
Dreams come to all healthy people, but not everyone can remember the plot of the night scenario. Unusual images of night illusions are symbolic, so they should not be interpreted literally, symbols can be not only unambiguous, but also multigid. Esoterics consider the dream of an encrypted message of the otherworldly, sent to man by the highest forces to warn about the future.
Black and white dreams come from the nearest subconscious, they help the owner of sleep to know themselves as a person. Contemplateers of black and white dreams rely in reality to their mind. Colorful dreams come to emotional and creative people. The more impressive nature, the brighter its sleepy visions. People who see completely colored dreams are better resting.
Interestingly, in dreams we are more often visited by the emotions of a negative nature, the joy in a dream we are experiencing much less often. Probably, therefore, the dream is assumed to be a prevention of a dream about the upcoming events in reality.
The images of night phasum are often things, although they look strange. According to psychologists, this subconscious is trying to warn the dream of those events that will soon happen to a person. In dreams Through the broadcast of pictures of the past, people receive warnings about the future coming during the rest of consciousness.
Esoterics consider a person a multidimensional being, which has a special energy shell in each dimension. After falling asleep, the soul of man leaves the physical shell of the manifested world (physical) and moves the world unmanifested, where in the shell of the astral body comes traveling along the walled. Here people lose their ability to control the senses and consciousness bodies, to control the astral body, it is necessary to own special techniques.

Popular interpreters of dreams
Snnowment can be considered a person's idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. This mirror of his soul and reality events, when the subconsciousness helps relieve the voltage of reality, healing the soul and improving life. Dream interputes made up of unusual illusions will be able to deal with the events of unusual illusion.
Dream of Freud.
This is not a completely ordinary collection of interpretations of dreams, but the bestseller of the 20th century. The famous psychoanalyst, the author of the theory of psychoanalysis, will help its interpretation of the disclosure of hidden desires and fantasies of the dream, will tell him about the future. For modern man, Sigmund Freud is associated with sex, but the author was a famous doctor and scientist, researcher and innovator in the world of psychology.
The theoretical basis of interpretation of dream images on Freud is the concept of hidden sexual desires living in the subconscious of every person. During the night recreation, unsatisfied thoughts are reflected in the dreams of a dream.
The interpretation of dreams in the Dream of Freud does not carry a mystical load, based on the facts of scientific experiments. Symbols of night visions, considered under the auspices of erotic desires, make it possible to adjust the real future. Dream Miller
Treaty author - American psychologist Gustav Miller, inquisitive and smart maninterested in human psyche. Miller's dream book has more than 10,000 interpretations of dreams, its decryption is not devoid of commercial veins. The treatise was incredibly popular in the last century, but did not lose his relevance today.
Miller considered dreams encrypted information about the events - past, real, as well as future. To decrypt important information, the subconscious message sends a dream tip, correctly decipher the author in his dream book offers.
Dream Vangu
The blinding provincial from the Bulgarian village had a gift of clairvoyance, many of her predictions of celebrities became public. The priest believed the night dreams an important stage of the fate of a person, giving special meaning Vegetable dreams. The interpretation of dreams in the dream book Vanga may seem unusual, since their knowledge of the provincial received from some invisible creatures, always with her nearby.
Interpretation of dreams of dreams on Treatise Vangui relate to not only individual human lives, they are associated with a remote future of whole states. Interpretation of clairvoyant predict the fate of the planet globally.
Dream Nostradamusa
The doctor and alchemist, besides, also an outstanding astrologer, lived for more than four centuries ago. However, predictions and dream book of the famous predictor and mysticism do not lose their relevance in modern world. Cause - prophecies tend to come true. It is believed that the Nostradamus snorker is focused on people with well-developed intuition, contemplates of prophetic dreams.
The author believed that the origins of versions of night scenarios were hidden deep in the past, and their influence was directed towards a distant future. In his decodents, a mystic argued that each person can visit the dreams associated with the destinies of the country or the world, and not just personal affairs. The ability to interpret global events make dream interpretation a unique folio.
Dream Interpretation Loffa
The motto of the collection of dreams, one of the most famous researchers of the mental psyche of the past century, sounds as follows - how many people, so many interpretations seen by them dreams. According to the beliefs of David Loffe, two identical plots of sleepy illusion, which came different people, are interpreted in different ways. The author of an unusual dream book does not have a symbolism inherent in other accelers, and to explain sleep images will have to look into your soul, analyze your feelings and recent events, relationships with your close relatives.
Dream Khasse
The author of the treatise is a woman from pre-revolutionary Russia. Miss Hasse was a medium, he was engaged in spiritual sessions, which made her superpopular and written by her books, including a dream book. The popularity of the treatise is tested by time, this is a collection of reliable interpretations based on reliability, weave of popular experience with the oldest esoteric works. It is the magic of numbers in the dreams that will help you learn how to sleep or not.
Dream of flowers
A popular collection of dream interpretations was written by our contemporary, the writer of Russian abroad by Evgeny Tsvetkov. The multi-faceted personality, uniting the journalist, the academic, the occultist, allowed the author to make a dream interpretation in the light of modern realities based on interpretations of past centuries.
The book based on the Slavic Associations teaches not only how to properly decipher night dreams. The author tells how to behave correctly during sleep events to manage his destiny.
Dream Longo
In a series of snotters, the treatise of Yuri Longo is distinguished by a special semantic value. The famous esoteric end of the XX century created a unique method of interpretation of dreams, combining the esoteric base and the sphere of psychology. Master's life of white magic, but a psychologist for education, was a saturated mysticism, and death is still shrouded in a halo of mystery. The people's healer managed to open the formula for the interaction of the past, present and future with the symbolism of deep psychological experiences of a person, which is reflected in dreams. Unusual interpretation of dreams for Longo's dream book is a combination of postulates of official science with parapsychology.
If you remember the dream of a dream, restore its details in the memory. After that, choose the author's dream book, which you most trust. However, learning how your dream is interpreted, rolling with several more particularly popular treatises to clarify the information received.

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena in the world. Many many attempts to explain their nature. Among them are scientists who are known to the whole world - Jung, Freud and others.

So, one of the founders of Philosophical Voluntarism Friedrich Nietzsche argued that the dream is a rest of the clarity of reality. Arthur Schopenhauer considered the dream of a partial death. But Sigmund Freud considered dreams not only as something that is directly related to the work of the brain at the moment of wakefulness, but also as some encrypted messages of the subconscious minds.

There are some religious interpretations of this mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon. Sleep in the Christian worldview is interpreted as God's revelation. In the Holy Scripture there are examples that support this statement - hunger in Egypt predicted the vision of skinny cows. Under the influence of the dream, the wife of Pilate advised her husband not to endure the sentence to Christ.

Description of the prophetic dreams of Pepit and a secular history, and not just sacred. According to the ancient sources, the emperor Marziatat on the night, when he died attila, dreamed of a broken bow of the Gunnian conqueror. Also, according to the statement of historians, the attempt to Julia Caesar would not be possible if he drew attention to the dreams of Kalpuria, his wife.

Of the history, many cases of prophetic dreams are known. It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci, the genius of the Middle Ages, made his discoveries exclusively in dreams, and then encrypted them on paper. After his death, the great Dante appeared in his sleep son and suggested, where the verse of the "Divine Comedy" was kept. Mendeleev also saw his periodic table in a dream. A young American in early April 1912 was a strange dream. She dreamed, as if her mother was escape from shipwrecks in a boat along with other people, hundreds of passengers of the vessel closer around in ice water. Much later it became known that the mother of this American was among the surviving passengers of Titanic. The fact that her mother is going to swim on a motor ship to America, a woman did not know.

Eduardo Sampus, an employee of the Boston newspaper "Peace", in 1883 he had a really prophetic dream. He saw a grand tragedy in the smallest details, and, waking up, all this recorded in the form of a story. He wrote about thousands of natives from Ploma island, washed into the sea by giant dirt flows. It was accompanied by all the monstrous raskats of thunder, which ended the explosion, which destroyed the whole island. The editor that saw the manuscript on the table was thought that this is a telegraph message and published in the newspaper. An article about the monstrous disaster on August 29, 1883, MiG was divided into the most important newspapers of America. The continuation of the story did not follow, and the newspapers wanted to give a refutation, as unexpectedly huge waves flooded the American shores. Following this, reports were reported about the greatest catastrophe that occurred in the Indian Ocean. August 27 began to shudder the volcano on Krakataau Island, and literally the next day he exploded. The whole island on August 29 plunged into the water of the Stern Strait. Only the name of the island did not coincide in this story. And only many years later, the historical society gave Eduard Sixon an ancient card. Amazingly, but the island of Krakatau was called Ploma. It was the native name of the island, which has not been used for more than a century.

How can I explain the nature of dreams? Sometimes dreams are called parallel world, virtual reality, mini death, entertainment for the brain. But where does the consciousness of a person take the plots for dreams and why does he need it? What other tasks solves the body in a dream, except for physical recreation?

The simplest part of the answer lies in human physiology. As experiments show, it is the highest department nervous system The need is defined in a dream. The cells of large hemispheres of the cortex of the brain are quite quickly tired. Then the braking acts as a means of protection that protects them from destruction and exhaustion, and the state of sleep occurs. The brain for 7-8 hours of night sleep goes into a state of deep sleep, which lasts from half an hour to 90 minutes. In 15 minute intervals between such dreams there are episodes of fast sleep. If a person is not disturbed, then by the end of the night, the duration of slow sleep decreases and the number of rapid sleep episodes is increasing. According to scientists, a person in a dream spends about a third of his life. Some call it an empty waste of precious time, others believe that this is their second life, full of real impressions, dreams and fantasies.

So what is a dream?

Maybe the dream is a natural opportunity to get in touch with other parallel worlds? After all, how else can you explain the fact that sometimes people dream of certain places in which they were not in material life? And what is the most amazing, sometimes people, after some time, come back in a dream in the same places. If the dream was not a reality that exists on some plane, but only a projection of human consciousness, he would not be able to get there again. The projections are spontaneous and non-permanent, and the chance that the brain will randomly create the same picture is equal to the chance of a person to quit a chance of thousands of playing bones and as a result to obtain the same combination. And how can you explain the reality of the feelings experienced by a person in a dream - feelings, sometimes more real and bright than in the real world? This can be explained only by the fact that these feelings were actually real, only in some other dimension. Very often, people in a dream try a kind of dish who have not seen or visited the country in which they have never been. In dreams, people see giant comets, soaring in space. The brain of a person simply does not have enough information to create taste that, however, does not prevent him from feeling in a dream the taste of an unfamiliar dish.

Since a long time, people were interested in the problem of the ratio of dreams and reality. Since the time of ancient Greece and the ancient China, the philosophers manil the mysterious world of dreams. A rather famous is the story of the dream of Zhuang-Tzu, one of the founders of Taoism. Once he dreamed that he became a moth. And when he woke up, he did not know who he was actually a moth, who saw in a dream, as if he became Tzu, or Zhuang Tzu, who would dream that he was a moth. In Taoism, the equation of reality and sleep plays an important philosophical role - to SNU should be treated as a reality, but also to life, too, should be treated as a dream.

So the reality of sleep is subjective or are the dreams real actually? One of the main evidence in the benefit of the reality of dreams is the prophetic dreams, which were previously stated. Those. The ability to receive information about the upcoming events during sleep. Of all the recorded cases of telepathy, most of them also occurred in a dream. Scientifically recorded the possibility of telepathic effect on sleep content. All this allows us to conclude that dreams are still real. This phenomenon is not so simple and no wonder all living organisms have the ability to see dreams.

Today, in most countries of the world, research specialized institutions are engaged in studying the nature of sleep. They are called - "Sleep Lab", "Institute of Sleep", etc. However, sleep research is a rather "dark" process. Dreams have many mysteries, and the main task of a dream science is to shed light on this mysterious phenomenon.


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