The simplest, powerful, reliable benzopompa with their own hands. How is the water pump done with their own hands from the motor-pump tractors do it yourself

The simplest, powerful, reliable benzopompa with their own hands. How is the water pump done with their own hands from the motor-pump tractors do it yourself

Alexei 08.12.2015 Pumping stations

In the arid period, the garden needs abundant irrigation. So that there are no problems with irrigation of fruits and vegetables, the garden use a piston pump or a motor-pump. These units are very popular among amateur gardeners.

They can be purchased in the constructionarket, however, not everyone has the ability to connect to central networks. Water pump and motor-pump is an ideal way out.

Constructive features

Piston pump - elementary design for manual water injection. Motoropompa is a pump connected to the engine. The motor-pump function includes both pumping fluid and submitting it under pressure. The engine fuel can serve as a gasoline mixture and diesel.

Device and principle of operation

Building unit:

  • Housing;
  • Piston;
  • Valves.

The housing of the mechanism is a detail of a cylindrical form of metal. This module can be made from the sleeve from the diesel engine, as well as from a piece of pipeline fittings. You can use the housing of the hydraulic cylinder, if so is available.

The piston is made of any girlfriend - plastic or metal wood. Rubber rings are used to seal the piston. By appearance, this design resembles a regular pump for cycling tires, only fluid is injected in it.

Valves are an important detail of the waterproof device, since the efficiency of the unit depends on them. Usually they are made of elastic and durable rubber.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the piston unit is based on sucking fluid inside the cylinder. The movement of the piston pushes the air from the cavity and creates conditions for moving water. Inside the housing is an intake valve. The output valve is placed on the piston itself. To simplify the functioning of the unit between the modules, a spring is installed, attracting the piston to the base of the cylinder housing. Motor in this device serves muscular power.

We look at the video, the principle of operation of the unit, and what you need to know before launching:

The principle of operation of the motor-pump is based on the action of centrifugal force forming the internal pressure in the cylinder cavity. The unit works on an internal combustion engine. Gasoline serves fuel. The gasoline unit has a low power resource, but it is distinguished by silent operation.

What pump to do?

The question of the type of water supply unit will depend on the depths of the groundwater.

  1. If the level of occurrence of water does not exceed 10 meters, it is necessary to make a shameless water pump.
  2. When groundwater occurs below 10 meters, a deep pump is required.

What is the difference between these pumps? According to the design, they are the same. The difference consists in the length of the rod, which in the deep unit differs in an increased length.

How to make a piston pump

The device of the simplest piston pump

Manufacturing of the case. For this, a piece of metal pipe with a girth of 10 cm and up to one meter is suitable. In order for the piston to move freely in the body of the pipe, its inner surface is grinding the sandpaper attached to a wooden stick.

Now it is necessary to weld to the fastening pipe for the lever. They can be made from the steel corner.

In the body of the pipe form a hole for the drain "nose". It can be placed in any part of the case.

We close the end of the pipe with a metal plate with welding.

Now the queue is behind the top plane of the cylinder pipe. It does not require welding and reliable fastening, because the tire will perform the function of protection against fluid splashing. In the tires there should be a hole for the rod in the shape of a slot: it is necessary for the free movement of the rod.

The next stage of creating a water pump with their own hands - the manufacture of piston with holes for fasteners of the rod.

The rod can be formed from a metal rod girth not more centimeter. The rod is fixed to the lever and is located in the middle of the piston.

We watch video, detailed stages of manufacture:

The piston lever is made of a pipe segment with a cross section of 3 cm. For ergonomic, the lever is wrapped with a tape or rubber.

The intake valve must correspond to the diameter of the cylinder. It is made of durable rubber or other "heavy" material. So that the valve returns to its original state, it is fixed by the guide in the center.

Now it remains to install the main cylinder on the pipe. In order for the design to have strength, cylinders are fixed with supports: weld to the frame located on the ground.

Build construction looks like this:

  1. The inlet valve rod is placed in the cavity of the pump base;
  2. The cylinder is placed piston with a rod;
  3. The lever is attached to the stock;
  4. The lever is fixed by brackets.

We make a pump with a motor

The motor-pump resembles a construction of a cylindrical housing with nozzles. A screw is placed in the cylinder body, the function of which consists in overclocking the liquid. The centrifugal force accelerates the water along the helix, increasing the pressure that ejects the working fluid under the pressure outward. The pressure difference "pumps" a new portion of the working fluid into the cylinder body.

Design from a bike motor and pump from Kama

We offer to consideration the design of the motor-pump with your own hands from the cycling motor and the pump from the kama.

Motor fixation in this design is the usual cycle. In the fiber sleeve, the segment of the metal pipe is attached, then the fuel tank is installed on a couple of liters and the motor. As a tank, an ordinary bank can be applied from under paintwork.

Motor requires some refinement, which is in the installation of pulleys instead of clutch. You must also install the engine cooling fan.

The pumping module is made of spare parts for the pump of the Kama brand. Design scheme looks like this:

Pump module device

  1. Nut;
  2. Pump coating;
  3. Wheel;
  4. Gasket material;
  5. Hull itself;
  6. Bearing coating;
  7. Screw;
  8. Sleeve;
  9. Disk;
  10. Washer;
  11. Bearing;
  12. Pulley;
  13. Key;
  14. Disk;
  15. Roller;
  16. Sleeve.

Next, the design is fixed on the axis from the stroller for the child. The adjusting handle is installed on the steering control of the bike fixed on the frame. The launch of the motor is carried out by a cord jerk from polymeric materials.

Adjusting the engine speed is performed using the GAZ handle, and the stop is using a toggle. The maximum power to which is capable petrol motor- 5,550 revolutions per minute.


Independent design of the motor-pump requires certain technical knowledge, the ability to understand the structure of the engine and the principles of the pump functioning. The assembly of the unit will be carried out at times cheaper than buying in the constructionarket.

Regarding the water piston pump, there will be no problems: the design is easy to assemble yourself. Watering a small country garden with a piston pump. To ensure water from the well requires a motor-pump. In areas without central water supply and power grid, the presence of motor-pumps is an urgent need.

If there is no water supply on your summer cottage, but there is a well or well, a motor-pump with your own hands to lift the water to the surface and distribution of it through the territory of the site you just needed. Collect such a device is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

What pump to choose?

You can ask a completely logical question about why a homemade pump is needed? Maybe it is better to abandon independence in this matter and simply purchase a motor-capacity industrial production in a specialized store? Well, if you have a lot of extra money, you can come by and so. However, the indigrant owner will definitely pay attention to the advantages of assembling the "water" motoblock with their own hands. These include the following:

  1. Significant savings money, After all, the purchase device for lifting water is pleasure, to put it mildly, not cheap, and during self-assembly you can use a motor from a gasoline mower (and, if necessary, then return it to the place) and other not very expensive parts, as a result of which the money will go far less.
  2. Unlike industrial motor-pump, working on diesel fuel, a small water pump on gasoline, assembled with her own hands, will be much less noisy, almost an order of magnitude.
  3. The homemade device is much easier to purchase and occupies a much less place, which makes it more mobile and much more convenient to use.

By and large, buying a serious industrial power motor-capacity makes sense only if you live in your country house constantly and consume a lot of water. For seasonal visits to the cottage and summer watering of the garden, quite self-made motor-pump.And now let's determine what is needed for its assembly.

Building and elements of homemade motorpads

The motor-pump is designed to pump fluid, that is, lifting it from the well or well to feed this fluid under pressure. Therefore, the design of the device necessarily includes a pump and a motor that makes it work. It complements the whole system of hoses, sleeves, clamps, filters, etc. More accurately define the set and parameters of the elements can be in place, depending on the following conditions:

  • depth and diameter of the well (or well);
  • impurities in water (their presence and character);
  • the possibility or inability to ensure the power supply device.

Without a doubt, for the assembly of even such an uncomplicated unit, like a motor-pump, elementary technical knowledge is required, the idea of \u200b\u200bhow the internal combustion engine works, and why the fuel pump is needed, how the piston and valves system acts and so on. And yet it is to know from what major parts it consists, there must be any owner. The Water Motor Pomples must include:

  1. Engine with a capacity of at least 3.5 horsepower (2.6 kilowatt). As already mentioned, you can use the Motor of a regular motor-block or lawn mower.
  2. Pomp for a motoblock or a pump, which can be done perfectly from the segment of a metal pipe, a metal pin, steel corner and rubber for valves.
  3. The hose system, one of which falls into the well and must be necessarily equipped with a filter, and the other is used to supply water to the desired location.

It should be noted that with a shallow arrangement of groundwater (above 10 m from the surface), you can do the hand pump.

If the water is locked below the named mark, you will need a deep pump, the engine is definitely equipped with the engine.

Let's summarize

The need for motor-pumps where there is no centralized water supply, no doubt causes. But in order not to spend on expensive and often unnecessarily powerful for the cottage section of the device, you can collect such a pump itself. To do this, you need to possess elementary technical knowledge and the desire to create, invent and try.

Motor Pome, as well as any other, consists of an engine (which can be temporarily removed from the gas station), water pump, hose systems and nozzles, etc. With the right combination of these elements and competent operation, the homemade motor-pump can work not worse than purchased, but At the same time be much cheaper and more convenient.

Water in the country area is required not only to holders to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. It is necessary for watering plants, the care of the territory and pets, refreshment and bathing in a sultry year. Agree that all the required volume is hard to lift from the source by hand buckets.

However, there is a way to facilitate the difficult fate of dacnis - this is a homemade water pump. Even if there are no funds for buying pumping equipment, you can become a happy owner of a useful technical device. In order to build it sometimes quite literally one strength of thought.

We collected and systematized for you valuable information about the manufacture of almost free homemade. The model presented to consideration passed testing in practice and deservedly received recognition of the owners. A thorough description of manufacturing technology is complemented by schemes, photo and video materials.

This pump is likely to be the easiest and cheapest, because the starting materials of literally throwers, i.e. Do not stand at all.

To implement the idea of \u200b\u200bits assembly, the following materials are needed:

  • plastic bottle with cork;
  • plastic bottle without cork;
  • a piece of plastic tube of suitable diameter;
  • spilled hose.

To begin with, it is necessary to make a petal valve.

We take out the gasket from the plastic bottle cover. Cut in a circle so that the gasket in the diameter has become less than the bottle neck. At the same time, you need to leave the untouched narrow sector, about 15-20 degrees.

The sector needs to leave such a width at which it can easily swing, but not to break

In the center of the lid from the plastic bottle, the hole is drilled, about 8 mm. Insert the gasket and screw the cropped neck.

The purpose of screwing the neck - clamp membrane and get a petal valve

In a finished valve insert a plastic pipe. From the second plastic bottle, cut off the top. It should be something similar to the fence funnel. Fix it over the plastic pipe.

On the second end of the plastic pipe we put the emission hose. The easiest homemade pump for pumping water is ready.

The cone-shaped part will help the liquid to open the petal. In addition, it will not be hit by a valve about the bottom

A sharp movement of the hand up and down forcing the liquid to rise along the plastic tube to the spout. Further, the liquid will flow in gravity.

There are other options:

Gallery of images

Water pump with their own hands is an excellent solution of problems associated with irrigation of the garden plot.For it is not possible to use bridal water to be allowed. It will arrange a reservoir, river or stream (the spring is considered an ideal option). Everything is solved by installing the pump.

However, at first you can do the homemade construction for watering.

Some types of water pump

From the countless number of such devices, the following can be distinguished.

American river pumps. Such models cost without electricity. They are used by the masters, the sections of which are located on the shores of stormy robusts. The device is a barrel of a narrowed form (with a length of 62 cm and a diameter of 52 cm it weighs about 17 kg), with a narrow end of which the blades are attached. Inside the capacitance, smooth turns wakes up a spiral hose. All sorts of chances and gears are excluded. The construction that looks like simple, works quite reliable. Thanks to the flow of water, the barrel rotates, and the fluid is capable of climbing the hose for a 25-meter height;

Homemade wave pumps. They successfully function where the current is not very strong. The device consists of:

  • corrugated pipe (type "harmonica");
  • bracket, two sleeves with valves;
  • logs.

Both ends of the Rola are equipped with bushings. From one end it is attached to the rack covered in the bottom of the reservoir. On the other hand, a log is attached to the pipe, which goes into the water. Waves oscillate "accordion". As a result, it is reduced and promotes the next portion of water. If there is a wind 2 m / s and pressure up to 4 atm. The design is ready to submit up to 25 thousand tons of water per day. In order for the log not collapsed, it is pre-treated with a finished mixture, which includes natural olive and kerosene (in equal parts). The trunk is impregnated 3-4 times, and ends (with increased hygroscopicity) - 6 times;

The furnace operating on the pressure difference. They are also called "grinding pumps." According to the principle of work, it is similar to a samovar. The device is assembled from a steel 200-liter barrel, a tip with a crane and a rubber hose with a mesh lining. A knot with a crane is installed in the lower sector of the barrel. The top of the latter closes with a thread cork. The hose hoses on the plug. The second end is lowered into the tank with water. The barrel is filled with two liters of liquid and heated by a primus or a soldering lamp. Bonfire is bored under the bottom. Hot air goes through the hose. The fire is quenched. When the container is cooled, the internal pressure drops, and the liquid begins to draw inside. The whole cycle will need no more than an hour;

Black lattices working in the sun. For the watering of the garden, this is a rather complicated design. First you need to get a grid of hollow tubes filled with liquefied propane-butane. It joins a rubber pear, which is inserted inside the pot. The capacitance cover is equipped with two air valves (intake and graduation). The grille is more expedient to cover black paint, for the latter is well warmed under sunlight;

Homemade pump functions as follows. In a sunny day on the grille poured cold water. The propaganan mixture is cooling. As a result, gas pressure drops. The rubber cylinder is compressed, and the bidon is filled with air. Barely the lattice dries, the pear under the action of vapors is inflated. The released air begins to flow through the valve into the pipe. The air traffic jam here plays the role of the piston, pushing the portion of water outward. According to specialists, such a pump does not lose performance at the time of winter cold. In this case, the cooler is the mass of frosty air. The grille is heated with extractable underground waters;

Plastic bottle supercharger. The device may seem intolerable, but its function is performed properly. For the assembly of such a homemade pump, a plastic bottle will need, the cover of which is equipped with a plastic gasket-membrane, the hose of the corresponding length and a piece of the standard tube with a diameter equal to the bottle neck. When immersing the hose, it is filled with water, which is held by the valve. If the hose is periodically omitted into the water, and then remove from it, the liquid inside will be pushed to the exit;

Homemade pump, in which water merges through the handle. In this model, the fluid moves upside down inside the rod, made of the PPP pipe, and goes out through the holes of the handle. In this case, the installation of the reverse valve to the end of the plastic ring is carried out by the "hot" method: when the end of the pipe is heated, the fitting is inserted there, and from above the uncomfortable compound is enhanced with a worm clamp. A nasal part goes to the manufacture of a piston head. The heated segment is placed in the sleeve. The edges then cut down the desired size;

The finished item is placed on the reverse thrust valve, where it is mounted with a clutch and nut. Next, the piston is inserted there. Top plug is made. It can be lenger, but the rod must move in it smoothly. On the free end of the pipe is recorded perpendicular Sgon, to which the hose is attached.

This pump is quite reliable, but not very comfortable because it has a movable point of plum. Consequently, the operator cannot be far;

Spiral hydraulic pistons. With this ingenious device, water is fed for short distances from the river with the flow. It is based on a carousel with blades. Externally, the device resembles a water mill for which the driving force is a river stream.

A flexible tube protrudes as a pump. It is fixed on the wheel with a spiral clamp. The intake part is equipped with a bucket (fragment of a pipe of a larger diameter).

The main node here is a pipe gearbox. This is a former element of factory equipment or part of the associate pumps. On it, water enters the pipeline. The unit is located on the wheel axis, a firmly fixed on a fixed base. Water rises to height equal to the size of the pipe itself (directly from the fence).

Building water pump on their own

There are situations where the purchase model is impossible. Then you can build this adaptation with your own hands.

To assemble the design you should stock:

  • brake chamber;
  • metal balls;
  • copper tubes;
  • epoxy glue;
  • car chamber.

Assembly Guide

First, the brake chamber is taken over. It should be unmounted. All wells are drunk, except for one (it will become a hole in the rod). From the reverse side, the holes under the valves are done.

At the next stage, there will be a small length of the tube of copper or brass (with powerful walls). Then it is necessary to find a suitable size metal ball. Its diameter should be more internal diameter. In the tube (up to half of its length) a hole is drilled a little more diameter than the ball itself.

Then the ball itself is placed in it, which is fixed on top of a soldered piece of wire. This node is an inlet valve. The lower pressure will raise the ball, opening the opening, while the top will close it.

The graduation node is assembled similarly. Here, the ball and the solder wire is separated by the spring. The latter under pressure is compressed from above, opening the valve. After that, the valves are inserted into the wells and fixed with epoxy glue.

After that, you should take a car chamber and cut a membrane circle from it corresponding to the diameter of the brake chamber. A hole is cut into the center of the part to which from two sides is added across the washer. A pin / rod with scum is inserted here and tightened with nuts.

The circle is mounted to the bottom of the brake chamber with the help of glue. In the final, the top and bottom segments of the chamber are connected. The rod is skipped inside. Hand pump is ready. To make it convenient to use, it is recommended to provide it with a handle.

If there is a small reservoir nearby, then such a water pump is a find, facilitating the life of any garden or gardener. Sleepy design Aggregate is able to provide pressure within 4 atm. By moving the order of 100 tons of water within a day.

Having acquired a house with an excellent household plot, many people, first of all, think about how quickly it can be created and make comfort cozy.

In many ways, it depends on the summing up communications of electricity, heat and water supply, which plays one of the key roles in the improvement and care of the country area. But what to do when the house is far from municipal highways, and you need to water the garden? In this case, some dackets try to buy all sorts of pumping units that will provide water supply to the countryside.

But more experienced and skillful dacms are trying to save even on this equipment, so try to make a pump for water with your own hands. And the point here is not only in savings, there is an opportunity to show your fantasy for complete power, and with benefit.

As a rule, the dacnik, which was interested in manufacturing the water pump with their own hands, comes to the Internet for the search for the scheme of the self-made device. And what does he see there? The entire network is Pedit with various drawings and diagrams of all sorts of pumps and POMP, sometimes not even understandable. And to stop your choice on some one unit sometimes it is very difficult.

To save the dacket time to search for the desired device on the network, we tried to summarize all the information about homemade pumps in this article. Therefore, we describe the most interesting and little expenses of water pumps made with your own hands.

Suitable species

The most popular water pumps that can be made with your own hands can be considered the following pumping mechanisms:

We describe in more detail the manufacture of each of these options for homemade pumping units.

Piston pump

The water piston pump in the commoner is still interesting called the "pump-jacket".

As a rule, the design of such a mechanism consists of the following elements:

  • working cylinder;
  • piston;
  • inlet and exhaust valves.

The principle of operation of the self-made piston pump consists in the following important points:

  • when the piston moves, the inlet valve opens, and the water is absorbed inside the pump;
  • with the reverse movement of the piston of the intake valve closes, and the graduation is opened accordingly, and water comes out.

As you can see, the device and principle of the operation of this homemade pump is very simple, so its manufacture will not be much labor, the main thing is to prepare all the necessary materials.

To do this, you will need:

The procedure for manufacturing lies in the following important steps:

It is worth considering: The piston pump is used only to roll out water from shallow wells or other small sources.

Wave pump

This type of pump is considered the simplest design, easy assembly, and at the same time, is a fairly effective pumping mechanism.

For a dacket, near the plot of which is a water, the wave pump will be an indispensable source of moisture.

For the manufacture of pumps of this species, the following materials will be required:

  • heavy log, impregnated with waterproof mastic;
  • 2 valves;
  • cut corrugated pipe;
  • flexible water supply hose;
  • thick wooden plank;
  • 2 bracket.

Installation of the wave pump lies in the following important points:

  • wooden bar is reliably driven into the bottom of the reservoir;
  • on top of the plank and at a distance of 50-60 cm from the water level are recorded two brackets;
  • the corrugated hose is recorded between them, both ends of which are equipped with valves;
  • the lower end of the corrugation is steadily fixed on the log.

The principle of operation of such a pumping mechanism will be that the log under the influence of the waves will move up-down, while the corrugated pipe will gain water, which will be supplied directly to the country area by means of a flexible hose.


Some inhabitants, the name of the pump is misleading.

It is worth understanding that this design is not intended for heating - it can be used, for example, for watering garden beds.

For the manufacture of such a pumping mechanism, the following materials will be needed:

  • metal barrel volume 200l;
  • discharge with a locking crane;
  • rubber hose;
  • mesh filter;
  • blowtorch.

The manufacture of the pump stove is carried out in several following consecutive actions:

The principle of operation of such a pumping mechanism is the following important points:

  • the barrel is filled with 5-10 liters of water, and the soldering lamp is burned under it;
  • the formed hose pairs will exhibit air in the water;
  • the soldering lamp is extinguished, and, accordingly, the barrel begins to cool, and as a result, the pressure in it will begin to fall;
  • the result of these actions will be the fact that water from the reservoir will begin to come into the barrel.

Soul mini pump

To begin with, it is worth noting that the mini-pump of this design is still called "Shower-Toptun".

A mini-pump production scheme is sufficient simple.

For its design, the following materials will be needed:

  • foot auto pump;
  • tank with a dense lid;
  • check valve;
  • 2 segment of the rubber hose or any flexible tube.

The principle of operation of the mini-pump is the following points:

  • a pump, hermetically connected to the container, begins to create overpressure in it;
  • under the action of reinforced pressure, the water begins to come out through another hermetic hose, while the check valve prevents the water from entering the pump.

It is worth noting: The strength of the outgoing water can be adjusted by pressing the pump.

Water Pump on Solar Energy

Important is the fact that water supply to the household site can be carried out with alternative sources Power, in particular, solar energy.

For the manufacture of a water pump on solar energy, the following materials will be required:

  • milk bidon;
  • rubber cylinder in the form of pear;
  • 2 check valves;
  • flexible hoses;
  • set of segments of thin-walled metal pipes.

The procedure for the manufacture of the pump mechanism of this species is the following important points:

The principle of operation of the water pump of this species is the following points:

  • the lattice under the influence of the Sun is well warmed;
  • heated inside the air begins to enter the rubber pear, thereby inflating it;
  • in the Bidone, thus, an overpressure is created, which is displaced through the hoses in the reservoir;
  • after cooling the circuit with water, the pressure in the bidon begins to fall, which in turn entails the flow of water from the reservoir.

In this article, we described the most popular water supply devices for the household plot, and also talked about important nuances of their manufacture. We hope that using the information set out in the article, you will certainly provide your country area with the necessary amount of water.

Watch a video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to make a manual pump for water with your own hands:


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