In which year a monument to Chapaev was installed. Monument to Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and his division (army)

In which year a monument to Chapaev was installed. Monument to Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and his division (army)

The legendary Soviet and revolutionary commander of the Red Army, the monument was solemnly open on November 6, 1932 on the Paris Communar Square (in our time it is Square Chapaev) and is timed to the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution. The monument has a height of about 10 meters, and the base is 17 by 22 meters and at the time of creation it was one of the largest in the country. The Soviet commander is probably not exactly correct definition, since the Soviet Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922 was announced in 1922, after three years after the death of Vasily Ivanovich in 1919, but he is almost the most famous wrestler for the power of those topics.
The monument was created in Leningrad in 1932, while still not St. Petersburg, Comrade Matvey Henrikhovich Manizer, of course, the sculptor, yes yes, they called their comrades, then almost all the inhabitants of the USSR. The comrade, Iosif Langbard, worked on the pedestal project. At the opening of the monument, the pedestal was plastered and painted in black, but in 1963 Kuibyshev architect Vagan Gaigkovich Karkarean created a project of cladding a monument to granite, in some sources of Labradoritis, which was incarnated (Kuibyshev - at the time still not Samara) . As a result, we have the opportunity to see the results of the works of three architects, embodied in a wonderful monument to the legendary revolutionary Vasily Ivanovich and his revolutionary army.

Description of the Monument Chapaev

All the compositions of the composition, with the exception of the horse are made in size and a half of human growth. The monument figures were created taking into account the local revolutionary color and have symbolic meaning (as much and often in Soviet times). The face of the main figure - Chapayeva himself sculptor sculpting with the son of Komdiv, who was expected to look like a father. Separate figures of the Red Army and Anquies - Machine gunners had their prototypes from Samara's real inhabitants and the Middle Volga region.

The monument still causes interest among residents and guests of the city. Unfortunately, unhealthy interests show him and vandals, which, since the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire, thanks to their disgraces, so flat on Europe, not forgetting Samara. As a result of his unseemless activity, they repeatedly scared the checker from Komdiv, and the Maxim Machine Machines at the fighters.

It should be noted that the monument has a double copy in St. Petersburg. In the process of preparing sending to Samara, he saw his comrade Kirov and the proposal was made to create the same monument for the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

Some possibly little-known facts about Chapaev

You must begin with the fact that until the 30s of the 20th century, Vasily Ivanovich sounded and wrote through the letter "E" - Chepaev, however, thanks to the famous Roman D. Furmanov and an even better film "Chapaev" withdrawn based on the materials of this book in 1934 We know Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev with you.

Didone commander on a deck, hardly it is about Chapayev, this picture is most likely created by cinema for entertainment. Vasily Ivanovich Vasily was infantry, rather even a motor suitable, about that further. He could ride the ride only on an input with a smoother manner of movement because of the first world serious injury received in the battles of the first world serious injury in his thigh, he also had a rustling hand that apparently hindered and licking her checker.

Chapaev, as some sources indicate, actively interested in technology and quite often used cars. In his division, there were about 50 (!) Units of armored vehicles and cars of various brands. Also in the division there was an aircraft carrier of five aircraft, Chapaev often flew to Moscow on an aircraft. In addition, in all parts, they were actively used by telephone, telegraph communications and mosquito on motorcycles.

As you can see, the comdive appreciated and enjoyed modern weapons.

Monument Chapaev in Samara (Samara, Russia) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The monument to Chapaev in Samara can be called one of the most emotional and bright in the city. It is located on the Square of the same name opposite the Samara Drama Theater. The sculpture was established in 1932 in honor of the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution. Authors - Sculptor Matvey Manizer and architect Joseph Langbard.

For a long time, Chapaev's monument in Samara remained one of the largest USSR. Its height is 10 meters, the size of the base is 17 by 22 meters.

The monument is a whole sculpture group - a total of 8 people are depicted. This is Vasily Chapaev, a sailor with a machine gun, a commissar, partisans, soldiers and a woman with rifles and two more fighters. For a long time, the monument remained one of the largest USSR. Its height is 10 meters, the size of the base is 17 by 22 meters.

The monument to Chapaev was made in Leningrad and then sent to Samara. One of the first sculptures saw the famous state and politician Sergei Kirov. She liked so much that he asked the authors to make an accurate copy for installation in Leningrad. Today, a copy of the monument is located in St. Petersburg near the Military Academy of Communications. Buddy.

Interestingly, the sculpture is very pleasant to the Samarters. First, the citizens often appoint meetings here, and secondly, the point is trying to pull the Shapayev's checker.

Having lived all my life in St. Petersburg literally in three kilometers from this monument, I saw it for the first time ... in Kuibyshev, that is, now Samara, in 1979.

Several surprises had to experience. First, I learned about the St. Petersburg monument, secondly, I learned that he was just a copy and, thirdly, they set him around the Academy of Communications in Hungry 1943. And we imagined that the city was slowly dying ... no, monuments in the blockaded town put!

I also learned that the son of Vasily Ivanovich posed the sculptor, externally like him.
And the associate V.I. Schapayeva I.S. Tuteakov, subsequently repressed.

As always in post-revolutionary years, without the intervention of party officials, such a monument could not do. This is what is written in one of the books:
August 18, 1931 in the well-known sculptural work of the famous Soviet sculptor M.G. The Misers are amendments to the Small Presidium of the Middle-Volga Regional Executive Committee of the Soviets of Samara. The approval of the project with a solution to the strengthening of the leading role of Chapaev in the composition led to the end of the image of the boy in the foreground of the sculpture of the Commissioner. Such adjustment was not available. The leading role of the party is obvious - the figure running ahead leads to a detachment of redarmeys, including the most legendary Nadiv.

Chapaev was not only a hero of jokes and Roman Furmanov, but also genuine Hero.
In 1914, Chapayeva called for military service, he graduated from the school team, reached the rank of Unter-Officer. During World War I, Vasily Chapaev for the manifestation of courage and courage in the battles was awarded the Georgiev medal and three St. George crosses.
Without laughter, he was a hero.

This face is the most pretty in the group, but reminds some actor of those years. I suffer ...

For a curious reference from Encyclopedia.
In 1932, a monument in Kuibyshev was established. Chapaev created by sculptor MG Manizer. In 1933-1934 The author performed a copy of the sculptural group. Casting in bronze produced in Leningrad, in the workshop of the machine maniser on sandy street. The cast copy may have been intended for installation in the CPKIO. CM. Kirov.
It is known that in 1935-1940. The sculpture that did not have a pedestal is transported to the place of the alleged installation on Elagin Island, in the zone of the oil meadow. But work on the installation of sculptures was not carried out. To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The sculpture was located in the courtyard of the house number 34 on the Cross Prospekt. In the period of the autumn-winter of 1943, by order of the head of the shorter-machine-gun courses of junior lieutenants of the Leningrad Front P. V. Borisov, the sculpture was transported from the Cross Prospectus to the guarded territory, to the Academy of Communications, where, mounted on a temporary pedestal from logs, stood until the 1960s.
In the post-war years, the question of the return of sculpture to the city, publicly available territory has repeatedly raised. In 1965-1968 The State Museum of the City Sculpture carried out on the project of architect N. F. Brovkin transfer the sculpture to a new place, before the building of the Academy, where it is installed on a new, granite pedestal.

The height of the sculptural group is 3 m, the height of the pedestal is 1.3 m.

Address: Tikhoretsky Ave., 1, before the building of the Military Academy of Communications. M.S. Budenny
Sculptor: Manizer Matvey Henrikhovich (1891-1966)
Architect: Brovkin Nikolai Fedorovich (1916-1986)
Open November 4, 1968

Materials: bronze - sculptural group, liteers; Granite forged - pedestal.
Inscriptions: On the end of the right side of the invoice: Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev

Academy building itself.

Such an unusual-ordinary monument we have in the city.

The most emotional and expressive monument of Samara is located on Square Chapaev, in front of the building of the Dramaater. The sculptural composition depicts a group of soldiers led by Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev. The monument was established in November 1932, on the day of the celebration of the fifteen years of the October Revolution. The authors of the largest in the country (at that time) were the architect I.Langbard and the sculptor M. Manizer. The height of the 12-ton monument is more than ten meters, and the size of the base is 17 by 22 meters. The monument is installed on the site of the burial of the twelve of redvardeys.

In the creation of the sculpture took the participation of the son of V.I. Chapayev. Having an external similarity with the Father, Alexander Vasilyevich posed the manister when creating a sculpture of the commander. The multifigure composition includes eight people: Chapaev with a checker on horseback, peasant-partisan, fighter-Bashkir, sailor with a machine gun, woman with a rifle, soldier, tatar with a broken shirt and commissar. The whole sculptural group is installed on a high double pedestal with steps.

The sculptural composition was manufactured in Leningrad, where Sergey Kirov came to his eyes, who asked to make a copy of the monument you like. So, in St. Petersburg, on the square in front of the Military Academy, a copy of the Samara Monument appeared.

Monument V.I. Schapayev for a long time, who was the symbol of the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara) and today it does not cease to surprise tourists with his expressiveness.


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