The best expectorant herbs. Herbs from cough for children and adults - how to take, brew beams or infants for rinsing and inhalation

The best expectorant herbs. Herbs from cough for children and adults - how to take, brew beams or infants for rinsing and inhalation

Since ancient times, people treated cough folk remedies prepared from fees of various herbs. Some recipes have been preserved to this day and have an indispensable assistance in the treatment. Therefore, in this article we will deal in how to prepare an effective expectorant remedy at home.

During colds or infectious diseases there is a problem with expectoration and wet wet. Here and come to the rescue efficient wet wet and expectorant means. After all, if it is not possible to delete it in time, serious complications caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in sputum are quite possible.

How to facilitate the state and contribute to the discharge and wet wet home?

It is very important during the illness not to releasing yourself and relax, because the wrong and late treatment can lead to even more complex consequences and to a significant decrease in immunity. And this, in turn, will cause a frequent occurrence of colds and any other infectious diseases.

Bed regime

At the beginning of the disease, he is needed, at least for a while, after that, you can take a little stroll through the park or forest. With coldic diseases, a milk, vegetable-cereal diet should be observed, since the body at the moment is like vitamins.


The next thing to do is to abandon smoking. This is perhaps the most important thing about what is worth thinking when cold. Smoking provokes a dry cough and significantly increases the terms of the disease.


First of all, you should remember that nothing happens if you do not use a sufficient amount of fluid. It may be all sorts of compotes, decoctions, teas, juices, etc. Linden tea has proven very well, as well as chamomile, mint, crimson decoction. It is advisable to use liquid in warm form, and even better that it corresponds to the body temperature, so it will be absorbed faster in blood. This is the best therapy when pumping out.

Moisturizing air

This also identifies an important role in coldic diseases, which contributes to the natural moisturizing of the nasopharynx mucosa. This is one of the most important conditions in the fight against colds and coughing. To date, there are various ways to moisten air indoors. You can, for example, put a closer with water, sprinkle a wet towels on the batteries or buy a household moisturizer.

These are three components that are simply indispensable in the fight against any cough.


The following procedures to help alleviate cough - steam inhalations. Each doctor for wet wet will recommend applying this method. To do this, you can buy an inhaler in a pharmacy or to build it yourself. In this case, any deep container is suitable, into which hot water or decoction of herbs is poured. The patient should be leaning over her, cover with a towel and breathe. It should be remembered that the procedure should be carefully taken carefully, do not bend too close to boiling water tanks so as not to burn the ferry.

Expectaurant remedies at home for inhalation

Essential oils in a solution for inhalations

Essential oils can also be used as effective expectorant means. They can be added to a solution for inhalation. There are enough a few drops of any oil. Very good in this case, mint, pine, eucalyptus, rose, sage, fir, lemon, lavender, juniper have proven itself.

What kind of wet wet and expectorant can be cooked at home?

That's all effective expectorant means.

Sounding compresses at home

The most famous and fairly effective means for compress is a sheet. white cabbage and honey. To do this, plunge the cabbage sheet in boiling water for several minutes until it becomes soft. On the chest, not assigneling the heart, apply honey, then cover the smeared area with a cabbage sheet. Victory food film And on top, put on a warm bathrobe or go to the warm blanket. Hold the compress for about 4 hours (you can at night). Repeat the procedure for 5-6 days. This is a very effective way that will help to quickly skip the sputum.

For children, the compress-cake helps well. To do this, move vodka, vegetable oil, mustard, honey, corn flour. To knead the dough. Split it into two equal parts. Place one - on the chest, the second - on the back through a rag. This compress can be set overnight.

It is also very effective in severe wet sputum compress made of vegetable oil. All that you need is to warm it up a bit, rub in the chest, wrap the cloth, better woolen and put on top of the heating. After a few days of use of this fund, a significant relief is already felt.

All of the above funds were used since ancient times by our ancestors who did not know about the existence of medical drugs, so the folk remedies can be trusted, but not fully. Before applying, you will definitely receive a consultation of the doctor, especially if the case applies to children.

· Immorter - 20 grams.

· Tolkin - 20 gr.

· Rosehip - 20 grams.

· Motherboard - 10 gr.

· Yarrow - 10 gr.

· Birch kidneys - 10 gr.

· Trench drying - 10 gr.

· Dryech flower - 10 gr.

· Lime flowers - 10 gr.

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Various herbs of expectorant and wet wet under the cough. Types of diluted herbs for expectoration of sputum at home

Cough is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of any cold. It is difficult to get rid of it even after ARZ, and if complications appeared in the form of bronchitis, tracheitis, especially pneumonia, it takes a lot of effort and time to eliminate the symptom. Medicinal preparations help get rid of the underlying disease.

But sometimes you have to resort to traditional medicine to help the body cope with a long cough when antibiotics and antibiotic drugs are simply dangerous due to a long-term application.

Herbs and fees to relieve symptoms can also be recommended by doctors. We will understand what herbs are thinning wet.

When you need expectorant

Any cough is a reflex with which bronchi and lungs are cleaned of foreign objects and substances.

Therefore, man coughs, stirred, strongly and dramatically exhausted through the mouth, with a cold, trying to get rid of the accumulated sputum in the trachea or lungs, with many other diseases.

Unproductive, dry cough is one of the most dangerous, doctors often have to prescribe special preparations that suppress the cough reflex if the symptom is caused by tumors, edema or an allergic reaction.

With the usual productive cough, when the result is the resulting of sputum, the suppression of cough centers can become dangerous, since many pathogenic microorganisms are developing in sputum that can cause inflammatory processes that destroy the respiratory system.

In this case, it is the expectorant means that helps to facilitate the "cleaning" of the respiratory tract, the dilution of a viscous secret and withdrawing it out of the bronchi, not allowing to descend to the lower departments and lungs.

What herbs have an expectorant effect

To facilitate the removal of sputum, many centuries use medicinal herbs, which have the ability to solve the sputum with an anti-inflammatory effect. Herbs diluted sputum:

  1. The root of licorice - in the old days he was called Lacrice. The universal means that enhances the effect of any drugs during the cough, it can be drunk, just chew, apply with inhalations. Anti-inflammatory remedy, copes with microbes, rich in vitamins, so that in time the treatment started by them will help to avoid the bronchitis tightened on weeks.
  2. Coltsfoot - Minor Increased Flowers on a Thin Green Stem Aparted Early Spring Together with the First Flowers. An equally unique plant saving with solar bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, facilitating the life of asthmatics. Bars of freshly-topped May colors, leaves, dry raw materials recommend drinking both children and adults.
  3. Nine - the plant is not in vain received its name, nature endowed it with a mighty force capable of overcome many diseases. The roots and rhizomes of ninexil are used for inhalations, in decoction, inflammation inflammation inflammation, as an antimicrobial and expectorant.
  4. Chamomile - an excellent antiseptic and diluting sputum means, helps to calm irritation.
  5. Thyme.
  6. Oregano
  7. Altea.
  8. Calendula.
  9. Sage.
  10. Baghone.
  11. Raspberries - Young shoots and leaves are known not only as antipyretic, but also anti-inflammatory, expectorant in decoction.
  12. St. John's wort - removes, soothes irritation, facilitates the flipping.

Many herbs have an expectorant effect, so infusions and decoctions of them will be useful in bronchitis.

But each of the plants has both contraindications, so that before use you need to consult with your doctor, find out if you need to take medicines with herbs, which of them can harm with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract.

Herbs with bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma causes an exhausting cough, which almost does not bring relief.

For the release of bronchi from the accumulated mucus, special means of facilitating breathing are needed, removing swelling.

The greatest efficiency was shown by herbs to dieting sputum:

  • oregano - Pilot and facilitating production, discharge and elimination of a mucus, a decoction of it is pleasant, soothes, helps to fall asleep;
  • oats - a decoction of cereals makes it easier to eliminate sputum, honey, milk, aloe juice can be added to it;
  • big Big - possesses both expectorant and antiallergic effect;
  • nine-rags and inhalations from rhizomes come to the aid of the disease, do not cause addiction, so you can drink a decoction throughout your life and for preventing attacks;
  • ginger - Freshly squeezed juice of one root with a pinch of salt removes the attack and helps to produce perfectly.

Be sure to make sure that the plant does not apply to the number of allergens. IN otherwise The result will be very difficult to predict.

Best herbs with dry cough

Easy condition with dry cough can inhalation from some herbs. After all, the main thing at him is to achieve the death of sputum, which annoys the respiratory tract.

Chamomile - calm the irritated throat, will help to form more mucus, that is, to start the removal of harmful substances.

And-stepmother - a couple of this plant also help relieve inflammation, and even soften the inflamed mucous membranes.

From wet cough

Having achieved normal wet wet, it is necessary to continue to accept decoctions and infusion from herbs or their fees.

On a day it is worth drinking 3 - 5 glasses of useful fragrant tea from mint, Melissa with a hunter and chamomile, 2 times a day to drink decoction from the root of licorice, the shoots of raspberries with honey. This will not only help eliminate the symptom, but also holds immunity, saturately Vitamins.

Herbs expectorant and sputum with bronchitis

The root of licorice and ninewide removes all unnecessary from the respiratory tract, it is a good flourity.

Effective and decoction from the collection of plantain, chamomile, nine and laccics. Healing tea will help cure bronchitis without complications within 3 - 5 days, if you drink it constantly, according to the diagram recommended by doctors.

Herbs for expectoration of sputum in smokers

Chronic bronchitis with a constant cough, from whom it is possible to get rid of only for a while - punishment for the passion for Nicotin. Doctors call cough pursuing smoking, bronchitis smokers for its particularly malicious character.

It is best to throw a detrimental habit that leads to a lung cancer, COPD, brings death.

Help constantly coughing tobacco lovers can herbs from cough with wettero, which are made on the basis of:

It must be remembered that even after the habit remains in the past, damaged bronchi will remind themselves. The use of the useful soothing and sputtering tea will facilitate the period of cancellation from nicotine, these herbs in a complex with decoction of oats reduce the thrust to cigarettes in critical periods.

Herbs for wet wet when coughing in children

Find a means for wet wet in children is not easy. Adults in treatment can drink bitter, unpleasant ragners, patiently transfer inhalation.

With children, everything is much more difficult, although the young organism is thoroughly needed to protect against addiction to antibiotics and tablets for wet wet.

  1. Lime color - useful, very pleasant taste tea from linden smells with honey, children willingly drink him.
  2. Mint and Melissa also do not cause them unpleasant emotions.
  3. St. John's wort with a thousandth and chamomile are also suitable for treatment.
  4. The root of licorice is very sweet taste, it can be given both in decoction, and just chew fresh or dried.

Before starting treatment, you need to talk with a pediatrician to clarify the dosage, to decide how often decoctions, it is worth offering them constantly or limit ourselves to 2-3 hours l. in a day.

Expectorant fees

In any pharmacy you can buy herbs from sputum called "breast fees", to facilitate cold symptoms and bronchitis. Most of them are offered in convenient packages that greatly simplify the application.

But such fees can be made by themselves, most of the grasses are perfectly combined, gives a pleasant original taste and fragrance.

In the complex, they are much more efficient, the wet wet by folk remedies will make treatment with tasty, help and recover, and strengthen the body.

Video about cough drugs

Elena Malysheva will tell about cough medications. What are the types of drugs and what drug to choose?

Excessive range of sputum - protective reaction of the body to irritants of various origin: allergens, microorganisms, pathogenic microflora, dust. This is the process of natural purification of mucous membranes and blocking harmful substances. Pathogens binded by mocrytes are removed during blowing, cough and sneezing.

But it happens that the body does not cope. The mucus becomes thick and difficult to separate. In this case, it must be ignited. Perfectly copble with this task folk remedies. We give the recipes of the most efficient and popular of them.

Folk recipes for reception inside

1. Ginger tea has rich medical propertieswhich can be treated various diseases. The compounds present in the ginger help minimize the symptoms of cold and cough, soothe respiratory system, dilute sputum.

Take 100 g of fresh ginger root and clean the outer skin. Grind it. Do not add water to it. Take 2 tbsp. l. Raw honey and put in the microwave for 15 seconds. Now add one teaspoon of grated ginger in honey. Eat two tablespoons of this mixture twice a day for three days in the intervals between meals.

2. Add one tablespoon of honey into a glass of warm water. Drink this means warm several times a day. Medicinal properties of honey will make you feel better.

3. Take half a teaspoon of white pepper and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Put the mixture into the microwave ovens. Remain as candy. You will feel instant relief. This mixture should be taken at least three times a day for a week to light and remove the wet completely.

4. Cut the lemon into two halves. Sprinkle salt and black pepper, let stand. Singing the juice and consult immediately from half a lemon to 1 reception.

5. Clean the bulb and soda on the grater. Click down the juice of one lemon and connect with 1 bulbs juice. Fill this mixture with a cup of hot water and insist for 2-3 minutes. Add one teaspoon of honey after the mixture is cooled.

Take a cup of this mixture three times a day until you feel relief. Alternative recipe: finely chopped onions and add two large sugar spoons. After half an hour, this mixture will turn into a liquid. Consume one big spoon every 3-4 hours.

6. The juice of grapes is a good expectorant folk agent, helps to calm the cough and clean the bronchi from sputum. Take 2 tablespoons of grape juice and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture three times a day during the week.

7. Carrot is a good source of vitamins and antioxidants, strengthens immune system. In addition, it contains nutrients that reduce symptoms associated with cough and sputum. Fresh juice from 3-4 raw carrots mix with the same amount of water and 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Mix well and drink for 2-3 receptions throughout the day to clean the respiratory tract.

8. boil the glass of water. Look in hot liquid with 3 lemons juice. Now add 2 crushed garlic cloves, half a teaspoon of black pepper and a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients and drink this drink. This tool will help instantly get rid of sputum.

9. Hot chicken broth helps to treat sputum, softens well and moisturizes the respiratory tract. Drink around the cup of hot broth 2-3 times a day to clean the throat and bronchi. You can also add ginger and garlic to make a drink more appetizing and useful.

10. Stimulating properties of Cayenne pepper. Mix one fourth part of a teaspoon of a grated fresh ginger and Cayenne pepper. Now add 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar and two tablespoons of water. Use a mixture 3-4 times a day after meals.

11. Kurkuma is one of the most effective natural antibiotics for the treatment of sputum, bacterial origin. It acts as an antioxidant and contains curcumin, which is used to treat various internal and external problems of the body.

  • Add half the black pepper teaspoon and half a turmeric teaspoon in a glass of warm milk. Mix and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink drink daily until full of sputum.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and with the same amount of apple vinegar, mix thoroughly and take 2 hours before sleep.

12. Board 1½ cup of water and add chopped anise seed into it (1 teaspoon). Give the mixture to get drunk on slow heat for 30 minutes. Then strain and evaporate the remaining fluid until it decreases to 1 cup in volume. Mix with 2 cups of honey and let it cool. Store in the refrigerator within 2-3 months. With a bad discharge of sputum, add hot tea to 1 tablespoon.

13. Cultural cherry bark is an excellent natural healer who dilutes the sputum and takes it out of his chest, throat and lungs. Make tea from this fragrant bark or her powder. Alternatively, you can also use two teaspoons of the cherry syrup.

  • Pregnant and nursing women should not apply cherry tea.
  • The wild species of cherries in the leaves contain a poisonous blue acid, so they cannot be used to prepare tea.
  • Do not use this tool for a long time, more than 5 days.

14. Take several fresh laurel leaves and pour the boiling water cup. Allow the mixture is broken for a few minutes and strain. Take this decoction to get instant relief. This tool helps the topics that the pulmonary tuberculosis is diagnosed.

15. Prepare the decoction by boiling the roots of licorice, 1 tablespoon, in a water cup. Strain and drink it in three receptions per day. it effective toolIt reduces the wet and makes it easier for the throat.

16. Hot drink helps to loosen the stubborn mucus and take it naturally. Exist various recipes Herbal teas that can be used for this purpose. You can drink a cup of mint, lavender, green, echinacea or chamomile tea. To improve their taste, add a teaspoon of honey. You can also prepare herbal tea from some other herbs, such as Issop and Aloe root.

17. Lemon juice - the best way Slip the sputum and strengthen the body and even cure chronic bronchitis. The acid contained in the lemon contributes to the dissolution of all organism fluids: blood, lymphs, sweat and mocroid. In addition, vitamin C is presented in the fruit contributes to an increase in the body's resistance to infections. Apply 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice on a glass of hot tea.

18. Cranberries - a berry leader in the content of acid. Regular use of cranberry morse at a cold and cough contributes to the rapid discharge and removal of viscous content from the upper respiratory tract. Apply for a third cup three times a day.

19. It is noted that when using hot drinks is much facilitated by the separation of mucus. Good in this direction:

  • hot milk, diluted by half-mineral water "Borjomi" without gas;
  • tea with lemon and honey;
  • tea from the fruits of viburnum;
  • tea from leaves and berries of raspberries;
  • hot infusion of fruit or sea buckthorn leaves with honey;
  • drink "Gogol-Mogol";
  • sour berry and fruit juices.

How to cook "Gogol-Mogol"?

The drink that firming the forces of the patient and facilitating the condition of cough has a century-old story. He was preparing at the time of hippocratic and aristotle, although he received his name much later.

He is preparing simply. It is necessary to bring the glass of milk to the boil, remove from the fire and cool to a temperature just below 40 degrees. Add a raw chicken egg to it and a tablespoon of honey, thoroughly beat. Drink a warm empty stomach.

Instead of honey, you can add raspberry jam.


Well cleans the mucous usual kitchen salt. It is necessary to prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon salt on a liter of water, mix thoroughly to complete dissolution. Apply for washing the nose and rinse throat. Before use, heat up to the body temperature.

Infusion of pharmacy chamomile. 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and filtered through 2 layers of gauze. Apply for rinsing throats.


One of the most effective vegetable oils used in the treatment of sputum is eucalyptus. Mix a little with him coconut oil And massaging the chest area. Locking this oil you are definitely get rid of the ailment. Such severe diseases are facilitated as inflammation of lungs and asthma.

  • This oil cannot be applied directly to the skin, but only in the mixture with other oils.
  • It can not be swallowed.


  • Inhalation of warm steam saturated with essential oils or sea salt.
  • Babushkin Method is to breathe potato couples, loyering with a warm blanket.
  • Inhalation with soda.
  • Inhalation with a solution of chlorophyllip (eucalyptus extracts, sold in a pharmacy).
  • Inhalation based on herbs informations: chamomile, chamber, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus leaf, birch leaf, pine buds.
  • Board the handful of mint leaves and eucalyptus leaves in a saucepan with water for 10 minutes. Then breathe water pairs, covered with a towel. This will lead to a slurry of mucus, open the breathing sinuses and dismiss the sputum.

Temperature Room and Air Humidity

In the room where the sick person is located, should not be hot and too dry. The air temperature should be no higher than 20 degrees, and it is recommended to carry out 15-minute ventilation on any weather and at any time of the year.

Special requirements are presented to air humidity. In the rooms where the central heating batteries are installed, usually dry air, which makes it difficult to breathe and eliminate the hood, exacerbating the course of the disease.

To facilitate the patient's condition, it is necessary to establish an air humidifier that sprays the smallest particles of water. Often, essential oils of eucalyptus, fir, pines, lemon, rosemary, mint, rummage, food soda are added to the spraying solution.

If a person is sick of a cold illness, and he has difficulty from the heocroty, shown walks in green areas and by the sea. Especially useful to walk near the pines, fir trees, juniper.

  • Avoid meat, excessively sweet, fried and smoked foods.
  • Refuse smoking and alcohol.
  • Do not expose yourself to harmful smells: paints, chemicals and household cleaning products that can cause irritation of the respiratory tract.
  • Do not swallow the sputum.
  • Do not miss the moment in time to the unimportant nose or flush the mucus.
  • Minimize the use of cold products and drinks.

Allergies showing a change in the kind of activity and climate or, at least, at the time of flowering allergenic plants, to travel to other climatic zones.

Thanks for the wonderful recipes! It is wonderful that the old recipes are saved and help people.

Nina. Always happy to help. Thanks for the feedback.

Recipes are very good, that's just cooking honey is a complete stupidity.

The remark is true from a scientific point of view, but these are folk recipes.

Wonderful information! THANK YOU!

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The best folk remedies that dilute sputum and expectorant

With the development of pharmacology, many modern means of combating coughing appeared. From the abundance of names and colorful packages in the consumer, the eyes are simply scattered, and the annoying television and radio advertising constantly indicates that this particular drug must be purchased.

Most of the modern medicines, tablets and coup drops are performed on a synthetic basis. Such medicines are relatively inexpensive. However, the majority of drugs are a combination of chemical and natural components. The syrups and drops of the Herbion type are known, which combines salts and extracts of various natural components, plants, such as primrose, plantain, thyme, chamber and some others. It is not difficult to assume that the traditions of using these components go to a distant story when treatment occurred mainly by folk methods.

Folk remedies, expectorant and thinning wet

In the bronchus of a healthy person, a secret in the form of a mucus is distinguished, which prevents the penetration of viruses and infections into the respiratory tract, as well as third-party irritating factors. According to statistics, a healthy person swallows about 100 millilitres of this secret. With a cold and cough, the volume of the secretion of the secret increases significantly, and its volume can reach up to one and a half liters. This mucus is full of pathogens and infection, and it is a nutrient medium for further reproduction. In addition, the mucus thickens, which prevents its natural outlet of the respiratory tract.

In such conditions, it is extremely important to achieve sputtering of sputum to facilitate its exit, as well as moderate irritation of receptors, which will stimulate expectoration. In this patient, some famous folk remedies can help. They should be classified as follows:

  • inhalation;
  • medications based on extracts and roots of plants;
  • means using honey, onions and garlic;
  • rubbing;
  • exotic recipes.

One of the effective means to improve the patency of the respiratory tract, liquefaction and the removal of sputum are inhalation. They can be hot and cold, and imply the use of various essential oils. Many of us are familiar with the childhood, the expression "Raise over potatoes", but it is so schematically characterized by hot or thermal inhalation. To hold it, the patient should inhale hot pairs that contain essential oils or eucalyptus. However, there are certain reservations, for example, it is not recommended to carry out such inhalation patients with temperatures. Under cold inhalations, in our time it is meant to use special devices - inhalers, which distinguish a vapor mixture, also containing essential oils.

Widespread means with extracts of medicinal plants and their roots, which, as already mentioned above, are the traditional component of many modern drugs connecting traditional traditional traditional medicine and modern pharmacological technologies. There are also recipes that people enjoyed have long been in the treatment of paragraphs under consideration.

So, according to one of the recipes, two tablespoons of crushed dry roots and plantain leaves are taken, which are flooded with a liter of boiling water and insist until the fluid is completely cooling. Such a kind of tea patient must take three times a day (in the morning, day and evening) one glass (200 milliliters).

There are a lot of different folk remedies based on honey. In particular, everyone knows "onions with honey", when the preparation of which is taken with equal parts of the crushed bow and honey. The mixture is insteaded, the bow lets juice, after which this medicine is accepted three times a day on one teaspoon after eating. Such a recipe is also suitable for children, with a reservation if they have no allergic reactions to the listed components.

Similarly, a combination of honey with black radish is used. For the preparation of the medicine, the root is taken, in which the tail is cut after the prevail and make a recess in the upper part. Honey is poured into the resulting hole, the radish itself is fixed in a vertical position (for example, put in an empty cup) and give it to brew two or three hours. Honey begins to interact with root fabrics, penetrating radish. The resulting sweet juice is taken three times a day on one tablespoon.

Low with honey, has been widely popular with honey and honey. The root of the kreno is rubbed on a small grater and in comparable proportions mixed with honey. This mixture is recommended to take the patient three times a day on one tablespoon.

It is important to remember that honey is an allergenic product, because in all cases listed cases it is necessary to make sure that the patient does not suffer from the reaction to it. In particular, this applies in cases where children are subjected to treatment.

There are also exotic recipes that were not peculiar to the space of the former USSR, however, they became known thanks to the Internet. In particular, there is a recipe using a banana. For the preparation of healing mass, two bananas are thoroughly crushed in a blender, bringing to the state of the puree, and filter the resulting sieve. Two tablespoons of sugar add to the ground and one cup of boiling water. Obviously, such a pleasant medicine is suitable primarily for children, and it should take it up to three times a day.

Another one universal means The fight against the "straining" cough is rubbing, which make predominantly overnight. With their conduct uses alcohol, turpentine or eucalyptus ointment. The patient should be carefully confused, especially the back, lower back, and the chest, and then bite well and give peace so that he can sleep until the morning.

Summing up, it is worth noting that with the development of science and medicine to the forefront, drug treatment techniques, under which modern drugs are used. It is stimulated by both their abundance and thoughtful marketing strokes of manufacturers, as well as advertising.

However, it is not necessary to forget about folk remedies in any case, for they, subject to all precautions, contraindications and other concomitant factors, can give an obvious positive effect. In any case, it is important to remember that the main condition for prompt and painless recovery is the operational appeal to medical institutions, where your attending physician will put an adequate diagnosis, based on what makes recommendations on the use of certain funds.

As a rule, experienced health workers are not limited to one pharmacy drugs, and can also recommend funds folk Medicinewhich at least become an excellent addition to traditional techniques. An integrated approach when choosing treatment products in most cases gives a distinct positive effect, therefore, forget about the folk remedies for the coughing, such as expectorant and diluting sputum, are not categorically.

Treatment of cough with expectorant herbs in adults

Hot drink, berry fruits, as well as infusions, decoction, for the preparation of which medicinal expectorant herbs are taken, is the most effective means in the treatment of cough.

Very often proven by centuries, the recipes of a natural pharmacy are undeservedly ignored by a modern person who prefers to familiar pills and pills, whereas are really effective, safe and affordable products are literally growing under their feet. Well, if there is a possibility of away from civilization yourself to assemble several right plants. Otherwise, you can always use pharmaceutical medicinal grasses and fees.

Expectorant herbs differ in the way of exposure, and therefore their use depends on the type of cough.

Herbs with dry cough

A dry emulsive cough, the so-called low-productive, that is, without wetting sputum, appears in response to any irritant (inflammatory process, smoke, mucus, etc.).

To facilitate the state with a cold, various Lor pathologies, it is necessary to help the body to bring the sputum accumulated in the respiratory tract. Hot herbal teas, infusions and decoctions cope with this task best.

For their preparation, the following herbs are used:

Mother-and-stepmother, perhaps the most effective grass from cough, it stimulates the removal of mucus, removes the spasm of the lungs. Mint and Melissa calm the painful areas, form a sputum, the soul man contributes to its fatherland.

These herbs can be brewed independently, individually, or use pharmacy breasts No. 1. In order to enhance the effect, it is recommended to add chamomile flowers with antiseptic effect.

Warm decoction from the inflorescences of mother-and-stepmother relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, facilitates the pain in the throat. For the prevention and improvement of the immunity, it is added to tea, prepare with it honey infusion. If you mix dried leaves and inflorescences with mint, raspberry, currant, you can get a wonderful stimulating and, most importantly, a delicious drink with preventive properties. The advantage of mother-and-stepmother is the possibility of its use in children from the first years of life. The easiest recipe infusion is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. Dry leaves for 200 ml of boiling water. Strolled after 20 minutes, in small portions, it can be given to a child 2-3 times a day before meals.

Good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties have a lime color. His interaction with expectorant herbs is most valuable for the treatment of dry cough in children. In the absence of allergies, it is possible to use linden honey. All means with linden constituents have an expectorant, antiviral, antipyretic effect on the body. This plant removes the edema of the throat, contributes normal work Bronchi.

Herbs with wet cough

With a wet expectorant cough, it is necessary to use herbs, thinning wet, facilitating its excretion, stimulating the flipping. These drug plants include:

Expectorant herbs can be taken as tea or use as steam inhalations do not memoremid.

The plantain dies perfectly and displays a sputum. In this case, the impact occurs gently, without spasmodic seizures. For the preparation of infusion it is necessary to take 2-3 hours l. Dried leaves for 1 cup of hot water. Insist 20 minutes, take 3-4 times a day.

Laying syrup, perhaps the most famous remedy for children's cough. It is rich in vitamin C, has a pleasant taste. The root of the plant can be used to carry out steam inhalations. For this, 2 tbsp. l. Raw materials should be pouring boiling water in a wide dishes, over which it is necessary to lean and breathe hot steam.

Altea dilutes the sputum, thereby easier its elimination, reduces coughing attacks.

Calendula has a softening, wound-healing effect, stimulates the body's immune forces. It can be used for rinsing and inhalations.

Sage relieves irritation, inflammation of the mucous membrane, has a diligent impact on the sputum.

Expectorant fees

As a rule, it is recommended to use medicinal herbs. Thus, in order to facilitate the removal of mucus, the root of licorice, plantain and mother and mazehu are used in equal proportions. 2 h. L. Dry collection is poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist and take 2-3 times a day before meals.

For the treatment of dry cough is effective in herbal infusion from nine, and collaboan, coltsfoot. It is preparing as follows: 1 cup take 2 tbsp. l. dried plants in equal parts (or 1 pharmacy filter bag), pour boiling water, insistant. Take 2-3 times a day before meals.

Dry cough smokers requires neutralization of irritant impact of nicotine. With this task, the decoction of mint, linden and dyeing, as well as eucalyptus inhalations, perfectly copes with this task.

Increased immunity, common vital tone, and, accordingly, a speedy recovery contributes to the addition of lemon and honey to herbal teas.

The pharmacy fee under No. 4, which includes licorice, a richness, calendula, chamomile, mint, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, easily translates the dry cough into wet and displays a wet.

In the treatment of a wet cough, you can independently prepare herbal infusion from chamomile, altea and calendula, taking in equal parts of 20 g of dry plants per 1 cup of boiling water.

The expectorant feature of medicinal herbs can be supported by therapeutic massage, which is especially important for the treatment of infants.

It should be remembered that the course of receiving medicinal plants is designed for prolonged use and lasts, as a rule, 2-3 weeks.

Do not forget that the cough may be a symptom of a serious illness, so you should not neglect the consultation of the doctor during protracted symptoms and when there is a dry exhaust cough in children. Expectorant herbs, like any other drug, also require consultations of a specialist, attentive to the dosage and reception time.

For cleansing the lungs from sputum, various expectorant herbs are well suited. They have a soft effect, discharge and pulling mucus. Herbs from cough can be harvested independently, and you can buy ready-made in the pharmacy.

To achieve a positive result when used medical plantsYou need to drink tea at least four times a day. In order not to cause cough overnight, the last portion of tea is recommended to drink no later than three hours before sleep.

With medicinal herbs you can make inhalation. This procedure helps to warm up bronons and lungs, to ensure the receipt of nutrients.

Plants with an expectorant action

Expectorant herbs help to remove sputum, and also kill viruses, bacteria. The exposure of plants has a mitigating effect and speeds up the process of healing of microrans, arising during frequent dry cough.

The most common herbs are:

  1. Elecampane.
  2. Liquorice root.
  3. Altea.
  4. Baghone.
  5. Raspberries.
  6. Thermopsis.
  7. Mint.
  8. Eucalyptus.

And this is not all expectorant herbs, but it is precisely them most often. Out of each type of plants prepare brazers, make tincture, syrups. They carry out inhalation. Each plant has unique properties.

Medicinal altea

This expectorant grass from cough is used in medicine for a long time. As part of Altea, many useful and effective substances such as polysaccharides, carotene, lecithin, oils, mineral salts. Passing on the gastrointestinal tract, all contained substances settled on the walls of the larynx, intestines and the stomach. Thus, they protect the mucosa from irritation. As a result, fast recovery occurs, the cough is facilitated.

To prepare the drug from Althea, the root of the plant is taken. For the syrup, two grams of crushed root will need, a solution of wine alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:45, three tablespoons of sugar. An expectorant grass is taken and poured with a wine solution. The remedy is left for an hour to pride. Then the composition is fastened, sugar is added to it. The remedy is placed on fire and heated until all sugar is completely dissolved. The finished syrup is taken two spoons four times a day.

From the root of Altea, you can cook a decoction, make an infusion.

The infusion is prepared from two spoons of the crushed root of altea, a glass of boiling water poured. The tool is insisted for two hours. The finished composition is taken on the tablespoon to six times a day.

From an expectorant grass from cough you can cook a decoction. It will take to take a spoonful of the root and two glasses of water. Everything is mixed and put on fire. The composition is brought to a boil and on weak fire is brewed thirty minutes. The cooled and the lean remedy is accepted on a tablespoon five times a day.

Altea's root can be prepared alcohol tinctures. For this, the spoonful of the plant is poured with a bottle of vodka and insist two weeks in a dark place. After that, the tool is fastened. Alcohol tincture is accepted for fifteen drops.

High Nather

For the treatment of cough, ninced roots are used. This plant has a large set of various useful substances: microelements, organic acids, minerals, oils. Of the nine, the variety of cough drugs prepare, each of which has a diligent property.

With bronchitis, expectorant herbs can be used in the form of infusions, decoctions. To prepare infusion from the nine, you need to take two teaspoons of the root and pour water. The remedy is the night, and in the morning focusing. Take together with honey at half a glass of not more than four times a day.

From the root of the plant you can make a decoction. It will take to take a spoonful of roots and pour their half liter of water. The remedy is basked on a water bath for half an hour. Then the decoction is fastened and taken across the tablespoon every two hours.


The most universal licorice is. This plant contains more than thirty flavonoids making the grass unique in composition. There are starch, saccharides, vitamins, pectins and other useful elements.

Flavonoids remove inflammatory processes, contribute to tissue regeneration, as well as soften the cough process.

From the root of licorice is preparing syrup, which is always available in pharmacies.


In this grass, dry cough contains a huge number of different useful substances, such as alkaloids, ethers, vitamins, resins. The plant is rich in tanning substances. Thermopsis grass has a pronounced expectorant property by improving the activities of bronchial glands and increasing the activity of epithelial cilia.

All means cooked on the basis of thermopsis have a strong impact when removing sputum. For the preparation of the infusion it is necessary to take a spoonful of plants and pour it with boiling water. The remedy is the night, and in the morning flickering and accepted on the tablespoon five times a day.


A unique expectorant grass with a dry cough is eucalyptus. Tree leaves contain essential, tanning oils, brown and cumoric acid, phytoncides and other useful substances. Remedies prepared from plants contribute to the wet wet and its removal from the body.

Eucalyptus cannot be taken to children up to a year, as well as caution use for the treatment of children up to three years. It is not necessary to use the remedy at elevated pressure, as well as pregnant.

Eucalyptus perfectly proven itself as a plant for inhalations. But not only they help to cope with the cough: a decoction is prepared from the plant. To do this, take ten grams of leaves and poured a glass of boiling water. The tool is boiled ten minutes on slow fire. The finished drug is accepted on a tablespoon three times a day.


Among herbs with an expectorant effect is to highlight mint. She perfectly helps to cope with bronchitis. Mint contains menthol with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

From mint you can cook champs, teas, infusions. Most often, this grass is accepted as tea: a tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and drink in the quality of tea at least three times a day.

Mint is able to withdraw the wet, making cough is not so acute, as well as reduce the temperature. With mint, you can make inhalation when bronchitis.

Mother and stepmother

For the treatment of cough with bronchitis, you can use a mother-and-stepmother. This plant is used in the sharp form of the illness in combination with honey.

To prepare a medicine from the leaves, you need to take a tablespoon of dry crushed leaves and fervent them with boiling water. The remedy is twenty minutes. The composition is taken on one spoon every three hours. You can add a couple of honey spoons in this infusion.


In acute bronchitis, you can apply Aloe. To do this, take a sheet and tick it to the state of Cashitz. Then the spoon of mass is taken and boiling water is poured, the remedy is an hour. The composition is taken before bedtime.

Aloe contains many various useful substances stimulating the body's immune defense, as well as helping sputum.


This unique plant is capable of not only to withdraw the sputum, but also soften cough. A decoction is preparing from the plant, but it is not done on the water, but on milk. Also in the decoction add a small amount of butter, allowing to mitigate the effect. To prepare a medicine, take a spoonful of sage and poured a glass of milk. The tool is adjusted to a boil, and then give to stand at least half an hour. The composition is taken before bedtime.

Selecting herbs from cough

When choosing herbs from cough, it is important to take into account its type. All the above herbs are used to treat dry cough with bronchitis and other pathologies. This type of reflex occurs in the absence of sputum. After applying herbs, the wet begins to move away, with it all pathogenic bacteria, viruses are displayed.

To achieve the fastest result, use herbal fees with dry cough. For example, both a coltsfoot, mint, a richness. You can take other types of plants, the main thing is to use in equal parts.

Apply herbs that dilute sputum and expectorant, best in a complex with means of improving immunity. It can be raspberry, rosehip, lemon, chamomile. They help to remove the products of viruses and bacteria from the body, and also supply with a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.

With pneumonia, only those herbs that have a mild impact, as well as capable of activating immunity. Hermita proved well, sage. When sharing, they have a soothing effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For children, up to the year, an expectorant grass can be used only by appointing a doctor, as, however, for the treatment of adults. Therefore, before using any cough remedy, you must consult a doctor.

Grass-based syrups

Some pharmacological companies make medicinal herbs syrups. The most popular are licorice syrup, Altea, "Herbion", "Eucabal", "Prospan", "Linkas".

There are preparations developed on the basis of thyme extract. These include funds such as Tussamag, Bronchikum. From Soviet times produced drugs based on thermopsis. There are other means produced on the basis of various plants. For example, there are eucalyptus oil in pharmacies, mint. These funds can be used for inhalations, as well as apply for a handkerchief and hang around the house to saturate air with useful substances and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Despite this, many people are inclined to prepare the medicine on their own of herbs. At the same time, it is important to understand that each grass has contraindications, so before use it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Statistics says that almost every inhabitant of the planet is sick with colds and viruses at least 2 times a year. And here, expectorant herbs come to the rescue, which help to remove the sputum and clean the respiratory tract.

Plants with the most pronounced expectorant action

  • thyme;
  • elecampane;
  • licorice;
  • thermopsis;
  • chamomile;
  • altea root;
  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • special breasts containing expectorant herbs sold in a pharmacy.

Based on thermopsis produce popular pills from cough thermopes. Find out about them.

Also, not only herbs will be effective as an expectorant means, but also such universal antiseptic plants like onions and garlic.

How to brew herbs with maximum benefit

  • Herbs can be brewed in the thermos, but there is one little secret - the grass must breathe, and therefore it is not necessary to close the thermos to hermetically. Otherwise, the decoction will just scatter. Water also do not need to pour to the top.
  • Herbal fees can be brewing both as ordinary coffee. That is, just pour water, bring to a boil, and then cover up and insist until the temperature becomes comfortable.
  • Some prefer to brew french press. This is a small chaience in which the piston is located with a filter in the form of a pitch. Such a method of welding makes the broth saturated and fragrant.

Before welding, the collection components are better thoroughly crushed. So plants will faster give their useful substances.

Medicinal plants for the treatment of different types of cough

  • With dry cough
    With a dry cough, expectorant herbs are excellent, a chamber and a coltsfoot. Any of these herbs is brewed with boiling water and is accepted for a third of a glass before meal. And children should be applied only by the draft doctor when he deems that the folk remedies will be ineffective.
  • With wet cough
    With a wet cough, Eucalyptus will help excellent. The proportions for the eucalyptus welding will be about 2 tablespoons on the floor liter liter. You can cook the broth of the Bolotnaya Range. For this, 30 g of plants are poured with a glass of water, insist and accepted 3 times a day at 2 spoon. Herbal expectorants with wet cough will also help to make it clearly alleviate.
  • For disease, bronchitis
    With bronchitis, expectorant herbs are usually used and licorice. In order to bring the wet when bronchitis, licorice root is mainly used. This plant is efficient and at pneumonia. The licorice is mixed with a mother-and-stepmother and a plantain in the same proportions.
    Effective from bronchitis and nine. 2 teaspoons of the root of this plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and insist. What other grasses are useful when bronchitis, read.
  • When coughing smokers
    In order to facilitate the cough of the smoker will help the champs of herbs such as: a chamber, alta, calendula, mother-and-stepmother, nine, fennel, licorice root, oregano, plantain. Handworms of expectorant herbs for a smokers can be taken inside or use steam inhalations.

Simple recipes of chest fees

There are efficient and simple fees that can easily be prepared at home.

  • 1 option Expectorant collection of herbs. 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot and the same number of ordinary pharmacy chamomile and souls are stirred, crushed. For every 2 tablespoons of the mixture there will be half liters of water. First, the mixture must be touched to a boil, and then take 100 ml every 3-4 hours.
  • Option 2 Expectorant breast collection. 40 g of birch and rich leaves are mixed with 10 g of birch kidney, 10 g of nettle, 20 g of oregano. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are boiled in a closed dish in half liters of water. After boiling, half an hour insist and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • You can also make a herbal expectorant collection from oregano, coltsfoot, raspberry fruit. And you can brew Kalina. Both of these funds are extremely effective.

Safe expectorant herbs and fees for children

For children, expectorant herbs are used especially often, since pharmacological preparations can easily cause allergies. The most pleasant and safe for children will be ragners mint and souls or licorice root.

About one of the ways of brewing medicinal herbs you will find out in the next video.

So, the above-mentioned folk expectorants are not only incredibly effective, but also absolutely safe, and therefore can be used every at home and without fears.

by Notes of wild mistress

- The method of treating cough at home. Natural expectorant products clean the lungs from the mucus that comes out gently, without the extra effort of the patient. Depending on the type of cough - dry or wet, use different herbal fees.

Brew and take herbal infusion like tea. The rapid healing effect can be achieved by following the reception rules - four times a day To the complete feeling of getting rid of sputum.

"The effect of expectorant comes during the first hours after receiving infusion, so do not use it immediately before bedtime."

If the cough is not accompanied by the presence of elevated temperatures, it is permissible to use healing herbs for the procedure inhalation. Inhale a couple of freshly harvested herbs is recommended for about 15 minutes. After inhalation, you need to remain warm, avoiding cold air.

Dry cough and expectorant

Launched dry cough is able to cause a more serious illness - tracheitis . In order to prevent the complications of the disease, it is necessary to apply the means that wet the sputum. As a result, a mucus is formed, which will later come out of the lungs.

Abundant drink - the first thing you need to remember if you want to recover as quickly as possible. Besides tea with lemon and honey, as a means supporting the body's forces, take a decoction from mint or Melissa. The regular reception of herbal beam will calm the strong bouts of cough, which only aggravate the irritation of the sick throat.

Chamomile, mint, oregano, coltsfoot Remote useful expectorant effects at bronchitis. Chamomile is recommended to use in combination with other healing herbs. It works as an antiseptic and soothes irritated fabrics, promotes healing wounds.

Mint also softens the inflamed areas and in addition helps the formation of mucus, the natural yield of which provoke the properties of the oregano and coltsfoot.

To form a wet with a dry cough and ensure its output helps nine. The decoction based on this grass is applied until the cough becomes wet. Compared to the root of licorice, ninewood has a softer, but no less effective impact.

Treating dry cough with the reception of herbal decoctions is well combined with inhalation. Couple. eucalyptus In this case, they will be the most effective.

Wet cough and expectorant herbs

The greatest effectiveness in the treatment of wet cough shows such herbs like licode root, calendula and alta.

The licorice root is rich in vitamin C, which helps the body resist the microbes. Decoration from the root of licorice is a powerful expectorant. Take it at the very first wet cough symptoms, and fast healing will be provided. In addition to the beam, you can practice inhalation, breathing a couple of just brewed grass.

The root of Altea helps to solve the sputum, thereby facilitating its expectoration.

Calendula softens the inflamed throat. This wound-healing agent can also be used for rinsing. Treatment of herbs with disinfecting and healing properties, you need to alternate with expectorant means. In this way, we can reduce sharp throat pain arising with the next removal of mucus (expectoration).

If pneumonia is diagnosed, the use of grasses should be with extreme caution. Powerful expectorant means can only harm. In this case, it is best for sage and St. John's wig - Double force of such a decoction will remove irritation, inflammation of the mucous membrane and at the same time has a musolitic impact on the sputum.

Types of herbal fees

In the pharmacy you can buy already ready-made herbal fees of expectorant herbs. Each collection has its own number.

Breast fee number 1: Oilsman, alha, and stepmother.

Breast fee number 2: licorice and plantain, mother-and-stepmother.

Breast fee number 3: Golodka, Allas, Sage, Fruits Anisa, Pine Kidneys.

Breast fee number 4: Maltop, a richness, calendula, chamomile, mint.


Cough is not a disease, but only a symptom. The disease that is accompanied by a similar symptom must diagnose the doctor. And only after a medical examination and receipt of recommendations, you can proceed to home self-medication. If, in the course of treatment, well-being does not improve, you need to reverse the doctor.

Anastasia Bichina


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