Calgan root Application tincture for women. Calgana root: where and under what conditions the painchart is growing

Calgan root Application tincture for women. Calgana root: where and under what conditions the painchart is growing

In the people, Kalgan's root is called - Phackle. The Kalgan pronunciation itself happened from Arabic, which means "wild ginger". This name was assigned to him due to taste, as well as use in the food industry.

Often, Calgan is compared with ginger, consumed the same as seasoning to dishes. Its fragrance is comparable to the smell of roses, the color gives a slightly pink shade.

The root is not only used in cooking, but also consume to treat many diseases. Thanks to it, used in Asia.

In ancient times they called "powerful", thanks to its possibilities to heal the wounds, restore the body, to give a lot of power. What is so useful to Kalgan?


I learned many years ago, successfully used to treat most diseases. Thanks to this, recipes reached our time.

  1. Since the time of Avicenna, the root was used to eliminate Ishias, the treatment of inflammation of the lungs.
  2. Juice, consume those who have kidney disease.
  3. The alcohol tincture of the root is successfully used for, helps to feel men again younger.
  4. Solve problems with the liver, cure rheumatism.
  5. It is the first help with diarrhea, gastric diseases.
  6. Use for the treatment of liver, jaundice, for blood purification.

Thanks to therapeutic properties of Calgana:

  • disappear swelling;
  • less liquid accumulates in the abdominal cavity;
  • bilirubin in the blood comes back.

With an enhanced function thyroid gland A person becomes a fussy, he cannot take an important decision. Begins to firm in the throat, a person cannot express his resentment.

There is, which is coping with this disease:

  • 100 g of roots;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Roots are poured with vodka, insist on 21 days. Profilge, take a teaspoon three times a day.

The roots should not be thrown away. Then they can be chopped into small pieces, re-pour vodka. The tincture is ruby. Take: 3 weeks, 3 times a day at 25-30 drops.

To strengthen immunity

  • rinse the root of cold water;
  • chop into small pieces;
  • pour the glass of cooled water, leave on moderate fire;
  • not bringing to a boil, keep on fire for 15 minutes.

Then we all merge into the thermos, add hot water. To withstand. Use small portions throughout the day.

Important! If with partial regularity to eat tea or infusion from Kalgan, the immunity will significantly increase, the metabolism is accelerated.

Effective decoction from elimination of edema

  • 1 tsp. root root;
  • 1 tbsp. Hot milk.

The resulting raw materials are connected to the milk, leave on the stove tomorrow for 15 minutes. To cover with a lid. Profiltrate cold decoction. Consume 1/3 cups for half an hour before making food. Put a week.

Decoction for outdoor compresses

300 g of finely chopped roots to connect with a pure liquid full. Put on the stove, boil 20 minutes. Apply in the form of compresses:

  • with injuries;
  • with wounds;
  • when the rectum is launched;
  • wet eczema.

Application for children

Little kids are not desirable to take pharmacy. It is very good to use Calgan those who have problems with stomach, this is the first ambulance:

  • 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are covered with hot water;
  • pour into thermos, withstand about 3 hours, filing.

Apply one spoon twice a day.

Important! You can not use teas or infusions from Calgan's root to children under the age of 3.

Application in cooking

Kalgan's root has a pleasant fragrance. This is often used by hostesses in cooking, like fragrant spice. In culinary production, the root of Calgana add, for example:

  • in the process of canning fish, it is well compacted, acquires a pleasant pinkish shade;
  • in the production of liquor products for giving shades and fragrances;
  • as a spice for various dishes;
  • in baking.

For men

There is a legend of the Greek God Satire. He showed increased "attention" to the nymphs, while his strength did not leave him. At Olympus, the nymphs informed the gods about what he brings great joy to Satira, the gods took away this, and scattered around the world.

The root grew by which the name "Calgan" was given. Naturally, it is only a beautiful legend, but in reality he gives his healing properties to everyone, but this is especially true for men.

What is the benefit of magic raw materials? This is the most effective medicine from male weakness, tested by time, as well as a large number of people. The tool gives striking results. For treatment prepare a tincture of root:

  • 50 g of chopped root;
  • 500 g of alcohol (40%).

For a week, the roots are kept in alcohol, a vessel with a medicine periodically shakes. Then the tincture is filtered. Take 3 times a day on a teaspoon. The tincture is well soothing, relieves inflammation.

Important! As part of Calgana there are important substances of selenium, manganese, zinc. This is his therapeutic properties.

Calgan after antibiotics

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs;
  • 1 tsp. Grinding root.

Raw materials are connected with 2 glasses of water. Tomets on a water bath. Hold 60 minutes. Use 70 mg per hour before starting to eat. The course restoration of the body is 2 months.

Broth of Calgana for the treatment of stomach diseases, stopping bleeding


  • 2 h. L. chopped root of Calgana;
  • 1 tbsp. Clean water.


Kalgan root is connected to water. Leave on moderate heat, wait for the boil, after keeping on the stove in moderate mode for 20 minutes. Squeeze raw materials. Add warm water to a volume of 250 ml. Therapeutic drug is used on one spoon 60 minutes after eating, three times a day.

Universal ointment

Take 5 g of chopped root to mix with 150 g of soft butter. Boil for 5 minutes. Strap still the composition is still warm, since when cooled ointment will be thick.

Ointment is used to treat cracks on heels, nipples, hands. Also used in the tempering of the lips.

Application for women

The infusion of plants use women, for example:

  • as a hemostatic means;
  • apply with eczema, cracks on nipples, lips;
  • the decoction of the root is drawn during white.

In uterine bleeding

  • 20 g of dry leaves of Calgana;
  • 5 g of roots;
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

Raw materials poured hot water. Hold 30 minutes on a steam room. Use the infusion warm 50 ml 3 times a day a few hours before eating. After 2 months a break.

Important! If you add a bark of viburnum to the decoction, neurosis disappears during the climax period.

Contraindications for use

  • kalgan's root is contraindicated pregnant women;
  • in individual intolerance;
  • do not use the medicine at elevated pressure;
  • people suffering from constipation is prohibited to apply drugs from the root.

Calgan is an amazing product of nature. Apply it competently and purposefully, then will undoubtedly be benefit.

Kalgan's root is sometimes called the "melt", as it has pronounced therapeutic properties. Tincture Kalgana, its manufacture and application - these are the main accents of this article.

1 Wild Ginger - Medicine under Feet

Calgan refers to the family of ginger and on their healing properties is very similar to the root of ginger. Even in the literal translation from the Arabic name of this plant means "wild ginger". On the territory of Russia, Calgana has many alternative names: the laptop, the mugger, the dubbing, the recognition, the core, whisper. Plant can be found on open spaces: swamps, pastures, large forest glades. You can find it on a straight-standing stalk up to 30 cm high with wedge-shaped leaves and a rigid root.

Flowers Kalgan in the first half of summer. Inflorescences - small, yellow flowers, attached to the stalk long leg. Flowers and leaves collected in June-July are used in medicinal purposes. As for the root itself, it is harvested mainly in September-October. Clean roots are dried in a darkened, well-ventilated room. The billet will save almost all the healing trace elements in fresh roots. Kalgan's root found his application in folk medicine, thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, painkillers and vasodilatory properties.

At the same time, the medicinal plant has a very small list of contraindications. It belongs to him:

  • reduced stomach acidity;
  • high blood intake;
  • hypertension.

2 What treats Kalgan's root?

Kalgan in various forms used for treatment for a long time. In folk medicine, it is known as the binder and bile agent. Extracts and tinctures of plants stop bleeding, remove inflammation, used in diseases of the liver, intestines, gallbladder, enterocolitis and some skin diseases. It helps the root, as well as, with a cold, bronchitis, stress and nervous disorders.

From the chemical elements, the underground part of the plant contains essential oils, tannins, gum, galangine, flavonoids, starch, camphorin and many other human elements health.

The use of Calgana is shown at:

  • thyroid disease;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • eczema and other skin diseases;
  • bleeding dysen;
  • hemorrhoid;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • diarrhea;
  • angina;
  • gout;
  • liver diseases;
  • violations of the pancreas functioning.

Folk medicine is marked good action Calgana in the treatment of various light diseases. With the help of the root of this plant fought with tuberculosis and emphysema lungs. With colds and cough used as an expectorant. The substances included in the wild ginger are used to prepare bravery and ointments. Their use is based on the antibacterial action of the plant. Compresses and grafts contribute to healing wounds, relieving inflammation and redness of the skin, rapidly tightening burns.

3 Healing tincture - from dysbiosis and bronchitis

Calgana tincture prepared on vodka is good to a tool For the treatment of dysbacteriosis. A similar recipe, for folk observations, helps with bronchitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis and weaknesses in the legs. To prepare the drug, take 1 part of the dry roots of the caulgana, placed in a dark glass bottle and poured 70% alcohol, and or other, high-quality alcohol, a fortress is not lower than 40 degrees. The root insists at least two weeks, regularly shake a bottle. The finished tincture is drunk after dinner, before bedtime. For this, 50 gr is bred. in water.

For the treatment of stomach ulcers, Kalgan's tincture is preparing somewhat different. Mix the root of Calgana with the root of the thyme, forest mint and liquid honey, taken on one tablespoon. One carnation bud and a third of pepper pepper pepper are added. All this is placed in a glass bottle and pour 450 ml of vodka. Also two weeks insist, then faster and, overflow to another container, stored in a dark place. For the treatment of ulcers, tincture in water and drink before dinner. The same recipe can be used to increase the appetite and normalization of the digestive process.

The use of the medicinal plant is also possible for the treatment of the thyroid gland. In this case, the chain of Calgana is prepared on vodka so: the root of a mass of 100 gr. It is placed in the glassware, poured with alcohol, taken in the amount of 500 ml, and withstands the month in a dark place. Drive the composition of 30 drops before eating three times a day. After a month of treatment make a weekly break and repeat the course. In the launched cases, the root of the caulgan for tincture is taken in a double volume.

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The lightning effect of antibiotics is no doubt. They very quickly spread with pathogenic bacteria, destroying along with them and useful to our microbes. After them, there is a long time to restore the normal microflora in the intestines and raise the level of immunity. So why instead of such a coarse do not use herbs? After all, many of them are no less effective, and the main thing they passed a centuries-old security check. Their number of Kalgan's root is included.

In the thick of herbs, this grass is not immediately visible. It is a perennial plant from the kind of nepheat with thin stems, cute yellow flower and a powerful rhizome. Kalgan's root has a mighty healing force, which is directly opposed to the non-primary sizes of the plant itself. From a long time, he was used by the people. You can judge about its extraordinary popularity of our ancestors by the number of names donated to this non-zeep. It is a dubrovka, mugger, whisper, dump truck, focus, uzik, Kurshelyueze, Kostolov, Dwelle, stopping and stingy root.

Calgan is very effective in exhausting diarrhea. In those days, when antibiotics were not yet, it was successfully used in the cure of dysentery. His decoctions and infusions were used to eliminate inflammation, internal bleeding and rapid healing of stomach ulcers. Ointments and decoctions made on the basis of this plant helps with serious burns, cracks on the skin and hands, eczema, frostbite and wounds.

Kalgan root has wound-healing, painkillers, hemostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, choleretic and astringent effect. Due to such a wide range of beneficial properties, it also includes a fairly large number of modern pharmacological preparations. Experts recommend Kalgan's root at bronchial asthma, intestinal and kidney colic, diarrhea, uterine and gastric bleeding. With the bleeding of the gums, the inflammation of the nasopharynx and the threshing is used with rope rinsing. As an excellent anti-shine, with liver, kidney disease, cough, emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis, intestinal inflammation, dental pain, gynecological diseases and painful menstruation, Calgan root is successfully applied.

Treatment can be carried out at home, making a decoction yourself. It is brought until prepared by steam bath, having calculated the required amount. A spoonful of dry root needs no more glasses of pure water. If the application is outdoor, it will turn its volume twice. To make an ointment, follow dry roots to chop into the powder and mix with any fat base. The resulting mixture is put in the oven (oven) for eight hours. The resulting ointment is successfully used to eliminate lip dryness, irritation, burns and cracks on the skin. Wet ulcers sprinkle with dry powder, not adding anything, but simply rubbing the root.

Calgan has a powerful anthelmic effect, but for this it is used by another part, ground. It is also connected to the crushed root in the proportion one to five and are used to get rid of the effects of infectious hepatitis and cereals of the cirrhosis. It should be drinking at least two months, be sure to eat two hours before meals in the amount of half a glass. At the same time, the presence of salt in the diet is reduced.

An excellent tool from cholecystitis and gastritis, coupled with calendula, yarrow and mint is Calgan root. Treatment with a concentrated decoction is carried out for three weeks. Take me to eat on one tablespoon.

It should be noted that in the southern regions this plant is called the male root, and its alcohol tincture is used as an excellent prophylactic agent from prostatitis and impotence. The tincture is prohibited by the use of alcoholism, children and pregnant women.

Kalgan's root, hisrapeutic properties and contraindications

This grass is found in dense forest thickets, among which the low plant will not immediately notice. Thin stems, carved leaves and yellow small flowers will prompt that before you Calgan - powerful medicinegroaned by people nature. In fragile, the grass is pretty large root. It is he who is the main component of many recipes of traditional medicine. Plant calgan (or Pepper Strong) In the forests of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. It also thickets easily to detect in both America and Asia. It is safe to say that Calgan is spread almost all over the world.

What good for our body brings Kalgan's root?

Useful properties of the plant

  • The grass has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Increases appetite, normalizes the intestinal work, helps with meteorism and eliminates the pain in the stomach.
  • Raisters and infusions of the root of the Peppermakers have a choleretic effect. They are used for diseases of the gulb bubble and liver.
  • Antiseptic properties make it possible to use the grass with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and the nasopharynk.
  • Calgan is often used externally for the treatment of inflammation on the skin - ulns, ulcers and wounds.
  • The substances included in the root can remove the nervous tension and help with insomnia.
  • But the wider application of the plant has in the treatment of men from impotence.
  • Calgan improves peripheral blood circulation and has knitting and hemostatic properties.

Chemical composition of the lapprost

  • Kalgan's root is literally saturated tanning substancesHolding antiseptic and painkillers. Them may be 15 to 30% one hundred grams of roots.
  • The rich composition of flavonoids reports the plant's basic medical properties.
  • The most valuable substance that is part of the roots - Flakaren, which is a powerful antibacterial agent.
  • The composition also includes vitamins and mineral connections.
  • It contains essential oils (including cinell and eugenol).

Healthy and healing nutrition

In folk medicine, alcohol infusions, ointments and root roots are used.

  1. For the preparation of infusion on 0.5 liters of vodka or medical alcohol, one hundred grams of dry root takes. It insists for a week.
  2. The decoction is preparing from a tablespoon of crushed roots on a glass of water. The mixture is boiled on a steam bath for twenty minutes and is for four hours.
  3. For outdoor use, you can make an ointment of ground roots based on lanoline or any fat (5 grams of roots per hundred grams of fat).
Medical applications
  • The main scope of the root is the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Calgan relieves inflammation and slows down the reproduction of the pathogenic microflora. It is used for gastritis, peptic diseases, enteritis and enterocolites.
  • The binding properties of the plant are used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.
  • With bronchitis and asthma, Calgan is taken as an expectorant and antimicrobial drug.
  • Known grass with its hemostatic abilities. The decoction of the roots are treated uterine, nasal and gastric bleeding. The outer ointment based on this medicinal grass is used to process wounds.
  • The decoction of the throat and mouth in the dental pain, the inflammation of the dysen, angina, laryngitis and chronic tonsillites.
  • The anesthetic effect comes from the reception of the raccara and infusion of roots in painful menstruation, pain in the stomach.
  • Outward decoction and ointment containing chopped roots, is used for the treatment of frostbite and burns. It helps well with degrating, furunculaes, neurodermatitis and eczema.
Kalgan root for men To strengthen the male strength, treatment and prevention of the prostatitis, the alcohol infusion is taken within one and a half months three times a day across the tablespoon before meals. For the same purpose, a decoction is used, which is drunk in the evenings with an interval at two o'clock (there are three receptions on a teaspoon of the beam). Coulder and dietary use

In cooking Kalgan's root is known as a pleasant spice. In flavoring, aromatic and healing qualities, the plant exceeds to all the famous ginger and its beneficial features. The taste of Calgana is sharp and slightly burning with a fine notice of oriental spice.

  • Traditionally, in Russia, the root was added to kvass, bunch, brags. In confectionery, you can also add ground root. It is especially well combined with honey gingerbread, hanging their spicy aroma.
  • In European cuisine, Calgan is used in the production of vodka and liqueurs.
  • Chinese cooking root into meat and fish dishes. You can use the root as a spice to roasting from lamb, baked bird. The laying of this seasoning is four times less than that of ginger.
In dietology Calgana tea can be used as a means of normalizing the process of digestion. However, you should be careful because the plant can cause appetite. Take it better before receiving food.

The ground root harmonizes well with low-calorie salads and low-fat varieties of meat.

How to choose and store

In a pharmacy, you can purchase a wide variety of drugs based on this medicinal plant - herbal fees, tinctures, ointments.

The root is harvested in August and September. Rhizomes of the Peppermonts need to be cleaned from the ground, rinse, chop and dry in well ventilated and protected from sun ray place.

On a note. Cut roots for small squares up to 8 centimeters long. Be sure to clean the skin! After drying the root rustles, shrinks and acquires red-brown color. If you break the dried piece, you can see that the root is reddish. This color is the main difference between the plant from ginger.

The harvested raw materials in the canvas bags were far from sunlight and moisture. All drug properties are preserved at the root during the year. Ready water infusion or decoction must be used in two or three days.

For cooking root powder grind in the coffee grinder.

Consumption rates

Adults can be drunk at 80-100 milliliters of the beam three times a day before eating. Alcohol tincture is accepted at 25-30 drops three or four times a day. Interruptions are made between regular reception courses.

Calgan's children and decoction children are not given. Outdoor use in the form of baths or rims at various skin diseases.

Important! Overdose may cause nausea, vomiting and headaches. And with long-term treatment, constipation may occur. To prevent this trouble on the night, you need to drink a glass of kefir or ripples.

Contraindications for the use of Kalgan's root (Polymond Phacks)

  • individual sensitivity to this grass;
  • reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
Categorical prohibitions for treatment with roots of Calgana are not so much. This grass is extremely useful for men. Sometimes it is even called the male root. You can restore male strength by taking alcohol infusion roots or decoction at night. Before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor. Roots are able to cause poisoning or an allergic reaction with the unlimited use and presence of contraindications. What recipes with the root of Calgan know you? Please share the experience of treating this folk agent with all readers.

Calgan root - What is it? Medical properties for men and women, contraindications

Nature creates amazing plants, which, grown on the same soils, have completely opposite properties. In the middle line of Russia in the forests, you can find a practically fully equipped "pharmacy". One of her "goods" is Calgan root, whose medical properties are known from antiquity.

Wild Calgan is a perennial plant with a height of up to 50 cm with yellow flowers and underground tubers. The leaves form a muve on the stem (that is, it looks like a few skirts sitting at different heights). The tops of the stalks are crowned with small four-fledged flowers. Another name of Calgana is a reprehensive palm. In Russia, herbalists call him a mugger for the ability to heal many ailments. Calgan made not only healing, but also supernatural forces.

Tubers that plant forms in its underground part contain a supply of substances that are nutritious for plants and medicinal for people with many diseases. Let's try to figure out who will be useful to Calgan root.

Calgan, translated from the Arab "Wild Ginger", was used as a spice. Flavonoids and tanning substances contained in the blouses of a wild plant are substances with a wide range of action. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, possess astringent, hemostatic, painkillers, expectorant and choleretic effect.

Raisters root involve with a wide variety of diseases.

  • PCT: ulcers, stomach and intestine erosion, gastric disorders, bleeding, diarrhea, as well as cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis. Kalgan has a beneficial effect on health due to the content of binders and a large amount of ascorbic acid.
  • Nervous System: Preparations of plants have a sedative and soothing effect, treat insomnia, depression, reduce stress.
  • Cardiovascular system: root champs reduce the permeability of vascular walls and have a vasodilatory action. Help to prevent hemorrhage, treat hematomas, hemorrhoidal nodes, gout, normalize blood supply to organs and tissues. In this regard, Kalgan root and its therapeutic properties for men are particularly interesting: the application of the root decoction will benefit from potency. He will help the treatment of Calgan and with sexual disorders in women.
  • Respiratory system: Nasopharynx diseases, bronchitis, sore throats, tuberculosis, asthmatic phenomena. With inflammatory problems of the throat, the quick effect will have disinfecting rinsing with caalgan.
  • The skin and mucous membranes: the tanning effect of Calgana will be very by the way in the burning lesions of the skin and frostbite, purulent wounds, bleeding of gums, stomatitis, cracks on the skin and eczema, poorly healing damage. You can use a tightening effect on the skin to smooth out scars.
  • Calgan contains substances that reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, contribute to a decrease in appetite.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral action make Calgan with a natural antibiotic. The plant has established itself in the fight against helminths, as well as as an immunomodulator, disinfectant and antimicrobial agent.
  • Calgan has a diuretic and rejuvenating effect.

With all the variety of positive properties, the plant has and side effect. First of all, this is due to an overdose, which can lead to pain in the abdomen, migraine, nausea and vomit. It is not recommended to use Calgan people with constipation, increased bleeding, decompensation hypertension, individual intolerance. Calgan's tincture, made on alcohol, do not apply for the treatment of children, pregnant women, people with alcohol addiction.

As already noted, ground calgan is used in cooking. What it is? This is a spice, which is prepared from the dried and ground root, less often - from leaves and young shoots. The highest power is gaining roots at the end of the summer - early autumn. Collect them better in September. But leaving under the snow, the root will not lose its healing properties. The digging root must be flushed, free from small roots and dry. As it dry, it acquires a brown color, enhances its aroma and sharp, with mustard, taste. Grinded root is suitable for cooking nastocks and decoctions. Properly cooked "material" can be kept up to 5 years.

The decoction of Calgana is prepared as: 30 g root is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and brewed in a thermos or on a water bath for 20 minutes. Take a decoction inside 3 times a day on a tablespoon. You can rinse your mouth with this decoction, make a lotion from it.

To get a Calganovka tincture, take a half-liter bottle of vodka, filter it by 30 g of Kalgan root. It is necessary to insist the mixture for 2-3 weeks, time-shaking periodically. In cardiovascular diseases, a decrease in potency Calganovka is taken twice a day on the floor spoon, diluting with water. The course of treatment is at least a month.

For external use, for example, when treating eczema, the juice of the grass of the Wild Calgana is used. Inside the juice is taken on a spoon (dining room) 3 times a day.

For the role of an expectorant means, Kalgan can take the form of inhalation. This will soften and facilitate cough with bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia.

Calgana powder is used as suproes during lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, for example, the oral cavity. Also for outdoor use make ointment from the plant, using fat, butter, glycerin as the basis. In this case, cangana powder or a tincture can be mixed with the database.

When internal use is very important to comply with the dosage to prevent side effects.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the use of medicinal herbs is rarely expected to expect momentum results. So and for the therapy, "wild ginger" are taking patience. And then Calgan root and his healing properties will help you to keep health and enjoy life for a long time.

Kalgan root - Medical properties

Pepper Streeting or Calgan - A perennial grassy plant from a rustic family with a large root. Distributed practically throughout Eurasia. Often, for distinguishing from Calgana from the family of ginger, growing in Indonesia and South China, the Laptop is called wild Calgana or Calgan herb.

Kalgan's root has many useful properties and is used both in traditional medicine and in cooking (as seasonings, for the manufacture of tinctures).

Calgana root contains tubyl substances, flavonoids, organic acids, fatty acids, vitamins, including a large number of Vitamin C, glycosides, gum, resins and waxes, a rich set of trace elements. Calgano-based preparations have bactericidal, bloodstand, antiseptic, painkillers, choleretic, knitting and wound-healing properties.

Inside, the boars and tincture with the root of Calgana are taken with diarrhea, enterocolites, enteritis, dysentery, gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, like a choleretic remedy for jaundice, cholecystitis, hepatitis. In addition to the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Kalgan's decoction is used in stomatitis, gingivitis, other inflammation of the oral cavity, as well as with an angina.

The root of Calgana is externally used with wounds, burns, frostbines, eczema and inflammation of the skin of various origin, neurodermatitis, skin cracks. In addition, in modern medicine, the decoction of the root of Calgana is used in the treatment of uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids.

Kalgan's root is used for the manufacture of therapeutic ointments, decoctions and info, which have a beneficial effect on digestion, skin condition. The plant will help to cope with dermatitis, infections of the respiratory system, enhances the male libido. We will tell about therapeutic properties of the root of Calgana and contraindications, tell me how to brew it correctly.

Calgan (Sea. Rosicular), he is also a restraint, applied mainly in the complex therapy of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a plant with the same name in the ginger family, its more is used as a spice. Therefore, the article will go about the rhizomes of the laptop of directly.

The roots of this plant are used to treat various diseases. The plant includes vitamins, trace elements, compounds with antioxidative activity, strengthening immunity.

The use of rhizomes in traditional medicine is based on its useful properties:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has high antibacterial activity;
  • stops bleeding;
  • thanks to the astringent effect, the chair normalizes;
  • relaxes a smooth intestinal musculatory;
  • affects the water-salt balance, removes an extra liquid;
  • it affects the sexual sphere.

The root affects both male and female organism. It helps to cope with menstrual pains, reduce the intensity of the uterine bleeding.

The most important properties of Calgana for men: helps to increase potency, extend the sexual intercourse.

Under what diseases are Kalgan's root use?

The medicinal plant has a lot of useful properties, therefore apply it in various fields of traditional medicine. Moreover, sometimes infusions, decoctions and ointments based on the root of Calgana prescribe doctors as additional medicament.

Here is a list of ailments, in which the plant will help:

  1. Disorders of the digestive system: decrease in appetite, gastritis and ulcerative disease, intestinal colic, heartburn, dysentery, diarrhea.
  2. Respiratory diseases: tuberculosis, ARVI, asthma, inflammation of lungs and bronchi, angina.
  3. Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: stomatitis, bleeding of adhesion, burns, fungal lesions, eczema, cracking of the skin of the lips, hemorrhoids.
  4. Separation disorders: the instability of the erection in men, pain syndrome during menstruation, uterine postoperative bleeding in women.

The plant helps to eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Kalgan's root reduces the headache, reduces the frequency of migrain, has a positive effect when depressed, helps to normalize sleep.

Application in folk medicine

Papers are used in fresh and dried. You can buy them in a pharmacy. Fresh roots should be thoroughly rinsed and dry, then chop finely or grind in a blender.

For the treatment of cracks on the skin, eczema and burns are preparing healing ointment:

  • dried rhizome is crushed in a blender;
  • 5 g of the resulting powder is mixed with butter (100 g);
  • lubricate the affected skin.

And for the rapid restoration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and the treatment of other diseases, champs, infusions and teas are prepared.

Infusions at root

Kalgan's root can be insteaded on water, alcohol and vodka.

Here are a couple of effective recipes:

  1. Infusion for proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves appetite appetite, reduces heartburn, helps with gastritis. Fill with boiling water (250 ml) chopped Kalgan root and insist 12 hours. Perfect. Infusion is better divided into 3 servings and take to meals. Every day you should brew a reservoir. Positive results are observed after 1 month of reception.
  2. Alcohol tincture can be used as an outdoor (wipe the wounds) or take inside. It has a positive effect on male libido, helps to fight digestion disorders. For the preparation of 100 g of rhizomes, it is necessary to cut and pour 1 glass of alcohol. It is best to insist in the dark for 3 weeks. When the medicine is imagined, 150 ml of water is added to it. Consuming the folk remedy follows 1-2 weeks, 5 ml three times a day.

Infusion is sometimes prescribed as an additional treatment of avitaminosis, liver cirrhosis, and the tinctures found their use when goug.


The decoction is used in the treatment of colds and liver diseases. They are putting the throat or take inside in small doses.

You can prepare a healing decoction by a simple recipe:

  • grinded root (30 g) need to pour hot water (250 ml);
  • cook for 15 minutes, preferably in a water bath;
  • cool off, filter decoction.

With a cold, such a folk remedy takes 10 ml every 2-3 hours.

Just prepare a decoction on milk, which further reveals the beneficial properties of this plant.

Tea from root

For complex treatment of food poisoning and stopping diarrhea, tea is prepared by the following recipe:

  • grind rhizome;
  • put 1 tsp. powder in a cup;
  • pour boiling water;
  • finish 5 minutes.

Such a drink can be brewed three times a day, and drink it better before eating.

Calgan's root can be combined with other herbs. For example, during the exacerbation of gastritis and when inflammation of the gallbladder, it is recommended to brew herbal tea from the root of the laptop, marigolds, mint and yarrow.

The recipe is pretty simple:

  • mix all the ingredients;
  • 1 tsp. herbal mixture pour with boiling water (1 tbsp.);
  • let break for 10 minutes;
  • perfect.

The resulting tea volume is divided into 3 receptions, drink before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions

Folk remedies from the root of Calgana can be taken to many, but not everyone. Sometimes they worsen well-being, so you should know in what cases the infusions and decoctions should not be taken:

  1. In no case cannot drink the chain of the root of Calgan people suffering from constipation. This approach only aggravates the problem.
  2. It is forbidden to take Calgan under individual intolerance.
  3. It is not recommended to use a folk remedy and those who have increased acidity.
  4. When pregnancy and breastfeeding, the means based on the laptop is also better not to take.
  5. You can not drink Kalgan's root with hyperthermia.
  6. With high blood pressure and increased blood intake, Calgan is prohibited.

Separately, let's say about the children: they are not recommended for drugs based on rhizomes, except as rinsing during colds and rims.

Side effects are observed with the uncontrolled use of chains and tinctures. The substances that are part of the root of Calgana, even in small quantities affect the activities of the GCT. If the recommended norms are exceeded, nausea can occur, turning into vomiting, and pain in the stomach. therefore folk remedies, which includes rhizomes of the plant, do not get carried away.

Compliance with dosage will help exclude side effects.

Where does the Kalgan root grow?

Rhizomes can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare independently, only for this you need to know where Kalgan grows.

The plant is found in the wild on the territory of Europe, Western and Southwestern Asia. It grows in mountainous terrain, and on the plains. In Russia, this species can be found from Kaliningrad to Altai Mountains. Phackle prefers wet places warmed by the sun. It can be found on marshy meadows, pastures and forest cutting.

How to prepare rhizomes?

The most suitable time for collecting rhizomes is considered late autumn. When the ground part is dying, all useful compounds are concentrated at the root. After digging the root, it is carefully washed, cut into parts with a length of 2-3 cm.

Kalgan's root can be dried both in a special electric grid and in the open way. Parts of the plant are unfolded over a newspaper or filter paper in a well ventilated place. Every day you need to change the substrate. Duration of drying in an open way, depending on the thickness of the root and humidity of the air, is 5-10 days. The dried roots are stored in cardboard boxes or canvas bags.

Calgan (or a reprehensive pallet) is known to each herbal. Thanks to the healing properties, it is actively used in traditional medicine. Translated from Arabic, the plant name sounds like wild ginger, it is really widely used by the food industry as a spice. In our country, the name "mugger" is more common, indicating the huge healing power of Calgana. For therapy, rhizome is taken more often, but it is possible to use flowers, grass or seeds. Kalgan's root, along with ginseng and ginger, is considered the best tool from impotence.

Therapeutic properties of the plant

Herbalists since ancient times use Calgan for treating colitis, ulcers, gastritis or cholecystitis. It helps with renal, ear, liver diseases, pathologies of the oral cavity. It is recommended to use the root with cracks on the skin, eczema, inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes, burn damasses, infection inflammatory and fungal etiology. The nepchatka is distinguished by a choleretic, astringent, hemostatic effect, and an anesthetic property made it a popular medicine from dental pain.

In traditional medicine, it is applied against diseases of the thyroid, renal and intestinal colic, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, nasopharyngeal inflammation, rheumatic lesions, convulsion, frostbite, angina. Heals the root of gout and asthmatic manifestations, wool bleeding, jaundice, emphysema, dysentery, hematoma. It will help with toxic manifestations of nausea-vomit syndrome, heartburn or gastric disorders.

From the point of view of chemistry, the composition of the plant is quite diverse, because the root is distinguished by an extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication. It is used with unreasoning associated with marine disease and hypochondria, migraines or headaches, exhaustion. The infusion of Calgana easily copes with the weakening of the organism immune protection, restores the real exchange, digestion. Use Kalgan's root in folk treatment Hepatitis or cirrhosis complicated by stagnant manifestations like ascites or edema. Strong therapeutic effects in gum inflammation and stomatitis give rinse with decoction. It is useful as an anthelminth drug.

Attention! When treating with Ribs, Calgana should carefully select the dosage, since excessive abuse causes pain in the epigastria, nausea-vomit syndrome and migraine.

The main therapeutic mechanism is based on the effects of flavonoids and tanning substances that root rich - they reduce the membrane and capillary permeability. Anti-inflammatory and astringent effect allows you to quickly cure fastening wounds, lichen lesions, neurodermatitis, eczema. For the prevention of cavity pathologies, experts advise about a quarter of an hour to dissolve a small piece of root. Since Kalgan is rich in ascorbic acid, it has the strongest antioxidant properties, normalizes the pancreas, contributes to the restoration of hepatic cells.

Thanks to the Comedy, Calgan reduces cholesterol, contributes to the withdrawal of toxins, reduces the appetite and the negative impact of some medicines. The presence of resins gives the infusion of immunomodulating, antibacterial, disinfectant property. Rich glycosides, which provide vasodilator, diuretic, sedative, antibacterial, antimicrobial impact. There are essential oils, tannins, organic acids. Rich flavonoids, wax, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. Calgan is endowed with strong soothing properties, so anti-impenetrative, anti-stress medicines make it from it, drink from sleep disorder. But he acquired great popularity in the treatment of impotence and raising libido.

For men's potency

Kalgan brings great benefits for male potency. This disease is directly related to insufficient blood supply to the sexual organ, which is explained by violations in the cardiovascular system. Positive effects on potency have drugs that normalize cardiovascular functions to which Calgan applies. He is an excellent antidepressant, his infusions soothe nervous system, contribute to the elimination of psychogenic factors such as stressful states provoking potency violations.

Medicinal preparations from Calgana have the same therapeutic effect in the treatment of female and male sexual disorders.

Calgan's root is beneficial to the circulatory system, normalizes the blood flow to the sexual member, which improves the potency. This is due to flavonoids that increase elasticity, strengthen the vascular walls, protect the capillaries from sclerotic processes. Calgan accelerates the processes of real exchange without adverse reactions from the body. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, it is used in the treatment of prostatitis - one of the common diseases leading to a potency disorder. Calgan warns cerebral hemorrhages, strokes, activates the operation of the sex glare, gOOD SYSTEM, reduces pressure, strengthens immune protection, reduces the level of sugar, protects cells from toxic effects, strengthens the vessels, normalizes the real exchange.

Methods of application and effective recipes

In folk treatment, the root is consumed in the form of tinctures and decoctions, powder, balsam and extract. The tincture advise to drink with gastric and liver diseases, bronchitis and jaundice, prostatitis and sexual disorders. Externally, Calgan is used as a preparation for a row with burn and eczema lesions. It is preparing infusion like this: a half-liter bottle of vodka is poured 30 g root and withstand three weeks, periodically shaking. At the end of the exposure time, the mixture that acquires a pleasant berry-flower taste and amber-tea tint, filter. "Calganovka" drink (30 cap.), Diluted with water. The course of treatment should last at least a month.

Herbal decoction is used inside with therapy of intestinal, pulmonary, hepatic and gastric pathologies, rheumatism and meteorism, gout and colitis. Outwardly, use is recommended for pathologies and skin damage such as burns, eczema or fastened wounds, for compresses with hemorrhoidal inflammations and for rinsing during stomatitis. To prepare a decoction, it follows 20 minutes to boil 30 g root, flooded with a glass of boiling water. After which the mixture is filtering. The finished medicine is drunk on a large spoon three times a day.

The most effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and prostatitis is considered to be tincture or simply "Calganovka", which men should drink twice per day.

Calgan in powder shape is used for sprinklers for burning, bleeding outer damage, wet ulcers and wounds. It is recommended to use as a toothpaste, which will save from unpleasant odor, preserves possible gums of inflammation. It is often used in the form of an active ingredient in the manufacture of ointments, for which the powder is mixed with butter or a mixture of bee wax and olive oil. Sometimes for the manufacture of ointments is used interior pork or goose fat. Balsam is recommended for gastric ulcer. For cooking should be mixed on a large spoonful of honey, vabies and chopped roots, a small spoon of mint, a pinch of pepper and one clove. The mixture is poured with a floor-liter bottle of vodka and withstand a half-month, periodically smudging. After exposure, it is filled with, drinking the big spoonful one per day.

With thyroid, bile and gasts, pathologies, internal bleeding, angina and stomatitis, hemorrhoidal inflammation and diarrhea, the Calgana extract is effective. It has an expectorant, astringent, choleretic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drops are mixed with some drink, and the outside is used undivided.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions

It is not recommended to be treated by Calgano to people suffering from low gastric acidity, increased bleeding, constipation, decompensation hypertension. Do not advise using infusion in individual hypersensitivity or high temperature.

Attention! In the treatment of "Calganovka" it is necessary to take into account that it contains alcohol, therefore it is unacceptable for its use in the midst of the working day to drivers and people of other professions.

Calgan does not apply to the category of poisonous plants, although with an uncontrolled use there may be a nausea-vomiting reaction, pain syndrome in the epigastric area. Wine all tubyl substances, in significant amounts contained in the plant. Because the dosage, treatment order, the dosage form of such drugs should be strictly observed, then it will be possible to avoid possible complications or adverse reactions. Treatment of herbs belongs to the discharge of long-term processes, so the instantaneous effect of waiting for similar therapy is not necessary.


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