The surname in men is leaning. How the men's surnames are inclined, ending on "-A", "-y", "-", "-uk", consonant

The surname in men is leaning. How the men's surnames are inclined, ending on "-A", "-y", "-", "-uk", consonant

Female surnames with the endings of the on-ov and - Inu are always inclined by the rules of attractive names of adjectives in the form of the decline in the female family (for comparison, as women's names are inclined, such as Rostov - Tzov, Karenina - Mine). But, there are difficulties in the decline of such unusual female surnames, consonant with nominal names with nouns and geographical names, like love, sadness, Moscow.
To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
Lapshina, Ilina, Ershova, Fedorova, Zavyalova, Sviridova, Grigorieva, Greudin. Women's family names, with the end of the on-line, - ov is always inclined. The names of this type like raspberries, pearls are inclined double, depending on the declination of the male surname (Lyudmila Pearls and Lyudmila Pearl, Zoe Rasina and Zoe Malinina).
Female surnames with a formal suffix rate - SC - are inclined both in the men and in women's birth and also in the multiple number according to the rules of the adjectives: Kostoloshevskaya, Kostolovskaya ..., Kostolievsk - Ie, Kostolievsk - them, etc.
Women's names that own the fundamentals for consonants and having a zero ending in the form of a nominative case are not inclined: Natalia Semenovna Berzen, love of Vasilyevna Block, with Alla Bach, with the hope of Sergeyevny-Horp, Oh Mary Helingway, about Rimma Vaidai. Similar women's surnames are understood as "non-Russian".
To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames. The declination of these female surnames requires knowledge of what sex a carrier of the surname. The absence of such information puts inclined in a predicament. The initial form of such a surname, informs about the field of the host name. Suppose the author of the text did not have the necessary information, did not take advantage of the directories, was unspecified in the correctness of the use of the grammatical rule, or was simply not attentive, then the receiving text will receive false information. For clarity, one example can be given. In one weekly, the transfer was announced in the radio programs: "Sings E. Mathis. The transmission will sound the works of famous composers. " Immediately the question arises. Who is K. Schuman? Surely that the initial name is incorrect: K. Instead of R. But, as it turned out, the Romance of Clara Schumanov (spouses Robert Shuman, who was not only the famous pianist, but not very popular composer were performed in the transmission. So, ordinary grammar mistake I am misleading the reader.
Women's names ending on the sound - Oh, - E, E, - C, - U, - Yu (drums or unstressed), as well as on the sound - and, with the vowels standing in front of him, are not inclined: Safel's poem, literature review N.N. Durnovo, Street them. Gastello. Do not inclined or inclined conditionally in colloquial speech
Women's family names, with the end on the consonant sound and a soft sign (in Laura Duk, the family of Maria Titzkevich, appoint Lyudmila Soval).
The inclinations or the uncleanness of female surnames, with the end of the on-I, depends not only on the place of emphasis, but also the origin of the very name. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
Inowy-speaking female surnames that have an end to a vowel sound, excluding unknown - a, - I'm in Digo, Riza, Rossini, Row, Zero, Suma, Drong, BUS, ZOLA are not inclined. The female surnames are not inclined to be inclined - and - I stand in front of him vowels - and (Sleepy's sonnets, poems Daria, Bulia stories),
Surnames with French origins with a shock - I am also not inclined: Naked, Bruaia. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
All other female surnames with the end of the sound - I bow; Such as Zolovna, Gogul, Sockelopla, Goya, Schengeleai, Deltera, Beria.
Georgian women's surnames may be inclined or unclear it depends on what form this surname is borrowed by the Russian language: women's surnames with the end of the on-line inclined (Hangelia), with the end of the IA - Nekliam (Zulia). To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
Russian women's surnames having the image of frozen forms of the genitive case in the singular with the endings: - OVO, - AGO, Yago (Borno, Bukhovo, Zhivago, Raminaro, Debrygo, Bitrovo) and in the plural with the endings: - of them - after Handed, Kostrovsky, Dolly, long, gray), where some of them are inclined in spoken language.
Female surnames with the end of the ends are also not clogs; For example, Dihigo, Klerano, Larancy, Diyo, Picasso, Warlo, Tamisso, Caruso, Leonkallo, Pongfello, Vessel, Zolivo, Bornovo, Khitrovo, Durago, Dawgo.
The names of Ukrainian origin are not inclined, having an end to the shock and unstressed - Ko (Zolovko, Boshko, Iranko, Bianko, Roman Shevchenko, the teachings of Makarenko, the book of Korolenko), where some of them are inclined in the surprise.
It is permissible to decline the female surnames of Ukrainian origin on - Ko, - ENKO, for example: Operations Ustimno succeeded, went away from Aglai Ustimniki, go to the semashka? In Ukrainian women's names are not inclined by names that have endings on - to a nasty: Theater named after Frankó, Heritage of Bozón.
Women's family names and personal names that have ending on the consonants are not inclined: in the role of Lady Macbeth, letters of love blocked, met with Anna Patz, turned to Wanda Adamovich.
Women's borrowed surnames ending in, - in, not inclined: Letter of Lady Darwin, with the permission of Lady Chaplin, performed by Denev. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
The corresponding female surnames are leaning on the model names of adjectives of the female genus: white - white - white, white - white.
Female surnames arising from the form of adjectives, with the end of the Aya are inclined by the rules of adjectives:
I. P.: Tatyana Tolstaya, Natalia Favorite, Svetlana Merry
R.p.: Tatyana Tolstoy, Natalia's beloved, Svetlana Cheerful
D. P.: Tatyana Tolstoy, Natalia's beloved, Svetlana Merry
V. P.: Tatyana Tolstoy, Natalia Belume, Svetlana Cheerful
T. P.: With Tatyana Tolstoy, with Natalia Lyubimova, with Svetlana Cheerful
P. P .: About Tatyana Tolstoy, O Natalia Lyubimova, About Svetlana Cheerful

Non-standard women's surnames with the end of the sound - A (s), such as Zoya, Winter, it is recommended to decline according to the rules of the plural for all cases of the form coinciding with the initial form of this name. For example: Irina Ivanovna Winter, Svetlana Sergeyevna Zoya, etc. And for the multiple number - the primary form of Zoya, winter, in all cases.
The most difficult declination in such names is women's surnames with the end of the sound - a. In the difference from listed cases, it is very important to understand here whether the ending should be completed - and after the vowel or after the consonant, as well as it falls on this vowel emphasis and (in certain cases) what kind of origin has the surname. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
All female surnames with the ending on the sound - and, in front of which there are vowels (most often at or and), are not clouds: Valua, Gorua, Belakrua, Doravia, Ieria, Elea, Bulia.
All female surnames with the ending on the unaware sound - and standing after consonants, inclined according to the rules of the first decline: Dibera - Dibers, Dieber, Diberia, Dibery, Seneca - Seneki, etc.; In the same way, pota, stynosis, sour cream, settling, bourrosava, evil, Daenek, Gulga, Oveza, Sognibed, Pokurbaava, etc. are inclined, regardless of their origin, are morphologically divisible in Russian, i.e. in They are clearly allocated by the ending on the sound - a.
Among women's surnames with shock - and standing after consonants, there are both morphologically divisible, that is, those who are inclined and not divisible, that is, not inclined.
Women's names of French origin are not inclined: Luma, Goma, Raga, Luca, Gamarra, Petipa, etc.
The female surnames of Slavic origin, and from oriental languages \u200b\u200bare inclined according to the rules of the first decline, i.e., the strike end disappears - and: rhythta - ritta, ritta, ritta, ritta; These include: a frying pan, as a kocherga, as quasha, as well as Tsabas, as well, and others. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of names and surnames.
The inconsistencies include women's surnames that have the ending on vowel sounds - o, - e, - y, - y, - s, - and, - e, - e and endings on the combination of two vowels, except - Her, - Ia (Gorzero, Alba, Horse, Kandshau, Francois, Doybuhaa, Kachai, Zia, Norzulia). The declination of female surnames, having completion of - a, - I, - Her, - I, has a limit depending on the emphasis in the word and on some traditions.
The female surnames of Slavic origin, having the end of the type of Zowko, Larko, Dawlo, Setroopy are inclined by the rules for the declination of the nouns of the nouns - the middle kind, for example: ahead of the Zovka, Solk
Slavic surnames that have ending on shock sounds - a, - I (from the director Mayboration, with a psychologist in a frying pan, to the script head), are also inclined.

Families that are definitely inclined by childbirth and pades:
Included, as a rule, women's surnames are inclined with the end of the unaware sounds - a, - I (mostly Slavic, Romanesque and some others) (Article V. M. Birds, songs performed by Rosita Kintana, conversation with A. Yida). Changes in the declining of feminine surnames are observed in the use of surnames having Georgian and Japanese origins, there are cases of both lies and inconsistencies. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
Polish women's surnames with the end of the exhibition are inclined by the sample of Russian surnames with the end of the native (Vandrovsk-Gurska - Tour of the Vandrovskaya Gursky, Belli Strefansk - Concerts of Belli Strefan). At the same time, it is possible to change such female surnames according to the sample of Russian women's names in the nominative case (Ogulskaya-Banetskaya, Mogdselevskaya). The same is offered for Czech women's surnames with the end of the A (Rabitskaya - Rabitskaya, Rabitskaya).
Features of the decline of female surnames with the end of - A:
If before the sound - and there is a consonant, then according to the rules of the case of endings will be: - A, - s, - e, - y, - oh, - e.
If in front of the sound - and there is one of the letters (r, k, x) or hissing soft (h, sh) or sound, then the end of the surname according to the rules of the parent case will be - and.
If in front of the sound - but there is a hissing (h, sh, c, w) or w, then the end of the surname according to the rules of the cartoon case when you stress to the end of the word will be, and, accordingly, to it when he stressed at the beginning or middle of the word.

Declination of female surnames by case
Standard Russian surnames
I. Smirnova, Kromskaya, Kostrikova, Eliseeva, Ivanova,
R. Smirnova, Kromskaya, Kostrikova, Eliseeva, Ivanova,
D. Smirnova, Kromskaya, Kostrikova, Eliseeva, Ivanova,
V. Smirnov, Kromskaya, Kostrikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
T. Smirnova, Kromskaya, Kostrikova, Eliseeva, Ivanova,
P. about Smirnova, about Kromskaya, about Kostrikova, about Eliseeva, about Ivanova.

I. Smirnov, Kromskie, Kostrikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
R. Smirnov, Kromskie, Kostrikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
D. Smirnov, Kromsky, Kostrikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
V. Smirnov, Kromskie, Kostrikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
T. Smirnov, Kromski, Kostrikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
P. On Smirnovy, about Kromskie, about the Kostrikov, about Eliseev, about Ivanov.

When considering women's surnames ending with - a, there are important importance to three points:
The first: whether the end is worth - and after vowel or after consonant,
Second: whether it falls on this vowel or consonant emphasis,
Third: What kind of origin has a surname.

In the declining of female surnames, there are difficulties of distinguishing "Russian" and "non-Russian" surnames with the end of the on-ov and - Ina; From the point of view of the morphology "RUSSIANNY" or "unboundedness", surnames are determined by the fact that it is allocated or not stand out in the surname when declining the formal indicator of the endings on (- ov - or - in -). If this indicator is determined, then the declination in the hardware case has the ending - and it means that the correlative female surname is inclined (Fenonvizin, Fenvizina), if the indicator is not determined - the workful case of the surname is formed with the end - ohm, so the female surname does not inclined (Virhov, with Anna Virchov). Comparative "Omonyms": Charles Schonser Chaplin, Khanna Chaplin and Nikolai Ivanovich Chaplina, with Elena Chapina. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
There are, respectively, non-Russian (mainly German) names on - them: Armgery, Dietrich, Freindlich, Airlih, etc. Regardless of the characteristic similarity in "foreignateness", they cannot be taken for Russian surnames with the end of them because in Russian names before The end of them, practically no soft consonants, having solid couples, because in Russian, few adjectives with such bases (i.e., such adjectives, like gray; and is there a surname of gray and similar to it?). To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of the names and surnames.
But if before the end - they are in the surname standing with a hissing or posterior consonant, its belonging to the unclean type will be undoubtedly, only if the surname does not bear the derivative of the adjective. (for example, stray, sweet); In the absence of this condition, such surnames can be perceived morphologically ambiguously; These include, for example, bass, roving, gritty. Upon all the rarity of such cases, this principled opportunity should be taken into account. And when using the decline of such surnames, it is advisable to use the directories.
Features of declining are Russian surnames with the end of these (- them), offering their origin from the form of the parent (and proposed) case of a plural number of adjectives: gray, black, twisted, powdered, long, red. The declination of the female surnames of such a sample on the strict standards of the literary language is not allowed: lectures of black, romance of gray, creativity twisted, etc.
In very rare cases, it may be perceived ambiguous names, the initial forms of which have the end of the vocal and or - oh. For example, such surnames like a gopache, Hopchai can be understood and, as having completions - on Xi, - oh, therefore, leaning according to the rules of adjectives with the zero ending with the decline in the sample names of the nouns (Gopchia, Gopchiya ..., in women's birth unchangeable Gopch shape). To resolve such tasks again, it is necessary to use the names of the surnames.
The surnames that have the end of the C - E, - E, - and, - Y, -, - Yu, can only be unclear. Similar surnames: Gog, Dussa, Lancasere, Fumen, Dae, Dabery, Goethe, Nobville, Karadage, Tarple, Ordzhonikidze, Artman, Megre, Borsyue, Grests, Lully, Debussy, Navoi, Modigliani, Gramshi, Golsuorussi, Shelly, Rustaveli, Chaborkiani , Gandhi, Jumsoyta, Necklı, Landdu, Amada, Show, Mainza, Nehru, Angesska, Camus, Kornin, etc.
In the multiple number of the surname of this type, according to the rules of nouns of the male genus: visited Herzers, in Vrubel, Gaidaev, wrote to blocks, Heminguy, etc. To decline such female surnames, it is advisable to contact the reference book of names and surnames.
There are also special rules for the decline of such surnames in some cases in the inclined form of the plural, in others - in the unlock form.
If the surname is accompanied by male and female name, then it retains the configuration of the only number, for example: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Paul and Esland Dobson, August and Carolina Phlegel, Richard Borge Max and Anna Krausen, Ariadne and Peter Tor; Also Seryozha and Valya Cruise, Nina and Stanislav Beetle;
The sole name is also pronounced the name, if it is accompanied by two nominal names with nouns, indicating different sex, for example: Mr. and Mrs. Reiner, Lord and Lady Hamilton; But with combinations, the husband and wife, brother and sister surname most often will be used in the form of a plural: husband and wife Estrema, brother and sister Nirigi;
With the word of the wife, the surname is put into the form of the only number, for example: spouses Kent, spouse Toronda, spouse noddak;
With the word sisters, the surname is usually put in the form of the only number: the sisters press, sisters doh;
With the word of the wife, the surname will have the form of the only number, for example: spouses Kent, spouse Torondayk, spouse noddak;
Upon the Word, the family name is usually represented in the form of a single number, for example: Oppenheim Family, a family of Hamali.
Surname as a family designation involves in the surname, the presence of a form of a plural: Somov, Cashkin, introduced. If the marriage takes one common surname, it is written in a plural: Dmitriev, Don, Mesh. Not standard surnames, except those names that have the form of adjectives, the official documentary forms of the multiple number have no. Therefore, they write: Maria Ivanovna and Nikolai Ivanovich Grapes, spouses neighbor, husband and wife Suzdal.
In combinations of Russian surnames with numerical names, such forms are used: two Petrov, both Petrov, two Petrov, both sisters of Petrov, two girlfriends Petrov; Two (both) Zhukovsky
It should be paid to pay attention to the fact that in conventional communication if the carrier is rare or difficult in the surname admits the wrong pronunciation of his last name, this is not considered a gross violation general rules Declination. But in filling out legal documents, publications of the media and artistic works, with uncertainty in proper declination, it is recommended to contact the reference books, otherwise it is possible to get into an unpleasant position, carrying a number of inconveniences, a loss of time for evidence of authenticity, belonging exactly that person about which was written in This document.

Russia is a multinational country, so there are many different names and surnames on the origin.

We have to sign notebooks, fill in documents, while we must put your last name in a certain case and not mistaken with the end. This is where difficulties are waiting for us. For example, how to say correctly: "Award Lyanka Elena or Lyanka Elena, Bavtruk Timura or Bathtruk Timura, Anton Sedoy or Anton Sedoya»?

Today we will try to deal with some moments of declining the names of foreign-speaking and Russian-speaking, male and female.

Start with the fact that most of the names of the original Russians in form similar to adjectives having suffixes -Sh-, -in-, -ov- (-Ev-): Hvorostovsky, Veselkin, Mikhalkov, Ivanov, Tsarev.They may have a shape and male and female genus, as well as consumed in a plural. At the same time, it rarely have difficulties with the declination of such surnames.

I. p. (Who? What?)Hvorostovsky, Khvorostovskaya, Khvorostovskiy.

R.p. (Who? What?) Hvorostovsky, Khvorostovskaya, Khvorostovsky.

D.p. (who? What?) Khvorostovsky, Khvorostovskaya, Khvorostovsky.

V.p. (Who? What?) Khvorostovsky, Khvorostovskaya, Khvorostovsky.

T. P. (Who? What?) Khvorostovsky, Khvorostovskaya, Khvorostovskiy.

P.p. (O Com? What about?)about Khvorostovsky, about Khvorostovskaya, about Khvorostovsky.

However, you need to be attentive with surnames ending on a consonant letter or soft sign.For example, Jackal, tavgen, box, great-grandfather.In this case, the declination will depend on facing the floor is the name of the name. If we are talking about a woman, then like the surnames are unclear, but men's surnames are leaning as nouns 2 declining husband. R. (type table, deer). This does not concern the names ending on - their (s). For example, go along with Shakaal Anna and Shakal Anton, talk about Tavgen Anastasia and about TAVGene Alexandrawalking S. Praded Darya and S. Pradeda Emelyan.

Some surnames like Child, Kravets, Zhuravelcan have variative declination Due to the fact that they are similar to nominal nouns. When declining nouns is observed loss vowel in the end of the word (Flight of Zhura. vLi, bathe nKa), when decorating the name, the vowels can be maintained to prevent distortion or comic surname sound (write Zhuravell,depesh Ot Child).

Do not inclined Male and women's surnames on (-Y). Talk about Diana grayyand obl Anton Sedoy, write Velimira Klychey and Antonine twisted.

All female and men's surnames ending in vowels except -butor -I, are multicipable. For example, Artman, Amada, Bossyue, Goethe, Golzouorsi, Gramshi, Gretri, Debussy, Jusaita, Dodé, Cami, Korni, Lully, Manza, Modigliani, Navoi, Rustaveli, Ordzhonikidze, Chabukyani, Enesca and many others.

This also includes surnames ending on -about, and the names of Ukrainian origin on --ko. For example, Hugo, Larancyfo, Leonkallo, Longfello, Picasso, Craft, Khitrovo, Shamisso, Makarenko, Korolenko, Gorbatko, Shephenko, Savchenko, Zhivago, Rustico, etc.

Declination of the surnames ending on -but, causes the greatest difficulties. Here must be taken into account several criteria: origin of the name, emphasis and letter, after which -but located. Let's try to simplify the picture.

Families are not inclined -butif there is a vowel before this letter (most often w.or and): Gulia, Moravia, Delacroix, Elea. This applies to the names georgian origin.

Families are not inclined -butfrench origin With an emphasis on the last syllable: Dega, Duma, Luca, Tom, Farm, Petipa and etc.

All other surnames on -but Tell in Russian. Bring Lyanka Elene, take u Shadravok Inna, read Petrarca, together with Kurosavoy, about Glinkafor Alexandra Mitty.

Similar situation with the declination of surnames with the ultimate -I: not inclined surnames french originwith an emphasis on the last syllable (Zola).All other surnames ending on -I, inclined. For example, persuade Ivan Heman and Elena Heart, Write O. Beria, film George Dannelia.

Thus, as you might notice, you need to know not so much and a lot of rules in order to properly decline your last name in Russian. We hope that now you will not allow mistakes by signing a notebook or filling the documents! But if you still have any doubts, contact. Our specialists will always try to help!

Good luck and beautiful, competent, rich Russian!

the site, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

The official Russian naming, as is known, consists of a name, patronymic and surname. The word surname is the only one of this triad - Latin origin: Familia is a family; Hereditary (generic) or married naming of man. The word came to our language at the beginning of the XVIII century thanks to Petrovsky, then traditional nicknames for Russian people, the nickname was gradually replaced by the names. Although they exist in our language for quite a long time, the declination of the names, both Russian and foreign language, causes certain difficulties from many of our readers. Let's try to figure it out in this difficult question.

Recall first that men's foreign names ending in consonants, inclined regardless of whether they are used separately or together with the surname, and women - no: " I came to Arthur (or by Conrad, or Henry) Videnmayer", but" I came to Edith (or Liz, or Vivien) Videnmayer".

As for the names, you need to remember the following:

    Foreign language and Russian surnames for consonants Tell themselves if they treat men, and do not inclined if they relate to women: " I came to Arthur Goldenberb", but" I came to March Goldenberg", "Met Ivan Ivanovich Wolf", but" Met Angelina Stepanovna Wolf".

    Russian surnames are not inclined, finishing ones, -Ih: Peter black for Ksenia gray and so on.

    Men's surnames on-school lean, female - no: " You are happy in the game, "I said to Vulich"(M. Lermontov);" They say about the paradox: she loved Amalia Riznich passionately, and he heard an indifferent about death. "Under the sky of the blue country, his native ..." Pushkin wrote to the death of Amalia Riznich"(V. Nepomnya).

    Surnames coinciding with nominal names or geographical names, eg: Nose, horn, catfish, mouse, chub, rag, boy and others - inclined if they treat men, and do not inclusion if women: roman Holma Wang Baunte, Profession Seeds Rusy, Notebook Mary Mol, Role of Oleg Daly, Essay Catherine Hamburg, Tutorial Olga Boy, Soul Elizabeth Sparrow etc. Pay attention That the male surnames coinciding with the noun feminine clause should be changed by the type of declining nouns of the male genus: work Valery MiceBut not Valery Mice.

Now O. men's and women's surnames ending to a vowel sound.

    Men's and women's surnames ending on -On, -Ako, agree, -: Durnovo, Plevako, Zhivago, Lubyago.

    Foreign surnames are not inclined, ending with the vow (in addition to ending on a bad one (s): Zola, Hugo, Show, Defo, Story, Kovalski, Kapuletsi, Megre, Quasimodo.

    The surnames on-andy (Elea, Gulia) are also inclined [But on-sibes - inclined (Garcia, Beria)] and Finnish surnames on -a (Kuousell).

    Not inclined in official speech Surnames on -ko, -o: Ivan Franco, Clara Gaucheko, Rusylo, Botaylo. Also unchangeable, regardless of speech styleare very rare surnames like Salo, soap, sieve, interpretation. However, in the conversational style and in the texts of the fiction, a change in surnames is permissible to -ko or -o on the case. Recall that Chekhov has a similar example in the story "Man in the case": " Appointed a new teacher of history and geography, a certain Kovalenka, from Khokhlov ... The first, solid acquaintance with Covalenikov, I remember, happened in the name of the director".

    From the names of hitting -And) only Slavic in origin are inclined: Grigory frying pan; Ivan Podprigor etc.; on the fabd Vowed sound -a (s) To date, linguists recommend to incline all anthroponyms (except formed from combinations of transition verb with noun in the vinegenial case Rock up, Prindrzea, MMNIBOK): proceedings Avicenna, poems of Neruda, Utopia Campanella, Gamalei Studies etc.

    The authors of the book "The grammatical correctness of the Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of options" is always recommended to always learn male surnames to -Ok, -ek, -et: Yury Kottenka, Alexandra Pochinka etc.

    A special case - Georgian and Japanese surnames: they are inclined, they are not inclined: Fukushima - Fukushima, but Chicobava - the work of Professor Chicobava, Eduard Shevardnadze - for Eduard Shevardnadze. However, recently there has been a tendency to decline these surnames. Georgian surnames, widely known in the Russian environment and familiar to our hearing, are consistently inclined: the poems of Okudzhava.

According to the authors of the dictionary "Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of options" Lyudmila Karlovna Greudina, Viktor Aleksandrovich Izkovich and Leah Pavlovna Katlinskaya, " for the name of the names of the surnames immutable should be a law on the absolute designability of the nominative case of the name from its indirect case".

Now you can draw conclusions. In case of difficulty in the decline of one or another anthroponym, try primarily to determine its origin and place of stress. Take advantage of our prompts. Inquisitive readers, we recommend also to contact "Russian personal names" A.N. Tikhonova, L.Z. BoyaInova and A.G. Ryzhkova (M., 1995) and "Directory on spelling, pronunciation, literary editing" D.E. Rosentyl, E.V. Djandjaikova and N.P. Kabanova (M.: Chero, 2001), where information on this issue is contained.

Surnames for consonant sound

The declination of the foreign language and Slavic surnames ending on the consonant sound (they end with a consonant letter, soft sign or j.) depends on the floor of the facial. If the surname refers to a man, then inclined as the nouns of the second declination of the male race. Women's names of this type are not inclined.

For example:

Anna Schmidt.

Peter Schmidt

Roman Zyuz

Ivan Gaidai.

Anna Schmidt

Peter Schmidt.

Roman Zyuzya

Ivan Gaiday

Anne Schmidt

Peter Schmidt.

Roman Zyuzu

Ivan Gaidai

Anna Schmidt

Peter Schmidt.

Roman Zyuzya

Ivan Gaiday

Anna Schmidt

Peter Schmidt

Roman Zyumba

Ivan Gaidam

(OB) Anne Schmidt

(o) Peter Schmidte

(o) Roman Zyuz

(OB) Ivan Haiday


1. The application of the rule requires the knowledge of the floor of the facial. The text or the title page of the publication does not always allow the language carrier to make such information, therefore, on the letter and in oral speech, it may be difficult when applying surnames for consonants may arise. For example, on the title page, the author of A. Shan, and in the annotation there is no full name information. The reader, who does not own reliable data, will not be able to make his speech correctly: "I read the novels A. Shadst (female surname) or A. Stepolog (male surname)."

2. "Dicky" surnames like Crest and AstrakhanOmonial to the nominal noun, geographical names, animal names and insects, often cause difficulties when declining. The names of this type can be divided into two groups:

a) Omonial nouns M.R. 2 SKL. ( bug, Goose, Belt et al.) Often in such cases retain the surname in the initial form: Ivan Zhuk., Help Dana Dmitry. Goose; If the surname is run by a quick vowel, then you can recommend it to keep it to avoid curious combinations, for example: citizen Belt, certificate issued a citizen Belt. (Compare: I have no belt), Ivan came Hare, Letter Ivan Zajac(Compare: approach the hare ) ;

b) Omonial nouns J.R. 3 SKL. ( Sadness, Love, Astrakhan, Corn, Church, Fall, Painet al.) It can be recommended not to incline for male people.

3. Surnames with a fluent vowel type Bachelor, Kobets. There is no definite answer in scientific and reference literature. Two options are possible:

option I.

option II.

Ivan Kobets

Ivan Kobets

Ivan Kobts.

Ivan Kobeza

Ivan Kobsu

Ivan Kobetsu

Ivan Kobts.

Ivan Kobeza

Ivan Kobets.

Ivan Kobets

(OB) Ivan Kobs

(OB) Ivan Kobech

It should also be noted that in indirect cases is possible homonym of the form names Kravts. and Kravts, Zikranetsand Zikranz.In this case, for the first, it is better to use an embodiment II.

4. It is necessary to distinguish between onemic Russians (as well as rubing) surnames and borrowed on -One and --in. For example: Peter Chaplin / Vera Chaplin and Charlie Chaplin / Helen Chaplin, Ivan Fleets / Marina Fleet and Hans Fleets / Helga Flotov. Such surnames differ in the end of the cleaner case. Russian surnames (as well as rubbing) in the cooling case of male genus have ending -: Peter. Chaphelina. "Non-Russian" surname in the valorial case of a male genus has an end - in:Charlie Chaplin. Women's similar names are not inclined at all: to come to Helen Chaplin, meet Helg Fleet. Compare: approach faith Chaphelina, meet Marina Flotov.

With the declination of the names of the type "Ivanov", "Dubinin" or "Ostrovsky" problems does not occur. But what about the names like such as "Kucher" or "Gogunava"?
Often they do not want to decline the owners themselves, arguing that the names allegedly are not subject to the rules. Still obey!

Here are the defense rules:

1. Families that end in the consonant (Reznik, Kulish, Thompson, Dumer)

Male surnames are committed to: the victory of Mikhail Botvinnik, the resignation of the Mushroom, the authority of Charles de Gaulle.

Women's surnames are not inclined: Tatiana God's filmography, songs of Anna Herman, Husband Adeli Strauss.

2. Families that end on [a]. (Calancha, Moska, Miyazava)

They tend about both men (famous Bogdan Morta, Roman Yukio Misima), and in women (Tatiana Schulgy's voice, a quarry of Lyubov Slices).

True, the slip itself will not agree with us, because its surname comes from the Polish adjective, but in this case the surname of the slips has long been blister.

Exceptions: French names like "Duma", "Delacroix", "Beno'a" are not inclined in any way.

3 . Abkhaz (Italian, Estonian and the like) surnames are inclined if the penultimate sound is consonant (Sobkilava - Sobkilava).

If the penultimate sound is vowel (Gamsakhurdia), then the surname does not inclined.

4. Snecessted foreign language names and surnames (RA, BA, etc.) are inclined.

5. Surname to other vowels: Dorenko, Dante, Kobeayasi, Rau, etc. are not inclined.

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