Circular electric board with her own hands. How to make a table for circular saw

Circular electric board with her own hands. How to make a table for circular saw

The disk saw applies to cut wood.

The use of a manual saw is not always comfortable, the use of the table allows you to make the sawing process to the smooth and accurate

The cutting base has a plane resembling a disc equipped with an outer edge with teeth. There are models not only manual type, but also with the ability to fix on the table.

Work with large volumes of wood by the usual circular is difficult, so it is better to install it on the table

There are several ways to get the latest for the convenience of performing manipulations. The table for the disk saw can be constructed independently, accurately adhering to a specific scheme.

Design device for circular saw

The table is manufactured with the fact that the hand tool will be installed and fastened on the table, turning into stationary equipment

The construction of the element with their own hands allows you to make a saw as suitable as possible under individual conditions. Difficulties in the process will not arise if carefully examine the question. You can adjust the product for the desired size, distribute everything so that it is convenient for you.

Make a table for a circular saw Full forces to each wizard

The model's own created model will be the only one in its kind, which makes it unique.

Small desktop stand for circular

Determine with design and design

The easiest way to the table for the circular is the design of sufficiently thick plywood and boards

The base can be made of wood or metal. For countertops choose leafy trees. It should make a special hole under the disk. The key property of the created table should be convenience.

Stanna Circular Machine

It is necessary to take care of its sustainability. It is unacceptable no inclusiveness, otherwise it will negatively affect the safety. The countertops should get the most smooth surface. Then the likelihood of injury is reduced.

The table for circular saw requires the mandatory presence of the guides

The construction can be complemented by a special proplining knife. He can be removed. It is equipped with a special disk protection that allows you to get rid of flying in working chips.

Circular Table Guide

Some remove the factory casing and change the factory platform to homemade. If you are not going to carry out sawmills at an angle, you can remove parts that adjust the slope of the disk.


Circular saw design circuit

Before starting work, it is recommended to pass the preparatory stage. Be sure to make a drawing. This will facilitate the design of the design. First calculate the size of the table, then transfer the received data on paper. The hole performed in the construction must accurately approach the sizes of the saw. It all depends on the brand of equipment. Therefore, it is impossible to make a universal hole. The base should differ stability and well withstand mechanical loads.

Drawing of the table for circular do it yourself

It is unacceptable to outweigh the design to one of the parties. Dimensions of the countertops must be approached under the flow of sawing. The final version is detected, based on individual desires. Some comfortably work with a folding table or a product with small dimensions.

Drawing of a universal tabletop

In the drawings should be taken into account important moment. If in the plans when working to leave on the table tools or materials, then the dimensions of the countertops need to be increased to a square meter in the area. A suitable size will be 120 to 120 cm. You should make the drawing gently and slowly to do everything competently.

Circular table circuit with equal description

Necessary materials

Homemade table can be made of wood

For such a table, wood, plywood or chipboard can be used. Also suit MDF and chipboard. Some prefer to choose steel or aluminum.

Table of Circular Machine from Steel Plate

It is not recommended to use plastic, it is completely unsuitable for the table of this purpose. If the wood is selected, then after the assembly is completed, the product should be treated with a special antiseptic composition. This will ensure reliable protection against humidity and help avoid rotting.

To make the saw desk independently need to prepare materials.

  1. Selected raw materials for the base. Thickness should be 21 mm.
  2. Bar required for frame. A cutting board is 3 meters long with 50 meter dimensions by 150 mm. Total need 5 pieces.
  3. Woodwoods with dimensions of 10 cm. Not less than 12 pieces.
  4. Carpentry glue.
  5. Metal mounts in the amount of 4 pieces.
  6. Metal corners. Enough 10 pcs.
  7. Saws.

These items must be prepared in advance and locate near the workplace.

Required tools

In addition to the materials, you should prepare tools.

Among them:

  1. pencil and marker;
  2. measurement tools, including meter and roulette;
  3. electrolovik;
  4. manual frezer;
  5. grinding machine;
  6. sandpaper (must have a medium or fine grain);
  7. planer and drill;
  8. screwdriver.

You need to prepare everything in advance and keep at hand throughout the process.

Production Process: Step-by-step instruction

Marking point of fastening saw to the table

Marking and fixing rigid ribs

Countertop under the circular saw in the finished form

To make a high-quality structure, you must follow some tips. The process consists of several steps presented in the table.

Steps Description
1 Bar from all sides should be fired with the plane. Then the framework of the future table is going out of it. In each of the parties, the countertops need to drill several holes of 5 mm. Additionally, one through the end-to-end is performed for the legs of the product.
2 There are several holes of a similar diameter in the kings. The legs are performed in one through. The diameter remains the same, 5 mm.
3 Getting Starting the setting of the wrenches in the worktop. Before that, they are covered with joinery glue. Legs and kings are placed on top. In the presence of clamps with screeds, the product should be attached using them. When the glue is completely dry, you need to bore the kings and legs using special fasteners of metal. Additionally, you should pull out self-draws. You can add the construction of reliability and strength using corners. They will become an element of additional fastening, give the product of stability. For a short side, there are enough 2 pieces, and for a long one will fit 3.
4 The next step implies the fastening of the saw on the product from the inside. There are several methods to make a task. M4 bolts or bars with self-draws are suitable for fixing. The first case is characterized by speed and reliability. The second method does not imply additional holes, which eliminates the need for drilling. You need to do it drank in bars, the width of which is equal to the dimensions of the saw site. Next, self-tapping screws and bars on both sides fasten the equipment and countertop
5 After installing the saw, you will need more larger bar. Its using selflessness is fixed on the basis of the design. Screening is carried out at the marks made when placeing the platform in the smooth position. Specified manipulations will help, removing the saw, return it usually quickly without looking for marking
6 The saw disc is installed on the place. The base is powered to produce a longitudinal hole. Then the product needs to turn over
7 Then begin the manufacture of parallel stop. Two strips are scorn from plywood. Their length should coincide with the width of the table. On average, these dimensions are equal to 10 cm. Corners should be rounded
8 The obtained bands are grouped. They must be copped at the angle of self-drawing. Inside the metal can be screwed
9 If you need to fix on the basis of the focus and the construction will often be used, you should attach the guide so that it is perpendicular to the disk. Attach the roller on the bottom. This will allow him to move.

Filling legs to the table

Mounting saw to table top

Fixing the launcher

The design is made and ready to use. When performing the manipulations described, it is important to remember the observance of security measures. Concerns any manipulations with a disk saw.

Check the table position regularly and its fortress. The design should be stable, without increasing.

An example of a manufactured desktop for circular saw

Options for manual circular saw with lifting mechanism

First make sure to reliably fix the saw, only then turn it on. It is impossible to keep the material cutting his hands. It will help to avoid hanging wood in the face when they start bounce a bitchka. Additionally, it is recommended to use special safety glasses when working.

For security, be sure to use safety glasses

Specified Simple Tips will help avoid injury in the workplace.

Video: Table for Circular Circular Materials

Circular saw with your own hands is going easy. Homemade devices are often found in workshops who have the necessary skills to work with tools.

All actions during manufacture must be carried out carefully, observing safety regulations.

The drawings of the device of the device will make the process of assembling circular saw with their own hands more understandable.

Order assembly

Homemade circular saw with their own hands can easily be collected if there is an unnecessary grinder in the home workshop.

For the work of full assembly of the device, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • aluminum corner;
  • nuts;
  • metal rod or pipe;
  • metal canvas;
  • emphasis for sliding (you need to collect);
  • an axial handle (need to do).

First of all, the stop with the necessary holes is constructed. It is constructed using short parts of a metal corner. Crimping the angle will be located on both sides of the toothed disk.

For them, on the sides, it is necessary to make removing depth from 0.2 to 0.5 cm. To the lower edges of the corners do not come into contact with the cutting element, they should be smoothed.

Details are fastened from behind and in front of cross ligaments using nuts and bolts.

The scope of the assembly is not complicated. A metallic clamp, the tie of which is produced from the bottom of the device.

Then they prepare a hole through which the product is fixed with a clamp for the rear mount, which fixes the stop for the subsequent slip.

In the gearbox of the device drill holes with an applied thread, in which small parts will be mounted.

At the beginning of work, the gearbox is disassembled to determine the right place where the recesses will be performed.

Recesses are required for subsequent mounting of the axial handle. If a handle located on the side of the ordinary grinder is used, then the hole will be performed quite difficult.

The next stage is the manufacture of the handle. The item can be built using a rod curved upward or tube made of metal. Her ends will continue to be attached to the reducer.

If the handle is made in the form of a horny, then its long-range end should be flattened and do the recess under the axis. In the removal, located in the gearbox, insert the part sent forward. The edges of the details are pressed.

Using the lining of the washers under the front of the stop, equal to the gap parameters along the duration of the circular saw.

If a rod is used 0.6 cm, then thin washers will be needed. Threads are applied on the back of the rod.

Then the item is placed in the recess on the handle. Now the device is ready to use.

During the operation of the circular saw, it is necessary to comply with the safety regulations, especially can not drink alcoholic beverages, as their use leads to a violation of coordination.

Building table saw

Circular saw assembly with your own hands at home is not a very difficult job, you only need to prepare all the necessary parts and tools, choose the design and accurately follow the drawings and instructions.

Desktop circular saw easily collected from the usual. The finished device will have a compact size.

To accomplish this work, it is necessary to collect from a thin tube or a pntach of 18 - 20 mm made from metal, the box to which the lever joins.

The part of the construction located below should be bent in the direction of the cut. To the table, this element is fixed with self-draws.

The stand for the apparatus should be stable. Swing saw during operation can be very dangerous because any careless movement can lead to loss of fingers or hands.

It is best to make your table from the metal, consolidating his supports to the floor.

On the crossbar you need to put the lever made from the tube in the form of the letter "T". The lever must freely scroll.

The part is cut in the diameter into several sections. After completing the installation of the design, all elements are connected by using clamps.

The homemade mini circular saw with their own hands is attracted and fixed by clamps to the vertical extreme part.

The collected circular saw can be used in the home workshop as a cutting tool. Before starting work in the Bulgarian insert the cutting circle.

To handle thick boards, you need to use a full-fledged device. Carriage performing the elements. It is collected from several brusons that are attached to the base and performing a guide function.

Understanding how to assemble the device, you need to choose the suitable materials and tools suitable for work. At a minimum, you will need working Bulgarian and various consumables.

But to properly assemble the device, special skills are needed. If there is no needed skill, it is better to get a circular electrooper, in the correct, reliable and safe operation of which you can be absolutely sure.

The described method allows you to assemble a small circular saw, which can be used in a home workshop or your own shed.

How to assemble stationary apparatus?

Learning how to make a circular saw, proceed to the assembly of the device. Stationary saw from a mini tool differs only by the sizes of statins.

Statin should have a base of sufficient width without curvature, having a cutout for a saw. More often, the base is done using plexiglas, phaneur, chipboard and ordinary sheet metal.

The closing surface parameters are determined by considering the pressure rendered on statin. Circular saw power wire is also attached to the base.

The statistical cover should be freely removed, as access to the machine may be required at any time.

The table for the design will need to do it yourself.

It is covered with tin or steel sheet, as the tree, passing during work on plastics and wood, gradually forms furrows on the coating. Because of the wells and deepends to make high-quality sleep will be very difficult.

If the Planck is planned sliding, then it is necessary that the surface of the table has absolutely parallel opposite edges.

For unhindered slip on the edges without changing the desired angle, salazzas made using an aluminum corner are manufactured.

The cutting disc on the surface of the table should be not more than a third of its diameter, otherwise the tool will be dangerous for life.

But the minimum protrusion of the cutting element can bring serious injury during improper use.

Before starting to build a circular saw, you should compare the power of the existing electric motor with the necessary one. Details Thick more than 150 mm Split homemade apparatus It will be quite difficult.

Emphasis, which can be adjusted in the process of work, make 7-8 cm from the metal angle fragment. It should be a little table top.

Then the focus is on the surface of the table, which is fixed with bolts. The focus is exposed to special measurements, which is predetermined between the working part of the device and them.

Many dacms and owners of private houses faced the need to process and saw boards, plywood and other lumber. For such a work, a circular will be required, which is not difficult to perform from undergraduate funds. Such homemade equipment will not give way to buying in the functionality and quality of execution, allowing you to save several tens of thousand rubles on the acquisition of already ready-made aggregates.

Description of equipment

Circular saws made with their own hands can be stationary or portable. The design of the simplest circular will turn on the metal or wooden carrier frame, inside of which the electromotor is fixed, the electricity supply control unit, the countertop and the working saw itself, which is attached to the circular shaft or installed through the gears and trimmed mechanism. The saw is located in the slots in the worktop, which makes it easy to cut the sawn timber, performing high-quality wood processing.

The table top can be made from sawn timber or use for this ready-made metal blanks. Machine tables are manufactured from wood, from above such a countertop will need to be covered with a durable metal sheet. IN otherwise Without metallic protection, the tree will begin to wear quickly, and equipment for active operation will last for several years, after which it takes a complex and expensive repair.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the main tasks of the sawing machine. If you want to cut boards or firewood for the winter, it is enough to be the simplest installation of a strong table with a slot for a disk.

Separate models involve the presence of an additional shaft to which knives, fugal and plans are attached. Such universal machines are equipped with powerful electric motors, which makes it possible to perform a wide range of wood processing. Machining multifunction machine, you must be guided by high-quality drawings schemes that will allow you to perform universal and reliable equipment.

If various kinds of carpentry work is required, then equip the coordinate table with guides. The available limiters and guides can be fixed at different angles, which makes it possible not only to ensure the safety of work on the machine, but also to perform high-quality wood processing, easily changing discs on saws of different diameters.

Advantages of self-made equipment

Highly popular, homemade circularities use the simplicity of their manufacturer, durability and reliability. Today, many dacms use self-made units, and do not buy expensive equipment in specialized stores.

The main advantages of such equipment include the following:

  • Universality tool.
  • Simplicity of its manufacture.
  • The possibility of substantial savings.
  • Reliability and durability of equipment.

The schemes of execution of stationary and mobile circulars available on the Internet and thematic prints allow you to make equipment for processing both fine billets and thick sawn timber. You can choose the simplest options that perfectly cope with the processing of lining, thin lamellas and plywood.

Characteristics and power

It is from the correctness of the choice of parameters, including indicators of revolutions and drive power, will depend on the functionality of the use of technology. The maximum permissible diameter of the toothed saw is affected on the power indicator. It is believed that for processing sawn timber with a thickness of about 10 millimeters, an electric motor with a capacity of 1 kW will be required. Based on the thickness of the treated and sawn timber and the power of the electric motor should be selected.

The transmission from the drive in the independently manufactured circular is best to perform a clinorem. This allows you to ensure the necessary safety of the use of technology. Clinoremable transmission when foreign items come under the saw will slip on the pulleys, which eliminates injuries and jamming the working disk.

Circular production

Before you begin directly to the manufacture of a circular machine, it is necessary to think through its device and design, and ideally choose a drawing scheme, which will later be performed by all work. Planning the fabrication of the bed, it is necessary to remember that such a design should be stable and reliable. For production powerful saw, the base is performed from reinforced welded metal structures. For household models, it is possible to use wooden bars for the bed with plywood or weld the base of the metal corner.

The choice of the electromotor used will depend on which works and what wood is planned to be processed on the machine. The drive can operate from single-phase electrical power network or use powerful industrial motors that work from a three-phase electrical network.

Make a powerful and easy-to-use circular car from the motor from washing machine. This will not be much difficult. Such engines have compact dimensions, operate from a single-phase network with a voltage of 220 volts, are distinguished by reliability and are able to operate at high speeds.

One of the most important assemblies electric saws is the shaft on which the working saw is attached. You can use the finished shaft from similar hardware or make it on the molder from the metal of the round. Fill shaft on turning machineBy checking the perfect accurate centering. Even the minimum shaft beating is not allowed, since later it will be impossible to work on such an incorrectly-centered circular machine and unsafe. On the shaft, run the seats under the pulleys and the disk saw.

The saw blade must rise above the surface of the working table with a maximum of a third of its diameter. Otherwise, with a greater height of the saw to handle wood, it will be difficult, and the work on such a machine will be simply dangerous. If you need to work with the bar, the diameter of the saw disk will be approximately 350 millimeters. For processing boards, you should choose small discs, the diameter of which is 250-300 millimeters. The quality of the saws used is necessary to pay due attention, as subsequent to the miniatricular will have a significant load, poor-quality disks are quickly blot and require substitutions.

Materials and tools

Making a circular machine with their own hands will not be a special complexity. For such work, the following materials and tools will be required:

In each case, the circular design will be different, so you need to choose some components, which will make it possible to make a functional and reliable technique. When using lumber for the manufacture of base and desktop, wood will need to be covered with impregnations that protect the material from rotting and exposure to moisture.

Step-by-step assembly

You can make a stationary circular saw from a grinder and a hand cutter without making any changes to the design of the working tool. The base is made of sawn timber, which allows you to significantly simplify the manufacture, eliminating the need to use complex welding equipment. Step-by-step instruction:

This embodiment of the circular saw will be an excellent choice if necessary tool for cutting boards with a thickness of up to 3 centimeters. If you need to make a powerful and multifunctional apparatus for the house, then electric motors with a capacity of 5 kW and more, which allow processing and sawing boards with a thickness of 5-8 centimeters.

The manufacture of a homemade circular saw does not represent a special complexity. You can use grogin or hand sawswhich are mounted inside the wooden base of the machine.

Some masters make a more complex tool that implies the use of powerful electric motors, clinorem and high-diameter saws. If there are any difficulties in the network, you can find thematic videos, telling about how to make a circular with your own hands.

Stationary circular saw is the machine that should be in the workshop of every craftsman working with wood. With its help, you can quickly and without much effort to cut the board, cut the workpiece of the necessary sizes, sew firewood.

The home master is simply obliged to get a similar machine. It is not necessary to buy, the homemade circular is guaranteed to cope with the scope of workshop workshop, and it will cost a much smaller amount.

Circular saw device

Being a really useful tool, the circular has a fairly simple design. The main nodes:

  • stanina - frame, on which the main units are mounted;
  • countertop with a slot under the disk;
  • engine with a rotational transmission system;
  • cutting tool, disc with teeth.

Optionally, the device can be complemented by a pusher providing progressive promotion of the workpiece to the disk, and various lifting mechanisms that control the depth of cutting.

The principle of the circular saw (circular) is that the rotation of the motor shaft is transmitted to the cutting tool, the disk with sharp teeth. The center of the disk is located below the tabletop level, only its segment is derived from it. A blank is supplied to the rotating disk, the teeth are bought in wood, creating a smooth cut.

Simple circular from a grinder or disk saw

A cornerless machine (Bulgarian) is one of the most sought-after home master tools, it is easy to cut metal, clean the welds. In addition, using instead of a regular abrasive disk disk for a tree, the grinder can be turned into a manual disk saw (it is also called the parquet), and making a bed with a table - to a stationary circular.

Necessary accessories

To work, you will need:

  • multilayer plywood with a thickness of 10 mm and more;
  • switch and wire;
  • bolts with a hat under rutting;
  • screws;
  • wooden bar 40x40 mm.

It is also necessary to prepare a drill or screwdriver, a hammer, a screwdriver, pliers, a ruler and a pencil. With the help of these tools to make a circular with their own hands.

Of course, you must not forget the Bulgarian itself or the manual disk saw. At the first stage, it will help to cut the material, and after it takes a place as the working body of the circular.


The first thing is manufactured by the circular housing. To do this, the thick plywood is perfect, you can use any pressed wood stoves. You will need to cut four rectangular sheets, size 40 x 80 cm. Of these, a box with a square of 80 x 80 cm is collected at the base. In the corners for simplicity of assembly and reliability of the design, four bar are installed.

From above the resulting box is closed by a tabletop. It can be made of the same plywood, but it is better to use any sheet material with a laminated coating. This guarantees the durability of the machine, will provide the convenience of operating homemade circular.

In the table top they cut to exit the disk, the holes are drilled on the sides of it for fastening the tool.

Bulgarian needs to be securely fixed under the tabletop. The design of the retainer may be the most diverse, it all depends on the configuration of the machine itself. The main requirement for fastening - it must reliably hold the Bulgarian, not allowing it to shift.

The simplest mount may look like this: two metal squares, Bulgarian is fixed between them with a steel clamp.

In the upper shelves of coal, holding the grinder, drill in two holes. The design with the help of hinthead bolts is fixed from below to the tabletop. It remains only to block the power button, connect the grinder through the external switch.

In the same way, you can make a circular circular from the disk saw. In this case, the work is noticeably simplified due to the fact that it is not necessary to invent the mount. It is enough to make a cut down for disk, drill holes on the holes of the manual saw plate.

Miniature engine from the engine from a washing machine

Circular is characterized by extreme simplicity and availability of materials for its manufacture. Perhaps the only costly of its detail is an electric motor. Stationary machines are equipped with a powerful asynchronous engine, which provides cubs of thick wood of any breeds, but in a home workshop can be limited to less power.

Note! For sawing the middle thick boards, it is enough to make a circular table with your own hands with the engine of the washing machine.

This design has a number of advantages. The engine from the old washing machine is inexpensive, moreover, a similar unit will certainly be found in the household of a homemade craftsman. Connecting this engine is not particularly difficult, there is no need to look for schemes, soldering. With all the power of such an aggregate, it is enough for most types of work.

The machine circuit can be easily simplified, eliminating belt transmission. In this embodiment, the cutting tool will be attached directly to the motor shaft. The bed of the desktop mini-machine will serve as a frame collected from the bar with a cross section of 40 x 40 mm. If desired, it can be welded from a corner or profile tube.

As a stand (countertops), the circular is ideal for a part of the body of the old TV, chipboard with a coating. As practice shows, this part is quite sufficient, and due to the lacquer coating, it does not interfere with the slipping of the processed workpiece.

In the countertop, the electrolybiz perpendicular to the cut down the disk make two parallel cuts. On them will slide the movable square, which plays the role of lateral stop. It will help to do smooth cut, if necessary, at a given angle.

Stationary machine

Those who are planning to seriously engage in woodworking, it is worth thinking about the manufacture of a full-fledged stationary circular saw. It should be a separate unit installed on the workbench, equipped with a powerful engine, with the possibility of quick disk replacement. For the manufacture of your own hands, such a circular will have to spend time, but it will pay for themselves.

Despite the visible simplicity of this device, before the start of work it is worth creating a drawing of the machine. This will clearly see the future unit, choose its optimal configuration.


The basis of any machine - the bed, the frame, on which all the main details are mounted. Circular bed must be stable and reliable, so it is made of metal. It is preferable to use a profile tube or a thick-walled kit. Welding uses for connecting parts. If the collapsible design is conceived, the connection is suitable on the bolts.

Buy suitable material will not be much difficulty, in any specialized metal store you can pick up pipes and a square. Those who wish to save can be recommended to refer to the scooters of scrap metal. They can buy the same thing, only cheaper.

Table top

The best material for the manufacture of professional circular countertops is metal. Perfect steel and aluminum-based alloys. For budget option It can be limited to the thick multi-layer plywood, lubricated iron. In any case, the surface of the table top should be smooth, resistant to friction and do not be fed at a weight of up to 50 kg.

In the tabletop make grooves under the disk. It can be done in two ways. You can do in a solid sheet, but you can collect the tabletop of two half. The second method is preferred for metal countertops, propyl in which it is difficult to do at home.

If you wish, you can make a sawing machine for working outside the workshop, it is enough to provide for the possibility of installing low power gasoline engine, it can be removable.

Transfer of rotation

The optimal circular drive is a clinorem transmission. Two pulleys are used, one on the engine, the second - on the drive shaft. It is convenient and safe. There is no direct link between the engine rotor and the disk, in the event of jamming the tool, the belt will start slipping, signaling the need to turn off the power. In addition, using pulleys with several streams, different diameters, you can adjust the turnover of the saw by choosing the optimal mode for various wood.

Rotation from the engine rotor is transmitted to the shaft. This is one of the most responsible parts of the circular. Make the shaft yourself, it is unlikely to succeed, it is better to buy ready-made or order from tokar.

The shaft is installed on the bearings. They should be closed: Circular - the place of the saw and open long will not serve.

Machine with a pendulum engine suspension

Those who boast the ability to work with the metal can be advised to make a circular with a pendulum engine suspension. The main feature of the device is that the engine, shaft and cutting disk are installed in one common frame. On the one hand, it hinge is fixed on the bed, the second is held with the screw with the possibility of adjusting the height. By changing the length of the screw, you can adjust the height of the disc exit from the table top.

This system allows you to adjust the height of the cut, and also use discs of different diameters. If instead of the adjusting screw, it is possible to get a dipstick with a simple copy machine. The dipstick will allow you to adjust the depth of the cut by some template. This fairly simple refinement will turn out a simple circular saw into a real woodworking machine. This device can not only cut the board on the necessary blanks, but also perform accurate propuls, make various samples.

If a person lives in a private house or he has a class-garden plot, then the presence of a stationary circular saw in a home master arsenal is not only desirable, but sometimes it is necessary. Unfortunately, the cost of an industrialized sample of such a saw does not correspond to the frequency of its home use, and for some Russians it is simply not for the pocket. At the same time, make a "circular" with your own hands simple enough, using a sewing machine or an ordinary electric door for this. However, the quality of performance and the nomenclature of the operations performed largely depend on the bed of the circular saw.

Stanna design

The simplest bed of the circular saw, the drive power of which does not exceed 0.8 ... 12 kilowatta is quite accessible to make it yourself from thick plywood and wooden bars. You can use the "Bosch GSB 19-2" electrode "Bosch GSB 19-2" (power 0.85 kilowatt) or "DWT SBM-1050" (1.05 kilowatta power), which is attached to under the stove with a special bracket. The length of the bed will depend on the length of the sawn material. For the table it is necessary to purchase a bakelite phaneer with a thickness of at least 50.0 millimeters. Of course, for professional works, the wooden bed is not suitable, but in order to dissolve the boards, quickly push the bars, such a self-made design is quite enough.

In general, the bed will consist of the base and countertops (desktop). Of course, with a manual independent manufacture of a circular saw, you must strive to simplify the design as much as possible. The design of the desktop will first be determined by the design of the cruise disk mounting node. In homemade circular devices, it is used or a circular disk, fixed directly in the cartridge of the electric drill, or (more preferably) the two support shaft driven to rotation from the electric motor through the belt transmission.

Making countertops

At the first stage of the fabrication of the bed with a wooden table top with their own hands, the available sheet of plywood is placed in accordance with the existing sketch or drawing. In order to reduce the number of saws, markup is carried out from the edges of the sheet. As a tool, use hacksaw with a fine tooth or an electrolovka.

On the bottom side of the scaled piece, a disk slot is planned. It can be propyl with a finger milling cutter, consolidating it with your own hands in the cartridge of the electric drill. In order to observe the rectilinescence of the edges of the cut, the simplest homemade copier of two metal corners will be fixed to the tabletop clamps.
Further work depend on the mechanism for fastening the circular saw disk. To install it with its manual way on two bearing supports, and the drive is carried out through the belt transmission from a separate electric motor or from the electric drill.

To give additional stiffness, the countertops at its edges it is desirable to fasten the ribs of stiffness that can be made from bars or aluminum corners. Fastening rigidity to the table is carried out using self-tapping screws. To give greater strength of the whole design, in addition to the place of the joint, you can apply a layer of epoxy glue, which will fix the bar to the tabletop throughout the joint plane.
The distance from the edge of the table top to the bar must be equal to 2.0 ... 4.0 centimeters.

After that, in accordance with the selected drive design, the zircucular disk support unit is fixed. For the reliability of the attachment, the fixation of the bearing enclosures to the bed is better to carry out using a screw, threaded connection. In this case, the countersunk heads of the screws are located on the top plane of the table top and should not perform above its plane. The upper working surface of the desktop should be covered with wear-resistant varnish and polish.

For more safety, working with a homemade device above the cutting edge of the disk It is desirable to install the swinging protective cover.

Construction of the base

For the safe operation of the homemade circular saw, the table must be installed on a sufficiently rigid and durable base. To make it manually, fancy masters are provided with complete freedom. The base can be made in the form of a wooden underground, but it is better to cook from the corner (such as aquarium frame) according to the size of the table top.

Some nuances of manufacture

The main parameter that defines the design of the homemade "circular" is the thickness of the sawn boards. For household work, with their own hands, we usually cut the wood thicker 15.0 ... 20.0 millimeters is not required. To change the depth of the propyl, you can use and / or make a special disk lifting mechanism, but this will complicate the design of the homemade.

When choosing a drive electric motor, the frequency of rotation of its shaft should be taken into account. Using belt transmission, you can make a change in the number of revolutions with your own hands. If it is assumed to use an electric drill as a drive, then preference should be given models with a variable frequency of rotation of the cartridge, then use such a circular saw made by your own hands, will be one pleasure.


Despite the primitiveness of the described design, it will noticeably facilitate homework, with their own hands, ranging from joinery with boards and ending with thick bitch trimmed with gardening trees.


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