Fertile land loyalty. Harvest holiday on the area of \u200b\u200bRomanov

Fertile land loyalty. Harvest holiday on the area of \u200b\u200bRomanov

They play the thrones and lead army into battle, swear kings or declare themselves, swear in loyalty and betrayed, an incredible courage and nobility, or amazed with meanness and treachery. They are Lords Westeros, a magnificent world created by George Martin.

Great houses are the highest to know the continent of Westeros, where the main part of the events of the "Songs of Ice and Flame" George Martin takes place. It is not even families, but entire clans that depended, depend on and, most likely, the whole life of seven kingdoms will depend. Each of the houses has a rich and unusual history, as well as distinctive features that carefully worked in an inimitable Martin. Briefly tell about each of them.

There were two social classes in this system: feudalists, owners of power, money and servants who served nobility. The king was the main figure of each hostility. It was from him that orders were separated, as well as the distribution of money. Princes and princesses were the sons of kings and queens, and they were already born with a mission to take the throne in the event of the death of the king, even if it happened when they were still children.

The knights were also characters who actually existed at this time. These were the sons of the nobles who studied at an early stage. Still young, they learned how to use their weapons and ride. After long workouts, when they showed courage and nobility, they were appointed by the King knights. Its function was to protect the king and the protection of the castle from the attack of enemies. They participated in wars using shield swords and long spears.

Some of the houses were previously the royal dynasties, but their representatives lost to the conquerors of Targarians, and to avoid death, they sworn frankness to loyalty. From Targarey and let's start, because it is the seven kingdoms that they are obliged to be their birth: they united all the states of Westeros into a single integer.

Flame and blood

Targarynev comes from ancient valor, their ancestors survived with the death of the Great State and made their stronghold a small island off the coast of Westeros - dragon stone. It is said that the blood of dragons flows in the veins of Targarians. True, this or a beautiful legend, of course, is unknown, but it is undoubtedly what the dragons are obliged to target with their authorities over the family kingdoms.

Large and thick walls were built around the castle to make all kinds of invasion as difficult as possible. The knights constantly observed in strategic points along the walls to see if there is a danger in sight. Around the castle were large squares, where the servants built their homes, processed and treated land, but little they produced for them, as they had to give most of the king. Women were engaged in home activity and streamed sheep wool to sell merchants who did clothing with them.

There was no possibility of social ascent, because the nobility used all the means to ensure the maintenance of power and social status. Fun, especially servant, was to watch the songs that were executed by artists who sang and read poetry. For children, a puppet game was the most popular.

With a small and not particularly well-armed army, two sisters and three dragons, Eiyekon Targaryan, the conqueror went war against all the ruler of Westeros. The dragons turned out to be a crucial force, providing the owners victory. For many years, power over the continent passed to Targarians.

Eihegon married his sisters, and this tradition, who came with their Praodina Valiria, was often respected in their family. It was believed that thereby they retain blood purity. In part, it was true: most Targarians were distinguished by an extraordinary beauty, and in addition, the healing led to the fact that among them there were both great people and real madness. Rather, either one or others - no "golden middle".

Knights, princesses and famous princes. In books, films and drawings, many stories based on the legends of the knights, princes and princesses, who really "entered the story", and here are the advice for films and books for you. One of the best things for a child who makes a cultural tour of the city is to learn how to determine and recognize cultural facilities, historical monuments and stories that are hiding there. From this point of view, your applications seem to do not think about staying on the front screen, but to physically visit sites that are reproduced and, thus, cause cultural interest.

The dynasty sunset began with the death of the last dragons. True, Targarians managed to stay in power almost a half hundred years. The king of Aeris II was a madman, which made several lords raise an uprising against him, which turned out to be successful. The king himself, his eldest son and grandson were killed, and only two Targarians managed to escape.

They were born to tell children about the treasures surrounding them simple, but not trivially to encourage them to look outside the screen, outside the tablet, ask questions, observe, critically reflect. The eyes and attention of children pass from the screen to reality in a continuous reference, thanks to games and animations that are not overlooked the content, illustrations opening for imagination, written and written texts that hug curiosity and interest. Your audience is children junior schoolchildren Or younger, which means that you are definitely playing a crucial role for parents in their approach to applications and technologies. We believe that your great tool also give more time to relationship between parents and children: what do you think. Today we are talking about children and numbers.

One of them - Veris - turned out to be a vain and weak man and was killed later. And at the moment, only his sister Daeneeris does not give a proud tie of the genus - the Red Trot down dragon - the fall finally. She managed incredible - to return to the world of Westeros Dragons, and now it has a powerful army, which significantly increases its chances in the war for the return of the throne.

There are lively discussions about whether the rules must determine the time and ways to use by children and children of tablets and smartphones. According to us, one of best ways The use of digital content with children is a game with them. Choose an interesting content together, respond to their questions and their incentives. Do not leave them alone in front of the tablet, as it is nanny, because it is not. Our applications are a safe place, because without advertising, without social links or third parties, but they are still intended for sharing by children and adults.

We are fury

Barateon House is the youngest of all the great houses. As it is believed, this genus is derived from the side branch of Targarey. During his conquest Eyegeon Targaryen, attaching the king of the storm, presents the ownership of the defeated Lord to his relative. So baratons became the lords of the storm limit. Black-haired, strong and most of their cheerful barathels for a long time remained faithful to Targarians, which were obliged to many and with whom they were associated with relatives. But with Eeeris II, everything changed.

What do you think, what are the strengths of the narration directed on the youngest?

If adults and children come together with the applications to discover the cities and monuments, museums and castles, we feel more than satisfied! The next issue, which goes in June is another adventure that the children will withdraw. Our first two applications have a similar possibility: the characters of the era and the elements of the buildings are enlivened and discussed in the first person. It really loves children who learn, not aware of this. Each new application is a new adventure and every time we are trying to improve and develop our approach.

Stannis, Last Barateon

Senior from Barateon, Robert, hated the genus Targarey. The reason for hate was walking primarily in a woman, his sister his nearest friend, whom he did not share with the heir of the throne, Rieghar. Robert became one of the leaders of the uprising, and after the victory, he climbed the throne, thereby taking advantage of the semi-more relative relationship with Eihegon's conqueror.

But keep a few sticks: all applications are illustrated differently than young illustrators, the content is as careful and strict as possible, games are not intrusive and never suppressed content. Thanks to the game, children build their own worldview and raise their taste, so we try to offer their beautiful images, exciting stories and a non-trivial language.

On your site you are reading "animations and games without ratings and stress." What do you think about competitiveness as a stimulating factor for training? An attempt to make our applications more and more exciting is part of the continuous improvement process to which we strive. Such beautiful and less beautiful video games are full of shops, and what we would like to offer children is also another way to use a tablet, slow and less crazy and intrusive, where there is time for reflection and play slowly in an excellent world.

Not bad, in general, a person, he turned out to be a nickdy ruler and too much depended on the environment, primarily from the powerful family of his wife - Lannister. Lannister and set up the death of Robert - he was killed by Kaban during the hunt, - after which their influence on the throne and heirs (by the way, the children were not the latter) was almost limitless.

Did you land between school benches with your applications? An interesting point would be to use it for teachers before, after or during school trips. Our applications are successfully used in many children's schools and elementary schools.

Bend straps! It was the first time you could explore the world, conveniently sitting at home. This format was quite successful success in Italy in the late 1990s, along with television products, such as Albert Barillus, common in Italy Deagostini. To what extent do we find you with interactive training products?

Two younger brothers Robert, Stanis and Renley, immediately declared their claims on the throne and tried to reinforce their weapons. But the brothers clung to each other, which in the end led to the death of Renley and the defeat of the troops of Stannis. The latter, at the time of the end of the "swords of swords," is the only alive man from the kind of baratonov. He continues to fight for the crown of Westeros, but goes along the blade of the knife and at any instant risks the fall of the victim of not ambition even, and the reckless faith in his right.

Do you think that such a product can spread to such products? The mechanism is so simple that we are faced with a huge range of products, and often it is difficult - and here we are talking about parents and consumers, and not about developers - to distinguish what it is worth downloading and what is not. In this world of applications, "hyperpopulations" and very competitive, it is very important for us that educational products always contain content and content.

The Sardinian Territory has natural features that make it an ideal script for video game development. According to them, there was a passion for the expansion of the natural and cultural aspects of Sardinia. In fact, there are some unpolluted landscapes on the island, as well as ancient archaeological monuments. However, in our work we are trying to look at the horizon, because sometimes the closure may be limit: we want to tell our land to others, and not just sardinians.

Hear my Ryv.

Lannister, no doubt, the richest genus of all the great homes. The blonde handsome hands ruling by Western lands and beaver clutches, according to legends, occur from Lanna smart, one of the greatest legendary heroes of Westeros.

That is why our video games, although they often want to play in place, actually turn into a wider audience and translated into Italian and English. Therefore, in addition to the etymology, there is no isolation. Rather, the island becomes an intersection of meetings, starting point to the street. They carry riddles: wrinkle eyes on cryptology to activate this printing on the territory you have to look around and find the key to secrecy. As evidence of the importance of culture and art for the work, Andrea reminds us with an example: on Sardinia we had a rather famous sculptor, Pinakkio Sayola, who died in he understood, big sound stones, cut them with their tools to create ledges once they sounded.

Lannister's blooming must first of all the hectares of Lord Tywin, who carefully and confidently kept his race in the steps of power. Tywin joined the uprising against Eigeon and as a result he became the test of the new king. And the eldest son Tywin, Jame, who served in the guard of Eijekon, killed the old king, for which he received a contemptant nickname "Tsaryubyza". In addition, Jame was a lover of his sister Sernei, who married Robert Baraton (all her children, allegedly being the heirs of the throne, truly from Jame). Tywin has a third, unloved child - a cunning dwarf Tyrion.

These sound stones made them active due to increased reality and touched them on the screen. The user should look around, interact with the landscape, look for ideas offered by the territory. Therefore, the opera is designed to play in place and offers a tour of the medieval city of Cagliari. What is striking is the work done from a narrative point of view: "We have created a very complex biblical history to achieve this result, the narrative universe, from which we can draw so long."

After the death of King Robert Lannisters capture power in seven kingdoms. And, despite the fact that with rivals, you have to fight for several fronts, this power is held. Thanks to the gold, strong army and unexpected tricks. True, not without loss: Jame becomes crippled and begins to change, Tyrion declared a criminal and runs from the state, before that killing his father, even before that, the senior heir dies, obviously someone poisoned.

Multimedia platform, such as observed in several European museums. This is a form of learning that helps and supports the educational proposal of the museum. We can also provide this type of service on behalf of third parties, which makes our competencies available.

We are working on the development of virtual contexts that can be used with typical video game technologies. Since then, the basis of many of our works, of course, there is a variety of Sardinian territory studied with passion for a long time and widely: we live on an island with intensity, we travel to it wide, from the coast to the mountains, to find inspiration and make sets to work which we do. At the naturalistic level, the Sardinian territory is virgin or almost; Some places would be completely inaccessible if there were no on-board funds: for example, we think about some areas of Supramont, where there are really amazing views.

So, despite the victories, the future of Lannister seems far from cloudless. After all, Jame is not a politician, and Sersa, with all his tricks and cunning, is not too smart. And Kivan, Brother Tywin, while remains a large extent to the "dark horse".

Winter Is Coming

The first great house, with whom the reader gets acquainted, taking into the hands of the Game of Thrones, is starks. The unchanged Lords of the North, the generation of which was not interrupted for thousands of years, since their legendary ancestor, the Builder's brandon erect the wall that defended the seven kingdoms from other.

Think about creating a video game in such a scenario. However, the institutional front still has much to do: it is not easy to treat institutions, because often there is a big gap in knowledge of the technologies that we use. There is a world that is alive and develops faster, and in Italy they do not consider it, as it should: in the museums of Europe, so as not to enter too far, new technologies have become important for improving the implementation of collections. Make them more attractive. Sardinia is still largely not investigated in its natural features, and its archaeological and cultural heritage remains unknown to the public.

During the conquest of Westeros Eijekon, the then ruler of the North Torrhen Stark showed prudency and, instead of fighting Targaryne, squeal to loyalty. If we were talking about another house, this act could consider cowardice, but not as storks. They are cold as the lands that they rule are hard, like the walls of their generic castle of Winterfella, and are dangerous as Lutovolki, who are mounted on their banners.

How does your cooperation with the Air Force grow and how did it develop?

Interview Daniele Barresi. We created a video game and submitted the first document to the main state, and then the communications manager Air force. They answered very quickly, and as soon as we found the right person, the cooperation was pretty simple: they were very interested, and from there we began the project together. We were already experienced in flight simulators, but it was the first time we were engaged in such an institution. Therefore, we first did not know what approach to accept, and the real contribution was to believe in the ability to do something innovative.

Among the other great houses, Stark were always partly strangers. Perhaps because of its coldness, possibly due to the ancient times, perhaps, due to the fact that they are the only worship of the old gods. Or maybe it's all about the amazing loyalty of starks, which, obviously, was unpleasant the rest. However, this loyalty came the end: when Robert from the house of barathemon raised the uprising, Eddard Stark supported the old friend. Many years later, he became the first adviser at the new king; As a person, honest and bold, showed himself as a short-sized politician and was killed by Lanniser after his king.

Pay for the mistakes of the father had to his children. Senior, Robb, took over the unbearable burden of power and, being proclaimed by the King of the North, began the war with southern Lords. Two of his younger brothers had to flee from the devastated Winterfella. One of the sisters, Arya, in an incomplete ten years turned out to be alone with all the horrors of the country's arms of the country, and the eldest, Sansa, became a pawn in political games. It is worth noting that each of the children Eddard had her Lutovolk, a semi-per-end creature, different from the ordinary wolf to the same extent as the wolf differs from the dog. The relationship of starks with letovolki explicitly indicates an outstanding (probably magical) potential of children to whom still have to be manifested in the future.

Starks are perhaps the most involved in the plot of the house. Each of them can be called central and, probably positive (as far as this word can be used to Martin's heroes) a cycle character. Loyalty, honor, straight, courage is their strength, for it you can love and respect them. But it is these qualities of them and lie. At the end of the "swords of the swords", the only adult offspring of male starks remains the illegitimate son Eddard John Snow, and the lands of starks or looted, or in the hands of strangers.

High as honored

One of the most ancient clans who remained on the expanses of seven kingdoms is Arrena, the eternal Keepers of the East. Before the arrival of Targaren, Arrena were kings of the mountain and the valley, subsequently these land remained behind them, but already as a lanyland.

During the dynasty of the Targarians dynasty, the mad king of Aeris II demanded from Mighty Lord John Arrena to issue his pupils, Eddard Stark and Robert Baraton. The answer to him was raised by the Luna and Sokol on him and the beginning of the uprising, which led to the end of the dynasty. After the victory, John became a handicraft, that is, the first adviser to the new king. And he married Lisa Talley, whose sister's husband, Catylin, became Eddard.

After the death of her husband, Lisa fled from the capital and got out with his little, painful and spoiled son in the genital castle of Arrenes. This fortress, referred to as the eagle's nest, is considered to be the most impregnable in all seven kingdoms. Most of the war of war between other houses passed Lisa and her little son. They themselves chose to pretend that their hut with the edge. Yes, and could hardly be a thing of people. However, such a "policy of non-interference" had the opposite direction: Little Robert Arren has undermined under the influence of insignificant in origin, but the inaccier Lord Petira Baelis. And hopes for the fact that the once-a great house will be able to rise again, less and less.

Uncomplicable Arrene Citadel - Eagle Nest

Family, debt, honor

Talley, although they differ in considerable wealth, have never been, unlike most other great homes, kings. Their fertile lands are located on the border of the Southern and Northern regions of seven kingdoms, and the castle of Riverran at the crosshair of three great rivers, called the trident, allows Talliel to control the lion's share of trade.

Talley received power over river lands thanks to Eijegon, since the first of the river lords joined him. Their motto is not just a set of loud words: it is these concepts that are always true to Talley, and such loyalty is rare among the highest nobility.

After the fall of the Targarein Dynasty, the Huster Talley has so much with his comrades, giving them (Eddard and John) to their daughters. Rodality from Talley turned out to be very big luck for Robob Stark, when he declared himself as the King of the North and entered into a war with Lannernis. It was on the river lands that most of the fighting was walking, it was thanks to the promotion of their parents of Talli and their vassals, the chances of Robb to win were high.

The betrayal changed the balance of strength. Now the son of the Hoster's Lord, Edmar, captive, and the army is scattered. But this does not mean that Talley is defeated finally. The most experienced and dangerous of them is Sir Brinden, Hoster's brother on nicknamed black fish, still controls Riveran. Let it be surrounded by enemies from all sides, but, while Brinden is alive, it does not mean defeats.

Growing - growing

Others may be richer, cunning, brave, more correct or insidious, but no one comes with Tirellas in the number of subjects. And what could be more important in wartime? Tirellov land is perhaps the most grace edge of all seven kingdoms. Here fertile landHere it is warm, but, unlike more southern lands, there is a place and coolness, and these lands are under the Lena of the Mighty Family.

Once, before the coming of Targarenov, Tirelles were ordinary nobles, even though their genus, which was rooted in the era of heroes, was distinguished by antiquity. But the previous Master of Vladyka died in the fire of the dragon, and his steward, the ancestor of the current Tirelles, passed the Castle to the conqueror. For his act, he received a high title, and his family entered the circle of great houses. Over the years, Tirelles have supported the hostility with their southern neighbor, Dorn, also part of the seven kingdoms.

Never former kings, Tirelles are ambiguous and thirst for power. But the current head of the house, Mais Tirell, never ventured his own game. Despite its indisputable power, he supported other applicants for the role of the Supreme Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. The conclusion of the unions led to the fact that his daughter, Margery, had already buried his grooms twice. I wonder if there will be the third?

There are two representatives of Tirellov, which can be called significant figures in the confrontation of houses. Larats, young and too hot knight, until he can be considered a noticeable politician, but all the deposits become such with him. But his grandmother Lady Olenna, no wonder the name of the queen of spikes, despite the seemingly unassuming, perhaps is one of the most dangerous participants in the struggle for power.

Unbendable, unreleased, intimidating

Maretella. Eternal opponents of Tirelles. The rulers who call themselves do not kings, but princes - the princes of the southern of seven kingdoms, Dorna. They exist sufficiently isolated from all their northern neighbors, which allowed them to preserve their traditions, customs and special southern flavor in almost the priority form. The main difference of Dorn from other kingdoms, no doubt, is that only him could not conquer Eihegon. Accession took place only after many years - and not rightfully, but thanks to the political agreement and marriage.

Elia, the sister of the current Lord from the genus of Martellov Doragan, was the wife of the heir to Targarey. Lannister people killed her brutally. Brother Prince, Obserin Red Snake, avenged the killer sister and he himself broke up with life. With the exception of these two deaths, the war, broke out after the death of Robert Baraton, was practically not touched upon Dorn. It is logical to assume that Maretella will eventually come into confrontation with Lannnishers, but a careman is careful, and an open war is not foreseen.

We do not eat!

The last of the great houses, no less separate than Maretella, is Grayjoev's house. Their genus is rooted in the depths of centuries as far as Stark, and the same time lasted a feud of two houses.

Grajoi and their subjects long ago deliced \u200b\u200bon the fruitless iron islands and were forced to do piracy. However, "forced" - hardly the right word: the robbery came to taste, and now they no longer think of their lives without him, despising all other classes.

The aggressive policy of the inhabitants of the Iron Islands ended with the arrival of Targarey. But it was worth the lords of the dragons to fall, as grazing took up the old one. Having barely won in the uprising, Robert Barateon and Eddard Stark collided with the Mary of Greyjev. And when a new confusion began in the seven kingdoms, Grazi simply could not stay aside. Again, speaking yourself for themselves, they strive to snatch everything that lies badly.

Theon Griad - a treacherous bombard of a treacherous family

On the Iron Islands nothing but power does not matter. Their population is more likely several pirate gangs than an organized state. And it is impossible to vouch that soon in the fight for power they do not drive into the throat of each other. However, from this gradi does not become less dangerous for the rest, because their cruelty is in the blood.

* * *

The amazing attractiveness of the noble houses created by the imagination of Martin, sometimes makes you think, and did Lannister or Targarynen existed in reality? Even if the world of Martin's books from magical intrigue, the opposition between great houses would challenge the readers to the cycle. Great houses, no doubt, one of the main raisins of the "Songs of Ice and Flame".

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Fertile soil - good stuff For landscaping and gardening. Unfavorable agricultural crops of the soil absolutely any plot can be made fertile if

use the mixtures created on the basis of fertile soil with the addition of sand and peat. Mixtures are usually prepared in different proportions. This is determined on the basis of what they are intended for. For example, for the manufacture of fertile soil for lawns, the transitional or nyline peat is mixed with sand in the proportion of 7: 3.

earth with sprout on white background in places where well-drained soil is required with a light mechanical composition, namely: to break out flowes, lawns, planting trees and shrubs. What land is usually called fertile? Fertile soil is the one in which there is life. Fertile soil makes billions of soil bacteria, fungi, worms and other living microorganisms.

Scientists considered that a layer of soil at 30 cm per square meter has about 3 kg of such residents. For the season, they eat up to 10 kg of organic remains of plants, and if this condition suddenly disrupts, the soil is destroyed, it becomes simply an inert material. As already stumbled above, fertile land is a wonderful material for landscaping lawns. The grass grown on the plot using such fertile soil will delight you until late autumn.

Earth can be used as a fertile soil with arable land, the top layer of fertile soil or, for example, "Forest Earth". Such types of fertile soil are used either in its pure form, or in a mixture with other components - by humus, peat, manure. The use of such land and for the production of soils, the arrangement of the lower levels of lawns, lifting the level of the plots, etc.

the earth into the dokens for growing plants is made up of low peat and environmentally friendly soils taken in equal shares. Ordinary vegetable soil is pretty poor in humus and nutrients. Enriched with nutritional supplements, it turns into more fertile soil. The mechanical composition and structure of such fertile soil will be the best for growing plants, and quite significant content of phosphorus and potassium will provide rapid growth and proper development plants. It can be used to plant any species of plants and garden crops, to level the surface of planting and landscaping, for the repair of lawns, etc.

All land can be made fertile, if you follow these rules:

1. To bring organic residues into the soil by mulching, composting, creating a "warm" beds, sow siters.

2. Loose the soil for no more than 5 cm.

3. Do not destroy the replenishment or plowing the natural structure of the Earth.

Now for most people, fertile soil is utopia. A purely consumer approach to growing plants destroys the fertile layer of soil. Most agronomists think that fertile soil is the land of a certain chemical composition. Such a representation is not true, and it is it that leads to the destruction of the soil. Do not believe? Read on.

Everyone knows that the fertile layer of the soil is relatively small, and is on the surface of the earth. If you dig in the ground a two-meter pit, then we can see the naked eye that there is no fertile soil on her day, although it is assumed that the soil fertility is determined by her chemical composition, then at such a depth, it should be more fertile on the contrary, because Plants do not get here.

It is also known that for the normal development of plants of the soil in which they grow should be loose. Here, the agronomists started not back and said that for this you need to regularly retER. Pumping the soil, we first make land from it, then sand and finally dust. And then all these breathe.

Another error is how we land the plants. Different plants consume and produce different trace elements. If various plants grow in bed in bed, they work on each other and practically do not require care. And if the entire beds are filled with plants of one species, they begin to fight among themselves for a place under the sun. As a result, we obtain sick plants from the lack of trace elements. We are trying to cure their chemistry, again, on the advice of agronomists, and enter into a vicious circle.

So, we all go to beat agronomes for giving us false information? You can certainly go, but the problems will not solve it. A more reasonable effect - to figure out how the soil fertility is determined. It is worth it - if we manage to copy the behavior of nature - now only it makes the soil fertile, it will no longer need to bend the back in the garden - everything will grow everything. Mustache? Go ahead.

Fertile soil is a living organism, and not just a set of chemical elements. The fact that it contains many trace elements is the side effect of her "ghivizna". In order to increase the soil fertility, it is necessary to increase its "ghivizna", and in living soil the necessary trace elements come themselves. Will not believe? There is no mysticism here, and there are only accurate laws of nature.

First, fertile soil is not the earth. Earth is an integral part of it, but it is only a framework on which the fertile layer is formed.

First, we'll figure it out how to make the soil loose. It's easy - you need to plant annual plants in it several times in a row with long roots. When their long roots are dismissed, there will be moves, due to which the soil will be loose.

Now we'll figure it out where to take the trace elements that are needed by plants. There are no problems here too - you just need to leave the beds bare under the scorching rays of the sun. Partially putting the weeds, and partially leave, and the execution of weeds to throw here on the bed. Plus, planting plants in each other, and not separate beds.

That's all, on the plants and the execution of weeds will share microelements among themselves. The last problem is where to take water. You will probably be surprised, but there are no problems here either. You just need to make the shoots of our plants with a fifteenisantimeter layer of straw, foliage or needles.

This layer is called mulch. Most people who enjoy mulk think that she only keeps moisture. In fact, she also produces moisture. At the top and bottom of the mulch, the air temperature is different, due to this difference on the mulch drops, so necessary for plants.

Rosa falls not only in mulch, but also in the goals that left the roots of old plants, i.e. Annual plants with long roots carry dual benefits.

That's all the soil fertility technique. As you can see, nothing complicated here. Fertile soil is so easy that it is very difficult to believe in this simplicity, so we are still looking for a magical fertilizer, which will make our soil fertile. But the truth is that there is no such fertilizer and can not be.


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