7 kingdoms game Thrones Description. Heroes of seven kingdoms: the main men of the series "The game of Thrones

7 kingdoms game Thrones Description. Heroes of seven kingdoms: the main men of the series "The game of Thrones

One of the most interesting strategies of the past decade, created in 1997 Trevor Chan. She still belongs to those games of the late 90s, in which they tried to experimentally experiment with the gameplay, add new ideas, complicate the rules of the game, simply put - developers, not afraid of financial failure, released something truly fresh and unusual. Creating games for many teams was still creative and art, but not business or commerce.

But the time ends with the fact that it puts the most cruel characters of the throne game in place. Ramsey is defeated in extreme conditions of the Battle of the bastards, where Sants and John conclude him. He dies, devouring his dogs. Frey's house suggested Robbie Stark to marry one of the daughters of Walder Frey, the Lord of the twins and the cross, in exchange to position himself in his case and allow him and his troops to move south. Wolder considered the crime the fact that instead of Robob his uncle Edmur Tully married his daughter.

During the banquet, Frey killed Robb Stark, Lady Catin Tully in a stunning red wedding. Later Aria Stark was responsible for killing everyone and take revenge on Stark. The throne game is inspired medieval EuropeWhen noble families ruled their lands and created alliances in the form of marriages, while other families expand their spheres of influence and at the same time provided the necessary support.

Just such an experiment, as a result, it turned out extremely successful, and is Seven Kindoms.. Actually, Seven kingdoms represents a separate subway RTSSince it is not a copy of something, and at the same time was not copied herself. The second fact is rather amazing, as usually all successful ideas are sooner or later split into other projects. But everything happened otherwise - despite his originality, the game was not widely popular as it happened, say, with Starcraft.. The reason for such oblivion was a rather complex device of the gaming world, with which not all players wanted to understand. But those who managed to overcome this barrier, hardly ever forget this game.

The structure of the relationship between all families that appear in the game of thrones may be difficult, but if we clearly know who is sixth, it is simpler than it seems. Ned Starck was the hand of Robert Barateon. This is a family with which the audience begins to enter the world of the game of the thrones in the first season. Its territory is the north that is managed from Wintengrin's castle, and his motto is the famous "he approaches winter," that is almost the slogan of the entire series. Probably also the most punished family in the "war of five kings", moving the honor and debt, which are not the most popular in the West.

More recently, more than a decade after the release of the game, she was reprinted under the license GPLTogether with all the resources (with the exception of music and library for the network game; the last fact, unfortunately, does not allow you to play on the network). Immediately a project was organized on the reincarnation of the game and porting it to other platforms:

Initially, he was compiled by Eddard, or Ned, Starck, his wife, Katner and their children, Robust, Sansa, Aray, Branu and Riccon. With him, they leave Sansa and Arun, being in the Winter Catina, Robust, Ricon and Bran. John is the Lord Commander of the Night Guard.

And John - the Lord Commander of the Night Guard. In addition, the Sister of Lenna Stark, who was connected with Robert Barateon, but kidnap the Ragary Targaren, the son of King Airis, and who died during the war. Lanner's motto - "Listen to me, roar."

The richest and influential family in the West is headed by Tyvin Lannister, and their domains are located in Quastery-Rock, west of landing the king. Their motto: "Listen to me, roar," but the statement in which they are more famous, "Lannister always pays their debts," which hints at his condition.

Seven kingdoms.

The first thing that rushes into the eye is the name. Initially, the player was proposed to take one of the seven states under command:

  • Chinese
  • Greeks.
  • Japanese.
  • Normans.
  • Persians.
  • Vikings.

what was reflected in the name given to the game. About a year later came the addon, Seven Kigdoms: Ancient Adversarieswho gave a choice for three more kingdoms:

Tivina has three children: Sersi, married to Robert Baratheon and, therefore, reigns; Jaime, a member of the royal guard and thyrion, dwarf and deformed, hated and detached Tyvin and Serssi, because his mother died. Sersi and Khaima support the bleed mixing attitude from which three children are born: Joffrey, it happens to Robert when he dies, Mircella and Tommen, that is, in turn, the new king to the death of Joffrey.

The Father of Theon, Balon Gridge, tried to conquer the north. They are the ruling family of iron islands, a place to the north of Poulnte, whose residents are like Vikings. From here and their motto: "We do not eat," because they live from robbery. His leader is the Ballon of Grazey, who has two children, Yara and the theon, sent when he was a child to live with Stark, so that his father was not trying to conquer the north.

  • Egyptians.
  • Mughuls.
  • Zulus.

Subsequently, they were also released and SEVEN KINGDOMS: ConquestThe first of which was less successful than the original (although it was impossible to call it in any way), and the second was recognized as close to failure (in fact, it did not have anything to do with the original series, and it was developed completely different people) .

Lady Olenna, Queen of Tornov and granddaughter Margari are part of an influential and rich family. When Robert Barateon dies, and Joffrey rises to the throne, his mother is looking for a queen for him from some influential and rich family. Favorites is Margari, who briefly married Renley, Brother Robert, and opened Lanner for richness of a high garden, measured more in products than in money.

Margari is the daughter of Mace Tirell and the granddaughter of Lady Delanna, Queen Thunders, and first married Renley Barateon to provide great support for his work to become the lawful king of seven kingdoms. Laratas, Brother Margari, known as the Knight of Flowers, was part of the Renley Guard and was at the same time a lover, while Baryn from Tarta served in the same guard.

What kind of original was able to provide this game that her, along with such RTS as Starcraft., Dune and Command & Conquer.Is the fans still remember and play it regularly? Let's try to consider these features in order.

Frames decide everything.

One of the first things to deal with almost any RTS - Resource system. What resources in the game are there? How are they mined? What buildings are they required for? What is more valuable - crystals, gas, tiberium, wood, or can spice? One who decides to spend time in the world expects a big surprise. Formally, resources are five - gold, bread, iron, copper and clay. But all of them are secondary, as the main resource in this game is just one - people. People are those who will produce bread pay and taxes. These are soldiers who will guard your villages and fight against the enemy. These are mines mining ore and workers, processing it. People are scientists who develop drawings of a new catapult and spies that collect information about the enemy kingdom. In the end, people are those who are fruit and thus increase the population, making your kingdom stronger.

Teneriene Targaren and his brother of Verier were the only ones who was saved after the attack of Lannerner. The rulers of the seven kingdoms before the history of the "Game of Thrones" were practically destroyed in the uprising of Robert Barateon. Rhagar was married to Elia Martel, whose marriage united the region of Dorn with the family kingdoms, but during the war he kidnapped the sister of the Stark Lianna. With Eli, the Prince was two sons, Ranis and Eaga, all those killed in the landing of the king on the mountain and other soldiers of Tyvin Lannerner.

Eiris was killed by Khaim Lannister, who served in his royal guard, and only Danery and Vizier were saved. They both went to expulsion to Pentos, across the sea, where Verier organized their sister's marriage with Hal Drogoy, the head of the Klan Dotraki, in exchange for his military support to return the Iron throne.

Each resident of your kingdom is unique. He has a name. He has a degree of confidence in you like a king. The king, however, is also an ordinary resident - he can fight side-side with other soldiers and can kill him. In this case, you will have to re-election a king (and how ordinary citizens will be treated to it - a big question; and if the new king of another nationality ...). If the loyalty of your people falls, they can draw up or go to the side of the enemy.

Robert, the King of the West, married Sersi Lannister to provide support for his family. The family that sparkles Targaren and which, in turn, is overthrown by Lanniser. He consisted of three brothers. Robert was the king of the West, married Sersi Lannister to ensure support for this family, which was faithful to Targaren. After his death, his two brothers, Renley and Stannes, claimed the throne. Stannis, Lord Rokadragon, married to Siemsa Florant and has a daughter with her, width. In his court also Melisandra, the Red Priestess of R'llor, the God of Light and Davos, the former smuggler, which becomes the closest employee with Stanis.

Each resident can purchase a professional skill - battle, construction, science, etc., which will eventually develop. A group of trained soldiers will be able to overcome just recruited, even if the latter have a greater number. Experienced workers will be able to build a catapult several times faster than newcomers. The same applies to all other professional skills. Each resident has a nationality, and it is unlikely that he wants the representatives of the other nation in his village - "ponheli" in all of their glory. Residents are also very acutely related to the representatives of which nationality you are leading the war. Having arranged a massacre in the village of Vikings, do not expect that the Vikings in your state will take it quite calmly - the uprisings in the world of seven kingdoms are quite common.

Meanwhile, Renley is the younger brother, the Lord of the Storm Bastion. He marries Margari Tirell to count on the army and the fate of his family, but killed by dark conspiracies between stands and Melisandra. Ellaria Arena, Mistress Orin, promised to take revenge on him after his death.

They are the rulers of Dorn, the southern kingdom, originally united with an iron throne on marriage between Elia and Ragar Targaren. Eali's death divides family among those who want to take revenge on Lannnishers and those who prefer not to enter into a war that they do not know if they could win. The head of the family - Pedaran, Lladyka of the Lance of the Sun, and one of his brothers is Orin, a red viper, which goes to the royal landing to seek justice for Elia's death, his other sister.

When military conflict, the most significant is the rate of reducing the population. If the population drops with a record speed, then this is the first sign that it's time to look for other ways to solve the conflict. In order to quickly replenish the population, you can try to achieve the location of neutral settlements - money, by force, offering jobs or a reputation alone.

Oberen has several bastard daughters, which are called "sand snakes", and are called Obara, Nimarius and the Mystery and the mistress of Elliari Arena, who dies to take revenge on him when he dies from the hands of the mountain in Tirion's battle test. Today we will talk about the games of the throne. Many people are confused with Westeros map and do not understand what are the 7 kingdoms of the game of thrones.

When Eaga Targaren, the conqueror, the continent of Westeros was formed by 7 kingdoms. Armed with three Dragons, mainly ballerion, black terror, Egon The conqueror united 6 out of 7 kingdoms. When he defeated the war of the conquest, Eagra spread the kingdoms to Suronos, that is, the lords of the great houses that would be defenders of each region.

It is worth saying that the greatest success seeks to those who wage by side. However, in come to the victory, without the fight, it is quite possible - for this there is diplomacy.

Friendship of Peoples.

At the beginning of the game, the player, in addition to the choice of nation, the number of rivals, the size of the map, etc., will also be determined which of the states to call the winner. In addition to the classic version of the one who remains one, you can also choose: the most successful economist; the king possessing the most numerous population in the state; the most ruthless fighter against the unclean; screamed the greatest number Points. But even if you chose the only criterion for the complete destruction of enemies, the war is not the only way to win.

We know the north better, because stars are the main characters of the series. King Torren Stark from Winterfella was the last of the six to bow his knees in front of the egon. He did it only because I realized that after joining all other kingdoms and so far there are three dragon, the people of the North will fight with the lost war.

The kingdom of flacval and island lands has the longest history. They were the territory of the house of the Choir, which ruled from the castle of Harrenal, an impenetrable fortress for any army. This family was a man born from iron, and dominated this kingdom for more than 300 years.

At the beginning of the game, all states are neutral to each other. Having no long offend, they begin to conclude military / economic unions, trade, carry out joint raids on monsters, simply say to help each other. It happens, a lot of time passes before anyone decides to break this idyll. If the war began, the player has to do an important choice - what position is his state. Should I get up to the side of weaker states to weaken the strong? Or will they join the most powerful to avoid unnecessary losses? Take a neutral position, which is releasing your precious human resource?

When Eagra arrived with the ballero and melted the castle of Harren, turning it into the ruins, which we know, he divided the kingdom into two parts: Tully House Correrio turned Sueran's Trident, and the house of Gridge from the togga remained with the Iron Islands. The original garden of the top commanded the house of the gardener, however, with the fall of the reign of Tyrell accepted the benefit from the support of the House Targaren.

Already in the mountains there are more barbaric civilization, which we have seen to support Tyrion Lanner at return to Porto Real. The Kingdom of Storm Lands belonged to the Durarm house, which was extinguished in the war of conquest. Barateon's house became a tiny in a storm point.

As a rule, the war begins either the most powerful states, in order to experience its power, or the union of weaker, to weaken the strongest. But in any case, the one who begins the war, it should be remembered that alone succeeds (at least at the initial stage) is almost impossible. Even if your population is superior to the enemy twice, it is not yet known than the conflict end.

What is not considered one of the seven kingdoms?

The house of Martell Lansasasola managed to conduct an invasion of Targarince for two centuries. He was attached to the 7 kingdoms of the peace treaty. Porto-real is not considered the kingdom, but the crown lands and this generates a lot of confusion. Since most of the action takes place around Porto Real, this confusion is normal. Think about Porto Real as Brazilia. This is not a state, but only the captain of the country.

Lands behind the wall do not belong to the 7 kingdoms of the game of the throne. It is still considered Westeros, but this is not the territory of the crown. Dicari did not "restrained" against the iron throne, because they were never in the power of the crown. I hope you liked these little things about the 7 kingdoms of the game of thrones.

The enemy may well offer a good amount of money to neutral states so that they get involved in the war, and not on your side. It often happens that the weakest kingdoms, who, at the beginning, no one perceives seriously, eventually win the victory. For this you only need to save the strength and wait until the neighbors in bloody war destroy each other, after which it is easily able to deal with the survivors. Or buy them - this option of events is also possible. The opponent (or friend) can also give up to you if he no longer sees the possibility of independent existence of his state (then all his possessions, including a precious population, go to you). Having invested too much money and forces into the army, there may not be peasants producing bread, which also threatens the Bunlet and the collapse of the kingdom. A too weak state can be destroyed by a monster raid, with which it is impossible to agree at all.

Send offices in the comments more curiosity that you want to learn about the game of thrones or other series, films, comics and anime! The most successful products in the entertainment industry, as a rule, feed on predictability. Rates for comfort, narratives usually pass through the set paths, for easy satisfaction of the reader or the viewer. It looks like Industrialized Delicates: You know what to expect from her, and you will like when waiting is confirmed. As a rule, this is the use of this search for familiar, that pop phenomena is born.


I think, what was said is already becoming clear that the game provides greater freedom of action for the player. But you need to understand that it has not yet been listed only a small part of all those interesting opportunities that offers. In short, we mention some of them: research and exchange of technologies, construction of military vehicles, espionage, bribes of soldiers and generals, seizure of buildings, sabotage on enemy factories, undermining the economy. You can urge the deity, rob the logo monsters, arrange the uprisings in enemy villages. Playing every time you can find more and more new ways to achieve victory. If the Graphics of 1997 does not frighten you, and you want something fresh in the genre RTS, it is definitely worth getting acquainted with it.

In Westerosa, it is impossible to even count on the predictability of the seasons: no one knows when a new winter begins or how long it will last, the more intense it will be. This is the embodiment of uncertainty, which underlies the series. At the beginning of the story, Westeros residents enjoyed in the summer, which lasted more than a decade, but the illusion of stability was canceled, since the death of King Robert Barateon explodes the chain of events leading to the bloody struggle for power between the great houses of the continent. Violating traditionally manician conventions of epic fantasy, there are no clearly defined heroes or villains, and these ambiguous, three-dimensional characters are closer to real people than to mythical characters - they will not spare all sorts of tricks in the struggle for the throne and survival itself.

Also, I can't leave aside a comment written by some dadmig on LOR "E:

Perhaps I will write about most of the features and interests of the game.

There is in the game diplomacy. It's not too much to sense from it, but still. You can enter into mutual trade agreements, take or give tribute, create military alliances, sell food, share technologies.

Playing a huge role human resource. Peasants - This is a source of taxes, and food producers, these are potential soldiers, mines, workers, scientists, builders. You can join your kingdom new villages. Mostly, by negotiation, although this is usually not enough. There are auxiliary factors: violent impact (worsens a reputation and can be found resistance, so it is necessary to use reasonably), cash payments (considerable and reduces loyalty, so you also need to use with the mind) or the activities of spies (slowly acts). Also future inhabitants of your kingdom can be interested in jobs and access to the benefits of civilization (goods). :) Although I honestly remember how much the last method helps.

Still your subjects have such a parameter as loyalty. If it decreases too much in the population of the village, then it will begin to rebel if soldiers - they will move towards the opponent. Factors influencing this will not list this, and without that sheet it comes out.

There is such a factor as ethnic friction. :)

By default, no one will fight with anyone, peace reigns. And not necessarily kill everyone at all. There are peaceful goals to achieve victory. For example, achieve a certain number of population. In addition, even when you choose the type of game, only one should remain, not necessarily destroy opponents! They can be attached to themselves for money!

Trade It is an important element gameplay. You can sell goods to your citizens, you can sell inhabitants of independent villages and even the population of other kingdoms. You can buy goods in other kingdoms and then sell in their markets, you can even buy raw materials, then process it in your factories and then sell. But it is best to produce raw materials yourself and produce goods from it - it is very profitable, but also requires serious human resources.

Study technologies happens much more interesting than most RTS. This is a separate industry. :) produce technologies in special buildings where scientists work. The more scientists you have (respectively, both buildings) and the higher their qualifications - the faster you will receive technologies. But this is in any case the process of long. Thus, racing may occur for technological superiority. :)

Separate theme - espionage. You can snap spies to independent villages so that the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining your empire seemed to be less nasty residents. :) or in the end of the enemy. Such a spy can brake production or research, recognize government secrets (can even get the list of spies of the enemy kingdom!). Or start a military career. So he can bribe (and thus recruit :)) or kill the general, and especially the Masters can even kill the king! Imagine the situation when confident enemy declares war on you, and the next day it discovers that half of his army moved to the side of the enemy (Oh yeah, I forgot to say that in case of betrayal, together with the generals, the opponent is moving towards them Soldiers). But a special chic is when the general entered by you is appointed by a new king (in place of the dead)! :) Espionage

Dear friends and lovers of quests! # DelibestoHolika acquired a new entry, and I met interesting people from the company Reality-Quest "Exit" | Moscow

These wonderful guys have a lot of quests, and I hope that I will be able to visit all of them, but today I want to tell about one of the games - # Playprests: 7 Sorols

Let's start with the fact that I did not watch the sensational series and all the more I did not hold these books in the hands, but after passing this quest I had a desire to do this.

Honestly, I will say that I did not imagine what we were talking in the series did not confuse me at all and did not interfere with the passage of the game.

A cute young man - Nikolay plunged us into the atmosphere of the game, opened the doors, and ...

And we fell into a real medieval kingdom. So thoughtful to the smallest detail of the entourage I did not have to meet in other quests. With the same love the organizers created this miracle location.

The quest is not linear, the space is very big, we were four, but it was safe to take another 2-3 participants to our company. The plot itself is thought out and Lineen. Each action is logically substantiated, there were no casual moments and not docked. There are a lot of mechanized moments in the game, but it only sorted up and forced us to go further. Making simple actions We received a whole show from the objects that were in front of us.

At every corner, the riddles and secrets waited, often we were in a dead end, but the great gods helped us cope with our non-consistency and intensive care places.

The desire to win was constantly forced to move faster and even divided during the game, although we were one team.

The opening of secret moves and doors each time brings an incredible delight and a sense of approaching the majority of the main secret. I wish you all the successful passing of the game! And remember, the main thing is not a victory, the main thing is to participate)))

And one of the advantages of this quest is the organizers, they are literally completely saturated with their own business, they are very kind, smiling, sociable. Special thanks to the operator Nicholas, who endured us and continued to smile, despite our frank stupidity)

Well, where without references:

Guys, I will definitely come for a new portion of unique sensations and interesting puzzles

# Lovely and I recommend to pass all and everyone. The fans of the series will not remain indifferent, quest lovers will long discuss unpredictable moments of the game, and newcomers will receive a charge of energy and an incredible desire to join the ranks of Quests.


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