Putin chose between cannons and butter. Months remain until the start of the new state armaments program Most of all reductions will affect the fleet

Putin chose between cannons and butter. Months remain until the start of the new state armaments program Most of all reductions will affect the fleet

The priorities of the next state armament program being developed for 2016-2025 have been published. However, the overly closed nature of this area does not allow us to hope for a successful solution to its known problems. Fulfillment of the President's demands on the creation of a transparent military economy and on the establishment of order in the management of the military-industrial complex continues to face serious difficulties.

Although in 2013 the state armament program - GPV for 2011-2020, approved by the closed Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2010 No. 15651, is still in force, at the same time, for more than a year in accordance with the decision of the Military-Industrial Commission - The military-industrial complex, under the government of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2012, a draft of the next GPV for 2016-2025 is being developed. In addition, at the same time, the leadership of the military-industrial complex decided to update the rules for the development and implementation of GPV, therefore, instead of those approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2007 No. 549 "On approval of the Rules for the development and implementation of state weapons programs" by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2013 No. 599 "On the Development and Implementation of the State Armament Program" approved new, but, like the previous, unpublished Rules for the Development and Implementation of the State Armament Program. The desire of the military-industrial complex to rely on the authority of the president of the country in the context of the Russian vertical of power is quite understandable in the absence of any legislative norm in this area, and also because of the well-known negative position of the Russian Ministry of Defense in relation to the bill "On the State Armament Program"

The actual GPV project for 2016-2025. is being developed by an interdepartmental working group, under the leadership of the first deputy chairman of the military-industrial complex I. Kharchenko, who does not hide the fact that the organization of work is largely borrowed from the still Soviet top-secret regulation on the military-industrial complex in 1987. In accordance with the approved schedule, the draft of the new GPV should be submitted to approval by the President of the Russian Federation in July 2015, while the document, by tradition, will consist of 10 specific programs of the Ministry of Defense, one for all other law enforcement agencies and one more for fundamental, exploratory, applied and technological research and development.

Despite this, already from the first public statements of the leadership of the military-industrial complex and the Ministry of Defense regarding the new GPV, it became clear that it would have to be fundamentally different from the current one. The most complete for today are the priorities of the SAP for 2016-2025. defined by Deputy Prime Minister D. Rogozin in his speech to the State Duma on December 11 last year - these are: “Automated control system of the Armed Forces, automated battlefield control system, battlefield visualization, robotics”. "Reduction of types of weapons, military and special equipment." "Modularity". "Intergeneric unification and the creation of intermedium apparatus". "Electronic Component Base". Transition to full life cycle contracts.

It would seem that such a detailed vision of the features of the next GPV by the leadership of the military-industrial complex allows us to look confidently into the future, but this is not so. There are no indisputable solutions in the proposed list of priorities, and at least the first five of them have long been known, since they appeared in the form of targets of Soviet weapons programs. After all, it was the uncontrollable growth of the weapons and military equipment nomenclature and the lack of their unification that became one of the main motivations for the transition to long-term planning for the development of weapons, introduced 45 years ago in the USSR by Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 10, 1969, No. 433-157-69. "On the further improvement of planning the development of weapons and military equipment."

Apparently, the country's military-political leadership and the leadership of the military-industrial complex believe that the 20 trillion rubles allocated for the current GPV will not only ensure the achievement of its main goal in the form of renewing the AME park by 70-100% by 2020, but will also decide internal problems of the GPV itself. At the already mentioned meeting on military shipbuilding in St. Petersburg on September 5, 2013, Deputy Defense Minister for Armaments Yuri Borisov indicated the following as reasons for not fulfilling the previous GPVs: incorrect assessment of projected allocations, high inflation, low advance payments, understated prices during the formation of the SAP, and the outstripping growth in the cost of products, which “made the state program inoperative the next year after its adoption.

The direct developers of all Russian GPVs in the Ministry of Defense refer to the problematic issues of GPV as “achieving the adequacy of the volumes of planned supplies of weapons, military and special equipment - AME, to the troops to counter threats to the military security of the state while simultaneously matching these volumes to its economic capabilities, ensuring the completeness of AME supplies, also defining the directions of forming a scientific and technical reserve for armament of the future.

At the same time, even the seemingly simple question of determining the main target indicator of GPV - the share of modern AME - turned out to be difficult. As it turned out, the developers of the current SAP, even after its adoption, experienced serious difficulties in calculating the indicated share, insisting on reckoning among the "outdated" samples supplied by the industry during the previous programming periods. Uncertainty in this issue was eliminated only on March 12, 2012, thanks to the approval of the first deputy minister of defense of the methodological materials that established the procedure for calculating the equipment, modernity and serviceability factors - the most important indicators of section 4 of the GPV passport for 2011-2020.

The recognition by the developers of the GPV of serious problems with modeling, or rather, the actual absence of the required models at the present time, casts doubt on the accuracy of forecasting demand from the Ministry of Defense. A no less problem exists with forecasting supply from the military-industrial complex, both in terms of physical volume and production costs. It is known that the basic input-output tables for 2011 will be officially published only in the IV quarter of 2015 and, most likely, they will not have enough time to influence the planning quality of the new SAP for 2016-2025.

It is clear that as a result of this, there is no reason to hope for indisputable accuracy and even more optimality of even the current GPV. A kind of indirect recognition of its serious defects was the undisguised concern of the top Russian leadership about the utilization of the production capacity of the defense industry. However, the decline in the defense industry complex after 2020 is inevitable, since due to the peculiarities of the decisions made in 2010, its enterprises will inevitably turn out to be unclaimed.

The capabilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia to correct the situation that is taking shape before our eyes is clearly insufficient without adjustments to the current GPV and the federal target program "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" while implementing the "budget maneuver" postponed in August 2013. The scale of possible reductions in this case can be 30-35% in the first case and up to 67% in the second, if we recall the hitherto unexplained jumps in funding for these programs at the time of approval regarding those that were involved in their development. In the meantime, the main risks of the upcoming GPV for 2016-2025. associated with the consequences of the secrecy of the July decree on its development, which testifies to the inability of the Russian public administration system to learn from its own mistakes. And how they are implemented - time will tell.

GPV-2025 will provide for the supply of weapons based on new physical principles in the interests of the RF Armed Forces, as well as new models of hypersonic weapons, intelligent robotic systems and next-generation conventional weapons.

Innovative activity

The Russian Defense Ministry admits that the development of new samples will require solving a number of scientific and technical problems, which is impossible without the involvement of the scientific community.

The Russian Ministry of Defense admits that the development of new samples will require solving a number of scientific and technical problems, which is impossible without the involvement of the scientific community.

The Ministry of Defense is innovating primarily for two purposes.

The first goal is to promote the country's innovative development.

The second is to create conditions for effectively countering external threats and suppressing aggression with a minimum of allocated resources.

The achievement of these goals will be continued in GPV-2025 on the basis of the advanced development of weapons systems, as well as the implementation of projects in the interests of the RF Ministry of Defense in cooperation with defense industry enterprises, universities, research institutes, innovative SMEs and development institutions within the framework of PPP.

The main efforts in the framework of the innovative activities of the Ministry of Defense are concentrated on creating effective mechanisms for finding breakthrough technologies

Today, the main efforts within the framework of the innovative activities of the Ministry of Defense are concentrated on creating effective mechanisms for searching for breakthrough technologies for the development of fundamentally new types of weapons that surpass foreign counterparts in combat capabilities and performance characteristics.

GPV-2025 priorities

The state armament program for 2018-2025 involves the technical re-equipment of the army and navy, taking into account the analysis and assessment of possible threats to Russia's national security.

A special feature of GPV-2025 is the integration of the program with the mechanisms for the development of the defense industry.

A special feature of GPV-2025 is the integration of the program with the mechanisms for the development of the defense industry complex, which are now being implemented within the framework of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2016 No. 425-8 "On the approval of the state program" Development of the military-industrial complex ". The existing similar FTP will be abolished.

One of the main priorities of GPV-2025 is serial production of intelligent weapons systems

It is known from open sources that one of the main priorities of GPV-2025 is the serial production of intelligent weapons systems. Among the priority areas: the development of military space defense, strategic nuclear forces, communication systems, reconnaissance and control, electronic warfare, unmanned aerial vehicle complexes, robotic strike systems, modern transport aviation, high-precision weapons and means of combating them, personal protection systems for military personnel ...

GPV-2025 should include the production of such weapon systems as the fifth-generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA), MiG-35, the S-500 Prometey air defense system, the T-14 Armata tank, and possibly the heavy BMP T -15 and armored recovery vehicle T-16.

According to information from open sources, the supply of the T-72B3 tank will also remain in the required volumes.

The aviation units will retain supplies of Su-30SM, Su-34, Su-35 combat aircraft, Mi-8AMTSh, Mi-28N and Ka-52 helicopters, as well as S-400 and Tu-160M2 anti-aircraft missile systems - a modification of the Tu- 160.

It is also known that the new GPV will retain and possibly even increase the number of such weapons as the Shilka and Tunguska complexes, Buk-M3 air defense systems, Tor-M2, S-300V4, Pantsir C1.

Future plans

Russian armament by 2025 will consist of 85% of assemblies, components and parts of Russian production

At a meeting of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission held on April 25, 2017, Vladimir Putin announced the data according to which, thanks to import substitution programs, by 2025, 85% of Russian weapons will consist of units, components and parts of Russian production.

By 2020, the task of equipping the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Navy with modern equipment by 70 percent must be solved. At the end of 2016, the share of modern weapons in the RF Armed Forces amounted to 58.3 percent.

At the end of 2016, the share of modern weapons in the RF Armed Forces amounted to 58.3 percent.

In general, despite the positive dynamics of the fulfillment of the state defense order, the facts of disruption of tasks by the defense industry enterprises still persist. The key reasons for disruptions today are: poor organization by the head performers of the activities of enterprises at all levels of cooperation, a low level of planning for the utilization of production facilities and the attraction of labor resources, the termination of the production of components, raw materials and materials.

Despite the positive dynamics of the fulfillment of the state defense order, the facts of disruption of tasks by the defense industry enterprises still persist

Among the topical reasons, one can also name: the loss of certain production technologies, the violation of cooperation ties, the limitation of the supply of imported components due to the imposition of sanctions, insufficient production capacity of defense organizations.

Currently, part 2 of Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 No. 488-FZ "On Industrial Policy" establishes subsidiary liability of the head organizations of the integrated structures of the defense industry complex for improper fulfillment of SDO assignments by subsidiaries. However, the aforementioned norm of Law No. 488-FZ has not been regulated by any by-laws to date.

Today, the federal level is considering the possibility of developing a special provision on the procedure for establishing subsidiary liability

In this regard, today the federal level is considering the possibility of developing a special provision on the procedure for establishing subsidiary liability to further increase responsibility for disrupting the tasks of the state defense order.

GPV-2025 - State Armaments Program for 2018-2025... It is this document that determines how much and what kind of equipment should be produced and supplied to our armed forces. Naturally, starting from this program, a direction is created for the further development of the Russian armed forces.

The program will be approved in June-July this year. Quite understandable, the details are kept secret. But if we analyze the speeches and interviews of people involved in this program (Dmitry Rogozin, Yuri Borisov and others), then we can already draw preliminary conclusions.

The main task of the Russian military-industrial complex, as was repeatedly stated at the highest level (Putin, Shoigu), was to bring the level of equipment of the armed forces with modern equipment to 70% by 2020.

Here the interests of several departments collide. This includes the army, military-industrial complex enterprises, and the Ministry of Finance. In 2015, when work began on the creation of the GPV, the Ministry of Defense requested 55 trillion rubles for the program. Later, in 2016, the amount was adjusted to $ 30 trillion. The Ministry of Finance was ready to allocate no more than 12 trillion for the program.

Of course, sanctions, crises, etc. have played their role, and I think that in the end the parties will come to an agreement on the figure of 15-18 trillion rubles.

In time, the program was supposed to operate from 2016 to 2025. But, since the economic situation in our country really leaves much to be desired, it is worth remembering that the already financed part of the SAP for 2011-2020 has not yet been fully implemented. And 20 trillion rubles were allocated for this part.

Rogozin says that all unspent and unused funds will go to the next program. Apparently, the whole problem is in the calculations.

But today we can conclude that there will be less money. Even taking into account the fact that they will not have time to master in the framework of the previous program. And already little by little information is leaking out about at the expense of whom the GPV program will be squeezed.

I'll start with the sad (for someone) news about what will NOT happen.

Most of the cuts will affect the fleet

There will be no nuclear-powered supercarriers of Project Storm. They were not just put on the back burner, but for an "indefinite period." What in our reality can be equated with the fact that if the aircraft carriers go into final development, then it will definitely not be in the next 10-15 years.

The same applies to the destroyers of the Leader project. Unlike the aircraft carrier, all work on them was postponed until after 2025.

Yes, it is obvious that we do not have very good finances, so there may be promising, but expensive ships postponed "for later."

It cannot be said that the fleet was "offended". In GPV-2025, the fleet will receive more funds for repairs, modernization and completion than any other type of troops.

Borei will maintain the same pace of construction. This is our weapon of defense and retaliation, everything is in order with submarine missile carriers.

Nuclear icebreakers of project 22220 will be completed under the GPV. "Arctic", "Siberia" and "Ural". What does nuclear icebreakers have to do with the navy? It's easy to read. In general, the program for the construction of ships and vessels for the Arctic will not be cut by a ruble. This is what many say, referring to the task given by the president.

In the Arctic group, within the framework of GPV-2025, work will also continue with the Ilya Muromets icebreaker and Project 23550 universal patrol ships of the Arctic zone.

Repairs and upgrades

It is clear that in a crisis and other problems, the main burden of the work will fall on the "oldies". Within the framework of the GPV, the modernization of "Peter the Great", "Admiral Kuznetsov", "Moscow" will be carried out.

It would be nice, by the way, to finish the repair of "Admiral Nakhimov".

In general, the fleet will not suffer. Yes, work on promising aircraft carriers and destroyers has been postponed. But today our fleet has more significant tasks than aircraft carriers. The Syrian Express showed that we have a shortage of less expensive but more significant ships and vessels.


There are also abbreviations here.

Although the cuts in funding will not hit the VKS hard. The emphasis will be placed on the supply of combat aircraft, well-tested by the Syrian war, Su-35, Mi-8AMTSh helicopters, and, as well as S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, to the aviation units.

S-400s, which are supplied to the troops in the amount of 4-5 regimental sets per year, are likely to prefer the promising S-500. Until more stable times.

The same will apparently befall the PAK DA. Another promising, but very expensive project. Of course, PAK DA will be implemented, but not in GPV-2025.

Moreover, we are developing a project for the modernization of the Tu-160 to the modification of the Tu-160M2. Most likely, the Tu-160M2 will go into production until 2025 and will serve. Two strategic bombers at the same time - not all rich countries can afford.

But the first serial T-50 fighters within the framework of GPV-2025 should already be in units and at airfields.

In addition, much attention is paid to transport aviation. It is within the framework of GPV-2025 that light transport aircraft Il-112 and medium Il-214 should begin to enter the troops. The role of heavy transport aircraft is still assigned to the Il-76 of all modifications.

Ground troops

The 70% figure for new technology by 2020 is serious. And the pace should be appropriate. Yes, the share of the same new tanks by 2020 will be 70%. But not at the expense of "Armat", but at the expense of the T-72B3.

"Armata" is not postponed indefinitely, but we are no longer talking about hundreds of new tanks, but about more modest numbers. 20-30 tanks per year is, most likely, exactly the amount that can be expected in the context of budget cuts.

Nevertheless, this number of tanks will provide both the initial stage of training crews and specialists, and the testing of new equipment among the troops.

"If not, then collapse"published on September 17, 2016 in the newspaper" Kommersant"According to the publication, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense are unable to agree on the amount of funding for the state armament program (GPV) for the period 2018-2025. This issue was raised at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, but even there it was not possible to remove at least some of the differences." Kommersant "argue that the estimates of financiers and the military differ by about 10 trillion rubles. There is less and less time left to find a compromise: by the end of 2016, the parties must summarize all proposals, and the draft state program must be approved by the head of state no later than July 1, 2017.

The last time the issue of ensuring GPV-2025 was discussed in the Kremlin on September 9. Then Vladimir Putin reminded the heads of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies that when preparing the financial parameters of the state program, one should proceed from the fact that the armed forces should be provided with modern weapons and equipment that will allow "to effectively and fully solve the assigned tasks of protection Russia from potential military threats. " He instructed to ensure the continuity of the new GPV with the 2011-2020 state program, as well as to fulfill the taken budgetary obligations and plans in the field of defense.

As at the beginning of July, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance again showed how differently they look at money.

Self-propelled artillery unit 2 C25M "Sprut-SDM1" and armored personnel carrier BT-3F developed by "KKU" LLC "Tractor Plants" Concern at the open exposition of the "Army-2016" forum, 09/06/2016 (c) bmpd

"The meeting was held behind closed doors: after it, no comments from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense or the Kremlin followed. Disagreements between Finance Minister Anton Siluanov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who managed to return from Crimea, where the final stage of the strategic command-staff exercise Kavkaz- 2016 ", two sources in the financial and economic block of the government told Kommersant. According to one of them, after the report of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on a comprehensive assessment of budget expenditures for the future GPV, the parties began to discuss the parameters of the state program, but soon the discussion turned into conversation in a raised voice. ” that due to the unification of products they managed to reduce the cost of GPV-2025 from 55 trillion to 30 trillion rubles.

At the meeting, the parties presented their arguments. The financiers argued that in the current economic realities, the budget would not be able to withstand such a heavy load, and a sharp increase in defense spending would negatively affect the implementation of other programs, including social ones.

The military, in addition to the main thesis about the need for guaranteed national security, turned to the provisions of the May decrees of Vladimir Putin, according to which by 2020 the share of modern weapons in the army should reach 70%. "If this is not done, then there is a risk of losing the currently accumulated rate of rearmament and sliding into degradation, to the level of ten years ago," - this is how the military described the situation, according to the official, if their financial requirements were not met.

The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance have been arguing for a long time about the amount of funding for the rearmament program. The current GPV-2020 was initially estimated at 36 trillion rubles, but under pressure from the financial and economic bloc of the government and then Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, its value was reduced to 23 trillion rubles, of which 19 trillion rubles. received by the Ministry of Defense. This money was mainly to be used to strengthen the strategic nuclear forces (eight Borey submarine missile carriers with Bulava intercontinental missiles, the Yars, Rubezh, Barguzin (railway-based) and Sarmat (with heavy liquid missile), a new strategic bomber, missile defense systems, and more). In 2010, the demands of the military were largely met thanks to the high price of oil. "Now the situation is fundamentally different, our colleagues must come to terms with this," says a Kommersant source close to the Finance Ministry.

There is little time left to find a compromise. Recall that GPV-2025 was supposed to enter into force in 2016, however, due to the unstable economic situation, Vladimir Putin postponed its adoption for two years (see Kommersant dated February 19, 2015). During the last meeting, the President instructed the interested parties to complete the synthesis of proposals in the SAP by the end of 2016, and by July 1, 2017 - to submit to him the draft state program for approval. According to a Kommersant source in the government apparatus, a series of interdepartmental meetings will take place by the end of the year, and one or two meetings of the military-industrial commission headed by Vladimir Putin will be held.

That Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new state armament program (GPV). According to the official, the GPV was originally supposed to be adopted in 2016, "however, due to the events of 2014 related to the fall in oil prices and currency surges, the financial and economic block of the government was unable to issue an accurate macroeconomic forecast."

The State Armament Program is a medium-term planning document for the technical re-equipment of the army and navy. Takes into account the analysis and assessment of possible threats to Russia's national security. The creation of the GPV is coordinated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which involves other ministries and power departments, enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the development of the document.

It is being developed for 10 years, amendments to the SAP are made on the basis of changes in the Military Doctrine, the Concept of National Security and other basic documents in the field of defense. Approved by a closed decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The GPV is not published, only the most general provisions on its goals, costs and performance appear in open sources.


In the USSR, despite the planned economy, there was no consistent system of drawing up and implementing weapons programs. For example, the pre-war and post-war programs for the construction of the "Big Fleet" (1938-1947 and 1946-1955) were not implemented. The first comprehensive Soviet rearmament program was adopted in 1976-1986, but it was not actually observed: amendments were made to it annually according to the lists of "priority works".

On May 31, 1996, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the federal law "On Defense", which entrusted the president with the task of approving the GPV.

After the collapse of the USSR, the first GPV was adopted in November 1996, for the period 1996-2005. Its absolute figures were not disclosed. Due to the highly overestimated forecast for the development of the economy, its implementation was disrupted already in 1997.


The second program was approved by President Vladimir Putin in early 2002 for the period 2001-2010. The Ministry of Defense demanded 7.5 trillion rubles for its execution, hoping to replace 70% of obsolete weapons within 10 years, focusing on high-precision systems. The government allocated only 2.5 trillion rubles, and the high inflation rate and the increase in the cost of weapons also prevented the implementation of the main parameters of the program.


The shortcomings of GPV-2010 required in 2005 to start work on drawing up a new program for the period 2007-2015. It was approved in October 2006. The allocated funds amounted to 4 trillion 939 billion rubles. The program provided for the commissioning of the first divisions of Iskander missile systems and S-400 air defense systems in Russia, the purchase of new Topol-M ballistic missiles for the Strategic Missile Forces, the supply of T-90 tanks, etc. For the first time, the GPV allowed the purchase of foreign-made military equipment ...

It was not possible to complete the program in full. On September 5, 2013, Deputy Defense Minister for Armaments Yuri Borisov explained the reasons for the failure to fulfill the program by an incorrect assessment of projected defense appropriations, high inflation, rising prices for weapons and a low level of advance payments for military supplies.


Work on a new weapons program began in 2009, while drawing up it took into account the experience of the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008. The program was approved by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the end of 2010. 20 trillion rubles were allocated for it, which corresponded to the overall growth of defense spending in the federal budget (from 1.5% in 2010 to 4.7% in 2016).

According to open sources, half of all expenses of GPV-2020 were supposed to be directed to rearmament of the Navy and Air Force (25% and 24% of the total volume of GPV, respectively). It was planned to supply eight Project 955 Borey nuclear submarines and eight Project 885 Yasen multipurpose nuclear submarines, as well as more than 50 surface ships, including 15 frigates and 35 corvettes. The rearmament of the Air Force involved the purchase of 600 aircraft (including Su-35 fighters and Su-34 front-line bombers) and 1,100 helicopters. 17% of the expenses were allocated for 100 divisions of the S-400, S-500 and S-350 missile systems, as well as the Pantsir-S systems and spacecraft. The ground forces (15% of the GPV expenditures) were to be supplied with 2,300 tanks, 2,000 artillery systems, as well as 10 Iskander-M brigades, S-300V4 air defense systems. The Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) were allocated 5% of the costs, it was planned to purchase 270-280 Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Another 14% of expenditures were allocated to new communications, command and control and intelligence systems.

The program was also aimed at the development and serial production of new types of weapons, including the Armata tracked platform, a promising front-line aviation complex (T-50), and new ICBMs.

In contrast to previous programs, the implementation of GPV 2020 is less behind schedule. In 2011-2017, the main tasks of the state defense order were fulfilled in full.


At the end of 2015, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the start of work on a new GPV for the period until 2025. The head of the department, Sergei Shoigu, said that the cost of this program would be 30 trillion rubles. The document was planned to be approved in the summer of 2017, but this did not happen.

On September 19, 2017, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin told reporters that in November 2017, the Russian President will be presented with a draft GPV for a ten-year period, while the program will have "reserves" for weapons that will be created after 2027.

According to Rogozin's interview published on February 26, 2018 by the Kommersant newspaper, the GPV-2027 project was adjusted based on data obtained in Syria during a comprehensive assessment of weapons and equipment in combat conditions. In particular, the Deputy Prime Minister specified that more than 200 types of weapons and equipment were involved in Syria. At the Khmeimim airbase and the naval base in Tartus, teams of specialists from more than 50 enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex worked on a periodic basis.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a total of 20 trillion rubles are provided for the implementation of GPV-2027, of which 19 are for the purchase, repair and development of weapons and military equipment. Another 1 trillion rubles is provided for synchronization, that is, the creation of all the necessary infrastructure for the equipment supplied to the troops (such expenses are laid down for the first time in the history of Russian GPVs).

Among the priorities of the new GPV is the development of strategic nuclear deterrence forces. As part of the GPV, the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) will begin to receive the latest Sarmat and Rubezh intercontinental ballistic missiles. Also, according to Viktor Bondarev, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, ex-commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, it is planned to update strategic missile systems: to decommission the Topoli, replacing them with more modern and advanced Yars. According to the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces Sergei Karakaev, the service life of the heavy ICBM Voyevoda currently in service is planned to be extended until 2027.

According to the statements of representatives of the military leadership of the Russian Federation, a special emphasis in the program is placed on equipping troops with high-precision air, land and sea-based weapons, unmanned strike systems, means of individual equipment for military personnel, the latest intelligence, communications and electronic warfare systems. Within the framework of GPV-2027, work will be carried out on the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system and the Zircon hypersonic missile. It is necessary to complete work on the projects of armored vehicles based on the platforms "Armata", "Kurganets" and "Boomerang", the supply of new T-90M tanks and testing of deeply modernized T-80BVM.

Adoption of the latest Su-57 (PAK FA, known as T-50) and MiG-35 fighters is planned; modernization of Tu-95MS, Tu-160M \u200b\u200band Tu-22M3 bombers; as well as the creation of a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA). The commander of the naval aviation of the Navy, Major General Igor Kozhin, and the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Yuri Borisov, told reporters that the new GPV included the construction of a new aircraft-carrying cruiser and development work to create new carrier-based aircraft.

For the Navy, the program includes the construction of the Borey-B strategic submarine (further development of Project 955A) and surface ships with precision weapons. By 2025, it is planned to receive two helicopter carriers equipped with Ka-52K Katran naval helicopters.

During the MAKS air show in July 2017, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov said that the program would include the construction of a new aircraft-carrying cruiser.


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