Tom Cruise teeth before and after. Tom Cruise: Teeth before and after restoration

Tom Cruise teeth before and after. Tom Cruise: Teeth before and after restoration

Page description: Tom Cruise before and after teeth from professionals for people.

The genius of Tom Cruise as an actor cannot be challenged. It is not surprising that he is included in the rating of America's most popular people. But his current glory could hardly have been possible, he will save his teeth in its original form. Take a look at the photo of the stars before and after and amazed to change.

In order to get into Hollywood, the Croy had to work well over his smile. And there was something to work with.

In childhood and youth, the future star had big problems that did not leave him the chance of becoming the main sex symbol of the country.

The result exceeded all expectations. Teeth of Tom Cruise before and after restoration it is impossible to know. For this, he followed all the innovations in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Whitening, crowns, veneers, implants, braces - famous actor Used almost all procedures.

Already being popular, Cruise put on braces. After all, except for the installation of implants and whitening, he needed to move all his teeth. However, today you can see that they are not as well as everyone. For example, the right front tooth of Tom is in the center of the face.

Comparing a smile to change and today, it is safe to say that the efforts were not in vain.

Now the favorite women are not shy to smile in front of the cameras of journalists in all 32 teeth.

Plastic operations can help transform appearance as in best sideand play against a person. The actor's face is his bread, so everyone has to carefully follow themselves. Practical all stars resort to one or another cosmetic procedures. Tom Cruise, long ago, famous for his youthful appearance, was also seen in circulation to plastic surgeons. His last appearance on the red carpet caused many questions and bewilderment.

Plastic Tom Cruise

The actor for a decade appears in the image of a super hero. Always muscular, rolled, with an ideal press, young and alive. Cruise appearance, on the one hand, peculiar, on the other - a pleasant and attractive female attention.

All my life, the actor is fighting with himself. It is known that in the youth Tom suffered from dyslexia (a kind of problem with reading and writing). He had to be pretty working on himself. So he is not used to surrender and put up with flaws. But age apparently takes his own. In the last film, the Cruz did not like himself, there are already age-related changes - the second chin, bags under the eyes, wrinkles.

Such a state of affairs actor, accustomed to look at all time, has not arranged. Obviously, therefore, at the premium at the BAFTA Film Festival, he appeared with explicit signs Plastic interventions.

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Even the leading ceremony Stephen Fry could not resist from caustic jokes towards the actor. Tom Cruise was supposed to give a reward in the nomination "Best Movie". But the solemn moment went to the second plan of importance. All immediately began to guess what happened to his face. Also, many spectators and fans in social networks sarcastically suggested that he was bitten by the swarm of bees.

what a nature gave, simply not enough, and have to resort to surgical methods. In this list you will see the wonderful conventions of the teeth, which these 10 stars decided!

10. Morgan Freman

The teeth of Morgan Fremen are now so far that they have their own page of fans in Facebook! And in general - is God not need to have the best teeth on earth?

9. George Clooney.

Cleani's career entered the heyard phase after the role in the series "Ambulance". As a simple actor, Clooney TV series could still afford to afford ideal teeth, but the position of the mega-sex symbol obliges!

8. Lindsay Lohan

Previously, Lindsay suffered from spots on the teeth associated with the use of alcohol, smoking and God knows what other features of the lifestyle of this "bad girl". When her teeth began to remind the teeth of Gulum - she decided to restore, but she constantly breaks his new teeth.

7. Nicholas Cage

Honestly, for the first time Nicholas Cage resorted to the restoration of the teeth back in 1984, when the world was completely different. Then another American was impossible to distinguish from the British only on a smile, the world was easier, and we all are a bit ugly. However, time goes, and we change with its move: Nicholas have perfect teeth today.

6. Celine Dion.

Yes, on the left photo of Celine Dion, first of all, attention is attracted to its insane hairstyle and no less insane facial expression, but try to concentrate on the changes that have occurred with her teeth. She went to correct the bite, and then to the restoration; When the whole world looks like you go - this is a reasonable investment!

5. Miley Cyrus

It is rather strange: even with corrected teeth on the first photo of Miley looks better. However, we recognize that she needed many manipulations so that her teeth became more beautiful, including the wearing braces.

4. Zac Efron

Part of the charm Zack was that we could easily imagine that this guy is studying in a parallel class - and the gap between the front teeth only made it more "earth". Now his teeth are perfect, and Zak seemed a little further from the viewer.

3. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett fixed his teeth in the traditional way - wearing brackets. This manipulation served her good service: Now that it is so often included in the lists of the sexiest women of the planet, it has to smile a lot for photos.

2. Victoria Beckham.

Victoria was lucky to be born with straight teeth, and she did not need to correct the direction of their growth during a career in Spice Girls. However, over time, she began to resort to teeth whitening. You do not find that her smile shines too much?

1. Tom Cruise

Yes, perhaps, Tom Cruise would like the left photo forever disappeared from the face of the earth ... and nevertheless it is better confirmation of these wonders, which can create the restoration of the teeth. She brought the glory of the sex symbol to that circle!

As a measure of psychological rehabilitation after parting with a colleague on the "House-2" show, Anton Gusev, Evgenia Feofilaktova went not to a haircut for a new haircut, and ... to the dentist. Apparently, the girl seriously believed that new teeth would help her to meet new love. And to "Love spell" turned out to be more accurate, Zhenya and teeth decided to make the beat. Probably, the radiance would notice the shine from afar and did not miss.

Victoria Romanets.

Victoria Romanets is the most insidious delibement that Anton Guseva led the Evgeny Feofilaktova. Teeth have a girl, can be said gold. Somehow, on the air "House-2", Romanets stated that he set himself a veneer in one of the best Moscow clinics, paying no millions of rubles for them. True, here is not enough, after some time after recognition, the girl in his social networks began to advertise the teeth whitening system. "You already decide that you have veneers or whitening," subscribers have fun.

Maria Gorban.

Unlike many of his colleagues, the star of the "Kitchen" series Maria Gorban openly admits that he made plastic. She corrected her chest and lips, pulled the cheekbones, and also tried to bring a smile to perfection. True, all the concept of perfection is different. So Mary succeeded that the teeth were white snow - the ideal of beauty, while the fans see the full mouth of the faience and are not afraid to say it. But the career went uphill. "Previously, they gave the roles of scored dugushk, now - bright beauties," the actress rejoices.

Christina Sysoeva

The secular lioness Christina Sysoeva for the sake of beauty is ready for everything! For the sake of Hollywood smile, the girl first sacrificed all the "eights", and then installed snow-white veneers. Usually, the color of the veneers is chosen in such a way that they look natural. To do this, focus on the eye proteins: the teeth should not be much whiter. But Christine spit on the rules, so her teeth are shining white snow.

Victoria Bonya

Victoria Bonya really relates to his appearance. She even decided to install braces, to the word, lingules (that is, internal). And after treatment, I decided to whiten my teeth from a professional. "The shock itself, which are white," said Bonia after the procedure. But here's the problem: finding the same snow-white material for the seal turned out to be quite difficult. The stars's dentist had to run and play, so that Victoria left him, completely satisfied with the aesthetics of his smile.

Maria Pogrebnyak

The appearance of Maria Pogrebnyak was subjected to such a number of transformations, which is not counting. So about the naturalness of the teeth of the wife of the famous football player speech, of course, does not go. In their flat-shaped form and flat, the smiling color can be assumed that these are veneers. In fact, the veneers can be made so that they are invisible to the outside observer. But Maria, apparently, seeks to a certain high ideal, understandable only by one, so the veneers chose the brightest.

Shura (Alexander Medvedev)

Probably one of the most booty singers of modern - well, or almost modern - pops in popularity is largely obliged to their teeth. More precisely, their absence. For a long time, Shura was not going to "repair" the front teeth, because it was part of his image. But everything changes, and here the famous showman still inserted implants. Continuing shocking fans, he chose the most white color Crowns, the neighboring teeth whiten as possible, and so that they do not stand out against the background of the sweatpad pupils - the whitening drops drip.

Prokhor Shalyapin

What is general at Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Cameron Diaz, Madonna and ... Prokhor Shalyapin? According to the singer, a Hollywood smile, which, as he confident, "makes themselves all the respected stars." And indeed, that here is this - to remove a million rubles from the general family account and go to the dental clinic for Lorminirs. Wife would have to be upset from such behavior, oh, man, but it was not there. Successful entrepreneur Larisa Shalyapin (Copenkina), on the contrary, decided to supplement the "ideal" smile of Prokhor inlaid diamond. Unfortunately, neither Liminir nor a diamond could save this unequal marriage. But the teeth continue to delight Prokhor so far.

In Beckham, Nicole Kidman, Scarlett Johansson - reveal the secrets of Hollywood smiles with the Seline clinic dentist.

Little Ksenia Vladimirovna

SELINE clinic dentist

Victoria Beckham

The bite of Victoria Beckham remained the same, but the form of some teeth changed - ceramic veneers are delivered. It is noticeable that the teeth became unnaturally white - the result of bleaching.

Nicole Kidman

I think it did not cost without orthodontic treatment. There are veneers in the frontal department. Perhaps, ceramic crowns are placed on the side of the teeth.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson, most likely, corrected the bite from Orthodontics. Teeth are bleached, perhaps there are ceramic veneers - the shape of the teeth changed not much.

Krissy Taygen.

Chrissy Teygen has perfectly smooth white teeth - I think this is ceramic veneers.

Demmy Moor

Demi Moore has no recovery of a smile without ceramic crowns.

Gwen Stephanie

Already in the photo it can be seen that Gwen Stephanie passed an orthodontic treatment. In addition to correcting the bite, there are ceramic veneers and bleaching.

Cheryl Cole

The bite changed - there was an orthodontic treatment. It can be seen that some teeth are ceramic crowns or veneers.

Lindsey Lohan

A slightly changed the shape of the teeth, the color is changed - most likely, ceramic veneers are supplied on several teeth, bleaching.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones from nature is a beautiful smile. The actress made whitening and put ceramic crowns on the side teeth.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus has been treated with orthodontist. Then - the total recovery of smiles by ceramic veneers and ceramic crowns.

5 facts about a Hollywood smile:

1. Previously, instead of Vinirov, the Hollywood stars adopted fine porcelain plates on the teeth - only for the time of filming. This was engaged in make-up artists.

2. Viniirs are similar to thin petals - they form the facade on the front surface of the tooth to align a smile.

3. Crowns are prostheses. They return the functionality of individual teeth - both forward and chewing (at large chips, cracks, dental intervals, etc.).

4. Microscopic veneers in thickness (0.2-0.5 mm), but very durable and resistant to erasing and damage. Most often made from ceramics (medical porcelain with a unique crystal structure).

5. The color of the veneers can be the most different - from warm cream shades to cold bluish. The shade is chosen under the color of the skin, lips, gum, eyes and even the patient's hair.

About how to choose toothpaste, read.

Interview and text: Olga Kulygin


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