Stone knives. There are situations when you need a knife - it can be made of a simple piece of iron

Stone knives. There are situations when you need a knife - it can be made of a simple piece of iron

Behind its foundation was taken to be taken from the old ceramic tile, which served his term.

The acquired experience decided to describe, and since there was no camera with me, then the next day made a new sharpening stone with step-by-step photos Total manufacturing process.

So I prepared practical advice The home master explains how to make a grinding stone from the ceramic tile with your own hands and sharpen a knife on it with explanatory schemes, pictures and a video. They are complemented

All the work of creating a second bar and his photographing was taken by the order of half an hour. The same time, and perhaps and faster, you will need it with its independent manufacture. Although, I do not urge you to do the homemade: you can simply go to the store and the grinder to buy for money.

However, I hope that there will be people who will be useful.

On the geometry of figures when sharpening

The grinding blocks due to the friction force changes the form of the blade and is wear out. This means that there are two contacting surfaces at both subjects at once, affecting each other.

If the knife for sharpening falls in the blunt state and must acquire the shape of the cutting edge close to the ideal, then the grinding stone works on the contrary: its normal state is broken.

Blade shape knife

I repeat the cross-sectional circuit of the blade from the previous article, where all its corners and planes are described in detail.

Read more Consider the role of footholds on the formation of the cutting edge in different structures of blades of knives. It should be created in all models with a single very thin line without depression, protrusions and jar.

The word blade has a root - a wedge that defines its cross-section. The shape of the knife can be:

  1. straightforward;
  2. curved.

Straight knife cutting edge

The form of direct blade is the most simple.

In perfect condition, the cutting edge is a pronounced straight and very thin line. However, there are "Masters", which on the emery circle simply applied the blade to the edge and get it on both sides on the principle of "how it will happen", curving the submission. It violates the work of the blade and its sharpening.

Cutting edge of a curvilinear knife

This blade, the cutting edge is created as a line of interfaces of two of the same type of curved surfaces. Both types of blades: convex and concave require much more attention from sharpening.

Surface of grinding stone

For proper sharpening blades, the working planes should be kept in perfect condition and be without depression and bugs.

A good grinding bar laid on the table has a flat surface located.

If it is broken, the stone will be curved the geometry of the cutting edge of the blade. This often happens when the sharpener applies an excessive force or leads a knife at one site of the working surface. On it immediately, at the expense of uneven wear, defects will appear.

It is unlikely to end a knife with such a tool.

Bruck manufacturing technology

Selection of material

The first one's home-made grinding stone I made 15 cm from the ceramic tile 15 cm, about 6 cm. The grade of material ceramics do not know. It was necessary to carry out a layer of construction glue and ribs of the surface of the surface to a single level.

To write a article the next day, a ready-made segment of SACMI grade ceramics from Italy, which remained after repairing the bathroom. It was already cut off in size 30 by 8 cm. These dimensions allow you to conduct a blade for a longer twice the trajectory: it is easier to put the knife.

On the back of the tile there was only a corrugated surface without an extraneous solution. It took it to run and align to a single baseline.

Tools for processing

Its length of 25 cm is larger than the diameter of my emery circle, and the outer and lateral surface is relatively smooth, although far from the ideal state. Stone grain is quite high.

Such a job I watched several decades ago, when the hostess corrected the blade on the brick of the Russian oven.

Process of manufacturing a grinding stone

Work drove to:

  • eliminating relief;
  • fastening on a wooden base;
  • tests.

Removing relief

Tile put on the brick and manually began to strike the edges of the riflation.

However, the length of the brick is less than that of my tiles. It created some difficulties. I tried to work on two bricks of the same size.

Work is faster, but it is necessary to control the butchers of the ends of both stones and the position of ceramics.

Since tile processing occurs on random surfaces from undergraduate materials, then it is possible to periodically evaluate the condition of the rate-rated surface. It produces places of different heights. This requires adjusting the effort and direction of movements.

Drinking surfaces of bricks and tiles create abrasive dust. It must be deleted.

I tried to wash off with water, but I came to the conclusion that for my conditions it is enough to simply fit the bar from the brick and shake with a sharp movement with a tile.

You need to finish this job when zones free from the relief are formed on the surface being created and only individual very thin sites with it will be applied.

At this stage, you can stop, but it is better to take the strip of sandpaper, wrap it around a flat wooden board or metal plate and to bring the plane of the created grinding stone to the perfect state.

After processing the sandpaper, it is necessary to wash off the abrasive dust from a new grinding stone with ordinary water.

It turned out the homemade grinding bar from the primary means with a smooth sharpening surface of ceramics.

For convenience, further work with it in different places make an additional basis.

Improvement design

It took the easiest set, which is available from each home master:

  • a piece of board is slightly wider than a grinding stone;
  • hacksaw;
  • awl;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws.

Fastening process

The grinding barrel to put on the edge of the board, as shown in the photo above and sewing make the markup to turn the fastening screws from the opposite side.

For this purpose, it was not modern, but the old screws of Soviet production.

They must be screwed up so that the caps hold the end of the ceramics and were recessed by a third below its height. This will allow the knife without the possibility of hiding them for fasteners.

Similarly, I make a fastening from Brook bok.

From the remaining fourth side, ceramics fasten with screws and corners.

The lower openings of the corners will allow mounting the entire design to the prepared nails without a hat on the work workbench. At the same time, they will not interfere with this device on the usual table.

It remains to choose the convenient length of the grinding bar handle and cut off the excess board with a knife.

A tool for sharpening a knife is created with their own hands. It remains to evaluate it in the work.


To verify how such a grinding bar works, an old knife from a table dining room with a curved blade is taken.

Literally after several sharpening movements on the grinding surface, well-notable traces of metal sawdust, remaining from the processing of the blade, appeared.

They must be periodically watered with water.

To put the knife correctly follows the surface of the grinding stone to keep clean. Then she will work with the maximum effect of their capabilities.

The cutting edge of the knife was formed very quickly.

I did not bring it on the skin with Pasta Goe, but just checked how she works on paper and hair hands. With paper, the blade coped to the triethro, and it turned out unsuitable as a razor: treatment was performed too quickly, and the polishing was not carried out.

Yes, this is usually not necessary. After all, the elite tool can always be brought to a razor state. The main thing is that a well-working grinding bar can be quite simple to make with its own home masters from ceramic tiles.

Features of creating cutting edge on Broke

I will add and remind the basic rules of sharpening, requiring compliance:

  • it is necessary to work carefully and carefully, without an application of considerable effort: one careless movement can spoil the supply plane with cutting edge;
  • when sharpening the knife constantly control the stability of the angle of its tilt to the bar and the width of the veil;
  • the blade follows all the time to move along the movement of the sharp edge, and not from the side of the foot.

If the blade is heavily twisted with irregular sharpeners, then all the protruding parts to the general level on the emery are permissible, and then process it on the bar.

Using a grinding stone, sharpening angle is created when controlling the tilt of the blade, which makes up half of its magnitude. For this, the plane of the supply should be exactly on the surface of the bar.

Sharpening curvilinear blades

Knives with a convex form

When sharpening, such a blade is applied to the surface of the grinding stone and they are not direct, but a curvilinear movement that repeats the shape of the cutting edge. It should always be perpendicular to the movement.

Knives with concave form

This design of the blade in the home source is not often found, for example, at the gardeners in the vaccination tool. Their processing is very complicated and requires special skills and tools.

Without the appropriate preparation, the usual bar concave blade is easy to spoil. Such sharpening should be separately learning or entrusted to her experienced master. Therefore, we will not consider its features here.

After the next viewing of the film "Crumpled", I wanted to remember my childhood and again make yourself a knife from the stone. In the near future I will definitely do it, and so far a little theory ...

Three stages of manufacture of a flint knife are depicted on these three figures.
1. Coarse processing of flint billets by stone drummer.
2. Careful finishing of the tag with a softer drone or horns.
3. Removing the blade knife by pressed.

Production Materials:

Obsidian - Uniform volcanic glass, which passed through the rapid cooling of molten rocks. Obsidian can be found on the Liapan Islands, in Iceland, in the Caucasus, in Siberia and in Kamchatka.

Quartz - One of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, the breeding mineral majority of magmatic and metamorphic rocks. 12 percent of the earth's crust consists of quartz.

Flint - Silica (SiO2) specs in sedimentary rocks. Often painted with iron and manganese oxides in different colors, with smooth transitions between them

Shale - rocks, with parallel (layered) location of minerals included in their composition. Shalants are characterized by shale - the ability to easily split into separate plates.

And so let's start, we take a suitable stone, it should be one and a half times more planned tool and not have cracks.
The impact of a solid smooth stone. Collapse the workpiece so that a flat surface is formed. The blow should be applied at an angle of less than 90 °. After a good impact, a flat chill with cutting edge should turn out if we can cut enough, as the edge is acute.
If you want to give a certain form, it is worth picking a bone or solid and a little "on the stroke", the main thing is to be neat and not to hurry.
The handle can be wrapped with infirred materials (leather, cloth, young bark) or the resulting blade to fasten into a tree or bone and also wrap. You can also put on the glue, how to make it I will tell a little later ...

I want to say that such a knife can not open the tin jar, but here to remove the skin, cut the rope, finish the beast or if you make a stone ax

I hope the material will be useful to someone. I collected pieces from memory and the Internet helped me in this and advised :)

P.S. Dear if you "-", then write why, just interesting

How to make yourself at home Stone knife. Method for making knife from stone with their own hands. Knives of the Stone Age in modern conditions

The knives of the stone century were silicon or disused plates, a little curved on all long (rarely straight) with a small "sharpening trap", and almost never looked like knives in a modern sense - simply oblong plates of the most different form.

Stone knife manufacturing materials:

Obsidian is a homogeneous volcanic glass that has passed through the rapid cooling of molten rocks. Obsidian can be found on the Liapan Islands, in Iceland, in the Caucasus, in Siberia and in Kamchatka.

Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, the breeding mineral of most of the magmatic and metamorphic rocks. 12 percent of the earth's crust consists of quartz.

Flint - Silica (SiO2) specifies in sedimentary rocks. Often painted with iron and manganese oxides in different colors, with smooth transitions between them

Shalants are rocks, with parallel (layered) location of minerals included in their composition. Shalants are characterized by shale - the ability to easily split into separate plates.

And so let's start, we take a suitable stone, it should be one and a half times more planned tool and not have cracks.

The impact of a solid smooth stone. Collapse the workpiece so that a flat surface is formed. The blow should be applied at an angle of less than 90 °. After a good impact, a flat chill with cutting edge should turn out if we can cut enough, as the edge is acute.
If you want to give a certain form, it is worth picking a bone or solid and a little "on the stroke", the main thing is to be neat and not to hurry.
The handle can be wrapped with infirred materials (leather, cloth, young bark) or the resulting blade to fasten into a tree or bone and also wrap

So usually make stone knives in wildlife conditions. At home, you can smash the edges of the stone blank with a small hammer. The stone billet itself is best put on a stable workbench or table where to pre-put a piece of thick felt. On the felt, the stone will not vibrate from hammer blows. The strikes themselves will be quenched and the likelihood of an unwanted split stone will become much smaller.

Frames can be carried out by passatages - gently chopping and pressing small pieces from the working edge. The blade to the handle is best fixed with epoxy resins, which can be stylized from above, masking raw-leather strips.

The advantages of a stone knife - a very sharp weapon, which is not afraid of corrosion and does not require sharpening. Disadvantages - fragility, afraid of drops and sharp blows, from which it can split

Knives, spears and arrows fall under the category of cold weapons. To begin with, we will learn to make the most necessary weapon type for survival - a knife. The knife performs three main functions. You can calculate the knife, sod or chop and cut. The knife is also an invaluable tool for making other equipment for your survival. You can be in the emergency room without a knife or you may need another type of knife or spear, so you can improvise and use stone, bone, wood, metal or other suitable material to make a knife or spear blade.

Stone knife

In order to make a stone knife you need a sharp piece of stone, an impact tool and a tool for peeling. The shock tool is a tool with stupid edges, used to discontend small pieces of stone. The tool for peeling is a sharp tool used to separate thin, flat pieces of stone. You can make a shock tool for chips from wood, bone or metal, and tool for peeling from bone, horns, or soft iron.

In order to make a rough knife of the desired form from a sharp piece of stone (obsidian, quartz, silica or slate), use a shock tool. Try making a knife quite thin. Then, using a tool for peeling, carefully treat its edges. This action will lead to the separation of "scales" to break away the opposite side of the edge, leaving the sharp edge of the razor. Use the tool for peeling along the entire length of the edge of the future knife. In the end, you will have a very sharp front edge that can be used as a knife. It remains to attach the resulting blade to the desired type of handle or simply make the handle by winding the rope or other suitable material.

With the help of a stone, you can make a great tool for punctures and grinding, but it is difficult to achieve a good edge for cutting. Although, some stones, such as flint, can have very thin edges. In the next post of this series we will produce a knife from the bone and tree.

Do stone Rubilathe man learned more than 4 million years ago. Archaeologists very often find the tips of arrows, knives and axes that are made of stone. And if in those distant times it was an important part of everyday life. And the future of a separate family or even a whole tribe depended on the future.
Different materials were used for chuck, but most often they were made of silicon.
Nowadays, this art has already been almost completely forgotten and not many can do stone chop. However, there are clubs and groups where like-minded people are gather, fond of archeology and try to restore the entire process and even there are courses on which, for a certain fee, can teach stone chop.
Pretty fun to watch, as a group of people sits and throws the stones on the knees. They are so passionate and fully immersed in this occupation that they can carry out a whole day for him, because without proper snarling, stone chop is quite difficult.

In words, it would seem, everything is quite simple. It is necessary only a strong blow of a stone about a stone to split the piece of size and is ready. And no, it is necessary, as they say, get drunk and it takes away decent time.

How to make stone chop

In order to make rubilo from stoneFirst of all, you need to prepare the necessary toolkit.
Since in those distant times, people were not at all spoiled by a comfortable and reliable tool, in order to fully understand and feel the whole process of the manufacture of rubble, we will use the "unscheduled" inventory.

If still comes to training and you will try to make a copy of ancient cut from stone, then be sure to use the means of protection, such as glasses and gloves.

Little fragments can get into the eyes, and sharp edges of the stone cut.

As in any case, you first need to pick up the desired stone, which we will process.

Therefore, the stone strikes can be attacked by the necessary shape that you like.

After all, Rubilo is an individual tool that belonged to one owner. And manually treating the rubilo acquired in the future such a form, due to which the stone is convenient and reliably sat in hand.

Thus, our instrument is gradually starting to form.

The edges need to give a pointed form, do not need to strive for the perfect "sharpening", it will be the next step. Now you only need to form and give a gross shape with a manual stone cut

After the manual chop is formed, you can begin to begin "sharpening" and thin, jewelry.

In those distant times of tools, it was not, therefore, the treatment was carried out by gear.

One of these tools was the horns of deer, which in excess remained after successful hunting.
They are soft and durable and they are very convenient to bring to the perfect state.

Strong and accurate blows can be "sharpened" edges. If you used to blow a stone about a stone, large pieces were filming and the form was attached, now they are removed small sites And you can more jewelry to treat the future of Rubil.

It was such a treatment that our ancestors created our ancestors and hunting - Stone Hand Rubilo.

Imagine that you turned out to be "in the skin" of Robinson in the deserted forest edge: there is almost nothing with you, to the nearest settlement several days of the road. In such a situation, a knife is needed, but he was lost or bad people took away. Not a panic, you immediately begin to think about the task - how to make a knife yourself in the face of the complete absence of tools.

How to make a knife in a hike from a piece of iron

First of all, you look around, hoping to find material for blade. The blade can be made of stone, silica, glass shards, bones. But the best material would be metal. Question: Where to get the metal? It must be searched near the people related to the vital activity of people. It can be high-voltage pillars, railway tracks, abandoned villages, old sheds, landfills. We must look closely to the doors and gates: Iron loops and canopies will be good material For the cutting tool.

But here we will tell on the real example, how to make a knife from a less comfortable piece of iron.

In one of the extreme situations after a short searches, such a piece of iron and a couple of iron wire pieces was found.

To get the knife from this material, you need a mountain, anvil and hammers. Anvisory and hammers served as bricks. On the collection of fuel and the search for the right amount of bricks left much longer.

When everything you need was assembled, proceeded to the construction of the likeness of Horn. Stick and even hand scolded a hole with the size of our iron blank. Crushed stone poured on the bottom of the pit (it would be possible to use pellets, pebbles - any small stones). Poam walls strengthened large stones: First, they did not give to turn the earth, and secondly, they kept warm when heating the workpiece.

According to the rules it would be necessary to dig two pits, connected by trenches - one for the mountain, and the second for air inflow. However, in this embodiment, there are difficulties, so we were limited to one pit.

For the construction of the mountain, it was spent about 10 minutes (excluding time for searching for materials). When he was ready, the fire was divorced and proceeded to burning coal. Large branches were overgrown, and small in the fire did not throw, since they do not give coal, and the extra ashes would worsened the influx of air to burning firewood.

While the firewood was buried, as close as possible to the pit made a brick-anvil and a couple of bricks-hammers. Magnifies for manipulations with a hot blank with us, of course, was not. Instead, we had a hook made of wire. This crochet and picked up the workpiece.

When the coals were ready, the workpiece was immersed in them and waited until it fascinates to the desired temperature. The temperature was determined by the color to the eye, remembering that it was possible to kive in the temperature range from the cherry-red (770-800 0 s) to the light red (830-900 0 s).

Having waited when the workpiece finally reached the condition, the wire crochet quickly removed it and started forging. At first they leveled the curl, which was supposed to turn into the blade. Gradually dug the workpiece on both sides before giving it a flat species. Only after that the blade shutters were poured. To perform these operations, we needed not one heating. In the process of work, our billet looked like this:

When the blades were crushed and brought the shape of the whole knife to acceptable in our opinion of the parameters, we started the heat treatment of the product.

Heat treatment began with annealing. The workpiece is heated to the temperatures of the quenching (light red color), then left slowly cooling in the air. Annealing was needed to remove the internal stresses in the metal after the forging and bringing the metal structure into an equilibrium state.

After that, they started hardening. First, we decided on the hardening medium: we had a fairly large container with water. But you can harden on a soft wet earth or wet sand (of course, everyone knows how to wet the ground in the absence of water). After preparing the hardening environment, the blade was heated to the light red color, we were withstanding for some time at this temperature and quickly dipped into the hardening environment (we have water).

Then made a vacation. To do this, one side of the descents was cleaned on the brick from the scale (to the brilliance) so that in color of the breakdown on the descent to control the temperature. Our blade was put up onto the remnants of coal and pointed out of the colors of closer.

First, the surface of the descent was painted in a light straw color, which moved as heated in yellow, then yellow-orange. On yellow-orange color and stopped: this color just corresponds to the temperature of 240-250 0 s - vacation temperature. Capturing the workpiece with a wire crochet, dipped it into the same hardening environment.

On this, the responsible heat treatment procedure was completed, and we switched to the mechanical processing of the knife. They straightened the descents and sharpened blade on the brick. For sharpening efficiency, wet the brick and poured sand as an abrasive. And so it turned out such a knife:

Inspired by success, we thought: what is this knife, who has no scabbard?! And immediately began to make these sheath, because we have already appeared the necessary tool. Found a piece of suitable size, tightened it with our knife to the required length. Then with the help of a knife and a large stone split it along in half.

On one of the halves with a pencil (or coal), the contour of the blade was discarded, leaving the allowance, sufficient for the free extraction of the blade from the sheath. Then we applied our wood thread skills, along the way, testing the quality of hardening the blade and the convenience of his handle. It turned out such a bed for blade:

They combined two halves of wood and got no sheath in the finished form. From shoe shoes cut off on a piece and tied two halves to the sheath together.

Such sheaths are comfortable to wear a belt at the belt or for the loot. Thanks to the bending of the sheath and their sufficient thickness, you can not be afraid of losing them.

In conclusion, we give the numbers accompanying us in the process of manufacturing a knife.

Technical characteristics of a knife:

- the length of the blade knife is 135 mm;
- the whole knife length is 245 mm;
- width of the footage of 4 mm.

Spent time:

- the construction of the likeness of Mountain 10 min;
- burning coal 20 min;
- Blink forging operations brick on stone, quenching, vacation 30 minutes;
- operations of editors of the blade and sharpening 15 min;
- Production of sheath 25 min.

As a result, in less than 2 hours, we were able to make a knife, without having tools using only materials that can be realized. At the same time, the knife turned out not disposable, but suitable for performing different tasks.

Now, if you find yourself in extreme fields, you will not put a question "How to make a knife yourself?".

Useful hiking tips:

On this video you will learn how to make homemade sheath:

Let's say that the knife thing is extremely necessary and if it so happened that you turned out to be one with nature, you do not have a knife, but without anyone! Take advantage of our ancestors and try to make a stone knife.

In the theory, everything is quite simple, you need to find a suitable stone and process it in such a way that it has a cutting surface.

For this, the stone needs to split on the plates and sharpe if required. As a tool for manufacture and sharpening, you can use another stone, bone, animal horn, well, and everything else with the help of which you can give our knife the right shape and sharpness, in this sense it would not be bad to practice in advance.

For the manufacture best use the stones of the following breeds:

Shale - A variety of rocks with parallel (laminated) arrangement of the mines of low or medium-temperature minerals. Shalants are characterized by shale - the ability to easily split into separate plates. Belong to terrigenous or to metamorphic rocks.

Flint - Mineral formation consisting of crystalline and amorphous silica (SiO 2) in sedimentary rocks. Often painted with iron and manganese oxides in different colors, with smooth transitions between them.

In the ancient times, fragments of silica were used to fire fire, making weapons and household items (arrowheads, silica knives, etc.) In the Middle Ages, the flock was widely used to get a fire by carving sparks on a clutch with two slices of silica, or a single silica and a piece of other material (flint-pyrite, flint-steel). Used in weapons in wheel and shock silica rifle castles.

Quartz - one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, the breeding mineral of most of the magmatic and metamorphic rocks.

Obsidian - a magmatic rock, consisting of volcanic glass with water content of not more than 1%, homogeneous volcanic glass, which passed through the rapid cooling of molten rocks. The richest vulcanic windows, swept when heated, are referred to perlite.

You can make your knife, a wooden handle (ticked the blade to the tree with the thread) or use so. The unconditional budget of the stone knife is its sharpness, it is also not subject to karozia, but in terms of strength it is not very, it may break from falling or impact.


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