How to get pregnant folk ways and signs. Believement of pregnancy planning

How to get pregnant folk ways and signs. Believement of pregnancy planning

If a woman wants to become a mother, no power can prevent. Women begin to believe in various folk signs that will help increase the likelihood of pregnancy or speed up such an important process. Each second woman, holy verring and strictly next to all the rules, has become a happy mom more than once.

Do folk signs really act? Which of them are able to give happiness in the family? Now we will find out which signs help get pregnant and how they act.

Quick and simple - folk signs

In order not to say, but our ancestors collected their knowledge of their knowledge in medicine, and therefore their effectiveness is so high. Doctors, Lekari, Overtable grandmothers and all the rest, who were involved in one way or another, to the great sacrament of pregnancy and the birth of children, revealed a number of features that contribute to get pregnant.

Surely, each of us, being another barefoot girl, the grandmother told how to pay out to see her narrowed rich, or what to do for pregnancy. The wisdom of ancestors transmitted from generation to generation will help even desperate girls. Perhaps, starting to read the list will accept, your indulgent attitude will not change, but only those who checked their effectiveness can believe.

After reading, select the option that you liked more. Remember, cute ladies, the main thing is faith in your actions, otherwise no magic of the world can help.


We specified in detail that you can and need to do those who wish to get pregnant, and now it is worth discussing how to protect your child.

Pregnant women are prohibited:

  • Needlework. It is believed that active sewing, knitting and weaving leaves the birthplace on the cheek of the child. Medicine supports such a farewell, as hypodalline has a negative impact on the baby:
  • Hang laundry (people), and in medicine - raise high hands. This stimulates the contraction of the uterus, therefore, the probability of miscarriage increases;

  • Steam in a hot bath or bath. Folk tips and medical requirements unanimously indicate this contraindication. Excessive temperature and steam can cause miscarriage;
  • To cut hair. Perhaps a certain mysterious value was given to this action. Now it is prohibited from protection purposes - chemical paints, varnishes, curling, etc. An interesting fact, if the hair is not dissolved during childbirth, the woman will not be able to breed.

Folk signs will help you only if you believe with all your heart. There are many of them, but you choose what the soul is lies and the faith is growing. Remember, Future Moms, Your Health

Pregnancy - an important event In the life of the pair, so many are resorted not only to standard methods, but also to people's ways to speed up conception. Every woman herself should decide what's up to her closer and not be upset if after all the efforts did not come pregnant. A little perseverance and faith in good - and your desire will surely come true! What are the signs for pregnant?

Ritual actions for the conception of the girl

The choice of the floor of the future child is the task that does not depend on the person. But many are confident that some signs can help the child to be the desired floor.

For example, to conceive a girlThe pair can perform the following rituals:

  • put in bed in front of a mirror or comb;
  • sexing under young birch;
  • tie a woman with a little finger on his right hand.

Desire to conceive the heir Pursues most men, especially if girls were first born in their lives. It is the opinion that women with a small weight are less likely to be pregnant with a boy, so before trying to conceive a child, the future mother is worth a little recover.

According to the signs to make love to conceive the boy, you need actively and necessarily in a missionary position. To conceive a boy in advance buy blue booties Or a blue ribbon that will wait for the advent of male baby. Say if near the house put the willow, then the appearance of the heir does not make himself wait long. Also, the future mother of the firstborn must eat a lot of meat.

What to do to get pregnant twins?

Some couples dream of a big family with several children. Approach the desire for execution will help conception twinswhich will give future parents at once two kids.

There are several adoption that attract the conception by the twins. For example, the future mom needs to eat eggs with double yolk or paired vegetables. Sexual intercourse is recommended to conduct twice in a row so the probability of pregnant double Increases. Finally, the twins are more often born in people who decided to acquire children later than the rest. Therefore, if you want twins, you can get a little attempts to get pregnant.

Actions performed on Easter

Spring holiday can help to make a conceived, so women dreaming become pregnant can make the following:

  • put an excess plate next to you on Easter day, put a small piece of the scene and say "cake for children." After a festive lunch, a piece of slices can be raised to birds;
  • in the Easter week, a woman combs her hair and sentences: "God went to me so many children how much hair on a comb";
  • on a festive day, you can make a desire about pregnancy for an apple, which is then required to be sanctified and eat on the same day.

Red thread and pregnancy

The red thread on the wrist has many values, one of which is strong desire to become pregnant. If a pregnant woman causes a thread on your hand, then pregnancy you have to step up in the sooner time. Usually, the story has already flown out, the thread itself reports, which suddenly breaks down. Many girls who have long dreamed of pregnant, remember that you can fulfill the desire to become a mother managed only after they tied red thread on the wristAnd they went with her for a while.

Influence of ficus

Some plants are able to influence the energy that reigns in the house. If a pair cannot have a child for a long time, perhaps in the house lacks some important element. They may become a living plant, namely the ficus, which for folk signs helps pregnancy rather come.

It is enough just to care for the ficus and do not forget to water him so that he activate his magic properties and in the house finally called joyful children's laughter.

Another way to draw fish

They say that sleep with fish - The right sign of pregnancy. Fish can also appear in rituals for the speedy occurrence of pregnancy. In order to activate your desire to become a matter, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and draw fish or several on it.

It is not necessary to show the drawing to anyone, you can put it under the pillow and try to forget about it. Beautiful drawn fish Very soon they will attract pregnancy into your life.

Many girls are trying pregnant in different waysOne of which is the use of households of a pregnant friend or relative. For example, in order to get pregnant to get pregnant, you can ask for a pregnant thing, drink from her cup, causing her decoration. Very effective is considered to sit on a chair on which pregnant pregnant (especially relevant for the office).

"To get infected" with pregnancy, you can also, if pregnant is chisen on you or you stog it on the stomach. Contact with pregnant women has a beneficial effect on a lady that dreams of a child. Another sign is that the pregnant woman must feed with his hands a woman who wants a child.

Sometimes it takes small change of exterior In order for a woman to be pregnant. It is recommended to make the dresses and skirts more often, wearing hair out and try to look attractive.

Even minor changes in appearance will give a result in the form of a reverent relationship of a beloved man and as a result of more fast conception. Also, a woman should be postponed not only for its appearance, but also for the purity of speech. The ladies who plan a pregnancy, it is undesirable to use material words and rudely talk.

Jewelry with agate

There is a sign that this stone helps a woman get pregnant. The more often it will contact agatom, the stronger it will act. Therefore, you can buy a bracelet, pendant or a ring with agate and daily put on the decorations for the implementation of your cherished desire. Separately, you can even just wear a stone in your purse.

Wish visualization

The child will surely come to the house in which he is waiting for him! Therefore, you can prepare your home For a small miracle. For example, buy some kind of children's things or hang in the prominent place of photos of children. Put a beautiful toy in the future kid room.

A constant reminder of the desire will strengthen it and sooner or later it materializes. You can also present your family daily before bedtime. It is advisable to think through everything to the smallest details: what color your hair will be at the kid, how it will talk and in what games you will play with him.

Pearl thread

There is an opinion that pearl attracts motherhood, so every woman dreams of getting a pearl thread as a gift. A gift in the form of pearls should be unexpected, so you should not ask for him to give it, because then the desire may not come true.

Excellent, if such a pleasant and unexpected gift will present a person, fabulous to children. Then his positive energy will necessarily affect and in the family will soon be replenished.

There are tested folk signs to conceive a child. They will help become pregnant, and when all attempts to conceive the baby do not give results. Also, tell me who will be a girl or boy.

In the article:

Folk beliefs to conceive a child with a pregnant girlfriend

When it does not get pregnant, try folk signs to conceive a child. Some of them require a pregnant girlfriend. It doesn't matter what kind of pregnancy. Ask for help and follow easy signs to get pregnant.

It is believed that any pregnant girlfriend is able to assist. Try to "learn" the corresponding energy to become a mother. Make it is easy, but get the consent of the girlfriend. Relative is also suitable, it is important that you have a good relationship.

Try to squat from the cup from which the pregnant friend drank. Sit on the couch, chair or chair, where she sat. Another effective and easy way is to ask for clothes. Any thing - dress, pants or shirt. Have a sweet or fruit for her. These signs act perfectly in the period of ovulation.

Ask a pregnant girlfriend to give toy pups. When she fits or sneezes you, it's likely to get pregnant. This is done any number of times. Ironing a waiting baby woman in the stomach is to lure a pregnancy.

Ride empty stroller. It is believed that after that pregnancy comes quickly.

There are special beliefs, which are still followed by the bride. In order not to be problems with the birth of children, be sure to invite a pregnant woman to the celebration. A favorable sign is to hold on the knees of someone else's child during his own wedding.

How to use folk signs to get pregnant - plants and animals

What contributes to the addition of the family. To conceive, put a flower, take care and communicate with him, like a child. Put it in the kitchens, but for this purpose, keep the ficus in the married bedroom. It is important that the plant does not bind, but presented. Separate signs of pregnancy recommend stealing the branch of the ficus and put at home.

There is in this acceptance and negative point - when Ficus will die, you will have a miscarriage. But the plant is not guilty about it, it feels your condition and warns about the coming misfortune.

It is believed that this sign is triggered because the highest forces are observed for people and evaluate whether they can take care of com. When it is so, they help to conceive, no - it can not care for loved ones, may remain childless. Therefore, make any other plant to get pregnant, folk signs allow such.

Another plant that, as grandmothers believed, contributes to pregnancy - willow. Impress her signs recommend to place in the house sprigs in vases or suspend. Verbal bark tea also helps in conception.

When a kitten or a puppy comes up to the door of a childless pair - to the family replenishment. It is believed that the animal acquired home brings positive energy into it, which will affect the events in the life of newly minted owners. And it is important that the appearance of an animal in the house turned out to be not planned, spontaneously pick up on the street, in the stairwell or near the cat's own door or a dog and take care of the pet.

It is impossible to buy an animal. Admit or dogs when selling due to needs. This belief acts as the ficus associated, but is considered more reliable. So the highest forces check how much you are merciful and deserve to have your own child.

There is a pet - good sign when she will appear puppies or kittens. It is believed that the appearance of the offspring in animals attracts the energy of motherhood and helps become pregnant to women.

Signals for pregnancy and sex of the child: boy or girl

It is impossible during planning. No one knows how the gender will be a baby. But many would not give up from a boy or a girl. And therefore asked if there are folk signs how to conceive a girl or boy. Yes, there are such, and more often they work.

When a woman, during a married proximity, caught up on the head of any male headdress, gets pregnant with a boy.

To give birth to a boy, in ancient with a female sex, a woman was put on her head or a husband's head. When a man will take a female handkerchief on his head, the child will be female. The husband took the left side of the bed, a girl will be born.

Other signs that foreshadow pregnancy

It is believed that before planning a child is useful to embroider. Promotes the conception of the embroidery of three angels. It also helps embroidery on schemes where children, toys, as well as icons are depicted.

In the Philippines, those women who cannot become pregnant, give pearls. This sign works with us. Ask a husband about the gift of jewelry with pearls, and the baby will appear in the family. It is impossible to buy pearls for this purpose.

There is such a sign - when the desire for pregnancy is made under the bridge, according to which the train goes, it will come true. In almost every city there are sculptures, whisper one in the ear of this desire, and it will come true. Another case to make a desire - New Year. Dress the Christmas tree with the image of children, it works.

Enjoy popular and modern, which is based on the "law of meanness." Try not to think about what you want to become my mother, let go of this thought. Plan the case ,. The reserve of gaskets and tampons acts. Buy a bunch, and they will not use you.

When you decide that it is time to start a child and are going to work on it, buy any children's thing - a hat, a rattle or small socks. The thing is needed to concentrate the desire to give birth to a child.

During this period, it is useful for accelerating conception that contains the beginning of life, embryos - eggs, seeds, nuts, caviar, cereals. Give such property and koumiss.

Pretty so that the day when sexual intercourse will take place, see a small child, and you get pregnant. This applies to the tests: to meet the child when you go to the hospital, - a blatant sign for those who want to acquire offspring.

In antiquity, the girl feared to be seen in order not to get pregnant early. Use this belief for yourself. Contemplate it more often, and the result is not far off.

After the wedding, in the first wedding night, the bed is put on a child or a children's toy. The ancestors believed that it contributes to the rapid appearance of offspring. Planned the child did not use cosmetics and did not wear bright clothes.

Knowledge of this will accept the long-awaited moment and will help prepare for the emergence of a new family member.

In contact with

Note 1. In advance, to the desired pregnancy, buy a small children's thing, for example, a hat, socks. It will help you "visualize the desire", the brighter you will feel the presence of the baby, the faster it will appear.

Note 2. To visit the place of force, contributing to conception, where the energy flows of the earth are connected, where there were many good people with good thoughts. About "special" places of power for future parents

Sketches 3. Try the grandmother's signs:

grow in the house Ficus;

put in the house or wave a few windows of the willow.

Sketches 4. Stay in your own words:

1. Do not use fragile expressions;

2. Do not say "I will never have a kid", "I'm fruitless." Remember - the word financially.

Note 5. Use for the treatment of infertility folk recipes, herbs. Be sure to advise with your doctor. Official medicine has long been known about the benefits of herbage. The doctor will help you choose the correct dosage and reception time. Do not use a boulevard press for self-medication. Some recipes there are just poisonous!

Sketches 6. The desire about the baby can sometimes be executed at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

Note 7. Get a pearl thread as a gift - a good sign of future pregnancy.

Sketches 8. Rest with my husband in the south. Many couples "bring kids" from the southern regions. For us, residents of the country, where climatic conditions leave to desire the best, visiting the warm seashore can replace the years of unsuccessful treatment from infertility

Sketches 9. One of the most famous precursors of future pregnancy is the adoption of the baby. Sketches reads - the dear of someone else's child and will appear.

Sketches 10. Widely distributed among believes that promote conception, signs related to various manipulations of pregnant women, for example:

take the things of pregnant;

drink from a glass of pregnant women;

sit on the place of pregnant;

stroke pregnant in the stomach.

Sketches 11. Start attracting "thanks" - good, good wishes in your address. To do this, try to do good sincerely free and then soon there will be a lot of grateful aroma around you, which will help conceit.

Note 12. For a quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create a "card card", where the main role will be rejected by conception and your future kid. To do this, in the center of the large sheet of paper, covered your photo (photo of your family) with a baby. At the edges, you can portray, for example, you are pregnant, guests meeting a happy mommy from the maternity hospital, the first steps of the baby, other attributes, symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires." To do this, lay a small notebook (better for a new moon), where you will write down your desire about the baby. Several rules of conducting a scroll:

a) May this notebook be your secret - do not let him touch anyone;

b) your desire must be formulated positively, for example, "I am not blunt" - the wrong wording, right - "with deep gratitude I take my pregnancy from the Universe and the Universe";

c) Write the desire with gratitude to the universe and then they will hear you. Do not forget to thank the universe after the fulfillment of desire.

Sketches 13. The correct adoption of the upcoming conception and the signal that the time of active actions came, is unexpectedly rapidly growing houseplants at your home.

Sketches 14.

Very famous sign about kitten. In order to get pregnant in a short time - the shaw of a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten must "be born" to you yourself - do not see it specifically.

Sketches 15. Invest the energy in your desire about the moment of conception. It may simply be to use the strength of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and appeal to the holy, helping infertility (for example, Ioakim and Anna, Perth and Fevronia, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not break up for a few desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

Signs 16. Relax and for a while, make yourself not think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if the desire goes into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, you should let him release it for implementation. As it often happens that the couples, the long-time hats for the baby, lowered their hands and begin to just live, and at this very moment and the pregnancy comes.

Sketches 17. Do not think about the bad. Not only are constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, her whole work is based on the brain signals), so you also create a negative program around yourself. Real, the right doctors are treated, first of all, in a word - the creation of a positive attitude towards treatment in a patient, such doctors in the office can meet various life-affirming slogans.

Sketches 18. Eat products containing new life embryos - eggs, caviar, crude cereals, nuts, seeds (all of what a new life appears). There are also tips on eating genital organs of various animals. If, for the eastern countries it can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warmed from such extreme.

Sketches 19. Try to make your horoscope conception from a professional astrologer. Let it determine the optimal date of conception for you.

Sketches 20. Pei in the cup of Kumsa per day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try?

Sketches 21. Dreams to pregnancy. The pregnancy is shot: Fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewels as a gift, milk, children's clothing, etc. If you interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all connected either with any pleasant acquisitions, or with the symbols of the new life (eggs, grain), or already directly with the kids themselves.

Signs of 22.The successful conception mentally contact your most prolific relatives, even if there are no longer in this world (for example, to a large grandmother). Everyone knows that before almost every family had 4-7 children, so such a relative is easily found at anyone. This belief about the help of "kind" comes from pagan times.

Signs 23. For soon conceived, forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. Being a bride on the wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on the knees. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on a fruit tree.

Sick 24. You can spend a magic ritual at the healer. Just remember that the ritual should be positive (herbs, sentences). Find the healer, on the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother, which is not for money, and for the idea :). First of all, it will help you find faith in yourself and a positive attitude.

Sketches 25. Start to confess "extremely optimistic" views on life. Do not communicate with people who are currently more problems than yours. We do not call you to spiritual worn, just for some time before conception you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on the forums, where it is customary to cry and test about infertility, that you will attract the negative.

Signs 26. Take a self-comparison and meditations. Adjust your body to the right job. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place to you, for example, at sea, feel a warm summer breeze, fresh, rich air ... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive bodies, ask them to work simply, good. Filled with vital energy ... All this is rather called psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can purchase books written by professional doctors dedicated to this topic. Yes, you can use for the treatment of infertility professional "medical" conspiracies :)).

Sketches 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try in the time of preparing for pregnancy less work mentally. This has long been written and say, for example, in women who are fully engaged in business, as well as in female students during sessions, often observed failures in the work of the reproductive system (menstrual disorders). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the "boss" of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for him to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sign 28. Put the houses of a few twigs of Willow (willow). It is known that this is a very prolific tree, which is easily multiplied by even branches. Willow has a special viability and one of the first blooms the leaves in the spring. It is assumed that this tree has protective properties. And willow sprigs, consecrated in Palm Sunday, can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three knelts with fruit trees, blooming for the first time, or the first fruits of apple, plums, grapes

Sketches 29. Here are some amulets and facing infertility. Alerts: Pestracial carnation, apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz from symbolism - you can use the statues of the goddesses of Venus and Aphrodites. If such a statuette will be donated, then its owner will gain his beloved during the year, if the beloved is there - then within the course of the year it will become pregnant.

Sketches 30. On the day of conception or expectations of the results of pregnancy tests to meet babies - the right sign of pregnancy.

Sketches 31. You can get pregnant with the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, for example, to look at the full moon, ending with the preparation of the "almost scientific" moon calendar of conception. There are also rituals performed on a growing moon. The fact that the moon helps become pregnant knew even in ancient Greece and Rome, where the women who desires become pregnant slept under the rays of the lunar light.

Sketches 32. You can go to the mud resort. It is known that dirt contain hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize the hormonal background and get pregnant

Sketches 33. Do you have sex in order to conceive at two o'clock in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of hormonal peak.

Sketches 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before the sexual act.

Sketches 35. Acupuncture technique allows strengthening blood flow

the uterus regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take off in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of infertility cure, so we write about the use of this technique in the article dedicated to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

Note 36. Girls planning pregnancy is not recommended to use cosmetics, wearing extravagant, causing clothes. All this includes the life program of the search for a new partner, and not the program "Maternity".

Note 37. Planning conception should not talk anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician :).

Sign 38. Couple experiencing problems with conception should also conclude a spiritual marriage. For example, to marry in the church, to pass other rites, the corresponding religions of the spouses.

Sketches 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition in the first wedding night, a baby or a doll of a newborn was first put on the newlyweds bed.

Sketches 40. Also, in ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception, first took on the hands of a newborn baby.

Nowadays, there are still people who believe in miracles, superstitions and signs to get pregnant. The century of technical progress remains a place for a miracle. Among the inexplicable phenomena, folk remedies are working, increasing the likelihood of conception, when the family pair did not have hope for happiness to have a baby.

How does the principle of faith work

On the forums, topics are periodically created on how to get pregnant with accepting and folk superstitions. I had to read pragmatic answers and hints for the nearestness "in the age of technical progress, when space ships furrows the expanses of the universe." But for some reason, the signs for the conception of the child work are effective superstitions that have no scientific justification.

Please note: there is always a place for miracles in life - until they believe in them. The principle of faith or placebo effect is triggered, when the empty tablet or clean water is used as a potent medical agent.

Young women are often interested - to get pregnant, what you need to do, what are the signs. They are ready to contact anyone, just to get pregnant:

  • put candles with the icon of the Virgin;
  • go to pilgrim tours;
  • fit the ficus for the bedroom;
  • try to hold for a womb of a large pregnant;
  • go to the temple for Christmas with a request for a child;
  • i buy your favorite booties and put them in a prominent place to visualize a dream;
  • "Ordered" the birth of a baby with the icon of the Wonderworker;
  • they ask the kid for the new year or, as in childhood, they write requests by Santa Claus;
  • give a vow to God and help orphans;
  • buy liked children's things and put under the pillow;
  • they ask the things that she wore in pregnancy, which she wore her girlfriend;
  • embroide the icons of Madonna with a baby, etc.

Each childless woman chooses what is closer to her, or she is confident that it will work. Indeed, if a person does not believe in a miracle - it will not come.

Signals for cover to get pregnant

One of the largest Orthodox holidays is the cover of the Most Holy Mother of God, celebrated on October 14. At this time, the first snow had often fallen, it was a good admission. It was believed that in such a year many girls would marry, the marriage will be happy, the family will live in prosperity.

There were other challenges on cover - to get pregnant if there were no children in the family. To do this, it was necessary to go to the temple, put a candle in front of the Virgin. Such an icon is in every Orthodox Church. According to the prayer (or by rewritten by his hand, it was customary to read any prayer. But in meaning, it should be relevant to the conception of a baby, for example:

"Slavor and thank the Lord, that I sent me the happiness of the married state!
I pray you, the Mother of the Lord and God and the Savior of My.
Yes, your mother's prayers will send me a spouse to my beloved Choo.
Yes, he gives me a frozen fruit.
Yes, he will be satisfied with him, in his glory.
Moving the soul of my soul on the joy of conception in the womb.
Yes, I thank you and thank you Mother of My Lord in all the days of my life. Amen".

Little to read the prayer for the conception of the child in the temple or from the icon, it is important to believe in its miraculous force. Prayers for the Mother of God are reading almost 10 centuries, from the first century, when, in the siege of Constantinople, the vision saw Christians in the temple. In it, the Most Holy Maria went along with the angels by air, covering the praying transparent bedspread as a symbol of patronage.

From that time on October 14, the cover is celebrated, believing in signs and performing traditions to get pregnant. Believers are praying for Mother Jesus Christ about the upcoming pregnancy and birth of a healthy baby. This holiday does not plan anything, except for the hike in the temple. It is also considered to be loyalty that on the cover of one and grandmothers who serve as a temple, you need to give a new handkerchief, shawl or slave and ask to pray for the conception of the baby.

The twigs, consecrated in Palm Sunday, are also mentioned among the accepting to help get pregnant. It is recommended to squeeze on the Annunciation of 2 "Kitics" from the willow, drinking 3 sips of sacred water.

Faith and charity

The people have belief that if there is a generic curse on infertility (or black karma, according to Eastern cults), you need to get cleansing and exemption. This does not cancel prayers and signs when it does not get pregnant, rather, complements.

The best way to destroy the curse is to contact the father-an exorcist, which is expelled by generic demons. It is not necessary to contact the magicians - you can pick up negative power. Trips to holy places and tours to the ground promised have a greater power of purification. But it works along with good deeds.

If you look around - there are a lot of those who need help. But the case is triggered when those who did good, can not thank financially. They must wish the benefactor of good or pray for him. It is even better when they can not even say about it, for example, taken from the shelter kittens or puppies, but they will certainly be glad to such manifestation of generosity. If a homeless kitten or a puppy himself asks for hands - this is also a good sign that will soon become pregnant. Animal is recommended to pick up or attach in good hands.

During the waiting period, conception is desirable to fast, but not only for the sake of the diet, but for the purpose of purification. It is recommended to forgive all offenders by writing their names on paper to burn over the candle, looking at the sunset.

Holding to abstain from suggestion and overeating, be sure to:

  • feed in need;
  • helping lonely old men living nearby (perhaps from them and learn grandmother's signs how to get pregnant);
  • sacrifice at home;
  • to visit shelters, houses of baby and other charity points to distribute sweets or do something useful in their forces.

If nothing helps for many years, then you adopt the child when there is a finance. There is a folk sign - to get pregnant, you need to take the education of the Syrotot. Many couples after that gave birth to their child, but adopted cannot be offended and deprived, giving the advantage to his native son or daughter. Otherwise, the misfortune of a hurt child will appeal to his child.

Interior: Ficks, Geranium, Fish and Other Signals in order to get pregnant

Surround yourself with things that personify the happiness of motherhood. This is the easiest way to visualize your future happiness:

  1. Embroidered Madonna icon with a baby, the pretty angels with wings are considered to be masters of mothers and children.
  2. In the prominent place to drag pictures with beautiful kids. If there are no artistic works, suitable as parties.
  3. Arrange the dolls, windows or handmade toys on the shelf. It is important that the master make them with love. They are "charged" with special energy. The main thing is that the toy is aesthetic - the child will be beautiful. These are also effective signs and superstitions to get pregnant, but handmade dolls are expensive. You can do without clay figures - Ceramics Hand-Maid, and knitting is suitable.
  4. Write your future infant letter about how you wish his arrival. Put it into a new beautiful casket, a purse or a wallet that is not used for its intended purpose. It is desirable that there is a red or blue lining, depending on whether you want a boy or a girl. The letter should be reflected in the sex of the child. But you can order twins.
  5. There is also a number of "family" indoor plants that "bring a child. This is a ficus and geranium (translated "stork"), women's happiness and violets. It is desirable that close relatives or friends give them to pretend to be presented, but not colleagues for work or root-envious.
  6. Charming baby things (can be symbolic) create a wonderful kid waiting aura in a personal space or bedroom.
  7. In the wardrobe should be things of pregnant relatives or girlfriends, they say that the energy of a prosperous pregnancy is transmitted together with the things of the former owners. Put on the upper shelf a pack of children's diapers of the smallest size. Let it be the 1st purchase from a large income or a wedding collection, as a symbol of readiness for the development of a baby in sufficient.
  8. According to the advice of Feng Shui, near the bed there should be an image of two fish. These are the eastern signs that help get pregnant. They also include a spontaneous gift of jewelry from pearls from her husband. You can hint on admiration for pearls, but it can not be needed, otherwise it will not work. If these are beads - hang them in a visible place, for example, at a cosmetic table or mirror, they will destroy infertility.

Illogical and inexplicable examples

Sometimes the principle of "on the contrary," when a woman is too busy, she will suddenly pregnant. Sometimes they write about it on the forums - how to get 100% becomes pregnant, the signs of former "fruitless" or childless pairs.

The surrounding can lead a lot of similar examples when employees unexpectedly pregnant at the peak of a dizzying career. Someone has worked big plans for the coming year - to go somewhere on the edge of the earth, to start a major overhaul, go to a new job with the maximum load. Buy a subscription to simulators or sign up for driving courses with buying a car on credit. And here - a sudden pregnancy!

ATTENTION: There are back "signs", for example, it is impossible to speak "childless", "fruitless" or something in this spirit. It lies with the subconscious as print - thoughts and words have a property to materialize. We can say that "while not in a rush" or "do not plan to acquire children."

Among the faithful people will take how to get pregnant quickly, it is often indicated by the transmitted idea of \u200b\u200ba familiar pregnant or left on the decret. For example, there are quite a few stories when everyone who sat in the office on a certain chair went on maternity leave. Others were transferred by some talisman with which all the conceived. For example, a circle from which the holy or spring water died, scored before sunrise in any religious holiday.

There are also a lot of wedding will take to get pregnant. Recommended in the midst of the feast of the bride to hold on the hands of a small child from the rodni groom, you can ask him: "Do you want a sister or brother?" It is quite possible who will be named, he will be born.

It is difficult to somehow explain logically, but the signs work. Exactly as notes with the desire of the child for the new year. It must be burned under the battle of the chimes and repay the flame champagne from his gland, then eat fruit (fruit) or several grapes. You can take any citrus arbitrarily and recalculate slices, even quantity - there will be a girl. This is not directly signs to get pregnant, rather fortune telling, but also works.

Guess the desire to any way, perform the commandments and "legends of antiquity deep." Read prayers and put candles in front of icons. Hold onto the belly of a large pregnant lady. The main thing is that you yourself believed in this. But do not forget to visit the gynecologist and be treated from infertility with my husband. Pregnant and be happy!

Much has passed since your wedding has gone randed. You are already accustomed to living together. It takes time pritigock and addiction. Stormy emotions gradually rent their positions, and quiet evenings, sitting together by the TV, you slowly begin to realize that there is not enough life in life. And you understand that you want to hear the tramp of small legs, to see scattered toys and enjoy a sliding baby laughter.

You have long been together, but the pregnancy of about it does not occur. You have thoughts that you are not all right. You are upset, diligently looking for a way out, rush out of extremes to extremes. Start looking for methods, how to get pregnant if it does not work. Folk methods begin to seem most suitable.

What prevents the spouses to have a child?

There are a lot of reasons, mostly this is a whole range of reasons in spouses. Science has proven that harmful habits adversely affect the reproductive function of spouses. For example, smoking and alcohol can lead to complete immobility of spermatozoa, and in women they stop the production of egg cells. Spouses should be completely abandoned with alcohol and alcohol.

Visits to the doctor Usually end well. The long-awaited pregnancy occurs and, some time later, the long-awaited kid appears in the family, and sometimes not one. But what to do if the spouses pass numerous surveys, give a lot of analyzes, carry out expensive treatment, and there is no result?

And then the only way out for many couples becomes experience ancestors And they turn to the advice of our grandmothers, that is, to traditional medicine. This includes all kinds of medicinal plants and fees. Spouses begin to pay attention to various superstitions and folk recipes, how to get pregnant. Any folk signs are being studied thoroughly.

Folk remedies to get pregnant

So how to get pregnant if nothing happens? People's methods of treating infertility actually have the effect? Or is it better to look for another clinic? Medicinal treatment is often very effective. If you know the dosage and not abuse, then the treatment of herbs does not have side effects. List of plants that help with infertility is not so great:

  • Red brush
  • Pumpkin
  • Speat
  • Plantain
  • Boring uterus
  • Sage

1. Sage Contains phytohormon in its composition corresponding to female sex hormones. In the treatment of the sage, the body of the woman quickly reaches the "effect of adultering", in which all spermatozoa gain the ability to achieve egg cells. Dosage for cooking Standard: a glass of boiling water on one spoonful of grass. Consume 1 tablespoon three times a day. Do not drink decoction during menstruation. Having finished one cycle of treatment, it is necessary to repeat it after the break, which is 20-30 days.

2. Boring uterus Or Ortlia Single Broke is used to treat infertility. Pour two tablespoons of 1/2 liter of cold water. Boil. Holding in the closet for half an hour, strain. Drink one spoon 4 times a day before reaching the result. Sometimes treatment can delay for 4 months.

3. Red brush. This plant is widely known for its healing properties and is simply indispensable in the treatment of female diseases. It rejuvenates the entire body of a woman, which contributes to the successful occurrence of pregnancy. It is impossible to take together with other phytohorms and hormonal means. A tablespoon of a red brush root is filled with hot water and placed on a water bath for 15 minutes. Incress 45 minutes, strain and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is from 30 to 40 days. The course can be repeated by taking a break of 10 - 15 days.

4. For men indispensable broth of plantainwhich has a beneficial effect on spermatozoa. Seeds are used for decoction. You need to brew two tablespoons of seeds, lean in a water bath, cool and strain. Drink two tbsp. Spoon three times a day. The plantain and for women is useful. This is a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent, which is also indispensable in curing inflammation of uterine pipes.

5. Can be used and collection of various herbs. You need to mix 50 grams of crushed grass of the donel, coltsfoot, calendula, gold and gold chomask drugs. Pour the mixture with boiling water, insist for three hours. Take one third cup per day.

6. Pumpkin. This fruit is a carrier of the largest amount of vitamin E, which controls the hormonal balance of any body. Pumpkin can be used in any form: Drink pumpkin juice, drink pies with pumpkin, prepare casseroles, cereals and soups. Vitamin E also contains in the following products:

  • forest and walnuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • wheat beans;
  • beans;
  • cottage cheese;
  • oatmeal;
  • bananas;
  • olive and soybean oils.

And this is not all folk remedies for conceiving a child. If you carefully study literature, communicate with others closer, you can find out a lot of interesting and useful.

Folk signs to get pregnant

The problem of infertility has always been relevant for any people and any country in all periods of human development. And everyone wondered how to get pregnant if it could not. Folk ways Transmitted from mouth to mouth, and the best of them are preserved for centuries. Therefore, folk recipes, how to get pregnant there is a great set.

For example, there is a belief that if give a barren pair to the house Ficus, the long-awaited pregnancy will soon come. If no one has not yet guessed to bring a ficus to you, do not buy it yourself, and ask someone to give it to you.

There is another sign to get pregnant. For this you need more communicate with a pregnant woman. This is considered a beneficial for a woman who wants to get pregnant. Going to visit to a pregnant friend or relative, dinner or dinner with her - this can all be facilitated by conception. If a pregnant woman sneezed on you, then you will be pregnant soon. You can also touch her stomach and even stroke it.

There are many more informations related to infertility. For example, there is a belief that adoption of the child often leads to his birth. Quickly get pregnant from this, of course, it will not work, but for the sake of the birth of a child, people go to any extremes.

Can shelter homeless animal. The people are believed that it helps to give birth to a child. Folk ways to get pregnant include many other adoption related to the conception and birth of the child. But none of the tool gives confidence that it will happen quickly.

Other ways to pregnant

Sometimes the approach of pregnancy mix fatigue and constant stress. Not only stress from work or from thoughts about pregnancy. If the spouses often quarrel, the pregnancy may also not step. The organizing woman includes a natural protective reaction and blocks the birth of a child.

It is worth changing the situation, take a vacation to distract from constant obsessive thoughts about pregnancy. Sometimes all this contributes to the achievement of the goal.

You should simply release all the thoughts about pregnancy and the child, try to forget about it for a while and just live, enjoying life. It is really tested by many women a way, just need to learn to relax and distract from thoughtsBut it's best to make an appointment to a psychologist or psychotherapistTo get qualified advice and assistance.

And ask the doctor to register you more vitamin E and folic acid, as well as vitamins of group V. We should only remember that these vitamins need to take strictly in cycles.. If there are no contraindications, then the woman is usually prescribed vitamin E (tocopherol) 3 capsules of 100 mg per day. Folic acid is required up to 400-800 mg per day. The role of vitamin E is extremely high, because it helps the body to produce sex hormones, regulates the cycle and hormonal background. Recent studies have shown that only 7% of fruitless women have a sufficient level of vitamin E.

I. is also important vitamin C. It increases the level of genital hormones and increases the feastness of a woman, that is, its ability to conceive. Vitamin B6 also regulates hormones, as well as blood sugar levels, helps to endure PMS, facilitates pregnancy.

It should be increased consumption of products containing zinc. This trace element controls the woman's hormone levels: estrogen and progesterone. With a lack of zinc, the child's childbirth is reduced.

What else will help get pregnant?

There are other methods of conception and the birth of a child. For example, some women pregnant helped medical starvation. Although no one measured the percentage of the probability of pregnancy. Muslims at infertility it is recommended to take Hilba grass, but this method of treating infertility is not so widely known.

Men need to pay attention to their underwear. Do not wear synthetic smelting, boxers and thongs. Wear only underwear from natural fabrics. Do not overheat and do not overcool. What else to do to conceive a child?

To successfully become pregnant keep the diary of ovulationAfter all, the most successful time for conception is the day of ovulation and the next 48 hours. You can trace your well-being. On the day of ovulation (and this is about the middle of the cycle), the woman increases the number of secretions and hurts the abdomen. It is possible to determine ovulation by measuring basal temperature. Or buy tests for ovulation in a pharmacy.

Very often the onset of pregnancy can interfere with incorrect nutrition. The following products should be excluded from their diet:

  • Hot peppers;
  • Sugar;
  • Acidic products;
  • Smoked products;
  • Artificial dyes and additives.

Follow the day, fully falling out, refuse tea and coffee, take a contrast shower. Follow the status of the figure. Because obesity in many cases prevents pregnancy.

If possible visit holy placesHelping pregnant. Put house icons of saints, patronage pregnancy and conception. For example, the icon of Ksenia Petersburg.

It does not always be pregnant to get pregnant. And to guarantee 100%, that this or that means or sign will ensure the possibility of conceiving and the birth of a child, it is impossible. But forget about your problems, relax, just live and enjoy every moment of your life. Do not forget about health and folk signs and very soon in your home will sound children's laughter.

And now you have already changed your life, became family. Now it is always necessary to take into account that you have two and you need to take care of each other, take attention to each other. And you cope with this with this. You wanted your family to grow, so that the sounds of children's laughter and crying, so that someone called you mom and dad.

But after repeated attempts to get pregnant - nothing works ... You are confused and do not know what to do next to what means to resort.

See also folk contraception methods.

  • What do the doctor's say?
  • Sage
  • Boring uterus
  • Broth red brush
  • Vitamin E.
  • Plantain
  • Pumpkin
  • Speat
  • Ficus
  • Communicate with future moms
  • Change atmosphere or work!
  • Tips from Forumov
  • Unreliable ways of contraception

What do doctors talk about failures in matters of conception?

Of course, the fact that I can't get pregnant, it comes to the thoughts that something is wrong with you. Therefore, to begin with, it is best to consult a doctor for advice on this issue, you will also need to examine you and your favorite man for pathologies.

Do not forget also about preparing for pregnancy and proper nutrition.

If the results of the survey showed that you are all in order, and the predisposition to conception you possess, but I can't get pregnant, everything does not work in any way, it is brewing the question of turning to our grandmothers experience, to so-called folk remedies: with various kinds Note and healing herbs.

The only contraindication to the use of herbs for the future mother is allergic to certain funds, but in most of them are absolutely safe for health.

10 folk ways to get pregnant 1. Sage for pregnancy

As for the healing herbs and decoctions, the sage is very popular. It contains phytoogormon, acting similarly to female hormones. Regular reception of the chalf's decoction enhances the "adulter effect" when almost all spermatozoa reaches egg cells.

Method for preparing a ragger of sage for pregnancy: The tablespoon of herbs is poured with one glass of boiling water and insist for an hour.

The decoction is taken on one tablespoon twice a day. During menstruation, it is not recommended to drink it.

If for the month the pregnancy did not come, take a break in one cycle, and then continue to accept decoction.

2. Boring uterus for pregnancy

The decoction of Ortlia one-sided or boring uterus is very useful, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

How to cook a tincture of a borovak for pregnancy: Two tablespoons of herbs are poured with water and bring to a boil. Then they put half an hour in a dark place, after being cleaned and used on one tablespoon 4 times a day.

The duration of reception is usually determined by circumstances and can reach the period of up to four months.

3. Red brush and pregnancy

Another of the similar funds is a red brush, the tool perfectly helps to cope with women's diseases, helps to rejuvenate the body and promote the rapid onset of pregnancy. But it should be remembered that the red brush cannot be used with other phytohormones or any other hormonal means.

Broth made of red brush to prepare like this: A tablespoon of chopped red brush root is poured with hot water and put on a water bath for 15 minutes. Then they insist within 45 minutes, filter.

Take a decoction on one tablespoon 3 times a day before eating for 30-40 days, then making a break in 10-15 days.

4. Vitamin E for pregnancy

Extremely useful will be eating vitamin E, which in large quantities is contained in wheat beans, sea buckthorn, soybean oil, olive oil, hazelnut, walnuts, cashews, beans, oatmeal, pears, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, cottage cheese, bananas.

5. Plate of plantain for a man

It will not be superfluous for your man to drink a decoction of the plantain, it favorably affects the mobility of spermatozoa.

Plate of plantain is preparing like this: The spoon of seeds of the plantain is poured with hot water and tomatifs on a water bath for 5-10 minutes. Then the hour insist.

Ready blax use two tablespoons twice a day before meals.

6. Pumpkin will help get pregnant

Pumpkin all head. In addition, the pumpkin contains vitamin E, it is also the main regulator of the hormonal balance of the female organism. Therefore, use a pumpkin in all kinds of types: pumpkin juice, pumpkin cake, pumpkin casserole and everything in such a spirit.

7. Infusion Audio for pregnancy

Another hijacker's grass. Preparing a decoction from the dispatcher like this: Two glasses of grass are poured with two glasses of boiling water. Insist for 4 hours.

The finished decoction drink 4 times a day by half a cup of 15 minutes before meals.

8. Ficus for pregnancy

Women often use such a means like ficus.

There is a belief that the appearance of a house of Fikus has a beneficial effect on conception. Do not buy a flower yourself - ask you to give it.

9. Communication with pregnant women - to pregnancy!

Be in contact with a pregnant woman. It is believed that your finding, communication, combined food can affect the conception of the child in the most favorable way.

Do not forget to ask to stroke a pregnant belly. It is also believed that if pregnant on you sneezes, then it's for pregnancy!)

10. Vacation or work change

Sometimes any way, which distracts you from constantly stressing about vain attempts to make a child can be the most efficient means. It may be a change in the kind of activity when you need to think only in a certain direction and everyone has time, or on the contrary, the long-awaited stay. After all, it is possible that constant stress at work is the main reason that you can not get pregnant.

Note 1. In advance, to the desired pregnancy, buy a small children's thing, for example, a hat, socks. It will help you "visualize the desire", the brighter you will feel the presence of the baby, the faster it will appear.

Note 2. To visit the place of force, contributing to conception, where the energy flows of the earth are connected, where there were many good people with good thoughts. About "special" places of power for future parents

Sketches 3. Try the grandmother's signs:

grow in the house Ficus;

put in the house or wave a few windows of the willow.

Sketches 4. Stay in your own words:

1. Do not use fragile expressions;

2. Do not say "I will never have a kid", "I'm fruitless." Remember - the word financially.

Note 5. Use for the treatment of infertility folk recipes, herbs. Be sure to advise with your doctor. Official medicine has long been known about the benefits of herbage. The doctor will help you choose the correct dosage and reception time. Do not use a boulevard press for self-medication. Some recipes there are just poisonous!

Sketches 6. The desire about the baby can sometimes be executed at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

Note 7. Get a pearl thread as a gift - a good sign of future pregnancy.

Sketches 8. Rest with my husband in the south. Many couples "bring kids" from the southern regions. For us, residents of the country, where climatic conditions leave to desire the best, visiting the warm seashore can replace the years of unsuccessful treatment from infertility

Sketches 9. One of the most famous precursors of future pregnancy is the adoption of the baby. Sketches reads - the dear of someone else's child and will appear.

Sketches 10. Widely distributed among believes that promote conception, signs related to various manipulations of pregnant women, for example:

take the things of pregnant;

drink from a glass of pregnant women;

sit on the place of pregnant;

stroke pregnant in the stomach.

Sketches 11. Start attracting "thanks" - good, good wishes in your address. To do this, try to do good sincerely free and then soon there will be a lot of grateful aroma around you, which will help conceit.

Sketches 12. For a quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create an "card of desires", where the main role will be rejected by conception and your future kid. To do this, in the center of the large sheet of paper, covered your photo (photo of your family) with a baby. At the edges, you can portray, for example, you are pregnant, guests meeting a happy mommy from the maternity hospital, the first steps of the baby, other attributes, symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires." To do this, lay a small notebook (better for a new moon), where you will write down your desire about the baby. Several rules of conducting a scroll:

a) May this notebook be your secret - do not let him touch anyone;

b) your desire must be formulated positively, for example, "I am not blunt" - the wrong wording, right - "with deep gratitude I take my pregnancy from the Universe and the Universe";

c) Write the desire with gratitude to the universe and then they will hear you. Do not forget to thank the universe after the fulfillment of desire.

Sketches 13. The correct adoption of the upcoming conception and the signal that the time of active actions came, is unexpectedly rapidly growing houseplants at your home.

Sketches 14. Very famous sign about kitten. In order to get pregnant in a short time - the shaw of a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten must "be born" to you yourself - do not see it specifically.

Sketches 15. Invest the energy in your desire about the moment of conception. It may simply be to use the strength of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and appeal to the holy, helping infertility (for example, Ioakim and Anna, Perth and Fevronia, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not break up for a few desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

Sketches 16. Relax and for a while, make yourself not think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if the desire goes into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, you should let him release it for implementation. As it often happens that the couples, the long-time hats for the baby, lowered their hands and begin to just live, and at this very moment and the pregnancy comes.

Sketches 17. Do not think about the bad. Not only are constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, her whole work is based on the brain signals), so you also create a negative program around yourself. Real, the right doctors are treated, first of all, in a word - the creation of a positive attitude towards treatment in a patient, such doctors in the office can meet various life-affirming slogans.

Sketches 18. Eat products containing new life embryos - eggs, caviar, crude cereals, nuts, seeds (all of what a new life appears). There are also tips on eating genital organs of various animals. If, for the eastern countries it can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warmed from such extreme.

Sketches 19. Try to make your horoscope conception from a professional astrologer. Let it determine the optimal date of conception for you.

Sketches 20. Pei in the cup of Kumsa per day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try?

Sketches 21. Dreams to pregnancy. The pregnancy is shot: Fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewels as a gift, milk, children's clothing, etc. If you interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all connected either with any pleasant acquisitions, or with the symbols of the new life (eggs, grain), or already directly with the kids themselves.

Note 22. For a successful conception, mentally coming for help from its most prolific relatives, even if there are no longer in this world (for example, a large grandmother). Everyone knows that before almost every family had 4-7 children, so such a relative is easily found at anyone. This belief about the help of "kind" comes from pagan times.

Sign 23. For quick conceptiondo not forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. Being a bride on the wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on the knees. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on the fruit tree.

Sick 24. You can spend a magic ritual at the healer. Just remember that the ritual should be positive (herbs, sentences). Find the healer, on the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother, which is not for money, and for the idea :). First of all, it will help you find faith in yourself and a positive attitude.

Sketches 25. Start to confess "extremely optimistic" views on life. Do not communicate with people who are currently more problems than yours. We do not call you to spiritual worn, just for some time before conception you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on the forums, where it is customary to cry and test about infertility, that you will attract the negative.

Sketches 26. Take up self-sustaining and meditations. Adjust your body to the right job. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place to you, for example, at sea, feel a warm summer breeze, fresh, rich air ... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive bodies, ask them to work simply, good. Filled with vital energy ... All this is rather called psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can purchase books written by professional doctors dedicated to this topic. Yes, you can use for the treatment of infertility professional "medical" conspiracies :)).

Sketches 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try in the time of preparing for pregnancy less work mentally. This has long been written and say, for example, in women who are fully engaged in business, as well as in female students during sessions, often observed failures in the work of the reproductive system (menstrual disorders). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the "boss" of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for him to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sketches 28. Put the houses several twigs willow (willow). It is known that this is a very prolific tree, which is easily multiplied by even branches. Willow has a special viability and one of the first blooms the leaves in the spring. It is assumed that this tree has protective properties. And willow sprigs, consecrated in Palm Sunday, can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three knelts with fruit trees, blooming for the first time, or the first fruits of apple, plums, grapes

Sketches 29. Here are some amulets and facing infertility. Alerts: Pestracial carnation, apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz from symbolism - you can use the statues of the goddesses of Venus and Aphrodites. If asuch statuetteit will be presented, then its owner will find the beloved during the year, if the beloved is - it will become pregnant during the year.

Sketches 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests to meet babies - the right sign of pregnancy.

Sketches 31. You can get pregnant with the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, for example, to look at the full moon, ending with the preparation of the "almost scientific" moon calendar of conception. There are also rituals performed on a growing moon. The fact that the moon helps become pregnant knew even in ancient Greece and Rome, where the women who desires become pregnant slept under the rays of the lunar light.

Sketches 32. You can go to the mud resort. It is known that dirt contain hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize the hormonal background and get pregnant

Sketches 33. Do you have sex in order to conceive at two o'clock in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of hormonal peak.

Sketches 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before the sexual act.

Sketches 35. Acupuncture technique allows strengthening blood flow

The uterus regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take off in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of infertility cure, so we write about the use of this technique in the article dedicated to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

Sketches 36. Girls planning pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, wearing extravagant, causing clothes. All this includes the life program of the search for a new partner, and not the program "Maternity".

Note 37. Planning conception should not talk anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician :).

Sketches 38. A couple experiencing problems with conception should also conclude a spiritual marriage. For example, to marry in the church, to pass other rites, the corresponding religions of the spouses.

Sketches 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, a baby or a newborn doll was first laid on the first marriage of the newlyweds.

Sketches 40. Also, in ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception, first took on the hands of a newborn baby.


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