What does two arrows mean. Options for the symbolic meaning of the arrow image

What does two arrows mean. Options for the symbolic meaning of the arrow image

The boom is mostly a male symbol, since the boom is associated with purely male classes, such as: Hunting, War. The arrow image is closely intertwined with such qualities as: the accuracy and excellent ability to use weapons. For this reason, the Strela tattoo is very popular with people who are related to military actions or those who want to purchase qualities inherent to this symbol.

The sketch of the tattoo with the image of the arrows will be able to perform any master, it is not complicated. Usually, only one color is used for this - black. Tattoos are applied to the forearm, shoulder, shin, or other parts of the body.

The boom is a mandatory element of most coat of arms of military leaders who sought to highlight their sacrament to the army in every way. In the east, newborn boys brought the arrows and onions as a gift. This most emphasized the belonging of future men to the warriors and hunters.

The tattoo value of the Cupid Arrow will have an already different meaning. In this case, the arrow is an erotic symbol. Cupid, according to belief, we always wore two arrows with me, one personified deep love, and the second quarrel between the in love. Street tattoo can be represented as a symbol of lightning. The places of lightning strikes were considered sacred, they were attributed to various miraculous phenomena.

Tattoo Arrow may be a symbol of hostilities, there are peoples who live in Africa who perceive the arrow as an ultimatum or even more, the announcement of war. Tattoo Strela has a deep sweaty meaning. The image contains several qualities that coincide with the parts of the world: Arrow of the North (wisdom), Arrow of the South (innocence), Arrow East (foresight), West Arrow (intuition).

Such a characteristic circle indicates to people to learn how to learn about themselves and their destination, about their loved ones and friends, about Earth, about the universe. The flower, which is obtained due to the intersection of the four arrows, makes thinking about the fact that everything in this world relative and, by and large, is equally, since all the awareness arrows are combined in the center.

As you can see, the symbolism of the tattoo arrow is characterized by a large variety. Symbols that are in combination with an arrow tattoo have great influence. Special restrictions on where it is better to punish the image, no, but most often you can see this tattoo on the shoulders and forearms.

It will be difficult to be original in choosing the arrow tattoo sketch, but it is necessary to strive for this. Below are photos of tattoos with an arrows from different masters for your inspiration.

ARROW - This is a symbol of solar energy, rapid penetration of light, love and death. The arrow can personify the war, and the world. World, i.e. Termination of war, symbolizes either broken boom, or several arrows associated in the bundle.

The boom personifies the male beginning and men's virtues, because it is associated with the images of hunting, war, warrior, strength, accuracy, ability to use weapons. The arrow is a mandatory element of many of the coat of arms of those famous in the past warlords, striving to emphasize their belonging to the army and their victories on the battlefield. In the east (China, India, Indochina) just gave birth to boys gave onions and arrows, thereby noting their initial belonging to hunters and soldiers.

In mythology Onions and arrows are at the attributes of the set of gods, although they can be depicted in different ways: some celestials hold weapons in their hands, other arrows are in the quiver behind their backs. Eagle Jupiter squeezes the thumbnail of the thumbnail in his claws; Arrows of the Egyptian goddess Neith, patroness Saas, are crossed on her shield.

Purpose divine arr. Also different: some are frantic love, others - an instant inevitable death. Cupid always wore two arrows in his quiver: one - symbolizes love, the possibility of marriage for love, the second - a quarrel between lovers, marriage for the calculation. At the naughty winged Greek god Eros (Roman Amur or Cupid) in stock two types of wonderful arrows: gold contain a powerful charge of love, the lead gallows the most severe passion. Apollo arrows - symbol sun raywhich, however, can not only warm the chipboard or get used by life fertile landBut also burn everything alive, doomed humanity to suffering. Arrows Diana and Mitra - symbols of all permissive light, symbols of earthly beauty, peace and calm, grace and silence.

The arrow is directly related to the zipper symbol. No wonder there is such a concept as "thunderstorm arrows." The places where zipper hit, were considered sacred, they were attributed to the commission of all sorts of wonders. However, to produce an arrow to the sky was considered a sign of witchcraft, the desire to pour out the gods, cause their anger, to bring the trouble on the heads' heads, provoke natural cataclysms, such as flooding, drought, hail, heavy rains, etc.

In world religions The boom carries both positive and negative symbolism. In Hinduism and Buddhism The first plan is its phallic symbolism. In Islam The boom personifies the anger of Allah, and in christianity It is considered as a sign of martyrdom or death as a result of the damage to the lightning or the epidemic of the plague.

Arrow - standing on the crossroads of the road index path. As a symbol of motion enters the emblems of tourist groups and travel companies.

Penetrating, male principle. Means penetration, phallic beginning, zipper, rain, fertility, masculinity, strength, war. The arrows flight symbolizes the climbing to heavenly. Arrows, brushed out of onions, mean actions, the consequences of which cannot be changed. Like a duction and sword, is a solar symbol that means the rays of the sun, as well as the attribute of a warrior. Piercing the snake symbolizes the ray of the sun, penetrating the dark clouds of a wet element. Wide arrow (Lily flower) means royal property. At the American Indians arrows - the rays of the sun. Christians have a torment, suffering, cross nails; Emblems of Saints Christina, Edmund, Gilles, Sebastian, Ursula. Egyptians have two crossed arrows on the shield - the symbol of the Goddess Nate as a warranty. The Greeks arrows Apollo can be both fertile and fertile and burning and harmful. The arrows of Eros, in turn, there are penetrating darts of love. The heart pierced the arrow symbolizes the union. Arrows are a Diana attribute as a sign of light. Homer uses arrows as a symbol of suffering and diseases sent to humanity by the gods, especially Apollo. Hindus is an attribute of ores, the land of land, lightning and storms that kill people and animals, causing pain and misfortune, but also carrying fertility and healing rain. Is an attribute indra, like God Heaven; Its arrows symbolize both the rays of the sun and zipper. In Islam, Arrow means anger and punishment of God, sent to his enemies. In mitraism, this is the emblem of Mithra as God of Light. The same in shamanisme. Operany means flying birds to the sky, the transition of the earth.

Watch value Arrow in other dictionaries

Arrow Well. Scandinavsk. Copezo, leaving onion; Straight, wood-made needles, with steel (at savages with flown) sting and with a punch leather for straight flight; In the heel itself ........
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Arrow J. - 1. A thin rod with a pointed tip on one end and narrow blades on the other, used for throwing out of the bow. // over. Brook, stinging statement, ........
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Arrow - Arrows, MN. arrows, g. End, Upatr. For throwing out of the bow. Omboli the tents of the onions and the arrows fell without power. A.N. Tolstoy. Both the right, and an arrow, and the cherished dagger gentle the winner ........
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Arrow - -; MN. arrows; g.
1. Thin rod with a pointed end or with a sharp tip used for archery. Quiver with arrows. Put an arrow. Bail ........
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Arrow lifting - In construction - the maximum height of the liftingometric axis (or the median surface) of the curvilinear design (arches, the arch, etc.) over a straight (or plane) connecting its supports.
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Street of the deflection - In construction - the maximum displacement of the axis of the bent-temperature element (beams, the rhygeel frame, the belt of the farm, etc.) with the outer forces in the direction perpendicular ........
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Strela-snake - reptile family. Length up to 90 cm. Inhabit the insecual deserts front, center. and cf. Asia. Moves rapidly (hence the name). The bite for a person is not dangerous.
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Strela-snake - (Psammophis Lineolatus), Snake Sez. Very. The body is thin, for. Up to 90 cm. On the dorsal side 4 longitudinal dark stripes on an olive-gray background, limited black. Scaled smooth. Researchers ........
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Arrow - - a throwing outlet for archery and crossbow - acute stone, bone, metal tip on a wooden or cane awkle, sometimes with a plumage .........
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Orenburg Production Association Arrow - originates from the plant No. 47, which was founded in 1928 in Leningrad, and in August 1941 was evacuated to Chkalov (now Orenburg). The plant was first aircraft, and since 1934 began to master ........
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Arrow - Experimental aircraft design A. S. Moskalev. Built in 1937 for the aerodynamic scheme unusual for that time - "Nezvostka" with a triangular wing of small ........
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ARROW - Arrow, -Y, MN. -elah, -ell, -selm, g. 1. Thin long rod with a pointed tip for archery2. Quiver with arrows. Hurray an arrow. Flies like with. (very fast).........
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Arrow - 1. Vimperg. 2. LIERN. (Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Plugnikov V.I., 1995)
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On May 27, 1997, the City Council decided to legalize the coat of arms of Izhevsk. It should be recalled that the coat of arms of the city is a heraldic shield: on the white and blue field of the shield depicted mites of variable colors, on top of them the same arrow, behind the ticks - two green rowabin branches with red borders. Artists Sergei Bekhterev and Nikolay Bykov worked on him.

We worked on this project for almost seven years, - quotes the city administration of the authors of the coat of arms. - The competition was announced by the Izhevsk City Council of People's Deputies. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe trinity is the unity of a person, its production activities and nature - matured with us immediately. I understand that it is not quite familiar to see what is depicted on this coat of arms. But our coat of arms carries a deep civilian character. He is eternal; Reflects the past, present and future of our city, as as long as there is nature, there is a person. Please note that ticks on the coat of arms are omitted. Imagine what will happen if they are compressed: rowan breaks, juice will run out of fruits, nature will die, and the person will die with nature. Our coat of arms has a deep meaning - the responsibility of a person for the fate of his city.

What does all this mean?

Pincers - The symbol of iron production, which has become the origin of the formation of the Izhevsk plant, in the disclosed form they mean the openness of the city.

Arrow - symbol of weapon production. Folded up the arrow means the desire for height. The arrow was on all types of products. The very first drew after the order of June 10, 1846. Then the arrows were with onions and an eagle, around which was the name of the plant. In addition, Arrow said about the belonging of Izhevsk factories to the Vyatka province. In her arms there was also an image of an archer.

Two green rowan branches With red borders indicate the geographical location of Izhevsk. Also for a long time Izhevsk called "Rubbinniki". Versions on the meaning of the nickname a lot. Someone says that they called the influential on the village of Old Believers who were wearing crosses from a rowan tree. Someone refers to the fact that Ryabina loved, often sled in the parisader, dried in attic. Also, the rowan branch denotes unity.

And what about it?

Before the townspeople saw today's coat of arms, there were many variations. Back in Soviet times, souvenir icons were produced with the emblem of the city of Izhevsk: on the shield of colors of the State Flag of the RSFSR (blue-red), a gear was depicted, and inside it the tower with a spire. This composition also was also depicted on the envelopes of the city executive committee, was used to decorate houses. To some extent, it can be called the unofficial Soviet coat of arms of Izhevsk. After that, a souvenir icon with symbols appeared.

In the Lazorvo-shiny shield, a silver gear with a high-rise building in it, burdened black car and a motorcycle, - such a description was given by Y. Kalinkin.

The efforts of Lierada Igor Kobzev appeared "comic coat of arms" of Izhevsk in the form of a crocodile. The appearance of this image is associated with the nickname gunsmiths of the Izhevsk plant. Gun canopies were awarded as a difference with green kaftans - "Izhevsk crocodiles". According to Kobzev, the crocodile image finds parallels in the mythology of Udmurt (image of a water lizard). However, according to the testimony of specialists, in Udmurt mythology and folklore, images of underwater monsters are not found.

And at this time!

2 million for the coat of arms!

Last year, a message appeared that on the main square of Bryansk, in the hometown of the first president of Udmurtia Alexander Volkova, the emblem of Izhevsk will appear.

The appropriate order posted the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the City Administration on the website of the State Transportation. In addition to the Izhevsk coat of arms, there will be another 8 twin cities: Eagle, Severodvinsk, Mogilyov, Omsk, Lithuanian Achmen, Latvian auce, Bulgarian Dupnitsa. The coat of arms of Bryansk himself will be installed in the form of stela.

The cost of work is estimated at about 2 million rubles. According to the order, the substrate of the coat of arms should be made of red granite, the framing - from the cast iron, the emblem itself and the name of the city - from bronze.


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